Royalist: Queen Camilla was the reason why King Charles refused to see Harry

Royal hypocrisy is so commonplace, people just roll their eyes most of the time. But it’s been particularly egregious this week, all of it stemming from Prince Harry’s spokesperson issuing a simple statement – not even an angry or shady statement – merely confirming the fact that Harry would not see his father during his trip to the UK and citing the king’s full schedule as the reason. In response, Buckingham Palace has been on the bloody warpath, leaking some really insidery sh-t to Richard Kay and Charlotte Griffiths, both of them Daily Mail writers. Palace insiders were authorized to do Charles and Camilla’s dirty work and smear Harry as unnamed palace sources. But Harry is not allowed to tell the truth about the whole rotten institution in his own words. That is the cardinal sin for this WASP mafia. Please allow even more royal sources to throw a huge hissy fit about why Charles refused to meet Harry. You see, it was never about the king’s schedule after all, who would have thought. It was all about Harry’s hatred for Camilla, and Harry “selling out” his family by, you know, writing about how he was traumatized, abused and neglected for much of his life.

King Charles decided not to meet his son Prince Harry in London this week because of Harry’s “cruel” remarks about his wife, Queen Camilla, in his memoir, Spare, a friend of Charles and Camilla has told The Daily Beast.

“Harry has made things very difficult for himself by saying such cruel and hurtful things about Camilla,” the friend told The Daily Beast. “Charles loves his sons, but he also loves his wife. The last few months have made it very clear how important she is; she has been the one propping up the whole edifice. Harry has made it very clear, very publicly, that he despises her. He has forced Charles to choose, which was a very silly thing to do because Camilla and he both chose each other a long time ago.”

“William had his reservations but he accepted his father’s choice and got on with it. Harry made a different decision, and one of the inevitable consequences of publicly calling your stepmother cruel names is that it becomes difficult for you to see your father.”

Another source, a friend of William and Kate’s, quipped: “It is hardly surprising that Charles didn’t invite Harry round for tea and a scone. He did, after all, portray his wife as an evil, calculating, bitch in the biggest selling book since the Bible.” [In fact, Spare broke records for being the fastest-selling non-fiction book but it is not, yet at least, certified as the biggest selling non-fiction book of all time.]

Another source, a former Buckingham Palace staffer, said, “As far as the palace is concerned, the further away that Harry and Meghan are from Buckingham Palace the better. Look how distracting Harry’s visit has been this week. The media should be talking about the king’s return to work, instead we are talking about a 39 year old man’s daddy issues. If Harry thinks he can drop in for a cuppa at Clarence House whenever he happens to be changing planes in London, that would encourage him to come here more often, which is the exact opposite of what the institution typically wants from exiled family members. The whole point of being exiled is that you are out of sight and out of mind.”

The courtier also said that Harry’s statement saying his father had declined to meet him was “childish.” In the statement, Harry’s spokesperson said: “In response to the many inquiries and continued speculation on whether or not the Duke will meet with his father while in the U.K. this week, it unfortunately will not be possible due to His Majesty’s full program. The Duke of course is understanding of his father’s diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon.”

The source said, “It was classic Harry—childish and petulant foot-stamping. Everything is always someone else’s fault. Even Harry must know the reason a meeting isn’t happening is not due to Charles’ ‘full program’—it’s because Harry sold out his own family.”

[From The Daily Beast]

Childish and foot-stamping? “The Duke of course is understanding of his father’s diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon.” What… what is childish about that? It’s a model of maturity – an adult son understanding that his father carefully planned some busy work around his visit and the son is just cutting his losses with maturity. It sounds more like a 75 year old man threw a childish tantrum because Harry was getting more attention than him this week. Also: whenever “sources” go overboard describing Charles’s affection for Camilla or how important she is to the institution, that’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. That’s ALL coming from Camilla’s office, from her operations. That being said, if Charles wanted to meet Harry (without Camilla’s presence), he would have. He didn’t want to. Harry accepted his choice, issued a statement confirming it and proceeded to move ahead with his schedule. And that’s what has upset the left-behinds even more.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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103 Responses to “Royalist: Queen Camilla was the reason why King Charles refused to see Harry”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Camilla forced Charles to choose. They have no shame. Camilla treated Diana horribly. She drives her out. Camilla was supposedly not going to interfere re William and harry and look what happens. Charles has the wife he deserves.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Charles is a weak man who let Camilla destroy his owns sons, as well as his first wife.

      • Alex Can says:

        Exactly, he’s truly at Camilla’s mercy. If you ever listen to the tampon tape, you can detect how she feeds his ego, pure manipulation. It’s painful and so embarrassing to witness the man revealing his stunted emotional maturity, yuck yuck yuck.

      • Eurydice says:

        Charles is a raging narcissist. He’s “weak” when he doesn’t want to do something or deal with things. Camilla is the perfect partner because she’s willing to do his dirty work.

      • ML says:

        Wow, way to let KC off the hook! Camzilla is awful, but she is not more powerful than CRex. She’s also not Harry’s father. KC has been and is perfectly capable of making his own decisions, especially regarding his own son. Camz can yell and scream all she wants, but it’s ip to KC t go along with that or not.

      • Eurydice says:

        @ML – Exactly. We saw that with the reports that Camilla wasn’t in the room when Harry met with Charles back in February. When Charles wants to do something, he’ll do it. When he doesn’t want to, he’ll blame it on somebody else.

      • Elizabeth Regina says:

        All roads lead to Camilla. The article is dripping with such venom and cattiness, I know the House of Windsor is rattled. The end is nigh for them.

      • MelodyM says:

        If Charles and Horsemilla love each other so much, why do they live in separate residences….hmmm?

    • Campbelli says:

      Harry chose Meghan. It’s ironic that Charles cheating on Harry’s mother for Harry’s entire life is supposed to garner more support from Harry than Harry’s wife who tried very hard to please the palace only to be relentlessly attacked forcing them to leave.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      This is such a bad look for Chucky either way. Either he comes off weak with Cowmilla controlling him or he seems cold hearted and mean refusing to see his son.
      No way to spin this around.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Is it possible that kkkhate has cancer and other mental health/divorce issues and charles, wanting not be be forgotten in that whole tornado, charles decided he would have cancer too so he could keep some attention? The dude is jealous of anything pulling focus away from him… it is just not serious for doctors to approve a cancer stricken 75 year old dude, who got his giant prostate removed, frolicking on the back of a horse while getting chemotherapy for trooping the color. Dude can ride no horse, not even camz

      • Interested Gawker says:

        CIII’s health and cancer status is something we cannot truly know. I suspect he does have legitimate health problems but I do think that his London Clinic stay might have been arranged to block whatever KP was doing, not just manage his own health procedure. Cam looked to be disrupting KP’s narratives on purpose by showing up so frequently and from different entrances, proving that William was not being photographed because he was not actually visiting the facility day after day. She made it plain the photographers were there even when KP specifically said there weren’t any. I don’t know if KP piggybacked on BP by choosing London Clinic or BP jumped in front of them to highlight the fact that Kate couldn’t be produced to the public from that location within the two week timeframe KP announced and having the King on the premises meant KP and The Sun couldn’t run the scam they intended to.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Honestly I was amazed at how kindly Harry talked about his father marrying C and how deeply in love they are
      It was such a kindness that his father and that creature didn’t deserve.

  2. BeyondTheFringe says:

    Harry’s statement was hardly childish and petulant. It was a matter of fact and respectful summation of the situation.

    Charles just doesn’t like the world knowing the facts about him. Of course the truth feels childish & petulant when you live in an insulated fantasy world.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      The same courtier who complained loudly about Harry’s being in the UK overshadowing Chuck’s return to work had the unironic audacity to call Harry’s statement childish.

      These people are so BAD at this.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Yesterday was a banner day for Team H&M.
      Everyone at the palace is mad as hell because:

      1. Their attempt to usurp the press coverage of Hazza’s IG event was a stupendous, monumental failure. Like full on, step on a garden rake at the garden party, hit themselves in the face, total fail. Slapstick. Comical. The King and his prize nag look utterly ridiculous.
      Cue the “Not Our Horse” & “Not Our King” signs.

      2. Their attempts to drag Hazza with the “will he won’t he ask the King for an audience” nonsense with the (King, Nag, press and palace hobgoblins) hopeful that they could turn it into another “King snubs son because he didn’t ask nicely enough and didn’t grovel in apology to the Nag” article, were COMPLETELY DERAILED by Hazza’s curt yet politely neutral statement issued by his spokesman.

      They’re MAD because Harry IS NOT BOTHERED. They didn’t succeed in making him feel shitty! They didn’t succeed in throwing him off course. He just got on with things, ignoring their petty, ignoring their ill will, and that GALLS THEM.

      Worst thing a narcissist can feel is the emptiness of being ignored. They got not only a grey rock from Hazza, they got the whole damn grey stone wall. They’re seething and I love that for them.

      Gonna be even worse for them all next month when people, sated with a delightful Nigerian visit from H&M, both of them looking well nourished, moisturized and happy, start asking Where Is Kate again just ahead of Trooping.

      The King’s Nag thought she was a more than adequate replacement for Huesa.
      She thought wrong! June is gonna be fun. Buy popcorn.

      • Teresa says:

        Exactly. Anyone who’s had a relationship with a narcissist knows what injures their fragile ego.

      • Underhill says:

        Yar, I think the Trooping is the dividing line between the Windsors and all out pandemonium about the Kate issue. I think even the British will ask, out loud, what most of the world is asking: WTH did he do to her. Or: more politely: where is Kate?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Teresa – I survived being raised by two. One overt, one covert. Basically like being raised by Cluck & Cloppy. My sibling grew up enmeshed as the golden child and turned into a W type person, complete w/ alcohol abuse – and after 3 decades of being scapegoated, used as an emotional caretaker and sometimes an emotional human shield, I got free – with my personality and my sense of compassion intact. H’s survival story really resonates with me b/c in a humbler way, I also lived it.

  3. equality says:

    Then how does this “friend” explain why KC HAS seen PH since Spare came out? Do people in the UK really swallow this BS that they are constantly fed by the media?

    • Jais says:

      Yes, that’s all I could think. Harry already met with Charles once despite what he’d said about Camilla. So why could he meet then and not now?

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      The logic fails are constant, including the rage about Spare when Charles did the exact same thing to his mommy.

      The monarchists buy whatever is dished up for them. They don’t ask questions and will happily beg to fork their money over to support other people living lavish lives.

    • Becks1 says:

      And allegedly Charles last year personally invited Harry to the coronation, and allegedly Charles and Harry had some sort of phone call around charles’ bday, if not before. And Charles invited Harry to Balmoral in September when he was in the UK. so clearly Charles is not completely cutting Harry off. It just has to be on Charles’ terms and I don’t blame harry for not playing along with those terms.

    • MsIam says:

      They constantly whine about Charles “missing” Archie and Lili. Does he expect Harry and Megan to just put the kids on a plan and send them over? How would Charles see the kids without being around Harry (and Meghan) Charles knows he got off easy in Spare and Harry didn’t say anything about Horsemilla that wasn’t already known.

  4. Of course it was Horsilla standing in the way. That is what she does. If she can’t be there to leak to her press mates then she makes sure meetings don’t happen. Chuckles doesn’t need grey men to run interference he has his favorite nag do it.

    • nutella toast says:

      She is in the way…but he’s letting her be. It’s on him. She might be awful, but at the end of the day, he’s the one making a choice.

    • Giddy says:

      She really is the epitome of the wicked stepmother. However, one thing she won’t be doing is inquiring of a magic mirror “Who’s the fairest of them all?” because any honest mirror would reply “Not you,bitch!”

      • Beverley says:

        The sidepiece is the epitome of getting the face you deserve. She isn’t an attractive woman. Yikes!

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The only time this didn’t happen was just before the NFL awards when PH did that quick flight to UK in early February. The one where lo and behold, RAVEC proved that they CAN provide Hazza with security when Cluck decides not to be a petty king. Recall how surprised and salty Cloppy’s favourite tab rats were in their reporting, how breathless Chris Ship was.

      The word was then, that H’s meeting with his father, though less than an hour, was without Cloppy in the room. And there were a lot of little angry stories on that score being spread around by Cloppy’s press faves.

      Cluck always has had the capability to not be an utter arse about this. He demonstrated that the week of February 7th. He demonstrated that he’s capable of doing what he should have been doing all along. Provide security, meet peacefully, and without the geriatric Cam girl in the room.

      I suspect the only reason Cluck arranged that in February was because for him it might have been more of a business mtg. Cluck either had to notifiy Haz about something officially, or had to get his signature in person on something for legal reasons (a will? Regency paperwork? inform him about the reality of Huesa’s situation?) Otherwise, whatever Cluck had to say to H could have been an email or a Zoom mtg.

  5. kirk says:

    So HorseFace is ticked that Diana’s relatives supported the Invictus Games 10th anniversary at St. Paul’s?
    Sounds like childish, petulant foot stamping on the part of the Horse. And whinnying. And teeth baring.

    • Tessa says:

      Camilla can’t control the spencers. Must be frustrating.

      • Kelly says:

        I loved that they went. Charles and the sidepiece must be fuming over that.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I think the Spencers all hate the King’s prize nag, and that helped them find the time to publicly support Harry. That was the Earl sending a message to Cluck about Cloppy.

      • Jaded says:

        It must be equally frustrating to know that even now that she’s QC she’s still as common as horse turds at a rodeo compared to the Spencers whose aristocratic pedigree is impeccable.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      kirk, when I saw Charles Spencer at the IG event with his sisters and Harry’s Spencer cousins, I flashed back to his speech at Princess Di’s funeral. We’ll never know what has gone on all of these years between the Spencers and Windsors, but I’m sure there has been some things. I rather think Charles Spencer was making a statement not just to Harry, but to the Windsors. I suspect that he’s not at all happy that one of Diana’s sons and his wife have been vilified by the brf/bm. This was not just a show of the family supporting the Sussexes, it was a clear show of CLASS–something the Windsors fail at.

  6. Dee(2) says:

    Harry’s description of her as a conniving and manipulative but ultimately insecure shrew in Spare really got under her skin. Good. It kills them that he won’t play their games and just moves on. That part about him being exiled is really telling. They know they don’t compete in terms of interest so they don’t want him to ever be in the country.It continues to be bizarre to me how they act like multiple events can’t occur at the same time. Do they think the only thing happening on planet Earth yesterday was that garden party? If people aren’t interested in you, they aren’t interested in you. And people are not. I hope they are enjoying all the pics and videos of him being cheered yesterday as they choke down breakfast.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The most hilarious bit about yesterday?

      The photos in this article was the first time I saw any photos of the King’s garden party. There’s no sign of them on my social media TLs. Hazza and Invictus is *everywhere*, though!

      We know who the media are really thirsty for.

      I wonder how many photos of the garden party were photoshopped? Had to be hard to edit the photos where Cloppy the King’s nag was nibbling the leafy verge.

  7. lanne says:

    Wow, Camilla is basically a cliche of the Grimms Fairy Tale Wicked Stepmother at this point. If she could, she would leave little Archie and Lillibet in the woods a la Hansel and Gretel

    • Agnes says:

      Yes, when she gave Jeremy Clarkson the green light to write that vile screed against Meghan, she gave the world proof of how archetypically evil she truly is — in case they had forgotten the Diana years. She’s undoing all her recent good publicity by encouraging Pa to shun his son.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        She’s done her most to cripple both lads’ images in the press for decades. Cloppy has always had to pull back some with Punch, because “the heir”, but in recent years she’s ramped it up on him as well, she’s just quieter and more sly about it.

        Example: I don’t think it’s just at Cluck’s behest that Punch has been sidelined since Judy was “disappeared”. I think Cloppy played a huge part in that, and the reward was her taking Punch’s place in replacing Cluck as he convalesces from his chemo.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Cam won’t stop. William’s children are in her sights too as targets, don’t doubt it.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    You know you have won when dozens of gossipers come out to defend the aggressor. Harry handled himself well and left those gutter gossipers incensed because he seemingly enjoyed his achievement event and moved on. The King of U.K. media is now on his way to Nigeria to meet up with his lovely wife while the gutter gossipers are still spinning an event that is done. The Sussexes communication team is locked and loaded with preemptive responses. Love it.

  9. Eurydice says:

    There’s no “but he also loves his wife.” Charles has always put Camilla first – that’s been his choice.

    • Well Wisher says:

      Camilla has a history of getting in the way of her mate’s relationship with their relatives as evidence by the old newspaper ‘clipping’ that recently made the rounds on social media, the quote were attributed to her former brother-in-law, whom accused her of destroying her then present husband relationship with his parents.

      It is evident that there was some truth in her ex-brother-in-law’s assertions as the pattern persist today.

  10. MSS says:

    These people initially claimed Charles can’t see Harry because he’s too busy. Then Harry makes a statement acknowledging that his father is “too busy”, and some how that statement is petulant? That’s ridiculous. Also, Harry didn’t sell out his family, he spoke of his experiences, if they wanted to be spoken well of, then they should’ve been better people.

  11. Nanea says:

    Harry is cruel and hurtful now?

    Camilla is one of the reasons why Diana never was truly happy.

    Camilla is the reason Diana is dead, because Camilla’s cronies followed her everywhere, and knew exactly where to go, thanks to Camilla leaking to her friends in the press.

    Camilla is also one of the reasons Meghan got bad press, see her good friend Jeremy C. writing that unhinged screed, her hosting the Moron, Clarkson, the liar Dickie A and so many others.

    Why would Harry ever want to see her outside of an official event?

    Too bad the BM 🐀🐀🐀 still think they’re better off in the BaRF’s camp.

    • Tessa says:

      Some writers have short memories about Diana Charles and Camilla. Or want to get honors from her.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      And Cam had her fingers in Tatler’s ‘Catherine the Great’ and the Turnip Toff gossip through her son and her niece, she’s diabolical!

      • kirk says:

        Re: Cam fingers in Tatler’s ‘Kate the Great’ — Too bad Anna Pasternak couldn’t discriminate between various palace factions when she talked to those 2 nameless podcast hosts on Infamous: Inside Meghan Markle #3. She’d be a lot better writer on royalish subjects if she could read the tea leaves rather than just saying interference came from a generic ‘palace.’ Sounds like Pasternak is framing herself as a semi-feminist these days, but I won’t be reading her Wallis Simpson anytime soon. Name the players girl.

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    They are screaming mad about his simple statement it’s bizarre to watch. (There are video clips on social media) Camilla 🐄 really must have all these people on retainer. They just can’t help themselves from looking like absolute trash can they?

  13. Jay says:

    Well, IF Camilla’s presence was really the sticking point (and I doubt it – Harry just visited his father), wouldn’t that say something about Charles that he is too afraid to meet with Harry alone for even a few minutes?

    And for all of the talk about Harry being “snubbed” by his father attending a garden party at the same time as the Invictus service a mere few miles from where Harry is, I feel like not enough is being said about the king’s older son. You know, the one who lives within a few miles from his father most of the time? The one who has unfettered access to duchy funds and a helicopter? Has HE seen his father in person yet?

  14. Faye says:

    Dunno why some are letting Charles hide behind Camilla. He is the king. What is she gonna do if he meets Harry? Resign and step down?? As if!
    Harry checked on his father ASAP when he was diagnosed because he knew how he would act if he left it too long- Charles would be messing him about just like now. The world’s media and general public were tuned in which allowed Harry to see how he was. It he’d left it longer they would’ve done the same thing they are doing now.

  15. Jais says:

    So it’s all bc of Camilla? I mean I’m sure she’s a big part but I don’t think we can underestimate just how much Harry gets under Charles’ skin. Harry’s invictus ceremony frustrates Charles. Harry putting out a statement from his spokesperson really frustrates Charles. The trip to a commonwealth country really really frustrates Charles. The exile is real bc Charles Camilla and William hate the competition. Like they really hate it when Harry’s in town.

    • Just jade says:

      That woman doesn’t give a sh… about anything she only cares about herself and her family and she knows her days are numbered after the king passing and that is why she is burning the house down.

  16. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Off topic but I have to say that the pop-up ads on this site have gotten rather out of hand, I can’t even read this article because full page ads keep popping up. I had turned off my ad blocker per the request of Celebitchy but I’ll be turning it back on. I love Kaiser and Celebitchy but I really can’t stand the ads anymore 😢

    • Steph says:

      It got better for a while but it’s just as bad again. Also, for me, the page just stops working randomly. I’m on mobile.

    • Lady D says:

      It wouldn’t be so bad if the ads were static, but the constant movement gets to me. I know it’s a me problem.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        agreed. Ads should 1) not be a jump scare and 2) not interfere with the working of the site. When they do, you’ve lost your audience because they can’t see your product!

    • joanne says:

      You might try another browser. I did, no more pop up ads which have gotten worse on pretty much every site I visited using the other browser.

  17. Libra says:

    I’m out of the loop on this, it seems. Since when is Harry exiled? He left of his own free will, his choice.

    • Carol says:

      Precisely. If making things intolerable and unsafe until Harry says no, thanks, then I guess that passes as exile… Pathetic that they’re trying to take a power position here by calling it exile, as if it was their call and Harry’s “crime” was so egregious that he should be banished. It’s nuts. Spare keeps being trotted out as the big betrayal, but when Harry left, sorry, was exiled, his only crime was protecting his wife and child.

  18. Steph says:

    What cruel things did he say about horse?

    • MsIam says:

      I guess Harry called it like it was. Camilla must always be the victim in the story, the one who sacrificed EVERYTHING for luv. Anything to the contrary will not be tolerated by the king. Gag, those two deserve each other.

  19. cazzie says:

    Just like our inexorable move to a different type of politics here in the UK, it will be the same with the phasing out of the Monarchy. The respect for the family isnt REALLY there anymore tbh, even the press baron sycophants are starting to tire of them. The only one in the family that sells their trash papers is Harry. No-one is interested in the stale and pale leftovers. Respect for the Instituion is waning too. The late HMTQ really was the last of a kind. Charles has all but trashed her legacy in 18 months.

    • Jaded says:

      Yes, it’s remarkable how quickly the walls came tumbling down once TQ passed. It’s been a complete gong show of a monarchy — you’d think that Charles had enough time to get the royal house in order before becoming king but it’s an utter shambles, aided and abetted by his worthless #1 son and his equally worthless, now missing, wife. Camilla definitely wears the pants in that relationship, she’s as conniving as Machiavelli.

  20. Hopey says:

    “WASP mafia” I’m cackling!! Love it 😂

  21. Izzy says:

    I can’t believe they think this makes Chuck or Queen Sidepiece look in any way good, regal, or strong.

  22. aquarius64 says:

    This tells me despite Camilla Anne Boleyning her way to become queen consort she is still insecure about her position. It doesn’t matter if she gets money when Charles passes, Camilla’s power is gone when he goes. She will not be queen mother because she’s is not William’s mother; and William will use his power to get rid of her. When that happens the BM won’t be so cozy with her.

  23. Serena says:

    While I don’t doubt for a second Camilla had a hand spin alienating Chuck from his sons, especially Harry, let’s not put the whole blame on her. Charles cares for just Charles, then Camilla (because she can stay in her place and not overshadow him), then the media. If he cared even one tiny bit about Harry he would have acted differently, period.
    He’s a old vengeful petty little man and a dead beat father and he looks every bit the part.

    Also, as much as the RF and Place would want to, Harry is still a British citizen so he can fly in and out of Salt Island as much as he fcking wants.

  24. Saga says:

    Awww Bless Their Hearts.
    Just another day, predictable programming, for the show : ATWT.
    dear writers’ room – I did love the plot twists – Love the full showing of The Spencer Family – such a heart warming plot twist (by the way hot casting for Viscount Spencer) and great callback to the 1997 eulogy of The Earl – the moment of them hugging in the church and sharing laughter, even blushing from the Harry character, was a perfect visual of the promise he made as the Princess’ blood family for her sons. The cheering crowd and crowd engagement at the end were also great scenes to counter the recent storyline of unpopularity.
    Seeing the TV reporters on live and news roundup broadcasts fall over themselves to try and still push that the Harry character is the antagonist in real time was meta media literacy and the community notes on the media outlets pushing the “Isolation” narrative when the public videos and international outlets social videos said otherwise – was great to show how we as an audience can hold media accountable. Long may X succeed.

    H&M are visual examples of Genesis 50: 20. They inspire to just stay in faith, focus on your focus and let go and let God.

  25. Wls145 says:

    As I said in a previous post Prince Harry’s spokesperson threw the entire rr and rf in a complete tizzy and all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put humpty together again. I’m loving them throwing stuff against the wall and nothing sticking.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The press and Royal Family are so angry that Harry put out that statement. I love it.

    • MsIam says:

      You know who else is probably loving this? Baldemort. Charles is taking ALL of the heat for once. I bet William is sitting back laughing his ass off watching his father and Horsemilla scramble. Of course William tried to get a lick in with that “Harry forbidden to see Kate” mess but that fell flat because we know Harry is not breaking any sweat to see Waity.

      • Magdalena says:

        Actually, no – I think William will also be pissed off because fewer people noticed that he ventured out to do an engagement yesterday as well. And all those people cheering for Harry? He’ll be blowing a gasket all of today. I doubt he and his father will be able to keep up the pretence of being chummy with each other for long next Monday.

    • Jais says:

      Bw the unexpected statement and the unexpected trip to Nigeria, a country of the commonwealth, they are not happy. At all. Love that for them.

  26. Claire says:

    I actually believe that this was the main reason they didn’t get together. William might have also been in Charles ear, but I don’t think that Charles really cares too much about what William tells him to do or not to do. Camilla, on the other hand ….. It’s like he can’t function or have any autonomy or make decisions without Camilla. It’s very odd, but I totally believe that Camilla has insisted she needs to be in the room when Harry is around his father from now on, and that was the sticking point that Harry refused to meet him with Camilla in the room. Charles has some serious mommy issues, and just as he apparently needs a worn teddy bear to sleep still (Andrew too apparently – what is it with these grown men and their teddy bears?), she apparently needs to be by his side in any “uncomfortable” situation. This is going to be a weird analogy, but if anyone watches Summer House I can kind of see Camilla as a Lindsay to Charles’s Carl (minus the breaking up part). I don’t think that Charles can deal with uncomfortable situations (he got that conflict avoidance from his mother and grandmother) and it’s almost like he needs Camilla to be with him at all times as a security blanket – and likewise, Camilla doesn’t want to let Charles out of her sight when Harry is around because she needs/wants to be the one calling the shots, especially in Charles final years she needs to be securing a powerful position and future for herself, and she doesn’t want Harry in Charles ear.

    • MsIam says:

      And yet the rota-rats always insist that Meghan is the one pulling the strings on Harry. But it looks like Camilla is the real Woman King.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Camilla and the leakers in the court were absolutely cut out by Harry’s previous flying visit where Harry apparently got Charles *to himself* for even a short time. They were frustrated because they couldn’t leak stuff, really frustrated because it made Harry look like a Good Son which is 100% not the story they want to put out, and resolved that it wasn’t going to happen again. So they’re keeping Charles away from Harry.

      Charles is weak enough and vain enough that he’s 100% persuadable.

      The theory I’ve seen here that their brief convo included “darling boy, can you come back to help” and got a “no” which annoyed Charles because he’s 100% transactional with Harry also has a lot of plausibility.

  27. Amy Bee says:

    All this talk about Camilla being the reason would hold water if Harry and Charles didn’t meet in February. I’m more and more convinced that Charles asked Harry to come back to the royal fold and Harry said no, his life and family is in California.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      As I said later, she could have seen the fallout and resolved to never let it happen again. But yeah, your theory is very plausible.

  28. Renae says:

    Here’s a question. How fast will William send Camilla the nag, off to the glue factory?

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      I think she’s got her country house free and clear. She’ll just retire. Remains to be seen whether her pet press sources continue to take her calls etc.

      • kirk says:

        So does Raymill still sport the giant blackamoor statute in the entrance with the black slave holding a lamp? I’m guessing UK taxpayers are on the hook for funding a portion of Raymill since ConsortQ needs separate residence for her royal “work?”

  29. Renae says:

    Seeing the pictures of the *garden party*, I have to ask just what century Charles thinks it is! Top hats and jackets with tails?
    I’m waiting for them to play croquet on the lawn….complete with parasols. THIS is what they call ‘Royal Society’? Death looks more inviting.

  30. Underhill says:

    Harry did portray her as the evil calculating wicked step mother– and then she goes ahead and acts like one and proves it. Any sensitive decent person would get out of the way in this situation and let father and son meet in private. Not Camzilla. She is not sensitive or decent.

  31. Cathy says:

    The top photo is a very good reminder to wear sunscreen!

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    The sidechick “has been the one propping up the whole edifice”?

    Oh dear, that doesn’t say much about the strength of the monarchy.

    Harry played them for fools and it’s been amazing to watch them scream about it.

  33. Over it says:

    Well I don’t recall harry calling her a. b-ch but if he did , he be right. Camilla is that and so much more. She is Satan hand maiden, and I guess in this case that makes her spineless worm of a husband, Satan .
    I am constantly fascinated with how everyone In that cult is allowed to put their wives first. Protect their wives , their wives must never be criticized, or insulted or dragged into anything unsavory but Harry wife , the black Duchess it’s always open season on her . She has no feelings, she isn’t human . She has no mom, she isn’t someone wife . A mother . Let’s join together and dehumanize her every chance we get .

  34. Heather says:

    Ya know, C3 wants attention, we can give him some. Maybe it’s time to make the whole tampon gate tape go viral again? For the young’ens who either have never heard it or are unaware of what happened?

    • Chantale says:

      It is not even a good tampon because it leaks to the tabloids.

    • windyriver says:

      SNL is still popular; they did a whole takeoff skit about tampongate at the time. It wasn’t a great parody though all the basic elements of the story were there – and Mick Jagger, who was an SNL guest that week, had a bit part as a butler. Think it was Dana Carvey’s last show – he played Charles. That would be fun to revive. It was still around as of a year ago…

  35. VilleRose says:

    My favorite line in that whole article: “The media should be talking about the king’s return to work, instead we are talking about a 39 year old man’s daddy issues.” lol nice try to spin that but no, we are talking about how great it is Harry is attending the 10th anniversary of IG in person!

    The king decided to schedule/prioritize his garden party on the same day as his son’s signature organization’s 10th anniversary service, did he really think the focus would be on him? He’s gotten a lot of sympathy for his cancer diagnosis/treatment but… even that can’t compare with Harry coming to the UK. The media was more interested in Diana when they were married and after she died, the interest moved on to his sons. He never will get that attention he craves and at 75 years old he should know better. Think how much bigger the headlines would have been had he chosen to go to St. Paul’s Cathedral instead! This is what prioritizing Camila’s feelings gets him.

  36. vpd4 says:

    As I’ve said before, they don’t care. We’re in the age of Trump and he broke all of the barriers of bad behavior.

  37. therese says:

    Camilla has a lot of things. She just needs a few more things. She needs a good bra, and I mean a good one, where you can take the straps up and lift-em-up. The girls gotta be tired of looking at the ground. Lift them up so they can look at the sky for a change; or at least the horizon. She needs to zip that mf up (all her dresses that are zipped down and look like house dresses). She needs a face-lift. (Don’t come after me, I’m not being ageist, I’m being anti-Camilla). She’s scaring people (me). She needs a good hair-cut/new hair-do. A current one. She needs her brows plucked, a good facial, and a good make-up artist. She needs a new stylist. I’m just saying for a friend.

  38. HuffnPuff says:

    Hard to believe that these are adults. Oh boo hoo, your son has aired grievances about you publicly. Instead of listening to him and trying to understand him, you exiled him and his family. You evicted them from their British home and you never invite any of them to visit. Then you have the media write sniveling articles about how you wish you could see your grandchildren that you refused to defend from racist attacks because oh that’s right, you were just as guilty. KFC – King Manchild. Soon to be followed by King Manchild II. 🙄

  39. bisynaptic says:

    Imagine choosing… Camilla… over your own children.

  40. Farway says:

    Camzilla reminds me of the picture of Dorian Gray! And these people either are really too arrogant or too dumb to realise that Karma is already there, having knocked on two doors. The remaining two, Camzilla and Bulliam just wait and see, Karma will soon be knocking on their doors too one way or the other.

    • Iolanthe says:

      She is evil . Never seen her looking as twinkling and smiley as when Kate’s cancer announcement just went public . It was like yay, another one bites the dust . Never mind if her own husband has a cancer battle of his own.. she was just loving doing solo appearances and preening her feathers , after all she still has Andrew Parker Bowles on the back burner if and when the King gives up the ghost . What a truly horrible person , now that Harry and Meghan are back in the limelight , she isn’t looking happy any more .