Cindy Crawford: ‘No matter what I do, I’m not going to look 20 or 30’


Over the years, I’ve come to terms with the idea that Cindy Crawford tweaks her face. While she’s never come right out and said “I over-Botox sometimes,” you can see it clearly at times. In interviews, Cindy actually comes across as very aspirational and love-yourself and I’m-okay-with-ageing. She seems cool, centered and relatable. But then you realize that she’s saying all of that without the ability to move her eyebrows, and it takes away from the message a little bit. Anyway, Cindy covers the new issue of New Beauty, and she’s once again saying all the right things… with that Nicole Kidman-looking face.

Love yourself in spite of the social media comments: “I don’t need everyone on Instagram pointing out that I don’t look the same way I did when I was 20. I know that. Sometimes when you’re in the public eye, it can be hard, and that’s where you kind of have to work on yourself.”

Looking good for 50: “No matter what I do, I’m not going to look 20 or 30. I just want to look great for 50. I exercise, eat healthy and take really good care of my skin. There’s pressure on women to do the undoable, which is not age. But it’s about looking great for however old you are, regardless of what that number is.”

What she does to look good: Now, she relies on layering concentrated serums under her moisturizer, dry brushing (a trick she learned from another model when she was 20), and very little face powder to keep her skin glowing.

Learning how to do her own makeup: “I remember one of my first modeling jobs, where I had to do my own hair and makeup. I didn’t wear makeup; I didn’t know how to do makeup and I didn’t even own any makeup. I had to go out and buy it all. The job was with Iman and Dianne deWitt, and I remember being in the mirror trying to watch and emulate what they were doing, but those girls can paint! The picture was hilarious because I literally look 12 years old.”

[From People]

I think that story about doing her own makeup is funny. Some models and actresses pay attention to what is being done by the hairstylists and makeup artists and some don’t. Some models and actresses could probably do hair and makeup professionally because of what they’ve learned from their jobs. But I guess Cindy wasn’t one of them! Or maybe she learned after that incident, although she still claims that she doesn’t wear much makeup. As for what she says about wanting to look good for 50, rather than trying to look 20 or 30… I get it. Even though we’re not supposed to talk about the Botox and fillers, I don’t even think Cindy is getting tweaked in an attempt to look radically younger. I think she’s truly just trying to look good for her age. But here’s the thing: she was always a beautiful woman with great genes, and I think she’d probably look so much better if she stopped tweaking.


Photos courtesy of New Beauty.

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66 Responses to “Cindy Crawford: ‘No matter what I do, I’m not going to look 20 or 30’”

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  1. Seraphina says:

    She is beautiful with great genes. Agreed. But she is beginning to look “feline” from all her tweaking. And personally, I don’t think she’s comfortable with her age or she wouldn’t be so heavy handed with it all.

    • It'sJustBlanche says:

      I agree. Although rather than feline she looks like a very pretty drag queen. Her face is looking masculine.

      • Stella Alpina says:

        I think Cindy was a beauty during her heyday, but she always had a strong jaw. Fashion designers just love androgyny. They often choose models who have prominent brow ridges, strong jaws, strong chins, chiseled cheekbones, broad shoulders (Elle Macpherson), small hips, etc.

        Cindy looks more “draggish” now because she’s lost the contours of youth that softened her rather masculine jaw.

      • zxc says:

        I’ve seen her compared to Caitlyn Jenner. Not a bad comparison at this point. The eyelid surgery really ruined her look.

    • Anilehcim says:

      Yeah, I agree. I’m calling BS on Cindy as well. Remember when those photos of her unphotoshopped stomach surfaced and she flipped out over them claiming they were fake? I lost respect for her at that point. There are pictures of her walking on the beach and paddle boarding from years ago where her stomach is saggy and looks exactly the same way it does in the photos that she claimed were “doctored”. She is not a woman who is comfortable with aging or being imperfect in any way.

    • Harryg says:

      No, she doesn’t seem comfortable at all.

    • minx says:

      Yes, she and Goop talking about how comfortable they are getting older….not quite believable.

    • Mrs. Welin-Melon says:

      We can’t really expect someone who has benefitted so much from the beauty/fashion establishment to reject it. Cindy Crawford and Gwynneth Paltrow (also a Celebitchy headline today) have made their game and fortunes by being part of the system and selling to our insecurities.

    • LoveIsBlynd says:

      She is so air brushed and photo shopped in all her media images. I haven’t purchased a fashion magazine in decades. The photo shopping and ads are disturbing. Don’t get me started on slave labour produced clothing and cheap textiles. Yeesh. Thrift stores and vintage apparel have soul while modern fashion is violence. I know that’s dystopian but most clothes are the factory farming of people, and that’s a dark but authentic reality.

  2. Onerous says:

    She really lost me when that untouched photo of her came out and then she was all, “That photo was retouched to look worse! The photographer told me so!” Major eyeroll. Just own it. It reminds me of the Amy Schumer “Anti fat shaming, but I’m not fat” nonsense.

  3. Crowdhood says:

    I think it’s easy to say own it but nobody here is facing thousands of people Typing their worst insecurities at them. I work at a college and I am in my early 30’s and sometimes I look around and feel like the crypt keeper. But nobody is like “hey lady remember when you didn’t have thighs or arm fat?!” Even here, we are telling her to own it by pointing out all of the things we don’t like about how she looks.

    • Betsy says:

      If getting fat and ugly in my early 20s was ever a blessing, it was in this – my vanity is much reduced. Granted, even at my prettiest I was no Cindy Crawford, but it is nice in some ways to be separated from that part of my self.

    • Timbuktu says:

      Well, 2 thoughts: none of them are doing their job because they have to (or if they are, they are really lousy with money). They have the means to quietly disappear and to never work another day in their life. They are the ones who make the CHOICE to stay in the public eye, so why whine about it?
      And we don’t point to things we don’t like, we point to things that don’t add up.

  4. Dollypaws says:

    Yes,she over tweaks but she’s always been attractive. When you’ve spent most of your life being lauded for your looks it must hurt that little bit more when those looks start to lose their bloom. But she’ll never admit that it’s actually killing her. It’s ironic that her teenaged daughter looks around 30 when she’s fully made up. I don’t like that she pimps her daughter so much but I don’t think she has to twist her arm either. I think Cindy relies on Photo shop to take really ‘good care’ of her skin.

  5. Katherine says:

    I don’t think modern standard of youthful beauty allows people to remember that ‘looking good for your age’ means having wrinkles and lines and dark circles and uneven skin tone and age spots all while looking healthy enough and happy

    • Esmom says:

      THIS. I think people really have forgotten that lines and dark circles and some sagging — gasp — are natural. It’s pretty crazy how much people want to deny and fight that reality.

  6. shura says:

    She’s struggling with it, no doubt. Average women struggle with this, so imagine what the genetically blessed endure. Reminds me of an interview Paulina Poriskova gave a while back …
    “Nothing ages as poorly as a beautiful woman’s ego. When you have used your beauty to get around, it’s like having extra cash in your pocket. I was so used to walking down the street and having the young guys passing by at least give me a flicker of a look. But once you’re over 40, you become invisible. You’re a brick in the building and it’s sad. It just feels like the sun went down a little bit. It got a little cloudy outside.”
    The botox and tweaking and tap dancing seem silly to me, but I’m not dealing with her loss. She was one of the smart supermodels, or so her brand insisted. No apparent addiction issues, no major hits to her reputation, a nice family, financialy secure. She came through well, better than most. And yet, she’s essentially lost what was her identity for 20 some years. So while she might earn a gentle eye roll or two from me, she’s also has my sympathy.

    • Lucy says:

      Exactly what I was about to say. She’s still a beautiful woman IMO, but I imagine she’s far from being immune to feeling insecure about her appearance.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Shura, that’s well put. It’s also a screaming endorsement for avoiding youth obsessed industries. We live healthy active lives until our 90s now. It’s tragic to feel obsolete at 40.

      • Betsy says:

        I feel like I sing the praises of this book too often, but buried in the book “The Lost Art of Dress” is the related tale of how we gradually began to hate aging and revere youth – and how that’s a bad deal for everyone.

    • Timbuktu says:

      Well, but it’s a glass half empty kind of situation, I think. Yes, it’s always hard to lose the privilege, but unattractive women live unseen their WHOLE LIVES. They don’t know what it’s like to turn a head, to get special treatment, to have your pick of boys, etc., etc. Saying “well, but they are used to it” seems callous and cold. I think most women would trade their lives for Cindy’s in a heartbeat: years, if not decades of adoration, travel, luxury, access to the best jewelry, makeup, perfume, and clothes, financial security, meeting the most remarkable people of our time, and then a nice family on top, and the price for all that is the disappointment of aging – something that most people face anyway, perhaps to a smaller degree? Yeah, that’s a tough choice!

    • Jools says:

      I’ve always liked Paulina Poriskova, she’s got a great sense of humor. But she’s looking at aging through her ‘model eyes’. Through the eyes of an ordinary woman (like me!) you aren’t invisible after 40. Guys don’t disappear! They age with you. I fully expected to be ignored, was resigned to it in fact -but nope!

      There are a whole bunch of men 45 and older who want to date age appropropriate women. Yes, they’ll look at a bikini wearing 20 year old. Then they’ll look at you and your 42 year old self in your skinny jeans. And ask you out.

      In the same way that, to me, 18 year old guys look like shiny squeaky babies, so a young girl can feel weird to a man who has aged and isn’t running from it.

      So let me just say this for all my over 40s sisters and those soon to be:


      Your attractiveness just evolves, it does not end.

      …honey, they’ll be toothless dudes in the nursing home still wanting to share their pudding with you 😉

      • LM says:

        This is so true! I’m 46 and don’t feel invisible AT ALL. In fact, I get asked out more now than I ever did in my 20’s. I definitely feel more confident now so maybe they read my energy.

        One of my closest friends was a model when she was in her twenties, she was never famous but man was she stunning. She had many men after her. Richard Gere, Leonardo Dicaprio, don’t get me started on the famous band members she dated… the list goes on and on.
        Watching her age has been hard to witness, not because she doesn’t look good, ironically she still looks amazing, but she’s not 20 anymore. It’s hit her harder than any other woman I know. Paulina was correct… nothing ages more than a beautiful woman’s ego.

      • Redgrl says:

        Hear hear Jools! The quote “looking good for 50” is offensive in and of itself – as though you’re an old hag but for an old hag you don’t look too bad. At 47, yes, I’ve got some gray & some lines & a tummy that resists sit ups –
        but also a hubby who at 58 thinks it’s awesome. And you’re right – not all men want the plastic-face wannabe 20. And if they do, screw ’em!

    • Egla says:

      I have a friend who is 32 now. She is short and petite but she has always been beautiful and she takes good care of herself. ( I am also 36 now). I take care of myself of course, gym, mascara, UV cream but that’s it and I am not beautiful. Anyways, she was so used to her status as a beautiful girl and being the one and only to stand out in our crowd of girls that one day she flipped when a guy said to me out loud that he was so surprised I had no wrinkles and white hairs. He was the same age as me. He said I would get old and not show my age for a long time. She wanted him to pay the same compliments to her but the poor chap told her that she was beautiful now but because she had not a good bone structure- bird bones he called her- she was going to loose her good looks around 40 when women start to really decline. This guy is a doctor. She doesn’t talk to him anymore just because of that. I tried to calm her down then. I showed her that I have my “eleven” between my eyes especially when I am tired you can spot it a mile away, but she wouldn’t listen. Now she has a lot of white hairs and when she is really tired she has a lot of fine lines. She still can attract men, still a head turner but when that doesn’t happen she goes crazy and becomes bitter. She has the hairdresser on speedial. She is one of those women that is going to meet the doctor pretty soon. Beauty is a state of mind mostly. When people stop reacting to looks or stop paying compliments is like air is missing for this kind of people. Lucky me I have always been the ugly duck or else….

      • Miss M says:

        @Egla: you have a great attitude about it. I would probably stay away from a friend like that.

      • Pinetree13 says:

        Well I wouldn’t blame her for staying away from him! What a horrible sounding man who would dissect a woman’s face and theorize about how she’ll age right to her face like he’s some sort of god above it all. All would do well to avoid jerks like that!

      • Ange says:

        That doctor sounds like a jerk. He didn’t need to comment on either of your appearances. I’m 36 and don’t have any wrinkles because guess what: you’re still quite young! And at 32 your friend is nowhere near over the hill, god.

      • echophebe says:

        That man was incredibly rude to your friend and she has every right not to talk to him after being insulted like that. Him saying that women start to decline after 40 makes him sound like one of those horrible men who treat women like objects. Why is it even important that he is a doctor?

      • Shan says:

        Uh, I wouldn’t talk to that a-hole either. Nor would I take what he said to you as a compliment.

  7. JurisGal says:

    ” “I don’t need everyone on Instagram pointing out that I don’t look the same way I did when I was 20. I know that.”

    Meaningful. Beauty.
    I would buy her comments if the Meaningful Beauty was not hawked so ridiculously hard ( ‘ she looks the same decades later!!’) and she’d left her face alone.

  8. suze says:

    Your mouth says one thing but your forehead and eyebrows are saying something entirely different.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      This so much!!! ^^^

      She has over botoxed to the point that her eyebrows are drooping, *and* it looks like she has also had filler between her brows (did she have a case of 11s?) and the combined effect gives her a Neanderthal brow ridge. Yikes.

    • hunter says:

      She has had SURGERY on her face people. She has had some sort of an eye lift (surgical) as well as possibly a lower face lift as well.


    • Redgrl says:

      Suze – yes!

  9. LAK says:

    I guess i’ve had to get used to her new face because whilst she was tweaking to look good for her age, she crossed the line into hew face territory.

    Putting old pictures side by side with her new face really shows the changes. She doesn’t look like herself. It’s not as drastic as Jocylen Catface lady, but she looks like a Cindy Crawford impersonator.

    • hunter says:

      Thank you, THIS ^^^ so much. It’s not just injections, she’s had some structural remodeling, which is always a crapshoot because at least injections always wear off.

  10. Esmom says:

    Ha, she does. It’s weird and sad.

  11. Koby says:

    If she doesn’t like what people are,saying about her not looking the same she should change what her skin care company campaign says. There’s photos of her in her 20’s next to her now saying she hasn’t changed…just saying. It’s time for a new campaign. Embrace age ladies…it’s not so bad.

  12. Lua says:

    I thought she was Caitlin Jenner at first glance.
    If I can mistake you for anyone Kardashian/Jenner related, it’s time to step awaaaaaaay from the botox!

  13. Burgher says:

    No, not Botox. Enzymes from rare magical melons that grow in the South of France.

  14. Izzy says:

    She looks like Noomi Rapace in the second photo. She needs to stop messing with her face if she wants anyone to take her seriously when she says she’s OK with aging.

  15. Ann says:

    Oh, dear! 2017 and it seems like 90% of women in public talk about aging, weight, their looks and babies. I get it that Crawford is a model but even though you would think she’d have more interesting things to contribute.

  16. AV says:

    A lot of critical comments on here. She has to deal with a high level of public scrutiny. Imagine friends telling you how you “used” to be so beautiful and no longer look the same, and then magnify that exponentially. How many celebrities in her position have no work done?

    • Crowdhood says:

      If you scroll up you will see I had the same thoughts! Everybody is all “own it! Love yourself!” While stating all of their opinions as to what is wrong with her.

      • Timbuktu says:

        But what people state is wrong with her is the work she had done, not wrinkles or sagging skin. She chose to do that, it didn’t happen to her naturally, it’s not something she couldn’t stop. So, it’s not the same, IMO.

      • minx says:

        I don’t think she has to own anything, if she doesn’t want to…but it’s just “protesting too much.” If she were really comfortable getting older she wouldn’t be jacking her face, or she wouldn’t be talking about it. I want to say to her “Who asked you?” Talk about something else.

  17. Becks says:

    I’ve seen her in person. Her face is completely jacked! She is attractive, but definitely has LA face. If she tweaked less, she would look so much better!

  18. perplexed says:

    I don’t think she’s comfortable with seeing herself get older, but if I was as pretty as she was I guess I wouldn’t be either. However, if she had left her looks alone she might actually look the same as she did back then. I wonder if preventative measures end up doing more harm than good.

    I think she has a really good body though, despite whatever sagging she might have. With clothes on, her body really doesn’t look to have any flaws, imo. We all have imperfections when we take our clothes off. But with clothes on, she beats most 20 year olds I’ve seen, at least in the body department.

  19. Hazel says:

    I’m calling BS on the ‘I didn’t own makeup until my first modeling job with Iman’. Piffle. She started modeling in high school & has published several personal photos of her high school-aged self…wearing makeup. She’s always been into makeup & hair. She’s always been gazing in the mirror. She’s always been gorgeous, yet she’s always been insecure about that. I think we’re seeing that 30 years on, Cindy is still as vapid as ever.

  20. Tourmaline says:

    I can never pinpoint what exactly Cindy did to her face that made it look so different. It must be the eyes. At any rate, compare her now vs then to say any of the other supermodels in the Freedom ’90 video and it is clear that something other than aging dramatically altered her face and not for the better.

    Her hawking her 15 year old daughter so hard (for years) as her second coming as a model leaves a bad taste in my mouth. For years Cindy promoted herself the brainy down to earth Midwestern girl and ended up as a basic Malibu matron.

  21. Jayna says:

    I love Cindy’s sense of style. She always looks great in whatever she is wearing.

  22. shouldawoulda says:

    If you buy her meaningful battery acid from China, you 2 can look like Catlin Jenner. I think people are just saying they will pass, and hope others are doing the same. I wouldn’t know who she was if it wasn’t for those unbelievable stupid infomercials.

  23. Mrs. Odie says:

    Crawford concedes demurely, Maybe 31…

  24. A says:

    What I always liked about Cindy Crawford is that she’s fairly intelligent. You can see it in her interviews and in the way she talks about herself and her work. I don’t always agree with the things she says, but I remember when she was on Seth Meyer’s show to promote something and I was struck by the depth of her comments on her modeling work. This isn’t to say that all the other models are unintelligent, just that she’s always seemed good at expressing herself and communicating her ideas in a really articulate way.

    I like what she has to say here. I like that these are the kinds of conversations and the thoughts that she has about being a model and aging in an industry that hinges so much on youth. I don’t doubt at all that she has had work done, but I wonder about the response she’d give if ever confronted about it. I think she’d be able to have an honest conversation at some point about aging and “tweaking” yourself, and I’d prefer the honesty as opposed to some of the more standard “feel good about yourself!!!” quotes that a lot of other celebrities peddle while still not talking about things like airbrushing and the amount of editing and taping and snipping that goes into making someone look good. Cindy Crawford has built an entire career off of her looks. It’d be really surprising and very strange to me if there was a time in her life when she hasn’t been concerned about it at all.

  25. teehee says:

    Am I the only one noticing the absurd and totally clashing headlines next to a woman who is talking about coming to terms with being 50? “reduce years now” and “age defying”– what a bunch of BS. At least be consistent. She said she just wants to feel good for 50. “erase wrinkles” and “instant fixes” …. laughable how terrible magazines are towards women