Duchess Kate fired her old hair stylist for being indiscreet? (Or he knew too much)


You can yell all you want, but everyone loves to talk about Duchess Kate’s hair. Her hair is one of the most noteworthy/controversial/discussion-worthy parts of the whole “Duchess Kate” brand. First her hair was billed as “the curls that saved a nation” (I’m barely joking, I remember the hair coverage back in 2011), then there was Weave-gate, then multiple stories and discussions about her sausage curls, her reliance on weekly blow-outs and monthly organic dye jobs, and most recently, debates about her grey hair. So what fresh hell is this? Well, The Telegraph notes that Kate has ditched her old hair guy for being majorly indiscreet.

When James Pryce was asked to style the Duchess of Cambridge’s hair for her wedding and then tend to her locks on her tour of North America, he took advantage of his new-found fame by cutting his ties to Richard Ward, the owner of the Chelsea salon where he made his name.

Sadly, Mandrake hears that Pryce has not been able to retain his most famous client.

“Richard Ward still cuts Kate’s hair and she has her colour done at the salon,” one of Pryce’s fellow crimpers tells me. “Plus, she has her stylist, Amanda Cook Tucker, who blow dries her hair for events, but James has really been pushed out.”

Pryce took a job at Josh Wood Atelier, in Holland Park, where he now works part time. “He only works three days a week. When he went solo and tried to tour around the USA – he launched a Facebook page and Twitter account which featured hundreds of pictures of Kate and her various hairstyles to promote his business – obviously, that did not go down too well with the Palace at all.”

Mandrake disclosed in 2011 that Pryce, who created the Duchess of Cambridge’s demi–chignon style for her wedding, had parted company with the salon that made his name. He had been a “creative director” at Richard Ward.

After the royal wedding, at which Ward had eight assistants to look after the hair of the Duchess and other members of the Middleton family, he said: “She’s been an absolute poppet. All the time. Really. I know you would expect me to say that, but she’s amazing. And that’s why we are going to be in safe hands with her because she’s just so amazing with people.”

Last month, this column reported that the Duchess had booked Joh Bailey, a hairdresser in Sydney, for the tour of Australia that she is planning to make with the Duke of Cambridge next year.

He is the same snipper who tended to the locks of Diana, Princess of Wales during her final visit to the Antipodes the year before she died.

Pryce declines to comment.

[From The Telegraph]

I believe that some of this is old news – didn’t we already know that Kate still goes to the Richard Ward salon and that she did not “leave” to go with James Pryce? I think we already knew that. It’s sad that this guy, James Pryce, thought he was launching a whole new business with Duchess Kate as his master showpiece, but what did he think was going to happen? Did he really think Kate and the royal family was going to be totally jazzed about Pryce using Kate’s image constantly and taking credit for “the curls that saved a nation”? No. That kind of thing might fly if someone named Middleton did it, but not someone dispensable, like a hair person.

Two more details: one, it would SO INTERESTING if James Pryce decided to fully burn his bridges and “tell all” about the “real” Kate. And by that I mean that Pryce could say definitively that Kate uses weaves. Two, Kate has an on-call blow-out stylist? Plus she goes to the Richard Ward salon every month, plus she hires special hair people for tours? Good God.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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181 Responses to “Duchess Kate fired her old hair stylist for being indiscreet? (Or he knew too much)”

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  1. LadyMTL says:

    If this story is true, I can’t feel sorry for the guy because come onnnnn…as if the Palace would let him use Kate’s image? Although yes, I would be curious to hear how she is behind the scenes, so to speak.

    Also: I wish I had the money to have an on-call stylist, lol. I started getting white hair at 23 and I need to go to the salon on a regular basis. Would be nice to have them come to me!

    • Anna says:

      I wonder if non-exclusive service providers have to sign NDAs and such. Seems excessive but probably that’s the case. Why havent we seen those FB and Twitter pics tho? Come on people, get on that!

      “That’s why her hair is so big – it’s full of secrets!”

    • littlestar says:

      Someone needs to slap me. While I know Kate goes to her salon a lot, I actually thought she did her own sausage curls for events. I mean, she has a lot of time on her hands to do her own hair, right?! Man, I am gullible :D.

      • LAK says:

        I don’t think anyone who believes that is gullible. The image sold is very powerful, and the subjects of the image don’t appear to be selling anyone anything except ‘themselves’.

    • Mauibound says:

      Ah yes, rich people problems

  2. Jacqueline says:

    That’s a rather large entourage for some hair! I thought Kate and William were just like us! It is all a façade?? *clutches pearls*
    What she really needs to find is a stylist who can get her hair out of her face. Keeping her hands out of it is up to her.

    • LadySlippers says:

      There there. Would you like some tea dear??? Remember this is just a gossip site. Kate and William are totally like us. Don’t we all have 8 people standing around to do our hair?!?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        You only have 8? Oh, LadySlippers, darling, how clever of you to manage.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Oh GoodNames, Some days I just feel so overwhelmed. It’s not just the hairdressers, it’s the cooks, the house staff, the grounds keeper & gardeners, various odds and ends people I have to manage. Oh dear, it can be quite exhausting. I must go have a lie down with a soothing drink to cope….

        *flitters away*

        ETA: You *do* suffer from the same issues I trust? Would you like a cocktail as well? (I mustn’t be rude)

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Oh, yes, the responsibility is just exhausting. The decisions! Can no one but me decide which silver service to use with the Rothschild Bird? Does my nail person (forget her name, starts with a G, I think) really think that my favorite color being discontinued is an excuse for not getting it? Do people think my wardrobe buys itself?

        Yes, I will have a soothing cocktail, darling, if it isn’t too much trouble for you to have someone bring it to me. I’m simply too busy to send anyone to get it. Kiss kiss.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Oh darling, of course one of my people will bring it to you. I’m sure someone remembers exactly how you like your drinks too. (That IS what I pay them to do afterall)

        *removed sunglasses and gloves*

        It IS so wonderful to be able to talk to someone who can share my pain. Just the other day someone asked my something trifling about my child — it was common sense that someone should go with the child to the doctor? I mean isn’t it?!! *sigh*

        Oh we live such a hard life.

        *closes eyes*

      • Florc says:

        Lol! That back and forth was awesome.

      • bluhare says:

        IS awesome! Keep it up ladies!

      • LadySlippers says:

        Sssht. GoodNames and I are resting our eyes. We have to get ready for our fabulous but exhausting lunch with *just* the right women (we are very strict about whose allowed to attend). I tell you, it’s simply awful how stressful our lives are.

        *lifts head up to ask for another drink*

      • Sloane Wyatt says:

        Most excellent rapport. Do go on!

      • Florc says:

        *Bows continuously while slowly backing out of the room* Appologies ladies. Please accept this 5 liter box of Franzie Merlot as it is all a peasant such as myself can afford. Please not send me to work in the fields.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Boxed wine???

        Oh heavens! What do you do with it??

        *holds box away as if the box is contaminated*

        Oh someone help me! Remove this, this, this *gift* from my presence.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        LadySlippers, darling, I just had to call. Stuffy Lippincott told me after the luncheon that someone had given you…well…(whispers) b o x e d w i n e! Oh dear, are you alright?

      • Florc says:

        What do you do with it?
        Well, i drink the wine until the bag is empty. Then reinflate the bag like a balloon and use it for a pillow. It’s a 2 in 1 gift! Huzzah!

      • LadySlippers says:

        Oh GoodNames!

        Thank the heavens you’re here!!! The ‘gift’ of the boxed wine wasn’t the worst event that happened today. NO! Someone suggested we played BEER PONG last night. Oh dear. I didn’t even *see* you at all last night. And *why* would I drink beer when I can call up my doctor, any time, day OR night to get more a dignified high? I mean, I didn’t become his mistress for nothing (trust me his bedroom manners are not his main selling point).

        Oh well. Tomorrow I shall be at the spa, need to look spiffy for the family. And I will *certainly* be giving thanks that ex-Lord Slippers was given the boot (obviously reason for my reduced living circumstances). And then back to the spa on Friday to recover from the onerous task of dealing with my family. (The things we do!!!)

        Oh, before I forget, are you going to the gala this weekend being given by Lord & Lady Pretentious??! It’s for that stupid charity thing. I forget the reason (I do hate these things but appearances must be kept up). And best of all, Mr. & Mrs. Nouveau Riche are attending!!! They do bring THE most fabulous gossip with them…..

        Ta ta dahling.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Oh, LadySlippers, it’s a wonder you’re alive! The horrors you have endured in the last 48 hours are unspeakable. BEER PONG?!? Eek. I believe some of the girls from the lesser sororities may have played that in college, but, really, does one look as though one plays BEER PONG? Especially when one has one’s doctor making house calls, so to speak.

        Perhaps I will see you at the spa, although I have so much to do before the holiday. I have to select my outfit, as my wardrobe woman ( forget her name, think it starts with a G) seems to believe she should occasionally spend a holiday with her own family. Some people are just so selfish. But I will try to make it.

        Of course, wouldn’t miss darling Lord & Lady P’s gala for the world! I am a passionate supporter of er, animals or poor people…whatever. Can’t wait to see you and the Nouveaux there! Do get some rest now, poor darling. Ta ta!

      • LadySlippers says:

        Thank you GoodNames, you are SUCH a dear.

        I heard that you too had a rough day. To have your heart broken because you were outbid on a Old Master must be awful. And for such a small sum of money too. If only you had bid just 10 million more and that little gem could have been yours. There there. You really should come to the spa tomorrow for a little self-love. Need a pick me up to carry you through until tomorrow?

    • Sullivan says:

      She’s the royal Jennifer Aniston.

      • bluhare says:

        Except she got pregnant. Heehee

      • LadySlippers says:


      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:


        I honestly cannot believe that either of them have full time hair people. I mean Kate’s curls are something that you can achieve with wet hair and rolls and less than an hour–my little sister used to do the same thing to hers. She’d get her hair wet, put the curlers on, go to bed, and unroll them the next morning. Same thing.

        Jennifer’s hair (except for the highlights) always looks like she spent two of that ten minute ride combing her hair out–it always looks the same. She and Kate both wear extensions too right?

        bluhare–you make me cackle 😉

      • VioletCrumble says:


  3. Nicole says:

    Not. Aging. Well.

    There, I said it. Now you don’t have to.

    • Alexis says:

      Agreed. She’s pretty but easily looks like she’s pushing 40.

      • Tazina says:

        No, she’s not aging well at all. I think part of it is the harsh eye makeup she wears. It makes her look hard and haggard. As you get older heavy eyeliner makes you look even older.

        In 10 years that neck is not going to look good at all.

    • Anna says:

      Come on guys, she just had a baby.

      • Kate says:

        She’s been aging at a rapid rate for years now. She actually looked younger than she has for a good 5 years in the first couple of months after giving birth. Now she’s lost the weight she’s back to looking a bit haggard again. The whole Middleton family look much, much older than they actually are. Kate and Pippa look like women in their mid 40’s. Pippa has aged about 10 years in less than 2. I was shocked that Carole Middleton is in her 50’s, I’d just assumed she was closer to 70. Even the younger brother is starting to look a little rough and he’s what, 25?

        Not being nasty, it’s just a fact. Unfortunately for me my family is the same. We produce less than the normal amount of collagen, so as soon as we start ageing a little things go downhill very fast and there aren’t enough fillers in the world to keep our skin looking young and plump. Plus Kate smokes which won’t help things. I look 10 years older than I am, but my sister who smokes looks a good 20 years older than she is.

      • Anna says:

        Ok, off to buy sunscreen and night cream…

      • Jag says:

        Anna, not regular sunscreen, please. Research the ingredients in what you buy so that you aren’t purchasing something with carcinogens.

        What you want is organic coconut oil. It has the good fats for our brains and bodies. It’s very possible that she’s not getting enough good fats, and that’s why she’s aging so quickly. (Avocado is wonderful, and definitely research taking CoEnzyme Q10 also.)

      • Florc says:

        Will coconut oil also protect my skin from burns? I have scandinavian roots and burn so easily so i’m heavy on the sun screen. Or is this a suggestion because Kate’s skin looks more like a side effect from poor nutrition and dehydration and not from the sun?
        Regarding her skin I think it’s a good combo of how she just lucked out with genetics, has a poor diet, and smokes (or has smoked).

      • LadySlippers says:

        Coconut oil is DA BOMB. It heals both internally & externally — it’s fabulous. Another fabulous oil is caster oil. Like coconut oil, it has several anti-biotic, anti-viral properties, and is very healing (it stimulates the immune system). If used on skin caster oil can tighten pores, lighten skin, and clear up acne. I do believe both have mild sunscreen properties. You’ll want good stuff for both (i.e. organic, cold pressed, no chemicals etc.) especially if you’re going to internally consume the coconut oil. I can find good links if you want. You can take castor oil internally but I’d recommend it only in small amounts. It can upset tummies.

        FYI I’m very light skinned as well so totally get that point of view. Unlike Kate, I look 10-15 years younger than my real age and it’s partly lifestyle (don’t smoke, eating habits) but also that my family tends to look young for quite some time. No matter who you are — you gotta work with what you were given.

      • Florc says:

        I would love those links! I’ve heard of caster oil, but never used it. Mostly just vit E. I’m all ears to a better complection.
        And my skin is such a mystery. I have 1 parent’s olive, mediterranean hue with mild sun and another parent’s easily burned scandinavian skin with more than mild sun exposure. There’s very little middle ground.

        I tend to think smoking and dehydration when I see someone with bad skin.

      • bluhare says:

        Is castor oil that stuff my mother used to try to make me to drink? BARF

        Coconut oil sounds nicer.

      • LadySlippers says:

        My post about links disappeared.

        And BluHare, probably. But use it on your skin instead rather than drink it. It is still able to stimulate the immune system via that route and far easier on both the palate and tummy.

      • LadySlippers says:

        I’ll try to post WAY at the bottom, k? No promises since I’ve had several posts disappear today.

      • Florc says:

        I’ll check the bottom. Thank you. Sometimes posts vanish. I don’t know if they’re being deleted or never get posted.

    • Lydia says:

      She truly looks 10+ years older than she is. Must be a family thing because Pippa looks old, too.

    • lylaooo says:

      sorryy !! but she doesnt look pretty in the first photo! :S the middle part doesnt suit her at all .-..

  4. PHD gossip says:

    She wears wiglets and wigs and weaves. This is definitely a total wig:


    • Sisi says:

      indeed her her hairstylist certainly didn’t make her extensions look discreet oftentimes

    • Lydia says:

      Oh my god! It’s just …thrown on top of her head.

      • Dena says:

        AND that’s why he should have been fired!!! Forget about being indiscreet. I will never forget the day LAK spotted the wiglet. As she said, after that, we could simply not un-see it. That wiglet looks like a Daniel Boone raccoon skin cap resting on top of her head!!!!

    • Natalie says:

      How did I not notice that at the time! She needs to fire that women who’s doing her hair now.

      She should get James Pryce to sign a agreement to not market his connection with her and make up. He really did an amazing job with her hair most of the time.

    • LAK says:

      OMG…to borrow from my Royal CBers…..doing the happy dance right now. Her wiglet amuses me no end, and that picture is priceless.

      • PHD gossip says:

        There are many photos of her in wiglets (just a piece of hair in the back for fullness) and complete wigs. This is a wig. There are many photos of her wearing hair pieces/wiglets.
        It is the first thing I notice about Duchess Kate when she is photographed. What part of her hair is fake.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @PH Gossip: Do you have more pics of the wigs & wiglets? I’ve seen the arguments for the extensions but not this. Can you show me please?

      • LAK says:

        PHD gossip: I can generally see the line of her wiglets and extensions. The times i have seen similar to the one in the picture, i’ve referred to it as a wiglet as well since it’s sitting about an inch from her hairline. I always thought a wig covers everything, going by how my mama wears them, but i will revert to your description from now on.

        LadySlippers: Once you see the wigs/wiglets/extensions, you can’t unsee them. On the other hand if you can’t see them, consider how much the volume of her blown out hair is compared to her unblown out curly hair, not to mention that her blown out hair was not thick until the engagement and increased in volume whilst her body grew thinner. First case of fuller hair/skinnier body i’ve ever seen.

      • Florc says:

        LAK introduced most of us here to the wiglet on Kate’s head and we have not been able to unsee it since.
        Why Kate would wear a wig is beyond my understanding. Wiglets have suited her well enough, I thought.

      • Sachi says:

        LadySlippers: her photos at Centrepoint in 2011:


        Her hair looked ridiculous at that event. It was 5x thicker than her normal hair and no amount of volumizer can make your hair that thick. Only hair extensions can do that.

        Look at her hair closest to the right side of her face. The clump of hair behind it is raised in a weird way and you can even see the parting between the two sections since the hair extension is separate from the hair near her hairline/forehead. The hair nearest to her hairline is her real hair.

        Also look at the texture. The hair near her face is heavier, glossier, and smoother. The hair extensions are brassy. You can see the difference in texture from her hair near her right eye and the strands of hair after it.

        As LAK says, once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Oh I’ve seen the difference — especially in volume. But not an entire wig. And how are wiglets different than extensions? Oh please do tell. 🙂

      • Sisi says:

        @ Ladyslippers

        Basically everytime she has voluminous hair and has a very short parting in the hair, everything behind the part is wiglet. Usually you can see that the hair hanging on her shoulders actually comes from the hair that comes from behind the part, almost like a comb-over; all the hair is brought to the front Avril Lavigne style.


        in this pic her real hair is tucked behind the ears. The rest is mostly fake.

      • LadySlippers says:

        So what looks like Barbie Hair IS IN FACT Barbie Hair?

        But aren’t those two pics still just examples of extensions and not a wig? And still confused on the difference between a wiglet (kinda sounds like a toupee) and an extension.

        BTW, thank you so much for answering.

      • bluhare says:

        Isn’t a wiglet sort of like what we’d call a fall? As opposed to sewn or clipped in extensions?

      • Sachi says:

        LadySlippers: I think hair extensions are little strands of hair that can be put anywhere on the head because they’re thin.

        Here’s Colleen Rooney with extensions:

        Other hair extensions:


        A wiglet is like half a wig. 😀


    • bluhare says:

      Wait a minute. You mean all that bouncin’ and behavin’ hair is a WIG?? And now we’re seeing her real hair? Really? No, it can’t be.

      • LadySlippers says:

        I know!

        *swoons Scarlett O’Hara style*

      • PHD gossip says:



      • bluhare says:

        Yup, I totally see it. That is one wiglet/fall on the top of her head. I never knew that short part trick to see if her hair is fake or not, so thank you. I’m on wiglet patrol now.

        (Dons pith helmet and yells for Florc)

      • LadySlippers says:

        Thanks! Wow!

        BluHare, may I join your patrol?!?

      • Bridget says:

        Now I kind of wish I could just throw on a fancy wig when I leave thr house, raher than trying to fix my sad hair.

      • PHD gossip says:

        Alot of famous people wear wigs in public. (Sarah Palin is almost always in a big flouncy wig). Oprah Winfrey wears wigs a lot. Joan Collins has been wearing wigs Full Time since the 70s.
        Kaiser -Can you start dedicating posts to wigs/wiglets/fake hair of celebrities. I sense a lot of interest.

      • LAK says:

        PHD gossip – Frankly, i’m often astonished when i can’t see the wigs/wiglet/extensions. I have to concede that the celebrity in question might be showing their own hair.

      • bluhare says:

        Of course, LadySlippers! Watch out for Florc, though. She has a tendency to really lunge when she sees one.

      • Florc says:

        *pulls up in wiglet wagon* the wiglet watch is back! Hop in bluhare!

      • bluhare says:

        The Wiglet Wagon! Yay! Don’t let LadySlippers on til she admits she wasn’t at the symphony. 😉

      • Florc says:

        Admit you weren’t at the symphony or accept your lashings with the official wet wiglet.
        She’s seen the wiglet. She will never be able to unsee the wiglet. She has the sacred sight! She must be allowd in the wiglet wagon.

        3 rules.
        1. Senior wiglet watchers will over ride your calls for “shot gun”.
        2. You cannot drive the Wiglet Wagon. My insurance is a nightmare.
        3. I have a knee jerk reaction to rip wiglets off of peoples heads so keep your distance. I do lunge.

        Welcome to the club!

      • LadySlippers says:

        *wails* But I WAS at the symphony last night! And listening to the dreadful composer Wagner too. *pouts*

        *pulls olive off toothpick*

        Well, I suppose I’ll find something else to occupy my time….

      • bluhare says:

        She’s lying Florc. Unless the Symphony involves jukeboxes and large men called Big Wagner.

        Let’s get in the wagon and have some fun. Kate’s got an engagement on Thursday!

      • Florc says:

        *Ties a red toy wagon to the wiglet wagon bumper*
        You can ride in this LadySlippers. We wouldn’t want our pleb cooties to infect your natural grace. *snort*

  5. Alexis says:

    Stories like this only prove how utterly BORING Duchess Kate is. Who cares if she wears a weave or has grey hair?! Almost every woman in the public eye enhances herself in some way. Why is this newsworthy?

    • Florc says:

      It’s not, but this isn’t a news site. It’s a gossip site.
      The only part that makes this gossip is how we’re suppose to believe it’s real. We’re looking at an ordinary horse being told it’s a zebra. And i’m not actually comparing Kate to a horse just for those who read this and want to pick it apart.

  6. ANDREA1 says:

    And what if he tells all? No one is perfect. I don’t get the dislike for this woman! She is totally harmless and conducts herself properly.

    • LadySlippers says:

      Diana was shredded to bits and pieces too and it really wasn’t related to whether she was doing a good job or not. People tear into others even when there isn’t always a basis. Adding missteps in (for anyone) and you’ve got yourself a right and proper field day.

      • ANDREA1 says:

        I agree with you there! I don’t just get it. There is no one who doesn’t have the tiniest bit of secrets that we don’t want to get out after all no one is perfect, but eagerly waiting to here what he has to say about her So that we can further tear her down come on! The only thing I have against her is her make up which ages her I believe if she tones it done she will look refreshingly younger.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Kate, just as much as anyone, has faults and things she can improve on. And being in the public eye, I think there is definitely room for improvement and I would not I call myself her biggest fan by anyone’s measure. With that being said, I’m also not going to place her every behavior under an electron microscope either.

        I’m not a fan of her style but many others could easily say the same about me. I’d rather constructively criticize her rather than needlessly cut her down — there is a difference.

        As for her stylist, sounds like he got a pretty serious case of ‘Too Big for My Britches’ and the age old cure is, of course, Humble Pie. Which is as good as Chicken Noodle Soup or Matzah Ball Soup to cure what ails you. Sometimes old fashioned and time tested remedies work best.

      • bluhare says:

        LadySlippers: Plus the guy’s an idiot. Even my hair person had a non compete agreement with her old salon. She moved and wasn’t allowed to tell me. I had to figure out where she went. So for this guy to think he could take Richard Ward’s highest profile client and live the high life thereafter is so ignorant it’s laughable.

      • Florc says:

        Same thing happened to me. The only good stylist in my salon left and no one would tell me anything about it. Thank goodness she started dating the twin brother of a girl my husband had 3rd grade with. We reconnected at a class reunion and I found all this out. Non-compete agreements can be rough and good stylists that know your hair, scalp and style are so hard to come by.

      • bluhare says:

        Deleted. Posted in wrong spot.

    • LAK says:

      I honestly don’t think it started as dislike for her so much as the image of her the world was being sold. Unfortunately, they over egged the pudding on that image. And the more that image is pushed, the more the dislike transferred to her especially because it asks people to put their intelligence aside to accept that image.

      Public figures need a PR image, but hers is so far from the reality it’s ridiculous. There are times in her public life when her image could have been re-calibrated to a more believable one, but that opportunity was not taken.

      • Green Girl says:

        Agreed. To add to your excellent point, I would say there’s also a disconnect between the image and the reality, and that’s what can also push people away.

      • HH says:

        100%. You put it perfectly. While there are some things about Kate herself I dislike, it’s mostly the media hype that annoys me.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @LAK & Green Girl, The disconnect is huge turn off for a lot of people. As is finding out that their ‘modern’ and ‘streamlined’ image is just that — an image. William’s rebranding of the two only worked for so long…. This is partly why people go after Kate (IMO) is because of the disconnect & lies (key word is partly). Although she ends up being more of a target when William doesn’t get the same level of vitriol is kinda unfair.

      • LAK says:

        LadySlippers: I think William doesn’t receive as much flak is because he managed to remain hidden behind Kate or the military. Plus he always has/had the Diana to hide behind if Kate or the military can’t be used as the excuse for HIS behaviour.

        However, i also think the more people see him, the more they realise that He, rather than Kate, is the problem.

      • Florc says:

        Many here that have criticism for Kate aren’t here to hate or dislike her as a person. If we were we’d never compliment her actions when the situation presents itself. It’s a shame that gets lost in the defense.
        It’s going to be interesting to see how William handles himself having 1 less rock to hide behind. Press manipulation, being a new dad, and his late mother is all he has now. I wonder if when his 1 year transition period is up how he will perform.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @LAK: I think sexism plays a role and always will. Plus, everyone always protects the born Royal and not the married in Royal. Diana was an exception — the public adored her but she was often not treated well by the establishment due to both her gender and married in status.

        So I think William will continue to dodge bullets that tightly should be aimed at him.

      • Dena says:

        Ditto to what has been said re: the PR disconnect. But I will piont out that when CB posts stuff about William some of us are equally as critical. For example, I think it irks a lot of us that he seems to shun his duty–often hiding behind poor Mummy! Like this business of a gap year, what’s up with that? Didn’t he already have one? How hard or extensively was he really working as a RAF when not on vacation?

        I am going to go out on a limb here to say that women are probably (naturally) more interested in the to-ing & fro-ing of other women (in some instances) & especially one who is in a public role that social & ceremonial in nature (is the best way to describe it) in a nation as influential as Great Britian.

      • Suze says:

        “Overegged the pudding” is such a great expression.

      • bluhare says:

        Suze, isn’t it? One thing I’ve got to say about my country people is we sure know a good expression when we see/hear/say it.

        But back to LAK’s original comment, I wonder why no one took the opportunity to recalibrate her image. Was too much invested in what’s been put out there on her? It could easily be managed back step by step. Happens all the time.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        That’s how it is with me. I’m a lot more interested in what women are doing–in everything. One small example is that when I was younger (a preteen), I used to only read books that had a female main character—the only exception was Harry Potter. I do agree that there is sexism involved–but the main gossip readers are women. Women are interested in other women. Plus in my mind, it doesn’t help that people are always going to compare her to Diana, AND add in that she really could make a HUGE difference in whatever area she chooses–but she doesn’t.

        I can just imagine the stuff I would do if I had her influence. I’ve been looking into foster care adoption/fostering kids–that’s something that’s close to me. I’ve always wanted a big family, and have never felt the need to become pregnant to feel like a mom. I called my local foster home–it’s called the GoodWill Farm (basically it’s a group home), and I found out that I could (since I am eighteen) adopt/foster kids, as long as I have a job and a house/apartment (because of my state rules). Which thrills and scares me–because I could do this basically whenever I feel like it. And part of the reason that I want to do this so badly, especially adopting older kids, is because there are a lot of foster kids, where I live who get treated like shit.

        Which brings me back to Kate–we’re sort of in the same boat–me on a lower scale. I’ve put myself in this position where, *I* have a job to work up towards, to do, that I CHOSE i.e. bring these kids into my home and treat them like they should’ve been treated–like my son or daughter (meaning I, personally, would feel horrible if I didn’t do what I said I was going to do–finish school, finish college, get a job, save money, etc), like Kate. Kate knew what this job was going to entail–she had ten freaking years to get herself up to speed on what she would be expected to do. She had ten years to make herself familiar with the different charities she would want to support/become a patron of. She had ten years to take elocution, speech/public speaking classes.

        And it makes William look worse, because he chose her. Not just because he’s a Royal–but she seems to me like a very vapid, boring woman who can’t talk about anything else except her newest wiglet and what she bought at Chanel in Paris. It’s worse, because they’re Royals, because her trophy wifeish ways stick out even more.

        I didn’t mean to make it sound like a Kate rant–but there I go again 🙂

      • LAK says:

        Virgilia Coriolanus: i really hope that you achieve your goal. It’s such a self-less thing to do and i feel so humbled every time you mention your life’s ambition.

      • Florc says:

        That’s very noble. As LAK said I hope you achieve your goal. I’m in awe of people like you.
        Regarding Kate. I don’t know if she’s vapid, dull, or justunaware of her platform, but I consider her lack of charity work pure apathy.To quote a wonderful movie Boondock Saints. The priest in the beginning speaks about apathy.
        “Now we must all fear evil men. There is another kind which evil we must fear most. And that is the indifference of good men.”
        It’s dramatic, but makes my point. It would take such little effort for her to move mountains.

      • bluhare says:

        Florc, Boondock Saints is one of my best friends favorite movies of all time. Can’t tell you how many times she’s held me down and made me watch it. 🙂

      • Florc says:

        She had to hold you down!? Shame on you bluhare. You should have been beating down her door to watch it! There are few movies I can go back and watch. Or can start watching at any point in the film and still enjoy it. It’s a classic.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Thanks LAK! I hope so too. I’ve been talking to my mom about it a lot–she has no problems with it, she just wants me to be able to support myself and however many kids that I do have. I do put a lot of responsibility on myself, at this point, because I have gone to school with foster kids–and it wasn’t good. It wasn’t like they were abused or anything–but a lot of foster parents around here just ignore them–unless they’re in trouble (at least with the older ones).

        Florc–I agree. I just don’t understand, how someone who only has to do the light work i.e. show up, look pretty, and make a speech, barely does it. It boggles the mind–I spend more hours visiting my elderly neighbors in a week, than the “work” she does in a month. And she’s getting paid to do it too (obviously not by the charities)! I don’t get how someone can just not care. Especially in a country where Diana is still talked about, her contributions (especially as she was one of the first to go into a landmine field, or touch someone with AIDS in a time where people thought it was contagious) to charity–THIS is who William chose. God. Kate makes me stabby.

      • Florc says:

        If I was offered a new outfit every time I had to go for an hour of smiling and a prepared speech I’d happily do it. And her lack of hours logged might be her fault. I’m wondering if William isn’t part of the problem as well. She can’t be seen working more than him. She has shown us she’s allergic to work so it’s fair to place fault partially on her. I just don’t think William is any trail blazer.
        Or maybe i’m just in disbelief of how someone who basically does nothing all day can’t visit a few kids in a hospital or make a surprise appearance at a charity. Does a visit really to be for PR and not because you want to make someone’s day?
        I get stabby too.

  7. Bridget says:

    Yeah, you can’t start a business page or site and then splash a bunch of photos up like that without signed consent forms – this is just as true for us normal people as it is for celebrities. He really, really biffed it big with that.

    Also, every month translates to every 4-6 weeks for trims/dye, which isn’t that weird at all.

  8. Kate says:

    For someone who cares so much about her hair, it’s decidedly average. Limp looking blow-dry’s and dated sausage curls…who needs a hairdresser to do these things? Even when she has a full blown wig on it’s nothing special.

  9. HH says:

    Oh Kate and the Middletons… They’re either boring or the best tell-all book waiting to happen.

  10. emmie_a says:

    I love how the article points out that she already has a hairdresser booked for her trip to Australia next year. I’m part rolling my eyes and part jealous (as I realize I haven’t had my highlights done in almost a year)! Aaahh the life of a princess.

    • VioletCrumble says:

      And Joh Bailey is one of Australia’s premier hairdressers. He’s a hoot! A very talented guy, into horses, he’s the celebrity go-to hairdresser. I’m hoping he might give her a hair overhaul. She looks quite matronly, despite her long, bouncy tresses. It doesn’t help that she so often has half her face covered in hair. That is, the hair is usually covering one side of the face. I think she looks so much fresher and more elegant when her hair is pulled back or up. I did read somewhere that she has a scar (from a childhood accident or operation) on the side of an eye and is rather self-conscious about it, so this might explain her preference for having her hair hanging down one side. For someone who was once hailed a fashion icon and breath of fresh air, she’s really quite daggy.

      • LadySlippers says:

        That ‘scar’ might actually be extension clips (‘scar’ comes and goes). So that’s probably the REAL reason for wearing her hair down…. (See above threads about Kate’s hair)

  11. madpoe says:

    Tuesday can’t be THIS slow?

  12. Suze says:

    LOL Kaiser, I can’t shade her for this. If I had the means, and I were appearing in public, I would certainly have both a salon for majors and a stylist on call for everyday stuff. I am terrible with my own hair. Truly terrible. I’d take every bit of help I could get.

    I actually think she needs to hire someone who is with her all the time and takes the time to evaluate her events and get her hair in place for them so she never, ever has to touch it once she exits the door. I think she need more hair people!

    The noteworthy thing to me is that it’s becoming common knowledge that Kate’s hair is a lot of work. Back in the 2011 days, when her coif was saving the world, it was common to hear hear how naturally beautiful her hair was. Effortlessly beautiful.

    Anyone who knows anything about hair knew that was hooey. Particularly if you saw photos of her back in her uni days, when her curly, highly textured hair was allowed to run free.

    • bluhare says:

      I’d have hair people too, Suze. My lottery winning fantasy has me calling Heidi and putting her on a ridiculously expensive retainer so she’ll come over and do my hair every day. 🙂

      • LadySlippers says:

        I told my stylist the same damn thing!!’

        (Oh wait. Dayum. I screwed up.)

        *quickly puts on gloves and sunglasses*

        Sorry, I *already* have 8 people doing my hair.


      • bluhare says:

        AHA!! And that drink you’re having with GoodNames is boxed wine, isn’t it? And the gloves and sunglasses is because of the hangover you have from playing beer pong with her last night. I knew it!

      • LadySlippers says:

        Beer pong??? Oh heavens no. I was at the symphony.

        *walks away indignantly*

      • bluhare says:

        Symphony my . . . . . never mind.

        But in all seriousness, thanks for the laughs, ladies. It’s not that fun in bluhareville today and this was a very nice pick-me-up!

  13. Natalie says:

    James Pryce was fired shortly after the Daily Mail wrote that article about Kate wearing extensions. Then the York girls went to him. Dun dun dun!

  14. mk says:

    Yikes, she looks terrible in these pictures! She needs to invest in a sable eye pencil and learn the art of smudging.

  15. Maggie says:

    I’d rather get a root canal than go to the hairdresser. I have long thick hair like Kate and the worst part is getting it to dry. She’d be better off with a few more layers to lighten it up a bit. It’s been looking rather heinous lately. Most likely to do with hormones. Mine fell out three months after giving birth but it all came back. She’d be better off trying to deal with it on her own.

  16. Patty says:

    She is so very bland. And I agree she is not aging well. She used to be kind if cute and sometimes pretty but she just looks rough now. And it isn’t because she had a baby. I have friends older than her with multiple kids and demanding jobs and they don’t look like this.

    • Florc says:

      Remember an article on this site of Kate at the volleyball event and even her with William at the Wales farewell event? She was freaking glowing in those pics and she just had a baby. Now they’re pushing a story of how Kate is exhausted from being a new mom and her pics look terrible. That kind of skin and hair damage doesn’t happen overnight. Her pics just aren’t getting touched up as much anymore. Her center part is doing her no favors either.

      She’s resembling how Katie Holmes looked towards the end of her Tom days. Just beaten down.

      • bluhare says:

        That’s an interesting comparison, Florc. Why would Kate be looking beaten down, do you think? She’s just done her job and produced the heir so you’d think she’d be golden.

      • Florc says:

        I think William is difficult to live with no matter what. Photo editing aside how Kate looks now could very much be because of William. Here’s my reasoning…
        – She gets William around her more often. No more RAF run to. If he is stressed he might be hell to live with. She could be walking on egg shells.
        – Maybe he’s asked her to not run off to her parents home to eep up appearances more often.
        – It’s 1 thing to marry a man who has been known to treat you very poorly while dating and has a temper/bad temperment/spoiled/entitled tendencies. It’s another thing to wake up and realise you’ve had a child with that man and do not want to subject your only child to their father’s rage.
        I think the last part was also why Kate stayed longer at her charity event and William (allegedly) was not pleased with knowing Kate would be late from that event. She might be growing a back bone and if so, Good for her!

      • bluhare says:

        I don’t know much about William really, but I’ve never really read anything about him having rage issues. Entitlement issues, yes. And he seems pretty taken with George.

        Interesting you mention her not running home to mummy, though. When’s the last time we saw her? I was expecting a lot more of Doting Granny Carole than we’ve seen.

      • LadySlippers says:

        William is well known for his temper tantrums. As is Charles.

      • bluhare says:

        I guess it’s all in the wording, but temper tantrums sounds much more benign to me than rage. Temper tantrums sounds like the person doing it is spoilt (which I have no problem believing in this case).

      • Florc says:

        William has had his blow ups and cover ups. It’s unlikely there’s anyone around him (queen and charles excluded) that will tell him no so he can act as he likes without consequences.
        Carol and Michael Middleton were sent on that vacation via Kate’s own private money *giggles*. Past that i have no idea where they are. They were everywhere and there was talk of them feeling and acting like royals. They’ve been uncharacteristically low key lately. Did someone drop the hammer on them?

      • LadySlippers says:

        Oh Florc, I’d love to PM. And quite a few of the other women interested in the Royals… There’s a lot we’re NOT saying and probably can’t.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Neither HM nor Charles say no to William. Charles isn’t a hands on father and HM is not one to confront. Ironically, only Diana really said no. (It’s ironic because when William was a child she didn’t establish ANY boundaries at all)

      • Florc says:

        Oh LadySlippers
        There is a lot to say! Sometimes these threads fill up with comments just from a handful of us going back and forth.
        I forgot how hands off the Queen is (unless provoked) and Charles being so distant. Diana was no ize in the parenting department either. You’re right. No boundaries and I bet that really messed up William. Stress of being an heir aside.

        There’s so much we can’t say here because we can no longer find evidence to back it up for those who question our info.
        William’s temper is like a tree in the woods. It grows and gets big/temper tantrum covered in a magazine.
        We all go and see the tree exists and run to get people to also see the tree/William’s PR team does damage control.
        We return to the site of the tree to see it’s been cut down and removed/William’s PR team destroyed every trace of his negative traits.
        It gets to be a lively conversation here.

      • LadySlippers says:

        William had boundaries once Charles’ old nanny came along. As well the addition of the beloved nanny that recently died. Somehow those two women helped snap Diana back to sense too because Ken Wharfe, her old RPO, talked quite a lot about how Diana stood up to William. And was the only one who could get him ‘out of himself’ when sulking.

      • Florc says:

        Ah yes. William sent Kate to the funeral instead of attending himself claiming raf duties. RAF duties never got in the way of vacations or parties.

        I wish those old hard as nails nannies and staffers would make a comeback. It’s and era of standing on your own instead of having a pity party. heir ense of duty, pride in their work, and love of their country drove them far. Now it’s do as you like, but don’t get caught.
        I’ve been called a “Kate H8ter” here before, but I think it’s William’s behavior that reflects very poorly on those he surroundes himself with.

  17. Janeite says:

    Maybe it’s just these photos but it does look as if she is not ageing well. In some pics, she looks completely gorgeous but this set is definitely not the most flattering. Her makeup seems to be a bit harsh too.

  18. MissNostalgia says:

    This article does not say much for the hair people that she employed; her hair does not look like it receives all of that TLC.

  19. Decloo says:

    Are you really surprised she has her color done every month? Anyone with dark hair and grey roots must maintain their hair once a month. She makes public appearances all the time so why on earth would you be shocked she gets her hair blown out beforehand? Or that she has a hairdresser on tour with her? This is pretty standard fare for any woman in the public eye. Sheesh!

    • LAK says:

      Public figures have people to make them look good in public. Everyone knows and accepts that. However, in Kate’s case, it’s an ongoing PR push that she doesn’t have anyone looking after her. Her image was pushed as someone who was doing it all without help, and not just on the staffing side of things.

      Over time, there has been a slow leak of how much help she is receiving behind the scenes both in the little ways eg the salon visits and the big ways eg household staff.

      The sad thing is no one expects her to cope alone without any help given her public profile and what is expected of her. It’s her own PR people who push the image of someone doing it all without help.

      • LadySlippers says:

        ^^ THIS ^^

        If she and William were honest to begin with, some of this wouldn’t be boomeranging (sp?) back on them.

      • LAK says:

        Ladyslippers: I agree 100%.

        They are in this position of having to prove their worth because they started out with lies. Further, those lies could be easily debunked. They seem to have forgotten that we live in the world of social media and the Internet. They can’t control the press like Charles and Diana managed to do for 10yrs before Diana finally told her story.

      • Suki2 says:

        Yes this. Her PR is either unsophisticated or arrogant. Flaws and foibles are now part of a carefully culitvated public persona – the celebrity seems more accessible and ‘real’. It’s the small imperfect quirk or failing that makes the larger image seem more ‘true’ and more interesting. All movie stars and public persons do this now. Except for the Royals. Their PR is selling bland perfection in all things and expects us to buy it

      • Florc says:

        LAK or anyone that would know.
        Are Kate and William sharing the same PR team?
        Does the couple get to dictate to the PR team how they want to be perceived and it’s up the their team to spin gold from straw?
        Or is the PR team running this all themselves as an after thought cleaning up messes?

        I know you know how PR works. I haven’t a clue, but it just seems like they do an awfully sloppy job of it.

      • LadySlippers says:

        PR is actually handled (or manhandled) by the various Grey Men* (ie the palaces). Charles actually called in a PR team to change people’s perception of Camilla (not really he used that as an excuse to rebrand himself) which is why he’s now back in everyone’s good graces. Operation PB was a resounding success.

        As for our other conversation about heirs and old nannies. In the UK everyone lets the eldest male or heir do whatever it is they like. Charles was a sh*t too but he was super shy and few saw his tempur tantrums but there was real worry he was becoming David. But it’s a systemic issue that reaches far beyond just the BRF.

        *Within the past few years Sophie has used her previous experience to help with the BRF’s image (why the h*ll weren’t they using her before??! She was damn good at her job)

  20. bluhare says:

    If I were Kate I’d pay big money to get the first photo above and the hair twirling one out of circulation. Wow. If that first photo above doesn’t scream “Let them eat cake” I don’t know what would.

    • LAK says:

      She needs to talk to Beyonce’s people.

      • bluhare says:

        Serious question, LAK. Do the royals have someone who does exactly that? There sure is a lot of content about Kate that used to be out there and is now nowhere to be found.

      • LadySlippers says:


        Absolutely YES! William’s ‘issues’ have been frequently scrubbed from the internet. This is normally done to preserve the direct heirs image (and thus the BRF’s) and it’s not something you normally see for the rest of the BRF.

        As an example: look at the public’s perception of Charles and compare that to his two brothers. Same with Diana and Sarah. Continue that for William and Harry. Charles (and Diana while things were good) and William are painted as ‘much better’ than their rascally siblings and their spouses. (It even happened to HM and her sister)

        So not only yes but HELL YES.

      • Suze says:

        I honestly believe our cadre of CB royaloonies – led by Kaiser – could spin better PR than whoever runs her office.-

      • bluhare says:

        Aw, you mentioned that rascal Harry (sort of). He’s in Antarctic rocking a ginger beard! Go Harry!!

      • LAK says:

        Bluhare: Yes.

        There are many stories that aren’t printed AND there are many stories that are printed, but are then pulled and everyone goes forth like they never happened.

        If the story is negative, PR goes to work……

      • LadySlippers says:

        Scruffy Harry does me in EVERY time. Every fricking time.

        Oh Great and Wonderful Kaiser, can we hear about Britain’s OTHER sexy ginger named Harry? (Okay according to BC he’s not ginger he’s auburn but whatever *eye roll*)

      • LAK says:

        I am torn between the Ginger and the Viking. The commonwealth aren’t getting any look from me.



      • bluhare says:

        We need j.eyre and blue marie. I feel like cheering my Harry on, but I’m all by myself here.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Miss Eyre and I were cheering on the Viking.

        But Scruffy Harry is making me think of not only betraying my country but also a fellow Swede. Damn you Harry!!! I don’t wanna go all Benedict Arnold for nothin’!!

        (What a terrible night I’m having. I really need to go and fish out my favourite bottles to cheer me up)

  21. HoustonGrl says:

    I think Kate does OK most of the time, with clothes. But her hair is just ridiculous. I don’t know why she fusses over it so much, or insists on a beyond believable level of thickness. Why is it so important? Makes me think she has very deranged values.

    • bluhare says:

      In fairness to her, if my photo was splashed all over the world every time I blinked I’d care a whole lot more than I do now about my looks.

      What I don’t understand is all the PR to say she doesn’t. She wouldn’t be human if she didn’t care.

      • Florc says:

        I would fuss too. I would want to look the best I could! I might also take the criticism instead of only hearing the good. She dresses and looks loads better when she’s around the Queen. So she knows what to do. I would also have professional stylist, hair, and make up done for events because i’d want it done well and right. Most of our criticism to her comes from her looking like she doesn’t have access to these things.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Agreed about the stylist. A stylist made ALL the difference for both Maxima (Netherlands) and Mary (Denmark). I’m sure there are other Royals too that use one but those are two that immediately popped up.

      • LAK says:

        Ladyslippers: Diana too. And most ladies in the public arena.

      • Sachi says:

        Maxima has a stylist? Those awful turbans she wears and those strappy shoes that make her legs look thick and stumpy…I shudder at that being decided by a stylist. :/

        Letizia of Spain has no stylist. I don’t think Queen Mathilde of Belgium has one. Nothing for the Luxembourg royal women either. Victoria of Sweden dropped her stylist in 2011 and since then her style has been hit and miss again.

      • bluhare says:

        Sachi, that cracked me up. Can’t tell you how many times I look at some celebrity photos and marvel they actually paid someone to make them look like that.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Sachi: I’m you you know this but the Spanish Royals have very little money and Letizia does fairly well considering that for a Royal — she’s on a Target budget.

        Mathilde (Belgium) sometimes looks awesome and other times is questionable. Same with both Victoria and Mette-Marit (Sweden & Norway). Now Stephanie (Luxembourg) could definitely use a stylist. She looks like she almost gets it but doesn’t quite make it. Ya know what I mean?

        Rania (Jordan) usually looks awesome as does Lalla Salma (Morocco). But the one Royal women I just want to see is Masako (Japan). Don’t care HOW she looks and she’s the only one that totally gets a free pass from me as long as I see her. 🙂

      • Sachi says:

        bluhare: I know. It’s like The Emperor’s New Clothes, right? 😉 We do a better job here on Celebitchy being PR teams and stylists!!

        LadySlippers: Letizia does well considering all the budget scrimping when it comes to her. She’s received the least amount of money among the Spanish royal women for years. One year she was given $65K and she had 200+ events. Her SIL, the disgraced and embarrassing Cristina, got $75K that same year for doing 40 events. Ridiculous.

        Queen Sofia and her 2 daughters can strut around in OdlR, Valentino, Dior, DvF, and Chanel outfits and nobody says a thing. Then you see Letizia in Mango, ZARA and other cheap clothes and she’s forbidden to wear any other brand because the Spanish media expects her to support affordable Spanish fashion all the time. The favouritism in that family is disgusting, especially since they always throw Letizia under the bus when they need to cover up either the King or Cristina’s messes yet she’s also the one whom the media expects to always represent the monarchy in the best ways.

        I want to see Masako, too. Too bad about what has happened to her. I was happy to see her at Willem’s coronation last April. Such a “modern”, independent, intelligent woman reduced to what she’s become. It’s sad.

        Stephanie is a frump. Sorry to say, but she just looks so sloppy. She sometimes looks like she needs to wash her hair. Those wide-legged pants and ill-fitting tops also don’t help. And WTH is with the scarves? 😀 But she’s still better than Mette-Marit and her bizarre outfits, as well as her love of tights+everything.

  22. kg says:

    I don’t think the Middletons including Kate go to Richard Ward anymore. There have been pics of them all snapped going to a different salon. I don’t remember the name, but I remember pregnant Kate in some ugly white skirt going to get her hair done there right before her due date.

  23. Kayla says:

    All I have to say here is brilliant header photo, made me giggle.

  24. Mel says:

    “She’s been an absolute poppet. All the time. Really. I know you would expect me to say that, but she’s amazing. And that’s why we are going to be in safe hands with her because she’s just so amazing with people.”

    Is he talking about Kate? I am not being sarcastic, I really don’t know.
    Because if he is, what on Earth does he mean by “we are going to be in safe hands with her”?
    She is in no position to endanger one (except indirectly, by influencing the public perception of the monarchy), nor will she ever be. A queen consort – if that’s what he means – is not a ruler.

    If he is not talking about her, I apologise for being obtuse.
    It’s been a long if rather fun day. 🙂

    • Suze says:

      I KNOW. I started to laugh when I read that – was Kate going to take over the world or just marry Wills?

      And would you want to be in the safe hands of a poppet when the world order was threatened, anyway?

      It’s a hysterical comment. Perhaps its best his ten minutes are up…

      • Mel says:

        “And would you want to be in the safe hands of a poppet when the world order was threatened, anyway?”


        Yep, that’s the way it comes across.
        ‘Today Willy, tomorrow the world.’
        He REALLY should pay more attention to what he utters.

    • Sloane Wyatt says:

      Mel, he uttered a malapropism. What James Pryce meant to say was, “she is going to be in safe hands with us”, rather clumsily explaining Kate would have no fear of being used by her hair stylist for publicity again.

      • Mel says:

        Thank you, Sloane Wyatt.
        I suspected something may have gotten lost on the way from his mouth to monitors worldwide. ; )
        That’s why I asked.
        I am actually relieved there’s one less idiot in the world than I thought. 🙂

  25. TherapyCranes says:

    I don’t care if people wear extensions, wiglets, weaves or wigs. I also don’t care if someone gets plastic surgery if they do it for themselves. You have to live with yourself, so if you want to enhance in whatever way you feel necessary to feel more confident and beautiful go for it.

    As for the story I find it obvious that he would get canned. If your claim to fame was a popstar or actress then I could see using all these pictures to promote yourself. But when it comes to royalty I think they would want a more refined approach when handling their business.

  26. Dana M says:

    Yes, I too can notice extensions and wiglets from across the room. I can def tell that Kate wears them. Good for her (I guess) to have the means to afford hair people. Who can blame her for wanting to look her best. She may be queen someday. My mom and her friends wore wigs and hair pieces in the 70s for black tie affairs and weddings. No big deal IMO.

    Jennifer Aniston’s extensions have also been very noticeable in the past.

    I also have been examining Angelina Jolie’s hair recently. I think she wears them too sometimes. Perhaps for movies.

    I think JLO obviously wears hair wiglets too.

    And the most obvious wig user, Beyoncé, wears them the best. She seems to wear those full cap-on wigs with glue around the forehead. That seems so itchy.

  27. Thiajoka says:

    I wish one of those stylists would do something more flattering with her hair.

  28. Kate says:

    I don’t understand why Kate’s alleged use of hair pieces or extensions is a scandal, or even an issue? She has been in the public eye since she was at university twelve years ago, long before the popularity of the “white girl weave,” and her hair has always been the same in texture and length. Photos of her schoolgirl days when she was a teenager confirm this. She has always had long, thick hair. It reminds me very much of a my sister’s hair, and my sister doesn’t use hair extensions. Photos of her in the humidity in Asia and pap shots of her on the beach when she was pregnant show her hair blowing up like cotton candy and getting very wavy and a bit frizzy in muggy weather, without a blow-out. All very normal. The famous photo of Kate in that sheer dress in the charity runway show that supposedly caught William’s eye, when she was about 19 or 20, show her with long, thick hair. I don’t see the big deal. If she does use extensions (and perhaps she does), I think it’s to counteract the effects of over-styling (constant blow-outs, coloring, heat from curlers, etc.) rather than to create an illusion about her hair’s thickness or texture. Like her, don’t like her, whatever, but I think there’s definitely a strong whiff of misogyny in the Kate Hate. No criticism is directed at William for many of the same things that Kate is accused of doing (or not doing), and for heaven’s sake, Harry. How can Kate be such a black eye to the royal family when they have the likes of that humililating frat boy loafing around? He dressed like a Nazi (an heir to the throne of a country that was tragically attacked and nearly destroyed, at huge loss of life, by the Nazis), he allowed himself to be photopgraphed nude and drunk and probably coked out at a party in Vegas, where he had traveled with his taxpayer-funded security detail, and he has the distinction of being the only “soldier” sent to a war zone with body guards. But Kate’s the embarrassing one? Really???

    • Florc says:

      1. William was dating someone else when Kate caught his eye. That happened and a fair amount of time passed before they got together. That’s a merry rewrite of history to claim that line of events.
      2. Harry is forgiven much because he takes on a full work load of military and charities. He’s also been working very closely with his father. The role I believe was meant for William, but he shyed away from his duties. Harry also ignores scandals and they vanish. Vegas went away a weeks time because it wasn’t addressed. “boob-gate” hung around because William sued.
      3. Kate had a lot of time to prep for her lifetime role. She was said to be the most prepared royal bride in history. They built her up and she did not deliver. On top of that much info we get is false to make her look good. A little honesty would long ways.

      She knows how to carry herself. She does fine in the presence of the Queen. Outside of that she goes off script.

    • LadySlippers says:

      I think you miss the point. I don’t care that Kate wears extra crap in her hair. The point (I think) that irritated people is she was sold as ‘The Girl Next Door’. And she’s not. If she were honest about a lot of stuff (not just her hair) we’d be more understanding. She’s in the public eye and has expectations no ONE person could achieve. So be honest about that. In fact, stop with all the lies and BE HONEST.

      I agree that both Kate and William should be doing more. Both are in their 30’s and have had ample time to get comfortable in their roles. Especially William. William has opportunities most of us only dream about and instead he sulks or vacations.

      As for Harry, like Andrew and Edward, he doesn’t have the palaces busy scrubbing his image. Harry is NOT as bad as people think; just like William isn’t as good as people think. Both William and Harry are to blame for the Nazi outfit (as are the RPO’s for both of them — see Ken Wharfe’s comments on the incident). Harry had NO IDEA who or what the Nazi’s did. Not as clear what William knew but it was at William’s urging that Harry rented the costume in the first place. I’d give them both the benefit of the doubt in this case as a lot of people are clueless about the Nazis. Also, Harry wanted to profusely apologise as he was beside himself when he was told what the Nazis had done. Charles adamantly refused to let Harry publicly apologise (which compounded public opinion against Harry). The Vegas incident also lays at the RPOs failure to protect Harry. As before, please read Ken Wharfe’s comments.

      William does have the benefit of having his image scrubbed. He almost lost his wings yet few people know about it (and that means he was a piss poor service member not the hero we read about). And a good many other things that have been quickly scrubbed from the public’s eye. But I think part of Kate’s hate is just displaced anger that should be directed at William. Which is totally unfair.

      ETA: Harry did serve twice with no body guards but he did have extra precautions to keep him safe. You can’t blame Harry for that as he would have GLADLY served just like everyone else. William, IMHO, would and should have been allowed to go. Would have done him wonders.

      • LAK says:

        The list of William’s indiscretions that have been scrubbed from the public gaze is long and it is very scandalous. Sucks to be Harry, And Andrew and Edward and Anne and Beatrice and Eugenie and in time Louise and James and George’s future siblings.