Man claims he’s Oprah’s biological father

Oprah Winfrey is keen to chat as she leaves an Oscar luncheon in West Hollywood
Oprah was raised by a man named Vernon Winfrey and both Vernon and her mother are still alive. Her biological father is allegedly someone else, though. While promoting her new Oprah biography, author Kitty Kelley has said that Oprah’s cousin, who calls herself “Aunt Katherine,” told her who Oprah’s biological father was, but swore her to secrecy. Kelley has not revealed the man’s identity in her book or during her press tour. The National Enquirer reported this week that Oprah’s father is a guy named Norh Robinson, 84, who lives in a VA hospital and used to work as a farmer in Mississipi. Robinson has confirmed the news to the NY Post, and says that he’s willing to take a paternity test to prove it. He also said he’s sent letters to Oprah but never received a response.

The Enquirer says that Oprah is of course mortified that this is coming out, and is particularly upset at Kelley for using the fact that she possesses this information as some sort of selling point for her book. They quote a source who says “Oprah is outraged that Kitty Kelley is bragging about finding out the identity of her biological father. It’s a very sensitive subject for Oprah, and she resents Kitty digging up that information. Oprah has moved on, and she may never want to confront this final piece of the jigsaw.” They also report that Oprah financially takes care of the man who raised her, Vernon, and that she bought him a house and “gives him money when he least expects it.”

Oprah’s mother, Vernita Lee, is 74 and a diabetic. She lives in a condominium that Oprah bought her in Milwaukee and is visited at home by “three nurses and a doctor who alternate” every day. Oprah has tried to convince her to move into an assisted living facility, but from what I can find Vernita has refused so far. According to Kelley’s biography, Oprah’s mother has a driver and a car and is well taken care of financially, but does not have her daughter’s direct number and has to go through an assistant to reach her.

Maybe Oprah’s self proclaimed dad is hoping his famous daughter is his ticket out of the VA hospital. I could see Oprah throwing some money at him but not really acknowledging him publicly. Now that he’s spoken to the press, though, his chances of getting a payday from Oprah have gone substantially down. This book has got to get under her skin and she’s not about to acknowledge any of Kelley’s claims.

UPI POY 2009 - Entertainment.

UPI POY 2009 - Entertainment.

Kitty Kelly Promotes Oprah: A Biography

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15 Responses to “Man claims he’s Oprah’s biological father”

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  1. bite me says:

    oh okra

  2. Emily says:

    Oprah’s mum doesn’t have her number? Wow. Just wow.

  3. Marjalane says:

    I’m sick of sacntimonious Oprah. It’s like, “Come on my show to further your famewhoring, but don’t you dare ask me about MY life” She had her day in the sun, now she’s just a bore.

  4. Just a Poster says:

    Oh no.. we are going to be swamped with “who the baby daddy” stories now..uuugh

  5. ogechi says:


  6. GatsbyGal says:

    I agree with you, Marjalane – Oprah is just fine with airing out other people’s dirty laundry on her show, but she’s mum when it comes to her own stuff. Such a hypocrite.

  7. lastwordlinda says:

    I love the “revelation” in the book that she is not as huggy and approachable as she is on TV. Really? You can’t tell by the air kisses and the barely-there hugs, the sucked in cheeks, the impatient foot waving? She is so full of shit she needs a visit from the honey wagon.

  8. Huma says:

    My mom’s BFF, who is African American (because that’s kind of relevant? And I’m not comfortable discussing the racial ramifications therein?), and has been a Chicagoan all her life was in the audience at Oprah tapings at least once, and always said that Oprah was super chatty and huggy during the show (obvz) but when the camera’s were off she wouldn’t even look at the audience or acknowledge them and was just frosty. I totally believe her, mainly because she never says catty things just to be catty.

  9. GreenGinger says:

    I was never a huge fan of Oprah’s. I admired her success but I remember watching her show when I was 16 (a couple decades ago) and coming away with the impression that her warmth seemed fake.

    Funny thing is, Kitty Kelly’s book has only served to make me kinda *like* Oprah now. If my mother treated me the way Oprah’s treated her, she wouldn’t have my phone number either.

  10. Jeri says:

    I’ve never been a fan – I don’t get the Oprah love. But I do remember many years ago she said Vernon had always treated her as his daughter so I don’t think it’s a revelation that Vernon is not her real father.

  11. Ally says:

    It’s not nice to assign selfish, money-grubbingg motives to the alleged biological father.

    He’s 84 and living in a VA hospital. If he’d wanted a payday he would have thought of it sooner. Oprah’s been a millionaire for over 20 years. We’re only discussing him now because of Kitty Kelley’s book.

  12. MsTriste says:

    Why so cynical? The guy’s willing to take a paternity test. Also, he’s living in a VA hospital which is an assisted-living facility, and for the most part they’re better than the majority of private “nursing homes”, and it’s not like he has many years left, so I doubt he’s doing it for the money.

  13. Sincerity says:

    Why should Oprah entertain the requests of someone who has never been “formally” introduced to her by either of her parents? As Kitty Kelley claims, her father Vernon admitted that this is a topic that should be discussed between her and her mother. There may be a very good reason why her mother has decided “to let bygones be bygones”. Being a “sperm donor” does not make a man “a father” anymore than giving birth to a child makes a woman “a mother”. The woman has way too much on her agenda to contemplate digging into a matter that’s probably too painful for her mother to revisit.

  14. MaiGirl says:

    I don’t think it’s fair to call Oprah a hypocrite for not wanting to publicly explore this are of her life. The people who come on her show have something to promote or a story to tell, so they know what they are getting into. Believe you me, most celebs have pre-selected areas that they will and will not discuss, so there are no boundaries broken. Unless Oprah is being interviewed herself, she has a right to keep as much of her private life to herself as she wants.

  15. I in fact came across this on Google, and I am actually happy I did. I will definately be returning here much more generally. Wish I could add to the post and bring a bit a lot more for the table, but am just absorbing as much info as I can at the moment.