Prince Harry & Meghan did their first Nigerian event, a stop at the Lightway Academy

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Here are the first photos from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s three-day Nigeria trip. Prince Harry flew out of England yesterday and he likely arrived in Nigeria last night. I have no idea when Meghan arrived, but it was probably around the same time. They stepped out this morning in Abuja, visiting the Lightway Academy and highlighting the work of the GEANCO Foundation. Meghan wore a peach-colored maxi dress which… I mean, at least it’s not sad beige, but it’s definitely in the sad beige family. She looks beautiful though.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are kicking off their first outing in Nigeria with a special school visit. On Friday, May 10, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the Lightway Academy with the GEANCO Foundation in Abuja after touching down in African country earlier in the day.

Meghan, 42, and Harry, 39, were pictured arriving at the school, where they were greeted with hugs, local music and a dance performance. Meghan wore a peach-colored maxi dress, while Harry sported a matching beige shirt and pants. The couple were also presented with traditional necklaces.

Located in the heart of Nigeria’s capital city, Lightway Academy is a co-educational day school offering nursery, early years, primary, and secondary education. Last year, the couple’s Archewell Foundation announced the donation of school supplies and menstrual products to young women in Nigeria in partnership with the GEANCO Foundation, which provides critical health care and education services in Nigeria.

The foundation’s David Oyelowo Leadership Scholarship provides full tuition, medical care, and social and emotional support to young female victims of terrorism and gender inequality in Nigeria. The Archewell Foundation’s support also provides menstrual health education for 2,500 girls throughout where GEANCO serves, supporting the well-being of young women in school.

Meghan and Harry’s visit to Nigeria marks their first official international tour since stepping back from their royal roles in 2020. The couple were invited to Nigeria by its Chief of Defense Staff, the highest-ranking military official.

[From People]

That’s really cool that they’re not only highlighting these NGOs, but they’re also highlighting their own involvement in Nigeria through Archewell. They have a really busy schedule in Nigeria, with tons of public appearances over the next three days. They really are doing it like a royal tour too. Oh, Salt Island is going to be BIG MAD. My prediction for one of the big talking points: how dare Meghan step out, looking so healthy and beautiful, while Kate is missing?

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145 Responses to “Prince Harry & Meghan did their first Nigerian event, a stop at the Lightway Academy”

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  1. goofpuff says:

    They both look amazing and yep the Windsors and Rota will be bigly mad!

    • Josephine says:

      Yup. And the insults will include how dare she flaunt her good health and good looks, and how dare she meet with kids when she knows that kkkhate is the “expert” on kids. and willie boy “owns” Africa with his racist self, so how dare they show respect and good will to one of willie’s territories.

      • Emme says:

        @Josephine, yep, yep, yep! The school offers nursery, EARLY YEARS, primary and secondary education…..uh-oh… foot stomping, hysterical British press kicking off in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…….

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      The both look amazing, which is a miracle after such a long flight. Love everything about their clothes, too. Excellent.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Dying! I want their elixir! I’ve flown a four hour flight without having a cocktail (which is huge, nervous flier). Drank water and remained calm as best as I could. Still managed to look like a sweaty hobgoblin of sorts for 24 hours in my mind. Thankfully, DH managed to say the appropriate words, “You look great. Nothing like a sweaty hobgoblin.”. He’s also very good at steering things forward. Bless him in a good way.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Here’s a BBC vid clip of Harry and Meg speaking and you can get a good look at the back of her dress. Heads will not only explode, but completely disintegrate. The amount of spittle that must be flying… !! 😄 😄 😄

      • equality says:

        I like that she says she married him because he’s so smart. That will irritate the BM who want to act like he’s not bright.

      • aftershocks says:

        The video clip doesn’t open for me, but I read the article. H&M have a sweet and genuine way of sharing anecdotes that connect their lives to others in engaging, human ways. Lovely words from Meghan about Lili’s open innocent comment to her. Maybe Lili meant that she sees herself literally reflected in her mother’s eyes, whereas Meghan connects her daughter’s words to a more symbolic, female, universal way of seeing.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        That video is all the good things. Love, warmth, honesty, support and did I mention LOVE. Thank you for sharing.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      They look amazing. So free and happy. So connected to each other and the people around them. And actually engaged and caring about the organizations they visit and support. True ROYAL superstars.

      The Leftover Royals could never, but I look forward to their comical attempts to try to get themselves back in the headlines and front covers.

      • MissF says:

        The pair of them have more dignity genuine compassion and presence than any creature than is proffered from Salt Island.

      • Giddy says:

        I can’t help but compare their genuine interest with that picture of Kate waving at children through a chain link fence, and Sophie and Edward bringing a portrait of themselves as a gift.

    • Bravo to everything they’re doing.

      My dream next stop for them is a weekend at Althrop with Uncle Charles Spencer and the clan. It would be beyond wonderful.

    • goofpuff says:

      I went to TVC News Nigeria to watch the videos and coverage of the events and omg the comment section is full of derangers (aka Windsor supporters) insulting both Harry/Meghan and Nigerians.

      Derangers are letting their racist flag fly loud and proud. Talking about her skin color, talking about Nigeria like its a colony, insulting Nigerians intelligence and dignity. its pretty awful.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        Well, it only stopped being a colony 64 years ago. These people are still sucking on saladitos about the US leaving their control.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        I was going to say, they’re still upset the U.S. colonies left over 250 years ago, so 64 years is nothing.

  2. Nubia says:

    Meghan actually flew into Heathrow and reunited with Harry in the Windsor Suite which is quite funny that she doesnt mind going into UK but she will stay in the

    • SarahLee says:

      I understand why she didn’t want to, but with the reception Harry got yesterday in London and the huge crowd for that little walkabout he did, I just found myself wishing that Meghan would have surprised everyone and hopped out of that car and walked up the steps with Harry. I think they would both have been well-received. The other thing that jumped out at me from this article was the school and the reference to “early years.” I realize that’s just a period of time, but that language. Oof……LOL!

      • aftershocks says:

        No. The U.K. does not deserve Meghan’s presence, nor ever her forgiveness for the misery that was unleashed on her. I know that there are Britishers who respect Meghan, but too many do not, especially the BM clowns.

        A few low-key, unannounced airport stopovers to meet with Harry for Invictus-related travel is all the U.K. is likely to get from Meghan for years to come. We all know why. It’s too late to bemoan and lament how poorly Meghan was treated in the U.K. She was always the same wonderful person who some tabloid readers failed to find out the truth about from the beginning, rather than believing tabloid lies!

      • Princessk says:

        I was hoping that Meghan would attend the thanksgiving because the crowd would have given her a rapturous welcome. But the attention by the press on her presence would have taken attention away from Invictus.

    • Agnes says:


    • SussexWatcher says:

      Okay, that is what I wished for last week and it came true! I love that she actually just waited in the airport lounge. The Windsor lounge 🤣

  3. JanetDR says:

    Really looking forward to seeing all of the events! But Kaiser, I can wait until at least Sunday 😄

  4. Lala11_7 says:

    On #YouTube there is BEAUCOUP media coverage on them 👑 ✨️👑 & salty folks…ARE LOSING THEIR MINDS😱…talking about it’s a SHAME Meghan is using Nigeria for publicity…disputing her DNA…it’s equal parts #Sad & #GLORIOUS!

    • Linda says:

      I live in Nigeria and the reaction from some people online has been hilarious. From those screeching that her dress is inappropriate to those claiming that she shouldn’t be called a duchess. I had to school several that we Nigerians have no problem with her attire and are happy to have them in our country.

  5. Look at the happiness these two exude. I’m glad they have a full schedule and your right salt isle will be having a right royal fit. I hope it goes really well like it usually does with this dynamic duo.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    William in 3,2,1…🤯

    • Agnes says:

      Did you see where Bill went to a public beach already full of people yesterday so they could get some pix of him in crowds? Lmao

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        That picture of him leering over three teenage girls on surfboards was unfortunate! He had that gurn that we used to see on Kate, clenched teeth, fake desperate attempt at a smile, a lot of weird energy.

      • Agnes says:

        And all the schoolkids cringing away from him like he was John Wayne Gacy in a clown suit. He’s a scary MESS.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Do you think he will release another frankenphoto? He’s already been on a bot buying spree, so you know he will be running to the rota incandescent with rage about well everything 🤨. Let them all keep ranting to the rota, they are looking psychotic and it’s not going unnoticed.

      • Julianna says:

        @Hypocrisy. The BOTS are out in FULL FORCE on Twitter. Bots and even paid sycophant accounts are on the rise. I screenshot the BOT comments under the Twitter posts of him. Some of the comments are vomit inducing.

  7. Nanea says:

    So great of them to touch base with the charities and organisations they support. Hopefully that leads to more funds.

    And Misan is with them, he’s behind Meghan’s right shoulder (our left) with the camera.

  8. Jais says:

    Meghan is glowing. As she does. The peach is a lovely color. The dress is in her wheelhouse😂. The exposed back is sweet. Mostly I love love the gold earrings. I have a pair of big circle gold earrings that my 4 year old nephew got me at the thrift store and I get complimented on them all the time and friends borrow. My nephew knows I love earrings and it’s his thing to pick out earrings for me at the thrift store. And yes I melt for that kid. Lastly, her hair. So sweet.

    • SarahCS says:

      What an absolutely delightful story! I’m grinning into my post-lunch mug of tea. Thank you.

      • Jais says:

        Your welcome😊. Always thought I wasn’t a kid person but being an aunt has been one of the biggest joys of my life. And not just bc of the earrings😉

    • Becks1 says:

      Aw, that’s so sweet of your nephew!

      I love love love everything about this look for her – the hair, the dress, how her face is glowing – she is so happy and in her element. It’s so nice to see. I didn’t really know who she was at all until she met Harry, so most of my early knowledge of her was based on her time in the royal family. So while I knew things were bad, the smear campaign, all of that – its not until I look at these pictures of her from years later where I realize how much the unhappiness and stress was taking its toll on her, if that makes sense. You look back at pictures of her from her time as a working royal and you can sense the stress and tension, especially at events like Trooping.

      • Jais says:

        I think that’s what makes seeing Meghan so exciting. Watching her go through that smear campaign was really dark and so seeing her now out and living and glowing is just a really good thing.

  9. Agnes says:

    Compare this “garden party” to the one Chuckles recently threw. Which one looks like more fun??? 🙂 🙂 🙂 Wow, Meghan looks Ab FAB! Those (gift?) beads really work with that dress.

  10. Maxine Branch says:

    What I always notice about Harry and Meghan is the degree of comfort they share with each other. They always look so relaxed in each other’s company. They seem like such a natural fit for each other. Have loved seeing all of the pictures posted on X. The back of Meghan’s dress is stunning.

    • Jaded says:

      Compare that to the two stick figures who radiate nothing but disinterest at best and utter contempt at worst.

  11. Barrett says:

    They have palpable chemistry. I dont care for the peach or when she wears beige. But it is a testament that like Jolie she can throw on anything (sac!) and look gorgeous. I hope she wears white or some color over next few days , as well.

  12. PC says:

    Looks like Kola Sulaimon got this plum assignment for Getty. This person is about to make a fortune! Good for them! This international photo shoot should go to a local. Rightly so!

  13. EasternViolet says:

    Meghan may be in sad-beige adjacent territory, but at least she is not dressing like the Nigerian flag 😀

    • MrsCope says:


    • Agnes says:

      Good catch!

    • Christine says:


    • Becks1 says:

      But how will people know what country she’s in if she’s not dressing like the flag!?!?!?!

    • EasternViolet says:

      I just saw a Nigerian news agency video of Harry at receiving a military honour guard. 1st thing… the troop leader addressed him as your Royal Highness and secondly, Meghan is in white, and Harry is in a green suit. they are serving it TOGETHER. Brilliant.

      • Jais says:

        They are dressed like a flag😂. But they created the flag colors together and I’m sorry but I am laughing. They are funny.

    • Princessk says:

      Harry and Meghan did dress like the Nigerian flag but they did it in style!

  14. Lolo86lf says:

    Meghan and Harry look fit, healthy, happy and in love. Exiting Isla de Saltines was and is proving to be the right move for them. Who needs to be in a place where you are treated like second class citizens?

  15. Josephine says:

    in the first pic you can see that the people who are at the event are smiling and relaxed. it’s such a stark contrast to events the lazy ones do, when people look scared, angry, irritated or bored.

  16. Normades says:

    Just a glaring reminder of what the BRF lost. They are just so good at this and would have been an amazing asset and ambassador. But no, they threw Megan to the sharks and it’s now their loss.

    • aftershocks says:

      Ah, but it was well known just how good Harry & Meghan are at engaging with people and rocking royal tours. Every royal tour they went on starting with the glorious South Pacific tour, has showed off their charm and great ability as soft diplomacy ambassadors. They didn’t need to become, they both already were incredible assets to the monarchy, but that made the inept left-behinds exceedingly jealous. Sadly, H&M’s star quality and rockstar success on tours was why the smear campaign was ratcheted up in earnest with the approval, aiding and abetting of the KP contingent and other palace insiders.

      A shame indeed, but it was done intentionally to tear Meghan down, and with the failed hope of breaking up H&M. Ha ha! Their bond and love for each other only grew stronger through adversity. Nothing outside H&M can come between them.

      • lanne says:

        This is why I do not accept the family as a Firm or an institution. A Firm would leverage its talent for the benefit of the organization. The royal family is a dysfunctional family where petty jealous rules over all. If they won’t act in the best interest of the institution, they don’t deserve to be called one. They want longevity and continuity, but they don’t think they have to do anything to earn it–they believe they are entitled to it. So, the Firm is a misonomer. They are a small town dictatorship–all pettiness and no teeth.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Yes @Lanne. The word and concept of a ‘family firm’ was coined by QE-II’s father, George VI (Bertie). He was specifically relating it to his neat and satisfying, yet simplistic ‘us four’ love for his wife and daughters, coupled with his narrow, confined, faux duty-bound, courtier-managed view of the gilded cage. 😳 It was a different holdover, in-between era (i.e., from Victorian colonialism to post World Wars realities of a slowly declining Britain that still held snobby prestige and respect in the world, but the monetary power and material clout of ‘Empire’ was fast waning). In that period, biased simplistic attitudes and notions of the world and of Great Britain’s and its monarchy’s supposed superior place in it were the norm.

        It wasn’t truly an innocent time, but just a period disconnected from truth and the bare bones of harsh realities. Fantasies and facile narratives abounded, particularly in movies and in the way that world news was disseminated. Regular people were not globally connected in the way we now are via social media technology. The news was disseminated by those with status quo world views who owned the newspapers, airwaves, broadcast networks, and movie studios, etc. The current royal firm still has its whole behind stuck in those old ways of thinking, having learned nothing from the toxic excesses of the OTT media-driven Diana era.

      • aftershocks says:

        You are right @Lanne that ‘petty dictatorship’ more accurately defines what the royal firm is, and actually has been all along, despite the kinder, gentler veneer of past, manufactured nostalgic images of the BRF.

      • Jaded says:

        The BaRF couldn’t stand having Meghan and Harry outshine them. I can hear their private tut-tutting in my head…”The gall of *that* woman, an interloper of mixed race, an *actress* and a divorcee, how common!”

  17. Eurydice says:

    I love how H&M always look comfortable at every event they attend. They’re dressed to connect, not stand out.

  18. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    *trots off to do my shoulder/arm workout *🥰

    • Lolo86lf says:

      H&M look like they are dieting to me. They look leaner than usual don’t they? I wish I knew what kind of diet they are on.

      • Jais says:

        It’s called the hot sex diet😂

      • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

        I think just being away from all the stress they were under has done wonders for them both and has made them healthier, plus working out is great for one’s mental/physical health.

      • goofpuff says:

        I’m sure it’s the same food that Meghan showcased on the Tig. Her style always seemed very Cali (light) yet flavorful.

        Harry made a comment once in one of the early interviews before it went to crap with the Rota about how much better he eats now that he’s with Meghan and credits her for his much healthier body and lifestyle.

  19. seaflower says:

    They both look so relaxed and happy. Love that Misan and James Holt are both there.

    • Jais says:

      Yes, they’ve built a good team of supportive people and friends. Also love seeing Chris Sanchez. He was really funny when Harry did the walkabout at St. Paul’s. He was protective but also kind of smiling.

  20. TheOriginalMia says:

    I bet the ID on the dress is a Nigerian designer. She looks fit and comfortable. I’m glad she & Harry were able to fly in together from the UK. Now this is a slap to the face. She flew in to Heathrow. Never stepped foot out of the airport, preferring the comfort & safety of the Windsor suite to the toxicity of the British press & BRF. Ha!

    • Eurydice says:

      The designer is Heidi Merrick, the same one that did the white dress Meghan wore to the polo match in Florida.

      • Chaine says:

        Hmmm. I loved what she wore to that polo event, but I’m not a fan of the peach dress, the color or the shape. The back is interesting, but from the front just hangs on her and somehow looks baggy and lumpy at the same time. Very Angelina Jolie!

      • Jais says:

        Agree @chaine. The shape of the dress is very Angelina Jolie vibes. When I saw her move in the dress, there was a really lovely flow to the skirt. Especially when she was dancing with those kindergartners. The back details are very cool. And yeah still pictures from the front are “sack-like.” But that’s clearly her style jam. It’s choosing comfort over a slim silhouette.

  21. aimee says:

    they both look tan and happy. good for them. i hope meghan wears lots of bright colors on this trip. she looks nice in neutrals (not sad beige tho) but them jewel tones were so beautiful on her and nigeria is so lush and gorgeous, i hope she brings the colors.

  22. Julianna says:

    The dress is the sad beige territory but she does look so beautiful. The necklace looks great with the dress. And they look so good together. He hair is so beautiful. And she is glowing. So happy for them. I know Billy is literally losing it right now.

  23. Amy T says:

    I never get tired of seeing these two in action. They’re a case study in how to live your best life no matter who or what might be standing in your way.

  24. sparrow says:

    On a really shallow note – I hate peach on anyone, and also that jersey type fabric, which is heavy and clingy.

    On the more relevant note – don’t they look committed to what they’re doing; they are so engaged and joyful.

  25. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    So a question.
    I am the very last person to talk about fashion (tshirts, leggings and flip flops) but can someone tell me the material of the dress? Could it be she chose it to stay cool? I think the peach color looks amazing on her. As Eurydice said above, she dresses to connect, not to stand out.

    Stay salty BM/RF

    Where’s Kate?

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      I love the dress, can’t tell what fabric it is but it looks in the combo linen department. Maybe linens and a light organic cotton to keep cool.

      Isn’t it interesting how peoples taste differ so much? I love this look on her, it doesn’t scream gorgeous sun drenched star like the other one did but it’s perfect for an event meant to center the kids.

  26. equality says:

    The dress is apparently by Heidi Merrick. She is known to be committed to “sustainable and ethical practices in the fashion industry”. The color is “peach fuzz”. I like that it is ethical and sustainable and like the color.

  27. Ameerah M says:

    They flew in together. They are some blurry pap photos of them getting off the plane in Nigeria together. Apparently Meghan met him at the Heathrow Royal lounge! Which means she was in the UK – for all of five seconds lol.

    • anotherlily says:

      She waited for Harry in the Windsor Suite at Heathrow. Despite the name it isn’t just for royals. Anyone, with enough money, can use the Windsor Suite.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Given the security situation in the UK the airport – especially the VIP “lounge for private flyers” – is probably the safest place!

  28. Harper says:

    Love seeing the ROYALS on their Nigerian tour! The Duke and Duchess look fabulous and the good people of Nigeria must be over the moon that they are there.

    • one of the marys says:

      I think this will be the basis of the screeching from the tabloids, they shouldn’t be imitating a royal tour, they stepped back from that role, don’t call it a tour, why are they ‘touring’, who do they think they are, poor William and Charles being ignored while these two look like they don’t have a care, why are they being feted, greeted, wined and dined like royals etc etc

  29. Mel says:

    The lunacy is taking hold. Someone on Threads is reporting that the family is going to switch to the “Swedish”model so they can strip Harry of his titles. Another one is carrying on about the ‘tasteless” dress Meghan wore last night. Their melt down is spectacular.

    • MsIam says:

      The Complain-A-Lots can go have a seat and cry in the corner. File this story under “Mike Tindall will take over Invictus”.

    • They can go right ahead and push that through, and then deal with the consequences of letting a child sex trafficked rapist keep his titles.

      We love that for them. Unintended consequences and all. One domino goes in in their “divine blood” argument and it all falls to pieces.

    • Nanea says:

      When will those deranged and delulu blockheads manage to figure out that it takes an act of Parliament to strip anyone of their titles?

      It’s not like this is somehow new, this has been law since 1917. Harry would keep his Prince title, making Meghan Princess Henry, resulting in her being called Princess Meghan, because who cares about English peculiarities?

      If that’s what they want…

    • Jais says:

      Honestly, they really are mad. And it has been their usual pattern to find some way to exact revenge. And what’s left to mess with? The titles I guess. So no more duke and duchess, just prince and princess Henry of wales. Okay then.

    • anotherlily says:

      The Swedish model allows the King to remove HRH status but not the princely titles. In the UK the practice is to ‘ ask’ those royals with no official duties to not use HRH, at least not in commercial activities. Prince and Princess Michael of Kent have ignored this and used HRH in their business ventures.

      • Magdalena says:

        Oh no. Prince and Princess Michael of Kent have not ignored a thing. This “rule” about not using HRH in commercial activities was dreamt up only to “punish” H and M and to this day, only applies to them. Beatrice and Eugenie are HRH Princess in their commercial activities and no-one bats an eyelid. Andrew was HRH The Prince while using BUCKINGHAM PALACE to conduct private business and no one said a damn thing. It was never a thing until the palaces decided that if H and M could not use their HRH then they would be less attractive in the eyes of the world and thus fail spectacularly and go crawling back to the Windsors. That was the only reason this “practice” came about.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Right? The moving of the goal posts and “protocol” have become a 40 yard (or less) sprint when it comes to a Prince that married a WOC in the BRF.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Of course they have “the Swedish model” wrong. Carl Gustaf’s actual younger children are still HRH (as is the spouse who accepted a title). Their children are no longer HRH but do keep the titles of Prince/Princess and their royal duchies and are still in the line of succession. Their parents recognize that their kids aren’t going to be working royals unlike the Crown Princess’ kids.

      The Danish situation with the younger son was a lot messier in re the grandchildren, but again, Joachim and Marie are still Royal Highnesses with a princely title.

    • MissF says:

      Oh FFS, the dress has a high neckline, isn’t sprayed on, and is of an appropriate fabric that is neither sheer nor too lightweight. At least she wont be flashing her legs and bum like Waity!

      • equality says:

        Really. This one is appropriate for sitting on the floor and not flashing anything.

  30. B says:

    They look amazing and this visit is a reminder that Archewell is doing great things.

    It also occurred to me that technically Harry started his “tour” in London. He doesn’t live there and stacked events there just like he’s doing in Nigeria. LOL the UK probably isn’t ready to receive that yet.

    • lanne says:

      Hah! I’ll start the brief for the Archwell comms page: “The Sussex tour began with a brief stop by Harry in London to commemorate the Invictus Games, meet with NATA officials, and make a visit to a charity supporting the children of wounded veterans. His wife Meghan joined him at Heathrow airport and they continued on to Nigeria, where they landed first in the capital Abuja for a series of joyful visits to key institutions.”

      I’ll write the first sentence for the Court Circular: “His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales deigned to shine his most noble presence on the the most humble peasants of Cornwall. He went to the beach and kicked a ball. Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales remains in her undisclosed location, where she may remain until her condition warrants her able to be present, and her recovery allows her presence to be noted. She will then appear at a later time when her recovery allows her to be present, and her presence allowed to present itself. The weather continues charming.”

      • Iolanthe says:

        I had a feeling they travelled nice that Meghan didn’t step out of Heathrow . They look wonderful in Nigeria , sort of lit up from within . The left behind royals might just spontaneously combust , especially invisible Kate . No chance to cosplay this look

      • Giddy says:

        @lanne, your commentary is perfect. I especially like “the weather continues charming”:😂

  31. MsIam says:

    I’m glad they made it to Nigeria safely and I hope they have a wonderful time. I’m also glad they will get to meet the young ladies they assisted through the Archewell donation.

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    Look at her perfect posture, even when she’s sitting on the floor!! H&M just radiate kindness.

  33. Amy Bee says:

    Even before this visit, there were some in the British press saying that William and Kate should be ones visiting Nigeria. Meghan and Harry look very good.

  34. Square2 says:

    Technically speaking, one is not on British soils until one goes through the airport customs. So (I deducted) Meghan has not visited UK since QE2 funeral.

    She really put some thoughts into her appearance (besides choosing the designes): Hair tied back ( but not severely) so it wouldn’t flopping in the wind & covered her face; a long maxi dress so she could sit on the floor without showing any body parts improperly; plain color clothes to show off the vibrant color of Nigeria & the gifts from their hosts.

    It’s always lovely to see these two out & about. Put smiles on my face.

  35. L4Frimaire says:

    I was up at 4:30 this morning checking out all the pics and videos. They look great! I read the Meghan met Harry at Heathrow and they flew out together, lol. Love the school visit. That little dance they did with the toddlers was so cute, and the trip is starting off great. Constantly refreshing my feed. They have a jam-packed (😉)schedule. How do they do it all? They have such vast interests and love how they are focused on what they care about and want to see and effect change close-up. Not only through Invictus but through projects Archewell is supporting as well. I don’t know why I thought this would be a lowkey visit because Nigeria is pulling out all the stops. What an incredible reception for the Sussexes.

  36. swaz says:

    Lovely, lovely trip ❤ they look gorgeous and well rested, well prepared and connected to the whole Nigeria vibe ❤ Every time the Sussexes visit a country I’m excited to visit too.

  37. MV says:

    The dress is waaaaay too long. The exposed back and lack of bra are very inappropriate for a visit of school. Harry looks nice

    • Jazz Hands says:

      So simultaneously too modest and too risque for your tastes? Got it.

    • sevenblue says:

      Her boobs are small, there is no risk of popping out. Mine are also small, so I don’t have to wear bra either. You can easily just tape the nipple area if the dress doesn’t have a built-in one. There is a woman with H&M from the host country wearing similarly casual dress with low-back cut. So, she isn’t wearing anything different or inappropriate for the hosts.

    • Jais says:

      So there was a beautiful Nigerian woman that Meghan met at the school. She wore a full off the shoulder dress. So I’m pretty sure Meghan was fine. Unless you think the Nigerian woman that greeted her at the school was also inappropriate. And if that’s the case, well then, I don’t know what to say.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      MV, and yet Nigerian people are stating that the dress is great–she’s dressing for the weather. I’m not sure why anyone thinks that someone has to dress according to ‘rules’. They’re visiting children. Tourists from all over the world go to places where the weather is hot and I’m sure they wear what they please.

      As an American, I’m on board for the dress.

    • Wag says:

      So salty! I really love that for you. Lol please stay mad. she’s obviously not completely braless, there are modesty options these days. The dress has a cut out. Wow! That’s offensive to children? This comment is cracking me up.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Jazz Hands, lol, ‘too modest and too risque’!. Someone needs to pick a lane. (not you)

        OMG! Meghan’s back is showing! Children cover your eyes. Women don’t ever show their backs. EVER. /s Like the young children have never seen the bare backs of their mother’s.

        @Wag, yep. So salty. There are modesty options and other options. In the one photo, I can clearly see a square outline of something underneath her dress (around the boobage area). Again, cover your eyes!, Meghan’s back was there for everyone to see.

        It’s as if she was photographed going to a helicopter in a flimsy dress with no underthings or exiting a car in a very odd way, showing royal thighs to cameras on the way to a event with another royal family, or, or, or….

    • goofpuff says:

      Her clothes are completely appropriate for the culture and the event. She’s in Nigeria, not the UK. I don’t understand why an exposed back or lack of a bra is inappropriate? There’s no boob showing?

      And it looks like she probably has her dressed taped up well and she most likely is wearing a bra that doesn’t show (they make some for dresses like this that show the back in a cutout, I have one).

    • OMG, the bra police are here …

      They be all up in your ladies undergarments trying to figure out if they are proper

    • Princessk says:

      Lots of women in Nigeria don’t wear bras and go backless and shoulderless.
      Have a look at some Nigerian costumes.

  38. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Man, I can already see the pearls being clutched en masse because of the sideless design of the dress. (It’s cute, but I do hope she’s used fashion tape.)

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      This is meghan. Not Kate “I’m gonna flash the peasants my bare bits on “accident” over and over again”.

      Meghan is detail oriented. She knew where she was going and chose her outfit and the things necessary to make the fit perfect – accordingly.

      She’s more than fine.

    • goofpuff says:

      Meghan has done many award shows before and worn things more risque than this and has not yet had wardrobe malfunction. This woman knows what she’s doing.

  39. NikkiK says:

    I have friends and family in Nigeria and I really hope Harry and Meghan draw attention to the out of control corruption and shenanigans that are making life miserable for most Nigerians.

    • Square2 says:

      You should encourage people to watch docuseries “Michael Palin In Nigeria” instead. I learned a lot about Nigeria from it.

      This trip was designed by Nigeria Military of Defense to highlight wounded soldiers & their families, and also giving Archewell Foundation more opportunities to help those individuals in need in Nigeria. Why do people expect H&M to involve in foreign countries’ political affairs? Do the death threads they continue receiving not enough? They are trying to do good for the world as best as they can & in the ability allowed as they can; they are not superhuman to solve every problem in the world.

    • Wagiman says:

      That’s not why they are there nor is it their job. Governments can do that. They’ve been invited for invictus as private citizens. Perhaps you can write letters and bring attention to it yourself?

    • Maxine Branch says:

      Maybe you should be encouraging folks to contact the UN Peacekeeping organization. Private citizen presence may help but it is not their responsibility.

  40. tamsin says:

    The Queen wore bright colours in order to be “seen” in the crowd. The Queen wasn’t tall, so the colour helped. I notice that in Nigeria, Meghan’s use of neutrals, peach and white, is what allows you to pick her out in the crowd, because all the Nigerian women are wearing bright colours. I wouldn’t be surprised if Meghan wore something “Nigerian” and colourful before the visit is over.

  41. therese says:

    Like Meg’s hair. Wish she would go curly.

  42. AC says:

    I actually love her dress. It’s simple and she makes it look California cool.
    Both HM together are just magic and they both exude this amazing charisma, people from all over just wants to be near them.
    And the photos! Coming officially from AP and Getty. And there’s no Kill orders on the photos as they’re real 🙂

  43. Lemons says:

    The Heidi Merrick dress is called “Windsor” 😅 Meghan is truly the greatest troll.

  44. julie jules says:

    Waiting at the lounge was a true og move lol

    It’s lovely they did this, but Meg deserves a better dress. Bad color, bad style, bad fit. She’s beautiful, should not be hard to properly dress this woman.

    • Maxine Branch says:

      Looks nice to me.

    • Jan says:

      If she is happy in what she is wearing, what’s it to you?

    • L4Frimaire says:

      I think she just likes these relaxed, slouchy looks. She looks great in color and in more tailored fits, but right now that’s not her. Doubt we’ll see her in a tweed Chanel suit or something really buttoned up and fitted too often. She likes these overly long lengths, and Laurel Canyon hippie hostess dresses. I really liked the fit of the white suit because it was so crisp, as was that stunning Florida polo dress, so she’s making some moves that way. However, I think she was dressing for the heat, to show it’s not a royal tour and way of dressing, and what she felt comfortable in. I really liked some looks, some were just ok. Meghan has her own style, which has evolved a lot over the years, but she’s not a fashionista per se.