Matt Damon is “disappointed” in the Obama administration

Matt Damon talked politics, war, facial hair and baseball during a recent press conference to promote The Green Zone, his new political thriller/action film coming out in two weeks. Matt is a lifelong Democrat, campaigned for Obama in 2008, and has been active in many liberal causes for years. He also was a prominent celebrity critic of Sarah Palin, dismissing her and her politics and beliefs as “absurd” and “like a bad Disney movie.” So what does liberal Matt think of Obama now that he’s president. Turns out, Matt’s a little “disappointed” but he also says “real change comes from everyday people. You can’t wait for a leader.” Good save. Oh, Matt also talks about that sketchy junk on his lip, saying “it’s either for a Western or a porno movie.” Gross, on both counts.

It’s hard to think of a movie that’d play better in the Obama White House screening room than Matt Damon’s new Iraq War thriller, “Green Zone,” in which the Oscar-winner adroitly portrays a soldier fighting to expose the Bush administration’s weapons of mass destruction deception. Yet for all the ammo his movie may give Democrats, Damon admits he’s “disappointed” in the man who replaced George W. Bush.

“Politics is compromise,” says the actor, who campaigned hard for Barack Obama. But Damon feels his candidate has compromised too much. “I’m disappointed in the health care plan and in the troop buildup in Afghanistan. Everyone feels a little let down because, on some level, people expected all their problems to go away. But real change comes from everyday people. You can’t wait for a leader.”

Damon, who still thinks Obama deserves time, vouches that “the people who worked on ‘Green Zone’ come from all across the political spectrum.”

His character, Roy Miller, is based on real-life Army chief warrant officer, Richard (Monty) Gonzales, whose Mobile Exploitation Team was charged with finding the WMDs during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

“Monty was a Republican – he’d voted for Bush,” Damon told us at Nobu 57 after the movie’s Cinema Society premiere. “He went to Iraq with the absolute conviction he was going to find the WMDs.”

In the movie, Amy Ryan plays a reporter obviously modeled after Bush water-carrier Judy Miller. Greg Kinnear plays the oily Bush operative who leads her to believe an Iraqi general has confirmed the existence of WMDs. A chase commences to find the general.
Paul Greengrass, who directed Damon in the “The Bourne Supremacy” and “The Bourne Ultimatum,” packs the tale with enough explosives and car chases to rev up any fan of Damon’s superspy, Jason Bourne.

And will there be another “Bourne”?

“I think the way is to extend the franchise is to create a ‘Bourne identity’ that different actors can take on,” said Damon.”I could pass the identity to Russell Crowe or Denzel Washington or Ryan Gosling.”

But is Damon willing be “Bourne” again?

“If Paul Greengrass does it and we have something to say, definitely,” said Damon. (Greengrass sounded less willing: “I’m out of it. I’m going to try other things.”)

Next up for Damon is a remake of “True Grit.” (His current mustache works “either for a Western or a porno movie,” he jokes.) He may also play Robert F. Kennedy. (“He was a complex man. He wasn’t just a pitbull or a saint.”). And then there’s “The Trade,” in which he and Ben Affleck would play real-life Yankees Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich, who in 1973 swapped wives. Coming after “The Other Guys,” in which fellow Red Sox cultist Mark Wahlberg shoots Derek Jeter in the leg, can “The Trade” be anything but a blatant Boston plot to ridicule the Bombers?

“I know it looks that way,” laughed Damon. “But, really, there’s no mischief. It’s just a great story.”

[From The New York Daily News]

I’ve said before that I want to see The Green Zone, and I’m getting even more excited about it that more I read. Initially, the film was supposed to be loosely based on the Washington Post’s former Baghdad bureau chief Rajiv Chandrasekaran’s memoir of the first year and a half of the occupation of Iraq, Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone. I thought they pretty much threw out that source material, but it does seem like they’ve kept in some stuff. Generally, I think most of the war movies that have made about the war during the war have been mawkish or too sentimental, too yearning. But I saw The Hurt Locker over the weekend, and it’s a great example of a war film that works. Many critics are already pointing out comparisons to The Green Zone and The Hurt Locker, so we’ll see. My guess is that many people will go see the film just because they think it’s going to be like a Jason Bourne film. Which it very well might be.

These photos are from 2008. Credit: WENN

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57 Responses to “Matt Damon is “disappointed” in the Obama administration”

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  1. SammyHammy says:

    Well, of course he’s disappointed in Obama. Isn’t everyone?

  2. canadianchick says:

    Geez that bad stache, his poor wife and kids must be embarrassed-some things you should just paste on in the makeup room instead of “growing” it in real life. Doesn’t surprise me what he says about Obama. I’m hoping your Obama will pull a Sidney Crosby (Olympic hockey yesterday)and will pull out the magic just when people are ready to give up on him.

  3. Katalina76 says:

    Maybe if people were realistic, they wouldn’t be so disappointed. The guy’s only been in office for a year, and if you remember correctly, had QUITE a mess left for him. Sheesh.

  4. BReed says:

    The Hurt Locker & The Green Zone are both getting slammed by military people as being Hollywod fantasy versions of the real deal. They are finding the films insulting.

  5. BamaGuy says:

    Obama is a highly intelligent idealistic President up against The Party of NO during one of the most terrible economic recessions/depressions in recorded history. It is ridiculous and naive to think he would be able to successfully steer the country immediately to the left under the conditions he faced when he took office one year ago. Please look at what he has accomplished so far with that in mind.

  6. Muse says:

    @bamaguy I agree ……… people think its going to happen overnight but they forget it took years and many presidents for our country to get this way……

  7. lucy2 says:

    “on some level, people expected all their problems to go away” Well then duh, of course people are going to be disappointed!
    I’m not sure about the Green Zone, but I would definitely see another Bourne film. I like Matt as an actor, he’s gotten really good in the past few years.
    I really want to see the Hurt Locker.

  8. womanfromthenorth says:

    This is where I go to check things out.

    He was left a mess, cleaning it up takes time. Let’s hope he gets the 8 years that is needed to get the job done.

  9. imo says:

    @womanfromT ITA, It amazes me how some people expect him to clean up in 1year what took Bush 8years to destroy. or maybe the ones complaining the loudest don’t care about the interests of this country…it’s all about them being right and pushing their own agenda at the end of the day

  10. Tess says:

    Hmmmmm. Will Damon cope with his disappointment better than Affleck, who appears to be falling apart?

  11. Scout says:

    I wish people would leave him alone about the mustache. I think that ir is a personal choice to grow one or wear a fake one. I, too, prefer his look without it but to imply his family is “ashamed” is going a bit too far IMHO. Also, cheap shot at Ben Affleck…

  12. SammyHammy says:

    “Please look at what he has accomplished so far with that in mind.”

    Honestly, I am not trying be sarcastic when I ask this. What has he accomplished? I can’t see that he has accomplished anything good yet. What, specifically please, have I missed?

  13. Kitten says:

    I can see him running for office some day . He reminds me of a politician . I met him before he was a star . He walked into the viper room and introduced himself to everyone ( bought me a drink ) that’s how he made it . He shook a lot of hands and kissed babys . Ban afflick was a stuck up ass ! Matt is a trip . Like him !

  14. Feebee says:

    Matt Damon has a lot going for him. He’s a great actor, has a wicked sense of humour and is able to speak well on a number of issues, not least of those, politics.

    I’m even going to give the mustache a pass. It makes him look younger. Like a 15 year trying to grow his first 🙂

  15. Laurie says:

    Obama knew how bad things were when he was campaigning and making lots of promises to everyone. I think he will be much more careful with his promises next time around, but he deserves a full term before I judge his performance.

  16. Iggles says:

    SammyHamm – Thank you!

    We should always criticize our leaders. Blind faith is stupid. Look at all the Bush heads turn Tea Partiers. They demonized anyone who criticized Bush and now they can’t distant themselves enough from the man’s policies.

    Look, I voted for Obama but I too am disappointed with the compromises he has made on Health Care Reform, which at this point has become Health Insurance Reform. It’s sickening to watch the Dems who have the largest majority in recent history blame the minority party for stonewalling. It’s not as difficult for them to pass bills that favors people over corporations and would increase access to Health Care.

    1- Instead of a giant bills, separate reforms into smaller bills. This way you can take out the “straw man” issues that republicans and conservative democrats uses a bargaining chips to weaken the bill.

    2- Pass the bills with the largest amount of support first.

    3- Concentrate on pushing through the bills that get more resistance. For example, making sure that the GOP’s idea of abortion riders never see the light of day, etc.

    4- Pass those bill through up and down votes AND/OR reconciliation.

    There’s not reason why this health care bill had to be a 700 page mess, that was repeatedly targeted by the GOP and watered down. The dems HAVE THE VOTES to reform the system, but the majority of all congressmen get large donations from Insurance companies.. no wonder they keep inventing reasons to stonewall this…

  17. meme says:

    i’m not disappointed with obamanation. i expected the worst and got it. he’s a one term president who is destroying our economy.

  18. Kate says:

    Well done Iggles. Thanks for stating the FACTS. Every time I hear someone whine about the “party of no” I want to scream. 60-40 in the Senate (until the Dems dithered away for 7 plus months and lost one) and 257 Dems of 435 total in the House.

    It ain’t the Repubs fault Obama can’t get his party to pass whatever he wants.

  19. bellaluna says:

    W spent 8 years destroying our country, and now people expect Obama to fix it in 1 year. That’s just ridiculous. Come on people, get with it. How stupid can you be?

  20. TG says:

    I think Obama is intelligent and thoughtful about how to approach issues, but has a steep hill to climb. I was one of those people who thought the day he took office all the bad would magically disappear. I see now that isn’t the case. I am still in support of him, but if he doesn’t help immigrants he won’t have my vote next time around.

  21. lem says:

    If you want to be disappointed in someone, be disappointed in the democrats in congress. They are the ones who are to weak to stand up to the party of NO and back the man they put on the ballot. I’m not disappointed in Obama, I’m disppointed in the weak democrats in Congress who claim they want what Obama promised but refuse to back him when it comes time to vote.

    And health insurance reform is better than nothing.

  22. Tess says:

    @ bellaluna:
    You’re sooooo right. People who disagree with you are stupid.

    Everything was just fine till Bush came along. Funny how President Obama keeps so many of his most hated policies in place. Today it’s the Patriot Act. And how about Renditions. And Gitmo?

  23. LiberalsRule says:

    I agree with a number of posts regarding the critics of the Obama administration…especially with bamaguy…we were in great shape after Clinton’s two terms, so do people vote for another democrat to carry on the good fight?? Nooooo, they vote a legacy republican in who is so clueless he left U.S. citizens on rooftops during a natural disaster and did not come to NYC for three days after terrorists bombed us. These are just two of the “missteps” bush jr. made during his administration and two I will never forget. Now people are annoyed because Obama is taking some time to sort through the mess? Be grateful he even wanted the job in the first place and next time, vote democratic or we will have the same crap to deal with when Obama leaves office. It’s time we all started thinking of what’s best for our country as a whole and not as individual a’ holes. Until we do we, we are doomed to repeat our mistakes…”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” G. Santayama

  24. NJMDPS says:

    Like most of these overpaid, over indulged, high priced liberal actors, they should stick to what they are being paid (handsomely) to do and not inflict their personal political views on the country. If they were not actors, no one would give a damn what they say or think or do. They should be super grateful for the money they take in for doing damn near next to nothing. If they are so caring, give your money (all) to helping those less fortunate instead of using it for personal and selfish reasons. Otherwise, shut up.

  25. SammyHammy says:

    But, Iggles, I think people have lost sight of the fact that the government has no business getting involved in the healthcare industry at all. So, to my way of thinking, the entire idea of him doing anything at all with healthcare is simply unconstitutional.

  26. Kevin says:

    “I’m fuckin Matt Damon!” Sincerely Obama

  27. Chana says:

    People who think that politicians are anything but politicians are stupid.

    Every politician makes promises they can’t keep during the election period. It stirs up support and giddiness.

    Every politician leans more toward the left or right (during Presidential campaigns) when being nominated for Democratic or Republican nominee to appeal to their respective sides.

    Every politician veers a bit more center during the general election to try to appeal to all voters.

    This reminds me of a bit Larry Wilmore did on the Daily Show. As senior black correspondent, he explained to everyone that Obama is not a Magical Negro, like Bagger Vance or Morgan Freeman in anything.

    He was never going to magically fix everything just because he was in office. He can’t. There is still bureaucracy. There is still a Senate and a House with a lot of people with differing opinions. He’s not a dictator.

    It is going to take awhile to slog through the mess that was created in the last 8 years. Even people who don’t like Obama have to admit that Bush screwed up.

  28. Iggles says:

    SammyHammy – I disagree.

    We do not have the best health care system in a world. I think most of us can agree that’s a GOP lie. So, in looking at systems which rate the highest in the world, we can see that the ones with high government regulation score the highest.

    I don’t care how you do it — Switzerland has regulated private companies, whereas Britain has a government one health care systems where they own hospitals and employ doctors — you need to put a muzzle on the free rein of for-profit corporations.

    A for-profit companies whole reason to exist is to make the maximum amount of profit in their industry. They do this by rescinding health plans to dump their sick customers and barring those with “pre-existing conditions” from being covered.

    Health is a need: like food, water, shelter, clothes. Without good health you have a poor quality of life. With bad health you are dying or dead.
    We have to people the needs of the people over profits.

    Health care is a RIGHT, not a privilege. In this country we say that education is a right, which is why we have public schools open to all citizens. It’s also why we have a public library system, instead of all libraries being for profit only. The only way to insure we all have access to health care is government involvement — either by regulating the industry or having a direct public plan that covers health care costs. We can’t rely on insurance companies to “do the right thing”..

  29. EMV says:

    When will the blaming Bush thing end? The Obama Administration and the Congress is so out of touch with the reality of the citizens it is scary. This healthcare bill is not what needs to be done. Even the democrats aren’t completely in favor of it. How can a bill be bi partisan when the votes aren’t bipartisan??Pelosi,you are crazier than I thought!

  30. hmm says:

    I don’t understand Damon’s criticism of the Afghanistan policy because Obama was adamant about it from the beginning. And on the health care debate, I would criticize the administration’s frustrating attempt to get bipartisan support because clearly the Republican party and a few conservative Dems intend to stop any meaningful legislation from passing. After all, we have to protect the fat cat insurance and the health care lobbies. Didn’t Rep. Steve King just say that someone needs to defend the lobbyists?

    I guess it’s a little frustrating that people act like Obama is a combination of God, Santa Clause, and a king. He’s an elected official who has to work with others to get things passed into law and believe me I wish he would tell the Dems to get in line and tell the party of no to eff off, but that’s not his style.

    I have to admit that I don’t take Republican criticism too seriously and how can I? They remained silent for 8 years while Bush did a whole lot of things that were flat out wrong and destructive but only now they’re enraged and engaged? It’s not a matter of disagreeing it’s a matter of people who cheer when the US loses an Olympic bid, government officials sending racist emails about the President and his wife, a congressman calling the POTUS a liar on the floor of the Senate, conservative commentators and a congress woman telling people to take up arms against Washington because the President is setting up internment camps, or Republicans joking &/or defending a man who flew plane into a building and killed an innocent man, or people talking about death panels when all he wants to do (just like Clinton wanted to do) is set up a system so that health care is available to more Americans.
    Some people have lost their minds over this election and they’re trying to find reasons to justify their insanity. There are legitimate criticisms to make but if you lambaste him for everything, then you have no perspective. You cannot be taken seriously and you cause people to question what the hate is really about.

  31. Chana says:

    I agree, Iggles. Health care is a right. I lived in England for ages then came to the United States for university. The only reason why I had decent healthcare was because my mother had it from her employer. As soon as I turned 22, I was cut loose from her health care and now I have to either stay healthy and not have any accidents or I’m screwed.

    It wasn’t like this in England. The health care system isn’t perfect, none are, but it was nice to have that security. To not fear that the operations my mum needed for her breast cancer were going to cripple us. That she could still be covered even though cancer counts as a preexisting condition and she wouldn’t be covered in the States (her work over here allows her the health care no matter what kind of preexisting conditions she has).

    It’s sad to me that people don’t want the health care here regulated in some way. As Iggles said, the insurance companies have a bottom line. They are there to make money. They put money before people, period. They have to in order to function as a company.

    We need regulation in the business, at the very least. And I do think there should be a public option. There are private doctors in England that wealthier people pay a premium to go see. It works perfectly fine there. I don’t know why Americans can’t figure it out.

  32. Iggles says:

    Chana – Thanks. Excellent post!

    No healthcare system is perfect, but I really wished we had one like England. I saw Sicko and besides making me cry, it also made me really envious. If only we had instituted the second bill of rights after WWII..

    hmm – I agree with your post. Especially all the ridiculous criticism & racism coming from the right.

    I agree with Damon too. Not everything (I too remember that Obama said he was going to step the war in Afganistan), but I think his disappointment is valid. I think Obama get’s an D- for his handling of Health Care Reform. In July and August the right was screaming about death panels — where was Obama? That would have been the time for him to hold press conferences and pre-empt TV to tell the American public what he wanted in the health care bill AND to tell them that the republicans were wrong. Instead he let them control the message, leading to the bill getting further watered down and almost getting thrown out altogether.

  33. SammyHammy says:

    “Health care is a RIGHT, not a privilege.”

    Um, no it’s not a right. And that is the problem-people who think that they are entitled to things that they simply are not, constitutionally. It is just plain not the job of government to provide healthcare services.

    Just because you say something is a right doesn’t actually make it one.

  34. Iggles says:

    SammyHamm – I don’t get people like you.

    Would you like privatize all libraries, firefighters, cops, the sanitation dept, and all the other public services we have too?

    What about privatizing breathing air? I bet you could make a bunch a money off that one.

    There are some services that should ALWAYS have public branch because without them our quality of life goes down. Health Care is one of them. People die without health care. Note that I say: health care. Not health insurance. In our current system it is a means to an end — health services.

    Imagine if your house was on fire. The firefighters show up and demand payment before putting out the fire. Now imagine you can’t pay.

    Luckily we don’t live in that society. But sadly switch the scenario and you have people dying of illnesses that would be treatable or cured — however their insurer denied their claim. We have a broken system that puts money ahead of people.

    Maybe you can live with that. In that case, I sure hope you don’t lose your insurance or wind up with a pre-existing condition. Then you’d see how the other half live and why it’s inhumane and wrong to that deny health care is a RIGHT. When you say it’s a privilege you mean that it’s only for the people who can pay for it.

  35. Iggles says:

    SammyHamm – There are many rights that the Constitution didn’t address at its inception. For example, the right to vote was not extended to women and POC. Also slaves counted as 3/5 a person.

    After how many centuries did we reach consensus that every person is a whole human being and that all citizens should have the right to vote?

    Let’s keep going forward, not backward. Every human being has a right to health care. Period. Access should not be restricted due to (lack of) wealth or social standing.

  36. annie says:

    What the government can give,they can take away. We pay for libraries,fire fighters, police, public schools with our taxes, were already paying for it. The government does’nt produce jackshit, any wealth they get is from the tax payer.

  37. NJMDPS says:

    I applaud you, Annie.

  38. annie says:

    Thanks NJMDPS!

  39. Leek says:

    I just threw up. Don’t worry, though, it had nothing to do with Matt Damon as much as the ENTIRE thread of comments. Lame.

  40. ceenitall says:

    Ever stop to think that all the Dems that won’t pass the bill their presidents wants is because they know that the voters at home don’t want the bill passed? If the majority of the voters don’t want the health care bill passed then why should they vote against their base and pass it? Check the numbers and all the polls will tell you that most people want the current admin to focus on the economy not health care, yet they are still focusing on health care. They better wake up and do what the voters want or he will only be a one term president.

  41. Jules says:

    When more than half of the people in the US are against the health care bill, the administration would be wise to listen. You do NOT cram legislation down the throats of the American people. They have NO RIGHT to do so. We are not looking for dictators here–try another country. Do you have any idea of the fiscal crisis we are in now? We can in no way, shape or form pay for this ‘right’ to health care right now. Poor people have Medicaid and can be treated for free in the ER anyway. Did Bush run up the deficit..yes he sure did. Did Obama then come in and quadruple it..yes he sure did. But how is it Bush’s fault for the Obama deficits that he created by himself? We need some new people that have some clue how to balance a budget. By the way, Nancy Pelosi is every bit as dumb as they claim Sarah Palin is.

  42. annie says:

    #41. you’re right. They work for us, not the other way around, Obama just cares about his”legacy”, like they all do, we need statesmen, not politians.

  43. NunyaBiz says:

    Bravo, Annie Bravo.

  44. jover says:

    Sorry Iggles, but Health care isn’t a “right”, and it is a misanalogy to compare it to the right to vote. Once you make health care a “right” you make it impossible to rationally discuss how limited services, talents, etc. are to be distributed amongst the populace. If health care is a right, does everyone have a right to plastic surgery of their choice? Rights talk makes it impossible to draw rational limits and boundaries. BTW, I’m independent and Matt Damon’s opinions can be written on the wind and running water; irrelevant but for the fact he’s a celeb.

  45. Aussie Mama says:

    Good people don’t get elected, or put forward for election. People that are greedy, corruptable and easily bribed are always prefered. The one’s that don’t play the game, are assassinated.
    That’s the way politics work, the evil bankers, control the leaders, the bankers are the elite puppets, the trillionaires run the world, call the shots. We the ants are given every distraction possible, so we don’t see, react or even give a sh**.

  46. annie says:

    I see what you’re saying Aussie,but there are some statesmen out the ie, Ron Paul is the first to come to mind, but you’re right, there’s too many who are corrupt and trample on the constitution, and I never voted for Bush. In case anyone wants to yell about him and the war.

  47. Iggles says:

    @ jover:
    “Sorry Iggles, but Health care isn’t a “right”, and it is a misanalogy to compare it to the right to vote. Once you make health care a “right” you make it impossible to rationally discuss how limited services, talents, etc. are to be distributed amongst the populace. If health care is a right, does everyone have a right to plastic surgery of their choice? Rights talk makes it impossible to draw rational limits and boundaries.”

    That’s a load of crap.

    In America we all have a right to free education, yet we do alter funding for schools and cut jobs, change around the ciriculum, etc. Furthermore, we still have privately funded schools.

    We have the right to freedom of speech. Yet we do have limits. We are not allowed yell “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater when there is no fire. We can be sued slander. Hate speech isn’t protected. Nor is graffitti.

    So you see, once something becomes a right doesn’t mean it’s untouchable. In some cases, rights can be revoked. For example, if you’re convicted of felony you lose the right to vote.

    @ ceenitall:
    “Ever stop to think that all the Dems that won’t pass the bill their presidents wants is because they know that the voters at home don’t want the bill passed? If the majority of the voters don’t want the health care bill passed then why should they vote against their base and pass it?”

    That’s because the bill has been seriously watered down and bloated like a 700 pile of pork.

    Every poll consistently shows the American people overwhelmingly support a public health plan, such as Medicare for all.

    The American people do not support mandates without a public option, banning cheaper prescription drugs from Canada, losing their current coverage, raising taxes on the working class and any of course with the ever changing bills fears of “death panels”.

  48. Oi says:

    @jover: Hello fellow Indie! great post. I think the fact of the matter is that both of the parties/their leaders are way way out of touch with what people want. My reason: they are too old. Congressmen/women and senators are almost permanent fixtures and that is really the problem here. Everyone looks to the prez for way too much. I think these mid term elections are going to be interesting.

  49. Dani says:

    I voted for Obama, but I wish I could take it back. I’m extremely disappointed with who he turned out to be, to me, he just turned out to be a liar. I never liked him to begin with but I thought he was the lesser of two evils, so he got my vote.

    It’s not just what he HASNT gotten done, I know things take time and it’s been only a year, it’s the things he’s said that just made me realize he’s just as bad as Bush and lies to get whatever he wants, and he honestly seems to disregard anything the american people ask him or tell him about what THEY want. Which pisses me off greatly. He’s here to serve US, not himself, and Obama seems to be only in it for himself and his needs and furthering his politcal agenda.

    He’s just a hypocritical liar, just like the rest of them.

  50. annie says:

    Iggles, there’s no “free” schools, we pay for them with our tax money whether or not we use them, the people don’t want the bill because they found out whats in it and don’t want it period.

  51. Molly says:

    Matts a smart guy – being a republican and also in politics myself, it takes awhile for a leader to accomplish things. Initially people who run for office run on “what the people want”, but once they are in office, it takes skill to learn how to get it done (Obama has had challenges with initiatives that were in place from when he entered office). Its not as easy as they thought it would be on the campaign trail. However, Obama knew that since he was a Senator before being in office as President. I’m still holding out hope that he can “right” the ship. He has openly said “If I can’t get change done in my first term” I wont run again. I dont know if people think thats a cop-out or someone who has the honesty to recognize when things are over their head.

  52. SammyHammy says:

    iggles, I think your heart is in the right place, but I also think there are some things that you are not seeing. I suspect you are very young.

    In a perfect world, everyone would have free healthcare and housing and education and food and everything else they needed. What you don’t understand is that once the government becomes involved in these things, your rights are slowly eroded away. Right now, if you have a child in school, you have to abide by all of the government rules/regs regarding said school. It doesn’t matter whether or not you agree with those rules; you are stuck. Sure you can take your kid out and home school him, but you still have to pay the same school taxes that you were paying before.

    If you start allowing the government to regulate your healthcare, you will find several things that will happen. Doctors will get paid less. This will result in many of them leaving the profession. This will result in fewer competent care providers. Medical schools will have no choice but to start accepting students that they never previously would have considered, simply because warm bodies with MD after their names will be needed to help cover the load. There genuinely is no up side to government interference in our health care system. Taxes will go up, quality will plummet and personal freedoms will be further eroded. This will also result in some government clerk looking on a chart and telling you what treatment you WILL get if you are sick, even if you and your doctor think a different approach is better.

    So, if the government takes over healthcare, quality of care goes down, fewer providers will remain, waits to see doctors will dramatically increase (as has been proven by other countries) and personal healthcare decisions will be made by someone other than you and your medical team. Plus, who is to say it won’t devolve (and probably will) that the government will start doling out healthcare based on personal habits. If a smoker gets cancer, then it’s highly possible that over time care for smokers will be diminished. Same thing with overweight people. Eventually you will see an overburdened, understaffed, underfunded, overregulated system that will be unwilling to “waste” resources on terminally ill people and the elderly.

    Oh, and none of this will apply to the president or congress. Just to us, the voters. They will still get their top-notch medical care.

    There is probably a far better solution to the healthcare issue, but one thing is certain-governement intervention is the worst possible one.

    Remember, these are the same people who came up with our system of taxation, and that is an undeniable disaster. What makes anyone think these politicians could possibly know what is best for us regarding our individual healthcare?

  53. annie says:

    Yep. the congress has a in-house doc 24/7, they pay a $500.deductible and any specialist they need, is flown in and we are paying for it

  54. SammyHammy says:

    It so happens that I work for a hospital, and one of our docs is a former White House physician. The stories he tells! Very interesting stuff.

  55. Aussie Mama says:

    People; Ron Paul, Obama, Sarah Palin, Bush, Reagan, Nixon, Clinton.
    Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta….
    It does not matter, it’s all the same. These people are selected first, for us to elect. They all have the same common goal, they are all controlled by the same people. They are all sales rep’s for the NWO. It doesn’t matter you see.
    Don’t believe the lies you hear, the news you see. You have to find the news yourself. If it sounds outrageous, it doesn’t mean it is. Whatever you do, don’t fear them either. Do not allow them your fear, it only makes them stronger. Whatever you look up add the word conspiracy to it and you will see a clearer truth. Fox News; Honest and Fair. Why do you have to advertise that, who are you trying to convince? It’s in your face everyday, wake up and find the truth yourselves, it has never been handed to us on a platter. Stop stuffing your face in front of the TV watching crap and wasting your life away. Get out there and talk, do something. While we are discussing BS, our freedoms are being taken away from underneath us more and more.

  56. annie says:

    Ron Paul is the only out of those I would trust, they’re not all the same.

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