Starbucks, CVS and Target will still require masks in states without mandates


As Oya reported earlier, governors in Texas and Mississippi are foolishly lifting their mask mandates. This is so irresponsible considering how close we are in this country to finally controlling the deadly virus that has robbed us of almost 520,000 Americans. Even though every health organization highly stresses the importance to maintain precautions such as masks (double masks when possible), social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing, some governors are making decisions based on greed and spite rather than the best interest of their citizens. But while elected officials are worried about attracting tourists for Spring Break, some major corporations are standing on the side of good sense, for once. Places such as Target, CVS, Walgreens and Starbucks are telling customers they don’t care what the governor says, if you want a Tall Caramel Frappuccino, you’ll need a mask.

No mask, no service.

A group of big retail chains will keep their mask requirements in place amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, even after select states lifted their mask mandates.

Chains such as Target, Starbucks, CVS and Walgreens have all announced that they will continue implementing their mask-wearing rules, citing guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to a report from CBS News.

The move comes after Texas and Mississippi joined an array of other statesthat do not enforce mask mandates. The governors of both states recently announced that they are doing away with mask requirements, while also allowing businesses to resume operating at their full size.

In an email statement to CBS News, Target said that it will continue to enforce its mask policy, including among those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, “in line with current CDC guidance.”

Kroger, the nation’s largest supermarket chain, will also continue with their mask mandates, as well as grocery chain Aldi.

When reached for comment by CBS News, other chains, including Walmart, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Costco and Home Depot did not respond to requests for comment.

[From People]

Man this is refreshing to read. I live in an area in which I have not seen any push back on the mask mandate. I was in line at a grocery story once where some people were grumbling about restrictions and talking about how COVID wasn’t that bad as an illness (so, they were idiots) but they were in masks and standing the appropriate six feet apart. I’ve seen videos of surrounding areas with people storming stores maskless. I think Trader Joe’s Karen was close to me but I’ve not been subjected to what CB and others have had to endure in stores (public spaces are another matter). However, just knowing that these chains are upholding the mandate over the senseless dismissal in certain states means I will make sure to support them.

Some of the chains adhering to CDC guidelines are drug stores which will be offering the COVID-19 vaccine. The Starbucks Foundation has donated millions towards COVID relief and research. It makes sense that these chains are on the side of science.

Yesterday we heard our commander in chief Joe Biden’s opinion on removing mask mandates. President Biden has moved heaven and earth to formulate and rollout a vaccine plan that will have the US inoculated two-months ahead of schedule. Biden called it “Neanderthal thinking” to say “everything’s fine, take off your mask, forget it.” But I’m sure he could have come up with worse for the governors putting people at risk. Keep your masks on. Get your vaccines and stay diligent. We’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.



Photos credit: Arturo Rey and Melanie Lim on Unsplash, Laura James on Pexelss

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27 Responses to “Starbucks, CVS and Target will still require masks in states without mandates”

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  1. Merricat says:

    This is great information; thanks.

  2. smee says:

    I feel for the employees who will have to fight these anti-maskers at the door.

    • Esmom says:

      I know, right? When I read this yesterday I was at first happy that these corporations are standing up to the idiot governors, but then got worried about this exact thing. Anti-maskers are Trump’s doing and legacy and it makes me crazy to think how it didn’t have to be this bad.

    • BlondieR says:

      Yes! I’m very lucky as masks are mandated in my area and working in retail I’ve had overall a good experience when gently reminding people who come in without a mask. The majority of the time it seems they’ve become so used to having their mask on they just didn’t notice. And they apologize and either pull one out or go get it.
      Had one person come in- say they are exempt, okay whatever- they are either lying or really taking too much of a risk. And then they came in the next day with another person who also said they were exempt! Ugh!
      And it’s one thing for the higher ups to mandate date store policy- but they need to remember there are people having to implement it who aren’t always being compensated enough for it!

      • BeanieBean says:

        I feel for you. I have a niece who works at a Walgreen’s and so far so good, and she is in Washington at least, not TX or MS. It takes a special person to work retail and do it well. Especially now.

    • LillyfromLillooet says:

      Thank you for pointing out the weak link in these plans: you simply cannot have mask enforcement left to minimum wage counter workers. My former gym did this and their “social fitnessing” tag of pride was a joke as people pulled down their masks and the workers did nothing to stop it. The drug stores do have in store security already but I hope Starbucks has an enforcement plan and not just policy because it’s the workers who end up dealing with the stress and anger in real life.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I’m in a blue state (it’s state law you must wear a mask in public) but in a rather red rural area and I’ve been to Walgreens twice during the pandemic and both times another customer has not respected the many signs asking for six-foot social distancing while waiting in line and the second time the woman behind me was ALSO not wearing a mask while crowding up against my back. Seriously ugh. The cashiers noticed and were looking at us but probably didn’t feel empowered to say anything and I didn’t say anything because I don’t want to get into a nasty spat with a conscienceless jerk who would probably shout in my face without a mask, so I don’t blame the workers at all. Most stores around me do have very high mask compliance and I feel relatively safe going in. It’s just Walgreens for some reason that has this issue. And that’s why I won’t go to Walgreens now. There is no point in them saying they have this policy if they don’t enforce it.

  3. Anna says:

    People haven’t been masking in my building since last year and are belligerent about it even though they’re largely BIPOC in a very high-risk area. It was causing me so much anxiety–like literally had to go on anti-anxiety meds–that I sprang for grocery delivery service which is expensive but the person is very careful, has her shots, and that’s her business/company. I haven’t left the apartment in a month except twice to check the mail and even that was stressful. Bad for my health exercise-wise, but don’t need to take the meds as long as I don’t have to deal with these mask-less idiots. They just don’t care. I get so livid even thinking about it.

  4. TQ says:

    Good to see these companies stepping up. It’s just good sense and good business. The covidiots need to STFU.

  5. Lauren says:

    This is great news! They can dictate state laws, but no business wants to risk a class action because customers or staff got sick in their shops. The bad publicity alone.

  6. Beana says:

    I work for one of these companies, and despite following all precautions, I got COVID last year (and still have lung and information issues). Working with the public has been terrifying at times. I LOVE that my company is taking this stand. But, as of there’s have pointed out, the employees in those states will now have to put up with all sorts of harassment and I truly feel for them.

    • Ladiabla says:

      Happened to me too. I was safe for 8 months and followed all precautions but got COVID last year, which turned into two stays in the hospital. I’m still having lung inflammation issues as well. Just wondering if you’re feeling any better. I’m almost two months out from the last stay in the hospital, and I’m still not feeling great, which is making my anxiety worse. And now there are gonna be all these maskless people running around (I’m in TX) . My nerves are getting so bad. Maybe I do need to see the lung specialist if this isn’t going away?

  7. Jane Smith says:

    I live in a state that is still requiring masks. It’s becoming more lenient, a source of anxiety, but still a requirement for now. That didn’t stop a crazed woman without a mask on from starting a back and forth with me a few weeks ago at Target that I’m still rattled about. I’ll spare you the details, but essentially she was offended that I was choosing to wear two masks. I should not have engaged with this person, but I did (insert eye-roll). Security was very quick to escort her from the building, which I’m so grateful for, but can only assume it’s going to get worse. So discouraging.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m in a hotel right now, having to travel to a different island for a medical appointment (I’m in Hawaii). The hotel has rules for elevators: 4 people max, only 1 family group per elevator. My elevator? I went in first, then a young couple, then two single men–so five total. Then I walked out of the elevator, saying it had too many people for me & did I hear the comments! I don’t know what state they came from, but we have strict rules in Hawaii (masks are mandatory inside & out–even at beaches) and we follow them. It would be great if our visitors did.

  8. Piratewench says:

    This all makes me grateful to live in southern NJ. We have our crazies out in the farmland here (and in the beautiful Pine Barrens, a unique landscape marred only by the confederate flag wavers that have been scattered around there all my life, now of course Trumpists). But generally we are pragmatic people who are busy, smart and willing to do what needs to be done for public good. We live in very close quarters in my part of NJ, highly populated. It’s a relief that on the infrequent occasion when I do go into a store, 95% of people are masked and just going about their business without all this madness. I am very nervous for the workers who have to enforce the mask mandates in stores around the country. I hope they will all be safe. Damn, people are scary these days, the fact that it’s even a worry about the safety of store workers is just crazy and sad.

    • lucy2 says:

      Hey neighbor! I’m in the same area, and am very glad too, the few times I go out to stores everyone wears a mask.
      I feel bad for those employees who have to try to enforce this as well, but am really glad those stores are holding firm in their policy. They have the right, and the obligation, to protect their employees as best they can.

      Another spot of good news, a LOT of vaccine appointments just opened up here with J&J becoming available, and I think it’s going to get easier and easier to get it. I’m also following a fb page of volunteers who are helping elderly and computer challenged people get appointments too.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hey there! We’ve been trying to get elderly family members in Southern Jersey (Mercer County area) vaccine appointments for a while. Any tips? And can you share the name of the FB page? Or any other resources you think may be helpful? Thank you! It’s very much appreciated!

  9. pixiestyx says:

    This makes me happy. I would be even happier if people would keep their damn masks on while they are in the store too.

  10. Christine says:

    I personally love wearing a mask. I only have to do half my makeup, I don’t have to fake smile at people, I can mouth whatever I want if someone pisses me off… I say let’s wear masks forever.

    Luckily my state governor actually cares about people so we’re still in a mask mandate. My workplace has a location near Dallas and another in Iowa and thankfully they’re still requiring masks for staff and customers, but honestly it was awful to enforce when the mandates first rolled out and I can see people being even more belligerent about it now.

    • Dierski says:

      @Christine, this is me too, 100%. As a long-time public fake-smiler/overly-polite person (I blame my upbringing), I have felt almost liberated while wearing a mask, as far as letting myself off the hook for suffering fools in public with a gracious smile. I can frown or mumble whatever I want!

      • Chanteloup says:

        I think people still know all too what I think from my expressive eyes, and my eyebrow lift has a sassy mind of its own! But if I don’t say it out loud, I can always deny it, lol

  11. Ohpioneer says:

    My governor in Ohio is pretty sensible. He said we will talk about lifting restrictions including mask wearing when the number of new Covid cases falls to 50 for every 100,000 people in the state for 14 days in a row. Wednesday we were at 179 per 100,000 and two weeks ago we were at 146 per 100,090 so it’s going to be awhile. In the meantime the state is vaccinating as many people as possible as quickly as they can. I get my second shot on the 13th!

  12. cb-forever says:

    Good news but good luck getting anyone to enforce that. And who can blame them? People can be maniacs about mask wearing. Such a FUBAR situation.

  13. psl says:

    What scares me about this is most of these states are open carry. I can see someone getting shot over this, unfortunately. Over a mask. It is ludicrous.

    • Chanteloup says:

      It’s already happened, multiple times. I won’t try to post the links here, but you can google it. The first one I remembered hearing was the Family Dollar employee, last May.
      It’s tragic.

  14. Target Employee says:

    My job at Target is to watch for people not wearing mask and offering them one. If they say no I still have to let them in What a joke

  15. Target Employee says:

    Oh and by the way we have had 20 employees who got the virus