Courtney Love plans to “sue the holy sh-t” out of Frances Bean’s guardians


I’m not even going to attempt to go through the history of Courtney Love’s battle to either retain guardianship over her 17 year old daughter Frances Bean, or to shun Frances completely. Courtney lost custody of Frances back in December, and afterward that, Courtney has been ranting and raving to anyone who would listen, even though there’s some evidence that Love was maybe abusing Frances. One thing is for sure: Courtney is crazy, she’s gross, she’s disturbing, and Frances can find a million other better places to reside until she turns 18.

But that’s not stopping Courtney. She issued a new rant in an attempt to “expose… this sh-t with the bean…” Okay, I kind of love that Courtney refers to her daughter as “the bean”. I mean, yes, she’s crazy, but she’s also barely lucid enough to make a half-decent joke. Anyway, in an attempt to “expose” what’s happening with the bean, Courtney has resolved to “sue the holy sh-t out of them”. Them = the bean’s guardians, her grandmother and her aunt, on Kurt Cobain’s side. Here’s more:

Courtney Love lost custody last month of her 17-year-old daughter Frances Bean, who then got a restraining order against her. Now she is threatening a lawsuit against Kurt Cobain’s mother and sister, Frances Bean’s temporary guardians.

“This sh-t with the bean needs to be exposed for what it is right f-cking NOW enough,” she tweeted. “They squeesed my bank accounts so that they were frozen because they know im going to sue the holy sh-t out of them and now are … crocodiling my kid whose better than this seriously she was raised too well to be bought.”

In case the previous tweets raised any doubt, Courtney says she is sober.

“I’m severely lonely without my best friend and no am not on drugs BTW,” she tweeted.

Earlier this week Courtney surfaced on Twitter with topless pictures of her newly tattooed self.

[From Huffington Post]

Of course she’s not on drugs. Why would she even think that we would think that, right? I mean, isn’t this the face of sobriety? Now, I’m going to give Courtney a teeny, tiny bit of credit for one thing: I do think part of the motivation from the Cobain family is about money, and about the bean’s inheritance. Yes, the bean is better off without Courtney. But I would hate to see her with people who just view her as a walking trust fund too.

Courtney twit-pic via her Twitter account.

Frances Bean Cobain Hangs Out In NYC!

Around Smashbox - Fall 2006 - Day 5

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29 Responses to “Courtney Love plans to “sue the holy sh-t” out of Frances Bean’s guardians”

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  1. GatsbyGal says:

    Why would Courtney Love want to spend so much time, energy, and money into something that’s not even going to matter in less than a year when the girl turns 18?

    Hmm, I’m expecting sense from a drugged-out mental case…

  2. IceKitty says:

    I think it is the opposite with the Mother and Sister. I think “The Bean” wanted this, and initiated it, because she is afraid her own Mother will take her inheritance. Which is probably true. Isn’t Frances the one who got a restraining order taken out on her Mom?

    It’s too coincidental, because it is about 6-7 months before she is 18. Why do it now?? So you Mom dosen’t steal all of your money for drugs….

    C-love is trash. Always has been and always will be. I never understood what Kurt saw in her…

  3. Roma says:

    I think they’re trying to protect her inheritance… not for themselves, but so that Frances will have what should have been hers from her father. I really don’t see the Cobains using her as a walking trust fund; I think they have legitimate concerns for her physical, mental and financial well being.

  4. princess pea says:

    Yeah, Frances is smart enough to know that she’s coming into money. I don’t think she would have requested a change of custody arrangements so close to the age of majority if there was a chance that her grandmother and aunt were after her dough. Once she’s eighteen, I wouldn’t be surprised if she re-establishes a mostly-healthy relationship with her mother, and she might even offer her financial support. The thing is, it needs to be under Frances’ direction, not Courtney’s.

  5. When she says “they froze my bank accounts” does she really mean they froze “the Bean’s” bank accounts?

  6. Firestarter says:

    Umm, hate to sound dumb here, but WTF is “crocodiling”?

  7. princess pea says:

    @ Firestarter – I have no idea, but I don’t think it’s a sign that you’re dumb if you don’t understand Courtney-speak. She’s a nutter; if you understood her I’d be worried about you.

  8. lucy2 says:

    I don’t get the custody battle over an almost 18 year old either, but Courtney probably doesn’t even know how old her kid is. Frances should have gotten herself emancipated ages ago – with one look at Courtney, what judge would have turned that down?

    Frances certainly has a lot working against her. I just hope for her sake she’s one of those kids who sees what her mother is and goes the OPPOSITE direction.

  9. Green Is Good says:

    @Firestarter, I believe Courtney meant “crocodile tears”.

    Gad, I’m trying to translate crackwh0re-speak.

  10. TaylorB says:

    All of these tweets of hers are not going to help her case when/if she actually finds a way to take them to court. She comes across as a strung out junkie or a raving lunatic.

  11. Goosie says:


    yeah, exactly. How could they have frozen her accounts? Obvs. she is blowing through Frances’ money.

    Ugh. I really dislike CLove.

  12. Raven says:

    If she hadn’t wanted her paternal grandparent as custodian, she could have filed for emancipation with an institutional trustee for these last several months and still gotten the restraining order against her mother.

  13. Taya says:

    Bean’s maternal-grandparent is probably the only stable adult in Beans life right now. What adult did she have? The nannies, house cleaners? Not Love or that other loser Cobain.
    Look at her whore fake-mother. Love is trash. She was on heroin before, during and after the pregnancy, she trapped Cobain by getting pregnant. Love never wanted a baby, she wanted Cobain and fame and Cobain was just as bad. Courtney never took care of ‘the Bean’, nannies raised her, lost custody of her numerous times, and she did drugs in front of her daughter. Horrible mother through and through. All Love wants is the money. She could care less about her kid. This hag is a mess. Courtney is a disgusting, dirty loser who needs to go far away.

  14. Firestarter says:

    @Green is Good- Thanks for the translation.

  15. Jenn says:

    Wonder why the teen did not get emancipation through the courts – it was reported that her father committed suicide from problems/depression relating to severe abuse as a child… and she is put in that family? Well, when the kid turns 18, maybe she’ll do a “tell all” book.

  16. NC says:

    I think “crocodiling” is a metaphor. Just like a crocodile is killed only for it’s valuable skin and the rest is thrown away, Francis is being used by her family members only for her inheritance. It doesn’t matter who is right is this fight. I just hope the poor kid can have a normal adulthood.

  17. Butch says:

    I don’t know why Courtney keeps including the public in her personal affairs and particularly this issue. It’s not helping her directly or indirectly and will certainly compromise her plans if she has any at all. We know you’re lonely Courtney, you’ve been lonely for a long time. She’s not on drugs but does rely heavily on prescription meds and anti-depressants.

  18. Butch says:

    I meant she’s not on street drugs anyway.

  19. Victoria says:

    I remember reading that Courtney was doing coke or heroin while pregnate with Francis. I also read somewhere that Cobain actually tried to avoid Courtney Love when he first met her. And said to a friend that he knew she was trouble but he really loved her at the same time. The rest is a sad history. I feel for “the bean”

  20. says:

    “crocodiling” i kind of took it to mean they were turning her daughter cold and mean towards her…you know, kind of like a crocodile. i don’t know, it’s hard to tell.

  21. says:

    this is honestly one of those situations where you(meaning WE) really just don’t know WTF is going on and i doubt we ever really will unless Francis herself issues a statement, and even then who knows what is what.

    *for starters we all know that courtney is a cracked out crazy hot ghetto mess of a person. we know that she is in some way shape or form an addict-whether it’s drugs, prescription pill, plastic surgery, weight and food issues….the list goes on and on…however, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love her daughter. and it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want the best for her daughter, i just don’t think she has the tools-mentally or emotionally-to provide the “best” for francis.
    *second-i hate to say it, but i kinda think that francis is a very smart and probably somewhat manipulative little girl…she’s 17, and she wants control over her money. all 17yr olds know EVERYTHING there is to know about the world. literally EVERYTHING> remember?!? and anyone that tries to tell them different or wants to stand in their way will be removed from their way. i was 17 once and in a very similiar situation where i had a large sum of money that would be mine when i was 18 and i’d be damned if anyone was gonnna try to tell me what i should or should do with it OR my life for that matter. i was in control and i’d do just about anything to prove it.
    unfortunately, this kid really has some terrible odds genetically stacked up against her- HORRIFIC drug and alchohol addiction on BOTH sides of her family, terrible mental and emotionaly problems as well,depression, mood disorders, anxiety issues, bipolar stuff with her dad. i mean, it’s hard to believe she got off scott free, i wouldn’t think it would be too far to guess that she is probably using some sort of drug herself- most likely just pot and alcohol. let’s face it, she’s a rich hollywood kid with tons of money and famous parents.
    third- we have know absolutely NOTHING about the Cobain’s except that they raised a very maladjusted son who also had drug and alchohol problems and had incredibly severe depression problems that went untreated, so who knows what the heck they’re like.

    i’m just sayin…… it’s hard to know what heck is going on here. i’m sure being raised by nannies and a crazy mom with money and agents and hanger-ons she probably got really good at pitting people against eachother at a very young age. and don’t get me wrong, i’m sure she’s a sweet kid and all, but she’s had a tough life so far, and money does crazy things to people.

  22. scott says:

    sheesh…So much talent wasted by C-Love. She’s a better actress than singer. And an inspiration for jokes like:
    What’s the diffence between C-Love and Wayne Gretzky?
    Wayne Gretzky showers after 3 periods.

  23. abbizmal says:

    Did she have a stroke? Sure looks that way.

  24. Goddess711 says:

    Courtney, meet Tila. Tila, Courtney. I believe that yours is a match made in heaven….

  25. says:

    OHMYGOD@goddess711!!!! you are TOTALLY right, that’s crazy… they are one and the same! S C A R Y.

  26. JC25 says:

    I think that the Cobains is all Francis has left. And Francis is all the Cobains have left of Kurt. Courtney has been a mess from the moment she became “famous”. Yeah Kurt was a strung out musician, but has anyone really looked into nor cared about the evidence of his “suicide”? She has tried to suck the life out of everyone around her and the best thing for Francis is to be away from her. She should have been locked up a long time ago… I dont think there is anyone out there who is more selfish than she is.

    • TrustMeOnThis says:

      Actually, Courtney never had a chance, herself. Google her dad – Hank Harrison – and see!

  27. SONNY says: