Nadya Suleman really did say “I am absolutely disgusted by babies”


Another treat for you bitches today! Once again, I’m writing about Nadya “OctoMom” Suleman, who I never really cared about, and still don’t. But this is notable – a few weeks ago, In Touch Weekly had an interview with Nadya where she seemed to be claiming that she hated her babies – read the original story here. Everybody freaked out, and Nadya later claimed that In Touch had made the whole thing up. Then she brought her kids to the Today Show, and it was INSANE. She’s insane. She’s like Linnocent, only with babies. It’s just lie after lie after contradiction after crazy. Well, guess what? Crazy bitch was lying when she claimed she never said she hated her babies. Well… maybe. She actually said that she hates BABIES. In general. TMZ got the audio (which you can hear here).

It’s the interview Octomom says she never gave — in which the mother of 14 claims, “I am absolutely DISGUSTED by babies” — except this time … it’s all caught ON TAPE.

Excerpts of the interview were originally published last month by InTouch Magazine — via a freelance reporter — but Nadya Suleman has flat out DENIED ever making the statements, telling TMZ, every single quote that was attributed to her from the interview is false.

But it’s clear as day in the audio recording — Octomom states, “Whenever I hear a baby cry, I cringe. I do not like babies.” Nadya continues, “I am absolutely disgusted by babies. They make me sick … I don’t even look at them. I have to look away.”

Octo also admits to locking herself in her bathroom just to get away from it all — a statement she partially denied to us, claiming, “I hardly have 30 seconds to go to the restroom, I could never lock my self in the bathroom for hours.”

Octo’s rep tells TMZ, “Nadya never gave an interview to InTouch magazine. She never once said she was disgusted by her own children.”

[From TMZ]

You know what? When I hear a baby in the middle of fit, I cringe too. That’s why I’m not a mother. What’s Nadya’s excuse? Oh, right: bitch is crazy. That’s her excuse.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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93 Responses to “Nadya Suleman really did say “I am absolutely disgusted by babies””

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  1. the original bellaluna says:

    I’m just going to start off saying this: Bitch never should have had kids. Some people really should be born sterile. Octo-toon, Kris Kartrashian, and White Oprah round out my top three.

    CPS in Cali is a joke. I’d be shocked to hear they removed the kids (or at least the babies), even if was only for a day or two, while they investigated.

  2. Kristin says:

    looks like the reality fame wasn’t worth it to her lol

  3. Obvious says:

    i was soooooo hoping you’d cover this. but i was hoping for a bit more snark. oh well, still highly amused!

  4. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    Isn’t there enough publicly and privately going on for these kids to be put into proper homes, this is utterly unfair to these children who are innocent and need and deserve attention from loving parents.

    That this Octo craziness is being played out in the media and there is so much evidence of neglect and nothing is being done to help the children is a crime.

  5. Selena Castle says:

    OK howl me down if you like, but I too hate babies and I had two of them. I hate babies but I love kids when they hit about 6 months old. So I guess I sort of understand what she meant.

  6. DethHammer says:

    Her face is absolutely terrifying. You can clearly see the round cutlets of cheek implants shoved into her face, and it looks like she got a blepharoplasty (eyelid plastic surgery) so her eyes look even more hollowed out now. Scary.

    And if she hates babies “in general” so much, why does she have EIGHT of them?!

  7. Praise St. Angie! says:

    man hands!

  8. NeNe says:

    That is one FUGLY woman. She deserves to have each and every one of them taken away from her. Then, she will truly be the worthless nothing she really is.

  9. feedmeplz says:

    What is up with her arm in photo #2? Really creepy looking..

  10. Melissa says:

    She seriously said that? Is that enough cause for CPS to take her kids away? I am stunned. When I hear a baby or kid having a fit (including ones that aren’t mine that is), it doesn’t bother me. I am one of those Mom’s that can tell by a babies cry in a store, etc whether he/she is hungry, tired or just mad. WTH? This woman is needs to be locked up.

  11. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Mitch Buchanan – You’d think so, wouldn’t you? And she’s been investigated by CPS before, like 3 or 4 times.

    CPS (in Cali) only likes to get really involved in cases where a kid hurts themselves either A) doing something they shouldn’t have been; B) playing sports; or C) in some accident, all of which result in them being taken to the hospital (by their RESPONSIBLE PARENTS), where a “concerned medical professional” calls them.

    It’s all very disgusting.

  12. Alice says:

    When I hear a kid having a fit out in public, I laugh. ‘Cause I know whatever they’re crying about is piddly, but to them it’s THE BIGGEST CATASTROPHE EVER.

    If she hates kids now, just wait until the older ones become teenagers. Then once she’s cleared that battlezone, she’ll get to go through a second round involving 8 teenagers. The worst part about having kids is that they always turn into teenagers.

  13. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Selena Castle – “Hate” is such a strong word. Couldn’t you mean you just really intensely dislike the first 6 months?

    I’ve had 3, and there is some stuff I genuinely CAN NOT STAND (cleaning up barf is highest on my list, and I’m not talking spit-up here) but I L-O-V-E babies and toddlers!

    (Now, teenagers, on the other hand…)

  14. TQB says:

    I certainly don’t mean to defend her, but I think there’s a big difference between saying “I hate my babies” and saying “I hate babies” after having had 8 newborns at once. It’s sort like you love ice cream but after you eat 8 cones, yeah, you’d hate the sight on another one.

    Edited to add: because it seems to me she isn’t saying she *always* hated babies, but that she does now.

  15. Kelly says:

    @DethHammer – she has 14 children, so she’s had 14 babies – more babies to hate, I guess.

    I can’t really snark on this one, since there are innocent, defenseless children involved. I can certainly understand not liking babies – some people don’t like babies, some people don’t like kids at all, some people don’t want kids… whatever. What I DO NOT understand is having 14 children in multiples when you can’t stand babies. She is completely reprehensible.

  16. Jingo Jango says:

    Why aren’t these children taken away. She has said over and over again that she cannot take care of them. And I just heard her say that she didn’t bond with the last 8. Those babies still have a chance if they can be with someone whom can give them the love and attention that they need. If not, what are the chances of these kids growing up as criminals? God help em.

  17. You don't say says:

    Well, if you hate babies and already have six children, why in hell have EIGHT more voluntarily implanted in yourself knowing they are going to be infants and babies. She brought this mess upon herself with the selfish and illegal assistance of a person guilty of malpractice. She has no right to complain. I feel for the children, not for this nut case.

  18. Haven’t you ever changed the diaper of an adorable little baby that you love and been disqusted?

  19. blondie says:

    She probably liked them much better when she just had SIX and foisted them off on her mom.
    She LIED, she said it. She denied saying anything.
    How can anyone defend her?
    I’m glad they released this tape. Sue away, right!
    I would bet this is only a small part of the whole tape.

  20. ladybert62 says:

    I am “absolutely disgusted by” Nayda Suleman.

  21. Madisyn says:

    @ Ruby Red

    Were we not just talking about this yesterday in regards to Blohan. Hooray for the invention of the tape recorder and double hooray for the interviewer to have the set to produce the evidence and let everyone hear it. This proves once and for all, this b!tch is off her nut.

    For all those poster who keep asking, why have eight more babies when she already had six she had no home and no money to raise. Very simply because she wanted to be FAMOUS! Having six rugrats is not enough of a gimmick for that reality show she saw in her dreams. Having eight babies at once, well in her sick, delusional mind, that was the ticket.

    On a more serious note, when is the house going to be foreclosed upon? With no where to raise them, maybe, just maybe CPS will step in and FINALLY do their JOB!

  22. Rio says:

    I’m not a fan of babies either. “Yes, it’s cute, but what can it DO?”, lol. I’m always afraid I’m going to drop them, I can’t stand the screaming (our brains are actually wired to find the noise unbearable so we check on the little buggers to shut it off) and every one I’ve been around smels like spoiled milk.

    I want kids someday, but can I skip the first 6 months?

    Ah, screw it- I’m adopting a 30-year-old with his own apartment.

  23. Laura says:

    What a stupid c u next tuesday

  24. Melancholy says:

    Um, they’re very cuddly and coo-ey when they’re little. That’s a nice thing.

  25. Madchen says:

    I’m out of the loop. Who’s white Oprah?

  26. katy says:

    hey, i think its so hard to rise so many babies, she is lonely mother, she can be depressed. i hope that she will be good mother for her childrens.

  27. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Madchen – Pimp Mama Lohan.

  28. Tierra says:

    I knew someone had to have a taped copy of that interview somewhere. Its always just a matter of time before this thing is caught in her web of lies.

    She looks hideous with her baboon lips and cheek implants. Funny how she can take money and time out to get implants installed all over her body but yet Jonah still has his cleft lip.
    when will someone step in and take care of these kids?

  29. the original bellaluna says:

    @ katy – Then common sense would dictate not having all those embryos artificially implanted into oneself. Particularly when one already has 6 kids one is unable to care for.

    As far as her being a “good mother for her children,” I wouldn’t get my hopes up. She’s been investigated by CPS on at least 3 previous occasions, she’s unemployed, her house has been in foreclosure for months, and her 9-year-old daughter paid more attention to those toddlers on the Today Show than she. Please don’t hold your breath. MY CPR card is expired.

  30. Melissa says:

    @ Hunchback Geek: It’s called unconditional love. Even if you do get grossed out, you just don’t think twice about it.

    But I hear some of you….babies aren’t for everyone. But this idiot got twelve embryos implanted into her womb. And now babies disgust her? Oy.

  31. munchies says:

    I really really wanted to poke her eyes with those gorilla fingers!

    i wonder what is her excuse this time?

    oh nadya, please go away and dont ever think of coming back… turn over your kids to those who are willing to love them.

  32. Thea says:

    Im disgusted by her. She should not even have children. That was a money making opportunity for her that totally went the way she didnt want it to. She should let someone who has patience and love raise these kids, and she should just be a stripper and forget about it.

  33. Annie says:

    Nadya and InTouch probably set the whole “did she or didn’t she really say that?” up for publicity. There is nothing this woman will not do for attention. She seems to be so desperate for attention that any fame is good fame to her. Pathetic.

    And yeah, really, really bad cheek implants – you can see the outline of them in photos. I think even Madonna had hers taken out for this reason.

  34. Jana says:

    I’d go crazy with all those kids, too. But she’s a nut anyway. She said she only has a few minutes away form the kids. But then on the Today Show she talks about running and that’s how she keeps her sanity. And I have never seen a photo without her nails done. And Suzie Orman I saw on Oprah or somewhere told her she had to give all that stuff up because she was broke.

    She’s delusional.

  35. Bess says:

    Why can’t the state of CA force the incompetent and unethical doctor who implanted all of those embryos to contribute to the financial support of the kids?

    He must have made a fortune over the years he’s been involved in fertility treatments.

  36. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Bess – Nope. His job is creating and implanting, not financially supporting. Besides, he lost his license due to this unethical fiasco. Too bad Octo-toon didn’t lose stuff too.

  37. Violet says:

    It makes me heartsick to think her poor children, growing up with a mother who sees them as nothing but a disgusting mealticket.

    I wish that Child Protective Services would rescue the children and give them to parents who will love and nurture them.

  38. kaligula says:

    @ Violet, yes, I wish so too…I for one love babies and children and would like to adopt one of hers!!! It’s too much to expect her to be able to raise them on her own. And I sympathise with her, if she did in fact say this– she’s obviously in a state of abnormally high stress and not perceiving things clearly.

  39. Turtle Dove says:

    I’m out of the loop on this one. Does she have adult help with the kids?

    I’m certain the older ones bolt once they reach the age where they can move out. If she has no help, are they virtual child slaves?

    I’d hate to live in that house. 🙁

  40. Kim says:

    Cant stand Octomom but her point is she had so many babies she is now disgusted by babies in the sense that she couldnt imagine having more. I dont think she means she hates and wants to kill all babies. It was a reference to her and her having more babies not all babies (the interviewer asks if she had the money would she have more).

  41. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Turtle Dove – She claims she doesn’t have nannies. Of course, she also claimed she never said she hates babies. So it’s anyone’s guess, at this point.

  42. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    This harpy needs to write a manual on “how to famewhore and freeload.” I’ve never meant a person so adept at exploiting those around her for sympathy, money, plastic surgery and a place to stay.

  43. wunderkindt says:

    And this surprises who???

  44. teehee says:

    She needs to take the inserts out of her cheeks.
    It creates this huge gap and sunken appearance where her face is actually still NORMAL and not inflated with silicone, and its absolutely ghastly. Plus it hides her eyes. Its just so awful when she smiles.

  45. Jaye E says:

    I’m not defending her, but in the audio she says that she “hates babies” but that because she allegedly “doesn’t have help” she has had to take care of all her children herself and has bonded with them. It doesn’t make her any more sympathetic, but she’s not saying that she hates HER kids.

  46. Miss Diagnosed says:

    Ah, this makes me laugh, but it also makes me sad for her kids. If you are disgusted by babies, don’t stuff yourself with them, like you’re at an all you can eat buffet, you useless idiot.

  47. aloe juice says:

    Isn’t it time that authorities take her children away? Like there is obviously something a little off mentally with her and it’s very obvious she can’t adequately care for all her children. The situation is sad.

  48. xxodettexx says:

    personally i hate babies BUT bc i recognize that i hate babies, i will never ever a) have babies, b) have multiple babies, c) hold my friends babies even for a second or d) pretend to care about my friends and families babies… its just not in me to like babies and i have been known to sleep through babies crying their heads off [when their mothers stay with my family] so i guess i am just not hardwired to give two fraks about babies…

    all that being said, it is just in such bad taste for her to say that she hates babies… what a psychopath!

  49. says:

    While I have to admit that the story of having octuplets is interesting, the harm this woman has inflicted on her own fricking children is absolutely despicable. Her children will now have audio of how much their famewh*re of a mother hates them. They have no father figure, and no one in the world who is in their corner. This is one Hollywood story where I honestly feel like a line has been crossed- these children deserve to be placed into homes where they will be loved and cherished, not just thrown into the spotlight and neglected the rest of the time. My heart honestly breaks for these poor children, and the sooner she is out of the spotlight, and her children taken away from her, the better.

    Now I will get off my high-horse. 🙂

  50. jane16 says:

    Love babies, hate Nadya.

  51. DethHammer says:

    Ugh, I keep thinking about that one kid’s cleft lip and all the money Nadya has spent on her own self-image I just get so sad 🙁

    I really hope and pray CPS intervenes now and places those children in loving, caring homes where each one will be valued as a unique and wonderful individual.

  52. the original bellaluna says:

    @ xxodettexx – And kudos to you for knowing that about yourself, and doing what you’re able to prevent it! (I mean this in all sincerity and absolutely free of sarcasm. Which we all know is rare for me!) 😉

  53. Ellie says:

    This woman needs to lose custody of ALL those kids. Those kids need a chance in life. And she needs to stop being selfish. I honestly believe that she had all those kids to follow in the footsteps of Gosselins. she had it in her mind she’d be famous and make money off those kids. It certainly back-fired and she needs to do the right thing.

  54. Truthful says:

    She goes from one extreme to the other, crazy looney broad.

    I hate those pics, I flew past them reallll fast.

  55. ZenB!tch says:

    You know what? When I hear a baby in the middle of fit, I cringe too. That’s why I’m not a mother.

    Ditto. I don’t change diapers, plain and simple. I am actually OK with infants but if I see a toddler, I want to DIE. Just that photo of her and that kid makes me cringe. I think toddlers smell of poopy diaper. I avoid toddlers – hence I a NOT A MOTHER. Why aren’t people self aware enough to realize this.

    I don’t mean Octomom, she is nuts but there are some people with a normal amount of children that should not have them. Say – Casey Anthony. Why not give them away? Someone out there wants them.

  56. Twez says:

    That second picture makes me want to punch her right in the cheek implants… and I don’t usually have strong feelings about this ho. The smug stupidface just pushes me over the edge.

  57. Cheyenne says:

    Melissa: She seriously said that? Is that enough cause for CPS to take her kids away?

    For the umpteenth time, no.

  58. Cheyenne says:

    Jingo Jango: Why aren’t these children taken away.

    Because nobody has proven that she has abused or neglected any of the kids. And saying babies disgust her is neither abuse or neglect, as long as they are being adequately cared for.

  59. debsa says:

    Wow! don’t you have children services in the U.S. I believe this situation can only end badly.

  60. Becky says:

    I seriously think she has a personality disorder. She really is mentally ill. I would actually have some degree of respect for her if she admitted that she couldn’t handle the octoplets and put them up for adoption. There are a ton of people who would love to adopt one of those kids-they’d all be adopted in no time.

  61. Poucette says:

    @TQB Apparently she has, in fact, always hated babies. She was quoted a couple of years ago admitting to biting babies until they bled when she was a child herself.

  62. Cheyenne says:

    @debsa: Yes, every state in the United States has a child protective services department. And the standard for removing a child from a home is the same everywhere: YOU HAVE TO PROVE THE PARENT IS GUILTY OF ABUSING OR NEGLECTING THE CHILD. Saying you hate babies is NOT abuse. Whatever you read in a celebrity tabloid is not acceptable proof of anything. You have to see it WITH YOUR OWN EYES before you can report it. This woman may be a sociopath or a psychopath or a combination of both, but to date nobody has been able to conclusively show that she has abused or neglected any of the children. And as long as they can’t show that, the kids stay put.

  63. CHRISTIAN_GIRL says:

    She thought she was getting a Reality Show, but that fell thru. Now, she is writing a book. Fame seeking is a beast that none of those kids sought after. She is not a saleable creature because she presents as CRAZY. Oprah and Suzy Orman made sure that EVERYONE knew she was crazy if they still had any doubts after the 8 last births. No one will invest in this mess as well they should not, but she is too far gone to even realize that. These lies and no plastic surgery lies were only to cover up that she did not want kids, but fame and fortune. Not going to end well for all parties involved.

  64. Debra says:

    Suleman laughed when telling the story about biting babies until they bled. She also laughed when she put her mother in a trunk of a car, slamming on the brakes to hear the “thud”. This woman has told so many lies, no one can keep up with all of them. If Suleman will say that in a recorded interview, what is she saying behind closed doors. I hope her children never learn to read…….poor babies, all 14

  65. Melancholy says:

    “For the umpteenth time, no.”

    Since it annoys you so much to repeatedly educate people Cheyenne, why don’t you just shut up?
    Getting snarky with people repeatedly because you are legally required to repeatedly ram your points home… oh wait, no you actually aren’t required to.

  66. Cheyenne says:

    Becky: There are a ton of people who would love to adopt one of those kids-they’d all be adopted in no time.

    Those kids aren’t commodities to be parceled out piecemeal. By this time they have probably bonded to each other. If they were taken away from her then CPS would need to find one family that could take all the kids.

    I’ve worked in foster care situation where large sibling groups had to be removed from their birth parents. It is traumatic enough for the kids to be taken away from home, but they are usually able to deal with it much better if they can all be placed together.

  67. Cheyenne says:

    @Melancholy: OMG, you sound so frustrated. Call the cavalry and rescue those poor kids. Do you really think CPS hasn’t received a ton of complaints already? What the hell do you want them to do? They have to follow the laws of the state of California whether you like it or not. Deal with it.

  68. Cakes says:

    I am “absolutely disgusted” by people who have babies then say they hate them. If you have issues with babies/kids or whatever you should probably reconsider having them. There are things my baby does that I dont like (like crying for 5-6 hours a day) but I dont hate her….I could never hate her. Sounds like some people (Im looking at you Nadya) need to evaluate why they really became parents.

  69. Michelle says:

    I feel so sorry for her children.

  70. the original bellaluna says:

    Can y’all please read my previous comments about CPS in California? It would save you A LOT of frustration and repetitive typing.

  71. Blue says:

    still trying to figure out how she goes to the beach, goes for runs, leaves the state, yet claims she has no help. If that’s the case then who the hell is caring for you kids. There is no babysitter on this planet willing to watch 14 kids at once. i really can’t stand this wench.

  72. womanfromthenorth says:

    I hate this bitch! And her “litter”…
    No more Octo anything!

  73. Cheyenne says:

    @Blue: She’s full of it. She’s got plenty of help. If she didn’t, the kids would have been removed by now. There’s no way on earth a single parent can care adequately for 14 kids all by herself with no help at all. She’s milking her situation for every drop of sympathy she can get, but that doesn’t make her a neglectful parent.

    Somebody said on here there was a photo in In Touch of one of the kids eating drywall. I googled that photo and couldn’t find it. If somebody has a link, please post it. Otherwise, I’ll chalk it up to one more piece of In Touch bullshit.

  74. Melissa says:

    “for the umpteenth time, no”? Ummmm I believe that is the first time I’ve ever commented about octomom on here. So, ya why don’t you keep quiet. I dont recall anyone asking you specifically.

  75. Bess says:

    I think I read somewhere that a couple of Octo’s older kids are autistic. I hope they’re getting the special treatment they need somewhere- like at school.

    I would like to believe that she has some childcare help from other adults, but this chick is crazy enough to believe that the older kids can help raise the 8 younger ones.

  76. corey says:

    I’m always torn when it comes to the hot messes of the world such as Octomom. On the one hand I can’t help but feel for her. She’s obviously sick. People can find sympathy for the physically ill but not mentally.She needs help and is not getting it.but the other part of me can’t help but feel anger when I read these types of things about her. She’s an adult.Everyone has problems She’s made some really really terrible decisions, and in that position(that she put herself in) noone wants to hear her complain. I have learned that when you make a mistake; stop whining,recognize it, pay for it,learn from it. The only way out of something is through it.

  77. Cheyenne says:

    @bellaluna: The NYC child welfare system is just as bad. Same problems: overworked, underpaid, untrained caseworkers, inept supervisors, and an enormous turnover which ensures children and families slip through the cracks. Usually the least experienced caseworkers are thrown into CPS and made to sink or swim. There’s a remedy, of course, but no city or state will ever implement it because it will cost far too much: assign the best and most experienced caseworkers to CPS and pay them enough to make them want to stay there.

    @Melissa: Nor was your comment solicited. This is a public blog and everybody is free to post on it.

  78. Poucette says:

    @Cheyenne–here’s the link to the baby-eating-drywall photo:

  79. Mario says:

    She’s the scum of the earth, so of course she’d say that.

  80. Jbonez says:

    I have volunteered as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for foster youth in both SF and LA counties for the past 5 years. In my experience it is very difficult to remove children for the care of their parents unless there is blatant and repeated evidence of physical abuse or drug abuse. It is very sad and frustrating to see what these children have to endure at the hands of those who are supposed to care for them, but are doing the bare minimum. Parents get many, many chances to keep their children in home even when they become involved in the court system.

    This being said, I absolutely believe all of her children should be removed from her care immediately. But being in the foster care system may lead to even more problems and abuse for these kids. Even if they are removed from the care of their nutcase mom, they will spend time in foster homes before being adopted out. While there are many caring and loving foster homes, some are worse situations than remaining with a bio parent or relatives.

    I highly recommend volunteering for your local CASA organization if you want to advocate for better treatment of foster youth and those who may become foster youth in the future!

  81. mia says:

    Some of these infamous sociopaths a.k.a. Nadya Suleman forget that once they get their longed for fame, more people become aware of their abusive personalities. I’ve never had interest in her as a celeb – I just keep reading to see what happens to her poor innocent kids.

    Also: notice Nadia’s cheeks? there’s something ‘that does not occur in nature’ going on there. cheek implants perhaps? (not to rehash the accompanying lip etc. injections)

  82. Seal Team 6 says:

    What JBonez said: if you have the time, volunteer for your local CASA.

  83. Pirouette says:

    That’s what you get when you pressure women to have babies. Resentment. Yay.

  84. the original bellaluna says:

    @ mia – I call those “face fillets.”

  85. crtb says:

    Oh pleeez, anyone here have a teenage girl? You will really learn to hate when your babies turn to obnoxious teenagers!!!!! I would have said I hated babies too if I had 8 of them.

  86. Melissa says:

    @Cheyenne: Yes, but spare ME your snark.

  87. Str8Shooter says:

    DUMB, UGLY Famewhore. Social Services needs to take those poor children who she used to become famous…and then never did.

    Waste of Oxygen this skank is.

  88. original kate says:

    ugh. just ugh.

  89. Hakura says:

    I agree that some people aren’t meant to have children. Personally, I’ve never wanted children…I’ve just always wanted to focus on other aspects of my life. But Nadya should never have had any children, let alone the freakish unnatural litter she intentionally conceived for no other reason than her own selfishness.

    I feel so horrible for them, especially the older, I believe more than 1 has special needs? A special needs child can be a major challenge, even for a patient, experienced, loving parent. Let alone someone like Nadya.

    I know the CA legal system has majorly failed where Lohan is concerned, but are they really so inept that they don’t see how badly these children need more stable, loving homes?

  90. Sunny says:

    the original articles were saying she said she was disgusted by HER babies. The audio clears that up as a lie. It is quite different. I am a nanny and love children but I hate the whinging sounds of toddlers on buses etc. Can’t stand it. Why shouldn’t she dislike a baby’s crying?

  91. Hakura says:

    [Sorry it’s so long, everyone! I’m afraid I went on a rampaging rant. >.<]
    Quote“Suleman tries to insist that she still has love for her children, but says in hindsight she wishes that she never gave birth to any of them.

    Translation – “I still totally love them… (I just can’t stand them). It’s just that my life would be so much happier without them. I wish I’d never brought them into the world. But I guess I have to make the best of my horrible choices/mistakes” (so the children were ‘mistakes’. I could see her leaving them on the ‘returns’ counter at walmart, if she could. But these kids are going to come across this interview one day.

    Can you imagine? Seeing their mother say she wishes she’d never had them, to the point of hiding & weeping for hours at a time, forced into bankruptcy, & considering suicide (which the children may think is their fault, for being such a ‘burden’). Does this woman even have any nannies left? (I mean, if she’s as broke as she claims, I don’t see how she could afford it).

  92. Hakura says:

    She’d convinced herself that doing all of this, she’d become famous, & make a fortune. But when her ‘moment’ passed (likely due to the sudden ‘surge’ of “I have 43 children!” shows). Her actions were completely deliberate & purely for profit. So all she was left holding were *8* infants & the 6 older children she described as “animals“…. 3 of which have special needs.

    She was just going to keep on having them, until the world acknowledged her, disregarding the continued risk of having even more children with special needs (or other birth defects/disease), or even considering her own well being. This woman doesn’t give a flying fuck about her children (current or future), only what *they* can do for *her*. Disgusting indeed.

    The way she talks about wishing she’d never had them *really* worries me. California’s court system really needs to get off it’s big ass. We should totally set up a petition to tell them what a *joke* they are with crime/punishment/enforcement. (Only directed at the state law issues, definitely not the people who live there).

    Now she’s making totally disturbing statements that *should* have CPS so far up her ass that they become personally acquainted with her colon. (& shock of all shocks, they’re nowhere to be found).