Russell Brand says Katy Perry is with a ‘worse or better’ womanizer in John Mayer

Russell Brand

Russell Brand is suddenly all over the place at once to promote the second season of his “BrandX” show, which premieres on Friday on FX. Since I’m a bit of a Russell junkie (an odd choice of words, I realize), I tried the show out for size, and it was passable but not something that I’d catch every week. Essentially, it’s a very topical program that probably won’t hold much relevance over time because Russell’s basing the episodes largely on current events; but Russell is quite charming, gives decent stand-up intros during each show, and interacts quite lustily with his audience members. It will be interesting to see how long the show will last, and I am happy that Rusty is finally finding a niche in Hollywood beyond Judd Apatow films. Because, you know, Apatow won’t be around forever.

In the interest of promotion, Russell hit Howard Stern’s show (here’s a video clip), and of course, Howard brought up the short-lived marriage to Katy Perry (because that’s what Howard does) by saying “I knew you’d never stay married.” Then Stern asked what Russell thought of Katy dating John Mayer: “Doesn’t she know that he’s a worse womanizer than you?” Russell’s response? “Worse or better, depending on how you view it,” and then Stern countered with “He’s a better womanizer, then.” Naturally, Rusty took it all in stride with a “Hold on, I resent that! I’m world class!” Then Russell admitted that he’s not dating anyone right now, and he took great care to deny the supposed rumors that he’s been banging Demi Moore. Wait … there were rumors?

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

Russell also stopped by Jimmy Fallon’s show, and in doing so, he hit on fellow guest Katherine McPhee by making her sit on his lap. She handled his advances quite well, but Russell eventually relented and moved over to the next seat with a sly, “I’ll just be here…with my sexual charisma.” A few moments later, Katherine made a pointed mention of her husband, and then Rusty good-naturedly made a show of leaving the stage to avoid future ill-advised flirtation. I am almost certain this was planned beforehand for Rusty to poke fun at his own reputation, but here’s the video in case you want to judge for yourself:

In addition to the jovial business referenced above, Russell is gearing up to host a Comic Relief special (at Wembley Arena in March) to raise awareness and money for addiction treatment. We’ve already heard a lot from Russell on his beliefs concerning drug, alcohol, and other addictions when he eloquently testified in front of Parliament in an effort to classify addiction as a medical condition instead of mainly as a criminal offense. Russell believes that punishment does not deter addicts because it doesn’t treat the underlying psychological maladies, and he believes that methadone-type programs only serve as a crutch and replace one addiciton for another. In summation, Russell believes that addicts should be directed to abstinence-based programs if they are to have any hope for recovery. Given that Russell has now been clean for nine long years yet still admits he still fantasizes daily about doing drugs, it’s easy to understand why he believes it is a disease. Here are excerpts from his interview with the Guardian:

He thinks 1 in 10 are susceptible to addiction: “And if you have this condition, and I call it an illness, then drugs will address it really well, because they create a physical craving to accompany the psychological malady.” That doesn’t mean, he’s quick to clarify, that prohibition is the answer. “It’s not a moral or judgmental thing about drugs and alcohol; I don’t give a f–k if people drink or take drugs if they’ve got no drug or alcohol problem. But for those people who become a menace to society, and a pain in the arse to the people that love them, there is a solution. And that’s why I’m frustrated. ‘Cos the solution’s very, very obvious.”

He was tempted to destroy his career at the Olympics: “It’s kind of like a psychological vertigo — the knowledge that you can jump off an edge makes you want to do it a little bit. Like, what will happen to reality if I do that? Just in that moment, when I had that live mic in my hand, and I could say anything, and the knowledge that I could say anything to a billion viewers — and I think, oh my God, if I could do something like that, it would be almost just to watch the consequences — to see it all unfold. It interests me.”

It doesn’t matter what you think of him: “One of the things I’ve learned is not to live my life through others’ perspective on me, as it is irrelevant. My experience of being alive ain’t contingent — thank f–king God — on what people think of me. Now when you first get famous, there’s nothing more gratifying or exciting than reading that people like you. What one quickly — or in my case slowly — learns is that it’s irrelevant what other people think of you. It’s none of your business. Now of course I require a certain number of people to like me for my livelihood. But I’m beyond the point where I need to do a head count. All I care about now is having an intrinsic relationship with what I do, as a performer, that’s legitimate and real and authentic.”

He’s not being ironic about it either: “It’s not like I don’t care, in some super aloof cool way. It’s the same reason why I don’t go to nightclubs. Not because,” and he adopts a comic posh drawl, “‘Oh maa-an, this is so trash.’ No, because I know what it will do to me, I know what it will awaken in me and stir up. So I don’t look at newspapers no more. We’ve only got a short time here and I can spend my time stimulating my mind however I want. I can read whatever I want. I ain’t ever reading another copy of the Sun until I’ve read the complete works of Goethe.”

[From Guardian]

When Brand speaks of being tempted to self-sabotage his career while performing “I Am the Walrus” at the Olympic closing ceremony, I totally believe him. In fact, I was actually wondering if he was struggling with the urge to execute some well-timed pelvic thrusts while he stood atop that psychedelic van. Perhaps Brand can relive the moment and post the results on YouTube one day. I’d certainly watch.

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

Photos courtesy of WENN

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45 Responses to “Russell Brand says Katy Perry is with a ‘worse or better’ womanizer in John Mayer”

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  1. menlisa says:

    He was far too good for Katy.
    I think Mayer and her deserve each other.

  2. Launicaangelina says:

    I absolutely enjoy his interviews.

  3. mln76 says:

    I love him…he is kind of a kook but he has a heart as big as a whale.
    And what a way to handle Howard Stern.

  4. Shady says:

    He’s ok never found to be funny as people make him out to be. Him and katy was kind of cute together oh well.

    • Gemini08 says:

      Well obviously some people (including myself) find him funny or he wouldn’t be half as successful as he is.

  5. bea says:

    I appreciate how vocal he is about addiction and the treatment of addiction. And I love what he said about reading. He’s got a very “dramatic” looking face and he reminds me of a pirate. His sartorial choices are unusual, but they work on him. His womanizing doesn’t bother me (he’s single after all). I hope his show does well.

  6. Louise says:

    He’s an unfunny loser who tries way too hard.

    Had to laugh at him trying to give his cup away to someone who clearly didn’t want it lol.

    The guy has a huge ego & everything he does is so try and be more famous, it’s all he cares about.

    From someone in the Uk, USA THANK YOU for taking him off our hands.

    And no, we don’t want him back thankyouverymuch.

    He deserted our country after losing his job for a VERY nasty and uncalled for prank call on BBC radio, so good luck he’s stupid as all hell.

    • Miss Kiki says:

      Keep calm and have some tea. That prank to Georgina Sachs wasn’t that bad and this is coming from someone that actively despises Jonathan Ross.

  7. gee says:

    I love him to pieces.

  8. Lee says:

    I love him. Really. Whip-smart and witty, yet heartfelt and genuine.

  9. aims says:

    He gets a bad rap. I really admire his work regarding addiction. I saw a tmz thing and he was out and about, he came across a homeless man. He showed such kindness and compassion towards the man. I do believe he ia good man.

  10. Joanna says:

    I like him. His humor is a little over the top for me, but I think he has a big heart and is honest about his addiction(s). and he handled his divorce from katy with class.

  11. Helvetica says:

    I have always liked this guy. He comes across as genuine and a sweetheart. Also, his sense of style rocks, no matter if it’s totally offbeat. That is what gives it an edge. Love the skull scarf in the first pic, love the grey sweatpants and love the outfit top to bottom (including his handy umbrella) in the last pic.

  12. Miss Kiki says:

    I’ve grown quite fond of Rusty over the years, Katy on the other hand I can’t stand and John Mayer makes me want to vomit.

    I feel like they deserve each other, they can just go off and be skeezy together.

  13. Darlene says:

    I love him, and his show is HILARIOUS.

  14. Hope says:

    Good god, the man is incredibly smart, has a big heart and his head on straight. Combine that with what are sure to be his substantial skills in the bedroom and I just want to roll over and die any time he’s mentioned. I would do terrible things to him…

  15. Zigggy says:

    I used to think he was gross and couldn’t figure out what Katy saw in him- now I’ve completely turned around; he’s too good for her.

  16. truetalk says:

    I love Rusty!. I absolutely adore his accent.

  17. cynicalsmirk says:

    I read his Booky-Wook, and it changed my opinion of him immensely. I thought he was just another albeit likable dirt-bag, but he showed himself to be eloquent, intelligent, forthcoming and self-deprecating. I now find his eccentricity charming, and I think he’s waaay too good for Katy Perry. I believe he’ll still be relevant when she’s just a faded pop-star memory.

  18. porter says:

    This is how you say you’re artsy and care about “your craft” without sounding like a douche (Phoenix, yes, HIM) or try hard (Mara)

  19. Asiyah says:

    I find him to be such a nice guy! He looks like he has a good aura. And a genuine one, at that!

  20. Boo says:

    Way too good for Katy. They never made sense, he is too smart for her for one. She can marry the Mayer and take him off the streets, please!

  21. A says:

    Love him!

  22. Chell says:

    I seriously love this man! He is my screen saver at work~ for real!!!! He just exudes kindness. Katy is a fool & I believe she has found her perfect match in that douche John Mayer!!!

  23. Kate says:

    I like him. He’s been careful never to badmouth Katy Perry and he turned his back on millions when they split. He genuinely seems to be a kind man. There are a lot of arses in showbusiness – he doesn’t appear to be one.

  24. KellyinSeattle says:

    I’d like to have him over for coffee; he’d be a hoot. Coffee with a few of my friends and Russell Brand 🙂 At first I thought it said Russell Crowe; yikes, makes a big difference!

  25. bluhare says:

    Add me to the Russell Brand Love Parade. I love him too. Yeah, he’s obnoxious and can be a douche sometimes, but like everyone else says, he’s honest and tells it like he sees it. As a fellow addictive personality, I totally agree with his sentiments on that as well.

    I don’t think there’s anyone who could have done the Walrus other than him; he has the right vibe and I admire him for saying there’s still enough self destruction in him he thought about going off script. And he was awesome in Rock of Ages. His and Alec Baldwin’s duet was the highlight of the movie.

    He was way too good for Katy Perry, and I’d bet a tenner he was faithful to her. Because if he wasn’t, she’d have made sure the entire world knew about it.

    She and Mayer deserve each other.

  26. laura says:

    When I saw him address parliament I realised he is probably the most articulate, intelligent person who has ever set foot in that building

  27. Starlight says:

    She has been warned. John really liked her. There must be something that happened that made him dislike her. I wonder?

  28. Mani R says:

    There’s rumors underground at Vandy that he’s been skyping with Tay Swift a lot lately. They say it first started b/c her friend (Katy) started dating Mayer even after she knew what happened with Tay/Mayer. Also some say Katy even hooked up with Mayer a couple times while he was with Taylor and tried to get her to do a 3way with them.

  29. Reece says:

    I like him so much. Not in a sexy way, I just genuinely like him.

  30. Violet says:

    I think he’s a complete asshole, but somehow I still find him charming. (But definitely would never get involved with someone like that!)

  31. Gemini08 says:

    Love this man. So incredibly intelligent with a big heart and I respect so much how honest and open he has been about his addictions and the charity work he has done for addiction charities. He has given both his time and money and it says a lot about who he is as a man. I hope he finds someone who wants the same things he does soon. He deserves to be happy.

  32. Ella says:

    Great article, BedHead … I’m a longtime fan of Russell and I appreciate that this is one of the only gossip sites that ever writes positively about him. It’s nice to see a gossip blogger look past the surface and actually pay attention to the substance of what he says and does. And I’m glad to see a lot of the commenters are pro-Russ as well!

    BTW, if you thought his show was only passable before, give it another look when the 2nd season starts this week … I think it’s going to be quite a bit different since it’s going to a 1 hour format and it’s also live instead of pre-taped now.

  33. Liz says:

    Yes! I’m a huge fan and have been waiting patiently for you to post something about him again. Strangely enough he’s not in the news that much lately. Everyone else and their brother is crammed down your throat for entertainment but someone as intellectual and funny as Brand hardly gets the time of day 🙁


  34. vvvoid says:

    As an addict myself in recovery, Russel inspires me greatly. Everything he says about addiction is so on point. It’s kind of amazing to see someone so far removed from me speak the exact same language because of the program. I hate when people say someone “works a good program” because it really sounds cultish and makes me feel like a Scientologist, but this dude works a good program. I can tell self-honesty and humility are core features of his sobriety, as they are with any recovering addict. And 9 years clean, when you’re young and getting increasingly famous during that time period, surrounded by temptation and especially disposable $$$…guys, I don’t know if any of you have struggled with drug addiction [but statistically I’m almost certain someone here has], but take it from me, that is a saintly feat. The moment I got my first six-figure paycheck would be the moment I went on an epic speedball binge, if I’m honest. I’m in my first year of sobriety and it is such a struggle, especially if I have any extra money or if I have something to “celebrate”…it’s insane how the disease works, you want to use when you feel extremely low, and you want to use when you experience “over-elation”, so you have to really monitor your inner condition and not allow yourself to swing to either pole. It takes character. As far as I’m concerned, Russel is a wonderful role model. He seems to even be overcoming his sex addiction a little bit, which is difficult for him because I’m pretty sure he used it as a crutch for a long time after he had to end his love affair with drugs. A lot of us do that.
    I don’t really understand his involvement with Katy Perry, I imagine it was a combination of sexual attraction and nurturing impulse on his part because she is so immature. He could also just be that much of a sucker for a great rack, lol.

  35. EscapedConvent says:

    I like him & have since I first heard him speak. To me, he sounds smart, articulate & thoughtful. I agree he seems to have a sweet, genuinely kind heart.