Prince William & Kate are still very ‘angry’ that Harry wrote about William assaulting him

Tom Quinn is “accidentally” spilling all kinds of royal tea. Usually, royal biographers are stenographers to palace courtiers, fancying themselves part of the royal image-making process. Perhaps Quinn’s book, Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family, is the standard, unreadable hog-wash, but his promotion for the book is full of all kinds of shady sh-t about Prince William and Kate. In recent months, Quinn has revealed that William is “prone to tantrums” and Kate “treats William like the fourth child.” Quinn recently spoke about how William and Kate “throw cushions at each other” because they’re constantly and violently furious with each other, but don’t worry, their violence is “always kept under control.” Speaking of violence and assault, Quinn has heard from his palace sources that Will and Kate are still enraged about Prince Harry revealing his 2019 assault.

The Prince and Princess of Wales have certainly not forgiven Prince Harry’s explosive revelations in the Duke of Sussex’s best-selling memoir Spare, a royal expert claims. Tom Quinn told Daily Express US that Prince William and Princess Kate harbor “a lot more anger” behind closed doors Harry than what the pair show in public.

“I interviewed people that worked for Harry and Meghan when they were in England. I also interviewed people that worked for Kate and William,” Mr Quinn told the publication. “They say that privately there’s a lot more anger than there is publicly. William and Kate are especially furious about the accusation that William physically assaulted Harry.”

The author of Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family added that while “brothers fight all the time”, William remains bitter that Harry aired their grievances publicly.

“William is really angry about the whole idea that these difficulties should be aired in public,” Mr Quinn told the outlet.

[From Sky News]

It’s been more than eight months since Harry revealed, in Spare, that William assaulted him in Nottingham Cottage in 2019. In that time, William and his people have never even denied that the assault took place, they’ve never briefed the media about “William’s side,” they’ve never said “well, William only assaulted Harry because Meghan is Black!” All we’ve ever heard is that William is furious, disgusted, incandescent with rage because… Harry revealed the assault, which absolutely happened. Really think about that. Think about how f–king bonkers it is that William is violently angry that his victim SPOKE ABOUT BEING ASSAULTED.

Note by CB: Get Prince William’s Top 10 Angriest Moments when you sign up for our mailing list! I only send one email a day on weekdays.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Instar, WENN and Cover Images.

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104 Responses to “Prince William & Kate are still very ‘angry’ that Harry wrote about William assaulting him”

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  1. AlpineWitch says:

    Ragey heir, cry me a river.
    I’m out of violins for this idiot, finally the world is seeing what anyone without rose-monarchied glasses always saw in him, a spoiled, awful brat.

    Oh and like in every other post, #abolishthemonarchy

    • Cara says:

      I find it disturbing that the truth about William has made his subjects love him even more (if the polls can be believed). The centuries of actively brainwashing the populace is really paying off. Suitcases full of dirty money, a rapist prince roams free, and William the rage monster is incandescently golden … and that’s just been the past few years.

      • westcoastgal says:

        I think you’ve nailed it, Brits have been conditioned and gaslit for years regarding the racist royals and corrupt politicians. They can get away with just about anything now, suitcases of money, even money from the Bin ladens, rapist princes, violent heirs, whores as queens and on it goes. Don’t ever forget, Brexit is a huge success too!

  2. Rapunzel says:

    They totes give themselves away here. It’s an accusation, but brothers disagree and it’s a shame that disagreement was aired. So basically, they admit it’s true.
    God, they’re so bad at this.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Yep, they are hopeless. And this is their own bloody business! William is lucky that Harry has kept all the secrets from William’s single days. They were party animals, and attended the trendy nightspots every weekend. There were rumours about what they and their friends got up to behind closed doors. However.. all we ever saw, were photos of Harry spilling out of the door, or out of a cab, or falling into a car, obviously in a state of inebriation or whatever. None of these photos ever showed William, and talk at the time was that Harry was taking all the heat for them both. I shrugged at the time, but now I wonder how often Harry became the scapegoat to protect William.

      • Tessa says:

        William was photographed looking worse for wear at those clubs. The UK media did not show the photo of William dancing in a feathered boa but USA publications did.

    • Wannabefarmer says:

      Boggles the rational mind that these rags continue to make their lords look bad like this. First justifying a physical attack by a so-called future king on his younger brother by saying siblings fight (because, you know, 40 year-olds regularly attack their younger brother, while disrespecting said younger brother’s wife) and then not being upset not about that but about younger brother telling on him.

      And btw, would he feel better, be less mad if Harry had just briefed this assault to the rags? You know, the way willy was lying about Meg to the rags? Like said said, I’m speaking directly, with my whole chest. SMDH.

      • DK says:

        I think even the “palace aides” (if it’s not just straight up William) also sincerely believe Willy is right here:
        The FK can do whatever he wants,
        so H was wrong to disobey whatever Willy was demanding in the first place that made Willy so angry;
        and then H was wrong to think Willy should have handled the situation like adult brothers;
        and wrong again to make it public bc how dare he harm Willy’s rep, when it was all his own fault anyway?

        I mean, you have to have drunk their abusive, colonizing kool-aid to want to work with them in the first place. I bet those staffers don’t even realize how bad this makes W look.

        [Although I do kind of love the counter-argument that they are well aware and intentionally throwing W to the wolves…]

    • Becks1 says:

      This story has never been denied and the talking point from the bots when it came out was “brothers fight.” So william is so incandescent with rage that he can’t hold himself back from attacking his brother even though he is a grown ass man. Despicable.

      • Lorelei says:

        I just cannot understand why there is no concern about the fact that William can be violently physically abusive, only anger that Harry wrote about it. It’s not the Land of Make Believe over there, it’s Bizarro World. They are all focusing on the WRONG THING JFC

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Right! The story hasn’t been denied and there were some RR? comments knowing about it on twitter. Yet, they hid it at the time. William attacking Harry was an open secret that became normalized. That’s another form of abuse.

        Page 398 of Spare, Charles, William and Harry are walking around Frogmore Gardens after Philip’s funeral. C & W are hassling Harry, still acting like they don’t get why Harry left. William grabbed Harry not once, but twice. And, Charles, did NOTHING. I have too many words on Charles weakness in parenting. That sh*t wouldn’t fly in my family. At all. So, so wrong.

        None of this is a case of ‘boys being boys’. We’re talking about grown men. Will is foolishly being called some kind of “statesman”. Grrrr. A supposed grown man has assaulted his younger brother on multiple times and is also the future king.

        Nacho is Harry’s true brother.

  3. WaterisLife says:

    This makes one wonder how often Baldy assaulted PH (as adults) in the past and Kate knew about it. I guess the next thing for the colonists island to say is, “Boys will be boys.” SMDH.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate was there laughing when Harry suggested the Nazi uniform so it’s unlikely that Kate would ever tell William he’s wrong for being physical with Harry.

      Unless it affects her directly, she doesn’t seem to care.

  4. Yami says:

    If they wanted Harry to say good things they should have behaved better. It’s simple.

  5. Brassy Rebel says:

    More normalizing domestic violence: “Brothers fight all the time”. Someone in GB needs to take on this narrative and squash it once and for all. DV must be an epidemic in Britain if this is the accepted view.

    • abritdebbie says:

      @Brassy Rebel you are totally correct. Domestic Violence is very high. About 10 years ago I had heard that 1 in 5 women would in their lifetime would have reported physical abuse by their partner. I was shocked and during a girlie get together I mentioned it, said that it was crazy high and that statistically someone in our group would have been effected but put in the caviate that my sister had reported to the police that a “mate” had hurt her so that must be it.

      Turns out 3 of the six had been hurt by a partner/spouse. I’m glad I brought it up because they all found it really life affirming that it wasn’t just them, but it really shocked me. None of them had reported it to the police. It also meant that when it happened to another one of the group, it wasn’t a taboo subject and could talk to someone.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        The royals should be leading the way on “raising awareness” of this serious problem. They’re always trying to raise awareness of things people are already aware of. But I guess William’s issues would get in the way.

    • Ceej says:

      DV is an epidemic here. To the point where every time there’s a big football tournament – eurocup, World Cup – all we get in the lead up are articles about how violence escalates when England loses games. So every 2 years, another spate of concerned articles but nothing changes in between or says anything is being done to address known violence triggered by a sport.

    • ThatsNotOkay says:

      Isn’t Camilla the patron saint of domestic violence/battered women or something? When it happens to one of Charles’s kids, she’s never going to say or do diddly. Rather, she’s giddy.

      • Jaded says:

        She’s patron of SafeLives, a UK-wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse and often speaks out to support survivors. The irony…another useless royal flapping her gums and doing nothing.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Domestic violence begins at home, boys and girls.

  6. Rapunzel says:

    I’m surprised they’re saying Kate is mad about this revelation. You’d think she’d be mad at things said about her?

    Oh…. I wonder if Kate is pissed Harry spilled the beans about that assault because now she can’t say, “Do what I want or I tell folks how violent you are!” Did Harry take away Kate’s best leverage against Will? Now anything Kate says against William’s temper/behavior won’t have the proper impact because of Harry’s book. Maybe that’s why things have gotten even worse between them since Spare.

    • MinorityReport says:

      Your point about Kate is astute. I do think she still has leverage though if he’s ever gotten physical with her. Spousal abuse is harder to wave away. And while I hope William isn’t beating Kate, if he has, I hope she was smart enough to keep receipts.

      • Rapunzel says:

        IDK, I kinda think Spare’s revelations about William’s violent behavior serves as a soft launch for preparing the public to accept Will as a violent AH. Look at how they’re normalizing cushion throwing between W&K. Next, it’ll be something worse, and worse, so that if Kate does speak out, she’s dismissed.

        This is of course all predicated on there being physical abuse. Which given the cushion throwing story, seems to be happening on some level.

      • StellainNH says:

        I feel awful for the three children. What do they see and hear from their parents’ rows? If their parents are throwing things at each other during arguments, what other damage are they doing to those children.

    • Nic919 says:

      I wonder if Kate is being added in without actually checking with her side. She doesn’t have a private Secretary to speak on her behalf so it’s more than likely the secretary simply added Kate’s name to that one.

      It would actually benefit her that this is out there because there will be some sympathy for her knowing he acts like that with Harry and so could possibly be like that with her.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Nic- I agree with you theoretically, but also… I feel like there’s already a plan in play to make sure any allegations by Kate are dismissed. They’re already saying she gives as good as she gets and it’s just cushions, etc. Imo, Kate will get the Amber Heard treatment if she comes forward with any tales of abuse.

    • The Old Chick says:

      If anything it gives her back up proof of his violence. But he’s been described as violent since a child so it’s not hard to prove. He’s an abuser with decades long track record. But would Kate care enough to take the kids and go? I only care about the kids.. She knew who she married.

      • Deering24 says:

        The Old Chick–no way would they let Kate get the kids. They’d let the Tower Of London raven keepers get custody before she ever would. 😂

    • nem says:

      They can’t go into others things said like…. the role played by the wails in Harry nazi costume scandal.
      Kkkhate & will would be in absolutely unavoidable controversy with antisemitism and nazism.
      So muddying the waters about physical assault without really owning it and DARVO,is the next best thing….
      A real mess.

  7. Newt says:

    Well, William told Harry not to tell Meghan. He did not say Harry couldn’t the world.

  8. ChattyCath says:

    On Twitter there are comments like ‘he deserved it’’ and he’s a traitor he should be sent to the Tower’. And worse. These people don’t want the truth. They want their monarchy perfect and not human

    • nem says:

      This is also testimony to society leniency to family violence…
      Some of the worst crimes are perpetuated into family and nearest entourage ,and victims who denounce it usually are punished,and bear social stigma…
      William and Charles supporters approve theirs crimes and want to do the same without consequences at home

  9. MinorityReport says:

    Brothers fight? I mean sure, but by the time they’re teenagers it shouldn’t be physical! My teens like to rough house, but the moment it actually gets heated they’re separated and they know better.

    In 2019 William was a grown ass man with three kids of his own. This is not “brothers fight.” It’s “the future king of England regularly commits battery.” What the actual fuck?!

    • SURE says:

      When W’s friend leaked this story to Robert Lacey for his updated version of BoB, the part where W assaults H was not included as part of the narrative. If fraternal fisticuffs is normal behaviour then why wasn’t this crucial detail revealed in BoB. Why cover up this supposedly normal behaviour?

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      I apologize @MinorityReport for not reading your comment before I posted up above. Agree. Teenage boys going into fisticuffs is one thing (yet strong parenting interferes in normal parenting) , being a grown ass man that shoves his younger brother around, is a different story. There’s a reason why none of the aristos wanted their daughters to marry Will. It’s not just because of the media attention. It’s because Will is a f@ckin’ d*ck. Like Charles.

  10. He is incandescent with rage because he was revealed to be a violent abuser. He like his father are of the belief they should suffer no consequences for their actions and should be allowed to do whatever pops into their small brains. I’m enjoying the drips that are coming from the so called writers who are making little digs here and there. It’s painting a lovely picture of a completely insane royal cult. They are leaving little bread crumbs for us to follow and those crumbs are exposing things we already knew but are know kinda confirming them. Peg is sure be incandescent with rage for the foreseeable future.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yep. William is freaking out because Harry exposed his a**–and one of the rules of the RF is that William must be protected at all costs. Harry broke that rule and escaped the nuthouse, and William will never get over it. The lack of characterization around Willy and Kate in Spare were very telling, in my opinion. Harry included well-rounded descriptions of all the most important people in his life (Henners, the photography couple in Botswana, Meghan, QEII, KCIII), but it was obvious to me that he had nothing good or interesting to say about William or Kate. No pleasant memories. It’s interesting because the palace pushed them on us as a dynamic duo for all those years, but the truth is quite different.

    • Mary Pester says:

      @susanCollins, correct Susan, and the way it’s going, we won’t just have bread crumbs, we will have a full loaf! Every time one of these idiots puts pen to paper, they prove beyond any shadow of a doubt, that every word in spare was the truth. The fact that wank and keen are still angry says more about their lack of self awareness than anything. It’s as if they are saying, yes keen lied, and yes William is an incandescent coward, but hey folks, they are Royal so we must not talk about it. Well willy and katey, we will continue to talk about it and all the sht that goes on in the palace. Because you forgot a very important lesson, RESPECT IS EARNT, NOT JUST GIVEN, and there is sod all to respect about the lot of you

  11. Tarte au Citron says:

    So much for Keen Top CEO Kate, the peacemaker. What a fail. 😉

  12. MsIam says:

    Abusers never want you to tell about the abuse. Besides, the abuse is your fault anyway because you made them do it, so there.

  13. Dee(2) says:

    You know how you can avoid being angry that people are talking about you assaulting them? By not assaulting people. And this disgusting to me that everyone keeps dismissing this as brothers fight. While it’s true that siblings can fight, and sometimes it may get physical, if that stuff is still going on in your 20s and 30s there’s a real problem there. I don’t think I’ve gotten into a physical altercation with any of my siblings past 11 years old.

    • MinorityReport says:


    • Layla says:

      @dee(2) absolutely! It’s also incredibly disgusting how whenever everyone was mad about him not supporting the lionesses (which as a Brit I was mad too) THAt was the biggest thing they were mad about and not all the other BS w has pulled. There was no outrage towards his behaviour towards H&M

  14. Jais says:

    William saying don’t tell Meg is all we really need to know. He knows his actions are bad but he’s used to most people letting him do whatever he wants. He knew Meghan would not ever think his actions were okay. This man needs all the secrecy and cover bc he consistently does things that are unacceptable to society.

    • Jaded says:

      As I recall from Spare, Wank and Keen demanded a meeting with the Sussexes in June of 2018 wherein they demanded an apology from Meghan for being “rude” (innocent baby brain comment). That’s when she told Wank “If you don’t mind, take your finger out of my face”. From then on it was all-out war against the Sussexes. Then a year later, when he instigated the now famous argument with Harry, calling Meghan “difficult”, “rude” and “abrasive” he assaulted Harry who was only trying to defend his wife by telling him he was just parroting the press narrative. How Wank thought he could threaten Harry into keeping silent just shows how vicious and out of control he is. Wank and Keen can beef all they want about Harry writing about the incident, but the fact remains they were in the wrong, and Harry has every right to tell the truth — that his brother is a spiteful, violent and tempermental jerk, and Keen is just as bad.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Is Kate supportive of William’s physical assault of Harry?

  16. Scooby Gang says:

    Well, isn’t that just always the way? The problem is never the abuser’s behavior… but the victim’s refusal to continue silently tolerating the behavior.

  17. Winter Day says:

    Man child William need to give it a rest and go seek therapy. He shouldn’t have put his hands on his brother.

  18. Eurydice says:

    What is the point of these constant articles about the Wales’ anger? I mean, I can see why the BM want to keep stirring the pot, they need something to write about. But how is this useful to W&K? With this football fiasco, we see people aren’t buying it anymore.

  19. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    What really chilled me in Harry’s recounting of this incident was William’s demand that Harry hits him back so “that he (Harry) would feel better”. Who “feels” better after hitting someone? Plus, if Harry had hit William, it would have been front page headlines the very next hour. William is in desperate need of therapy and I do worry about the affects of his and Kate’s “controlled’ physical fight’s have on their children.

    • Jaded says:

      Harry’s also in much better physical shape than his oafish brother and could have knocked him out cold, but chose not to. Speaks to who is the better brother. I too worry about those kids, even if they haven’t witnessed a bad fight, my guess is they’ve heard it. Children of parents who fight like that grow up normalizing the behaviour. In Spare, where Harry tells the story of saying something rude and sarcastic to Meghan and she calmly said “did you get spoken to that way growing up?” it opened his eyes to the unconscionable way his family communicated with and treated each other. That’s when they decided he needed to go into therapy to rid himself of the trauma.

    • Marco says:

      100%. Look how Kate making Meghan cry turned into a globally leaked “scandal” of Meghan making Kate cry. Had Harry done anything to William the context would be lost in the leak painting Harry as “volatile.”

  20. Tessa says:

    William has no shame. He is upset that his bullying was revealed . William did this if he did not there would be nothing to report. His anger issues should be addressed by a therapist by arrogant William thinks he is flawless imo.

  21. Anna says:

    I wonder what the emphasis was behind William telling Harry “don’t tell Meghan”

    He surely wasn’t expecting Harry to mention it in his memoir, but that was such a weird demand to me. Like did William not want Meghan looking at him differently for assaulting her husband? Did he think she wouldn’t brush it off as other people at the palace surely have? Because he was right on both counts, but still. With how often his “sources” have claimed that William “hates” Meghan, I can’t help but think hates her more for choosing Harry, period.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Absolutely. Willy was a huge Suits fan and jealous his (in his mind, loser) younger, non-heir brother got the hot girl from his fav show. Of this I am certain. Will didn’t want Meg to know because he didn’t want to be embarrassed.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        More likely @ Rapunzel Bullyiam didn’t want to face the hell that would have come from the entire incident! W wasn’t embarrassed, he was FEARFUL of Meghan coming down on him for assaulting HER husband!!!

        Meghan doesn’t play that game. There will be NO assaulting going on in THEIR house!!!

    • Layla says:

      Considering this and his handling of the alleged “affair” rumours, I think it’s mainly about how W wants to maintain his public image spotless in the eyes of the public. Let’s be real part of him is probably gleeful that a lot of the public hates Charles and (for a while atleast, wonder what they think now) was rather the throne pass down to him instead. Although let’s be honest, W’s really not any better. Both father and son are just as bad as each other

    • Sue E Generis says:

      No, they’ve convinced themselves that Meghan is untrustworthy because she’s willing to expose their behavior to the world. That’s been their one, constant through line. That they don’t trust Meghan.

      I think Peggy was afraid Meghan would be appalled and then try to do something about it or influence Harry to do something about it. Whereas on his own, Harry had been conditioned to accept any and all types of abuse quietly.

      The not trusting Meghan is about not trusting her to fall in line, an her independence giving Harry the objectivity and strength to stand up to the family. She makes Harry unmalleable and that’s what drives the ongoing rage and ‘mistrust.

    • Catherinski says:

      Because he can’t control Meghan or what she says.

  22. Noor says:

    I thought William and Charles should be grateful to Harry for holding back the more damaging incidents.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      Yeah. I think what Harry revealed is just the very tip of a horrific iceberg.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Right???? They should ALL be kissing the ground he walks on given ALL of the dirt that he has on BOTH of them!!!!

  23. SIde Eye says:

    Disgusting that this assault continues to be characterized as a regular nothing to see here thing that happens between brothers – way to normalize violence morons.

    He is lucky Harry didn’t reveal more. I believe Harry has firsthand knowledge of so much more, and if he talked in more detail it would drop our collective jaws. For example, I would love to know how Guy broke his legs. I would love to know if William made passes at Meghan and is livid he was shot down. There is so much Harry knows that he chose not to share. I think William is a lazy, vile, violent, petty, jealous, and vicious person who is unfit for the throne. Of course he is raging mad that incidents of him being vicious and violent are coming to light. It calls into question whether he should even be king.

    They should remove William from the line of succession, but part of me is relieved this won’t happen because Harry gets to continue to live free from this lot of vipers. William is not fit to be king. Charles is a horrible king who worries more about his boozehound horse than his own sons. William will be much much worse. The whole thing is coming down – as it should.

    • Fallingleaves says:

      Harry did actually mention in Spare how Guy broke his legs. It happened in Toronto. He got away from the dogwalker while out and was found 2 hours later with broken front legs.

  24. Laura D says:

    One day a responsible journalist is going to ask the RR this simple question. Are we paying William and Kate to turn up for ceremonies to represent the UK, or to continually moan about Harry’s book?

    William messes up big time and their best response is to “complain” about Harry telling the truth about an incident that happened over three years ago. People would have more respect for him if he just came out and said “I’m sorry I messed up, I should have gone.” Instead they try to deflect attention by putting out this story while their on their way to yet another holiday at the expense of the taxpayer.

  25. Rai says:

    When I read that account in Spare, I was literally yelling at the book “kick his a** Harry!” He is a better, more mature person than me. If Kate feels anything, she should feel embarrassed.

    What a bunch of sad, ridiculous people

  26. Lizzie says:

    They’ve been wailing almost nonstop since Spare was released, we know already. This one is trying to distract from Williams mia at the World Cup.

  27. Grace Yancy says:

    What about William leaking to the press about Kate and Meghan not getting along?

  28. Layla says:

    William’s abusive behaviour and his reaction and K’s gaslighting behaviour and her response to it makes me so F*cking angry whenever these two HYPOCRITES talk about or do ANY sort of engagement relating to mental health.
    They have absolutely NO RIGHT and it’s so incredibly disgusting and disturbing. I’m sorry about my response but it just makes me so mad

  29. anotherlily says:

    I think there are huge problems behind palace walls. Problems involving William that have nothing to do with Harry. The Dan Wootton business is my guess.

    • Lucy says:

      Yes. Funny we haven’t heard much recently. I’m willing to bet there’s some palace people Wooten has blackmail on. I wonder how thorough the investigation is, and if he’s going to just disappear or have a car accident some day.

  30. aquarius64 says:

    William and Kate are mad at Harry for not only revealing William’s violence and Kate’s pettiness but also a lot of people believe Harry. Spare’s sales strongly suggest that; and those paid polls on the Wales’ alleged popularity are the countermeasures. Domestic violence cannot be easily overlooked as adultery; monarchs and heirs have had sidechicks (official and otherwise) for centuries. Spare also put it out there that Kate is willing to tolerate a violent husband (and expose her children to it) to become queen consort. And if Kate speaks out about it, she will be ruined.

  31. Fabulonnn says:

    Hmm…probably just be a coincidence that they’re bringing up this old, rancid beef right as William is getting roundly criticized for not attending the Women’s World Cup final.

  32. Krista says:

    Maybe William should grow up, apologize, and shouldn’t assault people and the problem would go away.
    William has serious anger issues.

  33. B says:

    The WanKs are enraged because the Sussexes told people how they were betrayed and backstabbed by them and by revealing their tactics made is almost impossible for the WanKs to continue their smear campaign.

  34. Ameerah M says:

    Well OF COURSE he’s angry about it. Abusers are always angry when their victims speak. Some violent abusers even sue their victims…which I’m sure Wills would have LOVED to do. And then he could have gotten on the stand and said “I assaulted my brother because his wife is BLACK. And I have a crush on her!”

  35. Mel says:

    Just came back from Lisbon, sat next to some Brits at a wine tasting. They told me that all the “We hate Harry and Megan” stuff is mostly manufactured by the Murdoch press and most people are on their side and are over the Windsors and their money being wasted on them. ESPECIALLY the younger set.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      That’s wonderful to hear, though not surprising. I would imagine that they are all tired of the daily pretzel twisting that Murdochs minions make themselves into each day. Regular Brits are much more worried about their day to day lives and how they will be able to pay the mortgage and have enough left over at the end of the month to pay for other necessities.

      As a side note, on a whim the other night, I went browsing into the housing market and I want to know how the hell do you find reasonable living quarters that aren’t a shack????

      HB put this out and I was simply speechless for an hour!!!

      • Mel says:

        Girl, AARP has great bargains. It’s worth it . It was about 1400.00 per person with air and an apartment included for seven days. Me, hubby and 2 kids( 18 and 21) included.

    • diANNa says:

      I’m Canadian and this past January, we were vacationing in Playa del Carmen Mexico when we shared a shuttle with a nice young English couple – can’t remember where they live but it was outside of London. I asked them what they thought of “Spare” as it had recently been released. They said that everyone is sick of Harry and that H should just shut up! I was quite shocked because I was under the impression that young people were mostly on H&M’s side.

      And then he asked me why I cared! And before i could answer (I’m Asian) he said “Oh, it’s because you’re Canadian and Meghan spent time in Toronto”. I replied that most North Americans relate to Meghan and were puzzled by the hate she gets. He seemed really surprised by that.

      We also have a Canadian friend whose daughter works in London – she is in her early 40s and apparently she is also really anti – H&M. Her mother parrots it all and since I found out how she feels, i have never been able to feel the same affection for her whereas I used to really enjoy her unfiltered and politically incorrect views.

      So while I want to believe that lots of Brits are on the side of H&M, I haven’t been able to verify this with my own few personal experiences. I’d love to think there is more support for them than indicated by those stupid polls and the non-stop rhetoric bashing them though.

      • AC says:

        @Dianna We took a Hollywood tour this past spring. I live close by , but my cousin from NZ was visiting so we took her around 😊. We had Brits in our tour and they also did not like HM. Me and a couple of girls from San Francisco actually stood up and said well we like them here 😀. The British tourists were also surprised and didn’t say anything after.

      • diANNa says:

        @AC, I hope our small actions defending H&M against the haters gets repeated when the Brits go home and hopefully tell their communities that people support them outside of Salt Island! I wonder though if their surprise is that we actually like H&M or if it’s because we actually are impolite enough to challenge their views or statements.

  36. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry’s self-control during that assault was remarkable. He could have kicked William’s ass, but he knew that doing so would give William satisfaction — and that he, not William, would have ended up in trouble.

    Given Harry’s calm handling of the car chase in New York, I wonder if he went into professional military mode, photographing his own injuries and the scene of the assault. But no matter: Both he and William know what happened that night, and William is rightly terrified that Harry saw his older brother’s true, violent self. Probably not for the first time.

  37. Jay says:

    All of this time, the best talking point KP can come up with is basically “Boys will be boys!”. They’ve never denied it, nor have they ever tried to claim that he has never hit anyone. I think that speaks volumes.

    William is a middle-aged man with children of his own, and he’s been called on to represent the UK as well as international organizations, including those whose focus is supposedly mental health. Again, let’s try to imagine if this story came out about any other political figure or the head of a company for that matter – I know that not all bad actors are punished, but I think he would be forced to either deny it with proof or enrol in some serious anger management classes, just as a pr exercise.

  38. ⁷Tree says:

    Of course william is still sore. The book just came out. Although it feels like Elizabeth died a month ago and the book came out 3 years ago. Time is funny.

    Look at harry. He thought he was part of a team. It’s the same with my family. I thought I was part of a team. Made a fool out of myself because of that thought.

    Once it really dawned on harry that William wasn’t going to look out for him he left. It’s as simple as that. Elizabeth took care of her family/staff in her own way. William isnt about to do that. I suggest all the windsor get real jobs.

  39. Tina E says:

    I’m in a royal fan-type group on Facebook and the number of people who dismissed this assault as “brothers fighting” was so depressing. Some even said that their children fight and that should t be considered assault and couldn’t seem to see the difference between a CHILD’s actions and that of a 40-year-old future head of state.

    • ⁷Tree says:

      A fight is one thing. Did William mean to push him into the dog bowl? Did William bring his protection squad? If harry was free to fight him back than… it’s two brothers. The dog bowl elevated it for me. I bet harry wished he clocked him. Now that williams press leaks have been revealed.

    • MsIam says:

      One of my cousins got into a fight with his brother and ended up trying to push him out of a window. Their mother had to call the cops and that cousin was later diagnosed as schizophrenic. So no, grown men fighting like this is not “boys will be boys”. William is seriously disturbed and the royal Rota have been alluding to this for years. Its shocking how willing people are to look the other way if you are a rich somebody and surrounded by sycophants.

      • May says:

        💯. It is rather shocking what the tabloid press is willing to hide. Have we heard about Dan Wootten lately?

  40. Ck says:

    Ummm… here’s an idea William.

    Don’t bully your brother, and he’ll have nothing to complain to the media about.

    There – free advice – you’re welcome!

  41. AC says:

    I guess in another angle it’s just so unfortunate and sad their loving mother died when they were still both young. She would have been better in guiding them esp William(in my opinion). Instead they had this terrible father to look up to after she was gone.
    As I mentioned in the other blog, there’s always going to be a natural sibling rivalry between both brothers. I think when one brother has a very big ego and sees the other brother happy when he’s not, that certainly triggers him . Unfortunately this has gone way too far. I agree from one of the commenters before that they really need to talk it out in therapy.

  42. Well Wisher says:

    Kate and William need a reason to ‘bond’? even if it is anger that leads to bitterness; that leads to ……..??

    It is more important as to why William finds anger and rage more accessible than patience, benevolence, etc??

    Self awareness will remove the need for gaslighting as a coping mechanism.
    Just stating the obvious….

  43. jferber says:

    QuiteContrary, I think you are right. Ironically, Harry’s military training and experience for ten years gave him both the ability to knock William’s lights out AND the ability to practice the self-control needed to walk away from an unwinnable conflict. Harry chose the latter option, which was the correct one. Harry is the true man and would have made the better king, for sure. I respect Harry’s reasoned choice, but boy, would I love to have seen Harry knock William out with one punch.

  44. May says:

    For so long we were told that William was angry about the revelations made regarding Kate: hormones, bridesmaid dresses (or was it socks? 🙄), etc. Is the truth coming out now? Is William more angry about Harry’s confirmation that he is a rage monster? This would not surprise me. William doesn’t care about Kate.

  45. Nerd says:

    We have a 41 year old man who assaulted his brother when they were in their thirties being angry because he revealed it. He isn’t denying it or even speaking about how wrong it is to assault someone. He was there berating Meghan for being accused of being “a bully” while he not only was bullying Harry, but even worse, he was assaulting him. He’s the same man who previously put his finger in a woman’s face while telling her that her understanding a pregnant woman’s forgetfulness is linked to baby brain was “Rude” and “Not what’s done here in Britain”. He is the same man who we are to believe only throws cushions at his wife during violent arguments. He’s also the one who has been silent about his own staff leaking, name calling and bullying Meghan since 2016. He then had the nerve to have his brother’s name wrongfully added to a statement refuting claims of him bullying them out of the family. So here we are instead of refuting the claims that as a grown ass man he assaulted his brother, he is yet again angry and incandescent with rage. He chose to take the words of staff who had been attacking Meghan since the beginning for her race, career choice, education, nationality, age, class, work ethic and social status while refusing to take the word of his own brother who actually knows her. He needs to seek help because he’s forever incandescent with rage while his brother has clearly taken the steps to be a better person.

  46. Mauven says:

    They really want him to keep their secrets. They really treat him like much of the World wants to treat women like shut up, take it, and smile.

  47. jferber says:

    Mauven, absolutely. In that world, TELLING that you were beaten is a worse crime than a person BEATING you. So Harry “told” on Will, which was “worse” than William assaulting Harry. The world needs to say a very strong NO this this code of silence which punishes only the victim when broken. It is the perpetrator of violence that should be blamed and held accountable. This is an insidious and horrible power dynamic that exists the world over, even in the royal family. Break the chains, Harry. So proud of you that you did!

  48. bisynaptic says:

    It’s interesting that he’s pretty explicit about it: William is mad at Harry for telling on him, for assault.