Linda Hamilton didn’t eat carbs to prepare for Terminator: Dark Fate

In May, we got our first glimpse of Linda Hamilton’s return as Sarah Connor in the trailer for Terminator: Dark Fate. In early September, Linda sat down for a profile with the New York Times. She discussed her fantastic-sounding life in New Orleans with her dogs and her community, and how she’s not interested in the trappings of Hollywood, like people’s obsessions with looks, age, and fame. She mentioned some of her preparation for reprising her role as Sarah Connor, explaining that she did a lot of intense training and went on bioidentical hormones and took supplements to help build muscle.

Linda also spoke with People about her preparation, and said that it included giving up carbs:

[I]n Terminator: Dark Fate, Hamilton is once again taking on a ruthless robot sent from the future — and, at 63, she’s trained far longer to prepare for this role than she did in Judgment Day.

“I worked for a year to get ready for this one, Dark Fate,” Hamilton tells PEOPLE. “Judgment Day was maybe three months. But they kept postponing the filming.”

“In Judgment Day, it was just the beginning of the fat-free diet,” she continues. “I ate no fat for all those months. More than a year. I would never do that again, because the brain needs fat, the body needs fat. But we didn’t know any better.” . . .

Just like Judgment Day, Hamilton had to pick up a specialized diet, but this one was much different than the fat-free one she used for the previous film.

“This time, I ate no carbs. See, you always have to give up something!” she says while laughing. “But, obviously, the training is different as a woman of a certain age. I could work out just like I’d had for Judgment Day and not put on the muscle because you need hormones for that, and I don’t got them!”

[From People]

I’m in awe of the amount of sustained discipline that some actors embrace to prepare for roles. I can’t imagine maintaining that sort of diet and exercise regimen for a year, though I don’t have an incentive to do it. Perhaps if I were preparing for a project, I would. (I keep thinking about Tim Tebow’s anti-carbs stance.) Despite not being enamored of Hollywood generally now, Linda seems to be relishing her return to the Terminator franchise, which is great. She’s a 63-year-old bad-ass woman who is going to save the world while everyone watches. Though Sarah Connor isn’t Leia, I’ve appreciated witnessing people’s thrilled reactions to older, wiser, stronger Leia-as-General over the past several years. (Admittedly, of course, this has a lot to do with people’s deep love for Carrie Fisher.) I hope something similar happens with Sarah Connor!




Photos credit: and WENN

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27 Responses to “Linda Hamilton didn’t eat carbs to prepare for Terminator: Dark Fate”

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  1. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    You know, if I was staring few million in the face, I just might do anything they wanted. 😛

    • Raina says:

      Yes!! That much money would basically motivate to just stop short of eating people. I’d wire my jaw shut because my discipline is bloody pathetic.
      Going to see the movie this weekend with my kid.
      Also, interesting interview she gave about her marriage to James Cameron.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      Yeah, people do worse for less money. The paycheques attached to major movies would be a solid incentive to stick to your horrible diet/horrible fitness regimen.

  2. olive says:

    yikes, that’s a really unflattering photo of her!

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      Seriously!! Someone needs to get her to a colorist, and tell her to lay off the completely rimmed black eyeliner! Yikes is right!

      She looks SO much better in the bottom pic (makeup-wise). And I really like the fact that she is actually aging NATURALLY, and is not pulled and injected within an inch of her life. GO LINDA!!! 😊. She’s lovely in this pic.

  3. BaronSamedi says:

    I saw the movie on Monday and it was amazing. Linda is honestly the best part of it closely followed by Mckenzie Davies. It is so great to see a woman of Linda’s age get to a bamf on screen.
    To me this is the grrrl power movie Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel tried to be – I walked out of that film feeling truly empowered.

    • Grant says:

      I loooooooooooooved Wonder Woman. Re-watched it again a few nights ago. Can’t wait to see this movie either. T2 is one of my all-time favorites!

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I’m glad to hear your reaction! I really want to see this, and your review just sealed the deal.

    • Carol says:

      Oh Thats a great review. I almost never go to the theater anymore to see movies but this one I definitely want to. I LOVED the trailer and watching Hamilton gave me goosebumps. She is so badass!!!

      I also love that she hasn’t gone the botox/filler route. She is more relatable and better looking than some of the actresses who have overdone it.

  4. Kimble says:

    After seeing her on Graham Norton. I couldn’t go see the movie. Boy, is she obnoxious

    • Sarah says:

      I thought she came across as drunk and nervous on Graham Norton. Honestly, Nadiya Hussain saved that show. Everyone else was just awkward.

    • Raina says:

      Wait, why?? What happened on Norton. I mean I’ll still see the movie but why??
      I honestly separate acting from the person most of the time but not ALL of the time. Certain people remind me too much of themselves (Jolie) or are assholes (Gibson)

    • Borgqueen says:

      II was so excited to see this movie but did not like how she acted on Graham Norton and ignored Nadiya Hussain and fawned all over Arnold’s governoratiral run. It actually tempered my opinion of Linda Hamilton.

  5. JennyJenny says:

    Her blood shot eyes in the top photos make her look more harsh, I believe.
    Because in the photo of her in the black dress, I see a resemblance to Julie Christie; beautiful women. Way to go Linda!

  6. Lightpurple says:

    So, she’s eating nothing but meat and fish? Lettuce has carbohydrates.
    Spinach has carbohydrates.
    If you are eating vegetables, you are eating carbs.

    • jules says:

      I’m 99.9 % sure she’s referring to refined/simple carbohydrates.

    • Lightpurple says:

      If people are eliminating items like pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, and beans from their diet but continuing to eat lettuce, spinach, and other vegetables, they are not eliminating carbs, they are eliminating starch.

  7. Lena says:

    I remember when Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor was hugely popular but somehow she didn’t get a sequel, because, well, she was female. Now all these years later they do one with 3 lead badass women and Arnold and the guys are the supporting characters. Things thank god are changing.

  8. sparker says:

    it’s tough to look decent at 47 (post breast cancer and pre-hysterectomy) and I think she looks gorgeous. Absolutely love her fierce look and i’m booking my hair cut now. I love the way she’s scaring some folks just by looking normal.

  9. Katebush says:

    I love her and her naturally aging looks and her badass attitude. T1 and T2 were iconic movies (we won’t mention the 3rd one) and I’m going to see this one tonight … can’t wait!!

  10. Paty Kerry says:

    Such a relief to see a normally aging face. She looks way more beautiful than others who think they need to tweak and fill. Can’t wait to see the movie.

    • Bree says:

      Came here to say just that. I clicked on the story because I need to be reminded what 60 year old women look like! I’ll be one soon, and I’d like to have my examples be normal humans. Good on her!

  11. Jess says:

    The only terminator I’ve ever seen is T2 and I’ve watched it multiple times because of Linda. As soon as I saw the first trailer with her last May I showed T2 to my teenager kids and they loved it too. I’ve already bought our tix for tonight just to see her be an awesome bad a** again.

    • Lady D says:

      Watching Linda do one-armed pull-ups off the end of her upturned bed was the reason I got into exercise in the first place. I wanted to look like her. One of the best looking female bodies of all time in that movie.