Prince William will go to NYC in September… but he won’t speak at the UN, lol

A few weekends ago, The Mail Plus announced that Prince William was suddenly very keen to visit New York and speak at the United Nations. That story came just weeks after Prince Harry was invited by the Nelson Mandela Foundation to speak at the UN for Mandela Day. British commentators ripped into Harry for… being invited to speak, and for making an excellent speech about conservation, the environment and the “global assault on democracy and freedom.” Harry’s speech and the Sussexes’ visit to New York made global headlines. Harry and Meghan dominated the gossip news for days here in America. Prince William was, frankly, incandescent with jealousy. So he made his staff find some reason why HE could speak at the United Nations too. And look, they found something.

Prince William is kicking off the countdown to this year’s Earthshot Prize awards ceremony in Boston with an early trip across the pond.

The Duke of Cambridge will travel to New York City next month to the Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit on Sept. 21. The Earthshot Prize and Bloomberg Philanthropies will co-host the summit, where inaugural finalists and winners of last year’s Earthshot Prize will gather.

Prince William is set to address the assembled guests alongside Michael R. Bloomberg, who works to help scale and replicate the Earthshot solutions as Global Advisor to the winners of the Earthshot Prize.

[From People]

LOL. The United Nations would not invite William to speak even though he clearly told them HE WAS KEEN AND JEALOUS. So William’s staff begged Michael Bloomberg to do this completely unnecessary “summit” adjacent to the opening of the United Nations General Assembly.

Meanwhile, Earthshot is in the news this week because they put their money in JP Morgan Chase, which is heavily invested in fossil fuels.

The conservation charity founded by Prince William, second in line to the British throne and who launched the Earthshot Prize, keeps its investments in a bank that is one of the world’s biggest backers of fossil fuels, The Associated Press has learned. The Royal Foundation also places more than half of its investments in a fund advertised as green that owns shares in large food companies that buy palm oil from companies linked to deforestation.

“The earth is at a tipping point and we face a stark choice,” the prince, a well-known environmentalist, is quoted saying on the websites of the Earthshot Prize and Royal Foundation.

Yet in 2021, the charity kept more than 1.1 million pounds ($1.3 million) with JPMorgan Chase, according to the most recent filings, and still invests with the corporation today. The foundation also held 1.7 million pounds ($2 million) in a fund run by British firm Cazenove Capital Management, according to the 2021 filing. As with JPMorgan, it still keeps funds with Cazenove, which in May had securities linked to deforestation through their use of palm oil. The foundation invested similar amounts in both funds in 2020, its older filings show. As of December 2021, the charity also held more than 10 million pounds ($12.1 million) in cash.

The investments, which the Royal Foundation didn’t dispute when contacted by the AP, come as top scientists repeatedly warn that the world must shift away from fossil fuels to sharply reduce emissions and avoid more and increasingly intense extreme weather events.

[From Bloomberg]

I understand why this is a big deal, but I also understand why this is a mistake a lot of “green” charities make. I’m not caping for William, obvs, I just don’t think this is as big a deal as, say, the fact that William blew £7.1 million on Earthshot PR and making himself look fancy, as opposed to only giving £5 million in “prize money.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Instar and screencaps from Ted Talk.

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132 Responses to “Prince William will go to NYC in September… but he won’t speak at the UN, lol”

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  1. StellainNH says:

    That lead picture is a riot. Is he so bored with himself that he fell asleep?

    • ThatsNotOkay says:

      A commenter on here called him Willie Woodpegger and now that picture takes on a whole new meaning.

      • Krista says:

        OH. MY. GAWD. @ThatsNotOkay, you have killed me. I am ded.

      • Geegee says:

        OMG Willie woodpegger just made my day.

      • dina says:


      • Rice says:

        That’s the funniest thing I’ve read today! LMAO!

      • Tara says:

        Haha, I live in Northern California, and the woodpeckers here are an incredible metaphor for everything I’ve read about Wille Woodpegger HAHAHA. They’re invasive, they’re essentially the court jesters of the sky (Woody Woodpecker was not some caricature of them), they bullies, they destroy property, they have few predators, and for the first time in my life, I actually saw 2 of them cannibalize another bird. I thought I was hallucinating as I watched 2 redheaded woodpeckers, pull a baby swallow from a nest, and proceed to EAT IT.

        Sound familiar?

      • SomeChick says:

        in defense of woodpeckers… a lot of birds eat other birds. even their same species! birds are essentially the most successful dinosaurs. they do not have very refined tastes.

    • Agreatreckong says:

      A bit entertained by the pic(s) with the green sign behind him. Choosing to read it as:

      Bill de Waste

    • Julia K says:

      Sleep was not the first thing that entered my mind

  2. Badgerette says:

    NYC vacay w the side piece?

    • Lolo86lf says:

      What a royal scandal it would be. But the British tabloids will somehow manage to blame Duchess Meghan if it were true.

      • Duchcheese says:

        Can we, just got once, discuss William’s sh!tty “Eatsh!t prize” issues without somehow dragging Meghan into it? Let the tabloids do that. I swear the fans can sometimes be the Sussexes’ worst enemy. Kindly leave Meghan out of this discussion.

    • The Duchess says:

      Does anyone remember the blind piece that did the rounds about Peg taking his side piece to New Zealand in 2019? A visit that Keen was notably absent from. Just saying he has form for doing this lmao…

      • Nic919 says:

        Wasn’t Kate said to have let go of some staff when she found out about them including a side piece? I think it was the assistant who had just coke back from mat leave ( and even if that wasn’t the reason, letting a woman go right after mat leave is always a bad look)

      • Harper says:

        The story was Burger King asked the assistant to book a trip for him and Rose and Keen fired her for it.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        I remember those rumors @Nic919 and @Harper. I *think* the assistant in question was Sophie Agnew, who Kate abruptly fired after Sophie returned from her honeymoon. If I recall correctly, the rumors also implied that setting up rendezvous for Will and his mistresses was a regular thing for KP staff. Definitely wouldn’t be surprised if he takes one on this trip too.

    • Debbie says:

      This man will go to every country with money and lecture people about the environment (as the BM would put it) if he has to take a private plane to every rich nation to do it.

  3. BUBS says:

    I’m embarrassed on this guy’s behalf and I don’t even like him!

    • MakeEverydayCount says:

      Keenshot is looking thirsty. So he’s going to fly to NYC in September for whatever he’s calling this than he will fly back to the US in November for the awards in Boston? Am I getting this right because it makes ZERO sense. Who does that for an environmental award. It seems like William is more concerned with beating a brother than the environment

      • BUBS says:

        You got that right. Fly in September and fly in December for an “Environmental Award”! Hypocrisy, thy name is William of Wales!

      • Chrissy says:

        I assume he’ll be taking private jets for both trips as well. Mr Earthshit, indeed!

      • Startup Spouse says:

        That week in September is Climate Week in NYC. There will be all kinds of world leaders and celebrities giving sound bites. I am going to laugh so hard when Willie’s presence is diluted and he gets no coverage.

  4. HeatherC says:

    If he’s going to tout himself as an conservationist and environmentalist to beat all the others, that he’s “not a hypocrite like his brother” and “helicopters are absolutely better than cars for the environment”….

    If he’s going to trot himself out and say this earthsh!t business is all his idea, it’s his Precious, dammit because he’s such a statement and such a brilliant man and he demands to be treated as such…

    Then he gets to own ALL the missteps it’s taken, like the banks, etc.

    Also appointing Michael Bloomberg as a global advisor on anything is a riot.

    • Lizzie says:

      And the Bloomberg is the one reporting how bad earthshot is with the finances.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Lizzie, that’s what I saw, too. Someone is keeping track of the foundation money. Let’s see what they find in the accounting at the end of this year. Does anyone here believe he spent millions on PR? I wonder if there is someone finally who has asked questions regarding the disappearance of those millions and how they were spent. I’ve read many comments on this site about possible mismanagement of the Royal Foundation funds. I think there just might be a real journalist looking into this now.

  5. Chloe says:

    How much is this little “summit” going to costs and who’s paying? Not the taxpayers (except for maybe williams travel fees) and do Americans pay for his security while he’s in the US?

    • Snuffles says:

      Maybe he’s piggy backing on the official UK delegation to the UN so there won’t be any additional costs. NYC will already be pulling out all the stops for UN Security anyways.

      I’m also assuming he’s hoping he can siphon off some of these very important world leaders already present to attend his sad little event.

    • SarahCS says:

      Given the story on how little of the £££ that was taken out for Earthsh!t went into the prize they’re clearly merrily spending on other goodies and luxuries for themselves.

    • Lorelei says:

      I just checked and the best available rate for one random weeknight at The Carlyle is $1,598 — before taxes and fees. And IIRC, the royals usually stay in the penthouse suite at The Carlyle.

      Let’s not hold our breath for bitching about William having the audacity to stay at a “luxury” hotel.

      • Christine says:

        But we will never forget, Lorelei!

        I can’t stop laughing, they castigated Harry for staying in a “luxury” hotel in Africa, that is cheaper than the Anaheim HoJo, next to Disneyland!

        Willnot, per usual, couldn’t just remain silent for a day or two.

  6. Cel2495 says:

    Lol, no one here in NYC has time for his Earthsh!t prize. 😂

    • BUBS says:

      Like, he has the worst sense of timing! No one is going to be paying attention when world leaders are gathering at the UN! Especially as this is the first UNGA since the Russia-Ukraine War began! This guy!

      • Sue E Generis says:

        Somehow I don’t think Willy Woodpegger keeps up with current events to that extent.

      • The Duchess says:

        Even if he does keep up with current global events, he doesn’t care. He thinks the whole world should stop for him and the UN should dedicate their full attention to him, the FFK. Peg is just a loser trying to command attention in light of Harry killing it on the global stage.

      • Anna says:

        He took a look at his vacation calendar and squeezed an event in between. He has no clue that other events are taking place at the same time.

    • Lorelei says:

      Seriously, in NYC, only people like me who pay freakishly close attention to what this moron does (😂) have ever even heard of it.

      September is prime season for all sorts of charity galas here, and Bill will not be garnering tons of press for his little vanity project.

      If anything, there will be some coverage about the hypocrisy of flying himself and his entourage over an ocean in the name of saving the environment.

  7. C-Shell says:

    Michael Bloomberg … well, Bulliam’s lucky a billionaire has taken him on board. None of this boondoggle would be possible without deep pockets and a real organization doing all the heavy lifting.

    It’s not really a knock on the Royal Foundation that money’s invested or held in large, diverse multinational financial institutions, but it IS interesting that Bloomberg found a way to shade and call out the hypocrisy of William and the foundation.

  8. Polo says:

    The jealously phew!! Despite all the money thrown to create “fanfare” for William and make him happen…Harry and Meghan coming to the UK has made more headlines and generated endless articles just from a simple statement.

    He just can’t compete with them though he tries.

  9. Scorpion says:

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 El oh El

  10. KP says:

    He’s really trying it isn’t he. Ohhhh child!
    Sussex fans literally no one is talking about this or him. Don’t help promote this man child or his initiatives.

  11. Moderatelywealthy says:

    This pic captures the exact moment William is being pegged!

    sorry, no shame, but this face…ffs

    • Liz Version 700k says:

      That pic is…words fail me it is another Kaiser chef’s kiss. Poor poor Pegs-a-lot. Will no one think of the suffering of the racist, jealous man child?

  12. Becks1 says:

    Who wants to bet he eats at Locanda Verde LOL. or Melba’s.

    • Harper says:

      I think he’ll demand the same booth that H&M sat in at Bemelmans Bar in the Carlyle. He wants to look swanky plus he can talk about Charlotte loving the Madeline books because the illustrator did the murals there. Also, no Kate coming on this trip I see.

      • BUBS says:

        Kate does seem to be excluded in all variations of this vanity exercise. Even in the first Mansay piece with the Fail, she wasn’t included. Interesting!

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate has her tennis with Federer thing around this time. So she will have a reason to not be in NYC.

      • Jaded says:

        Can you imagine how incredibly vapid and uninteresting she’d be at this event? She’d probably grab another tray of bugs to shove in people’s faces and mumble inanities like “I’m doing my part for global warming by not buying as many coats”.

    • Lorelei says:

      The thought of Bill at Melba’s is truly hilarious

  13. Jais says:

    The way this summit speech is worded in the uk media as happening during the UN general assembly makes it sound like it’s a part of the assembly, which it’s not. Like his speech has something to do with the UN assembly when it doesn’t. Kaiser mentioned how much William is actually copy keening his brother and this is really showing it. Harry has got him shook.

    • BUBS says:

      Even Scobie’s tweet makes it sound as if it’s happening at the UNGA. He really is pressed at his younger brothers’ success! What’s the point of being king if the spare is more relevant than you! Forever overshadowed! LOL

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah, I had to reread a few times bc it definitely tries to make it sound like the event is happening as part of the UNGA, but its just happening at the same time.

      • Lorelei says:

        That is so pathetic! This man is going to be the freaking King of England but all he cares about is Keeping Up With the Sussexes. I’m almost mortified on his behalf. Almost.

    • Ginger says:

      That’s just sad. If Harry didn’t make a speech at the UN I am positive this trip wouldn’t be happening and the UN would never be mentioned. I get such second hand embarrassment when I look at William.

    • Jais says:

      Honestly, briefly seeing the news yesterday, I thought he actually was speaking at the UN until reading Kaiser’s post. Should have re-read a few times clearly! Was wondering if it’s the press just trying to make it seem like he’s as important as Harry, which I’m sure that’s partly it, but the summit being scheduled at the same time that the UN returns must also be a part of KP’s briefing to the press. Same @ginger, it’s cringey embarrassing.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      LOL this is so embarrassing. If William had one iota of self-awareness he’d see how utterly pathetic these attempts to compete are. The best thing this fool can do is to focus on his own backyard (where heat waves and sewage in rivers and by beaches are a problem), but it seems that isn’t good or important enough for him. He is going to ruin himself trying to chase after his brother.

      • Cessily says:

        Just watched news footage here showing the raw sewage being dumped and the brown water surrounding that isle. That is definitely where his environmental focus should be as the future future king Peggy, personally I made sure my trip to Europe this summer did not take me through that isle even for a minimal layover it’s a plague waiting to happen.

    • katherine says:

      Yeah, I don’t know why all the news and Omid is wording it like he’s actually speaking at the UN when there’s no connection between his visit and the UN general assembly. Willy “calling on leaders” during the week of the UNGA is the equivalent of people protesting outside UN headquarters. Nobody says protestors are speaking at the UN. (also the hypocrisy of all this… thought royals weren’t supposed to get involved with politics and yet here he is “calling on leaders”)

  14. Steph says:

    I really wish w would get out of his own way with this. This summit could actually be an amazing thing if he genuinely cared but since it’s an ego trip it won’t be. The whole point was to try to get in the UN to compete with Harry. He didn’t get the invite so now the summit has to compete with the UN for attention. And it was so hastily thrown together that they don’t even have a set list of attendees.

    • BUBS says:

      No, I don’t wish he would get out of his own way. I wish he keeps going the way he is…with all the evil he’s done, it’s only right that he keeps making these sort of costly blunders! All is as it should be!

      • Steph says:

        Well, yes, I don’t care about his image. It deserves to be stomped on. However, I do care about our planet. If the Summit and The Prize were in capable caring hands it has the potential to do some real good.

        I also wonder if Bloomberg lot a fire under his ass and that’s why this report came out. He’s pretty successful with his green initiatives.

      • Christine says:

        Pick another path, Steph. Willnot is never going to save the planet, he only cares about his own tiny world view.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Ooh, this is reminding me of Rudy’s hastily put together press conference at the landscaping place! I wonder if they’ll provide the venue? It’s landscaping, they’re green! 😉

  15. Harper says:

    Reduced to holding his summit simultaneously with the UN General Assembly while not actually participating in said UN General Assembly but being sure to include the words UN General Assembly in the headline because of HARRY.

    I can just imagine Burger King screaming in the phone at Lee Thompson: “I don’t care that I’m not part of the UN General Assembly the press release has to say UN General Assembly otherwise why am I going????!!!”

  16. Geegee says:

    😆🤣😂 poor William. He really is the other brother.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Didn’t Earthshot gather all the winners and finalists at COP26? What is the use of bringing them together again? This just seems like a waste of money. According to Richard Palmer, William only just decided to go to NY. I don’t believe that because KP leaked to the MOS a few weeks ago that he was going. It’s clear that he’s trying to compete with Harry. He’s such a sad man. But the only way he was going to speak to the UN was if he was part of the UK delegation and with likelihood that the new PM would be part of the delegation there was no way William was going to be allowed to speak at the UNGA. Where’s the outrage from the press that the Royal Foundation is involved with JP Chase Morgan? I remember when there was outrage when Harry made a speech at some Chase event. Where’s the press scrutiny for William and Kate?

    • Mumu says:

      Exactly!! He wants to so badly be seen as a statesman. But he’s constantly being ignored for what outfit Kate is wearing or his kids.
      He’s literally a little boy crying out for attention and trying to one up his brother.
      I beg Harry and Meghan fans to ignore him and his projects. There’s a lot of US fans in the squad and Sussex fans talk about him it will get him engagement in the US…..attention is what’s he’s craving so don’t give it to him.
      Ignore ignore

    • SarahCS says:

      PR for Willie Woodpegger. That’s the point, the only point.

    • Harper says:

      Very interesting point by Palmer on his Twitter feed that Burger King only decided to go yesterday. Which was the day we discovered that Harry’s trip to Mozambique was with a group of US government officials. So Burger King was in actuality hemming and hawing about whether or not he would attend this Earthshot event. It’s nothing but a flimsy photo opportunity that he isn’t really into, like most of his endeavors.

  18. Rapunzel says:

    The UN technically didn’t invite Harry- The Mandela Foundation did. Because Harry works and makes connections that are meaningful and earn him respect.

    If WillyPegs wants to speak at the UN, he needs to do the same. Which means he’ll never speak there.

    • Laura D says:

      Well done Harry for pulling away from his awful brother. I’m willing to guess that as sure as “eggs are eggs” if, Harry was still working for the RF William would have been the one making the speech at the UN. William would have pulled rank and sauntered over to NYC and grabbed all the headlines on the back of Harry’s hard work.

      William speaking (or not speaking) at the UN doesn’t affect me in the slightest. However, the petty biatch in me burst out laughing when I saw Kaiser’s headline. 😆 😆 😆

  19. Colby says:

    Oooof this is all so cringe. The copy-keening it’s just so obvious.

    Re: Chase – I can’t get to worked up about that either. Literally all banks are evil. The Sussex’s have worked with Goldman Sachs which is called the Vampire Bank. Unfortunately, if you want access to money to help people in need, you have to work with awful bankers.

    • Amy Bee says:

      When did the Sussexes work with Goldman Sachs? I know Charles does.

    • Laura D says:

      I thought H&M invested (and worked) with “Ethic” the ethical investment firm. It gave the company global headlines. The right wing British tabloids tried to put the kibosh on it but, for the most part the news was treated favourably.

      • Colby says:

        All of those “ethical” investment firms, including Ethic also invest with traditional banks like Chase and Goldman Sachs. They do that to spread around risk and diversity their investments – that is financially sound. So while they do their best, at the Sussex’s level, there is no escaping the big banks because they have the most money

      • HennyO says:

        Yes, they did. H&M are working in partnership with Ethical, the sustainable investment fund, reg. their business and phylanthropic projects, and I think also reg. their private investments.

        Even that William and his stupid advisors/KP team could have learned from his brother (you know, the one the palace constantly amplify through the tabloids, commentors and RRs that he is the dumbest of the two) and his sil.

  20. Eurydice says:

    What conservation charity are they talking about? Earthshot has only just become a separate entity.

    To quibble, keeping investments in a bank is different from actually investing. But let’s say that JP Morgan is managing some money for William’s foundation, with only a bit more that $1 million, it’s likely they’ve invested in some kind of fund that includes some oil stocks. As for palm oil, it’s used pretty much everywhere – peanut butter, cleaning products, mascara, lotions, some pizzas, even toothpaste. Most likely, Cazenove Capital has put some foundation money into consumer goods stocks, some of whose products contain palm oil. Maybe now that Earthshot is a separate entity, those managing it can focus on putting together a green portfolio.

    • Shawna says:

      If you deposit funds with a bank, they’re free to invest your funds, right? Of course, you have the right to withdraw your funds, but the banks use them to invest, which is their original business model anyway. I think that’s the compromising position here.

      • Eurydice says:

        Sure, but that’s what’s so murky about this article. They say “keeps its investments in a bank,” which is one thing, then “still invests with the corporation today,” which is another thing, then “the foundation invested in both funds,” which means nothing with regard to JP Morgan, because it’s an investment bank, not a fund. As for deposits, that would be the $12 million in cash, and we don’t know where that is. The weird thing to me is that this is written by Bloomberg, whose strong point should be business news, but this is just hash.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Eurydice, I read this differently. I think we’ve got someone who is actually tracking the foundation funds. The amount given was at the end of 2021. Where has all of those funds gone? It will be interesting if someone is going to report that. Bloomberg didn’t get the money he has by letting someone fritter it away. This could be why the Foundation has been sidelined. If I were W, I would tread carefully.

    • Eurydice says:

      @Saucy&Sassy – I totally believe that Earthshot was spun away from Will because he was using it as his personal slush fund. My quibble is with the lack of clarity and understanding of this article which is written like a tabloid rather than by a news service with a strength in business.

  21. LeahTheFrench says:

    Honestly I don’t think there’s much to see here. You’re going to have a lot of philanthropies trying to start building momentum in September, leading into COP27 in November. Especially US philanthropies: one of the most contentious points at COP27 will be the financial support historical polluters (i.e., rich countries) will accept to mobilize (or not, its seems at this stage…) for adaptation as well as Loss & Damage (largely something impacting developing countries.) The US is very reluctant to step in financially so yes, I would expect large US philanthropies to increase pressure in that country – that’s actually the right thing to do, and at the right time. That’s how diplomatic pressure has worked in the past in the lead up to COP summits: there’s a drumbeat of events and summits (UNGA, fall meetings of international financial institutions like the IMF and the World Bank etc) to pave the ground for success and agreement at COPs. I would just see this event as part of that dreambeat, and it’s likely organised in coordination with the British MFA, since the UK still has a formal role as COP26 chair. I’m much more pissed that their press release is repeating the old trope that innovation is going to save us all from climate impacts (spoiler: it’s not.)

  22. TheOriginalMia says:

    Prince Environment likes to talk about climate change and yada yada, but doesn’t walk the walk. Helicopter use on the regular. Coming here to Boston to promote himself. Having 3 kids while lecturing African countries about overpopulation. Have a tall cup of stfu, William. I lol that the UN won’t cooperate with him & let him speak at the general assembly. Boo hoo. There goes the global diplomate’s gravitas attempt. As for Earthshot & Royal Foundation still investing with companies that deal with fossil fuels, he should called out on it. If he was serious about the environment, then he should be hyper vigilant about his foundations which he’s the face of.

  23. Sue E Generis says:

    Heehee, I knew they wouldn’t let the little boy speak. He’s got nothing to contribute, he’s not respected. Also, I think he spent the $7.1M on that green velvet jacket he wore to the first Earthsh*t prize ceremony.

  24. SAS says:

    I can’t even think of a quip against this jaunt because it just bores me to tears, but tangentially, how on the pulse was Harry to continue to speak about continued assaults on democracy during his UN speech?!

    I’m conflating two separate things here but I think a lot of people (myself included) breathed a sigh of relief after the US (and in my case, Australian) elections, yet since his speech, the former leaders of both countries just cannot keep their despotic noses clean and we all have to live through the stress of their CRIMES against political transparency and truth. (As Harry mentioned) The fight is not over.

  25. SarahCS says:

    I think the point about where they bank is a conversation worth having. Challenger banks are opening up with clear mandates on what they will and won’t invest in and the only way to drive any kind of change in the established institutions is by costing them money.

    When I started my business three years ago I went with a female founded challenger bank and I’ve since moved my personal account too as I don’t agree with Barclays investment policies. Do I have millions to invest? No, but I’d held that account for 27 years and a fair bit of cash flowed through there in those years.

  26. Maxine Branch says:

    There are almost as many environmental organizations as there are people on earth. A pleasant thought would be for William’s nonsense to be merged with other established organization to make some impact. Where it stands now offering only 5m over an extended period will have zero impact. It may help keep the people who received this prize stay afloat but helping the environments, nope. Just from the low prize amount along and the number of recipients this is more about vanity and to have a cause vs impact.

  27. Shawna says:

    So he’s not only making an unnecessary trip here but making last years’ environmental activist nominees and winners come too?! I hope someone speaks out about being forced to emit carbon by the charity that’s “recognizing” them.

    • kirk says:

      Yeah. I thought it was a big deal last year to have winners and nominees stay home so they wouldn’t burn jet fuel. They’ve managed to combine the worst images of royal foundations (bloated overhead with excessive travel cost) and ineffective nonprofits whose operations run counter to their mission.

  28. MY3CENTS says:

    The only UN he going to have is his and Keens UNable & UNwilling to work.

  29. BeanieBean says:

    Repair the planet in eight years? William had better stop flying anywhere, as of today. Helicopters, planes–private or otherwise, just stop. Eight years! How do we get the entire planet’s extractive & manufacturing industries to stop doing what’s been harmful to our planet all these decades/centuries? Eight years. Repair the planet by 2030. Sure William, I mean, Jan.

  30. Sunday says:

    Earthsh*t is a hypocritical fraud from start to finish. Having finalists and winners fly in from around the globe resulting in a huge CO2 output for completely unnecessary fanfare while only paying out a small fraction of the money earned and investing the rest in a bank that hasn’t divested from fossil fuels is an interesting way to show your commitment to the environment.

    If he absolutely NEEDED to have this event then why not just incorporate it into the originally scheduled Boston trip? Why add on a separate kickoff event? Oh, that’s right, because Harry has an Invictus kickoff event that was just announced so Will has to throw something together to compete.

    It’s so predictable and so sad, but mostly it’s just infuriating that he’s cosplaying as an environmentalist while actively doing harm to what he pretends to protect. He’s not the only one of course, but the shameless hypocrisy and unquestioning reporting from most of the media is just staggering.

    • Iz_Q says:

      It is very sad. Also, IF he must have this summit…why not do it virtually then? Why have to fly to NYC AND during the UNGA? Is he going to try to sneak into the UN? Try to wiggle himself into one of the receptions? Is Bloomberg going to sneak him in? What is the actually purpose of this and what/who does it benefit (besides himself).

    • L4Frimaire says:

      This is why he seems so insincere and smarmy in his intentions. This guy didn’t even decide to become a full-time working Royal until 2017, and we know why. It seems like it never even occurred to him to have a signature legacy project until the Sussexes were about to bounce. And now he’s chasing them around NYC and the states. Yesterday, when we found out Harry was in Mozambique with a Congressional delegation, all of a sudden William released some long statement about news the U.S. Dept.of Justice put out about convictions ivory smugglers. It’s like he tagged himself to an American law enforcement operation that had absolutely nothing to do with him or UK law enforcement. It just comes across as needy and looking for news coverage. I guess whatever motivates him to work, right.

      • Iz_Q says:

        I saw that post yesterday and wondered what he had to do with our DOJ, the investigation, the trial and the outcome. Why was he involving himself in a federal criminal trial? He is looking desperate to attach himself to the US IMO. Now this summit during the same week as the UNGA. Plus, making it sound like it is part of the UNGA when, as I understand it, it has zero to do with the 77th UN Session. It is not part of THEIR agenda. It is a totally separate thing going on simultaneously. He is just trying to attach his name to the UN 77th Session, the General Assembly like he is participating in some way. Am I understanding that correctly?

      • Debbie says:

        We, in the US, don’t need him though. If he wants to “work” so much, let him take his talents to the UK, or his forlorn wife.

  31. katherine says:

    YES to Bloomberg News publishing real journalism on William and the shady business practices of his “charity” (I know it’s they just republished an Associated Press story but it’s hilarious that he’s meeting with Michael Bloomberg, owner of Bloomberg News… which is reporting on him critically. We love to see real journalism on the royals, none of that bootlicking royal rota shi)

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      katherine, that’s what I focused on, too! Let the games being. I really hope someone is going to start tracking where all of the Royal Foundation money goes.

      • Likeyoucare says:

        Frederick and mary had to meet him if ask too, just because they had soft political reason. They cannot ignore him.

        Many leaders cannot snub him if the british government ask or made a condition they have to meet willie before meeting british PM/government officials.

        But if charles is vindictive, he will told the reprensentative to let willie sink or swim on his own.

  32. Nyro says:

    He is such a creepy stalker. Just imagine Harry having to put up with his brother SWF-ing him for his entire life. Harry moves and ocean and a continent away and yet his brother is still doing it.

    How is PWT not embarrassed??

  33. Iz_Q says:

    He is so trying to embiggen himself. And isn’t him calling on leaders, etc. as stated in Obie’s tweet getting involved in politics?
    He didn’t get an invite to the UN so he created his own side event….I mean that’s so blatant…and kind of sad really. And who is he going to attract to this meeting when all the big shots are going to be at the actual UNGA?
    And the stans are already trying to dump him on the coattails for Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary whose Court today announced that they will be traveling to the UNGA in September for various events/meetings and to support Denmark becoming a member of the UN Security Council in 2025-2026. The wishful hopes of having them meet William are being articulated already…ridiculous.

    • BUBS says:

      Hahahaha! Why can’t they let Bill stand on his own…just once…are they that secretly ashamed of him?

      • Iz_Q says:

        It is hard to stand on your own when you literally have zero foundation to stand on! He is 40 years old and has done nothing of true substance on his own. This whole summit thing is theater to make him appear relevant and important. To try to make him appear like he is part of the big league. It is just sad tbh.

        Part of me hopes he gets nowhere near Mary and Frederik and the other petty side of me hopes he does try to engage with Mary and Frederik because he is not even close to their level and league. Frederik will run circles around him on the environment as would Mary.

  34. W says:

    William is so embarrassing. After getting his media buddies to harass the UN into inviting him, he now wants to save face and pulled together this last minute summit. And this is after his fans accused Harry of inviting himself to the UN when it was Nelson Mandela’s family that invited him.

  35. Jay says:

    William is certainly not alone in the realm of celebrities and that are really good at lecturing on the environment, yet themselves have less than ideal investments or travel habits. But, we can and should point out the hypocrisy, especially when it appears he’ll be traveling to the U.S twice within the space of a few months. It’s clearly more about fundraising, so the next question is: where and how will that money be spent? Because so far, as I see it, earth’sh!t has a lot of explaining to do.

    • Christine says:

      Right, but as taxpayers, we don’t pay taxes to support celebrities. Not so the Salty Isle royals, for the UK.

    • windyriver says:

      JK’s new job is – surprise! – in conservation, and he was recently appointed one of the trustees for the new stand alone entity. I’m sure there’s nothing questionable about that, and he’s a fine addition (/s).

  36. Well Wisher says:

    Timely reminder, this planet is home to 8 billion people, it is time that there are people in positions of influence that understand the urgency of the situation.
    This is not a subject that should be at the whims of the entitled to be use as a convenient tool for good public relations nor to feed the attention-starved.

  37. tamra says:

    I have not heard one word about his visit here! LOL

  38. LRob says:

    I agree that the stpry about the fossil fuel investments are nothing more than a ding someone wanted to make against earthshot/ will and that at best it is a heads up to all such charities and funds that the need to clean up their portfolios to be even legitimateky green.
    the un stuff is just funny. I’m starting to this w is his own court jester.

    • LRob says:

      apologies. what a typo mess that was. too late to edit. I’ll just correct the last sentence: I’m starting to think W is his own court jester.

  39. jferber says:

    Too bad Biden’s new climate protection bill does not have a separate clause forbidding William from coming to the U.S. on his private plane. William wants to appear in tandem with all the bigwigs from other countries because he wants their camouflage to appear he is one of them. He is not. He will be overlooked (in the American sense: not seen, ignored) because he is not in the same league as world leaders. He is not a world leader, nor are any of the royals. He, especially, will never be a world leader because he’s not a contributor, but a glorified welfare recipient who is bleeding his own country dry, along with his ilk.

    • one of the marys says:

      Wouldn’t it be great if William photo bombed delegates and officials to make it look like he’s part of the group. Like he could stand next to the limos as attendees are getting in so we think he’s next. Or he inserts his entourage into a large group of officials as they walk along the entrance.

  40. Christine says:

    It’s not us, Willnot, it’s you. See? You can’t even beg to speak somewhere your brother ripped to shreds with a brilliant, impassioned speech. Trust me, it’s better for you this way, but honestly, I was hoping it would go in another direction.

    Go make Kitty a G&T in her divorce cottage. That is exactly what you deserve.

  41. JILLIEBEAN says:

    Uh. Not a fan of William but take Harry off the GD pedestal. WHY is he talking about things that he really knows nothing about? I am so tired of rich aristocracy telling us to be more “green” – harry is no better than the rest of them so STOP.

    • Kyle says:

      Jilliebean I believe Harry’s trip to Mozambique was because of his role as president of African parks. I don’t believe he styles himself as an expert on environmental issues, but rather as someone who is concerned like we all are. Unlike ordinary people he has the profile to bring attention to the causes he believe in. It is that dedication to good causes that we applaud.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      JILLIEBEAN, well, Harry is way ahead of his brother. Harry doesn’t jump into a helicopter so often that it’s not being reported separately in the annual report, because they don’t want people to know how often. Harry got major players working together so that people who want to leave a smaller footprint when travelling know what their choices are. Harry has educated himself on the environment and climate change. Does that put him on a pedestal? No, but it does mean that he is head and shoulders above the majority of the population. I don’t know where your anger is coming from, but if no one does anything to bring awareness to the very real problems that exist the world doesn’t have a chance against climate change.

      Perhaps if TOB would educate himself on the issues and start doing some very real work on the issues facing us through the environment, he could help, too. I’m not holding my breath.

    • kirk says:

      Jilliebean – Perhaps I’m not following Harry as closely as you. When you say he’s “talking about things that he really knows nothing about,” what statements are you referring to?

  42. Kathryn says:

    If I didn’t read this website I would have no idea he was visiting NYC (where I live) because no one is covering it LOL. The royals have never really been big on coming to the US and doing events here and that’s cool but it’s so obvious he wants to capture some of the attention H+M are getting. Like for the life of me I can’t remember the last event they did in the US, even before COVID.

  43. William can never hold a candle to his brother Harry. He’s a follower while the younger one is a leader.

  44. Beverley says:

    William will never be the man his brother is. He hides behind his destiny as FFK. But he has developed nothing by way or character, vision, interests, or even personality. I suspect his only goal in life is the throne and he’s in a holding pattern, waiting for his grandmother and father to die. What a way to live!

    Too bad there’s not a lot behind those eyes, but envy, rage, and hate born of jealousy and ignorant frustration. William will never ever be as fascinating, successful, or interesting as Harry. And he’ll never be as happy as Harry. William only has the Crown to look forward to, if the monarchy lasts. I hope it’s worth it.

  45. Eurydice says:

    This article ended up in the Boston Globe the other day. So far, there have been zero comments. The last time before this that William was mentioned in the Globe was when KP made the announcement that the Earthshot awards would be in Boston – with no confirmation that W&K would be actually attending. There were only a handful of comments on that article – mostly, negative in an apathetic way.

  46. Tessa says:

    William could meet by Skype or even conference call to meet with Bloomberg I assume taxpayers in the UK are paying for his security wills flying to by is so unnecessary and it is imo just for his pr