Katie Holmes mixes Lanvin, Nina Ricci & The Row: still fug or kind of cute?


Yesterday, we saw Katie Holmes and The Mystery of Latex Leggings. Today, we get Katie Holmes and The Mystery of Whatever The Fug This Is. I don’t get it. I don’t even get it enough to analyze all of the different (fug) parts. It’s a hideous mess. No… okay, I will analyze it. Imagine this without the fluffy, fur mini-cardi (by Nina Ricci). It’s just a, like, a leotard with a wrap dance skirt, right? Wrong. The skirt is Lanvin. The tank is from The Row. Katie is just one of those women who make expensive designer clothes look cheap as hell. Plus, when you put all the pieces together… she looks like a 50-year-old ballet instructor who is going out for drinks at the local Hilton. Rough.

But the biggest problem? Katie’s drugged-out robot face. Why is it that when Katie is surrounded by adults – presumably her Scientology handlers – she always looks like she’s high a kite? And I don’t think it’s e-meter electronic pulses either, like Star Magazine claimed (and Katie sued over). I think Katie is on something more old-fashioned. Like buckets of pills.

Also – Lainey says one of these women is Tom Cruise’s sister…? I’m guessing it’s not the Asian one…?




Photos courtesy of Fame.

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48 Responses to “Katie Holmes mixes Lanvin, Nina Ricci & The Row: still fug or kind of cute?”

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  1. Diane says:

    Definitely fug, she is the worst dresser, ever.

  2. islandwalker says:

    She needs to fire her stylist. (Suri- I’m talking ’bout you!)

  3. Marc says:

    WOW she looks really old.

  4. Days after Christmas says:

    The Asian chick has hot heels! Katie’s are not bad either. I don’t mind the outfit so much. They cover her problematic legs.

    I do think her long hair looks sloppy. By far the worst part of the look is the lobotomy eyes. Hands down!

  5. Newbie says:

    Ich. All in all, I feel for her. I would have left that scientology freak a LONG time ago. It’s really too bad. I remember a time when Tom was really really good looking and totally legit. Both as an actor and a person. Sad.

  6. Relli says:

    Those latex leggings were ATROCIOUS. She doesn’t ever look as awful in movies as she does in real life, so i going to with the theory that she simply does not know how to dress for her body type or her age. There is certain stuff you can get away with in your early 20’s that just doesn’t work at 30.

  7. WYIJM says:

    According to the DM it was after midnight and Katie’d been working on promoting her fashion line all day. Yes, really… The Asian lady is identified as her design partner.

    So I’ll give her a break on looking zonked out, and I actually quite like the outfit (in the DM pic).


  8. Matt says:

    She always looks deranged. God when was the last time she had a movie out? The last one that sticks out in my head (for the wrong reasons) is Mad Money.

  9. Christine says:

    If she’s gonna endure botox injections, at least use some undereye makeup. Jeesh. The outfit? Meh.

  10. gobo says:

    It’s a bit meh but the make up is dreadful.

  11. trollydolly says:

    Her make-up is atrocious. She can look facially very pretty, even if her clothes style is the worst I’ve ever seen for someone with her money and access to stylists, but that blusher!

  12. brin says:

    What the frock?!
    She looks like a zombie going to a tea party.

  13. Violet says:

    might suit helen mirren.

  14. Psyren says:

    Co-signing what Marc said. I literally didn’t recognize her at first because she looks so old in these pics. And oily.

  15. Violet says:

    After seeing the Daily Mail picture i think it’s cuter and more elegant than in the picture above.

  16. as says:

    The asian gal is Jeanne Yang. She is Katie’s stylist turned designing parter. Jeanne probably picked those out for her. Either way she looks like an overaged prom queen. There are pics of this on the internet and the white gal was holding Katie’s hand while they were walking. Like she needed support. Yes she looks like she’s “on” something because she doesn’t look normal.

    I blame Tommy and his demented family for this.

  17. Quest says:

    Why, please tell me why does Katie do this to herself. It’s a fashion don’t you ever do again thing-a-ma-gig

  18. Jackson says:

    Oh, Katie…
    And are you letting Suri do your makeup now?

  19. melinda says:

    Hair, make-up, outfit, all fug.

  20. Cha Cha Loca says:

    How does she manage to look like absolute shit all the time?!

  21. machiavelli says:

    Oh boy! The outfit itself is not that bad. It would suit someone like Grace Kelly or January Jones. While Katie looks like a robot, the other women seems to look normalish.

  22. benny says:

    I really hope her lawsuit against the tabloid goes ahead and reaches the deposition stage. I’d like SOMEBODY (even if it’s just lawyers for a tabloid) to find out what the hell Tom and the so-called “church” are doing to her. Seeing her like this (looking stoned and mentally/emotionally out of it) is really disturbing.

  23. Bailey says:

    you forgot to mention
    Katie Holmes mixes greasy face, Lavin, Nina Ricci…

  24. Jennifer says:

    She just looks so emtpy. I used to have the biggest crush on Tom Cruise but if this is what he does to women, F that!

  25. Bailey says:

    she is empty. that’s what happens when you get your soul sucked out.

  26. JoJo says:

    But…this IS my happy face!

  27. Zelda says:

    Her skin looks nice.

    But you nailed it when you said she makes designer clothes look cheap.

  28. Henriette says:

    She needs to lay off the fake-tan/ greasy orange foundation! And her eyes look like Britney’s: sad and half-dead.

  29. kathug says:

    she does always looked stoned…..theres no way that she’s sober

  30. Justaposter says:

    And she looked so chic just the other day (long trench coat)

  31. bagladey says:

    Fug. She needs a stylist.

  32. ARIA says:

    She needs a lover.

  33. Nanea says:

    I don’t know if it’s intentional, but the skirt looks like someone pulled it out of the laundry without bothering to iron it.

    And her eyes look like she’s on some strong tranquilizers, heavily sedated.

  34. snapnhiss says:

    I don’t like her hair style but her hair is glorious. So thick and shiny… I’d love to have hair like that.

  35. Jayna says:

    She messed up her cuteness when she got a nose job. I loved her cute wider nose. Then she gets with Tom and she gets a nose job and he tries to get everybody to call her Kate, but it doesn’t work, and she’s called a fashion icon, which I don’t get. She marries a rich celebrity and has money to buy lots of clothes, that usually aren’t that stylish. She’s no fashion icon. Nicole Kidman is.

  36. k.at says:

    Has anyone seen the pictures of her holding Suri while shopping and Suri has a package of PENIS GUMMI WORMS in her hands? Katie did not even notice and was just smiling and posing-best picture ever.

  37. Wendyrama says:

    The problem is she is with her stylist! The Asian woman is Jeanne Yang, her design partner, also a well known (and formerly respected) stylist. The other woman, I would guess, is the business manager of Holmes & Yang. They were in NY to present the line to Simon Doonan of Barney’s.

  38. Kloops says:

    Agreed. Totally fug and totally zombified. And she’s channeling Middleton again. What does the CoS do to make her so vacant and lifeless and Tom so freakishly animated?

  39. Stephanie says:

    She is trying really hard to make the fashion thing work, huh? Her comments about Suri picking out her clothes and being a little fashionista, starting a clothing line, etc.

    She looks stoned out of her gourd here. Stoned is not the same thing as tired, someone please explain that to her “spokespeople” (handlers). I would not want to be her for one minute. When you see old pics of her before Tom’s crazy couch-jumping days she looks so vibrant and ALIVE. There is something terribly wrong in that house IMO.

  40. hyuch says:

    I think the outfit suits her actually. But she looks sad as hell.

  41. dovesgate says:

    It’s a pretty outfit in my opinion. I think one of the problems (besides the CoS) is the lack of fat in her face. Her cheekbones look saggy because she’s too thin, which help make her look tired/drugged.

  42. newtsgal says:

    Just goes to show you money can’t buy happiness, class or style. I live in a small town and buy most of my stuff from Rose’s and Wallyworld. I’m twice her age and I look way better than she does.

  43. Abby says:

    I bet she’s wearing that long skirt because she has to hide the leg zits from wearing that pleather legging nightmare.

  44. Sue says:

    She has got to be one of the worst parents hand down I mean letting her 5 year old Suri hold and buy a box of penis gummies or even take her young child into a store where they sale adult candy Katie didn’t seem to notice or care and If you don’t believe check it out for yourselves.




  45. Magsy says:

    Her bad fashion is the least of her problems. That’s one unhappy looking mama!Always the faraway look in her eyes.

  46. dana says:

    @ abby – I laughed so hard! you know its true! This looks stupid and she’ll probably blame it on Suri!

  47. DrM says:

    The skirt probably cost a bomb and it looks like a wrinkled bed sheet…and I agree the makeup is really bad, pink blusher and blue eyeshadow…good lord.