Prince William wants you to know that he’s already back at work at the EAAA


You would think that after national and international headlines were once again blaring with the words “Work-Shy Will,” Prince William would actually get to work… on royal stuff. But no. Prince William got conveniently pap’d this week hard at work at his part-time job at the EAAA, the air ambulance gig with which he’s allegedly pretty bored.

The photographer is a paparazzo who is maybe/probably getting tips from Poor Jason to photograph William while he’s on the job. So William looks like a man of action! What’s notable is that during the 2015-16 holiday season, William reportedly took a “holiday” from the EAAA for a month or longer. This year, William wants everyone to know that he’s back at work, people! Just like a middle class bloke! He only went on holiday for… what? Two weeks this time?

Prince William may have been accused of being work shy but he was seen putting his back into it on Thursday as he returned to his pilot duties following a short Christmas and New Year break. The Duke of Cambridge, who was recently criticised for attending fewer public engagements than his father at the same age, was seen hard at work as he flew into Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge with a patient yesterday afternoon.

Last year he took an extended three-week festive holiday, but this year he has returned to his duties straight after the New Year bank holiday like most workers. The 34-year-old was seen landing at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, then helping his team to lift the stretcher out of the helicopter and into the back of a waiting ambulance. The Duke, who was hard to recognise as he was dressed down in a black coat, black trousers and glasses, then waited with the pilot for around 45 minutes as the paramedics accompanied the patient into the hospital. William was seen laughing and joking with the pilot as they looked at something on his mobile phone.

[From The Daily Mail]

As I said, it was more like he had four or five weeks off for Christmas 2015. That’s what the Sun reported in their scathing expose last year, in which sources described William as being “a bit bored” with the air-ambulance work, and how he’s rarely on shift. And unlike a normal, middle-class blokey banker, William’s job doesn’t traditionally allow for so much time off during the holidays. The EAAA has to be staffed like every other emergency service for the holidays. So let’s not bend over backwards praising William for being back on the job for the first time in something like two weeks.

Oh, and Will and Kate are getting back to royal work really early this year too – usually, Kate’s “holiday” extends into February or March, but she and Will are doing appearances next week.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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69 Responses to “Prince William wants you to know that he’s already back at work at the EAAA”

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  1. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    How convenient was that pap to be there to capture Big Willy the Hero co-pilot hard at work. As co-pilot shouldn’t he be helping to ready to heli to get the patient to hospital, instead of getting out and then wasting precious time while he get settled in his seat?

    Am bored of reading stories of how lazy these 2 are but I guess number shaming them is the only way to get them to do anything! Either that or there is a long Mustique vacation coming up. Isn’t Jan/Feb when the Middleton Mafia have their annual Mustique vacay?

    • Sixer says:

      It’s all the people saying “But everyone in Britain gets two weeks off at Christmas!” that are getting to me.


      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        ITA – people in the emergency services get a raw deal as it is. Thou its becoming quite rare for offices to completely close for the 2 weeks now. I have had to work in between Christmas and New Year in the past and i worked in an office.

      • Sixer says:

        I’m self-employed so it doesn’t apply to me. Mr Sixer finished at lunchtime on Christmas Eve and went back on 3 January though. He gets 31 days paid holiday but has to save 3 for the Christmas-New Year thing. (Also the 8 public holidays, so he gets 20 that he chooses.)

      • Amelia says:

        Two weeks at Christmas sounds lovely! If only that were actually the reality for most people.

        I work in a newsroom and had to work Boxing Day, NYE and several days in-between. I really enjoy my job and my colleagues too, so it wasn’t bad, but I would’ve loved to be at home with my family. I’m sure my colleagues working on Christmas Day felt the same way.

        A question for our airborne Celebitches – is Bill likely managing to reach the required number of hours to comfortably keep his pilot’s licence/EAAA job?
        I’m assuming if he fell under the threshold, EAAA wouldn’t let him anywhere near one of their helicopters, but considering the amount of ‘work’ he does with them, when is he managing to log those hours?

      • LAK says:

        Amelia: he is co-pilot. That in itself is a glaring red flag considering he is ex-military. He doesn’t have enough hours to be a full pilot.

        In Canada, when he flew by himself in a demonstration, he flew i to some trees!!!!

      • Beth says:

        The story doesn’t say that he only got 2 weeks off. It says that he returned to work after the bank holiday. He could easily have started his vacation early (and probably did, given all the careful wording). If he was only gone from the EAAA for two weeks, the article would have explicitly said that.

        Also, they chose this photo OP over royal engagements to give the illusion that he is doing other work that complements his Royal Work.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Yes, I’d say the co-pilot is supposed to stay in the co-pilot seat, helping the pilot make sure that the chopper is ready to take off at a moment’s notice. The co-pilot is not supposed to be getting in the way of the medical personnel. I think last photos of him at EAAA were Dec 15 (after how long an absence). A three week break between these photo op guest appearances?

      End of January for Mustique, but wasn’t it rumored to be skipped last year because of Zika concerns? Maybe W&K will start taking advantage of Terribly Rich James Matthews and Eden Rock.

      • Chrissy says:

        I think they used the Zika scare to avoid going to Brazil to support British Olympians last summer. I think they still went to Mystique (for Carole’s Bday, i think) but then didn’t go to her party because they were fighting.

      • notasugarhere says:

        I think that was January 2015, Carole’s 60th birthday, where she reportedly didn’t attend the party because they’d had a fight.

  2. Megan says:

    I love the faces that kids are making in the last pic.

  3. Karen says:

    Why is Will, copilot, helping put the patient in the plane? Shouldn’t he be, I dont know, readying the plane for takeoff given it’s an emergency flight. His RPO then needed to get out too, and now two more people are in the way of actual qualified medical staff.

    It looks like he got out to say “Yes, hello, it’s me. Your Prince. You’re welcome”

    • Deedee says:

      But you can’t get a photo like this if he’s seated where he’s supposed to be.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Because he’s a grandstanding idiot who needs to be -seen- doing his non-job, in order to skive off on doing his -actual- job.

      He’d spend a lot less energy just buckling down to do the job he was born to, than he does now with his dilettante jobsworth shenanigans. If he doesn’t want the job he was born to, he needs to own that and tell the family and GTFO of his wee council palace.

      Even when Will’s trying to repair the bad optics, he makes it even worse. This is the man who thinks he’s god’s gift to PR? [Insert optic nerve bruising eyeroll here]

  4. Citresse says:

    Yes but what is the intent?
    You know, if you review video from the photo shoot year 1985 where William and Harry are playing at the piano, you’ll catch a quote from the then 3 year old William directed at Harry “..But you didn’t mean to do it.” William and intent. It’s all about intent.
    It’s funny to some degree when you can observe early personality traits.
    The good news: William is not entirely evil. He did, as a three year child, kiss his brother. But he’s also shown running to a seat against the wall and sits there, (the laziness). William, go back to university, earn an MBA while you work part-time and get your lazy wife out of the hair salon and focus on increasing public duties to 300 min this new year. Thanks!

  5. Sarah says:

    LOL @ the “now leave him alone” comments on the Daily Mail.

  6. Harla Jodet says:

    I imagine that they have Mustique trip planned for the end of January and are trying to get ahead of the bad press. It’s sad that their “charity work” has become all about spin PR for them instead of truly highlighting worthy causes.

    I think I am going to quit following them, it just doesn’t make much sense to spend any of my time on people I have no respect for.

  7. Indira says:

    It looks like his PR team read the comments because a lot of people asked whether he is still working as a co-pilot or not.

  8. JustME says:

    I think it’s funny that some say people should stop criticizing him for his work ethic. He only works 20 hours a week – if he works. Plus he took a long break from work. I bet his workmates would like to have the same privileges.

    • LAK says:

      I sincerely doubt he works 20hrs per week. That figure is a media created lie now repeated as fact. Like the Malta story.

      • notasugarhere says:

        More like 20 hours a month, if that.

      • Kori says:

        Malta was no lie though it may be overstated. The queen lived in a leased villa with philip for weeks or even months at a time. She would return to Britain for stretches, primarily when he was out to sea and later in her pregnancy with Anne. It’s been discussed by Philips cousin and her LIW. I have photos of her with other naval wives waving their men out to sea. The villa was her only home outside the UK and its sadly in disrepair now. That time in HM life shouldn’t be discounted. I find it a poignant time personally. She actually did try to live the military wife life as much as was feasible unlike Kate.

      • LAK says:

        Kori: the Malta story as rewritten to justify Kate’s workshy ways immediately after the wedding was fiction.

        We all know the details of the Queen’s stay in Malta and we can check the national archives for the details, as well as publicly available material in biographies, but i’m referencing the manufactured for Kate Malta story that included fudged dates and fudged details.

        It was the only way to justify the about face the Palace had to navigate after saying she would start work immediately she was married.

        One minute she is going to be the most dazzling hardworker ever, and the next she’s going to be a housewife in Wales.

        As talking heads in the media tried to justify it, one by one they started to discuss the Queen’s malta stay. The details became a fudge according to what was being justified and before you know it, the Queen and Philip had set off for Malta immediately after their wedding to play house for a solid 2 years without returning to Britain and no duties whatsoever which justified Kate doing the same.

        You and i know the reality was very different, but hey! If it helps Kate ( and William), let’s accept these lies.

      • A says:

        I agree with you LAK, but I also have to say that by the Queen’s own account (as related by others), she regards her time in Malta with a sense of deep affection. It was a short period in her time that she cherished, not because she didn’t have to work and could just relax and play house, but because it was a time when her father was still alive and she had just gotten married and was a young mother. For those few years before assuming the throne, she was just HRH the Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh.

        The thing that sets the Queen apart from William is that while she’s always made no bones about how she would have preferred a much simpler, quieter life spent with her family, one not constantly centered around the work she has to do as sovereign, she shows up and does the work anyway. She has always done the work anyway. She in fact makes a conscious effort to do the work, regardless of the toll it might take otherwise. Everyone know how difficult her first few years as monarch was. Everyone knows that Prince Philip floundered at the scuttling of his naval career, that the Queen Mother was in mourning and facing the prospect of a life without a husband she didn’t think would leave her so soon, that Princess Margaret was bereft and unsure of the role she had in the future of the monarchy. They were all at a loss those first few years, and it was only natural that they grieve the person they lost as well as the abrupt end of their previous phase in life. But what they always recognized was that in tragedy or in happiness, you don’t get the luxury of sitting around. You grieve, you feel sorry for yourself sure, but eventually you pull your life together and do something. That’s what everyone else in the world has to do. So for someone like Willy and Kate, who have arguably had ALL the time and allowances in the world to adjust to their roles, to prepare for them, to gird themselves for the lives and the futures that they have presumably chosen, to act like they don’t care at all about their responsibilities and their future, is insulting. And to use the narrative of the Queen and her life at Malta to justify that is even worse.

      • LAK says:

        Exactly @A

      • Kori says:

        LAK–gotcha. It is shameful they’ve distorted the only time the Queen could be ‘just a wife’, a period she looks back on so fondly, for their own pr purposes.

      • LAK says:

        Kori – it is disgraceful how much they either throw various members under the bus or distort their histories to justify their own behaviour.

  9. AfricanBoy says:

    Every time I see a pic of Wills, I see a guy who hates his royal life and wants to be a full-time Middleton.

  10. Skater says:

    I think the Canadian government is about to release the cost of their trip some time next week or after, so probably why the early work and Will getting photographed. Tbh, Will working for EAAA would be more meaningful if it wasn’t being used to avoid his duties. Just really sad.

    • Maria says:

      Skater, I read that security alone was 2M for the eleven day tour. Could be wrong though.

      • A says:

        @Maria, the RCMP costs were tallied at around $2M CDN. The RCMP is government funded and paid for by taxpayers. They worked a ton in overtime hours, mostly shuttling the Cambridges around.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Also distracts from the start of the photographer trial in France. After the initial event on Jan 3rd, it looks like the trial has been delayed until May.

    • Jaded says:

      Policing alone cost $2 million – other incidental costs will likely come in at around $1 million. For a couple of boring layabouts. As a tax-paying Canadian who lives in Victoria, I want my money back!

  11. Canadian Becks says:

    Fake pockets on George’s coat. No pockets into which to stuff fascinating things that kids find lying around.

    One of the best parts of being a parent, at the end of the day, reaching into the child’s pockets and finding stones, sticks, leaves, snail shells, etc. It really gives an insight into the world of children and the way that ordinary objects we no longer even see, they find interesting.

    • Chrissy says:

      So true. I always enjoyed finding bits of string or wool (?) and, in the winter, frozen bubblegum (ew!). Most endearing though, was finding a single tooth that had fallen out while playing outside and my son saved it for the tooth fairy.

    • Betsy says:

      I guess I’m a monster, because that stuff stays outside the house in our family.

  12. COSquared says:

    Does anyone know who the new Tanna is?

  13. eXo says:

    The Dolittles give me so many eye-rolling moments.

  14. Seriously says:

    William would cry if he had to work from 9 to 5…

  15. Sharon Lea says:

    I love love love that the DM did the story comparing how many engagements Diana & Charles did versus Kate & William their first 5 years. It was lost on quite a few that Diana was in her very early 20s and she had a strong work ethic and sense of duty, saw comments ‘well she wasn’t happy or she used the press.’ Gah

    • Mamunia says:

      I do to. These two are an embarrassment. I loved that they put the article on Kates clutching her handbags in order to avoid shaking hands. How many pictures of Diana coming out of a car with a genuine smile on her face and her hand extended did we see? Thousands!

      • Sharon Lea says:

        Yes, great point Mamunia, there were so many of Diana extending her arm. Her confidence grew and she bound out of cars with confidence.

  16. Lobbit says:

    I mean good for them for getting to “work,” I guess.

    • Maria says:

      Yup, better than nothing. But I see a major holiday coming up. So they put in two appearances, then go off to Mustique or wherever.

  17. Lindy says:

    I don’t even have anything to add about the “UHMAYZING” work ethic he’s showing by going back to work when everyone else had to. (slow clap).

    But as an aside (and a petty, shallow one, but whatever)–can’t he just shave his head already? I think he has a nicely shaped head and I feel like shaving it would look so much better than the thin scraggly look he’s currently rocking.

  18. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    Slightly off topic but the Fail has a new article about why she’s always carry a clutch – its to avoid shaking hands with the dirty plebs. Am sure she keeps hand sanitiser in it – ala Robbie Williams.

  19. Apples says:

    So he DOES read the news and DOES pay attention? I really thought he and his wife just didn’t care about the media! Like, really not paying attention to what was said and written because the Brits will continue to pay for their lifestyle since they love their monarchy.

  20. Emily C. says:

    There are a whole lot of other people who could actually use a steady, paying job in the emergency services, I’m thinking.

    This is not William’s job. His job is to be prince — to do charity work, publicity, and those oh-so-boring “traditional” things.

    • Chrissy says:

      No kidding. The others working there would probably also appreciate someone they can count on to pull their weight without entitled excuses, work their share of holidays and not pretending his job as co-pilot includes getting in the way of the medics when PR is called for. SMH

  21. Ashley Nate says:

    Prince William wants the world to know he’s not as lazy as people make him out to be lol

  22. AT says:

    Nice try, Willy Boy. Nice try. As to how long his break lasted this time, well he hasn’t been seen at his heli job for a very long time now and he had engagements the week before Christmas moaning that it was “the last week of work”. Most likely he had 3 weeks+ off. Don’t be fooled that this guy is working 20 hours a week. We would see evidence far more often if he actually were.

    • graymatters says:

      He’d be a pilot by now if he were working anywhere close to 20 hrs/wk. Instead, he’s still just the co-pilot. Essentially, he’s a student who keeps skipping class and so can’t get his diploma.

  23. Deedee says:

    Nice pap stroll, William (the guy who pitches a fit about maintaining his privacy). Way to stare directly at the camera in one of the shots.

  24. Kori says:

    If you do a search on the royal musings blog (run by a friend and respected author) she once did an article on the work comparison between the Cambridges and the Yorks in 1893 who were similarly the heirs to the heir as now. Needless to say the Cambridges still don’t come off well and that’s even with modern transportation and communication. The article was a few years ago now but worth looking up.

    • LAK says:

      That was educational. Amazing.

      Also, if you notice, they have a painting of Princess Mary Adelaide the duchess of Cambridge in their KP work space where William is usually filmed for PSA. Aside from her personal life, she is better known for her charity work, but per usual, our present Cambridges would rather cover themselves with the (good) mantel of better loved public figures than work to establish their own record.

  25. Della says:

    Why isn’t it being reported that they are moving back to London so that George can go to pre school and he is dumping the job in the next couple of months because that’s what the gossip in London currently is.

    • notasugarhere says:

      George is in pre-school already, and their daughter will likely start at that same preschool in Fall 2017 or Jan 2018.

      The moving to London to go to Wetherby gossip comes around every year. William and Harry didn’t start at Wetherby until they were 4 1/2 and 5. I cannot see them starting their son there until Jan 2018 or fall 2018 earliest.

    • LAK says:

      What Nota said.

      It’s the twin of annual ‘the cambridges are going to work hard this year’ articles that come out every new year.

  26. anne says:

    this asshole does NOT work..get a clue peasants