Brett Kavanaugh claims he was a virgin throughout high school & into college

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing

Brett Kavanaugh is still a Supreme Court nominee. I still say that by the end of the week, he will have withdrawn his nomination, or the Trump administration will withdraw it. Part of me hopes that this sh-t gets drawn out for several more days, simply because this seems like the kind of massive cultural-political moment which defines a generation. #MeToo was the groundwork, and we’re primed to believe women like never before. Women are ANGRY. Justifiably so. So what’s happened in the past 24 hours? Like, a million things. Here’s a list:

The Fourth Victim. Christine Blasey Ford was the first victim to come forward. Deborah Ramirez was the second victim, and Michael Avenatti’s client (who is still anonymous) is the third victim. Yesterday, media outlets reported that there is a fourth victim who alleges Vananaugh assaulted her when they were in high school.

Kavanaugh’s Yale roommate believes the accusations. James Roche said in a statement that while he didn’t witness the incident Debbie Ramirez described, he knew Kavanaugh was “a notably heavy drinker” and that he “became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk… Based on my time with Debbie, I believe her to be unusually honest and straightforward and I cannot imagine her making this up. Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.”

Michael Avenatti’s client. Avenatti describes the woman as a former employee of the State Department and US Mint, someone who knew Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh in high school, and the woman’s story “will relate to how they behaved at countless house parties.” He said that she’ll likely come forward in the next 24 hours or so.

This NYT story about “Renate Alumnus.” Kavanaugh and his bros in high school seemed obsessed with a girl (now woman) named Renate Schroeder, who was a student at a nearby Catholic school. Renate had signed the letter of support for Kavanaugh initially, but she has now withdrawn her name because she didn’t know Kavanaugh and his bros were all bragging in their yearbook about how they were all “Renate Alumnus.” As in, they all bragged about sleeping with her, because boys will be boys, huh?

And finally, some words from Kavanaugh. Doughy Brett appeared on Fox News yesterday evening where he claimed to… have been a virgin throughout high school and for years afterward. Like… he’s been accused of non-penetration assault thus far. Christine Blasey Ford said he held her down, covered her mouth and assaulted her. Kavanaugh also claims to have never been to the party with Ford (and I’m sure he has the calendars to prove it!), and his wife sat there like a Stepford Wife too.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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92 Responses to “Brett Kavanaugh claims he was a virgin throughout high school & into college”

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  1. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    Doughy, indeed. I guess he must imbibe heavily to assuage that gambling monkey on his back.
    Can’t walk those iron-clad denials back at this point- he’s going all in because he has assurances by the senators that he has their votes regardless- but now Michael Avenatti is dropping a nuclear warhead into the confirmation process. ** Grumpy Cat “Good” meme here**

    • Snappyfish says:

      Preppy McBlackout was ‘a virgin’ simply because he couldn’t get a woman to consent. He & his stepford wife (by proxy as she wasn’t allow speak) want to “be treated fairly” (he said this 17 times) then have the FBI investigate you sack of excrement. You can’t because you lied under oath to Congress & apparently that is ok but you can’t lie to the FBI. That is why there will be no FBI investigation. The senate only wants justice to “seem to be done” McTurtle believes he has the votes

    • Addie says:

      Who paid his gambling debts etc? And why? How have they disappeared?

      This man is a mess and is living a lie. I’m sure Mrs Doughyface has a helluva life. I feel no pity because she signed up to it – no doubt because of status and money.

      Avenatti’s client needs to come forward now. That old almost dead man, McConnell, has scheduled a vote on Friday at 9.30am. No time for coyness or empty grandstanding. It has to be done now.

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    Ah, the old ‘i’m was a virgin so couldn’t possibly have done this’ excuse – guess he doesn’t quite understand that you can be a virgin and a sexual predator but am sure the deplorable’s will be lapping this up.

    4 women have now come forward, plus the walk outs and marches yesterday – the pressure needs to be kept up to force him or GOP to withdraw his nom. The longer he tries to front it out the more damage is inflicted.

    I couldn’t watch the footage – his smug face makes me stabby and I want to slap some sense into his stepford wife. He does not respect her or their daughters but I guess all she cares about is being married to a judge who might sit on the SC!

    • lara says:

      I belive he was a virgin in the sense that he could not find a woman who would voluntarily have sex with him.
      But I am sure he assaulted several women and tried to rape them. And that still makes him a sexual predator.

      • Really? says:

        If he had to get blackout drunk to even have a good time, then how would he even recall what actions he committed? If he defines “loss of his virginity” after college because that is when he could actually find a woman to consent and he wasn’t a drunk mess, then by that definition, sure. Or he could be parsing his words like Bill Clinton did: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

    • Myrtle says:

      Kinda TMI and missing the point. (Even virgins can ATTEMPT rape. DUH.)

    • jay says:

      Did you see her shaking her head “no” as she said how strong their faith was? Body language is amazing.

  3. Beth says:

    Did he double check his old calendars to see if he lost his virginity in high school? I call BS

    • Esmom says:

      I actually believe he was a virgin. As someone pointed out on Twitter, his behavior was emotionally stunted and immature and while it seems he was into groping women and exposing himself he wasn’t necessarily sexually active in a conventional way.

      And now I’m going to shower. Ugh.

      • jessamine says:

        Yeah all of his behavior supports a terrified of/had major psychological issues with women narrative … like a budding in-cel who then used religious practice, conservative ideology, and a submissive wife as social cover.

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        Esmom, I just said the same before I saw your comment. Even today he comes across as stunted. I didn’t watch the Fox interview (just saw the promo) but apparently he interrupted his wife at least once. He seems to need complete control over women, thus the parading of young girls as props. But he is fine with abusive men in power such as his effusive compliments for drump’s choosing him as a SCOTUS nominee and his pal like behavior with the male senators. Although even with them he seems startled or a bit on guard.

      • OliviaC says:

        He has “incel” written all over him.
        He likely abused woman because no one wanted anything to do with him.
        Either way we are up to 4 accusers, bow out buddy before your girls learn how awfully you treat girls and woman.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Like Clarence Thomas, a sick, stunted, twisted human being.

        Hey, I looked him up – Wikipedia is bringing things up to date. His wife was George W Bush’s personal secretary.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Olivia C, they WILL learn… sooner rather than later. They have friends whose parents and older siblings talk. They have access to computers, and if not now, then surely later, as they get into their teen years, they will Google this, and see their father in all his despicable glory. And then Hell will really open for him (deservedly so!!).

      • Giddy says:

        I learn things here constantly. This time it’s “incel”. I had to look that up…sorry, I’m an Old. What a great term, incel = involuntary celibacy. I agree that it seems perfect for him.

    • boredblond says:

      Who the hell keeps calendars for 30 years? Is he a hoarder on top of drinking and gambling? The only talking point seems to be oh, this woman called people because she didn’t really remember…and no one else at party recalls..of course they don’t because it didn’t happen to them. There are reports that the geriatric repubs are hiring someone to question Dr. Ford..the most blatant disrespect imaginable. If true it will clearly show she’s the one with balls.

      • lucy2 says:

        And what teenager notes a party like an appointment in their calendar?

      • Jan90067 says:

        Especially one that says “drinking with friends”??? That is one that you don’t want parents finding out about! lol

        Someone (here??) posted something she/he saw in Twitter:

        Mom: Did you have a party here when Dad and I were out last night?

        Me: Nope

        Mom: Then why did I find a beer bottle in my bed?

        Me: Don’t know. Check my calendar; no party entry there.

        Mom: Ok, then. Carry on.

      • Maria says:

        @Jan LOL! A bottle in my bed. Love it!

  4. grabbyhands says:

    And yet, he will be confirmed.

    At this point, we need to believe that Mueller is as smart as we all hope he is and that he has contingency plans for contingency plans and that he has plotted for every possibility, including he and Rosenstein getting canned, which is going to to be inevitable once Kavanaugh is confirmed, if 45 even waits that long.

    The GOP and 45 are NOT going to let their big prize walk away, and I don’t know how much more obvious they can make it. It doesn’t matter if 10 more women or 100 come forward with accusations. It wouldn’t matter if there was videotape of him assaulting a woman. They’re going to confirm them because they figure once that happens, it will start a domino effect of them cementing permanent power, and they are willing to risk the mid-terms to see it through. Because honestly, once they’ve got the SC locked, what’s to stop them from deciding every election that doesn’t go their way was rigged and therefore doesn’t count? Nothing.

    • Darla says:

      I don’t agree that his confirmation is a done deal.

      And if witnesses are going to come forward and accuse him of gang rapes, he’s done.

    • Juls says:

      As usual Grabbyhands, you are spot on. They didn’t care that Trump had 19 accusers and they don’t care that this guy is just as disgusting. (I want to see massive investigations into Trump’s history of sexual abuse as well, BTW).
      They have already rigged elections to the max with gerrymandering, voter suppression, Russian interference, and they have already proven that the SC will give them any elections in question (see Bush v. Gore) that they didn’t win, so of course having this POS on the SC, a man that will owe them BIG time for getting him in and wiping out his debts, so the GOP can cling to power even though a majority of the population is against their agenda, is all that matters. Rich white dude fragility at its finest.

      • It’sJustBlanche says:

        My dumbass neighbor actually said “it doesn’t matter, it was so long ago” as we waited for our kids to get off the bus, so I said to her “so it wouldn’t matter if it was your daughter” and she shut right up.

        Unfortunately she’s also a client of mine but whatever.

    • jessamine says:

      Locking down the SC has always been the GOP grail but I slightly disagree that Kavanaugh will be the one to do it. With the SC finally in their grasp republicans are now facing a queasy political choice: ram through their odious nominee and and secure the court but face a female/independent voter backlash that will almost certainly cause them to lose the house and the senate. Does “the base” care if this guy gang-raped anyone? Absolutely not. But the base alone isn’t going to keep them in the majority. And the grossness of Kavanaugh is giving political cover to red-state dems and imperiled GOP-ers to vote against. Just depends on which strategy McConnell decides to go with.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Sorry but their female voting base is so clueless, you really think this is going to make a difference? They didn’t care about Donny Grabby-Hands, they’re not going to care now.

    • Lightpurple says:

      McConnell, Grassley, Hatch and Graham have made it perfectly clear that women exist to be groped, raped, and ignored..

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        My theory is they truly don’t think this is a big deal. They were raised a certain way, at a certain time, and are confounded by what they see as an unwarranted backlash. They think women are being, to borrow the term, uppity.

        The difference is that women learned they have a voice and know how to use it.

        Also, McConnell is Satan.

    • Lady2Lazy says:

      grabbyhands, I don’t agree with you. I know that there are 2 RepubliCANTS that are already looking to vote no, Flake and the rep for Maine. This was before these 3 additional women came forward. All I want is for this to drag until after the November elections so that we can secure congress. Furthermore, the initial set up for Dr. Ford to testify with Kavanaugh-not-happening was structured initially as they would BOTH be present during their testimony, which was a blatant move by the GOP to intimiate Dr. Ford. Not only that, I can’t believe that anyone would suggest such a set up. We need to cook his goose!

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Susan Collins has always made it clear that she intends to confirm Kavanaugh. She has ignored and insulted the people of Maine who have been begging her to uphold her supposedly pro-choice posturing. She has prevaricated to project the image of a “soft” Republican but she’s just as hard as the rest.

        Flake is looking to vote whichever way he thinks preserves his chance for running for higher office in the future.

      • Christin says:

        Believe it when we see it. There are always two to four who babble and then usually vote party lines. They talk it, but don’t walk it. Flake and Collins have both waffled over the SC vote.

      • Dara says:

        Flake, Collins and Ben Sasse are all on my sh*t list now. There really are no honorable Republicans left, just those that pretend to be in the hope we won’t notice what they do after the cameras are off.

    • FhMom says:

      Sadly, I agree with you. When the Access Hollywood tape came out, pundits were all over radio and tv saying that Trump would be forced to withdraw, and we know how that turned out.

  5. Indiana Joanna says:

    God, his fat gormless face with those tiny yellow teeth. Horrible.

    Buddy Mark Judge and Kavanaugh really were cruel women haters. I believe they still are. And the media has found right winger and coward Judge hiding out on the Delaware coast. I hope they drag him into this.

    When Fox sent out the interview preview of BK saying he was a virgin well into his adulthood (“for a very long time”) I couldn’t believe bit. First, that TMI nugget has nothing to do with sexual assault and second, my God who wants to know that about him? What were his handlers thinking? What was the point of appealing to the drump base? BK came across as nervous and as a liar.

    Bravo to the BK roommate. He came across as compassionate and completely credible. You could tell he doesn’t think much of good old boy Brett.

    • Esmom says:

      Brett’s face is almost more repulsive than Trump’s to me now. And just like we ended up with the worst possible person imaginable as POTUS, it seems we are doomed to the same on the SCOTUS. I’m glad his roommate stepped forward, I can imagine he was a disgusting handful to live with.

      And, yes, for Kavanaugh to think that revealing his alleged virginity somehow clears him of sexual assault shows serious ignorance and flaws in his, um, JUDGEMENT.

      Did anyone see how Yale Law School students held a protest yesterday? Pretty remarkable.

      • Cran says:

        Yes! Some professors cancelled class to accommodate the protest. I loved that the law professors wrote a letter decrying this faux confirmation process & the harm it’s done to the judiciary. Speaks volumes that his own school is calling BK to account.

        This man has no dignity. His actions suggest he has things to hide. His wife looked uncomfortable. She was asked ONE question directly & she looked at him first and then he answered for her. STEPFORD WIFE. The smart interview would have focussed on her & the effect on her family. She wasted her opportunity to showcase her life partner & as the mother of his children to express her knowledge of his character. Rather she sat there like a meek potted plant.

      • Christin says:

        The prep school should also be in damage control mode. What kind of school allows students to submit and publish utter nonsense in their yearbook’s senior bio?

        His yearbook entries show immaturity and lack of judgment. And that’s only one tiny slice of his crappy pie of problems.

    • FhMom says:

      I didn’t need to know he was a virgin, either, but that info makes the women’s claims more believable. Only an idiot would equate virginity with someone incapable of sexual assault or rape. Add in a drinking problem and he comes off as a total creep.

    • jay says:

      Brett “Baby Teeth” Kavanaugh

  6. Maya says:

    I actually have a tiny hope that he doesn’t get confirmed due to insufficient votes (all democrats and few republicans vote no).

    Come on women, this is our time..

  7. LadyLaw says:

    He is def not going to withdraw his nomination. He has been angling to be on SCOTUS his whole professional life. No way he quits now. The White House also isn’t going to withdraw him. It’s basically a win win for the republicans. Either he gets confirmed like they had hoped or they use the fact that he didn’t get confirmed to fire up their base.

  8. Lama Bean says:

    That interview was SO weird and unconvincing. It was also (along with these obnoxious Judicial Watch commercials) inappropriate for a SCOTUS nom.

    One more thing to add: the woman who appeared in the JW ad Ivouching for Kavanaugh has asked to have her name removed from a statement disputing Ramirez’s accusation.

  9. ByTheSea says:

    This is the Trump agenda – to empower more women-hating white men. People say this will enrage his base and drive them to vote; well, this should enrage the Dems (and any decent people) and fire them up to vote against the Trump agenda. Why does it only work one way?

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Trump was a known serial sexual predator when he ran for office and people – men and women – voted for him anyway. Some perhaps because of it. I don’t know if this will add any more votes for the Republicans; those who were in for a Trump penny will stay in for a Kavanaugh pound.

      • The thing is, trump got into politics by using his branding and built in fan base. KavaNope doesn’t have that base of radical fanboys, very few in politics do. The base of deplorables only really care about trump. We’ve seen already that he can’t bestow his voters onto others. Most people trump has backed have lost. I guess I’m just not ready to give up yet. If we can get a blue wave maybe trump, and KavaNope will be out! 🤞🏼🌊

  10. Juls says:

    Blinky McBlinkerson is lying. Watch the video, he blinks like CRAZY when he is lying. As for the Virgin thing, it may be true, he doesn’t blink with abandon during that part. So, he’s an Incel. And he keeps repeating how this country is based on “fairness.” I wonder what the teen immigrant that he tried to deny an abortion says about that. And his wife, hiding behind her faith and talking about how “hard” this is for her. She has no regard how difficult this is for his victims, so I have ZERO sympathy for her. She only cares about status. I only feel for for their daughters because of the mysoginistic crap that they are being forced to internalize.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      His wife was GW Bush’s personal secretary. She definitely wants to stay with the program.

      Oh hey, a secretary. Maybe she’s the one who came up with the calendar thing.

    • Erinn says:

      It’d probably be a lot less difficult for the moronic wife to not put her face out there on tv. I had no idea who she was until I saw the photos above. So congrats lady, you’re making your life harder by allowing your gropey husband to trot you out for a show.

      • Trashaddict says:

        They were SO groomed for this interview. He NEVER diverts his eyes, most definitely knows that looking sideways is a tell for lying. His wife has her legs crossed “just so” wifey style 1950s. Excuse me. I have to go punch something right now.

  11. Jen says:

    He states in this interview that the legal drinking age was 18? A quick google search says maryland legal drinking age was 21 in 1983 and beyond.

  12. DP says:

    Does he believe his own story? I think he sounds convincing. Which is scary. A typical entitled d-bag who has convinced himself he did nothing wrong or who is in denial or who really doesn’t remember?
    I believe his accusers. They have no reason too lie and put themselves through this except for the truth!

    • Lightpurple says:

      Yes, he does. He believes he had a right to those girls and did nothing wrong. How dare they not accept his advances or see his behavior as anything but “good fun”?

  13. Anastasia says:

    I can’t even look at his face. This morning, NPR had a woman on who is a “Republican strategist” and a long time friend of his. When I heard that, I changed the station. I don’t need to hear from any woman who has so deeply internalized the world’s misogyny.

    He won’t withdraw, and there will be a vote, I just hope against hope he isn’t confirmed.

    Didn’t he also perjure himself on the first or second day of hearings last week? Whatever happened to that???

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      I listened to the interview and the reporter quickly followed up every one of her false claims with the facts. The BK female friend sounded like a lot of men. Oh well it’s so long ago and not true. But like you, at first I was ready to turn off the radio.

      • Trashaddict says:

        I was pretty impressed. The reporter maintained her professionalism while calling out every inconsistency hi supporter came up with. These jokers hope we will forget logic.

  14. Christin says:

    As he digs into his hope chest to pull out 1980s calendars and diaries, I guess our nominee doesn’t want to discuss whether he has any ongoing vices (say, alcohol and gambling?). Or suddenly being able to payoff large debt(s)?

  15. Mego says:

    As he was accused of sticking his penis in a woman’s face, it seems immaterial that said penis never made it into a vagina.

    • Incredulous says:

      I’m pretty sure he’s using the no penis in vagina = virgin equivocation. It’s a popular one, especially for the Jeeezuz brigade.

      And sex predators. I mean, you all saw her, she had a FACE!

  16. Who ARE These People? says:

    Does he not realize how pathetic he makes himself sound? Even accepting his pristine account, no one wanted to sleep with him. Nobody wanted him. He knew it, and took out his anger on women instead. Incel indeed. He’s pathetic, and apart from his sexual perversion, he has issues pertaining to stolen emails, missing debts, overuse of alcohol and just plain lying to Congress. What is there to support this nomination other than the patriarchy and white supremacy?

  17. isadora says:

    The Fox interview was also done by a reporter who defended Roger Ailes when sexual harassments started to resurface against him. So that interview was basically useless pro BK BS.

    Have you seen the interview on CNN where they ask GOP voting women if BK should still be accepted as SCOTUS? The mental gymnastics these women displayed where they simply excused his behaviour are all the talking points their male white counterparts trot out shows you how well groomed they are. Rape was never an okay thing…not in high school, not when you’re an adult.
    It’s just that it was tolerated for so long that it became normal.

    No women should stand for this. These stepford wives are not going to help being the solution to this problem. They are a big part of that problem. They don’t care and that’s about as honest as they can get. They already put it bluntly that facts and truth don’t matter. A victim has to go through shit again to get acknowledged. Is it any wonder that no woman wants to come forward to report what happened. Because it doesn’t matter.

    So when the time comes VOTE. These shitheads will only get the message if they’re decimated or voted out.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Also, didn’t it come out that all of those women were GOP operatives and campaign workers, so not your average woman on the street Republicans

  18. Maria says:

    God, that interview! It made me cringe. He kept repeating that he didn’t do anything in high school, yet the second woman alleges it happened at Yale. Hmmm…

  19. Lizzie says:

    Being a college year virgin when your entire social status revolves around being a macho bro who slays p*ssy and guzzles beer is even more evidence that he felt entitled to take what he wasn’t being voluntarily given. In the words of the Republican Party – lock him up

  20. Layla Beans says:

    My money says this d-bro lost his virginity to a paid pro. My guess is there are many in his background.

  21. Lila says:

    First off, ewwww. We did not need to hear about his (possible but not probable) virginity. Second, virginity does not preclude groping or other forms of sexual assault.

  22. Crowhood says:


    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Hahaha – that made me laugh but yeah he’s a wet sandwich that has serious issues with women. He hates women and this will only make him hate us more, which means if he is confirmed he will do his utmost to get back at us and put us ‘in our place’. He has a Commander vibe about him. And as another poster upthread said, he’s probably paid for it like his Orange Master.

      PS. Avenatti has made his twitter account private. Wonder what is going down with that?

      • Christin says:

        He did that within the last hour or so. An article posted to Heavy claims it is due to heavier than usual bot/troll activity on his account today.

      • He tweeted this this morning, I follow him.

        “I was just forced to make my account private because the bots and Trump trolls are out in full force due to my representation re Kavanaugh. I will change this back as soon as I am able.“

  23. Ali says:

    His claiming he couldn’t be an assailant because he’s a virgin is just the flip side to these women can’t be victims if they aren’t virgins and setting it up to be asked of them.

  24. DebraSam says:

    WaPo reports: “Trump attacks second Kavanaugh accuser saying she ‘has nothing'”.

    This is the POTUS. I can’t believe we are living in this nightmare.

  25. Crassino Royale says:

    Ugh, disgusting creep. We all know a few Breads (see what I did there, because, dough?) and we steered cleared of them in social outings…one never knew what he and his band of a-voids were up to, which one of us they’d target for the evening shenanigans. Take him and his mushy ass to the gallows!

  26. Sansa says:

    I’m gonna snap if this guy gets confirmed but Al Franken had to resign his senate seat when his touching a women’s breast was considered so horrible.

  27. JANAK says:

    Well his Yale roommate says he told him otherwise…so he’s either a liar or the kind of guy who could only get it up if he was drunk, trying to put on a show for his “bros”. The GOP needs to cut bait with this loser.

  28. virginfangirl says:

    Maybe being a virgin made him all the more predatory. I don’t get the defense. Like a virgin can’t be a perv.

  29. Raina says:

    You can still be a virgin and shove dycks in people’s faces.
    Just like you can be an appointed judge during the Trump era.
    I’ve heard of plenty of “virgins” who are trench coat types. You are still a deviant and menace. I wish you could wear a symbol on your chest for every time you attempt to assault a woman or accomplish it. That may be harsh but usually these kind of people are repeat offenders. Or, at the very least, Trump appointees.
    Real time; I, as and Incredibly stupid 22 year old, drink too much after my bday and thought I could drive around the corner safely and got stopped because, ironically, I waited too long at a stop sign trying to read the street sign. An officer found it suspicious and decided to question me. I was one sliver over the limit, had 3 glasses of wine. The amount you can drink had changed to .08 and I was just over. It was a dumb decision and it will follow me for the rest of my life. I regret it deeply and to this day.
    And it’s on me. I take absolute responsibility. It’s my fault.

    But these offenders can get away with murder and nothing will ever follow them and that kills me. Sometimes the punishment does not always equal the crime, though. The main difference is so many of these women are afraid to speak out and I can understand why.
    It’s heartbreaking.

  30. holly hobby says:

    Hahahah ok. So he didn’t do anything until he married at 39. Sure BK sure. Someone did screen shots of the Faux interview and a lot of them the wife was giving him the side eye.

    You know he is the first judicial nominee that ever did the press run. I’ve never seen this happen before. I did not watch the interview but I’ve read people saying he perjured himself there too and was all sorts of awkward.

    If he doesn’t withdraw then he must have really thick skin. For the sake of the women in your life, withdraw and end it now, BK.

    • Trashaddict says:

      He doesn’t have thick skin. He just has no genuine feelings. That’s what’s most disturbing about all of these guys. Their souls are basically dead.

  31. Maria says:

    I mean, really, who keeps calendars of their daily activities for 36 years?

  32. Trashaddict says:

    Dear Brett: if what you’re saying is true, you ought to be suing the pants off of your accusers (sorry that was a really bad and completely unintended pun). Go ahead. Nail them for libel. Don’t you want to protect your good name? Go after Avenatti. I double-dare ya!

  33. Q T Hush says:

    Oh my like BK isn’t embarrassed enough by his current situation, but then he adds the virgin factor? If he was a frustrated virgin in HS I believe sexual assault behavior was in his life. The pressure is strong among the mealy mouthed, upper crust, future frat boy hazers wannabes to rid themselves of this evangelical “virtue “known as virginity. Yikes shut up Brett and let stepford wife speak. The less said the better about you. You’re already highly unlikeable to many , myself included. Go Dr Ford👍👏🏼

  34. Raina says:

    Would’ve been nice if his parents remained virgins.