Prince William has an ‘authenticity and ability to relate to others that many envy’

On the same weekend as King Charles’s first Trooping the Colour as king, the Sunday Times published an exclusive interview with Prince William. William seemingly gave the interview to express his keenness to tackle homelessness, and to preview his big, new, keen homelessness project, which will be launched at some point this summer. Charles was predictably salty about William stepping all over his Trooping newscycle, which was made worse by the fact that William also released a pair of Father’s Day portraits just in time to make the covers of all of the Sunday papers.

What continues to be interesting (to me) is that William and Kate are now regularly trying to steal Charles and Camilla’s thunder AND that William is doing endlessly self-centering PR keenery around his big new project. It’s almost as if William just wants credit for creating something and that’s all he cares about, to the detriment of anyone standing in-between him and the British newspapers. Speaking of, the Express also got their exclusive with a “source” spouting Kensington Palace’s talking points.

Compassionate Prince William is filled with a “steely ­determination” to tackle homelessness – in honour of his late mother. Ahead of what would have been Diana’s 62nd birthday on Saturday, her eldest son will launch projects in numerous locations across the country. It will be his first major policy intervention as he sets out his own campaigning agenda as the heir to the throne with a cause extremely close to his mother’s heart.

A source told the Daily Express: “Homelessness is an issue affecting every part of our society and William has a steely determination to get things done. He wants change and impact. He wants to use his platform for change. Homelessness is increasing and William is absolutely committed to helping resolve this issue.”

A Palace source last night said it shows he is “normal” and that he cherishes championing causes passionately adopted by his mother. The insider said: “He has an authenticity and ability to relate to others that many envy. This is all very different from the pomp and circumstance of the Coronation and is part of William’s view of the modernisation of the monarchy. He wants to connect where he feels there is a need. It is hugely important to him and what he feels is his role going forward. He understands when he gets the ‘big job’ he will need to have shown his worth and developed the monarchy in a way that will give it a depth of meaning.”

“It’s his mother’s birthday on July 1 and in many ways this is her legacy, in that her son has taken up the mantle in inspiring others to bring change and give hope to the most vulnerable and needy.”

[From The Daily Express]

He’s doing this all for the mother he publicly called “paranoid”? William thinks he’s absorbing his mother’s legacy when he did the most to publicly abuse his pregnant sister-in-law and run Diana’s son out of the country? And please, this is hilarious: “He has an authenticity and ability to relate to others that many envy.” LMAO!!! “Yes sir, of course sir, your rage attacks and screaming hissy fits are so authentic, sir, people envy your ability to make conversation with peasants, we promise.” I pity the poor sycophantic soul who was given these quotes to perform.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Cover Images.

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59 Responses to “Prince William has an ‘authenticity and ability to relate to others that many envy’”

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  1. Kokiri says:

    Just not his wife.

    Got it.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    The delusions and wickedness of this man is staggering. It’s all about image and no substance at all with this horrible person. He sees these qualities in Harry that make him a great man and he wishes he could be him.

    • VivaLasVirgos says:

      Ugh. It’s opposite land again. It’s very clear that it’s Harry who has ease with the public. You know, if you want what Harry and Meghan have maybe try WORKING for it. Billy Boy could be trained on how to interact with people, he could even be loaded up with non-offensive jokes.

      But nah, he’d rather just get his media lackeys to say he’s charming and has great ease with people until it’s true.

      • Tacky says:

        The tabs need to stop trying to make “fetch” happen.

      • Saschafrom76 says:

        Relatable = White. He’s dog whistling actual victims and centering himself as white and envied. As if, Baldemort- get pegged and hopefully thorned while yer at it lol

    • Mary Pester says:

      @girlninja exactly, it’s pathetic. He calls his mother paranoid and now wants to do her work. TWO POINTS, you don’t get to call someone names and then try and use them this way! Secondly, he always moaned that Harry was useing her name. Difference is Harry has actually continued her work with Aids and the halo trust to name just two!! It’s sickening to see this man try and use Diana’s name NOW when he Could have been emulating her work for years. And as for the Palace insider heaping all this praise on William, he’s called William, end of

  3. equality says:

    “When he gets the ‘big job’ he will need to have shown his worth and developed the monarchy in a way that will give it a depth of meaning.”? Nope. All he will have to have done is what he did: come out of the right birth canal in the right order.

  4. Chloe says:

    Normal guy with 4 homes.

    • NJGR says:

      @chloe – right? There’s a lot he, personally, could do immediately to help homeless people.

  5. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Propaganda 101. Indoctrination 1.0.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom Cruise has been buzzing in Willie’s ear, feeding him Scientology talking points, helping him put out puff PR in hopes of converting this highly money-motivated weak-minded overlord.

  6. Snuffles says:

    “ He has an authenticity and ability to relate to others that many envy.”

    I literally burst out laughing when I read this. He’s shameless.

    • lamejudi says:

      Anyone of us who’s had an abusive boss or relationship partner can definitely “relate” to Regular Incandescent Bill.

      Loads of frustrated bullies and and abusers probably envy his ability to get away with such horrible behavior.

      So, I guess no lies told.

    • The Hench says:

      @Snuffles – I demand to know who the ‘many’ are that envy Normal Bill’s ability to relate to the masses. Like seriously – who? The spokespeople are just screaming nonsense out into the void and then going for lunch and the rest of the week off.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      I am still giggling at that line. Such shameless lying! OMG, still cracking up.

    • Elon's Sink says:

      I burst out laughing at “Compassionate Prince William…”

    • Whyforthelovel says:

      I laughed so hard at this entire article. Other may envy Williams “relatability” “but I do not hshahaha

  7. Rapunzel says:

    More projecting Harry onto William.

    • WHAT says:

      This is a regular speech 💬 for William. Instead of his usual “l” it’s replaced by he and him

    • VivaLasVirgos says:

      Yep. If William wanted to, he could actually take some training to LEARN ease with people. It comes naturally to Harry, but these skills can be improved. They could even come up with many non-offensive jokes for him pre-engagement.

      But nah, he’d rather have his media lackeys say it until it’s true.

  8. Jais says:

    He has an authenticity that many envy???? Who, who envies his authenticity?!!! Omg. Staaaahhhp. His pr people have no chill.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Was the Palace source Jason Knauf? Because the source’s using the same embiggening catchphrases that were used for Kate. And the heir to throne who likes everyone including his sister-in law to show deference to him is not normal.

    • Mrsfonzieface says:

      I was going to say this, suspiciously similar vocab and turns off phrase there.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Yup!! When you need a big fake out, sprinkled with embigging claims and a PR puff piece, you bring in the Know It All Knauf. Whose forte is providing ridiculous and preposterous “quotes” backed up by nonexistent sources with so many lies it becomes comical, but he’s the man for the job!!

  10. Sandr says:


  11. Madi says:

    I don’t follow William much anymore. But the only ONLY people I have EVER seen him relate to for any period of time is his mother, possibly ma middleton, and cousin Peter. That’s it. Everyone else is short burst or more of a looking out role -like helping one of the York girls.

    If someone else has seen something else please comment. Even his other girlfriends had more of I like you vibe. I didn’t see “I relate”.

    • Mslove says:

      It’s hard to relate to one who is “subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule direct from the will of god.” I wonder if the Windsors think they’re from god and all that.

    • Cairidh says:

      I don’t know what you mean by “relate to” for any period of time. You mean have a relationship with? There are photos of him gazing at his friend Tom Van Straubenzee adoringly, and others of him hugging and kissing lupo.

  12. Cynner says:

    I remember him “relating” to the woman who made cupcakes for him at some event with boys and he was so RUDE! He thought he was being funny but it was abusive and bullying behavior. He also targeted a “ginger” boy at this same event. So no, he does not relate well. He should be kept away from the masses lest they see what a monster he truly is.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’d forgotten about these examples. He probably relates to other misogynist knobs who drink several pints a night at the local. In posh neighborhoods, of course. Oh, wait, I’d guess their ‘local’ would be a club? Same mindset though.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Bully the Basher continues to strike again!!!

  13. Harper says:

    Oh yes. He wants a modern monarchy but draws the line at letting a biracial American actress with a work ethic come anywhere near him and his family.

    Does anyone else hear the impatience and temper tantrum-ing behind these quotes? Burger King wants change and impact and he wants it now. Bangs fist. Stomps feet.

    • Cairidh says:

      That’s how prince Andrew would bark orders at kitchen staff, “I want my mangos, where are My mangos, I want (such a thing) doing and I want it doing now. “

      I watched a clip of Andrew being interviewed when he came back from the Falklands and his mannerisms, facial expressions were just like William in an interview he did with Harry when they were both in the military. I don’t think Williams as bad as Andrew though.

  14. Eliora says:

    It’s weird and troubling how the BM have taken all the admirable qualities that Harry positively exudes and more or less graphed them onto William (unearned). Who even is the real Prince William? He may very well be compassionate but why doesn’t that seem to come off naturally/authentically in his public image? Instead he comes off as inauthentic, awkward and elitist.

    I just don’t think this fight for homelessness is a good look for William. While an extremely worthy cause, its hard to take seriously that a man who lives in literal castles and has actual servants who literally bow to him, understands the plight of the homeless. That’s not to suggest that you can’t empathize/sympathize with those that are different from you, it’s more so that this seems extremely hypocritical and unserious coming from a Prince with multiple homes that sit empty most of the time. Again, just not a good look.

    I think mental heath advocacy, to include a focus on food/healthy eating (given his mother’s rumored struggles), would have been a worthy cause to honor his late mother. It would have come off as relatable, compassionate and frankly wouldn’t reek of insincerity. At least to me.

  15. Andy Dufresne says:

    Bahahaha! This article is a joke!

  16. MrsBanjo says:

    The way I cackled. 😂

  17. Beverley says:

    I laughed until my sides ached. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🤮🤮🤮

  18. HeyKay says:

    I miss QE.
    Only because she did not have a 24/7/365 press team gushing nonsense about her every single day.
    Getting to be like the Kardashians, everywhere all the time for no reason.

  19. QuiteContrary says:

    Willy is an oaf and a stiff. He doesn’t know how to relate to ordinary people — he makes people uncomfortable because he’s so awkward and standoffish. And he punches down with his “jokes,” like many rich white guys do. But sure, Jan, he has enviable people skills (snort).

  20. Tee says:

    Absolutely not, After reading the post title I can’t stop laughing long enough to read such drivel…

  21. BeanieBean says:

    So much poppycock in this short excerpt, where to start?! How about, ‘…very different from the pomp and circumstance of the Coronation….’ He was part of that! He got dressed up in the silly robes! He rode in a horse-drawn carriage!! Are we supposed to have forgotten??

    ‘He understands when he gets the ‘big job’’—did Charles ever, ever, talk about what HE would do when HE became king? While his mother was alive?? No, no he did not. If William had ever really worked a job he would know that talking so loudly about what HE would do when HE becomes the boss wins you no friends, earns you your boss’s enmity, & will usually get you canned.

    And I’ll end with this right here, this says it all, ‘…inspiring others to bring change….’ HE’s not going to anything about homelessness, of course, he’s expecting OTHERS to do that. He’ll just cheer them on, or something. Smiles and best wishes, was it?

  22. Jay says:

    One thing that is very evident in this article is the sense that William, despite being in his early forties, hasn’t accomplished anything of note. What do people know about William? He’s married to Kate. He’s Harry’s brother. Back in his teen years he was considered a bit of a pin up, before Diana snatched her looks back. What else? I’ll bet even Kate has more of a positive public image than him.

    He’s been a “working royal” more than half of his life now, yet this is his first major push? That’s embarrassing. Even this article admits that when/if he ascends to the throne, he’ll “need to have shown his worth”, explicitly saying that he hasn’t done that yet. No, this is an obvious attempt at a branding exercise, and I find it interesting that he is choosing to try to build off of the legacy of his mother ( smart – Diana is still more popular than most of the RF) and also (less successfully) draw a contrast between how “modern” he is compared to his father. But since we don’t have any examples of his work, it’s just empty words. In the past, the Cambridges were able to rely on the royalist or traditional or, let’s just say it, racist base and draw a contrast with those upstart, woke Sussexes. But now that Harry and Meghan are absent, the Wails are struggling to define themselves. They went from describing themselves as those who did their duty, never put a foot wrong, victims of the Sussexes’ machinations to trying to be the young, modernizing force in the monarchy. One might get whiplash trying to simultaneously fill both of these roles. I guess they had better just hope the target audience is not going to notice the pivot.

    It’s a bit of a gamble, but William couldn’t continue his old pr strategy now that Harry the scapegoat has moved on. It’s a difficult line to be both in front of an old established brand and continue that tradition without getting stuck in the past. Many fashion brands have the same issue! Their value is about tradition, but they also have to appeal to a modern market to survive.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      So well stated @ Jay!! Though the article does highlight his view of wanting to “show that he is worthy of being king”, they avoided the crucial truth, Burger King doesn’t WANT to have to do the work to support his worthiness! Burger King has had the last 22 YEARS of showing his ability to be king but time and time again he chooses the lazy man’s way. It’s true of his air pilot career as well as educating himself for the Duchy trust.

      Britain and the rest of the world should simply acknowledge that Burger King is who he and no crown will change that. Once he becomes king is what he is now and has always been, just accept the facts.

  23. MipMip says:

    Lol, first the headline made me laugh. But this line is a classic:

    ‘A Palace source last night said it shows he is “normal”’

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Their version of normal is twisted into an opportunist claim. There is “no normal” of Baldimort that any one has viewed nor can claim.

      • MipMip says:

        He’s one of the most abnormal people on earth, just by nature of his birthright. But beyond that we all know he is very much not “normal” in terms of humanity or decency. Normal literally doesn’t apply to him in anyway.

        But the sad phrasing of that line is still hilarious. “Look guys, he’s normal! Normal Bill! He points out homeless people to his children from his police motorcade! So normal! But don’t look too hard lest you see the rage shining through. Normal!”

  24. CJ says:

    This feels like an attack on Charles & Camilla more than anything else. To call out the coronation as pomp and position himself as taking on his mother’s legacy… (a person C&C would actively erase from history if they could)…

    It’s like he’s decided to directly go against them via the press, and I’m curious about why… maybe he’s annoyed they didn’t do anything to keep the disclosure secret that he got cash from the phone hacking, or they’re being a blocker to something he wants to do with his marriage…

    But yes! Let the game of thrones begin!!

  25. Gabby says:

    How is he relatable? Whenever he releases these videos, he comes across as a pompous dick, lecturing all of us. When I see shots of him in meetings with the people actually doing the work, he is always pointing at someone.

  26. Flower says:

    The UK has finally reached North Korea levels of journalism.

    They have literally appropriated all Harry’s finer qualities and bestowed them upon his wet lettuce of a brother.

    One day when the Wails finally have to face their public they’re in for some harsh truths and it’s going to hurt – ouch

    That anyone could describe a ruder lump of twattery like William as authentic and able to relate to others is literally just insane.

    Everyone knows this is a vanity project that will fail spectacularly and draw the ire of homelessness charities up and down the land. Willy is so desperate for that big anchor project like his father and brother that he is getting the Rota to write the prologue for his own hubris.

    Lots of pop corn will be needed for this one – lmao

  27. j.ferber says:

    No one envies his abilities or work record. Who are they trying to fool?

    • HeatherC says:

      Not true. I completely envy his work record. That he could do as little as he does and have it considered full time “work” with 4 houses, endless money that he didn’t have to earn….

      Though I think I admire my cat’s life more, he doesn’t even have to pretend to work.

  28. Bread and Circuses says:

    “He has an authenticity and ability to relate to others that many envy.”

    When I read this, all I thought was, “That’s Harry. That’s a description of Harry, not William.”

  29. j.ferber says:

    Bread and Circuses, You are right. He’s copykeening Harry in order to erase him and take on qualities that he, William, never had and WILL never have.

  30. LTanya Spearman says:

    Let me get this straight: Willy is going to:
    End homelessness
    End racism
    Bring peace to the middle east
    Fix the environment
    And he more relatable and popular then his brother
    Did I miss anything?

  31. jferber says:

    Gabby, you killed me with your first sentence. Thank you. I needed the laugh. Badly. He is authentically an asshat. That is all, really. And a thief. And a violent assaulter of his brother. I could go on.

  32. jferber says:

    LTanya, Please take some of those off your list bc Jared Kushner has already done a lot of those things during the Trump presidency. (That’s a joke, of course.) But the two do have a lot in common. Ego-inflated nothings who have bilked large parts of the population and have gotten away with it and will never be called to account.

  33. ales says:

    His sub par trashy wife and her grifter family destroy his credibility.

    • Boombox says:

      Will’s lack of credibility has nothing to do with his wife. Will is a psychopath.

  34. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Welp, I’m glad they told us, because I didn’t know all of this about him. It would help if we had seen him interacting with the ‘normal’ people, but we really don’t. His engagements don’t show that he’s connecting with anyone. He talks to them or possibly ‘at them’. Geez, is he the one setting himself up to fail or is someone else doing that?