Radar: Ben Affleck’s nanny scandal is ‘freaking out’ Warner Brothers

Ben Affleck On The Set Of 'Live By Night'
These are the photos you’ve already seen of Ben Affleck on the set of Live By Night, where he’s playing a character based on a novel by Dennis Lehane. The character is described as thin, that’s all I’m saying. While I was looking for news about Kelly Rutherford in the German press, I found an article on Gala.de calling out Affleck for weight gain and questioning whether he’s stress eating. You can guess what “von hot zu not” means.

We’ve heard that producers on Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, were so concerned about Affleck’s physique that they used a body double for some shirtless shots. (That was a year ago and I questioned that story, but I see it now.) Now executives at Warners Brothers reportedly have something else to worry about. They’re said to see Affleck’s nanny scandal as a liability, especially since so much money is at stake:

“The studio is freaking out over Ben’s personal life overshadowing his role,” a source close to Affleck tells Radar, “Especially, when he is perceived as the cheater with a house full of children.”

As Radar reported, Affleck shocked fans when it surfaced that he was allegedly carrying on a torrid affair behind his 43-year-old wife Jennifer Garner‘s back with Christine Ouzounian, the nanny of his children.

Now the dalliance, which Affleck denies, could spell doom at the box office — to the tune of $200 million.

“Everyone is focused on the huge hit Ben’s public persona has taken,” notes the source. “They are freaking about the plunge in popularity with his big movies coming soon, especially Batman v. Superman and The Accountant.”

Behind the scenes, continues the source, the drama has also ratcheted up between Affleck, 43, and his public relations team.

“They are demanding he play nice with Jennifer to try to repair what they perceive as massive damage to his brand and likability.”

[From Radar]

Even if this is pure conjecture, it makes sense. Affleck made so many headlines this summer that you could tell that there was an entire PR team working to convince us that this was a relatable tale of a down-to-earth couple who worked hard for the sake of their family but just couldn’t hang in there. I appreciated the effort, but it really doesn’t seem necessary. Only a small percentage of us pay enough attention and will remember the nanny scandal in the spring of 2016 when this movie is finally out. Young people, comic and action movie fans are the target market for Superman v. Batman, and the vast majority of them just don’t care about the actors’s personal lives. Affleck’s dalliances won’t cost the studio much. He does have a certain image to maintain though, and it has more to do with how we expect our superheros to look than whatever he does on his own time. Still – he’s playing a washed up superhero. I doubt that any of Affleck’s issues will keep this movie from making serious bank. This isn’t Green Lantern.

Ben Affleck is shown on set on 11-4. Jennifer Garner is shown outside the gym on 11-7 and out after church on 11-8. Credit: FameFlynet

Ben Affleck On The Set Of 'Live By Night'

Jennifer Garner Spotted At Church

Jennifer Garner Stops For Coffee After Her Workout

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111 Responses to “Radar: Ben Affleck’s nanny scandal is ‘freaking out’ Warner Brothers”

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  1. Girlinbayou says:

    …wait…we’re still talking about that? Why are they worried? That’s old news.

  2. kay says:

    Actually it could keep women from watching it. Fanboys and male viewers aren’t enough to make that movie the hit the studio wants it to be. Marvel movies didn’t become such hits only because dudes go watch it. Affleck and his cheating plus the ugly body could keep a lot of women away from the movie.

    • lisa2 says:

      That’s funny.. women are not going to boycott a film because they think Ben cheated on Jennifer.. Sorry. They will rag on him on gossip sites calling him names; then in the same breath talk about how “they would still hit it”

      Women in general only get this way regarding other women. NOT men. They come after women; for years and years.. not the man.

      so no women will go see this movie without a doubt.

      • Annie says:

        He looks like James Gandolfini.

      • Original T.C. says:



        Women forgive cheating actors in the blink of an eye and still watch their movies. But will drag a cheating actress to hell and not watch her movie. Fact.

      • Cindy says:

        He really does. Yikes.

      • frivolity says:


        James Gandolfini looked WAY better than that.

        Ben looks like absolute shite – and I can’t help but think the outside now reflects the inside.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        I don’t know what women you guys are talking about, but this woman (me) will not support an actor I know to be a douche. I will not go to his movies and I don’t forgive. Same as I would not forgive or support a cheating actress douche.

      • melodycalder says:

        I hope you are right. I want this movie, but especially the follow up wonder woman movie to do well. Marvel is getting old for me, though I still want to lick chris Evans in everything. I need a new take to care, and I want a woman super hero to shine!

      • perplexed says:

        I don’t think women will drag an actress who has cheated. There aren’t many instances I can think of where a woman has been caught cheating in the way Affleck has though. Kristen Stewart is the most recent one, but but she was already considered unlikeable to begin with. Julia Roberts actually “took” someone’s husband, and in such an arrogant way, and she’s still considered A-list. Meg Ryan is the only one I can think of who took a hit for cheating, but I don’t know how much of her later withdrawal from the spotlight had to also do with being over 40 and morphing her face. I think other variables could have affected her career — like simply being an industry that isn’t kind to older women. But Julia Roberts’s success makes me think that the female public is willing to look past an A-Low Vera t-shirt if that actress is highly charismatic (and star in movies people want to see).

    • Naya says:

      How many women do you know even heard the story let alone believed it? How many remember it now let alone 6 months from now? How many of those who you could count as Yes on both those questions actually care enough to let it affect their viewing choices? I’ld be surprised if they even number a thousand globally.

      • McLori says:

        The few women they have lost in viewership will be replaced by 40 yr old dude bros who can totally relate to his situation. The nagging wife and family responsibilities bring a poor fcuker down. He had to bang the nanny just to get a break.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        …and now Jennifer will be blamed for his tarnished reputation and/or bad ticket sales, bad reviews.

    • funcakes says:

      There probably afraid that the nanny will decide to do a pap stroll when the premiere is near. All of a sudden she be spotted all over town shopping and dining. (Translation: She’ll tip them off before she leaves the house).

    • Mia V. says:

      I think women wouldn’t watch the movie cause no way he is hot as Batman should be.

      • wendi says:

        Exactly – that and what others have said – if people want to see a movie, they will see the movie ffs

    • Wren says:

      These movies are never marketed to women in the first place so I don’t see why the studio is getting all bent out of shape over it. No, the box office numbers aren’t only men, but that’s who the target audience is. It’s really obvious that movie studios don’t give a hoot about women viewers, and think that if they throw a hot man or two in then that’s all covered. From the looks of Ben now, though, they didn’t even manage that.

      Not enough people pay attention to celebrity gossip for this to be a big deal with viewers, male or female. We never expect celebrity marriages to last anyway, and the cheating trope is so cliche that it hardly raises eyebrows anymore.

      • Algernon says:

        Because they need this movie to be a huge, Avengers-size hit, and as Kay says, the Avengers only got that big because *everyone* goes to those movies. If they miss even one demographic, BvS won’t score as much money as they need it to. And if you think it’s not a big deal, look up the crap year Warner bros is having. They need this and Fantastic Beasts to pull their bacon out of the fire next year. They’re banking on these two movies saving them. there’s a lot at stake.

      • Wren says:

        I agree with all your points, but I think the worry is misdirected. People went to see the Avengers because it was good. It was fun, exciting, well paced and entertaining. At the end of the day, nobody really cares what the actors do in their private lives, they care about the quality of the movie going experience. If it’s good, all other sins will be forgiven.

        All this hand-wringing is making me think is that the movie is NOT good and they need a scapegoat.

      • Algernon says:

        @ Wren

        I agree with you completely. I want to emphasize I don’t think Nannygate will have a significant impact at all, but I can understand nervous executives being aware that they can’t afford to alienate anyone. I also think it’s a sign of preemptively looking for a scapegoat.

      • MinnFinn says:

        I agree with you Wren. But I was curious so with a few searches I found some credible sources about Batman movies and their target audience.

        The Batman movie series focus market is males 21 and under. I was surprised to learn that adult Hispanic females plus the Chinese foreign market are the two most important overlooked large and emerging movie markets. For U.S. movie goers, Hispanic women (who “see everything” according to The Guardian) are almost equal to all other non-Hispanic groups combined.


    • MoochieMom says:

      I’m not seeing this film because it is going to SUCK and it will show up on my Cable and we have a home sound system (just in in case the sound is worth it). I don’t care who bangs who. I care about SHIT movies and Ben Affleck is not Batman. Ever. I swear I feel like I need to put an entry in my child’s journal (mom to kid) about this because she LOVES superheroes.

    • The Original G says:

      Well, I mentioned this last week, when we heard the reconciliation story.

      I don’t know if this is a women’s film, but it’s certainly a film that will spawn a whole new era of merchandising to kid and and McHappy meals, etc. There’s sooo much money in the ancillary merchandising for these films.

      Will it affect sales of these items and movie tickets? Maybe not, but a lead character who’s embroiled in the seedy scandals that Ben seems almost constantly immersed in may not be the most attractive poster boy for this franchise? It’s got to have some impact on his Q rating and hence his value to WB and Marvel.

      And, it’s not like he isn’t instantly replaceable.

    • Jayna says:

      Christian Bales wasn’t hurt by his scandals. A violent altercation with his mother and sister and police involved. That was the day before a Batman premiere. That horrific tape leaked of him berating and screaming people on the set of a movie. Nope. He did just fine.

  3. Girlinbayou says:

    And if this were really true, I suspect this to be the real reason he and Jennifer are seemingly working it out. We all know how conscientious he is of his persona.

  4. mia girl says:

    Garner’s checkered dress is hilarious. I swear I think she’s trolling us with her terrible causal fashion choices. That can be the only acceptable explanation for that dress.

    • als says:

      Garner’s been dressed better than this, by professionals, on the red carpet and she still looked bad or meh. She can’t carry clothes, any kind of clothes, casual or not.

      I think it’s her attitude, she is not satisfied with being a mom, she needs people to see her mom persona which, for her, means getting out in comfortable clothes and walking like you’re jumping.

      That outfit with the checkered dress would look great on someone like Diane Kruger. But Kruger has a different composure.

      • Wren says:

        I think part of the problem is that her clothes never fit her quite right. If that dress was tailored, it might look good. Maybe she has kind of weird proportions that make clothes just look “off” and never hang right. But that’s easily fixed with alterations, and we all know she can afford that. Oh, and better shoes. Bad shoes can kill an otherwise good outfit.

    • LMAO says:

      Her companion’s worse. Church really?

      • Natalia says:

        Obviously you don’t live in California (just speculating). This is normal for many female church-goers. Years ago in SoCal I attended a church where the teenage girls were dressed like bubble-gum streetwalkers and no one said a thing. I believe the men (all of them) secretly got off on it. It was embarrassing how slutty they dressed. So yeah, in CA and other subtropical places women dress like this for church all the time.

    • Danielle says:

      Mia girl – that’s been my theory for awhile. Her outfits seem too bad to be a coincidence.

      • Natalia says:

        That checkered dress probably cost hundreds of dollars while she’s trolling us, so she gets a two-fer. I personally think she prefers a plain style, but I agree she’s stepped it up lately on purpose. That said, I’m a fan of Jennifer Garner. I think she’s a great actress, very pretty and a dedicated mom.

    • MoochieMom says:

      My 4 year old has a dress almost exactly like this. I’m sending her to school in it because at 4, it is cool.

  5. Mia4s says:

    It won’t make any difference with the Batman movie (although expect a million stories about it if the movie underperforms).

    His other movies? Sure there could be problems. Just don’t expect him to be cast as a romantic lead anytime soon.

    He has karma face at the moment. Is he supposed to look bad for the movie?

  6. Pinky says:

    There own fault for casting him. His dalliances were old news, not new.

    I like that they’re tacitly admitting that women go to movies too and have an impact on thier bottom line. Maybe they’ll begin making movies women enjoy again and not just comic book fare.

    • funcakes says:

      From the moment they cast him everyone was “what the F*CK!”
      He probably have some deal with the studio after the success of Gone Girl and Batman was apart of it.

    • Pinky says:


      Oops. Sheesh!

  7. MrsBPitt says:

    Trust me, Ben could set a church full of puppies on fire, but that Batman vs Superman, will still make a gazillion dollars!!! People love their superheros!!

    • boredblond says:

      Yup..I doubt a lot of the audience even cares who plays the parts. I hardly recognized him in that top pic.

    • Kitten says:

      Absolutely. Believe it or not, many well-adjusted human beings don’t GAF about an actor’s personal life, as long as he/she can carry a film. Not sure if Ben can pull off Batman, but I hope he does.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        @Kitten…I was pleasantly surprised at Ben in the trailers…I thought he got the dark vibe down really well, and of course, him in that suit, well, lets just say, it made me lady parts tingle!!!!!!

    • Jayna says:

      Bingo. Spot on.

  8. Naya says:

    CBs assessment is correct. Nanny affairs will never affect Batmans box office and anybody in the industry would know that. Radar full of crap as usual. The rush to repair his image was more driven by his personal vanity than anything else. I think because he exploited Warner Bro media assets to fix his PR problem, some observers were misled into believing that the studio was actually behind the clean up. Warner bros basically just gave one of their biggest stars what he asked for, favourable coverage during a tough time.

  9. astrid says:

    Wow is he Ben looking bad and Jen can’t dress herself for nothing.

  10. Bridget says:

    They should be more worried about the fact that Zack Snyder is a complete hack and this movie looks terrible. But if it fails they’ll totally blame it on Ben and the nanny.

  11. Karen says:

    I disagree that the studio doesn’t have anything to worry about. Marvel fans look for a certain amount of fun and there was a reason that the last superman didn’t perform as well as expected. It was dark, boring, baddly paced, and no fun. Also the public never had a break from superman (between tv and movies, the character is used) But now add in a too serious batman (also a fatigued role) and toss in a wonder woman and aquaman with no origin. The only “name” in the promotion is Ben Affleck too. That means its his to shoulder. I’m sure the studio is worried about Bens image: both body (fan boys don’t want to hear about chest-doubles), and pr image (they want the press to be about the movie excitement, not if Chrissy Nanny O is giving an interview the day of the world premiere).

    • MrsBPitt says:

      I agree that the Man of Steel movie was HORRIBLE! Zack Snyder ruined that movie and I can’t believe that the powers that be, are allowing him to direct Batman vs Superman! Batman vs. Superman is a movie that superhero fans have been waiting forever for, and after that POS movie, they should have given the movie to someone who could have done a better job! Of course, if the movie is bad EVERYONE will blame Ben, not Snyder. I actually laughed out loud at some parts of MOS, and they weren’t intended to be funny!

      • LAK says:

        i agree that Zack Synder is a hack, BUT MOS was produced by Christopher Nolan who micro managed that film to the nth degree thus compounding the problem. The entire production, barring a few scenes has the stamp of Chris Nolan, Zack Synder actually boasted about the scenes he was allowed complete autonomy – i think there were only 3 in the end.. And Chris Nolan isn’t known for lightness of touch, bright colours or giggles.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        @Lak…I agree with you…Nolan only knows dark, and Superman is NOT Batman….He should be charming and warm not a tortured soul, and MOS needed a little humor…like I said Batman is dark, where Superman is light…

    • Wren says:

      I agree with your assessment, which is why I’m wondering why the “nanny scandal” is even being discussed as a problem. Yes, they SHOULD be worried, but not for any of the reasons Radar claims. If the movie is good, it doesn’t matter what Ben does. Maybe they know the movie isn’t good and are peremptorily looking for something to blame.

      People go to these movies to be entertained, for exciting escapism. If the movie fits that bill, people will go see it.

  12. Who ARE these people? says:

    He looks like Bela Lugosi on steroids.

  13. Kaye says:

    Forget nannygate – his pasty doughboy appearance is freaking ME out. Karma face indeed.

  14. Lizzie McGuire says:

    I get where the studio is coming from, it’s a very popular superhero & they want to make sure Batfleck isn’t hiding anymore Nanny surprises under his man boobs. But most fanboys don’t really care about the personal lives of the actors as long as they play the character well & don’t destroy the franchise.

  15. Luca76 says:

    It will be a hit but those studios are so greedy and the execs heads are on the line if they make even a small percentage less than what they expect. The issue probably isn’t will they make a profit but will they hit the magic number so that everybody involved gets their bonuses.

  16. Samtha says:

    The movie has bigger problems that might keep people away from it. Plus, a lot of fans already disliked Affleck being cast as Batman, so this won’t make much of a difference for them.

  17. Div says:

    It’s a small percentage of people who pay that close of attention to the tabloids and an even smaller percentage who allow things like this to keep them from going to a movie because of a particular star. Plus, people always give men more of a pass then women when it comes to this sort of scandal. The only way this nanny gate would really hurt him is if he was a rom com star like Hugh Grant back in the 90s (as rom com stars are supposed to be more squeaky clean) or starring in a super family friendly Disney movie or movie geared towards teens. Even then, Hugh’s philandering and hooker past never hurt him that badly. What I bet WB’s is annoyed about though is that the press will probably try and focus on his personal life when he promotes B vs. S rather than the actual film.

    • LAK says:

      Hugh grant went on an apology tour that charmed everyone into forgiving his divine transgression. Plus Liz Hurley played her part by showing up to premieres with a face like thunder whilst Grant looked like a contrite schoolboy. result, film didn’t suffer at all.

  18. SusanneToo says:

    Ghastly pictures. And I won’t be seeing this movie, not because of “the scandal”, but because I never gave a **** about BA .

  19. Ninks says:

    If BvS underperforms it won’t be because of this scandal. The last Superman movie underperformed and Cavill as Superman hasn’t set the world alight. Lots of people were pissed at Affleck’s casting as Batman long before any kind of scandal was attached to his name. The fanboys will probably get over their annoyance at the casting, and most people don’t care when male actors mess up in their personal lives, but I don’t think BvS has the same drawing power as Nolan’s Batman did. I think there’s a bit of superhero fatigue setting it too. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it makes a lot of money, but not as much as WB are anticipating/hoping for.

    • Ally8 says:

      The Honest Trailer for MoS is a fantastic summary of all the ways it missed the mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sge5sUNJkiY
      “Superman must decide which of his Robin Hood dads to listen to” — lol.

      Nolan is circling the creative drain in terms of making increasingly pompous and expensive movies with ever-diminishing impact.

  20. Killalustre says:

    ..and batman.

  21. funcakes says:

    There is a Blind Item about a middle age star that has contracted HIV do to his reckless lifestyle.
    No one has been name.
    I wonder if Ben is on the guess list. My money’s on Charlie Sheen.

    • Merritt says:

      A person can contract HIV from their first sexual encounter. I’m not saying that a middle aged star didn’t contract HIV. But it is 2015, no one should be believing or repeating long discredited myths about HIV. People need to stop deluding themselves that HIV or any other STD is an indicator of morality. It doesn’t work that way.

  22. minx says:

    I’m old enough to remember madras plaid in the 60s.
    Got a flashback from JG’s dress.

  23. The Original Mia says:

    Women aren’t going to boycott the film because Ben is a cheating fool. They will boycott the film because Zack Snyder is a hack, Ben and half the cast were miscast, people are sick of dark Superman, and too little time has past since Nolan/Bale’s last film.

    Ben looks doughy. Definitely not the hot package he thinks he is with the too tight t-shirt.

  24. Merritt says:

    Ben looks awful. He is probably drinking too much and bloating like crazy. He needs to see a doctor and possibly go to rehab again.

    I don’t think there will be any boycott over the nanny. The core demographic of this movie doesn’t care who Ben sleeps with.

    • Jayna says:

      Bloat? That’s called pounds, a lot of extra pounds. He may be drinking too much, but the man is eating too much also and not out getting any cardio, it appears.

      • Merritt says:

        But did he put on that much weight from a few weeks ago when he basically looked how he usually does? He looks drastically different. That is not all weight gain. Something else is going on.

  25. Miss M says:

    Warner brothers is using Ben’s nanny story yo dave face over Batman’s robotic voice…

  26. Crumpet says:

    I wouldn’t recognize him if I saw him on the street. Wow.

    • Giddy says:

      True. He looks like he has been sitting in the dark eating eclairs and drinking booze. Also, after seeing that picture we know for sure that he was wearing a corset in those pics a couple of weeks ago. It looks like all the fat he was forcing up to his chest fell back down.

  27. Mar says:

    He looks like pasty crap. Jen won’t leave him if he wants to stay so there goes that breakup.

  28. TulipOHare says:

    Nah, I won’t be seeing the movie (I’m a nerd) not because of his cheating, but because, while he is a good director, he is still the terrible actor who already ruined Daredevil (and because Snyder’s got great aesthetics, but turns everything into a sexual mess.)

  29. gayle says:

    Jennifer seems so social and outgoing, but whenever she’s papped, she’s never with actual friends – lately it’s either one of her nannies, or with her manager Nicole King heading to/from a gym workout. I’ve seen her pictured with various celeb friends on occasion but there’s always a business reason behind it – wrap-up parties, promoting films, etc.

    • Jayna says:

      Jennifer has talked about her strong group of girlfriends that she adores. She once said she could handle Ben being gone off to location, but she couldn’t handle it if her close friends were not there. She joked, who would I have to bitch to about Ben being gone. She said once that the family moved on location with Ben in Boston for the filming and that she really missed her friends.

      I think she has some really tight friendships in LA, who probably are also moms, and she’s a creature of habit, loves living in LA and having roots.

  30. Algernon says:

    I don’t think Nannygate will have a significant impact on the box office, but one thing the studios do before big movies like this hold roundtable interviews with the cast and filmmakers, and the group that gets the primo ace #1 spot? Mommy bloggers. Not film critics, not comic book sites, but mommy bloggers. Chris Hemsworth’s popularity is almost entirely driven by the mommy blog demographic, so they are not without some power. When Nannygate broke out, I wondered how Warner Bros would handle the mommy bloggers, and I am still wondering it. It won’t tank the movie, but they have too much riding on BvS to risk turning *anyone* away from the theater, for *any* reason. As many of you have pointed out, this movie already doesn’t look very appealing. They can’t afford to have any little piece of the puzzle out of place on this one, so I am sure they are worried. (I love the Marvel movies and I love Nolan’s Batman trilogy, but I hated Man of Steel and BvS looks awful to me.)

  31. Tippi says:

    The type of people who care to be offended by tabloid personas are not the type of people who go to movies. Only a tiny percentage of the minority who read gossip would claim to avoid his movies but they wouldn’t be going to see Batman anyway, they’ll be at home watching reality TV. So not buying it.

  32. Diane says:

    The thing is with BA, there is a LOT of hate out there for him – messages boards everywhere, but it’s not only about the Nanny. His political affiliations (recent emails with Hilary), his passionate speech on Islam, and the PBS genealogy program debacle have all come as a perform storm for him since the filming of the Batman movie, topped off like a whipped topping with the Nanny cheating scandal. So, it’s not just the few who pay attention to the Nanny that don’t like Ben. I do think that will play into the adults who go to see this movie, and I do think the bottom line will be affected.

    I love superhero movies, but I am not going to see this one. Part of the charm in those movies is the camaraderie and charm of the characters. There are a lot of comic book lovers who look for the true to the comics part of the movie, but Marvel is popular among the general public because it is fun and entertaining as well. I see lots of women in the audience at those movies. That’s why it sweeps across such a broad audience and makes the money that it does.

    I think Affleck’s persona, for several reasons above, will affect the size of that broad audience for this movie and not in a good way.

    • Jayna says:

      It won’t affect it one iota. The boards I look at have actually turned 180 degrees from hating the idea of Ben as Batman to now supporting it after the trailers, but, most importantly, almost universally fans are excited he’s co-writing and directing the next standalone Batman movie.

      • Diane says:

        Time will actually tell on this one. It’ll make a lot of money, but I don’t think it’s going to do as well as the Marvel movies and I think that was the goal/need for the WB studio?
        It’s an ensemble movie, but the only one that they are selling in it is Ben and he’s got so much baggage/bad press out there that is polarizing to a broad spectrum of audience. If they were selling the entire cast, it might help deflect some of that stuff, but they aren’t. Affleck was selected for the part coming off great success and popularity in ARGO, and didn’t have so much publicity nastiness.
        BvS will no doubt make lots of money, but I just don’t think it’s gonna be out of the park as they hoped.
        Also, I just don’t think Ben can carry the role with a depth of emotion that would be needed – I just haven’t seen that in him in anything else.
        I’ve heard the trailers are good – I haven’t even wanted to watch those. However, I’ve seen trailers of movies where literally ALL of the good stuff was in those few seconds and the rest of the movie was awful. So, trailers don’t really indicate anything about the overall quality of the movie.
        Just my thoughts.

      • Jayna says:

        Maybe, but the clips are really promising. The trailers are what got me so excited about Batman v. Superman Dawn of Justice coming out. They are really fantastic trailers and have gotten most everyone excited for this movie. They’ve released some stills of scenes, like the ruins of Wayne Manor. It’s visually stunning. My geekdom came out in full force for this movie by the time the second trailer aired during Comic-Con.

        A still from the trailer of Wayne Manor.


      • Diane says:

        Jayna, I’m actually one of those who do avoid movies when the actor or actress has a high ick factor rating for me – I can’t separate them from the roles and it ruins the movies. BA’s ick factor is really high on my scale. There are others that I avoid, as well. I don’t know these people and don’t have anything personal against them – they are free to choose whatever life they want. But, for me, if their actions have innocent victims, that really bugs me and that’s why I can’t separate that from a role they are portraying.
        Movies are JUST about entertainment for me. If I can’t just go and get lost in the movie, I’m not willing to shell out the time or money. I enjoyed Superman, MOS – it wasn’t awesome, but it entertained me. I am a closet GEEK and my kids make fun of me for loving all those superhero movies, though they are slowing coming around to join me.
        I didn’t even have much of a clue about Ben Affleck until the stuff started coming out about him around the divorce announcement. I went from neutral to negative pretty quickly – the power of publicity and the internet, I guess.
        I look at BA in those stills and I just see his kids and what they have and will go through and the humiliation he’s put on his wife and family (including his mother), and I just can’t. I know most are not like me, but I’m only here to comment on my thoughts, so….
        Enjoy the movie and I do hope you find it all you hope it to be!

  33. Bridget says:

    Jennifer looks good – she’s clearly working out a lot again. Perhaps she’s biding her time through this whole nanny debacle and will show up with a new ‘post breakup figure’?

    • Diane says:

      I think she’s building to something. I have no idea what, but I think there is an end goal in this somewhere for her. I hope so, and that it’s a good one. I hope it is movie career related – she can’t have a career forever out of great mom pap walks. That’s already getting a bit boring.

      • Ana says:

        JG will start production in February for the movie The Tribes of Palos Verdes. This should be right up in her ally because the husband in the movie is a cheater and she suffered a nervous breakdown.

        I would prefer an Alias reboot and better wardrobe on the side.

  34. kimbers says:

    I dont watch his movies bc he sucks as an actor and he’s an old man- not hot.

  35. Jayna says:

    Ben looks nothing like he did when shooting Batman. His face was soooo much thinner, which meant his physique would have thinner with more muscle. I’ve never seen Ben so chunky and his face so fat before.

    This was Ben on the set of Batman when filming and a more fit body. Look at the difference in his face compared to now. Wow!


  36. Ana says:

    BvS will surely make money worldwide. From the critics point of view, we will see. Negative reviews can affect the overall results.

    As for JG, her stylists need to fire her. Instead of the other way around. She is terrible in dressing herself and het kids. It is not funny anymore and the reason of having 3 kids for not being put together is a sorry excuse.She has a long torso and shorter legs and i don’t know why she keeps wearing those skinny jeans with low waist. She has no basic fashion sense. Her red carpet outfits lately are boring and old looking. End of rant. ….

  37. Diane says:

    So I looked on IMDB at the Marvel movies (ensemble and individual) and Superman MOS and here’s the lowdown:

    Both Avengers movies brought in over $1Billion
    Iron Man 3 brought in over $1Billion
    Captain American (2) and Thor (2) brought in just over $600Million
    Superman (MOS) brought in just over $600M
    RDJ has enormous appeal, and the ensemble cast has enormous appeal, but the other individual flicks don’t have nearly the draw, and are consistent with Superman.
    I don’t think BA has the RDJ-level of appeal to bring in the $1Billion, and the ensemble isn’t a great draw -it hasn’t been sold as such. So, should we see at least the $600M mark hit? Probably. Higher? That’s the great mystery.

    • Jayna says:

      I think the Batman v. Superman is a great draw in for a storyline and fan interest. I think where they are going with Bruce Wayne/Batman’s life storyline-wise is very interesting. There’s a lot of draw for this movie far past Ben.

      You said you haven’t watched the trailers. You would understand what I mean if you had and the characters depicted in these trailers.

      It will never ever get Iron Man numbers. I think it will do better than Superman MOS did, though.

      Regarding what you said in another post, Diane, If I didn’t watch movies with every actor that screwed around on his wife or with the nanny, I would have missed all the great Robin Williams movies and I would have missed many movies I love with Ethan Hawke. Tom Hanks screwed around on his wife with Rita and left her for Rita. I would have missed all of his movies. Russell Crowe was an asshole for many years, but I have adored some of the movies he’s been in and his personality in life didn’t affect that. The list goes on and on.

      • Diane says:

        It’s more than just the cheating and it has much more to do with the perceived (my perception) victim – my sense of justice gets stirred up. I am particularly averse to men who are serial womanizers/cheaters, as it reflects such a level of disrespect to women as a whole. But, in fact, I don’t actually see that many movies because I am kinda picky that way. I don’t follow the Cowboys either, because their owner is close to the top of my ick list and I grew up with that being my team, so it’s a broad spectrum ick system. I’m conservative and I’m ok with that.
        Again, this is MY personal opinion, and I probably overshared.

  38. Penelope says:

    Fat or thin, the dude almost always looks miserable.


  39. kri says:

    They need to make The Nanny a new WB character. “She Wears WHITE SOCKS AND NEVER GETS THEM DIRTY”!! “She can wear lots of Superbowl rings at once”!! “She leaps tall Jennifers in a single bound”!! Her getaway car is the Nannymobile Drop Top Lexi!! I say hell yeah to The Nanny.

  40. Tina says:

    I absolutely think Ben Affleck has been tainted with the “ick” factor. So many negative headlines over the past 18 months. For me it all started with being kicked out of the casino, then being photographed without his wedding ring in Canada, PBS drama, divorce drama, nannygate, and the list goes on. He just has so much negative baggage. Every day a new headline – Are they back together, Matt Damon hates her, He is back with Jennifer Lopez, He is moving in with his mother, Tom Brady’s marriage is in trouble, Matt Damon’s marriage is in trouble. He is a mess both in looks and his personal life. Good luck with the promotion tour…. Warner Brothers would be crazy if they weren’t concerned.

  41. Fluff says:

    At first glance I thought that was a pic of Data from Star Trek. Boy needs some sun or maybe some more iron in his diet.

  42. Sara says:

    I was shocked as it seemed the nanny stories came to a trading abrupt halt. Me thinks someone was paid off big-time. But the damage is done for this 37 year old mom. Hubby has no clue as he doesn’t pay attention to gossip but I think Ben is disgusting now. Bu it won’t stop me from watching all his films just some of them.

  43. Me Three says:

    All I have to say is this is a perfect example of the double standard that exists most especially in Hollywood but in life in general; if this guy were a woman starring in a movie and looked like that, she would be fired or not hired, based solely on her looks. But Ben belongs to the white male club that runs our entertainment industry ( Hell, they run the world) so he’s exempt from the rules that define actresses….you must not eat more than 150 calories a day, you must promote your movies by appearing nude on multiple magazine covers, you must be half the size of most women and your physical features must be perfect.

  44. P.Alms says:

    You guys are seriously out of the loop if you think Batman vs Superman can afford even a minor dent from the Affleck factor. The trailer was reviled and Warner stock plummeted after it was released. It’s dark, inappropriate for kids, and looks like joyless shit. Even the die hard fanboys may not be enough to save it from being the biggest bomb in Warner Bros history. And that’s if they can keep the fanboys when Frank Miller, god of the dumbest of them, distanced himself from the whole putrid mess at New York Comic Con. Warner Bros is in trouble committed to a DC Cinematic Universe based on this steaming pile, and are probably looking for a SCAPEGOAT. Affleck better watch his back.