Julia Roberts loves to shop for her kids’ clothes at New Mexico thrift stores

It sometimes feels like The Enquirer has a Julia Roberts story every other week. I don’t know if someone vaguely related to Julia just loves to talk sh-t about her (maybe) or if the Enquirer is hopelessly out of touch with what’s going on with the younger celebrities (definitely). In any case, here’s this week’s Julia story: Julia loves to shop at thrift stores, consignment shops and the Goodwill. I actually enjoyed this story because I think the Enquirer is encouraging us to judge Julia as “cheap” and “tacky” but I think being thrifty is a refreshing trait in a celebrity:

She may get a $20-million-per-picture paycheck, but movie star Julia Roberts is still a die-hard bargain hunter when it comes to clothes. Instead of buying her three kids the latest designer duds like other celebrity parents, Julia prefers “gently used” threads from the local thrift store!

“Julia loves hitting the Goodwill and consignment stores in New Mexico and Arizona,” said a close source. “She’ll go almost anywhere in search of a good deal!”

When Julia, Danny Moder and their three kids are at the family’s ranch in Taos, Julia often piles the clan into the car to head off to Santa Fe and Albuquerque in search of a great buy.

“Heck, she’s been known to travel all the way to Tucson for a weekend of shopping at second-hand stores,” the source continued. “She refers to the clothes as ‘gently used’, ‘previously owned’ or, her favorite term, ‘vintage.’ She’ll come home from an outing at a thrift store with her armful of clothes for the kids and happily exclaim, ‘Look what I got for just ten bucks!’”

And Julia isn’t above wearing secondhand clothing either. Julia once reportedly fell for a floral-print dress she spotted in the window of a thrift shop in downtown Santa Fe, but realized she’d left her wallet in the car when she went to pay for it. So the frugal gal took off her jeans and swapped them for the frock!

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

You know what? For the most part, when you’re talking about kids’ clothes, I really don’t understand why you would NOT shop at thrift stores and the Goodwill. Does that make me cheap and tacky too? Kids outgrow their clothes really fast, and as long as you wash the second-hand clothes after you buy them, who cares? As for shopping for yourself – well, some people just like those vintage-y, dated clothes that you can find at thrift stores. I once got a great pair of jeans with the most stellar boot cut ever. It was just the right amount of flare. I loved them and I wore them to death and I think I paid like $5 for them. Thrift-store shopping is an art, and I salute Julia for refining her talents. Plus, it’s just a good way to save some money. You don’t think Julia still commands $20 million per picture, do you?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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87 Responses to “Julia Roberts loves to shop for her kids’ clothes at New Mexico thrift stores”

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  1. Neelyo says:

    I recall her telling Oprah how she made her children’s clothes to save money, like she was a single mom with two jobs to support her family. The audience dutifully applauded her thrift but the whole thing felt more like PR than anything else.

    This story just makes me think Julia is the next Mommie Dearest. I bet the kids only get to keep one present at Xmas too.

    • brin says:

      I thought the same….”Mommie Dearest 2″!!

    • tripmom says:

      OMG I thought the EXACT same thing. I’m reading the article thinking “thrifty is one thing, but having millions of dollars in the bank and sending your kids to school in second hand clothes feels very mommie dearest…”

      No one’s saying her kids need Blue Ivy’s $1000 shoes, but maybe something from Target?

  2. Dorothy#1 says:

    I think she used to make $20 million but I doubt she does now!!

  3. Marlon says:

    Why is this juicy or bad? Julia has stated time and again that she is not one of those Hollywood chicks who into the latest styles and stuff. Good for her. Glad she’s not gonna raise her kids as out of touch socialites. And yes, young people won’t be interested in such a nice life that age leads.

    • Cherry says:

      Recession chic, that’s what it is. I think Julia’s never been a big spender, but nowadays, it’s really en vogue to be economical. Seriously, so many people have money problems now, it pisses them off to see celebs carelessly spend gazillions on Louboutin baby shoes and diamond-studded chew rings #cough#Beyoncé#cough

  4. ahoyhoy says:

    I thoroughly recommend Goodwill, and all thrift stores for JEANS. I have a medical condition where my size has gone a few times from 2 to 8 over several months, and back again….Why waste money on new jeans? Goodwill has brand names and everything! And they’re already broken in. 5-7 dollars for jeans!

    This is the only thing I’ll probably ever like about Julia Horse-Maw.

    • TheOriginalTiffany says:

      All my expensive jeans come from the authentic forum or eBay. I’ve gotten tons of real designer jeans, some with tags for very cheap. I refuse to pay 300 bucks.
      The Louboutins as well, all researched and authentic, worn once usually. Mine for 100 or less.

      • RdyfrmycloseupmrDvlle says:

        I’m sorry, I have to ask: where on earth could you get Louboutans for under 100?? Ive never heard of this…..

  5. coconut says:

    way to go, julia! some of my son’s favorite clothes and shoes are from secondhand stores.

    • corny says:

      she’ll say or do anything to get some press, she is so ovah, it’s tiring, horsey little america’s sweetheart shopping in the thrift store. Those clothes are for the needy!

      • ahoyhoy says:

        Most every true thrift store uses their profits toward other charity–such as food assistance, or job training, or help for the disabled. It all goes to charity, whether it’s actual clothes, or cash.

      • Jackie says:

        exactly. those stores are for people in need, and are not places where wealthy actress’s should go to get off on ‘slumming it’.

      • Belly says:

        Rubbish. The money raised goes towards the charity regardless; there are no rules about who is allowed to shop there. Just because you can afford to buy it retail doesn’t mean you have to. Plus it is much more environmentally friendly – reduce, reuse, recycle.

  6. CC says:

    Ehhh. I think it’s a bit tacky. There are a lot of clothes “stages” before going form designer into 2nd hand. Clothes that completely normal people with normal wages wear.

    I vote “meh” to this

    • Kimbob says:

      I agree w/you, @CC. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for shopping @ Goodwill & other 2nd-hand clothes stores. Hell, I just did so about 2 days ago…saved a TON of $$!!

      I mean, no, she’s not breaking any laws, but let’s get REAL…my income right now is like poverty level. Julia’s still raking it in.

      I agree w/@CC because I think there comes a certain responsibility when someone makes the kind of $$ Julia does….the responsibility of helping to support our sluggish economy.

      I dunno, I know it’s “okay” for Julia to do such, but you know Julia’s had the extreme privilege to be GIVEN designer threads from all sorts of designers as gifts…I’m SURE. It does seem TACKY and overly cheap for her to not do the right thing & let her children be the beneficiaries of some of her wealth, as well.

      To me, this kind of shows me that she thinks alot of herself, but maybe not so much love or regard for her children. I may be wrong…but I do agree…this is more than just tacky. You know, a kind of “let them eat cake” attitude/regard for her children.

  7. txmom says:

    I LOVE thrift stores, most of my family’s clothes are from thrift. In fact, I just landed a new job wearing six dollars worth of clothes to the interview!

    At times this was a financial necessity, but now it is a preference, as you can put together cooler outfits. Most retail is pretty boring, every store seems to have the same styles and colors at the same time and I don’t really feel like dressing exactly like everyone else.

    • Jacq says:

      Yes! Thank you!! I used to get fantastic designer label suits & clothes for my office job all of the time. My father (an attorney) was endlessly fascinated by the fact that I could look completely polished in a $4.50 Kasper suit. I love a deal & it gives me a little alone time to go troll the racks at the closest “G-Dub.” The majority of my church clothes are Ann Taylor – which leaves me more money for the offering plate. My husband can’t argue with it because I’m spending a fraction of retail. It’s a win all around.
      As for kids clothes, I was actually going to open a children’s resale clothing store (until I realized they are everywhere). My favorite is Once Upon a Child – the quality of the clothes are outstanding & they have toys, books, furniture, shoes & clothes (up to 5T). My son almost exclusively wears Gap, Polo & Children’s Place. My eyeballs bugged out at Nieman’s one day when I realized there are people who pay $50 for the same Polo shirts I get for $7. Kids, especially when they are young, outgrow clothing before they wear it out. Another added bonus, when we are done with things, I have absolutely no problem passing our items along to any of my mommy friends, another win-win for everybody! I shudder to think what we’ll do when he outgrows their selection, I’m so used to being able to buy piles of stuff for my sweetie.
      I don’t care if you have $20 or $20 million, I sing the virtues of resale shopping. Even though, I’m sure Julia would say it is something she does to be green, or whatever. She wouldn’t want us to think for a second that she’s like us.

  8. Maritza says:

    I love thrift stores and Goodwill, you can find really good bargains. Good for her! I like the fact that she is not a show off or superficial like many celebrities out there.

  9. Zelda says:

    I love sifting though used clothes and vintage stores. And not because it’s cheaper (which is nothing to complain about, mind you). It’s fun. It’s like treasure hunting. If I had more money, I’d still do it.

    • sunny says:

      exactly! it feels special & like you’re getting something you won’t see anyone else walking around in. and anytime i hear about anyone shopping at a thrift shop (no matter how much money they have), i think they’re pretty rad (for fashion reasons & the recycling part).

    • susan says:

      I feel the same way! To me it’s more like a hobby. And there’s nothing wrong with JR doing it. I agree that it’s especially smart to shop secondhand stores for children’s clothes. It’s not like she’s buying them rags – you can find really nice things at thrift stores!

  10. That girl says:

    I really like the fact that she lives on a ranch in New Mexico. After listening to all the BS about celebrities wanting their privacy it makes me wonder if they *reeeeally* want it. You never see pics of Julia and her fam headed to dinner or running errands. I’m looking at you LL.

  11. Blannie says:

    Another reason to use thrift stores and one that my Goodwill store constantly promotes is the idea of RECYCLING.

    With that in mind, I applaud Julia’s attempt to use less of the earth’s resources for her family instead of the usual Hollywood conspicuous consumption. I think she’s teaching her children some valuable life lessons.

    • normades says:

      This. Just because Julia has the money to buy new fancy clothes for her kids doesn’t mean she has to. We waste so many natural resouces to manufacture new things. Reuse, recycle.

    • Embee says:

      Agreed. I think this is her major motivation behind second hand clothes shopping.

    • Melissa says:

      Agreed. It really made my husband sad to see all of the clothes (gifts) we had when our daughter was a newborn that would be worn maybe once. It’s such a waste. Also, just because she shops at thrift stores, it doesn’t mean that her kids don’t get any new clothing. I buy mostly new and inexpensive (Target and on-sale Old Navy), but hit my 2 fave children’s thrift stores twice a year and buy some outfits. My 4-yr old is wearing her favorite dress today – a secondhand Boden dress, that probably cost the same amount as new Target dress.

    • Esmom says:

      Totally. Same goes with furniture. I need to reupholster this favorite comfy chair and it costs almost as much as a new one but I refuse to send a perfectly good, well-constructed chair, except for the ripped upholstery, to the landfill. Kudos to Julia.

      I hate when people but all this crappy new cheap furniture when they can get — resuse — some cool vintage stuff just as cheaply. And it’s not cookie-cutter.

  12. Viv says:

    I agree with tacky here. Not because I don’t love 2nd hand. I just think that she should leave some of that good stuff for the people who don’t have $200 million and 2 mansions. SHE should be the one bringing all her good stuff to Goodwill, so people like us can buy it! This would only be cool with me if she donated millions and lived like the rest of the world, but she doesn’t, so sorry, cheap to me. So go shop at Target or GAP and then donate. That would make me admire her, not being thrifty, Mrs A-Loe Vera.

  13. Fishlips says:

    I love thrifting, and luckily, my husband likes tagging along too. He likes looking for old video games. We prefer thrift shops because of the thrill of the hunt. I have found the coolest things in resale.

    Our baby is 10 months old, and almost all of her clothes are secondhand (thrift, yard sales, cousins’ hand-me-downs)

  14. Fishlips says:

    Oops! I accidentally hit the publish button. :/

    I didn’t see the point in buying her a completely brand new wardrobe if she was going to quickly outgrow it. Besides, I prefer her to wear used clothes when she pees/drools/ poops/ spits up.

  15. Shelly says:

    I think she still makes a lot of money per movie. She may not be as hot a commodity as she once was, but she is still no doubt one of the biggest movie stars of all time . I love thrift stores. They are fun! You never know what you’ll find. I somehow think that when her daughter gets a little older, though, that she’ll flat out refuse her mother’s thrifty finds. Maybe Julia is saving up for that day when her daughter realizes her mother is Julia Roberts and can afford to buy her anything she wants.

  16. lassie says:

    The second photo is full on crazy eyes.

  17. lflips says:

    Good for her. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. What makes kids of celebrities entitled to $300.00 jeans anyway?

  18. deva says:

    My guess is she shops mostly consignment, which can be higher end/pricier. Also, maybe she likes the thrill of the hunt. Everyone needs a hobby.

  19. Carolin says:

    First I thought “well done” and then I had second thoughts. Saving money and being economical is just fine, but doesn’t someone with all the money she has feel some sort of ‘duty’ to spend in order to fuel the economy a little bit…perhaps by bying clothes from young designers or in little clothes stores where they sell unique, self-made stuff?
    Don’t know really, just a thought.

    • Viv says:

      +1! Well pointed out.

    • Esmom says:

      I’m sure she does more than her share of keeping the economic engines running wherever she lives/goes. Just because she buys secondhand clothes doesn’t mean she’s not spending money on other things, like travel and cars and kid gear, etc.

  20. kpist says:

    Ebay is also great for “previously owned” stuff. I just bought a black Michael Kors pencil skirt for $10!!!!!

  21. Alarmjaguar says:

    Hey, I live in NM, and our thrift stores (some of them) are great. Besides, reduce, reuse, recycle! Go Julia

  22. Dee Cee says:

    I wouldn’t wear anything I bought unless it was cleaned first..

    • Esmom says:

      No way. And I wouldn’t sit on a used couch unless I put a slipcover over it.

  23. Tia says:

    Actually it is a lot of fun. My spouse ia very successful Attorney and we are very blessed. I go to GW a couple times a week (granted we live in a very affluent area, so lots of good donations) and I find such great things EVERY single time. I love it. It is more fun for me than out of necessity. I think a lot of people find it relaxing and fun.. 🙂

    • Ann Emmess says:

      I bet this is exactly how Julia thinks about thrift stores — why deny herself the fun of the hunt? I find it likable. It also dovetails exactly with my one nugget of celebrity gossip ever, which is about her.

      In 2000, I worked at a nonprofit a few blocks from Gramercy Park, where JR lived at the time. A few blocks away, you could see the big financial guys with 30-40 limos lining the area. You could always see limos idling in traffic.

      Julia rode the subways pretty often. A co-worker had seen her once, when no one else noticed. Julia saw her recognition and they shared a complicit grin.

      I’ve always liked her more since that story. And this one fits it too. The subways are a *better* way to get around Manhattan than a limo. Goodwill is a *better* (more fun, more variety, less pretentious) way to shop for your young kids than the stores in her bracket. Look at Suri.

      Personally, I don’t take these stories to mean JR is cheap OR selfish. To me they mean she’s smart, practical, and also able to gauge what really matters to her vs. what will make the right kind of celebrity impression.

  24. Ginger says:

    Why knock her for being smart right?? Besides sometimes the thrill of the hunt is more enjoyable when shopping or at least I like that. I’ve often thought that even if I won the lottery I wouldn’t stop shopping at places like Marshall’s or Ross because I enjoy it. It’s refreshing to see someone like Julia being smart about her money. You see so many celebrities that squander their riches (Lindsey???)

  25. Stacia says:

    I’m sure she does not shop there solely. Nothing wrong with that. I shop at thrift stores too and my apt is fully furnished with 2nd hand goods. I think that she is giving her kids a good example of what being grounded is all about.

  26. TXCinderella says:

    I don’t see anything wrong with this. My son is very hard on his clothes, despite my attempts to get him to be more careful. He also outgrows his clothes very rapidly. Because of this, I shop the thrifts for his clothes and find nearly new clothing for next to nothing, I’m talking good name brand clothes. Just because Julia is famous does not mean she has alot of expendable income. She may have her money tied up in investments and have to budget her family just like everybody else. Julia is smart enough to know that the Hollywood gig may not last forever, and she has to make that money last for years to come.

  27. Mouse says:

    I love being thrifty and have come across some real gems in Salvation Army and second hand shops. But while I totally agree that it’s refreshing to come across a thrifty celebrity, I just can’t with this woman. Nothing she ever does will be anything except completely pretentious and self absorbed to me. Damn, why couldn’t this story have been about a celebrity I LIKE?

  28. TheOriginalVictoria says:

    I don’t care how much you make, thrift store shipping rocks. My mom and dad made good salaries and while my father liked everything new, you could find my mom, grams and aunts at the Village Thrift near Broad and Chew getting our spend on.

    And since these companies in the US don’t want to give Americans blue collar jobs, then why keep them rich? I buy everything on ebay for me kids and myself. My sons’ got 250 pieces of clothing between last year and now for under 80 bucks. We’re talking Polo, Lacoste, J Crew, Gap, etc. Your trash is always my treasure.

    Only thing we draw the line at is under garments. But I save so much money we can splurge at Target on the good stuff!

    Julis stimulates the economy just by being in a higher tax bracket, owning real estate, and I’m sure she buys something things wholesale. I’m sure she keeps a great well stocked fridge.

    But there are some things we should recycle and I absolutely believe it sends the right message to children about saving, conserving, and recyling. And I’m always happy knowing that if I shop on Ebay somebody in the country is making some kind of money.

    I’m getting ready to become a seller. I’ve been putting it off because I’m lazy. But it’s time pay it forward.

    • TheOriginalTiffany says:

      I’m ready to start selling too. I know I’ve gotten some great deals there
      Andrew Marc three quarter leather coat. 1000 retail, one rip in lining, 60 bucks. All my jeans are too big, need to sell about 50 pairs.
      I love Nordstrom, but I love eBay!

  29. Str8Shooter says:

    Jeez, that first photo! Move over, Bachmann…there’s a new CRAZY-FACED bitch in town!

  30. connie says:

    JC let me get this straight… Elin Nordgen & Jennifer Aniston spend their money in ways they see fit which is deemed obscene & inappropriate “in this economy” but Julia supposedly shops at thrift stores and she’s tacky and “taking clothes from the needy”?? what the hell? some people are a leetle to concerned with how others spend their money SMH

  31. Cait says:

    I love to shop at consignment and thrift stores. Consigning your things is a great way to earn a little extra money and recycle. Why pay full price when don’t have to?? Also my work friends and I frequently do clothing swaps which is a great (free!!) way to update your look and bond over some wine. My only problem is all the cute shoes are frequently too small for my size nine clodhoppers. Skinny footed bitches! 😉

  32. the original bellaluna says:

    I’ve shopped at 2nd-hand stores for kids’ clothes for over 21 years. Anyone who has both boys and girls knows it’s MUCH easier to find 2nd-hand girls’ clothes than boys’. Once boys reach a certain age (crawling and/or DEFINITELY walking), most parents know that no consignment store will take boys’ clothes.

    I got lucky enough to find a 2nd-hand store about 20 miles away (again, Podunk Nowhere, I live) that actually has boys’ clothes in decent condition. I got Little Boy 3 pairs of pants and a Playskool trike for $16!

    And when I was a teen and Guess! jeans were THA BOMB, they were $60 a pair at Broadway (Macy’s, for you youngsters). Mom said “I’ve never spent $60 for a pair of jeans for myself! If you want $60 jeans, get a job and buy them yourself!” Guess where I found Guess! jeans for $15 a pair? At the Cancer Thrift Store right up the street from our house.


    • Newtsgal says:

      Hey Bella ***waves***
      There ain’t know shame in shoppin thrifty….for many years from startin out with no money to psychotic ex’s causing me to need a wardrobe quick, I love shopping at thrift stores. I like that people look down their noses at them gives me more of a selection to choose from….hehehehe!

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Hey Newt! *waves back* Yup, let ’em look down their noses – leaves more for us to choose from! 😀

  33. Lindy says:

    Good for her! Honestly, this is a hundred zillion times better than Beyonce’s $2000 dresses for her newborn, and Suri Cruise’s $500,000 couture wardrobe.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Not to Mariah’s “Roc and Roe,” as she calls them. *gags on dinner after reading that in US*

  34. kay says:

    Sure, good for her.

    I can’t help but wonder though, is she taking clothes that other people might really really need?
    There are people, myself included at times, that go second hand because they have to. If the clothes are picked over by someone who might maybe have a choice, it’s a bit unfair.
    She already has a charmed life, and come on, she is not that great an actress to be so flipping rich for it. Can she not buy new and then donate those clothes to less fortunate?

  35. Vintage ain’t Goodwill.

  36. bk says:

    I think this is great. For all those people who think that money requires you to spend on new clothing, you’re also requiring waste. Waste of close to slave labor on the above suggested “Target” brand garbage that might not last as long as good stuff found in a thrift store. If you’ve ever been in one, you would know that there’s plenty to go around. I’m a huge fan of thrifting, especially for kids. There is no reason we can’t all cooperate a little more in this world to not just make fashion statements with our kids, but to reduce the human cost of excessive consumption.

    • Anna says:

      What is so wrong with patronizing a beautiful, top designer or an up and coming new designer..creative, wonderul artists who also need your business?

      Quite frankly, I am tired of people looking like hell. It may not be the thrift stores, per se, but it is a lot of this discount chic. Flip flops on city streets, dirty tshirts, bad bodies in bad jeans…I am shocked when I see a well dressed individual. Yes, you can look great in discounted and very bargain conscious clothes, but few seem to be able to pull it off.

      I am for thrift in many areas of life,but I also feel that beautiful craftmanship should be supported. Talent will die out if not

      • mary jane says:

        Great point Anna.

        If I had HER money I would scout out craft fairs ALL the time for those beautiful pieces people make!

  37. mymy says:

    I wish this was just a simple case of smart money management. But I know it is a case of narcissistic mother.They like to abuse their kids. gift giving is appalling by these sorts. they relish in it. Heaven help the little ones if they don’t want to sty the course and be what she wants them to be.Make no mistake this makes Julia feel unique.

  38. Lotta says:

    Most of my kids clothes are second hand that was either given to me or that I bought. It’s not just to save money but mostly I prefere used clothes because new clothes contains so much chemicals that I don’t want my kids to get into their system. Used clothes has been washed so many times that most chemicals have been washed out.

  39. Lotta says:

    Most of my kids clothes are second hand that was either given to me or that I bought from à 2ndhand shop. It’s not just to save money but mostly I prefer used clothes because new ones contain lots of chemicals that I don’t want in my kids systems. Used clothes has been washed so many times that most chemicals have already been washed out.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Don’t buy the “fire retardant” pyjamas. They are chemically treated; must be washed before wear; and if you use fabric softener, it negates the fire retardant.


  40. Lotta says:

    Most of my kids clothes are 2ndhand that was either given to me or that I bought from a 2ndhand shop. I prefer pre-used clothes because new ones contain lots of chemicals that I don’t want in my kids bodies. Used clothes has been washed so many times that most chemicals have already been washed out.

  41. Lotta says:

    I prefer pre-used clothes because new ones contain lots of chemicals that I don’t want in my kids bodies. Used clothes has been washed so many times that most chemicals have already been washed out.

  42. herrnesto says:

    what kinds of chemicals are in new clothes? huh?

    • jwoolman says:

      Herrnesto – there are enough chemicals in new clothes that I have trouble breathing in stores that sell them. Not just fire retardants, there are other things from processing that take a long time to leave. Can’t you smell the difference between a new shirt and an old clean shirt? Unless the old shirt is picking up perfumey smells from your environment or scented detergent/ dryer sheets, the difference is quite dramatic. Same thing with new furniture, filing cabinets, books, etc. It’s really olfactory overload to say the least. Loads of volatiles are involved, either from surface treatment or outgassing from various materials, especially plastics. I’ve had to cover monitors with charcoal pads sometimes (except for the screen) in order to stand being in the same room with them.

  43. BlackSwan777 says:

    cheap ass.

  44. J keane says:

    Aren’t there children starving out there in te world? No one should be spending crazy money on children’s clothing whether you can afford it or not. There is nothing wrong with gently used clothing. Most of the time you get nicer items At thrift stores than over paying for crap at target. And the people that buy their children $1000 shoes before they aRe a month old ought to be ashamed of themselves. She is not a cheap ass in the least.

  45. RdyfrmycloseupmrDvlle says:

    Wow, I had no idea Julia had such a massive, lumpy nose….?? weird. her nose looks freaky, what the heck happened.
    Regarding Julias thrift shopping….I think its nice in this day and age economy however, 20 years from now we’ll probably hear some Mommie Dearest stories. This chick is notoriously cheap as heck. She very obviously has issues with money.Not pretty….oh, and, did I mention…..wtf happened to her nose…it looks like Owen Wilsons…..

  46. crtb says:

    For all of you posting that you love shopping at thrift stores just like Julia: I’m having a problem with you comparing your life style with Julia Roberts. I’m assuming that many of you are middle or working class. I don’t think any of you claimed a couple of million on your 2011 taxes. You shopping at Goodwill is good money management. Julia Robberts shopping at Goodwill is being cheap. She is the person who should be donating her slightly used clothes for us to buy! That would be like her living in Section 8 housing because its such a great deal in rent. Or living in the projects. (not that there is anything wrong with that since I’ve done both) But it is not something you do when you are a millionair. She is a phoney baloney rich b*tch trying to pretend she’s down to earth with the rest of us struggling mothers.

    • Shaishai says:

      I don’t understand your venom crtb? Did Julia personally snatch an item of clothing from you at a Goodwill?

      Maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s great she’s not wasting her money on clothes for kids. I wore my sisters hand me downs and we had loads of money. And now, 30 years later, my nieces and nephews are wearing my old clothes. As a matter of fact, my entire extended family has been passing clothes round for AGES!

      Sarah Jessica Parker mentioned she does the same thing for her kid James Wilkie. He’s wearing old clothes from her brothers kids that are 20 years old which tells you something about the quality of those clothes. To all you “lets shop at Target” folks, I’d like to see those clothes last more than 2-3 years tops, whereas my baby overalls are still in great condition 30 years on!

      And to answer those who say she should buy designer duds to keep craftsmanship up, I agree and she does that for herself. There’s no craftsmanship in children’s clothing. And I’m going to point out Sarah Jessica again. She’s got an AMAZING couture wardrobe and clearly loves clothes, but is not stupid enough to buy into “kiddie couture”; all that shizz is, are pretty dresses, the kind little girls got gifted with to go to church at Easter and Christmas.

      Personally, I prefer a “cheap” celebrity who is not poisoning the planet with her once-worn castoffs like Beyonce with her trashy crap and all the Real Housewives of Wherever and all the crap they fill their empty lives with.

      Finally, your argument about her living in Section 8 housing to prove your point is ridiculous. Section 8 is only for low-income earners. If you want to use that argument,you should be looking at Cindy Lauper who is still living in a rent-controlled apartment paying peanuts when she really could afford to pay much more and let a needy person have her place. Or even volunteer to pay market price. Instead she fought to keep her rent down.

      And how do you know JR doesn’t donate to GW?
      I’m not a JR fan by any means,but THIS particular trait, is laudable, just for its environmental impact.

  47. crtb says:

    FYI: I do not feel venonous at all.

    There is a huge difference between spending your money wisely and being cheap. Angelinga Jolie kids wear hand me downs all of the time and they look adorable. There have been many pictures of Heidi Klum shopping at Target. Her kids always looked well put together.

    You proved my poing exactly. Comparing yourself to JR. The two of you are not in the same socio-economic bracket.

    When my daughter was a child, I was fortunate to have many friends who also had girls who were the same age. I was very blessed. The only thing I had to buy were underware and shoes. But my daughter HATED it! She couldn’t wait until she could start working in middle school and buy her own clothes. I still only buy from the sale rack.

    I have no problem with Cindy Lauper in a rent control or rental stabalized building. She doesn’t make the kind of money that she made 30 years ago. Do you know how many artist in the music industry die broke? You don’t have a clue what her financial situation is. And the aprtment she is in may be all that she can afford. In NYC, just because it is rent stabalized doesn’t mean it is cheap!

    You said to me: Did Julia personally snatch an item of clothing from you at a Goodwill? Is Cinday personally taking an apartment that you want?

    • Shaishai says:

      Hey crtb, How do you know we weren’t in the same socio-economic bracket as JR? I’m no longer in that bracket, but I used to be and even then, we handed down clothes (that’s what I was trying to say)
      And as for Cindy, I don’t know what her financial situation is, but its definitely not dire. Google Cindy Lauper rent control and see how she fought to get her rent lowered from over $3000/month, which she was able to afford, to $500/month on rent stabilization via some legal loophole. I don’t know any New Yorker who doesn’t think $500 a month is a steal and who wouldn’t be furious that someone who can clearly afford more is paying that because they’re too cheap to pay market rates.
      Maybe it’s because I used to struggle living in New Jersey and paid more than $500/month in a roach-infested hovel in a dangerous neighbourhood, but the situation irks me. I’d like to think she’s taking the extra $2500 and giving it to charity; that would make my day!

  48. mia says:

    Julia’s movies aren’t very good and times are tough hence thrift is good.

    As much as I like a Tom Hanks movie, Julia Roberts was awkward in the ‘Crowne’ flick although Wilmer was very good in it! Good casting on that!
    I loved all the actors in fact except Julia.

    • Jayna says:

      The same in the Closer (I think was the name) with Jude Law and Clive Owen. They were fantastic. She was wooden. She was so miscast.

  49. Shoe_lover says:

    nothing against thrift shopping but I get really annoyed when people say its vintage because it’s from the thrift store. 2nd hand does not equal vintage. it might seem silly to some to find this annoying but I am a vintage girl who shops vintage and who is working towards opening my own vintage shop and it just irks me. thrift shops and vintage shops are two completely different things. if you find a genuine vintage article at a thrift shop than lucky you but the majority of the time the stuff at a thrift shop isn’t even 10 years old- that is not vintage. to me vintage is anything pre 1975. some people include the 80’s but I, and I lot of others, don’t. to be honest i only go up to 1975 to be generous as i personally dont wear the styles of the late 60’s and early 70’s.

  50. Kayla says:

    Second-hand is becoming the norm in our society. The American economy will never be the same, and people have had to make permanent changes to their lifestyles. Many of those high paying jobs are not coming back. Even celebrities can have fewer work opportunities, especially as they get older.

  51. MrsNix says:

    I don’t see how a woman who enjoys bargain-hunting is the same thing as Mommie Dearest. Kids don’t care if they’re in second-hand clothing, and they will put holes in the knees of $3 garage sale pants or $50 designer kid jeans. Either way, there will be a hole in the knees, so you get to decide how much money to throw away on the kids’ clothes.

    Some women LOVE shopping in thrift stores. I hate it because I don’t like looking through bins and racks to “find something special hidden in there,” but I have two girlfriends who have always loved yard sales, second-hand shops, and thrift stores. None of us needs to shop in these places anymore for financial reasons because we grew up and our circumstances improved, but they still LOVE to shop that way.

    Good for Julia for moving to a place where she isn’t hounded night and day, her kids can be normal, and where they can get grass stains on their clothing without anyone getting hysterical.

  52. Fran says:

    I think all these bitchy judgemental people out there are MISSING THE POINT! We all want to save the planet don’t we?? … and a “second hand” item is “recycled”, is it not?

    It makes my blood BOIL when someone makes a big deal about how wonderful they are, doing their bit for the planet, because they have just purchased some new environmentally friendly toy… then feeling that they have the right to sneer at someone else because they go to charity shops! It’s as bad, if not WORSE (because saving the planet affects all of us!) as a vegetarian in leather shoes….

    All those SNOOTS should GET A GRIP, keep their thoughts to themselves, and find another way to try and overcome their own little insecurities….

    I use reverse psychology… If the “I buy at charity shops” subject comes up and someone sneers in my direction, I innocently say “well it’s environmentally friendly, don’t you believe in re-cycling then?”…. It makes me feel all warm and glowey inside when I see all the looks of horror turn from me to the person that I am talking to… Give it a try, it’s great fun, and remember, you can content yourself with the smug feeling that you REALLY ARE doing your bit for the planet!…