Jennifer Hudson in Kaufmanfranco at the People’s Choice: gorgeous or unflattering?


Jennifer Hudson won the People’s Choice humanitarian work last night. Her speech, which I’ve included below, was a touching testimony to her faith and her work with children. But let’s talk about the superficial stuff because that’s who we are, right? J-Hud wore this sleek Kaufmanfranco dress which fits her beautifully. The bright pink lipstick was a bold choice, but I like it. Her hair has grown out enough and it’s so much better these days. All in all, I have to say that J-Hud is probably my choice for Best Dressed Lady of the People’s Choice. (PS… I definitely think she had a boob job too, look how high they are now.)


Jessica Alba goes to the opening of an envelope – awards shows just invite her present because they know she’ll show up and look pretty. Alba wore this white Jason Wu, which is really pretty, albeit a bit too tight in the bust. The Wu dress is also giving me some Herve Leger vibes, which isn’t great.



Holy crap, Naya Rivera has completely remade herself into Jennifer Lopez!! YIKES. I swear, in the thumbnails of these photos, I really thought it was J.Lo. But it’s just Naya, who has lost weight, had some work done on her face and discovered the joys of colorblocking. The dress is Michael Kors. I don’t hate it, but it would have been cuter without the mullet.



Queen Latifah in a simple black Angela Dean dress. Flattering, conservative, pretty. Her styling takes a simple look to the next level though – Latifah looks gorgeous.


Emily Deschanel in Max Azria. I hate this dress. But I usually hate her dresses. Emily is so pretty, but her style sucks.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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29 Responses to “Jennifer Hudson in Kaufmanfranco at the People’s Choice: gorgeous or unflattering?”

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  1. V4Real says:

    JHud looked really pretty. So sad what happened to her mom, sister and nephew. I’m happy she was able to turn a tragedy into something great.

    DId Naya mess with her face or is that an overly done spray tan that’s making her look like that?

    I’ll say it again, the Queen looked great. She lost a lot of weight.

    • Dani2 says:

      Naya has messed with her face, without a doubt. On a good day, she looks like J-Lo, on a bad day she looks like Kim K. She’s tacky as hell too, her single “Sorry” was basically aimed at her boyfriends ex girlfriends:

      “Amber Brittany Tiffany,
      Sorry he belongs to me
      Heather Ashley Stephanie,
      It just wasn’t meant to be”

      • V4Real says:

        She had a single? Let me guess ITune release.

      • Dani2 says:

        I only found out yesterday that the single was actually released over here in the UK but I know that it came out in the States sometime in mid-late September. Pretty sure it was a flop, didn’t even chart on the Billboard hot 100.

      • Stef Leppard says:

        I think she looks like Kim K too. Unfortunate.

        Queen Latifah’s dress and styling are so booooring. I don’t know why everyone is saying she looks so amazeballs.

    • Katy says:

      My only thing is that it looks like JHud’s toes are going past the toe of her shoe. That part just looks painful to me, but she looks absolutely fierce.

  2. BendyWindy says:

    Jennifer Hudson’s dress photographed better than it looked when she was moving in it. I LOVE her hair, though. Beautiful.

    Latifah looked amazing. Nothing else to say.

    Naya Rivera. Oh, Naya. The blonde isn’t working for Kim K. and it’s not working for you.

    Emily Deschanel. Yawn.

    • Spooks says:

      Queen Latifah and Naya are the best dressed IMO. I hate Naya’s hair, but the dress is amazing.

  3. Dani2 says:

    Gah! Cannot decide whose look I love more – Queen Latifah’s or Jennifer Hudson’s. I love both looks so much. Ugh, I think I’m gonna have to go with Queen Latifah’s. Everything is working so well – the makeup, the hair, her face, HER! Gosh, stanning just a bit right now. She looks THAT amazing.

  4. Janet says:

    Latifah looks fantastic. Naya Rivera looks good except for the dress. I can’t stand mullet dresses, they make no sense at all to me.

  5. Anna says:

    Wow Naya’s face has really changed over the past few years. I found her much prettier before all the surgery

    • hunter says:

      Yeah me too. I can’t quite figure out what procedure everyone seems to be getting that is making the upper lip look so LONG – maybe it’s the shortening of the nose tip which increases the distance between the nose and the top lip but it looks weird.

      Courtney Cox, Naya Rivera & now Kim Kardashian has done it too… not a good look.

  6. Kelly says:

    Heavens to Betsy, Jennifer was a goddess last night. She looked incredible. Rockin’ body, beautiful understated dress (take heed K Kardashian), and I would kill to be able to wear my hair like that.

    In a world where celebrities are swirling down the drain with worse behavior every day, she has shown so much grace through so much tragedy.

    I sound like a die-hard fan. I’m not so much, but feel credit should be given when due.

    • Chrissy says:

      Jennifer seems not only very talented but really nice to. Didn’t she do something special for her assistant as a Christmas gift? Also, I love her lip colour on her. Really suits her colouring.

  7. Elyse says:

    I’d LOVE Naya’s dress without that stupid mullet thing in the back. What a waste.

  8. AlmondJoy says:

    Naya was cutest when she was Little Ritchie’s girlfriend on Family Matters, lol. She was also gorgeous before removing her large mole and chiseling her nose down, she was so unique looking. Hopefully she wont go the cat-lady route.

    The QUEEN always looks amazing. Just flawless!

  9. break says:

    I know she’s wearing great makeup, but holy smokes does Jennifer Hudson have amazing skin. I’m so friggin’ jealous.

  10. littlestar says:

    I’m really impressed – these are all beautiful dresses! I even like Alba’s bandage dress, and while I know they are going “out of style”, I still love them because they suck everything in and give your lumps and bumps nice curves :). I thik out of all of outfits, I like Jennifer Hudon’s the best and is something I would wear myself – the pop of lipstick is awesome. I like the mullet dress too, but that’s because I have an affinity for mullet type clothes for some reason lol.

  11. Mar says:

    That Naya is creeping me out.

    Jennifer looks Amazing!!!!!!!

    I love white and Alba is hot so of course she looks good too

  12. Nicolette says:

    JHud looks fantastic! Jessica Alba’s dress makes her look like she can’t breathe. And OMG I would have sworn Naya was JLo! Love her dress, would have been better without the mullet, and I love the hair. Queen Latifah simply looks elegant.

  13. Marianne says:

    Jennifer Hudson I think has the best look of the night. I like Emily’s dress btw.

  14. Khalesi says:

    Wow, Naya Rivera looks positively plastic. Such a pity since she was so cute before all the work she’s had done:

  15. lucy2 says:

    Queen Latifah and Jennifer Hudson both look fantastic. Latifah is so pretty.
    I kind of like Naya’s dress, but she looks…odd. Totally JLO.

  16. j.eyre says:

    I love Jennifer’s dress and it looks great on her.

  17. Jelly says:

    Lovely dress on Hudson…. But, Toebreak! If you are gonna do a clear shoe like that (please do not) you must be vigilant to keep all your piggies on the platform. We are only human. Our toes will wander if given the opportunity.

  18. loveisthecoal says:

    I think this might be the best I’ve ever seen J.Hud look. She looks amazing!

    Jessica herself looks great and I love her dress, but it’s way too small!

    I’ve never seen Queen Latifah look bad. The woman is gorgeous, and she really knows how to dress and style herself. Either that or she’s got an incredible stylist!

  19. truthful says:

    Jennifer looks nice, she got it right!! gorgeous.

  20. Mauibound says:

    J Hud and the queen look amazing