Pregnant Milla Jovovich: ‘I’m really proud of myself for not gaining’ more weight

Milla Jovovich

Back in October, Milla Jovovich announced a second pregnancy. This news tossed a wrench into Resident Evil 6 production, which was rescheduled. I kind of love that they had to reschedule — it shows how indispensible Milla is to the franchise. Not that these are good movies. They’re spectacularly awful, but people love them a lot. The big attraction is Milla, the former wild child who settled down with Paul W.S. Anderson to make cheeseball zombie movies. She kicks some serious zombie tush though!

Milla is one of those rare celebrities who regularly updates her Facebook page. She’s active on other social media platforms but uses them mainly to point towards Facebook. She treats the site like a public diary (within reason). Here’s her latest pregnancy update as she conquers the third trimester:

So the countdown to our new baby begins, we only have ten weeks to go! It’s so exciting, but at the same time daunting! lol! I’m hoping our experience with our first, Ever Gabo, has us prepared.

I’ve gained all the baby weight I need to have a healthy pregnancy -30 lbs.- and as of last week, I’ve started having to be really careful about my lifestyle so I don’t continue to gain unnecessarily; which is not healthy for me OR my newborn.

I’m really proud of myself for not gaining the same amount of weight that I did with our first child (75 lbs.) because I have to be ready to start filming “Resident Evil- The Final Chapter” in August of this year and I will also be nursing an infant simultaneously (get ready wardrobe department for Alice’s new “easy mama access” costume;)) so I don’t want to be on any extreme diets to get ready to go back to “action hero” mode!

Saying that, I’ve started taking long walks to keep my metabolism in high gear and working on a game plan with my trainer, Harley Pasternak to come up with the ideal daily diet for me.

Just so you understand, when I say diet, I’m not talking about losing weight, I’m talking about what I’m eating on a daily basis. I don’t want to lose ANY weight right now, because at 170 lbs. I’m at a perfect pregnancy weight for my height and build. I want to maintain where I’m at; my ideal being 175 all together (with a total of 35 lbs. gained over all through out my pregnancy).

I also want to be the healthiest I can to ensure the easiest delivery and no stress post birth when I have to establish a nursing routine, as well as, slowly getting myself and my family ready to move halfway across the world to make a big action movie with a lot of stunt work! Phew!

[From Facebook]

Moving halfway across the world will be rough once the second baby arrives. I’m sure Resident Evil producers will be watching Milla to make sure she loses the baby weight on time, which sucks. She’s an actress though and knows that it comes with the territory. Milla already has a plan in place, and Harley Pasternak is a respectable trainer. He’s not into those faddish fitness trends or starvation diets.

I look forward to seeing what Milla names her second baby. Her daughter’s name is Ever Gabo, which I’m not crazy about. “Ever” seems like it’s short for something and begs for another syllable. Milla explained that the name (often bestowed upon Scottish boys) refers to Paul’s Celtic roots.

Milla Jovovich

Milla Jovovich

Photos courtesy of WENN

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44 Responses to “Pregnant Milla Jovovich: ‘I’m really proud of myself for not gaining’ more weight”

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  1. bns says:

    I love her and I love her instagram. Her family is adorable.

  2. Bridget says:

    So she is at her perfect pregnancy weight with 10 weeks to go? Absolutely no shade at her weight and how much weight she’s gained (sometimes people just gain more weight during pregnancy, some gain less) but it is NOT realistic to think you’ll stop gain in weight during your last trimester.

    • ek says:

      Exactly my thoughts.

    • Nemesis says:

      Exactly what I was thinking. A baby grows and gains the majority of its weight in the last 3 months.

      • Scarlet Vixen says:

        The baby alone can gain up to 3/4lb a week during the last bit of pregnancy, and mom gaining 1lb a week is a reasonable expectation. So yeah, for her to gain 0-5lbs in 10 weeks is pretty unreasonable.

        And there’s nothing wrong with gaining 45lbs during a pregnancy, especially if you’re tall and thin to begin with. Consistent gain is the key–if you’re gaining the same amount each week you’re doing it right. 25-35 is just a basic guideline and just like everything else in pregnancy & childrearing isn’t a “one size fits all.” Alot of Hollywood women gain so much more weight because they’re so extremely thin to begin with (Kate Hudson is another that comes to mind). Some obese women don’t gain any weight during pregnancy and still have healthy pregnancies.

      • Isa says:

        I gained the most weight during my second trimester. My last trimester I felt so full that it slowed down and my second child would kick after I ate which made me puke.

    • lucy2 says:

      I thought that was a little odd too. A friend is at about 36/37 weeks I think, and her bump looks like it doubled in the past couple of weeks.

      I do like that she’s practical about it and is talking about nutrition and strength for working, not how she’s going to pose in a bikini to show off her baby weight loss.

    • Isadora says:

      Well, she said that she is her perfect pregnancy weight RIGHT NOW and that she will be 175 lbs at the end. I have no experience with pregnancy weight but it sounds all very realistic and healthy to me.

      • Bridget says:

        “I don’t want to lose ANY weight right now, because at 170 lbs. I’m at a perfect pregnancy weight for my height and build. I want to maintain where I’m at; my ideal being 175 all together (with a total of 35 lbs. gained over all through out my pregnancy).”

        So she’s talking about only gaining 5lbs in the final trimester of her pregnancy, where a woman typically puts on 1-2 pounds a week because the baby is putting on weight at a more rapid rate. And you yourself said you have no experience with pregnancy weight, so perhaps this was something you shouldn’t have chimed in on.

      • Jag says:

        @Bridget – You do realize that intelligent people can read what was written and may form their own opinions on things, yes?

        Women who give birth aren’t given a manual that makes them superior to other women, just fyi. Milla can gain whatever weight she wants, and everyone else has the right to state their opinion on the matter, whether they’ve been pregnant or not.

      • Lauraq says:

        Maybe people shouldn’t chime in on things if they’re just going to be rude. It sure would suck if we were only allowed to talk about things we know about.

  3. Mikeyangel says:

    I love how she does pregnancy. She is very real. I am over all the unrealistic pregnancy and especially after pregnancy, celebrity ways. It is their job but in return puts unrealistic expectations on normal ladies. Go Milla!

  4. Dids says:

    SHE LOOKS AMAZING…in that first picture, with her husband. I love her style! I don’t get the second picture, though…

  5. RJ says:

    My SO has always had a thing for her since 5th Element & her white bandage outfit.
    I love the fact that she’s a successful movie star pushing 40 who lives at a healthy weight. She’s 5’9″, so 140 lbs isn’t scary skinny, although I’d imagine (depending on how she carries it) she slims down more for roles. Would love to know her typical eating & workout routine.

    • JB says:

      Me too! I’m 5’9″ and I always hover around 145-150, which is fine but I look way bigger than she would at the same weight. Just different framing, I guess.

    • M says:

      My husband fell in love with her in 5th Element too & I said “back off bitch! I’ve loved her since the early 90s!”

  6. Happy21 says:

    Love, Love, Love her! I have since her early-mid 90’s modeling days.

    However, I don’t typically follow celebs on FB or any of the social media sites so I had no idea she was that loyal to her FB page. Think I’m going to have to follow her now 🙂

  7. atrain says:

    I don’t understand how someone gains 75 pounds in 9 months. Not trying to throw shade; I honestly don’t get it.
    I gained 35 with my first and I was scarfing down bagels everyday and not working out, and I only gained 15 with my second (because I was throwing up everything I ate).

    • M says:

      Everybody is different (and every body). I was underweight when I got pregnant with my first so I was advised to gain more weight then typically advised. I was always thin & could eat a lot but once I was pregnant my body said “f^%# that” & started gaining weight like crazy. It was a good thing for me & baby!

    • Tara says:

      I admit, I used to judge people when they gained that much weight, thinking they just sat and ate ice cream then blamed it on the baby. I’m 5’0 even and gained 65+ and was throwing up the entire 9 months. I have no clue how it happened. I was a swollen, miserable mess. I went up 3 shoe sizes towards the end. KARMA on me!

      • Isa says:

        Sometimes it just happens. One woman I talked to said she gained 60 lbs with her first but only gained 15 with her second.
        And often it’s a lot of water weight that comes off after childbirth.

    • Allie says:

      I am the same way, it baffles me that some women gain so much! Not they they can all help it though. I only gained 11 pounds with my son and 20 with my daughter, but I was significantly overweight to begin with and was told to gain as little as possible. I know someone who was always very thin, very active and she gained 85 pounds! I felt so bad for her.

  8. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    She looks great and sounds healthy.

    I wish people wouldn’t say “where I’m at.” I know they will, but I just really wish they wouldn’t.

    • FLORC says:

      lol gnat. Agree.
      And I wish she’d stop getting pregnant for just a year so they can finally finish the Resident Evil movies. I need to see the last in all of its awfullness.

  9. The Original Mia says:

    Love her!

  10. scout says:

    Gained 75lbs first time? Too much, 25-35lbs is what Docs recommend. She looks great now. Second baby can be named “For ever” just to confuse the first child. Haha.

    • M says:

      Sorry- said it above but when you are very underweight they advise that you gain more. I’m assuming she was since she was a model. 75 might be a lot for some but good for her to admit it- I know a few women who gained that much.

      • Jag says:

        My mother gained 70 pounds with me and was hoping I’d be a big baby, but I was a little squirt at 4 lbs 13 oz. lol

    • Lauraq says:

      She said outright that she gained that much because she are a lot. In particular she said she was eating a lot of bone marrow (???). One of my friends gained too much during her first because she used pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever she wanted. Then she got gestational diabetes. She was a lot healthier the second time around.

  11. aenflex says:

    I’ve always really liked her. And the cheesy RE franchise.

  12. Tara says:

    I hate that pregnancy weight and getting your “body back” (where did it go?) are discussed like football stats.

  13. phlyfiremama says:

    I cautiously applaud her weight concerns. Bigger babies, which are a “thing” now, don’t mean healthy babies~in fact, quite the opposite. These babies are coming out predisposed to obesity, diabetes, and the accelerated health problems associated with them~especially kidney issues. My concern is that weight for a pregnant woman should be at maximum gain during the last 2 months, since the weight SHOULD be going to the developing fetus. As long as she is eating healthily~and surely she is~than the fetus should be getting everything it needs. Healthy fatty acid ratios are the critical thing, especially for brain development, at this stage.

  14. Mom2Be says:

    Kuddos to her for even bringing it up on a social media site. People become OBSESSED with how much weight/big pregnant women are. People always comment on how small I am and if I’ve gained enough weight and I know plenty of women who have people comment on how big they are. So much shade all the way around.