Courtney Love defends her BFF Gwyneth Paltrow against mean old Vanity Fair

Courtney Love

Here are some photos of Courtney Love attending the Alexander Wang show at New York Fashion week. Given a choice, I think that would be one of my preferred shows to attend aside from a line like Vivienne Westwood, which is the unattainable forever dream. What, were you expecting me to say “Holmes & Yang”? Sorry, Katie Holmes. I may respect what you did in leaving Tom, but your clothes are terribly boring.

Back to Courtney. One of the things that I’ve always appreciated from CLove is that she hilariously validates Gwyneth Paltrow’s existence at every opportunity. You know how Goop consistently name drops her good friends? Well Courtney is really the only celebrity who does so in return to Gwyneth. Over the years, the internet has witnessed some pictures of the two ladies during the occasional girls’ night. We’ve also listened to Courtney talk about how Goop told Courtney to lose weight. Now Courtney is standing up for her BFF in light of Vanity Fair’s alleged upcoming cover story. Courtney never says whether she was one of the recipients of Goop’s email to stop the VF atrocity, but she’s at least heard about it. Here are CLove’s thoughts on the topic:

Courtney Love

Just say “Goop”: “Gwyneth is one of my best friends. If Gwyneth says don’t do it, then f— you, Vanity Fair! I’m going to stick up for her and be very articulate and you’re going to publish every word I say!”

Courtney on Goop’s rationale: “If she had something she wanted to sell, or a movie or something like that, then she’d go to her publicist and say, ‘Let’s do Vanity Fair. For Vanity Fair to do a write-around about Gwyneth is uncool and déclassé and boring and terrible of them. And it just shows you where Vanity Fair has fallen. They have Taylor f—ing Swift on the cover getting a puppy.”

She’s not a fan of Katy Perry: “I’m not trying to be a bitch — she’s a nice girl. But she just bores me.”

What do CLove & Lady Gaga Talk about” “We had a really good discussion. She’s cool — we talked for about fifteen, twenty minutes. She’s going through a lot of changes, and has been hanging out with Marina [Abramovic] and also my friend Klaus [Biesenbach], and sort of discovering that side of herself. I really like the natural thing [she’s doing lately] — I mean, I’m sure she’ll go back to Gothic stuff. But she heard that I was going to leave so she came to find me. It was cool — like the popular girl came to tell me not to leave lunch hour.”

Has Gaga influenced CLove’s music? “No, not at all. She’s been around gay guys her whole life, and I think she’s finally trying to get her own identity and find out who she is. I thought it was very brave of her at the VMAs to put boos in her audio track.”

CLove’s upcoming album: “We have the single, which comes out when my book comes out this winter. But we’re missing a song that’s modern … I would love to do a duet with Jay Z. Wouldn’t that be great? Gwyneth asked him if he heard my version of ’99 Problems’ and he said it was brilliant, so …”

Is she really friends with Goop? “She’s a great mentor. Gwyneth has never, ever given up on me — even when I was on Adderall and stuff, and I love her for that.”

How about that Adderall? “Terrible drug! And not only that, but everyone’s on it.”

[From NY Mag]

I can admit that Courtney does make a fair point about Vanity Fair. The magazine does seem to have lost its way in the digital age. As Kaiser says, the mag needs to stop featuring dead celebrities on its covers. I don’t know if there is a way for VF to ever recover its former glory, but I do know that (given the chance) Courtney would probably love to do a cover shoot for the mag. By then she’ll have forgotten every nice thing she’s ever said about Goop and Jay-Z. Just saying.

Here’s some photos of Courtney leaving her gig at the Troubadour club in West Hollywood last week. She does look pretty healthy here, right? For her.

Courtney Love

Courtney Love

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN

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58 Responses to “Courtney Love defends her BFF Gwyneth Paltrow against mean old Vanity Fair”

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  1. Cleveland Girl says:

    Omg. I thought that was Goldie Hawn. Who is old enough to be her mother.

  2. brin says:


  3. UghInsomnia says:

    All I can see is her armpit hair in the 2nd picture.

  4. pao la says:

    What these 2 women have in common apart from horrible hair? Why would Courtney Love defend someone like Gwyneth paltrow? I wouldn’t get up from my bed to open her the door let alone make a big statement against one of the biggest magazines. Or maybe no one is speaking about her anymore and she needs attention? any kind of attention?

  5. Mindy says:

    It sounds like VF was trying to do an attack piece on Goop, like they did with Brad Pitt. I cant blame her for pre-empting that. Infact good for her.

  6. blue marie says:

    you know times are bad when Courtney is speaking on your behalf.

  7. Ginger says:

    I think she looks great! Loved her in BEAT with Norman Reedus.

    She’s been there and come back. Who cares how old she is?

    • Tara says:

      I think she looks great in these pics too. But you guys are right. My first thought was “wow, she looks a lot like Goldie Hawn now.” Seems plastic surgery is a great homogenizer.

      • stinky says:

        i love her as well… but she certainly n-e-v-e-r looks the same. i really wish she’d stop effing w/ her face. it does bother me. Why, im not sure. Also, good hair on Troubador night. That is all.

  8. KinChicago says:

    Saw the first picture without reading the heading… Thought it was Britney Spears.

  9. Sloane Wyatt says:

    Courtney looks like Miss Havesham, disheveled, a bit mad, and never changing.

  10. Boxy Lady says:

    Courtney will be 50 next year. Considering all the plastic surgery and drugs over the years, I think she’s looking great these days.

    That said, Courtney has had a storied history with Vanity Fair, or more specifically, with Lynn Hirschberg. VF published an interview Hirschberg did with Courtney that described her as shooting up heroin while pregnant with Frances and that helped create custody issues for Courtney and Kurt. But years later after Kurt’s death, Courtney was clean and doing good work in movies and she got her own cover. I used to have a copy of it: she was barefoot and dressed as an angel. There was a picture of Frances with the article and she was about 3 or 4.

  11. badrockandroll says:

    CLove’s dislike for Vanity Fair has nothing to do with its 1992 piece that she used heroin while pregnant with Francis Bean right?

    • snakecharmer says:

      they did a piece on her within the last couple of years, she fully participated. she looked AMAZING in the photos. the article was juicy and honest but not mean about its approach.

    • bns says:

      She wasn’t mad at Vanity Fair, she was mad at Lynn Hirschberg. Courtney had a feature in VF just 2 or 3 years ago.

  12. Erinn says:

    I can’t stand Courtney. She is a complete mess of a human being and it really says something when she’s speaking up for you. She is talented, but that doesn’t make up for the complete cluster fk that her life is.

  13. Justpassingby says:

    I find what she’s saying about adderall really fascinating. She has such a well-documented history of drug issues,that it makes me wonder just how bad adderall is!

    • Moi says:

      It’s not bad if you actually have ADD or ADHD. Which you will only know for sure with thorough testing with a psychologist. If you don’t have ADD or ADHD, then it’s simply like taking speed and makes you act crazy/strange. In most ADHD patient cases, adderall actually calms them.

      • jelynn says:

        True. I have type 2 add – inattentive/sluggish version. Stimulants were great but I hated the way my heart raced. And it never felt intoxicating so I don’t understand the appeal.

  14. pao la says:

    ‘They have Taylor f—ing Swift on the cover getting a puppy’.
    Quote of the year!

  15. Mandy says:

    Oh no, CLove has lost a few points from me for being up Goop’s a$$. But, I do have a soft spot in my heart for Courtney. She is kooky and I love her. I was a pre teen when Hole was big and I would listen to Live Through This on repeat! I’m just now reading the biography on CL by Poppy Z. Brite. If all of the things in this book is true, she has had one hell of a life!

  16. ALG says:

    Yeah I’m sure she and Goop are best friends. Paltrow seems the type to patronize someone like Courtney just for the sake of having a rock star friend. But privately, she looks down on her.

    • lucy2 says:

      Exactly – I can totally see someone like her being nice to Courtney’s face, and then turning around and making a lot of snide comments behind her back. Just my impression of it, of course.

  17. Mar says:

    I agree that Katy Perry is a bore. She’s highly overrated. I also like how she states everyone is on Adderall. That is how people stay thin.

  18. Jayna says:

    I don’t judge Gwynneth at all for not wanting her friends to cooperate with an article on her that she’s not cooperating with. Celebs tell friends that all the time. Telling them to disassociate from Vanity Fair forever was the funny and arrogant part.

    That was actually a good interview with Courtney, and she actually does look better here. She’s such a talented artist musicwise and was one of the few singers who crossed over into acting and was good. But her bipolar disorder and addictions have made her a mess. Plus the plastic surgery (blowing up her lips) and chicklet teeth. I remember Howard Stern asking what was she doing to herself and to stop it. He hates chicklet teeth. She later admitted her big veneers, the in thing at the time, were a mistake. If Gwnneth has kept standing by her all these years, when most have given up on Courtney, then I think that’s a good thing. And Courtney being a loyal friend back is the right thing.

  19. lucy2 says:

    Funny how Courtney is speaking up…when she has stuff to promote.
    I really can’t picture them being friends, but whatever. Courtney has been such a mess for a long time, but seems to be doing better, at least physically. She was on Craig Ferguson’s a while back and I didn’t find her all that likable.

  20. kelly says:

    I remember watching her Behind the Music special..while she does come off very kooky – she is pretty well spoken, insightful, and i think very bright. I love that she is a mess…because she has actual talent! She is probably far worse off than lohan but is relatively successful because she is not shitbag person and has actual talent to display!

  21. Thiajoka says:

    I cannot imagine how irked Goop is that, as of now, Courtney is the only celeb to carry the banner of hate against VF. I love Hole’s music and I’ve enjoyed SOME of Courtney’s antics throughout the years (interrupting Madonna’s interview with MTV, etc.), but she’s hardly the highbrow celeb royalty that Goop might have thought would step up to the plate in her defense. And everyone knows Courtney just loves a good fight anyway, so principles likely have little to do with it.

  22. Maya Memsaab says:

    Random Courtney Love anecdote from a friend who is a highly respected music journalist from the 70s. When he attended Joe Strummer’s funeral, Love showed up in a ridiculously over the top black dress, complete with a giant black veil. She was apparently sobbing dramatically and then proceeded to fling herself at the coffin, her display of grief far overshadowing the mourning family. Everyone at the funeral was in a total state of WTF apparently.

  23. LilyT says:

    Oh bless. What a hot mess.

  24. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    Question–is Courtney one of Jennifer Aniston’s goddesses?

    Uncool, indeed…

    (couldn’t resist…that was the first thing I thought of when I read the “uncool” remark/line)

  25. NerdMomma says:

    Courtney Love is, as always, a hot mess. I don’t know if you can believe a word she says. She might just be trolling us all with these Gwyneth quotes. But she still possesses and embodies that beautiful fearlessness and Riot Grrl attitude that was hot in the 90’s and was SO much better for women in general than the over-sexualized crap we have today. I still listen to Hole all the time and it’s just good music, real lyrics, and love to Courtney for never changing.

  26. Thiajoka says:

    Plus, despite the mess she is as a person, certainly as a mother, Courtney is a better actress than Goop by a long shot.

  27. phlyfiremama says:

    Love that red & black dress! Wow.

  28. snappyfish says:

    two boring has-beens that rode on the coattails of others – they should be best friends.

  29. Deedee says:

    GOOP didn’t drop her even when she was on Alderall? Um, Courtney, I think that coke was more like it.