Paulina Porizkova on Ric Ocasek: ‘I miss him, but look what he did, too’

Paulina Porizkova has a new book of essays coming out called No Filter: The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful. I’m sure it will be raw, Paulina doesn’t hold much back. I’m a fan, it’s interesting for me to see a successful woman willing to allow herself to be vulnerable in a public space as much as she is. I worry about the toll it takes on her, but I think that’s just how she lives her life. Like in this interview to promote her book, she talked about her late husband, Ric Ocasek. Ric and Paulina met when he was 40 and married and she was 19 and at the top of her game. They were married for 28 years before they separated but living together with their two sons. Paulina discovered Ric’s body when she was bringing him coffee. Then she found out he’d tried to squeeze her out of the will because she’d “abandoned” him. She was able to settle the estate legally, but it was a lot of heavy emotions to deal with all at once. Paulina went pretty dark the year following Ric’s death but has comes to terms with it. Now she can miss him but still remind herself what he put her through.

Paulina Porizkova wanted to die in the aftermath of her estranged husband Ric Ocasek’s death.

“I mean, how many people wouldn’t [think about it], you know?” the model, 57, tells Page Six exclusively in an interview promoting her upcoming book of essays, “No Filter: The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful.”

“It’s not even so much that I thought about how to kill myself or when to kill myself; it was just that feeling of, ‘I just don’t know how to go on. I can’t do this anymore. … I just want to go away. I can’t bear waking up tomorrow morning, being the same person with the same feelings. I can’t carry it anymore.’”

“It was really, really hard because obviously, first of all, you’re grieving a person that has been your whole life, the most important person in your life … there was so much pain just stacked up on top of each other … and then this betrayal was a lot,” she tells us.
The “Anna” actress shares that she doesn’t even remember the first year after Ocasek’s death.

“I remember feeling kind of numb for a certain amount of time and then sliding into anger,” she recalls. “And then, for me, it wasn’t like, ‘I love him, I hate him, I love him, I hate him.’ It was more like, ‘You know, I miss him, but look what he did, too.’ Like, how can I miss a man who did this to me? I mean, I still miss him like that. You can’t erase parts of your entire life. It was complicated, and it will probably remain complicated for the rest of my life.”

[From Page Six]

I was a Cars fan so I liked Ric as an artist but I didn’t know anything about him. I always had a soft spot for his relationship with Paulina because she was stunningly beautiful and he, well let’s just say he wasn’t what I would have thought was her type. So I put them in the “love wins out” category. But then all of this crap came out and I saw him completely differently. I understand where Paulina is coming from with, “I miss him, but look what he did,” though. For one thing, time gives some distance. And I’m sure they had some beautiful moments together. He’s the father of her sons, that probably factors into it. They may have had a better relationship with him, and she doesn’t want to hurt that. It’s probably healthy to remember a person for who they really were, flawed but also important in our lives. I mean, I hope Paulina’s worked through it because there was a lot to process in the wake of Ric’s death.

I haven’t, though. I don’t miss him and just remember what he did. So I don’t really listen to Cars songs the same any more.

Instagram and Avalon Red

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41 Responses to “Paulina Porizkova on Ric Ocasek: ‘I miss him, but look what he did, too’”

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  1. DrFt says:

    When giving an ugly guy a chance goes wrong.

    • Stacey Dresden says:

      LOL!!!!!!! Men, amiright.

      On the flip side, there is Phil Collins’s crazy ex wife squatting in one of his homes with her new husband.

      Paulina still has it. What a beautiful woman! Rick was foolish to do such a thing so late in life. Why leave such a messy mess behind you?

      • SomeChick says:

        I have to wonder if some sort of dementia was involved. It’s so breathtakingly cruel that I kinda hope he didn’t really realize what he was doing.

        I used to think they were so sweet together but knowing what happened is so sad. I admire Paulina for her courage and kindness, and ability to rise above it.

      • Chanteloup says:

        Yes, he was diagnosed with dementia. It’s a terrible disease and takes the ones you love away from you even before they die.

      • Mel says:

        I’m confused by this entire thing. If she left him , why would she expect him to keep her in the will if they were in the process of separating? Seriously, if you’re separating, that’s the first thing you should do. I just don’t think I’m getting the full picture. The only thing I can take as a clear take away is that you don’t give up a successful career and make yourself dependent on someone. ALWAYS HAVE YOUR OWN MONEY!

    • E.A says:

      They are before my time but im guessing he was rich might have been a contribution , but maybe i’m just in a bad mood

      • LightPurple says:

        She was pretty rich herself at the time.

      • Jaded says:

        She was a supermodel at the top of her game, she made a ton of money so no, it wasn’t the money thing. I think the power dynamic in their relationship shifted as the Cars’ music became less popular and the band broke up. She clearly was putting more effort into the marriage than he was — he strikes me as being pretty self-obsessed, especially as his health deteriorated.

    • C says:

      I’m done for the day!! LOL

    • Coldbloodedjellydonut says:

      Ugh, I did it and let’s just say it didn’t work out. Turned out to be ugly and lazy (aka wouldn’t work) and neglectful. He definitely damaged my life, but I moved on to someone lovely, thank goodness.

  2. Michael says:

    I have always liked Paulina as a model and a (fairly bad) actress but 10 years ago I read an article she wrote for the Huffington Post and it blew me away how talented she is as a writer. I have been a massive fan ever since. Some writers just seem to write in your language and she certainly does that for me. I look forward to reading her book. It will be right up there with the new John Connolly as my holiday reading

    • Mer says:

      She’s also written some really interesting and thoughtful things on Instragram about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Considering her own history with Russia, she brings a unique and experienced perspective.

  3. Susan says:

    Their relationship reminds me of those ones where a person (usually a male but not always) feels inferior to the partner so they control that person through withholding, manipulation and dominance. It makes them feel they “even the score” by making the other feel less than.

    Obviously I am NOT A FAN of this kind of emotional manipulation. I hope he didn’t do this throughout the whole relationship, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he did.

  4. AngryJayne says:

    He definitively did her so dirty- he’s definitely up there in the Hall of Shame with George Lopez.

  5. Emily says:

    40 and 19. That’s pretty gross.

    • Twin Falls says:


    • ShockedAndAppalled says:

      Yes – the first thing that comes to mind when I see an age difference of 40 & 19 like this is that the older person is immature, insecure and needs to be in control and worshipped… not that sometimes love wins. Even an extremely intelligent 19-year old is going to look up to an accomplished 40-year old.

      And my extremely uninformed take on what Ocasek did to his wife by trying to cut her out of his will at the end was the ultimate act of control and revenge because she was no longer doing everything he wanted. Yuck.

    • Sona says:

      Hard agree, I was quite surprised to read this being described as love wins.

      I dated a 42 year old man when I was 21; he actually had me believing I was in love with him for like a year and a half.

      Things died out with no bigger issue or conflict, but in handsight I was manipulated and deceived by an older, more experienced person. It is also pretty clear that for him it was 90% about the sex with a younger woman.

  6. Nicegirl says:

    Those Cars 🚗 songs don’t hit the same for me either anymore, H. I’m in big awe of Paulina. 💕 🖖 She deserves happiness and peace.

    Bummer af about the music. I loved the Cars and their music a lot too – but like – I’m stoked for Paulina to get to this point where’s she’s feeling like, you know what, abusive former partner, I can drive myself home. This is the way right. Take that thank you next energy and thrive with your inner and outer beauty gorgeous Paulina. 💕 air 🤗 H 🛟 🙏

  7. mellie says:

    I loved The Cars too, his voice was so unique and their songs were just so fun. And I’m just the same as everyone else, when I listen to their music now…..I’m just sad for Paulina. What a dick move, what a way to show his children (young men) how to treat their mother. Just depressing all the way around.

  8. HeyKay says:

    I like that Paulina is so open about all of it.
    I wish her continuing healing and support.

    Just awful about what she went thru at the end, and after.

  9. Tina Loman says:

    I still like them and listen to them. I don’t know anything about their private relationship or personalities. The book will be her story and it may clear some things up, but he’s dead. He can’t defend himself. Separated before death is generally a problem. Many men and women try to cut their spouses out. Happens all the time. Not uncommon in the least. Very common. Many men leave the children most of their estate and most women too. I’ve watched my lawyer relatives talk about wills half my life. Most of them in case of separation from their wife doesn’t get half but around ten to fifteen percent. Pre-nups. He was ill that may have affected his decision making. I don’t think so I think he would have given her a portion of that 15 million dollar house and not half if he hadn’t died. He tried to make sure she wasn’t entitled to it and his children and her children would cut a deal after his death. I think that’s what any lawyer would do depends on state law or pre-nup. If I’m the breadwinner most of my money is going to my children for houses and college funds so its hard for me to judge. I would leave some to my spouse, but certainly not half. His other children were from a previous relationship she wouldn’t have given them any money. He wasn’t flush with cash at his time of death. Paulina P. was a successful model I was shocked she was broke, but then not so shocked. If you have a career save money, because you have no idea what your husband is going to do if you split while they are ill or healthy. My brother in law family member took the house and put it in one adult child’s name and paid out the other adult child. Both were her children and neither one of them gave her a dime and he said she was a good mother according to him. They said she left him while he was sick and it was wrong and kept the money. She got fifty thousand dollars and he had more than ten times that much.

    • Twin Falls says:

      I hope your spouse isn’t lifting a damn finger around your house.

      Just because the effects of patriarchy are the norm in this country doesn’t make them toxic and inequitable as f*ck.

  10. TIFFANY says:

    I have grown to really like Paulina over the last few years. She also has her citizenship and has been canvassing with her sons. She also straighten up trolls on her social media accounts when they ask why she is doing it.

    I think she will get my book money.

  11. ARHUS says:

    I have to say I did have a big crush on Ric after that Disney cover song VHS in the early 90s. Didn’t know much about the Cars (was born in 87) but he did have a certain charisma I guess. Sounds like he was very hurt, and who knows what she did to him too, but totally a jerk move on his part.
    She’s still so beautiful. There was an early No Doubt song called Paulina that Eric Stefani wrote about her!

    • Lionel says:

      I am 100% Team Paulina here, but I must say that I was mesmerized by Ric Ocasek on early MTV. I remember feeling super confused (at age 13-14 I think, which would be about the time that Paulina met him) about why I found him so attractive when he was so physically unappealing. And that was just through a TV screen! I can only imagine how intoxicating he might have been in person to a vulnerable young woman.

  12. Freddy says:

    I love and adore Paulina. Her honesty and vulnerability–and her willingness to share it with strangers is brave (especially now, when if you say one wrong thing, it’s off to the gallows). Her ability to still love Ric, to miss him but also be pissed and angry about what he did to her, is a lesson for all of us on how complicated forgiveness and love can be.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      All of this. Agree. The lyrics to the ‘Drive’ video holds true in so many ways today.

      Love Paulina and her openness and honesty.

  13. what's inside says:

    Just goes to show no matter how beautiful, talented, wealthy, young you are, you can still get treated like dirt by someone you love. Best thing you can do is to be mindful, live your life well, and take care of yourself.

  14. TeamMeg says:

    Paulina may be one of the most beautiful women ever, in the history of the world, right? Golly. I love how she is aging out loud and proud. And, as the child of an abusive parent who disinherited his 4 children, I get what she is saying here. You may miss the departed, you may still love them, but look what they did. A final act of cruelty that can never be taken back or mended. Not kind, not okay.

    • Jaded says:

      I love this comment TeamMeg — you can miss the departed even though they treated you badly, but look what they did. Decades ago I was devastated when an ex-boyfriend, who I adored but who dumped me and married someone else a short time later, died in a car accident. I cried my eyes out because I remembered the love, but I never forgot the hurt.

    • alexc says:

      I saw her around 1988 when she had just signed a mega contract with Estee Lauder. She was drop dead beautiful. Like you cannot stop starring, insanely beautiful. Really admire her honesty and vulnerability and she can write!

    • Tursitops says:

      He treated his older children terribly and was estranged from them many years before any dementia symptoms appeared.

  15. Almonddanish says:

    She’s the only ‘supermodel’ I liked. She was honest and humble compared to a lot of others. I wish her well.

  16. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    She was on Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning. She’s just so articulate and very self aware. She talked about Ocasek and pretty much said the same as she did Page Six.
    I ain’t much on celebrities and their writing books but hers sounds very introspective

  17. Stef says:

    I also adore Paulina and have only really come to know her from her Twitter. She’s outspoken, honest, vulnerable, and doesn’t hide who she is. She also slays trolls and challenges the “societal norms” regarding age and beauty.

    Will definitely buy her book!

  18. Peanut Butter says:

    I, too, really enjoyed some of The Cars’ music for years. But once I heard about his behavior toward Paulina, I lost respect for Ocasek and any desire to hear any of those songs again.

  19. DemoCat says:

    I just envy her because she knew Benjamin Orr…