Jonathan Majors gave a ‘classic DARVO’ interview to ABC following his conviction

Jonathan Majors was arrested last March for assaulting his girlfriend Grace. We soon learned the extent of the abusive relationship, and Majors’ lawyer made the mistake of releasing Jonathan and Grace’s text messages, which showed plainly that Grace was terrified of him and that he had hurt her so badly that she lost consciousness. The issue went to trial and the verdict was mixed – Majors was acquitted of two of the charges but found guilty of one count of reckless assault and one count of harassment. Majors was promptly fired from Marvel, where he had a multi-year, multi-picture deal. When Majors was arrested last March, he lost everything else – his agent, his publicist, all of the other roles he was up for. This would be the moment to simply do his time, go away for a year or whatever and stop lying. Instead, Majors agreed to a TV interview with ABC News and it’s the worst.

The Guardian had an interesting piece about how this interview was classic DARVO and that ABC’s Linsey Davis refused to push back on any of Majors’ answers. I believe that, which is why I could only watch a couple of minutes of this mess. Going off secondary coverage, it looks like Majors said he was “shocked and afraid” when he heard the guilty verdict and he called himself “brave” for telling his side of the story?? Grace’s lawyer released a statement about the interview as well:

An attorney for Jabbari, Brittany Henderson, alleged in a statement to ABC News in response to Majors’ interview that he “continues to take no accountability for his actions.”

“His denigration of our jury system is not dissimilar from the above-the-law attitude that he has maintained throughout this legal process,” Henderson said in the statement. “The timing of these new statements demonstrates a clear lack of remorse for the actions for which he was found guilty and should make the sentencing decisions fairly easy for the Court.”

[From People]

Yep. During his trial, the jury heard how Majors had told Grace to “act more like Coretta Scott King” because he’s “a great man” doing great things. During this ABC interview, Majors describes his current girlfriend Meagan Good as “Coretta.” He said, “She’s an angel, she’s held me down like a Coretta. The relationship is still fresh but you know, I think I found her.” Black Twitter is having a field day with that alone.

Screencap courtesy of ABC News.

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34 Responses to “Jonathan Majors gave a ‘classic DARVO’ interview to ABC following his conviction”

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  1. Jay says:

    Why would ABC even air this interview? Are there just tons of people who want to hear Majors’ “side”? Why would Disney (who own ABC) try to rehabilitate his image now, after they have fired him? I don’t get it.

    • Flamingo says:

      As far as I understand conglomerates like Disney stay out of news departments. And of course his PR team will offer him to ABC to try and curry favor with Disney. And of course ABC will take it for the ratings. I doubt he will go to NBC or CBS with his tales of woe is me….

      I don’t think Disney is trying to rehab his image. His PR team is being calculated how they rehab it.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      It would not surprise me if ABC saw what a train wreck this was and they aired it to get the publicity. Heck, maybe there are people involved who hate this guy and they could see how damaging it could be for him.

      But mostly, it was for the ratings and publicity.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I was disgusted to see this pop up on Good Morning America. I turned the sound down during the segment. I would have blown a gasket at these apparently softball questions & his unrepentant self-aggrandizing. His woman needs to be like Coretta Scott King? WHY??? He’s sure as h*ll no Martin Luther King, Jr!

  2. Kaybeells says:

    In his own mind, he is Martin Luther King. The guy is delusional.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I literally gasped at the Coretta statement.

      Firstly, he is tacitly saying he is comparable to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And no, just no.

      Secondly, Majors clearly doesn’t know one damn thing about Coretta Scott King if he thinks her only role was soothing MLK.

      Lastly, he clearly sees Meagan as a tool to prop him up. He does not see her as a full fledged human being with wants and needs and a Life of her own. She’s just there to make him feel better about himself.

      Majors is a malignant narcissist who has zero interest or respect for anyone other than himself.

  3. K8erade says:

    I’m not normally one for wishing harm on someone but this guy makes it REAL hard for me to keep my thoughts peaceful.

    Also Coretta Scott King is vomiting in heaven every time this douche says her name.

    • SarahCS says:

      And also, he’s not actually referring to Coretta Scott King as an individual, he’d describing her as `A Coretta’. Like a car or a house. There’s a big difference between saying the White House and a white house.

  4. Classic I’m the victim with fake tears. ABC should be ashamed of themselves for putting this piece of SH*T out there. Comparing his now girlfriend to Corey’s Scott King for stand up for him is outrageous. He ain’t who he thinks he is that’s for sure.

  5. Mia4s says:

    Wait…so Marvel (owned by Disney) fires this guy. Then ABC news (owned by, you guessed it, Disney!) gives him a platform for his nonsense and makes advertising revenue off giving him that platform?

    Well that’s dark.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    When I saw the promo for this, I wanted to be sure to miss it because I knew it would go down just like this. However, I must admit I did not have Majors comparing himself to Dr. King on my bingo card. Nor did I see him trivializing Coretta Scott King. ABC and Disney owe everyone, especially the King family, an apology for giving a platform to this creep.

  7. Scorpio says:

    Talk about a narcissist. This man has not contributed to any justice program, has not sacrificed, has not even marched or even (as far as we know) even attended a demonstration. He’s spoken up on no cause. He’s an actor. Everything that he says is wild. On Twitter someone mentioned that Dr. King cheated on Coretta multiple times (documented) and with white women as well as black – so maybe that’s the only fair comparison.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      The only thing Majors has in common with King is the skin color and the misogyny. And King is given a pass on his personal issues because he accomplished so much for civil rights and labor/worker’s rights AND Coretta made it clear those personal issues were between her and him. She did not let the message get derailed or diluted. She, too, had a vision of a better world and she kept the foundation level and uncracked so MLK could focus on the greater good.

      Majors is just a douchebag who desperately wants to be worshipped. So gross.

  8. Flamingo says:

    Funny, he didn’t take the stand in a court of law. But did an interview with a controlled narrative. I watched a few minutes. He was highly coached and deflected questions from his guilt in the situation.

    I know a lot of the MCU fanatics just want him back in the Kang role. And have maligned Grace as setting him up to lose the role. It’s rather disgusting to read all the comments on reddit and YouTube about him.

    I’m still disappointed that Ezra Miller pled guilty to basically the same charges. And still has more pending. When the WB not only released the movie, Ezra gave some short PR statement how Ezra went to therapy. Did not publicly drop Ezra and are just hiding behind the DC reboot to sweep it under the carpet. To be done with the actor.

    If Jonathan does have a career comeback, he wouldn’t be the first DV abuser that gets welcomed back to Hollywood. Looking at you Josh Brolin, Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Mel Gibson and the list goes on.

    • Sue says:

      I am an MCU fanatic and absolutely do NOT want him back in the Kang role. Just sayin.

    • Concern Fae says:

      Watched Ant Man the other night. He’s nowhere near as good in that as he was in Loki. I ended up fast forwarding through a lot of the movie. Curious about what happened and how they handled the material, but not sitting through all of that. The quantum realm was so cool in the first Doctor Strange movie, but kind of a yawn now.

      They just need to wrap up this tedious multiverse stuff and move on. (Have not seen Loki season 2).

      • Sue says:

        Loki S2 is well worth the watch. Only six episodes and probably the best MCU season since Wandavision or Loki S1. And there’s minimal J. Majors. Marvel can easily pivot from Kang to Dr. Doom, leaving Majors as nothing but a minor footnote.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    He’s delusional. Meagan better watch out.

    • Flamingo says:

      yeah, I feel he is using her as a prop for the trial and now. I am sure her heart is in the right place. I don’t think his is. And he just seems like a master maniuplator that can sell a woman a pound of poo and say it’s gold.

  10. Kitten says:

    Completely shameful that ABC gave this guy a mic. Abusers like Majors don’t get to where they are without help from the media and their fanbase covering for their actions and aiding in the ol’ image rehab. He’ll always have his blind defenders making excuses for his unconscionable behavior and will probably bounce back nicely like so many abusers in Hollywood. Sick.

  11. bears says:

    One thing history has taught me that is many, MANY so-called “great” men who did “great” things were also terrible husbands, fathers, humans. Their accomplishments were fantastic but they were not. Majors should probably just stfu and go to anger management classes. He isn’t even close to approaching great.

    • Drea says:

      Thing is, he’s not even a “great” man.

      He’s an actor. Like, a decent one, but so? With a massive freaking ego.

  12. Grant says:

    What an unimaginable pr!ck. I hope he disappears into the void yesterday.

  13. Lucy says:

    I can’t believe he did this sit before his sentencing. Nothing says I’ve learned my lesson and I’m sorry like going on tv and denying all wrong doing and putting responsibility of his behavior on everyone else. Hopefully it gets him a sentence that reflects that.

    • Flamingo says:

      good point, I hope the Judge see this. But I highly doubt he will get any jail time. He needs probation and anger management therapy.

  14. Drea says:

    From the Guardian article:

    When Davis asked Majors how Jabbari was injured, he said: “I wish to God I knew. That would give clarity. That would give me some type of peace about it.”

    So the guy admits to blacking out with rage.

    Meagan, get out. He will kill you.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      At the least, there is a high risk Meagan could be seriously injured.

      Narcissistic abusers never go in reverse. They always escalate.

      • The Old Chick says:

        He believes he’s a great man who has been wronged. He’s got major anger issues. He’s violent. He will take it out on someone since he can’t take responsibility /accountability. I wouldn’t want to be there when that volcano erupts.

  15. In addition to the ridiculous bullsh*t this abusive asshole was spewing (all of it was worthless), how utterly disrespectful to Coretta Scott King’s legacy of activism and philanthropy before and loooooooong after her husband’s assassination. To reduce her to just a quiet armpiece shows he knows NOTHING her or her contributions to the Civil Rights Movement, outside of being married.

    Meagan, you need to love yourself honey. You do not want to be tied down to a lowlife loser like Majors.

  16. BlueNailsBetty says:

    And this aired right before MLK Day.

  17. Mel says:

    Dude!! Go work dinner theater if they’ll have you and shut up. Maybe go get some help and shut up. Just shut up. I have this feeling thought that someone like TP will attempt to rehab his messy behind and revive his career.

  18. The Old Chick says:

    When this story first came out there were people here on CB (sure not verified but still) saying he had a reputation in college.

    My question is why would marvel not investigate a fairly new actor that they’re about to catapult into starring role in a multi billion dollar franchise? That seems like an obvious thing to do.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if he ends up in jail for further abuse (or worse) and he’ll simply blame her for everything. What a pos.

  19. Edith says:

    Interesting who chose to interview him. Not Robin Roberts. Not George. Both have more sense.