Miranda Lambert dumped Evan Felker because he broke one of her ‘rules’

51st CMA Awards - Arrivals

Miranda Lambert dumped Evan Felker last week, at some point. We found out about their breakup just days after Evan Felker’s divorce came through. I should have suggested a theory in this “will Evan and Staci Felker get back together now?” story – maybe they will get back together and Miranda will homewreck him all over again. She only liked him when he was taken. As soon as Staci even thinks about taking Evan back, Miranda will be back on Evan like white on rice. But for now, we’re left wondering: why did Miranda dump Evan in the first place? People Mag has the answer: because he broke her “rules.”

After Miranda Lambert suddenly announced she was single, fans immediately began wondering what went wrong in her brief romance with Evan Felker. Last week, the country superstar revealed in an interview with The Tennessean that she and the Turnpike Troubadours singer, both 34, recently broke up, but the reason behind the split instantly became a game of fill in the blank.

Now, a source reveals to PEOPLE that Felker crossed lines that caused their relationship to end.

“I don’t think it was a dramatic split, but he knew what he was ‘allowed’ to do based on her rules and he broke them,” says the source. “He did something that he knew she wasn’t going to approve of, she assumed he did it and he didn’t deny it.”

[From People]

I know everyone is like “Star Magazine is bullsh–t” and I believe that Star is full of sh-t about some things, or maybe even a lot of things. But over the past year, I’ve started to believe that Star has some good sources within Miranda’s camp, because they actually break some news about her and/or have some interesting details which are eventually confirmed by other outlets. A few weeks back, Star claimed that Miranda had “rules” for Evan – if he contacted Staci or spoke to his wife in any way, Miranda would dump him and kick him off her tour. I think that’s exactly what happened – Evan contacted Staci in some way after their divorce came through and Miranda lost her damn mind. Can you imagine trying to live like this? Miranda seems like such a nutjob.

52nd Academy of Country Music Awards Arrivals

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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60 Responses to “Miranda Lambert dumped Evan Felker because he broke one of her ‘rules’”

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  1. Lady D says:

    Your turn is coming, sweetheart.

  2. Jamie says:

    She sounds like she’d be exhausting to be around.

    • Christin says:

      It’s probably all fun and excitement, then it’s nonstop drama.

      Their romance apparently didn’t even make it until the official end of her tour!

      • smcollins says:

        Right?! And speaking of the tour, how pissed do you think his band mates are that his wondering dong lost them a cushy gig?

      • Christin says:

        He really messed up his marriage and career in one fell swoop.

        His bandmates have a right to be upset. Not sure how critical he is to the band. They might be better off to request he go solo.

  3. Kim says:

    I’m curious what the rules are, and how many rules there were.

    Either way, good luck with that Miranda…I guess you need someone to lord over.

    If the shoe was on the other foot and this story was about a man giving a women a set of rules to obey we wouldn’t heard the end of how twisted it is.

  4. Christin says:

    I find it rich that she views her own rules as unbreakable, yet marital vows are apparently no big deal.

    • SequinedHeart says:

      exactly my thoughts – the homewrecker has rules?! *clutches pearls!

    • kosmos says:

      She’s definitely now on my most hated women list, taking away someone’s husband just for a little fun. That’s nothing to be proud of even if he goes along with it. I have no love for her as an artist and do not respect her as a person.

  5. Ruyana says:

    She’s honestly not all that attractive. All her features are scrunched into the middle of her face like George Zimmerman’s. And she has “rules”? She must have the Venus Flytrap of Vaginas to pull married men in like she does. Just my opinion, but I think she’s nasty – and not in a good way.

  6. Bobafelty says:

    Her rule: be a married man

    • HK9 says:

      Ha! I was just coming to say how does this heffa have rules when she doesn’t follow any??

    • Chaine says:

      You are so right.

    • Tourmaline says:

      Exactly! He ceased to be married and the exciting forbidden cheatin’ heart mojo vanished. On to the next!

    • lucy2 says:

      I thought the same thing upon seeing the headline!
      He broke the rule by getting divorced, and now she’s no longer interested.

      Girl’s got serious issues.

  7. Juls says:

    Maybe if she tried dating a guy that’s SINGLE, she wouldn’t have to worry about him contacting his WIFE. And since they were going through a quick divorce, it’s reasonable that he had to have contact with her regarding some details that were too private to leave in the hands of attorneys. Miranda is crazy.

  8. burdzeyeview says:

    I’d never heard of her but she sounds horrible. Hopefully karma’s waiting.

  9. Meme says:

    Miranda sounds like a horrible awful person. Anyone who leaves their wife for her is met with instant karma when her true colors begin to show. haha! sucks for you Evan!

  10. Veronica S. says:

    Considering he’s done two shows drunk off his ass according to fans, I’m wondering if there’s a substance abuse problem she saw. Might have done Staci a favor in the long run.

    • Lady D says:

      Nope. Bitch does not get to claim she did Stacey a favour after destroying her marriage, home and future.

      • Izzy says:


      • Erinn says:

        Hard to destroy a marriage if those in it aren’t interested. I mean, she’s crap for pursuing married dudes so much, but the dudes are far worse in my opinion. They’re the ones who need to grow up and either get out of an unhappy marriage, or maybe try saying no to the big mean seductresses who clearly use magic to control them.

  11. Reef says:

    Not for nothing but if he was gonna ruin his marriage to try and improve his career by sleeping with the bigger star, he should see it all the way through. She asked him not to speak to his ex, keep your eye on the prize and don’t speak to your ex. You can’t half way gold dig. He’s worse off than when he started. lol.

  12. workdog says:

    I know someone who was on Nashville Star with her, they dated a bit. She”s every bit the ruthless, in it for herself person she appears to be.

  13. mtam says:

    Aside from all the obviously messed up things about this evolving drama. I keep wondering what the rules are regarding having opening acts on tour?

    Like, are they not under contract? is she really allowed to just take them off tour wherever she wants? and if so, it makes me wonder about power dynamics and her abuse of it.

    She’s technically his boss no? who began a relationship with Felker, someone who depended on being on her good side to keep their job, and those lines were crossed. I know they are both adults and made their choices, but this story always gave me inappropriate boss vibes. And i doubt Miranda is the type of person that’s just cool with people turning her down.
    I’m not saying Felker was intimidated into choosing to cheat with Miranda. I’m just saying being fired from a gig because she used him and got tired of him, or things fell apart, seems unfair and unethical.

    basically Felker’s bandmates did not ask for any of this, and now they’ll be sacked too because they boss is done banging their co-worker. And there’s no protections against that?

    • Metoo says:

      Good question. It feels like the employment is being overlooked and it wouldn’t if the man fired a woman for not sleeping with him

      • mtam says:


        Yes, exactly. Normally I don’t like to do gender reversal comparisons, but in this case I suspect if they were reversed there’d be less people overlooking this aspect of the situation.

    • Bea says:

      Very good points.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Depends on what the stated reasons for them being fired was. Fans reported him hammered on stage at two different shows, so that may very well have been viewed as a breach of contract justifying their tour ending. Either way, sounds like his bandmates should be pretty angry.

      This being said, you’re right about the power dynamics being skeevy. It may not have been coercive, but it’s certainly unethical on both of their sides.

    • JTD says:

      She was texting him flirty messages and sending selfies before he even left on tour at the end of January. He goes on tour with her the first 3 days in February and he files for divorce on February 15th and supposedly told he couldn’t contact his wife. Miranda’s his boss — she’s the female version of the MeToo in country music. He is as guilty as she is because he wanted the fame and money. However, rumor is that she has done this in the past with other warm up folks.

  14. Jan says:

    There is only one reason she dumped him. His divorce came through. It’s not fun for this skank if he’s not married or otherwise taken. She’s a complete pig!

  15. Aenna says:

    She looks like a rode hard and put away wet cabbage patch kid.

  16. Patty says:

    I know Miranda is totally a crap person, but I kind of love that she’s a woman who doesn’t mess around (lol) when it comes to what she will accept in a relationship. I wish more women would create acceptable standards of behavior and stick to their guns. Let’s be real here, once the Felker divorce was finalized what reason would he have had to be to talking to ex? None really. They didn’t have kids, or share animals or property. Basically, Miranda isn’t going to let anybody play her for a fool, give her the runaround, or jerk around. That’s actually a good thing.

    • Erinn says:

      Yeah. I’m with you. She’s a crap person for pursuing the married dudes. But she’s not making them leave. And if she’s made it clear that if this new thing is going to work she expects them not to have contact with the ex – so what? I think it’s actually smart on her part. If he wants to go back to his ex, she’s letting him. She’s just saying “sorry dude, pick a lane”.

  17. nikki says:

    Yup, saw this the other day in a blind. Damn Miranda, slow your roll and stay away from wedding bands, okay? Sheez.

  18. Izzy says:

    New Rule: Thou shalt not sleep with married men.

  19. why? says:

    What this really means is that he either cheated on her with someone else or he just wouldn’t stop calling his wife.

  20. Skeeter says:

    She is the worst our state has to offer. At 1130 on Sat night in Ft Worth there is a bar full of girls that are super cute, smart, har working and nice of which she is none of the above. I dislike her music intensely. She is Gretchen Wilson part deux and to that I say No Thank You. See? Anyone can write a song, Miranda. You are not cool. Karma is a raging bitch sister. Get your life.

  21. Rescue Cat says:

    Likes them spineless, I guess.

  22. Elisa says:

    I actually really like some of her music. Too bad she’s such a trashy person.

  23. Sarah says:

    Someone mentioned on here that the reason she is so popular is because she is what they call a “country Barbie”. I can see that would be her appeal but I’m sitting here looking at her pictures and she needs to lighten up on the tanner and get some bangs cuz the forehead is not helping anything.
    Ps. I know a girl just like her, who lives in town and believe me she is not getting a committed relationship from anyone with pulling the Miranda break up your marriage moves ugh.😱🤭

  24. Littlefishmom says:

    She’s a POS. period.