Lenny Kravitz bros out with Bradley Cooper & Leo DiCaprio: amazing?

Lenny Kravitz

I’ll be perfectly honest and admit that I really wanted to write about Lenny Kravitz a lot and about Bradley Cooper and Leonardo DiCaprio a little bit. We rarely have a reason to cover the devastatingly smooth Lenny, so I’m grabbing onto this and refusing to let go. This post isn’t so much a story as a celebration of Lenny’s Facebook account, which is one of the hidden gems of social media. Lenny posts all sorts of photos to Facebook. You want retro Lenny with his dreads? Check. You want shirtless Lenny taking a nap on a private jet? You got it. You want Lenny and his famous pals mugging in various ways? That’s fun too. The latest Lenny photo is captioned, “At Joe’s Pizza NYC with Leo and Coop.” Mind = blown.

Who knew Lenny was pals with modelizers Leo and BCoop? I guess Bradley qualifies as a modelizer these days. God only knows Leo earned his membership card over a decade ago. Maybe Lenny just popped into Joe’s Pizza for a slice, and Leo and BCoop were already sitting together in a corner booth. I hope that’s the case because Lenny has no need to hang with the p*ssy posse. Lenny possesses so much charisma that he never needs to try and attract da ladies. Nope. I imagine Lenny could teach Leo and BCoop some tricks, but Lenny is above such nonsense. Or so I hope. Lenny doesn’t need moves, right? Lenny doesn’t need pickup lines either. He simply exists in all his perfection. Leo and BCoop know it too. You know the way Jonah Hill gazes at Leo in adoration? That’s the way Leo and BCoop must look at Lenny.

I’m including a few more goodies from Lenny’s Facebook page. This is also an excuse for me to post a photo of Jennifer Lawrence trying to pick Lenny’s nose. Crude, I know. Lenny doesn’t seem to mind. There’s a few pictures of Lenny with his father and young Zoe. I also couldn’t resist including a non-Facebook photo of the scarf that ate Manhattan. Rowrr.

Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & Lenny Kravitz on Facebook

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41 Responses to “Lenny Kravitz bros out with Bradley Cooper & Leo DiCaprio: amazing?”

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  1. Celebitchy says:

    That’s not a scarf that’s a blanket!

  2. TheOriginalKitten says:

    What are you doing with these playboys, Lenny? You’re too good (and too hot) for these men-children.

  3. Lark says:

    Lenny just seems so much cooler than these guys…Like, I want to see Lenny chilling with Daniel Day Lewis and Stephen Colbert lol….not 40 year olds who date models young enough to be their daughter on a regular basis. I wonder if Coop got jealous of all the Leo time Jonah’s been getting 😉

  4. NYC_girl says:

    Oh, God… I love him so much. That scarf is ridiculous but he makes it work!

  5. Frida_K says:


    Lenny, Lenny, Lenny.

    I want to rampage him.



    • phlyfiremama says:

      YES!!! Lenny first and foremost. I can’t even imagine why ANY woman would look twice at either Bradly or Leo with Lenny around. Rawwr.

  6. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    Ugh–I can’t stand BCoop this awards season. If he wins an Oscar for American Hustle, I will officially lose my shit. Full stop.

    Everyone was bitching about how JLaw was ‘too young’ for the character–even though she was playing her age range–no one noticed, I guess, that Cooper was acting THE EXACT SAME WAY that he does in ALL his movies. God. The exact same way.

    I can’t believe he’s being nominated for anything….glad he’s not winning.

    Love me some Leo, as always. Sigh….if only he’d actually try and act his age—-FORTY—and quit going to clubs. If I saw some forty something dancing like he did, surrounded by a gaggle of twenty year olds, I’d sit there and laugh at him.

    I can’t comment on Lenny, because my mom would slutshank me..

    As a sidenote, I was feeling so sad about Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death—kept thinking about it ALL NIGHT. I know I’m not the only one who thought he was sexy, right? (although he was woefully overlooked on my hit it list 🙁 )

    • Tulip Garden says:

      Philip was sexy. Not handsome, not hot but, in certain roles, just dead sexy! 🙂

    • paola says:

      I agree with you. i hope Bradley Copper will not win an oscar for tha role. I found ‘American hustle’ to be extremely boring and the only watchable thing was Jennifer Lawrence and her shenanigans. If it wasn’t for her it would have been the most boring film ever conceived. I love Amy Adams, she was good in the film.. but I don’t know.. the movie was crap to me-
      on the other side i hope Leo will get his Oscar, at this point he really deserves it and he was great in ‘The wolf of wall street’.
      I was never a big fan but i think it’s now time for him to be recognized.

      Lenny…oh Lenny… I just can’t..love him so much. Even with golden eyeliner in the Hunger games.. sexiest man on earth

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        I thought American Hustle was a good movie (although a little confusing at times)–but Best Picture? Especially against 12 Years A Slave, Philoma, Her, et al–hell no. It was okay, with good performances (barring Cooper). No way should it have been even nominated for Best Pic–not with all the other amazing films out.

        It’s like ‘Argo’–I finally watched it and went–THAT won Best Picture? Give me a f-cking break. It was decent.

      • paola says:

        I think the best pic oscar will go to 12 years a slave. And hopefully the Oscar for Lupita and Fassbender too.
        I don’t think American hustle deserves an Oscar and neither the actors if you compare their performances to Lupita’s, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Fassbender, Leo di Caprio o Cate Blanchett. I haven’t seen Philomena yet.. but dame Judi Dench is great in everything she does so…

    • Artemis says:

      I fell in love with him in Scent of a Woman. It felt so wrong yet so right at the same time! If I would have been a theatre kid, PSH would be the type of actor/person I’d want to spend my nights with 🙂 He’s just that kind of interesting person where looks become genuinely unimportant.

  7. Kali says:

    I like to think of him being the silently enigmatic and charismatic one of the B-Coop/Leo group who, for the most part, likes the dudes but just rolls his eyes at the rubbish they talk and then occasionally drops truth bombs. Preferably while he’s wearing leather pants. I’m thinking about this too much. Excuse me for a minute….

  8. JM says:

    Lenny Kravitz= My forever dong since 1993.

  9. freebunny says:

    Cool, the budget rat pack…

  10. Audrey says:

    Lenny never ages. Seriously.

    I’ve been crushing on him for a solid 10-15 years.

  11. Jayna says:

    You just know he’s amazing in bed.

  12. Tx says:

    He’s amazing. B Coop and Leo are fine, but Lenny is the embodiment of sexy and has been for decades. Also- Lisa is the luckiest woman ever. How did she land Lenny AND Jason Momoa?!

  13. hateonit. says:

    ohhhhh Lenny. I adore him so very much. and I’m going to marry him. I am. he’s just gorgeous and mysterious and I want him to be mine!!! Leo is gross…I find no appeal whatsoever….and coopers got great eyes and smile but…something is missing…he just seems like that kid in school you know? idk

  14. Nikkie says:

    Love that picture of Lenny and his father. He is one cool guy that’s not afraid to look sensitive.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I didn’t know his dad was white…..I wonder if they get looks….me and my mom are the exact opposite in skin tone as them….

      • lrm says:

        both lenny and lisa are half jewish and half afro american….wasn’t lenny’s mother the actress from the jefferson’s? anyway, i remember this ancestral trivia from when they were the ‘it’ couple-so freakin’ hot-bonet and kravitz…both are still gorgeous.

  15. LoudVal says:

    Does Clooney’s crew have a name? I’d love to see Leo vs George up against each other one day. But then again, are there enough models/waitresses in this world?

    And yes, Lenny is flawless. Blanket-scarf included.

  16. lili says:

    so excited to like him on fb and revel in his posting beauty.
    thank you for the tip!

  17. shump says:

    Lenny is beautiful and he can do whatever he damn well pleases to me.

  18. Nick says:

    I have a man crush on Lenny. No shame in admitting it either. He just seems so awesome. From the hair to the piercings to his fashion taste. Cool dude.

  19. Tswise says:

    Wait. There are still people who think Leo and Bradley are heterosexuals?

  20. Jackie Jormp Jomp (formerly Zelda) says:

    He is the hottest man in the ever.

  21. Mark says:

    Wow reading this site you’d think Leonardo and Bradley were perverts…chill out ladies.

  22. magpie says:

    In that first pic they all look the same age.

  23. taxi says:

    Too many facial & body piercings! Remember when he & Nicole Kidman were an item?