Leo DiCaprio has been appointed a UN Messenger of Peace: yay or meh?


For most of the summer, Leonardo DiCaprio fell into a vat of party girls, booze and carbs. He partied all around the world, from Brazil to Miami to the South of France. He partied on yachts. He partied at hotels. He partied in VIP rooms. He partied a lot. Occasionally, he broke his party schedule to do some good works, like when he stopped by an environmental fundraiser in Washington and donated $7 million. He also created a new foundation – something about animal conservation? – and held a fundraiser for the foundation in France. He raised $25 million. And then he capped off his boozy summer by doing two days of work and getting paid $13 million. All in all, it was a good summer. And now Leo is taking a new role: UN Messenger of Peace.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Leonardo DiCaprio as a United Nations Messenger of Peace to help promote global action on climate change. Ban told a news conference Tuesday that the American actor “is not just one of the world’s leading actors” but he has “a longstanding commitment to environmental causes.”

DiCaprio established a foundation in 1998 with a mission to promote the Earth’s last wild places and build a more harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world.

The secretary-general said DiCaprio will address next Tuesday’s climate summit, where he expects some 120 world leaders.

The 39-year-old “Wolf of Wall Street” star said he was honored by the role and that he feels “a moral obligation to speak out at this key moment in human history” about the threat of climate change.

He joins 11 other prominent world figures who advocate on behalf of the U.N. as Messengers of Peace, including Stevie Wonder, Michael Douglas, George Clooney, Brazilian author Paulo Coelho and conductor Daniel Barenboim.

[From Page Six]

Just FYI, Clooney is no longer a Messenger of Peace. He resigned his position back in April, around the same time as his engagement announcement. He had been a Messenger of Peace for six years. I tend to think Leonardo is taking over the vacancy left by Clooney, although Leo’s focus is going to be more environmental rather than Clooney’s focus on humanitarian issues. As for Leo’s new role… I don’t have any shade, surprisingly enough. Leo has been involved with environmental issues for more than a decade. He genuinely cares. Okay, he cares in-between parties, but hey, we all have to start somewhere.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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82 Responses to “Leo DiCaprio has been appointed a UN Messenger of Peace: yay or meh?”

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  1. Nicolette says:

    So will he be taking time off from his p***y posse to do this?

  2. Steph says:

    This just proves that the UN is one big joke…I wonder if this includes Leo’s harem.

    • don't kill me i'm french says:

      H fact that Dicaprio traveels mainly in private planes or in huge yatchs proves it’s a big joke

      • Bridget says:

        I am actually surprised the UN didn’t have a discussion about this first, because the optics on this aren’t great. Yes, its legal and its his money and his personal time, but its just SO contradictory to his own message.

  3. msw says:

    Better him than a Kardashian.

  4. aims says:

    I didn’t know that Leonardo had any interest in humanitarian work.

  5. Sofia says:

    People who fly in private jets should NEVER be taken seriously when defending environmental issues. It’s an hypocrisy.

    • Kiddo says:

      It really is.

      • Sofia says:

        Ad they talk about the changes we all should make for the environment, but then, it’s just only what OTHERS should do. These famous people have no idea or just don’t care about the effect of consumerism on the causes they proclaim as theirs (“Oh this is such a personal cause to me.. blah blah blah”), and why would they? There’s a lot of products to promote and a bank account to fill.
        I know the world is not black & white but this level of disrespect for the serious causes they are involved in really makes me angry.

      • Kiddo says:

        Someone using a private jet for transportation is the very last person who should represent environmental causes. Unless you are the president, where issues of security and rapid travel, necessitate it. He’s not serious about the environment if he doesn’t see this.

    • don't kill me i'm french says:


    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Total hypocrisy.

    • HH says:

      It’s simply ridiculous.

  6. Meme says:

    The UN is a joke and so are all these celebrity appointments. They change nothing and are figureheads who garner attention for the UN, a long outdated entity.

    • Duckie says:

      Agreed. It’s disappointing for the UN, I mean, Paulo Coelho and him? I’m glad he does donations for environmental issues,but he has to live like he preaches. Going around in private jets and massive yachts lacks coherence.

    • Mari says:

      + 1000. Hypocrisy in a nutshell.

  7. kri says:

    Oh, I see this from a mile away. Step one in the “Rehab My Rep” program. He will be engaged within a year. He wants an Oscar so much, doesn’t he. And of course, kudos for his donations-I know he has alsways been generous not only with his Model Conservation Program, but with the environment as well.

    • whatsmyname? says:

      hahahaha ‘Model Conservation Program’. I would LOVE it if he got engaged do you think he would get engaged to Toni or would he go the Clooney route and “upgrade”?

  8. Jaderu says:

    If he actually does some work and gets his hands dirty then….YAY LEO!
    Otherwise he’s still just a check writer.
    Sorry Leo, private jets and yachts do not equal environmental commitment.

    • Sofia says:

      I don’t want to throw shade to people who actually gather the money to a cause but what really happens afterwards? What do they do with it? I always read the article with the emphasis on the money but not on how it will be used exactly or even how it was used. Shouldn’t that be an important part of the mission to support the cause and make people understand that their contribution can really make a difference? But maybe I have just didn’t read the right info.

      • Kiddo says:

        The Fed is saying that, due to budgetary constraints, they can’t afford to properly clean-up some superfund sites. Instead of all of the ‘awareness’ angles, how about actually doing something about the environment? Clean up these toxic dumps, clean up other sites that aren’t being designated as superfund areas, or use the funds for a massive suit to make the polluters pay and be responsible for them. Shine a gigantic light on the corporate muckety-mucks who lobby for less and less protections.

      • Sofia says:

        I agree. And on top of that these rich famous people invest for sure on the most profitable companies which are usually (surprise, surprise) the most pollutant or the ones who consistently disrespect human rights (textile companies who work with 3rd world factories)…. So, if they really think they can help the awareness part and want to do to something with it, more introspection and less greed is needed.

      • Kiddo says:

        Hear hear! It’s one of the reasons that the corporations had shipped manufacturing to China. It wasn’t just the cheaper labor, it’s the cheaper operating expenses that come with total disregard for the environment. We live on one planet, pollution spreads, and impacts everyone. And even if it didn’t, why is it not unethical to pollute other people’s environments?

      • Sofia says:

        But that’s not something they want to talk about. They just enjoy the attention and the label of eco conscious… They are not different from politicians who lie for benefiting their own agendas.

    • Sushi says:

      He’s more than a cheque writer; he’s committed a lot of time doing speeches and raising money. He’s raised over $100 million (probably much more) and donated tens of millions of his own cash. I agree he does have a large carbon footprint, but so what; his thing is getting people to switch to renewables, not necessarily consume less energy specifically.

  9. Tippy says:

    Leo leaves a huge carbon footprint wherever he goes.

    Ed Begley jr. would be a better choice.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      You bet Ed Begley would have been a better choice.
      (And Leo looks closer to 49 than his 39 years.)

    • Jaderu says:

      Agree. Ed Begley has been living his life green for nearly 40 years. However, maybe Begley realizes what a joke the UN is and wouldn’t have taken the position.

  10. lower-case deb says:

    33mill is a lot though.
    hope that it’ll do some good…
    nature needs all the help it can get.

    • Steph says:

      Chances are it will go to a bunch of power hungry politicians,Democrat and Republican to fund their K street parties and reelection campaigns.

  11. Pager90 says:

    Is Clooney going to throw a hissy fit about this? 🙂
    Good for Leo if he works hard at the position.

  12. Altariel says:

    I swear he needs to be cast as Stewie if they ever do a live action Family Guy movie.

  13. The Original G says:

    He thought it was UN Messenger of PIECE. Doh!

  14. moon says:

    This was a typo error, the press re;ease was supposed to read ‘VS Messenger of Party’

  15. Grumf says:


  16. Me says:

    he looks like that guy from inside the actor studio

  17. maddelina says:

    I gotta say the hypocrisy is astounding! This guy is no soap boxer and actually puts his money where his mouth is. If this were Angelina Jolie everyone would be saying something completely different and she’s as much if not more of a heavy consumer than Leo. For all of the complaining on here people sure like to turn that key in their ignition don’t they?

    • Steph says:

      So what are you saying…give up cars and go back to the horse and buggy?

      • maddelina says:

        Clearly no! But if you’re going to complain about him look in the mirror. We are all guilty consumers. Esp the US! At least he’s trying to bring awareness and has shown generosity time and time again. I find it hard to believe some think this is strictly for ego,PR or an Oscar.

    • Jen2 says:

      But what does she have to do with this story? And when she does her UN work, she uses regular airlines and pays her own way, but again, what does she have to do with this story?

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Plus–Leo’s role in the UN is supposed to help/improve the environment. Angelina’s role is humanitarian work–refugees affected by war, NOT the environment. I’ve seen his twitter/facebook page–he’s always going on about conserving all sort’s of stuff…..yet he goes around in yachts and private jets. Total disconnect.

      Angelina has a private jet that she flies–when she’s traveling with her family. If she ever starts going on and on about the environment, THEN we can trash her for being a hypocrite.

      • maddelina says:

        You are missing my point. Leo is a party guy who likes lots of women around. If he were married with six kids people would be saying how wonderful. It’s an expectation of lifestyle and whether you approve or not. I’m not shading AJ. Also whether it’s a private jet or economy they both use fuel. And don’t kid yourself her environmental imprint is huge. That boat she’s on doesn’t move without diesel fuel just like Leo’s! She visits these starving sick people and then goes home to her mansion and high lifestyle just like Leo. I’m just using her as a comparison.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Having money i.e. mansions, yachts, etc–while donating your time and money to people who are less fortunate than you is not the same as someone who says they’re eco friendly, eco concious, want to save the environment, but then goes around on yachts and jets everywhere. Not in my mind.

        And I never said that AJ didn’t have a huge environmental imprint. The difference between the two of them, is that she’s never made it a platform of hers. There is no hypocrisy, because she hasn’t made it into one.

        And maybe this would go down better if he were married w/six kids. Who knows?

      • maddelina says:

        “The difference between the two of them, is that she’s never made it a platform of hers.”

        She doesn’t have to. Her lifestyle says it for her. I’m not here to argue about AJ. Defend her if you feel the need.

      • Meme says:

        Well she is a hypocrite about homeless refugees since they have mansions all over the world they rarely use, rent entire floors of luxury hotels and flaunt their wealth. I don’t see how a woman could visit starving homeless refugees and immediately go back to an uber luxe lifestyle.

    • Pager90 says:

      Well said maddelina.

      • Chris says:

        So the question is does Leo’s lifestyle and perceived hypocrisy create more carbon emissions than his environmental advocacy reduces?

  18. Micki says:

    I don’t have problem with his parting at all, perpetual or other. His GFs although young are not teens and none has complained so far that she was bullied into a relationship or worse. So if a 39-years old single male parties 360 days of the year and in the last 5 makes and donates millions I’m OK with it.
    I’m ready to give him fair chance. As for transportation-has Cloony traveled Economy in his 6 years on the job?

    • Kiddo says:

      His tenure wasn’t directed toward environmental causes, it was ‘humanitarian’ focused. Not that he gets a pass environmentally, but he wasn’t representing that cause.

    • AGREED says:

      + 1000

    • Pager90 says:

      I don’t have a problem with Leo dating either, he’s a single man and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    • Anne tommy says:

      Agree micki. He’s only doing what the vast majority of men would do if they were him and good luck to him. What’s the point of being star if you can’t have a good time. And he has done a tremendous amount of good work – in both films and in general – in between parties.

  19. Girl says:

    Proud of Leo TBH. I feel like he really cares, so: YAY!

    • Kay says:

      If he really cared so much he would would give up four of his five homes partying on Saudi oil billionaire owned yachts, first class travel and least we forget his upcoming carbon fueled space travel! Two sets of rules – one for the rich and one for the rest of us. Give your head a shake.

  20. Patricia says:

    Pathetic. If this idiot spent less time flying in private jets as he’s done for years, more of the ozone layer would be left. He’s doing this for an image makeover/PR. Just google his name and the words private jet to see all the pictures of him alighting from private jets – this guy is a total hypocrite.

  21. Jess says:

    Y’all talking like Leo is the only rich guy who flies private LOL.

    Do you think Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon flies commercial? Pff.

    Good for Leo. Keep it up, bro.

  22. Dany says:

    We all are guilty. Everyone who uses a plane, boat, car…
    Stars, politicians, royals etc. have big entourages and fly often because of their jobs. That´s why most of them own private jets.

    There are climate protection charities (like myclimate) where you can spend money as compensation for CO2 emissions. They calculate your “guilt money” based on your flight route. They they invest this money for carbon offset, renewable energies and so on.

  23. sean says:

    LOoks like Orson Wells.

  24. Pager90 says:

    I’ve read Leo on and off over the year on twitter and he mostly talks about his charity work.
    I think he actually does a lot of charity work .
    Also IMO he does not need a image rehab, he’s a single man and dates women and doesn’t make any bones about it,That’s no crime and he seems pretty upfront about liking to date. He doesn’t pretend, he’s looking for a wife.

    • Sushi says:

      Exactly. That’s why more people make fun of Clooney for his 2-year contracts and not Leo. Leo doesn’t care about building his profile; Clooney does. People can sense that. Leo’s done A LOT of work for the environment; I was most impressed to see his resume in that area. His website/social media is 80% plus about his causes, and only 20% about his films. 0% about what he ate for dinner, which $20,000 pair of boot you NEED to buy to keep up with the self-proclaimed stylists, or which celeb besties he’s been hanging out with, unlike most celeb accounts. And he tweets about once a month, and only when he has something useful to say. True acting talent and true greenie. Love him!

  25. Chris says:

    Leo at the UN!

    Finally change we can believe in! 🙂