Star: Charlize Theron might have ‘a lot of Botox’, her skin looks ‘plasticky’

Fast & Furious 8 Madrid Photocall

Here are some photos of Charlize Theron promoting The Fate of the Furious in Paris (the black-pants ensemble) and Madrid (the ruffled pirate blouse). Charlize has been wearing and will continue to wear a lot of Dior for this promotional tour, and Dior made the black ensemble in Paris. But the ruffled pirate blouse and buttony sailor skirt? That’s Gucci. And you know the Duchess of Cambridge is printing out these photos for her Button Inspo collage right now.

Meanwhile, many of you commented recently that you think Charlize’s face looks “different.” I thought it did too, but I also think Charlize gained weight for a recent role and I don’t think she’s lost all of it yet. My theory is that her face looks a bit different because she carries extra weight in her face, basically. But Star Magazine says Charlize’s face is a mess in close-ups.

A hectic Hollywood schedule may make Charlize Theron fast… but furious? Not so much, judging by her suspiciously serene recent appearance.

“It would certainly appear that she’s had a lot of Botox,” surmises NYC-based plastic surgeon Dr. Norman Rowe. “There are no wrinkles on her forehead and her skin is dry-looking, which can happen.”

But witnesses who saw Charlize at a March 23 event in Beijing say that she seems to have had a full facial overhaul.

“Charlize looks amazing from a distance, but up close you can see all the work she’s had done,” whispered a spy. “She skin is smooth but plasticky – she really is starting to look like a totally different person.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Do you believe it? Eh. Several years ago, I thought she had gotten some flat-out plastic surgery (as opposed to Botox/fillers). Like, all of a sudden, her mouth looked strange to me and everything seemed a bit “tight.” Is it possible she had some kind of facelift years ago and it looks especially noticeable right now because she gained and lost a significant amount of weight? Or is it possible that she has been playing around with fillers and Botox too? Maybe it’s a little bit of everything, who knows?

Fast & Furious 8 Madrid Photocall

'Fast & Furious 8' - Paris Premiere

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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27 Responses to “Star: Charlize Theron might have ‘a lot of Botox’, her skin looks ‘plasticky’”

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  1. Pippa says:

    Didn’t she have extensive dental surgery because of her stunts in that spy movie of hers? That will make your face look different, especially if she’s been put on steroids for pain.

    • KB says:

      She’s had multiple root canals, maybe other stuff, I believe just in the last year or so.

      I know I’m not “up close” but she looks just as beautiful as ever from where I’m sitting.

  2. Regina.phalange says:

    Are we really still doing this? Body positivity, feminism, rah rah… but then let’s continue to nitpick every detail of a woman? The texture of someone’s skin? It’s plasticky and dry? Let’s talk about her weight too while we’re at it! Why is this an article?? So what if she gets Botox? If it makes her feel good, then awesome. This is frustrating as a reader and as a woman.

    • ell says:

      agreed. if we have to take it out of anyone, let it be on our society that doesn’t allow women to age however they want to and puts them under a lot of pressure to look at certain way, not towards the women who feel compelled to get plastic surgery.

    • Shambles says:

      I hear you, and I think there’s definitely a conversation to be had there. On the one hand, it’s a gossip site, and on the other, there’s a line between snark and shaming. I don’t think the OP was judging her for weight gain, myself. And I also think there’s a difference between commenting on someone’s body and commenting on their elective choice to get plastic surgery/injections. I think plastic surgery, as a choice, is fair game. JMO.

    • annaloo. says:

      I agree, and this topic is boring. Who cares who gets Botox? It’s Hollywood, who is surprised by it and why is it conversation worthy? Secondly, I don’t understand how we go from being angry at others for objectifying women, and then turn heel and do it ourselves. It’s hypocrisy.

      • Mannori says:

        Is a gossip site so it is what it is. There a thin line, yes, between body shaming and just good ol’ gossiping about celebrities, their bodies included. I think nobody is surprised about the botox anymore: celebs men and women do it and the news is when some of them doesn’t actually. Is irritating when they deny it, which just perpetuates the gossiping and makes people call out hypocrisy. I

        In Charlize’s case I think is surprising how BAD her Doctor is doing it. That’s the news. Cate Blanchett, Julianne Moore, La Jolie, Robin Wright, those are examples of well done botox.

    • Lilly says:

      Yes! It’s a weird balance for a gossip blog to strike though.

      Yes to critiquing clothing, style, etc. No to body, face, weight?

      I also don’t think she looks plastic at all, and I hate how we need to constantly pick. She looks great, and if she’s had some help. so what? Everyone does in Hollywood.

      • Starfire says:

        I feel like people are reacting how they are because it’s how this website is advertised.
        It’s a place that talks about things like body shaming, sexism, feminism etc.
        So when people come here they expect not only to talk about those issues, but for the writers themselves to not be hypocritical about them.
        Not a attitude of, “it’s bad when others do it, but I have reasons to do it so it’s okay”
        So yes, this is a gossip site, but one that is well known for being against this type of stuff.
        So it’s not O.P’s fault for expecting this to be a place that doesn’t regularly become the thing that it claims to fight against.

    • Verona says:

      I agree with you. I love this website but I rarely see articles dissecting a male actor or singers face. Please let’s focus on fashion, style or on their actions not on women’s looks, that is so outdated already.

    • winterforever says:

      Agreed 100%. Very disappointed.

  3. Shambles says:

    Her face doesn’t look normal. Methinks she gained weight for the role, didn’t like what it did to her face, and tried to balance it all out with injectibles

  4. Catherine says:

    She’s a stone cold fox. I love her. And those boots are to die for.

  5. minx says:

    She looks great. I hate ruffles but she makes that blouse look cool.

    • Mannori says:

      is the attitude, badass b*tch vibe. Imagine this same blouse on Maggie Gyllenhaal. Whole careers have been constructed solely based on vibe. (because it’s half the casting decision)

  6. Singtress says:

    She looks amazing.
    On my best day I don’t come close to looking as good as her on her worst day. On Monster.

    • KB says:

      I rewatched Monster not too long ago and I remember thinking she had gained so much weight and then I saw it again and her body was better than mine is now lol

  7. Lafawnda says:

    She’s gorgeous! That is all.

  8. Mannori says:

    She’s of course a gorgeous woman but lacks the bone structure that allows gorgeous people to still be considered gorgeous as they enter the middle age. Meaning that at some point the face starts to crumble, and this seems to be Charlize’s case. Its particularly noticeable because she has the tendency to grow a double chin. And her doctor is not doing any favors to her by absolutely overdoing the fillers in the wrong places. It’s called face sculpting and the best Dr is Colbert in NY. I don’t know who’s Charlize Dr. She’s morphing into her mother, which is actually pretty normal.

    • perplexed says:

      I think she has good bone structure. Or good enough bone structure, I guess. Maybe I’m blind, but her face doesn’t look significantly different to me.

      What IS good bone structure, btw? I’ve seen people mention that in relation to Gwyneth Paltrow, but I think Charlize Theron looks just as pretty or possibly better than her.

      I assume Kate Moss has perfect bone structure because of how her cheekbones sit, but I don’t think she looks better or worse than other celebrities.

  9. Pumpkin Pie says:

    I would love the black outfit but that Dior thing ruins it for me. It reminds me of those CK band/stripe on men’s pants.

  10. applepie says:

    Saw the trailer for atomic blonde. Oh my word. I would seriously do her. And I’m married. She’s one hot woman!

  11. Ellie71 says:

    To me , she is just starting to age naturally and is beginning to look like her mother .
    But I would kill to look like her even on a bad day .

  12. Tough Cookie says:

    “the Duchess of Cambridge is printing out these photos for her Button Inspo collage”


  13. Egla says:

    I think is the combination of weight gain with the injection of things in her face, Let’s face it, at 40 a face has to have some lines here and there. Hers is smooth. We need to see her in motion to really understand how extensive is “the work” on her face.
    And no I am not shaming her. I am 36 and I have a deep 11 in my forehead that I am thinking of smoothing with botox. Only it’s to expensive for me to have it done every six months as I was told. Let’s see.
    A study of Oxford university, I think if I remember correctly, said that gossiping for 2 hours a day about others is good for our sanity basically. Seeing and commenting how others have flaws also, like us, makes us more accepting of our flaws and boosts our confidence and stuff. I will do everything in my power to boost my confidence even if that means to scrutinize and comment on the super gorgeous Charlize. I call it fair play. I am mean, She is human.

  14. raincoaster says:

    She’s 41 and a model and actress famous for her beauty, so I’m quite sure she’s had botox and fillers. But I don’t know of any procedure that makes your skin look plasticky; maybe she was just wearing an unfortunate foundation that day or something.