Is Robert Pattinson a sparkly racist?


A couple of weeks ago, Robert Pattinson’s epic Details cover profile came out, and the world learned that Sparkles is a vagina-H8TER. That one quote – “I really hate vaginas. I’m allergic to vagina” – will likely follow Sparkles to his grave, and that was the quote most people picked up on. At first. Then they noticed that Sparkles has something of an elephant fetish (cute) and likes to joke about the English dressing up like horses for sex play. Once again, just funny. But upon closer inspection, some people (Twihards and Sparkle-H8TERS) re-read the Details article, and they’ve come across a strange passage that, if you take out of context, makes Sparkles seem vaguely racist. There are some “Sparkles is a racist” articles here and here. I’m going to put the passage up from Details, in it’s entire context:

Some people can have the ocean in front of them and just put their big toe in. Rob wants to swim until he drowns, and he’s going to try to drink it all up before he goes under. His striving is a source of worry because he can’t really tell anybody he wants more: “Please don’t make this about me complaining. Please. I’m the luckiest bastard on the planet.”

He worries he might be selfish. He worries maybe he’s a nonhumanist-separatist-weirdo because his most profound moments have been with his dog. And he worries about whether he can be an actor who can reach the masses and still ask for anything.

“If it exists out there—this invisible-creative-spirit-idea thing—then you’re the medium through which it travels so everybody can touch it. But . . . what gives you the right to be the medium? What gives you the right to claim it? And then get an agent and say I want $20 million and a fruit basket to be the medium, thank you very much.”

“As an actor, you can elevate the human condition or cheapen it. I would assume it’s the same with anything you do—you try to elevate and maybe someday you will.” An actor may indeed have the ability to raise us, but Rob unconsciously starts speaking sotto voce each time he utters the word actor or any variation of it.

Rob, did you know that every time you say actor or acting you lower your voice to a whisper?

He’s genuinely startled. “I do?”

Yes, so quietly it’s like you’re saying Negro.

He laughs, lightens up. “What if we were ‘acting’ like ‘Negroes’? Then we’d be f-cked—we couldn’t hear anything. . . .”

[From Details]

First point: I want to mention: the interview was conducted by Jenny Lumet, who is mixed race. And she was the first one to say “Negro”. Second point: Sparkles was responding to her observation that he said “acting” and “actor” very quietly, like he was talking about something very sensitive, like race. Third point: What Sparkles was trying to say is that if every actor used such hushed tones when talking about acting, no one could hear anything. That’s it. That’s the basic gist of this controversy. I think I have a pretty good radar for racial insensitivity, and this didn’t beep on my radar at all.


Images courtesy of Details slideshow online.

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48 Responses to “Is Robert Pattinson a sparkly racist?”

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  1. Moore says:

    racist? no. sparkly? till he dies.

  2. embertine says:

    Seriously, this is racist? Either this is a very slow news day or some people need to grow the hell up. A little from column A, a little from column B…

  3. Praise St. Angie! says:

    wasn’t this whole thing covered as soon as the “vagina incident” came up?

    definitely not a racist, at least based on that interview.

  4. Miss. Thang says:

    People throw a fit any time you even mention race. Wah wah. This is not racism. They need to get a life.

  5. imo says:

    He was joking, that is all I got from it. of course if taken out of context it would get a major sideeye.

  6. Huma says:

    Eh. I don’t get a racist vibe from it. And I’m a minority (though not black); I usually keep my ears pricked for things that I can get angry about.



  7. westender says:

    I don’t find this racist at all. I do see he has a good sense of humour “allergic to vaginas” I rather like seeing actors not being so serious all the time. He has just found another fan!

  8. Gemini says:

    Kaiser, your defense of him was hilarious. It also stops you from going “there.” Mission accomplished. I’d still hit it!

  9. EB says:

    It’s hardly racist! However, what offends me about this article is the horrible, purple prose!

    “Some people can have the ocean in front of them and just put their big toe in. Rob wants to swim until he drowns, and he’s going to try to drink it all up before he goes under.”

    This is truly terrible writing.

  10. RobN says:

    Between laughing at how he considers himself the medium for some creative spirit thing and being annoyed at how fake-pretentious he sounds, I didn’t really have any energy left for the maybe racist part.

  11. Iggles says:

    Why would the writer include this in the published interview? This just seems odd, like the magazine was courting controversy. I thought it’s a given that jokes involving race don’t translate well in print!

  12. mslewis says:

    I don’t get the “racist” bit but I’m still confused about the “hate vagainas” quote. I’m not a Twihard but I do find Rob to be a lot like most Brit actors . . . totally full of himself!!

  13. viper says:

    He is definately a drug addict.

  14. lena says:

    Is Robert Pattinson a sparkly racist?


  15. Squirrel says:

    Am I the only one in the world to not find this kid even remotely attractive?

  16. Roma says:

    His self-proclaimed hatred of vagina only make me love him more.

    Okay, and hysterically I just got busted googling “plural of vagina” at work. It’s now an ongoing discussion amongst 5 guys in the office. Awesomeness.

  17. Meanie says:

    Didn’t read the entire Details article, but from what is quoted here, I am just blank. Blank. What was the point of the story? What is Pattinson “striving” for as referenced in the first paragraph. Success? Some good dick? He wants to wet himself until he drowns apparently. Nice. In what though?

    Eh, I despise pretentious pointless pieces masquerading as well written articles. Horrible quotes, idiotic metaphors and just meaningless drivel. Arrrrrrgh.

  18. The Bobster says:

    Get a job, sparkling wiggles!

  19. Paradise lost says:

    I was wondering when this was going to get picked up by celebitchy. There’s a uprising on other ‘black’ orientated gossip sites, (one of which is my favourite so I was really upset to see such crappy reporting and worse comments from its readers) where they have just quoted him saying ‘..acting like Negros…’ and given no source or reference to why he says it and have branded him the new leader of the KKK…. or worse John Mayer

    Seriously I’m disgusted that it seems people nowadays are just scanning articles, hunting for racial epithets!!! and they don’t even bother to read the context – they just brand the person as a racist! It’s a joke

  20. poiup says:

    >>He laughs, lightens up. “What if we were ‘acting’ like ‘Negroes’? Then we’d be f-cked—we couldn’t hear anything. . . .”

    I think he’s saying if you lower your voice for describing acting then lower your voice for using “negroes”, with both at the same time then you wouldn’t hear anything.

  21. Late Night Wigs says:

    Of course he is racist, all white people are! And all black people are victims, all Asians are good at math and all Hispanics like to sleep under cactii wearing sombreros. Personally I love this racist witch-hunt because all it’s doing is making people not care about racism. It’s like crying wolf, so soon enough everyone will dismiss claims of racism and maybe then we can get down to some serious business without some attention-seeking moron who likes to stir turds by crying racism at every turn. I bet once people stop seeing racism in everything, race relations will actually improve, because they aren’t too stellar right now….could be because of that aforementioned turd-stirrer? I think so!

  22. Little Dawn says:

    I’m a young black women and I’m not bother by his comments. Matter of fact what the heck is he saying? Who even says Nergo anymore? In most of interviews he’s seems just a bit little off. Either he’s in the closet,or doing too much drugs. There’s a been a couple of blind items about rob doing coke in bathrooms.

    His bad acting in Twilight offends more me that silly comment

  23. JLM says:

    Late Night=100% correct

  24. mari_li25 says:

    There is clearly nothing racist in that Details piece. What I really didn’t like is Lumet’s writing. Why did they ask her to do the interview? She is not an entertainment writer and it shows. Someone else mentioned the purple prose. Seriously, “kaleidoscopic eyes?” Also, it is all over the place; the only enjoyable parts were Robert’s words. As far as his vaginae comment, He was obviously being ironic. The stereotype of Brits having a wry sense of humor is true, their humor is based on irony. He might also be alluding to an old joke, since what happens when someone has an allergic reaction?

  25. Katie says:

    Um, what are you taking about. It is obviously racist!! He is implying that all black people are LOUD.

    He said:

    “What if we were ‘acting’ like ‘Negroes’? Then we’d be f-cked—we couldn’t hear anything. . . .”


    You are a little too quick to defend him and let this die.

  26. Bete says:

    Puhleaze. The idea that certain words can’t be uttered goes against basic human rights and reeks of idiotic political correctness. Most PC people I know are actually racist, superficial and ignorant anyway.

  27. Trillion says:

    Ok, well I guess it’s safe to say that nobody thinks this is racist. Nothing to see here. Move along.

  28. Mouthbreava says:

    What with all the racism nit picking of late? We are all different colours and sizes and sometimes we talk about those differences. That doesn’t equate to racisim.
    Stop looking for it. Its not helping the problem at all.

  29. Ally says:

    What he said doesn’t even make enough sense to be racist. He doesn’t seem to express himself very well. Perhaps a case of the young, minimally educated & a tad stupid? (Twihards, don’t kill me.)

  30. Solveig says:

    Racism is still such a big deal that joking about clichés si considered offensive. And that’s what he was doing: joking about clichés. I don’t see racism in his words.
    In the most part of the interview he sounds quite down to earth for a person who’s got so famous in such a short time.

    Am I the only one who finds that he quite resembles the monster of that Creature from the black lagoon movie?

  31. EMV says:

    is everyone accused of being racist now? wtf should we all be tip toeing around everything? people need to stop being so politically correct damn

  32. chris says:

    People have very poor reading comprehension. It’s very sad. Poor Sparkles.

  33. San says:

    I don’t believe he is racist. I have more of a problem with the way the interviewer worded the question. Why did she have to say negro?

    The interviewer could have said, It’s as though you are not comfortable with the title of actor or acting?
    It was strange she use that word and strange he didn’t say “what are you talking about.”

  34. DD says:

    wow, people will try to stir controversy over anything. If people cry racism over that, than they need to find a hobby. I’m not defending him either, personally I don’t like sparkly vampires.

  35. Doe says:

    @katie. You’re an idiot. And the most racist person here.

  36. CB Rawks says:

    “Third point: What Sparkles was trying to say is that if every actor used such hushed tones when talking about acting, no one could hear anything. That’s it.”

    That is quite a twisted leap you took, to help him out of that hole. Startlingly twisted, in fact. You should write speeches for Octomom.

  37. Renae says:

    I’m sorry but this guy is not cute what so ever

  38. Katija says:

    Um, he was calling black people loud. Is there REALLY any other way to interpret this?

    It’s easy to call John Mayer a racist because he’s a douche to begin with. But it’s much harder to come out and say Sparkles is because he’s handsome and charming.

  39. Anne says:

    He is Gay, Douche, Drug Addict who jerks off daily while watching a gay porno.

  40. malina says:

    I just wonder if not being able to talk about different races or joke about them in non offensive way is what it should be about. Do you really think that not talking or not joking about gay/ black/ fat/ disabled does mean treating them equally? I tell you sth – it doesn’t. It may be taken as offensive but… many things people say and do are offensive to all of us all the time. So treating different groups of people equal isn’t about stopping joking about them. There is no equality on this world. You can’t make people like you or tolerate you no matter what. If sb is giving me a hard time because of red hair, big nose, being fat, catholic etc. I can’t make them stop. That’s what living is about and you should get used to it by now. No laws will change it cause everybody has some opinions/ prejudices about certain things. So stop exaggerating 🙂 His joke was actually a perfect sign of treating everybody equally.

  41. Cecizahn says:

    For i’ve always read, in US the word Negro or Nigga or any variables is very offensive. Here in Mexico we use that word and no one thinks racist when is used. The same thing with our beloved character MEMIN PINGUIN. When it was launched a conmemorative postcard US when nuts.

    My beloved Robert Pattinson is not a racist…He is funny, shy and the question was directed towards that issue making a comparation that for him saying ACTOR is like a bad word or prohibited word like NEGRO.


  42. Sandyeddiag says:

    I don’t think he has enough sense to be a racist. He just can’t control his stupid mouth in my opinion. This article alone is filled with enough direct quotes to ruin his stupid behind.

    “I hate viginas.” “What if we were ‘acting’ like ‘Negroes’? Then we’d be f-cked—we couldn’t hear anything. . . .”

    No he’s not racist….He is just stupid.

  43. hmm..i am not american ,but i see nowadays white americans cannot say anything without being seen as racsts…especially as (mega)stars…poor rob is mockened and insulted on many websites(like utube ) on this mistake br”afromericans”and white ppl don t even dare to respond in his defence…love him even he is racst:)

  44. hmm..i am not american ,but i see nowadays white americans cannot say anything without being seen as racists…especially as (mega)stars…poor rob is mockened and insulted on many websites

    and btw….white ppl…waaaaaaake up ! u are insulted day by day these n…es..!mother fu….s!and furthermore………. u ( white americans) do nothing!

  45. prom dresses says:

    I also think he is not a racist.

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  47. Nassie says:

    wow. hard to understand how people can read this and not think that it racist. Im thinking that the majority of the responses are from other white people who are themselves racist.

  48. Untitled says:

    @Nassie, I sort of agree with you. What I don’t understand is this: Why don’t White Americans ever fight to use the “H” word that denegrades (sp?) their “own” race? I think Pattinson has a really great sense of humour but Americans (I’m one) just do NOT get it AT ALL. So everything he says sounds weird & off the wall. I don’t think Robert is on drugs, it’s his sarcastic sense of humour that’s his problem. That said, he DID use the word NEGROES unusually casually as well as “fast”, without skipping a beat, it seems. Like that kind of talk is normal. I wish he would just EXPLAIN himself a little to put people at ease.

    These Twi-hards make me sick on this page. They are as cool as cucumbers in the face of something like this but let Camilla Belle or some other actress be seen holding hands with Rob & they go BESERK, leaving comments all over the net that they’re going to kILL her, ect.

    As for the “allergic to vagina” thing, these Twi-hards were more outraged about “that”. Symptoms of allergic reactions usually include SWELLING. It’s a really old British joke about being allergic to vagina because it causes swelling. Also he played Salvador Dali in the film Little Ashes- a film that was SNUBBED completely by Twi-hards even though it was a great film about 1 of the greatest artists of our time. Anyway, Dali made the same joke throughout his life that he was allergic to vagina, too, so that probably got Rob back into using the joke. Only it backfired because his fanbase reads nothing but romance.