Prince William was greeted by zero crowds when he arrived in Aberdeen

Prince William spent weeks hyping his big new pledge, his bid to “end homelessness” in five years. He gave on-the-record interviews. His staffers were sent out with grandiose quotes about how William is the savior of homeless people and he alone can solve this crisis. William organized a six-city tour to launch his big initiative, only Homewards should be renamed Flopwards, because this program is DOA. It’s a Classic William problem too – he’s only interested in the PR aspect and he compulsively overpromises and overhypes. Homewards would have been an okay project – the Royal Foundation giving away £3 million to help with housing for homeless people – if William hadn’t spent weeks telling everyone that this was the biggest, the best, the keenest, the most significant project ever. Flopwards was blasted by actual experts in the field, and Kensington Palace was on the backfoot immediately, huffily declaring that this was not a “PR stunt.”

Well, I simply cannot get enough of how badly this launch is going. William’s final stop of his six-city launch blitz was in Aberdeen, Scotland. Given all of the hype for Flopwards, surely William’s staff would have done the appropriate advance work to ensure that their primary royal would arrive in Aberdeen to a modest crowd? Not so much:

Enjoying that spotlight you demanded, Peg? He spent all of that time and all of those resources to push out the Sussexes and embiggen himself, and this is the result. To be fair – I have no idea why – but he did get some crowds in Belfast earlier in the day. But it looks like Aberdeen wasn’t buying it. Or it could be as I said – dogsh-t staff work. William and Kate do not surround themselves with competent, hard-working professionals. Because like attracts like, they’re staffed by dumbasses who allow their primary to walk into this kind of catastrophic photo-op. Meanwhile, the Scottish media outlet The National had this piece about the lack of engagement:

Did they not tell anyone he was coming? That would be one explanation for the complete absence of any Union flag-waving crowds of royalists during Prince William’s visit to Aberdeen on Wednesday. The number of journalists was far bigger than the number of people excited to see the noble Duke of Rothesay do some of the royals’ trademark walking about and nodding at stuff. In fact, two of those leaning on the fence – apparently put there to keep the baying mob away from his highness – seemed to be there by accident more than anything else. A “heya” and a nod was all William got from one of them. Isn’t Aberdeen meant to be one of the more pro-royal areas of Scotland?

Responding to clip of the missing crowds of adoring royalists, Bella Caledonia wrote: “Mass disinterest in Tillydrone as feudal relic masks their uselessness with performative social justice stunt …”

National columnist Gerry Hassan wrote: “Royal fever not exactly breaking out in Tillydrone, Aberdeen. If this was Harry and Meghan the right-wing press would be drooling about this on their front pages. I have no problem with the Prince of Wales taking homelessness as his cause … but either the PR department at the palace didn’t get the info out, or the crowd barriers were a teensy bit optimistic …” Peter Arnott added.

Another quipped: “Apathy reigns.” Unfortunately not. It’s still the Windsors.

[From The National]

Ouch. Between this and the massive republican demonstrations in Scotland during King Charles’s coronation, it genuinely feels like we’re going to see a Scexit at some point in our lifetimes.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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115 Responses to “Prince William was greeted by zero crowds when he arrived in Aberdeen”

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  1. Rapunzel says:


    This is delicious karma of the first order.

    • L84Tea says:

      My favorite photo is the one of him waving. Hi tree! Hi metal barrier! Hi pavement! Lovely to see you all!

      • margot says:

        L84Tea, brilliantly funny, thank you – “hi tree!”

      • Blarg says:

        LOL! “Wandering about and nodding at stuff” is the best Prince of Pledges job description I’ve ever read.

      • Kikie says:

        I just about died with laughter, cause when Is saw the picture, I was like ‘who is he waving?’ I can’t stop laughing, this is the funniest thing ever.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Same! I wondered what he was waving at! Thanks!!

      • Melissa says:

        I love the photo where he’s doing his best Pennywise impression, and the girl is NOT having it. I caption it as “Don’t look…don’t look…Mommy.?!?”

    • theRobinsons says:

      In that picture with the little girl, he looks like he has a pedo-grin.

      • Giddy says:

        Absolutely! Puts me in mind of what Little Red Riding Hood said to the wolf: “My, what big teeth you have!”

    • The Hench says:

      That video is hilarious. First the forlorn crash barriers holding back absolutely no-one, then the camera tracks with Peg and we see the two staffers nonchalantly leaning on the fence not even facing HRH as he arrives – they couldn’t look less interested. Then the pan along showing…still absolutely nobody – oh wait – there’s 8 or so people at the end waiting for, no, they’ve all got cameras. Those are the press ‘pack’.

      Aberdeen basically said ‘F**k off, Prince William”.

      • Christine says:

        There’s going to be a article tomorrow about how this wasn’t an announced stop, because security was aware of some completely made up threat that made it too dangerous for Willnot to show up any way other than spontaneously. That is how Cracker Jack KP’s operations are. JFC.

        Never mind the crowd barriers, or manically smiling and waving at no one, this is going to be spun as HE HAD TO BE STEALTH!!!!!!, because he’s so important terrorists were holed up in ABERDEEN, waiting for the PoWails.

  2. Tessa says:

    Oh my that first photo. Will with fake grin and the girl rolling her eyes.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Very creepy photo. He looks like he’s leering at her. Poor girl.

      • seaflower168 says:

        It’s giving “I’ve got some candy for you” vibes.

      • Sandy8 says:

        It looked like straight out of Stranger Danger to me!

        Soooooo creepy looking. She’s like “mom, can you call the police? There is a creepy bald guy looking at me” with her eyes.

    • Sasquatch says:

      Indeed. He looks like a villain in a kids’ movie. Yikes.

      • Miranda says:

        The Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! It’s definitely that.

      • Freddy says:

        OMG, @Miranda, I thought The Child Catcher in “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” also! LOL

      • Mary Pester says:

        @tessa, I love that little girl, the expression on her face says it all! As in “I don’t know or care who you are baldy, sod off I’m busy” 😂😂😂I love this for him and his overblown ego, but must admit, I feel sorry for the children, because when he got home his incandescent rage will be terrifying

      • Betsy says:

        @Miranda – if you ever watched The Windsors (on Netflix in the US), there was a whole child catcher bit for one of the weddings (William’s? Harry’s?). Only it was a homeless person catcher.

    • Jk says:

      His head looks like that of a white Alien xenomorph!

    • VegasSchmegas says:

      Donkey from Shrek.

  3. Becks1 says:

    OUCH. How did they not rustle up SOME crowds? Even just enough to line the fence, even if the crowd didnt extend beyond that. this seems like a bad sign for William and the Windsors in general.

    • Jais says:

      Right? Maybe they were just tired after the whirlwind 6 city tour😂 but it’s still dripping the ball.

      • Jais says:

        Dropping! Dropping the ball not dripping it😩

      • Tursitops says:

        Too late, and too perfect! I declare that henceforth whenever the BRF (but really, Pegs and the Wiglet) do a move like this it shall be called “Dripping the Ball”.

        All hale @Jais for our newest code!

    • SarahCS says:

      Exactly. We do still have plenty of Royalists and with a bit of work you can get them out. Bus in some people from a community centre if needed. Crowds can be generated if you’re willing to put the work in even if you don’t have anything very exciting to draw them more organically.

      This suggests the PR stunt of visiting six venues in two days massively over-stretched the (already not overly capable) team.

      • Melissa says:

        Yes, six stops in two days signals that each visit was going to be brief and meaningless.

      • Lisa says:

        For sure half of Northern Ireland is royalist. The other half is anti royalist

    • blue says:

      They could’ve offered money to attract some faux fans.

      • Sugarhere says:

        Willy thinks so highly of himself that he believed wagons of peasants would be standing there, with their backs arched in deference, looking humbled by the solar energy of his unmitigated lordship.

        “To be fair – I have no idea why – but he did get some crowds in Belfast”: Belfast, Northern Ireland, is historically loyalist / royalist, for the most part. So curiosity may has driven a few bored people to go stare at the beast.

        “But it looks like Aberdeen wasn’t buying it”: Robert Bruce and William Wallace fiercely resisted English imperialism over Scotland, so their people -though civil- cannot stand the RF’s guts to this day. The Queen even had to send David Beckham use his star power and whinge to the Scots so that they wouldn’t vote to secede from England on referendum day.

        But Chuck on the throne will eventually make the decision easier for the Scots.

  4. Tessa says:

    Will comes across as such a phony in the pictures

    • Seraphina says:

      THIS was a perfect time to go over and speak to single someone out from the CROWD and show some interest in a person who came to see him. BUT NO, Will kept going and looked a phony waving to the handful of people sitting there (who looked less than interested that he was there).
      He could have controlled this disaster but he doesn’t have the mental aptitude to take a bad situation and make it better.

      • The Hench says:

        There was nobody there. The two at the front looked like staff. The ones at the end were press. I mean there were literally two members of the public present and they looked like they stumbled upon this purely by accident.

        Far from ‘singling’ anyone out, he could have only talked to the single person there. Lol.

    • Boombox says:

      He is a sociopath, that’s why he is phony. Using the vulnerable and poor to improve his image is disgusting.

      Will moves from one charity to the next without much thought because he truly does not care about the charity. He is disturbing.

  5. Miranda says:

    Meanwhile, Harry can draw at least a handful of supporters even when he’s just showing up to COURT.

  6. Ceej says:

    This gives me the cringe of embarrassment

  7. SquiddusMaximus says:

    Friends, what we’re seeing here is the inevitable byproduct of Royal Family Entitlement — the same royal family that lobbed endless criticisms at the Sussexes for being too ambitious, too exacting, and too demanding in their project preparation.

    See why? At least two people understood that effecting real change was going to require real effort. And they were banished for their audacity.

    Operating off entitlement alone will get you nowhere. These whiny pieces of trash deserve the jeers.

  8. MrsBanjo says:

    The look on that child’s face screams “go away, weirdo.” Why is he in her face like that?

    • dina says:

      RIGHT? so scary hahaha. Lookin’ like Voldemort

    • Lady D says:

      I think he’s trying to copy Kate with the close up picture with the child. She’s always in a kid’s face for attention, maybe he saw the good press (!) she was getting for it and tried to do the same, not realizing he is coming off as Voldemort.

    • TeamMeg says:

      It makes me wonder if he smells really awful. He and his bride, both. Could it be heavy perfume, or acrid B.O. or halitosis? Children visibly recoil.

  9. Dani says:

    A really good PR assistant would’ve found the one Scottish royals fan club for boomers on FB, joined it and posted an ad with some flags and Willy’s grinning mush on it. Guaranteed at least 100 flag-waving seniors.

    But they did what…zero promotion for this? I live in the UK and didn’t know this was happening until he did the first visit. Trash planning all around. LOL

    • Well Wisher says:

      Why should anyone be interested in a performative social justice PR stunt? The none crowd is a honest portrayal of the situation.
      This is enough.
      Will just need the media.
      He has them.
      The rest of society are probably tired of the soap opera…

      • Dani says:

        Oh believe me, there are plenty of royalists still hanging around this hellhole of an island. Mostly in England, though – Scotland and Wales are more than tired of the BRF.

  10. BrainFog says:

    First of all: LOL @ Prince Willnot. Saw the video on tiktok and it really made my day.

    Secondly I just noticed that all the featured links go to epic Dlisted posts. Thank you so much for that and now I’m trying not to cry again.

  11. equality says:

    Everything is “the biggest, the best, the keenest, the most significant”. This reminds me of someone else. At least, I guess, the UK got stuck with PW and didn’t vote him in.

    • [insert_catchy_name] says:

      I used to live in Aberdeen, and this is bizarre PR. I can understand a homeless charity being based in Tillydrone, but a photo op? It is out of the center and away from the uni, it is just an old and slightly depressed little British suburb- there is not a lot there and not a lot of people normally walking about. You’d have to be a super fan to make your way up there to see him!

      And the Scots might be slightly more pro monarchy than average, but that’s not saying much, as Scottish people generally hate or don’t care AT ALL about the monarchy.

      • [insert_catchy_name] says:

        Sorry I meant “those in Aberdeen might be slightly more pro monarchy than average”

  12. Roo says:

    This is so frustrating. I know we’ve all said this, but it bears repeating. This whole ego push is such a waste of time and money. He could have easily found the charities in UK making real headway with providing housing, education, jobs and health resources for the unhoused and then given those groups money and PR. He could have “written” pieces about them into be published in his favorite tabloids, created videos for his social media, etc. Ugh. His hunger for recognition really grinds my gears.

  13. SussexWatcher says:

    That video gives me life 🤣🤣🤣 Can you imagine the incandescence that followed being met by 4 fans? Lol.

    He’s also being blasted on Twitter for using his helicopter 10 times over 2 days to jaunt around to all these sites. And his pals at the Daily Fail posted his lads night out, dad-dancing pics from last week. I’m so glad he’s finally receiving the attention he wanted when he drove Harry and Meghan away.

  14. girl_ninja says:

    That photo of him all up in that little girls face is how Kate usually is with folks. Looking like a deranged fool.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Did people even know that he was going to be in Aberdeen? From what I saw they announced where he would be when he arrived in a specific city. I just didn’t like the tone of this campaign it was too much about William and him interacting with royalists and not enough about the issue of homelessness.

    • Moi Ra says:

      I don’t think they did. Am sensing that was a deliberate choice so they don’t attract Anti-monarchy crowds/avoid getting booed like his father. That said, his team could’ve at least briefed pro keen fan pages to get some crowds but nope their incompetence on display yet again

  16. KansasGal says:

    Bella Caledonia is my spirit animal!

  17. MSTJ says:

    He’s way out of his depth with this issue. It’s so obvious he’s only doing this to align himself with his mother’s name without committing to the work. His mother’s empathy was her currency and connected her with people because she was genuine about the causes she pursued. She didn’t do what she did for personal PR. William’s approach is a failed PR stunt and people in Aberdeen seem to have recognized he’s only doing this for personal PR and are not allowing themselves to become pawns in the PR.

    Is William wearing a jacket that’s too small for him? The sleeves look a few inches short. Is it his?

    • MSTJ says:

      Just realized it looks like exactly the same outfit as yesterday’s. Curious about whether that was a conscious decision….like a uniform for homelessness PR tour. 🤔

    • Moi Ra says:

      Exactly. I don’t understand how his team thought it was a good topic to “champion” considering his hugely privilege lifestyle, they could’ve at least launched this dismal 3Mil “pledge” before his windfall 1Billion pound dutchy of Cornwall inheritance. Or not give a number!! What a odd move. He could’ve just joined some campaign/set up joint charity fundraiser but nope he had to use this cause for pr so he chose to do useless “tour” and vague project instead

  18. seaflower168 says:

    It’s just dawned on me that William is copying the right wing white male under 40 overly tight/short suit jacket look. (see Andrew Tate and lots of the “younger” MAGA associated idiots in the US. Some fashion cynic referred to this as a feminised man’s look with the slimmer shoulders, shorter length etc.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      There’s something to this–it’s interesting that he’s been wearing the same boring uniform for so long that the cut and color of this particular jacket is enough to catch our eye. It was the same (but opposite, obviously) when Harry started dating Meghan–his clothing changed and became more modern and better put together, even before they were official. With Harry it was a case of *cherchez la femme*, so I wonder what the explanation is with William this week. Could be the birthday, could be they were having a sale at TK Maxx (ahem!) or it could be that Rose is picking out his clothes these days….

      • seaflower168 says:

        @SueBarbri33 I think he’s trying to identify with the MAGA/RW men who. are wearing this fashion. I wish I could remember where I saw the article about these types – it’s meant to show off their “masculinity” by having tight short jackets that emphasize “muscly” arms and the crotch area. It was by a male fashion blogger. Oh well.(I also think Rose has more taste than what PWT wears)

    • SarahCS says:

      Whether he’s doing it on purpose or not his style has clearly shifted and this is now his preferred look. Yikes.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I noticed that in some of the photos earlier in the week. A couple of the guys in his cohort were dressed the same way & it occurred to me, he’s doing what his wife does–dressing like his much younger assistants.

      • Mrs. Smith says:

        Oof. That is rough. I can’t help but feel a little sorry for him?? That is so embarrassing.

  19. FancyPants says:

    LOL @ “trademark walking around and nodding at stuff” the press gloves are off!

  20. Harper says:

    Willy has a conundrum. Announce where he will be appearing and risk Republic protestors showing up with their Not My POW signs. Or, don’t announce it and hope that organic, word of mouth buzz generates crowds. Obviously, Willy chose Door Number 2 and it flopped big time. That must have been a very painful slow walk past the crowd control barriers. In his mind, Willy probably blames Harry and Meghan for this.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That was such a delight to watch! Even the dog walker couldn’t be bothered for a closer look!

    • HeatherC says:

      Obviously the very broke and exiled Sussexes scrounged up enough cash to pay each and every citizen of that town to stay home. /s I wonder what his incandescence looked like after

  21. EasternViolet says:

    They probably did not do any advance work because they did not want to attract any protestors — I wish a solo trombonist was there, playing clown and/or sad trombone tunes.

  22. aquarius64 says:

    This is embarrassing. Bulliam is also the future king of Scotland. And no advance team that didn’t make sure a descent crowd shows up? I guess centuries’ long bad blood between Scotland and England doesn’t go away so easily.

    • Turnawry says:

      It appears that a “descent” crowd did show, visibly marking the decline in the future king’s popularity and the low regard for his ego-driven project.

      • Cairidh says:

        I remember when he arrived at St. Andrews to start uni. There were big crowds to greet him and he was furious because he wasn’t expecting to have to do royal work (waving and shaking hands) on his arrival. He wanted to just turn up like the other students and get on with his private life. I wonder if he feels differently about that now.

        Royals are popular in Scotland when they’re good looking (diana, young William, “bonnie” prince Charlie). It was the Scottish king who inherited the English crown not vice versa, and the windsors are mostly of German blood, so the monarchy’s not supposed to be “English”. But they do unfortunately seem too English to be palatable to Scottish tastes.

  23. BW says:

    He didn’t even look at the first guy, and barely looked at the second two leaning on the fence. He didn’t even go over and thank them for coming. Or was he afraid they’d tell him to go home?

    • SarahCS says:

      Or ask who he is/what he does!

      “We’re just taking a break/out for a stroll and thought we’d wander over and see what’s going on here.”

      The lack of interaction did stand out when I watched it.

  24. Chaine says:

    My first thought was to title this video “The Longest Walk.” Second thought was, no fear of being overrun by the crowds, why didn’t he stop and have a nice conversation with those two people who actually showed up?!

  25. Mslove says:

    Wait, Pegs hasn’t solved homelessness yet? What’s the hold up? I thought he would use his magical royal powers & houses would appear out of thin air. The peasants have been misled.

  26. Denise says:

    Just wanted to give some clarity on why he had some crowds in Belfast. Because of all the history there, the loyalists are super pro-monarchy. Like extra eager to show their devotion to the crown. So even though majority of people there hate the monarchy, does who are pro-monarchy are like zealots and it’s typical that they would show up on an event like this

  27. BeanieBean says:

    Hope he has plenty of aloe for that massive BURN he got from The National article. Ouch!

  28. HeyKay says:

    That has to be embarrassing, no one is there for him. LOL.

  29. Eurydice says:

    Well, he could always spin it as, “I’ve already solved homelessness in Aberdeen. See? There’s nobody on the streets!!”

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    LOLing at the crowd barriers … this is hilariously embarrassing.

  31. Blueberry 🫐 says:

    Anyone else hearing the Curb Your Enthusiasm’s theme music? That child is thinking “If this mofo don’t get out of my face…”

  32. Lizzie says:

    Is it possible for anything to be a bigger flop than the glorious flop Caribbean tour or the ‘it’s his super bowl!’ Boston Earthshot? Ouch! First, he is mocked from all sides then you could count on one hand the number of people who stop to see him. Sorry Willy, but I fear the only way the public will be interested in you is if you are divorced and dating. Single POW, yes that is the ticket.

    • Christine says:

      Now that you’ve brought it up, I’m honestly shocked there wasn’t a crowd of black and brown people, coerced to be there somehow, behind the crowd barriers.

  33. Vanessa says:

    Omg this couldn’t have happened to better person this is hilarious from the picture of William looking like clown with the little girl . To the no show crowds the British tabloids are spends weeks running negative stories about Meghan and her projects now William big project has failed big time . I wonder how long until the British media try to twisted this into Meghan and Harry faulted . William latest project has crashed and burned within a few days of being announced it dead in the water .

  34. TeamMeg says:

    Scexit? Scoxit?

  35. HeyKay says:

    I’m gonna say it again.

    William could easily just post on an official page instead of going on these walkabout things.

    Photo of William + Group from already established charity doing needed work.
    Big smiles everyone w/statement “PoW donates XX amount of his own money and encourages others to support this needed charity. Keep up the good work, see you in 6 months,”

    Donate his own money, get a photo opp, support charity, First Monday of every month.
    2x a year stop by The NHS or the largest Senior charity in person, big check, cake, photos.
    Done. Get on with it and stop with the nonsense.

  36. HeyKay says:

    The non turnout of people proves my theory that W&K are over exposed right now.
    Geez, in the time since QE passed SM has poured on the BRF & H&M multiple posts daily.

    They are all everywhere constantly. Go away for awhile.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Perhaps not over-exposed so much as plain boring? The newspapers can big them up but the public aren’t daft: he’s horribly insincere and disinterested, and she’s false, awkward and ill-at-ease.

  37. Digital Unicorn says:

    OMG how embarrassing for him – the only people who turned out for him were the press.

    The Wails have an image problem, it seems that their fan base is a certain demographic from certain area’s of the country. Outside of those areas, its crickets.

    • Cairidh says:

      Their “fan base” are paid pr staff.
      With a smattering of people who are still fond of William from he was the golden haired Adonis, and a few women who are interested in expensive clothes and take note of what Kate wears.

  38. Jay says:

    This is where good staff might just pretend that it was a “secret” visit to cover the lack of interest. Nobody knew he was coming, he actually wanted there to be no fanfare because he wants to observe people’s reactions to his initiative all undercover like. He’s just trying to be a regular bloke now, see?

    • PJ says:

      Yeah, this. Why not for a change, just try to show up someplace to do some good instead of worrying about who’s going to be there to watch you enter and exit. Focus on the important stuff for a change and maybe he will make a change.
      But if the object was to drum up support for a cause, then his PR team absolutely dropped the ball and exposed him to some terrible optics.
      Too bad so sad for Willy.

  39. jferber says:

    As he deserves. Wanker. Too bad he wasn’t greeted by protesters.

  40. booboocita says:

    Back in the 1990s, I was a college reference librarian. That header photo is giving me flashbacks to a time when I had to chase pervs out of the library. There were always creepy dudes in the 40s, 50s, and even 60s, trying to hit on young women in the computer lab: “Hey there! Are you using the internet? I never was any good with those newfangled contraptions, heh heh heh. Maybe you could give me a lesson …” Not today, Satan. Not today.

    Love the look on the little girl’s face. What’s Scottish for “go away?” “Jog on, bawbag!”

  41. Madi says:

    I don’t think he wants crowds. He didn’t even wave to the two people at the gate. They would’ve been perfect for a photo op. Just two people who got curious and came over. William is less up for the job than Charles.

  42. Aj says:

    Holy fck that picture! Lol.

  43. Tiny says:

    Doesn’t want crowds?
    Good one

  44. Linney says:

    I was talking to someone from England at a business function. He was a “posh” guy (very nice, however!) and said he and his family from way back are ardent monarchists. However, he also said that while he admires a lot of the work Charles has done, he considers the entire group so lifeless and boring. Even people who are pro-monarchy (according to him) have grown very indifferent toward the royal family. He isn’t sure how much longer it can continue given that very few people really care about it anymore.

  45. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Going forward, William will probably try to rope in celebrities for all his big projects, in order to generate publicity (for himself), like he did with Earthsh!t. How gauche! Oh, I’m sorry, when William does it, it’s not fame-whoring, it’s raising awareness.

  46. Monlette says:

    I have to wonder how much of this pledge to end homelessness and their love of their “modest” home is damage control due the senior royals overspending their allowance by hundreds of millions of pounds on celebrations while average people are going to bed cold and hungry.

  47. AC says:

    100% agree @kaiser re WKs staff(even WK themselves). Soo many times it shows how incompetent they are, everything is done half-a$$. I’m always surprised these people are still employed to be

  48. TheVolvesSeidr says:

    I saw a comment on one post (I think it was the actual P of W twitter acct) that tagged it #backwards LOL