Did Billy Idol kill his cheating girlfriend’s kitten in a fit of rage in the 1980s?

iHeartRadio Music Festival

I would always find this story upsetting, but it’s particularly upsetting to me right now, because I just adopted a kitten (go here to see pics). Apparently, in the 1980s, Billy Idol got his then-girlfriend a kitten. When Idol suspected that his girlfriend was cheating on him, he killed the kitten. No. No no no no no. This is a disgusting story, poorly reported.

A new book sensationally claims that Billy Idol once killed a kitty cat. The memoir by glam-rock weirdo Adam Bomb claims that in the ’80s the “White Wedding” singer flew into a fit of rage and hurled his girlfriend’s pet kitten against a wall.

In the book “Druggy Stardust and the Empress of Clubland,” which follows Bomb’s relationship with late Limelight honcho Claire O’Connor, Bomb writes that Idol became enraged because he believed his then-girlfriend Perri Lister cheated on him. Bomb writes, “Claire said, ‘Billy Idol could get really vile. He got Perri a kitten, and after a nasty argument, he threw the kitten against the wall in their apartment and killed it.’ ” Bomb says O’Connor added of the flying fur, “Perri’s curiosity killed the cat.”

[From Page Six]

“Perri’s curiosity killed the cat”
is a gross way of telling that story. This is why so many domestic violence victims try to get protective orders to cover their pets too, because abusers will often “lash out” at animals attached to their victims. Imagine being so horrible as to throw a kitten against a wall. Jesus, this is a depressing story. I sincerely hope this story is not true – I didn’t have any particular feelings about Billy Idol as a person before this, but if he did this, he’s an awful person.

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Photos courtesy of WENN.

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44 Responses to “Did Billy Idol kill his cheating girlfriend’s kitten in a fit of rage in the 1980s?”

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  1. marc kile says:

    the header pic makes him look like Mr. Cleans estranged father.

  2. KBB says:

    This story is horrific.

    Instead I’m going to focus on the wonderful news of Kaiser adopting a black cat! They’re the hardest to adopt out because of silly superstitions. Congrats on your new fur baby!

    And I’m going to hug my cat right now and forget about this story.

      • KBB says:

        Omg, so precious!!

      • tracking says:

        Congrats! We have a black cat, and he is the sweetest cat we’ve ever had.

      • Shambles says:

        He is the good boy. *heart eyes*

        And I agree with some of the peeps on your Twitter, he looks like he has some Siamese ancestry.

      • prissa says:

        OMG SO CUTE!!!! Love his little white bow around his neck. Enjoy your new Kitteh!!

      • Megan says:

        So handsome! He looks like a Bombay. http://cattime.com/cat-breeds/bombay-cats#/slide/1

        Advice to a new kitten owner … when you’re a kitten, the whole world looks like a toy.

      • Susanne says:

        We have two little boys, both black and about 13 weeks. They are they sweetest guys ever, so lovING after their rough start outside. A bit feral with food, and plastic bottle caps. But angels.
        Kaiser, your pant her looks like our Lafayette, aka sparky because he may not be the brightest.

      • Susanne says:

        Oh, and is it not a nightmare photographing black cats? I did not anticipate this. We do have a game called alphabet kittens, and pose them on a white blanket when they’re napping. Good times.

      • KiddVicious says:

        Gorgeous kitten! And I love his nose. Very regal. My cat has that bump also and at first we weren’t sure if she injured herself, we hadn’t really noticed it until she fell down some stairs and were checking her over for injuries. A rush visit to the vet and apparently it’s the nose she was born with.

      • Dani says:

        He is so beautiful! Congrats and welcome to the “it’s difficult to photograph my pet” club 😉

      • Milla says:

        Oooh sweet baby 🎉🎉🎉 have a pawfect life in your new furever home!

        People also avoid black dogs. Why? No idea…

        This story seems scary but also it’s not impossible. He was drugged up and let’s face it, musicians at that time did whatever they wanted…

      • Existingisexhausting says:

        I just adopted a little black kitty too!! I’m in love 😍

      • paranormalgirl says:

        We have a black kitty… he’s my handsome old man. I swear, you can never go wrong with a black kitty.

      • diane says:

        Yup my 3 year old found a black kitten, she was wounded and hungry. No one claimed her even after we put up flyers and reported her as found. No one would take her because she was a black cat. I couldn’t believe it. We kept her and she is the sweetest animal I have ever met. Never got bigger than 4.5 lbs. My son tells everyone her saved a life. 🙂 Which he did.

      • nb says:

        Awe, he’s precious! Congrats on the new baby panther 🙂

        I have a black cat too, and also had one growing up. It’s funny how similar their personalities are. Both super sweet, love everybody, like to be the center of attention, and really laid back. When I took Baxter into the vet a few months ago they said he was one of the coolest cats they ever had in the office because he was so unaffected by everything. He just roamed around the room like he owned the place and let them pick him up and take him back for his shots no problem. I don’t know why black kitties get such a bad rep 🙁

      • sa says:

        So cute! Congrats on adopting your little guy!

      • Cintra.C says:

        Oh, so cute!

      • NorthernCanada says:

        Gorgeous black kitty!!!

      • Imqrious2 says:

        Beautiful kitty!! Hope you and your precious new family member have many happy, playful years together! 😻😻

  3. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I have a hard time believing this. Why? Because years ago VH1 did one of those “Behind the Music” specials about Billy and his ex Perry was all over it. She talked a LOT s*it about him. And not once did she ever mention this. It sounds more to me like this dude is using a salacious story about a more famous rock star to sell books.

  4. Peeking in says:


  5. Zapp Brannigan says:

    Congrats on your new cat friend Kaiser, I hope you will be very happy together with a future full of snuggles.

    I just can’t with this Billy Idol story, not today.

  6. Deets says:

    Someone who would use an animals life as a tool for emotional manipulation is a monster.
    I do not want this story to be true, but any variation at all of it is no beuno.

  7. Alix says:

    I hope this story is false. If true, Idol is one sick mofo.

    But Kaiser, your kitty is gorgeous!!!

  8. queenE says:

    He looks like a wax figure in the first picture

  9. Claire says:

    Stories like these absolutely destroy me emotionally. =( Even if this particular one isn’t true (and who knows whether it is or isn’t), there are so many others just like it. It’s beyond my comprehension how anyone could possibly hurt and/or kill an animal but plenty of them are out there lurking among us.

  10. Mophita121 says:

    This is a disgusting story, not that he was ever relevant in my life, but gone are the days I allow White Wedding to play in the background.

    However, congratulations and thank you for adopting a black kitten! Black cats are the hardest to adopt out, and life with a fur friend is 1000x better

  11. V4Real says:

    I was listening to Mony Mony two days ago. Damn, not that I thought highly of him but he’s a piece of shit in my eyes.

    And he looks like a space alien with those pink or red glasses on.

  12. Nic says:

    that’s crazy

  13. HoustonGrl says:

    As a cat lover, this breaks my heart. Cats are sooooo precious, they each have a lovely and unique spirit. It’s true that animals are often secondary victims of domestic violence. Violence against animals is a predictor of violence against people, which is why it should be prosecuted.

  14. Annie says:

    Oh my God for a minute there I thought it said he killed his girlfriend.

    Poor kitty though. I believe the story. Guys with rage issues often take it out on pets or children or women. It sucks that others have to be collateral damage of a very unhealthy relationship. Leave angry, jealous men, girls. These are the guys that can go as far as beating you or killing you. Run run run and never look back. The stories I could tell :’(

  15. Otaku Fairy says:

    Horrifying. I hope it’s not true (and if it’s not true, it’s pretty crappy of Adam Bomb to make something like this up to sell a book).

  16. Eve says:

    Happy for your choice (adopting, especially a black cat) and your kitten.

    Also, the name: Juan Martin del Potro.

    Perfectly elegant name, as seems to be the kitten.

    • funfactor says:

      Love your Black Beauty, Kaiser! My daughter took her black cat with her when she moved, leaving me with 5 rescues. I belong to an online group that celebrates black cats and am always amazed at their beautiful cat photos.

  17. Tiffany :) says:

    True story: I once stood in line at a doctor’s office valet with Billy Idol. It was a very surreal moment, as being from the midwest, I have never had to valet at a doctor’s office.

    He dropped his valet ticket on the ground and did a very interesting full body lay out while picking it up. I think he might have had back problems and couldn’t bend forward, so he leaned backward to get closer to the ground. I would have offered to pick it up but I didn’t know WTF was happening. 😀

  18. Allyson says:

    I have wanted a black cat my entire life but just never managed to adopt one (I always have a house full of cats lol). The inn was full and we were NOT planning on getting another but I was at my son’s baseball practice a few months ago and what did I see but a tiny black kitten?? And Hurricane Irma was on her way in a couple of days…so I just couldn’t leave him. I knew he wouldn’t make it through that bitch of a storm. He is still just a tiny bit feral (I think he might always be) but I love him so much. I named him T’challa because we are comic nerds and he is my Black Panther. All my cats are my favorite but he is truly my sweet sweet boy 🙂

  19. WinchesterGirl says:

    Far from an animal person but I love black cats

  20. raincoaster says:

    It would not be inconceivable that the story is true. And yet another example of men using violence against women, and having sexual double standards (because Billy has always been a big user of prostitutes).

  21. reg says:

    Vile excuse for a human being.
    But Karma got him in the end, I read somewhere he is going blind….
    Speaking of animal killers Sid Vicious hung a kitten in his apartment
    shortly before his death.

  22. CharlotteCharlotte says:

    “Perry’s curiosity killed the cat”. Ummmmm NO! Perry didn’t do anything to the cat. Fragile masculinity, lack of impulse control, terrifying rage… that’s what killed the cat. Once again, the woman is held accountable for the actions of the male.
    If the story is true. Which I hope it is not.

    Oh, CONGRATULATIONS on your new fur baby. Gorgeous.