Duchess Meghan was honored as a Nigerian princess by four Nigerian kings

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Last year, Nigeria’s Invictus team embraced the Duchess of Sussex during the Dusseldorf games. That was where Nigerian officials began to plot to bring the Sussexes to Nigeria, which turned out so well. Anyway, during the Dusseldorf games, the Nigerian team honored Meghan with a Nigerian name: Amira Ngozi Lolo. Well, during the Sussexes’ Nigerian tour, the country embraced Meghan so hard, to the point where she was visited by four Nigerian kings. The kings honored her as a Nigerian princess, “Ada Mazi.”

The Mail calls the “Ada Mazi” honor equivalent to “daughter of an aristocrat,” but all of the Nigerians on Twitter said that these kings really did declare that Meghan is a princess, a Nigerian royal of the Ancient Arochukwu Kingdom. There were apparently three kings at this ceremony: His Eminence Engr Eberechukwu Oji, Eze Aro of Ancient Arochukwu Kingdom, Igwe Alfred Achebe, the Obi of Onitsha and Great Olu Of Warri Kingdom. A fourth king honored Meghan as well, but he didn’t seem to be part of the Ada Mazi ceremony?

Anyway, Nigerian Princess Meghan was fully embraced by Nigeria and she was so moved by all of the love she received during the trip.

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183 Responses to “Duchess Meghan was honored as a Nigerian princess by four Nigerian kings”

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    As a Sussex supporter who was there during the worst of the smear campaign, as many of us were, this gave me such heart and bought a smile to my face. To me, it almost doesn’t matter what the Rota Rats and left behinds say, (even though their hateful and racist rhetoric is dangerous and needs to be held to account), because our Duchess, our Princess our Meghan is so loved and celebrated wherever she goes! and on a petty note, none of the left behind royals could ever! They get fired on live television by Commonwealth leaders while M&H are embraced, honoured and celebrated. You love to see it!

    • Carrie says:

      You said everything I wanted to say. 🧡💃🏻🤎💃🏻🧡🤎
      #MeghanAfricanPrincess 🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎

    • seaflower says:

      + 1

    • Proud Mary says:

      Tina and Michelle of the Sussex Squad podcast really helped my mental health during those days. It was really shocking for me to witness a pregnant woman being abused like that. It is because I remember those days that I will never stop supporting the Sussexes. All the gaslighting will not alter what I saw with my own two eyes — abject hate and palpable abuse, not only from trolls online, but directly from the Firm acting through the British media.

      • Sass says:

        @Proud Mary, same. I can remember sitting in the carpool line reading some of the horrendous stuff being hurled at her. The photos where she was so clearly miserable. Beautiful even then but the moment she was able to break free, you could see her light return full force. She is outshining them all.

    • acha says:


      If she’s a Princess in her own right, doesn’t that mean that nobody can take away her title, ever? Even if Charles removes her British titles, doesn’t this mean she will always be:

      Princess Meghan of Nigeria, and her consort Harry?????

      This is honestly huge!

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Princess Amira Ngozi Ifeoma Omowale Lolo. If Cluck or Huevo cave to racist media and their own darker desires and demand an Act of Parliament to take away H&M’s titles and H’s place in the British Succession, well, Meghan/Amira is a Princess Royal (1st Daughter) of Nigeria now, and Harry can be the married-in royal then.

        This rank conferred on Meghan puts her higher than Huesa and Bea and Euge, and up at the same level as Princess Anne.

        If H&M were still forced to show for the Commonwealth service, the Precedence griping by certain parties (coughfordfiestacough) would be hilarious.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Parliament can remove the Sussex titles but not the Prince/Princess titles, Harry is the son of the King, and that is that.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      The fact that Harry clearly looks like he’s holding back tears. He absolutely loves people loving and honoring his wife. It’s always been so beautiful and this is beyond touching.

      Meghan is a bright and undiminished light, even after an entire country tried its best to blow her light out.

      May she shine forever and continue to heal from the harm intended for her.

      • Kingston says:

        I endorse this observation. Its so endearing. And so true.

      • heatherthyme says:


      • Christine says:

        I can only imagine the giant therapeutic cry Meghan, Doria, and Harry are going to have when they are together next.

      • ZombieLis says:

        I don’t comment here much, but just wanted to say how moved I was by the obvious love and affection between H and M and how proud and touched they obviously were by the honour. So lovely to watch and well-deserved. So happy for them both. And I love how great this tour went for them and that the King and Will both look like fools scrambling around trying to look important. This is how you do a tour. William take lessons.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      This moment of being declared daughter and princess made me cry, because she lost her own father in the terrors of the royal family and British tabloids.

      Now she is beloved by several kings who see her as daughter.

      • Bree says:


      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        naurrrr …. now I’m crying again… she’s been through so, SO much…

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        It really was a very emotional moment. Eyes rained.

        KINGS of Nigeria said (to me, my words), “We see you. We recognize you. We appreciate you and want to know YOU.”.

        Meghan was offered 4 Kings of Nigeria to be her father and she accepted.

        Princess Meghan. (still love Madame Duchess)

    • SIde Eye says:

      Everything you just said! Princess Meghan!

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      As I was reading this article flashes of William and Kate being fired *on live feed* and without being allowed to sit down kept flashing through my mind.

      The government and people of Nigeria see exactly who and how Harry and Meghan are and they love and respect them. Harry and Meghan genuinely love and respect Nigeria and her people just as much.

      This whole tour has been so lovely to watch because it’s a bunch of grown ups acting like…well…grown ups. No pettiness, no jealousy, no a-holery…just good people coming together to raise attention and publicity for worthy organizations.

    • Bad Janet says:

      This seriously warmed my heart. I have no connection to Meghan whatsoever, but it hurts to see a fellow human being try so hard to do good, and all they get for it in return is their entire family being ostracized and abused, not just by their own family, but by the press, who tried to get an entire country behind them. And for the most terrible reasons imaginable.

      This is beautiful. I hope it is healing for her.

    • Christine says:

      Perfectly said. I was glued to twitter this weekend, and I was surprised at how many times my eyes filled with tears. Seeing Meghan FINALLY being accepted and embraced in this way warmed every single bit of my heart.

      You are so right, none of the left-behinds could EVER, which is how we know Nigeria never has to worry about the royals coming to survey their Commonwealth country ever again. Well done, Nigeria, you have shown the planet the magic of your country and people, and we won’t forget.

    • TRex says:

      I LOVE everything about this. I truly hope they can bask in the success of this trip and all the good they have done by highlighting veterans and mental health – and never bother what’s being twisted by salt island.

    • Chelsea says:


    • Jane says:

      Duchess Meghan deserves all these. Such a strong, resilient, courageous woman ❤️🙏👍

    • Jane says:

      Duchess Meghan deserves all these ❤️🙏👍

    • Simba's Mom says:

      +1 I hope one day there is a movie about Tina and Michelle, as well as all of the anonymous black women (and men) around the world who came together to stand-up for a black Duchess. In the process of coming together, so many unexpected positive things happened. A community was formed. In addition to supporting H & M, almost $1Million has been raised for various charities. We also learned how to fight back against Rupert Murdock and the other media barrons, who seemed so invincible. They never let up – but neither do we. They hate us, but they can’t beat us. And we have stopped their ability to control/influence world-wide narratives. The never saw us coming. The best part, H & M are thriving, and they are starving.
      Love Wins!❤️

  2. JanetDR says:

    💗 I seriously love this for Meghan, but also a bit gleeful about the meltdowns to come. 🤣

    • jellitate says:

      I was thinking the same 😂😂

    • Lolo86lf says:

      All of Meghan and Harry haters are going to have a syncope episode LOL. The British tabloids are going to declare Nigeria a non-grata country for daring to declare Meghan a princess. William and Kate are going to throw vases against the walls in disgust LOL.

      • PC says:

        @LOLO86LF, I was thinking the same thing. But the BM and the RF better watch their step. Meghan is now a member of a country and several of it’s empires who are not going to take kindly to insults to them or her. Some British establishments may find themselves hauled before the World Court (The International Court of Justice) for international violations. Nigeria is not going to play with the saltiness. From there it could lead back to a fight for stolen properties as well. The UK better walk softly. They’ve been duly warned. ⚠️

    • I love that Nigerian royalty showed up to support Meg. Let salt isle melt down. She deserves all the love and visits from royalty.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall at Kensington Palace when William was told about this. 🪰

    • Eleonor says:

      Oh yes.
      Salty Island and its awful press will be throwing tantrums until the Armageddon !

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    It was a beautiful trip.. they were so busy. What a huge success for the Invictus Games and the athlete veterans to be highlighted so beautifully. I loved everything about this, 🎉cheers for Princess Meghan Ada Mazi.

    • Giddy says:

      Agreed! Cheers for Harry, cheers for Invictus, cheers for Princess Meghan, and cheers for Nigeria. H&M and their global diplomacy are a treasure!

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      This trip was such a huge success, it really highlights what Britain lost. Except “lost” isn’t the right word; they were intentionally driven away by Charles, William, the rota, and the racists. As an American, I am so pleased to see the Sussexes triumph, as they are “ours” now. Suck it, Britain.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        An absolutely beautiful trip for the Invictus Games and H&M being welcomed/loved was most excellent to see. Yes, they were intentionally driven away. Moreso, Meghan was being driven away.imo The countless stories of, OMG, Whatever happened to Harry being William’s wingman! Like, that was destined to be the forever story (wingman equals scapegoat). Harry always had his own wings. William not so much. I’m not sure if William has any skills outside of smearing his brother and sister-in-law. (I include Kate who hasn’t been seen for months in that same skill set-nope, whatever is happening with her right now does not absolve her from her past nefarious behavior).

        For those who have not seen it before, or forgot, in light of Meghan becoming a Princess of Nigeria by 4 Kings, a great listen and props to Royal Suitor. A lot of us see Meghan’s value and Nigeria said, (my words again), “You belong.”.

      • kirk says:

        The right word is “rejected.”
        That’s why I can’t feel sorry for their so-called ‘loss.’

  4. Nanea says:

    All Nigerians on Xwitter said that by making her Ada Mazi, Meghan is a princess in her own right. We can call her Princess Meghan now.

    I will be feasting off everything from this trip for some time to come. I’ve never witnessed so much love, and joy, and understanding, and acceptance, and tolerance, and support, and wit, and intelligence, and style *and* beauty in such a short time with such a diverse group of people.

    Not only from royals, or dignitaries, or officials from the organisations involved, but from everyone.

    And then to see the Squaddies in their aso ebi turning up to show their support.

    Derangers were really having a horrible weekend. Nothing stuck.

    Forgot to add: this coral jewelry is hugely valuable, and Meghan wore coral earrings to that polo event that she must have been given at the ceremony in Lagos. What an honor.

    • Wagiman says:

      It looked amazing! I’m not on X so I haven’t seen anything from Nigerian squaddies.. Is there anywhere other than X?

      • Carrie says:

        Maybe try Spoutible?

      • Wagiman says:

        I’m on Spoutible. I haven’t seen the pics referred to.. I’ve heard about the X Nigerian Squaddies. I hate missing some things because I loathe X

    • Wagiman says:

      Can we follow Nigerian squaddies other then X? It sounded amazing. This trip has been incredible! The derangers can bleat and lie but truth will out. It just doesn’t matter any more about the UK. They’re immaterial.

      • Square2 says:

        Iam never on X/Twitter either. Just relying the SS on Spoutible. This one
        Is a Nigeria SS. She posted their IG 2023 trip & it’s wonderful.

        If you has a Spoutible account, try the search function; I heard it’s a great tool. (I don’t have a Spoutible account.)

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Square2: thanks for the link!

    • MelodyM says:

      Princess Meghan now has royal jewelry that hasn’t been stolen from the country of origin! I love it! I love H&M &family, and I love the Nigerians!

  5. JeeP says:

    But..but..but…she was showing her shoulders!!?!?? This must be a mistake since I definitely read she offended the entire country with her wardrobe choices. lol. I love that they had a successful visit, stark contrast to the last official royal visit that comes to mind.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Don’t forget, she showed her bare back too! Aghast at the normalcy! You would think she was showing her nether lady bits with the reactions.smh

      The last 3?maybe? (Anne’s go unnoticed mostly). C&C in Kenya. Kenyan journalists were being shut out and had to ride a different bus than the BM RR’s. Segregation much? Very much not a racist country or family! /s The Disastour or Sophie & Ed’s? Hello, there, here’s a photo of ourselves as gift. We just won’t talk about other things.

      I believe your point was the poor appearances by the others in the last tours.

      Meghan and Harry were there for Invictus Games and other things. It wasn’t an official royal visit because they are not “working royals”. They are two people working for what they believe in. That it looked like what an ‘official royal visit’ should be, well, some people have it and some do not. And, well, Kings of Nigeria declared Meghan a Princess of Nigeria during their visit. What a great bestowment on an American citizen!

  6. UnstrungPearl says:

    I know its petty but just love how any upcoming royal tour will instantly be compared to this – and found lacking.

    This trip actually works so much better for being not officially royal, it can be more flexible and relaxed. Not obsessed with weird protocol etc.

    H&M looked so happy to be there and so genuine, all the photos make me smile 🙂

    • Bad Janet says:

      YES YES YES.

      Isn’t this was these royal tours are supposed to be? Making connections?

      That’s what the BRF always gets wrong. They use these visits to remind the Commonwealth that they are “better;” they lord their power over them. They walk behind gates and tool around in freaking land rovers like colonist a–holes.

      Compare this to Meghan’s and Harry’s actual embrace of the places they visited and you can see the world of difference in how much they respect the people, and see them as equals of another culture.

      The BRF has so much to learn from the Sussexes, but they never, ever will. They’re far too proud. They only want success on their terms – power and control. Never connection. That is the difference and the reason why so many people actually embrace the Sussexes back.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Royal tours always center the royals, not the country or the culture they’re visiting.
        H&M flipped that script on its head with this trip, and centered the people of Nigeria and the endeavors they’re assisting with their charitable work.

        That may be 25% of why the Rota is mad. Because these two were working in a private capacity and not there to “grab headlines” like the Rota tried to accuse them of, and the stalker UK press were locked out of the local press pool. They didn’t get their money shots, their “gotcha” articles. Nigeria protected H&M in the best way and really shone as a nation & people.

        I think tourism will go up for Nigeria. Salt island can stay mad about it!

  7. Thena says:

    Why would she even want to go back to the UK after a reception like this from a Commonwealth country?

    • SarahLee says:

      I think they should go on an “unofficial” Commonwealth tour. They’ll be heralded everywhere they go.

  8. Agnes says:

    The Duchess @h_desires on Twitter explained it as: “All you need to understand from this picture is that 3 great Kings left their Kingdoms to come and receive Meghan. Ordinarily, it would never happen in Nigeria. Meghan is an African Queen. If I start to explain, I will be here all day. The only equivalent I can think of is when Jesus was born and the 3 wise men went to visit with their gifts.” Evidentally, QE2 travelled to THEM for audience in 1956.

    Nigeria seemed to really see the abuse the BM and BRF subjected Meghan to, and objected in the most beautiful protective way.

    • Eurydice says:

      Wow, that’s astonishing!

    • Interested Gawker says:


      All hail Princess Meghan!

    • Giddy says:

      Thank you for your further explanation. How incredible that by traveling to meet her the kings gave her an honor that they didn’t even give QE.

      • Christine says:

        And now I’m crying again! This is just so wonderful, and it’s about time Meghan is celebrated for being exactly who she is.

    • Sunday says:

      “Nigeria seemed to really see the abuse the BM and BRF subjected Meghan to, and objected in the most beautiful protective way.” — exactly this! True King behavior, to see the vile, racist, dehumanizing ways the BM and BRF treated Meghan – “she’s not royal, she’s not a princess, she doesn’t even look Black to me (her son is still a chimp though), blah blah blah” and to say actually, she is a royal princess of Nigeria and it has nothing to do with your salty little island, or even Harry. That is such an incredibly powerful, protective statement. Truly touching.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      The world outside the echo chamber of the tabloid press saw the way she was abused and people took note, including very prominent people.

      The BRF was so dumb to enable this very public abuse of the first PoC that married into their family. The entire world looked on because it was such an important symbolic event – and then they were simply too jealous and racist to see exactly how important Meghan was, not just for her personal qualities but also for her symbolic value.

      • Agnes says:

        Yes for an institution so steeped in symbolism how could they so totally blow it with the symbolic implications of Meghan marrying in? Or maybe they really did want to shout out their racism loud and clear. In any case, message received.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        When reading “Spare” it really came across that Charles and William really did not want Harry to marry Meghan. That was before it became clear what a powerful house star she is, so I put their reluctance down to racism.

    • acha says:

      Oh man, I wonder if Nigeria is fixing to leave the commonwealth now that they have their OWN gorgeous princess.

      I just love how this makes Meghan a _visiting dignitary_ whenever she visits England, now. F-k order of precedence, she’s on par with any of the European royalty. THIS HAS CHANGED THINGS.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        Does this mean she can wear a tiara at certain events? I would love to see her wear the Spencer tiara for something.

      • acha says:

        I want Nigeria to gift Meghan a Tiara that she can have in the name of her own house!

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Nigerian Twitter said her rank is now equivalent to Princess Anne. She was made “1st Daughter”, aka Princess Royal, iirc.

        Not that The Other DIL is going to be in any shape to curtsey any time soon, but if she ever is, then… yeah, that’s gonna be interesting, if they ever were to meet w/o their husbands in the room, Kate will have to curtsey to Meghan.

    • Joyful Liluri says:


      They followed the light and found Meghan upon arrival.

      May they all be blessed.

    • Thanks for that, Agnes.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Amazing! Thank you for your post Agnes! I am so happy today.

    • paintybox says:

      I can’t stop tearing up, this was such an emotional occasion. It’s overwhelmingly moving and beautiful how embraced and honored Meghan is by the land of her mother’s ancestral origin! She should be appreciated and adored like this in the UK too but apparently the British royals, and those under their influence, have to hate and try to destroy anyone who resists their evil.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • MelodyM says:

      I bow to all 4 Kings who went out of their way to honor our Meghan. Long may they rule with wisdom, peace and love!

  9. Miranda says:

    I thought I heard an awful lot of strange, distant “POP!” noises yesterday! Must’ve been all the heads on Salt Island exploding.

    Princess (officially!) Meghan looks so happy and proud, and just watching it, I have to admit I got a little emotional for her! It’s wonderful that she was able to find her roots — something that many of us take for granted — and be so completely embraced.

    • Lau says:

      I’m actually surprised that the British media hasn’t gone on a spree to try to make it seem less important than it is. They must have collectively pass out from the shock.

      • Mel says:

        Well, unless they want to look like the pettiest fools in existence, they’ll keep quiet, so they should start briefing sometime this afternoon. They are the pettiest fools in existence.

      • Lau says:

        Well yeah they ARE the pettiest fools in existence and that’s why I’m so surprised they haven’t tried to demean both Meghan and Nigeria by writting something terrible.

      • Christine says:

        LOL, MEL! I can feel the drunken rants under the guise of British journalism coming from here.

      • Magdalena says:

        Well if you read above you’ll see that Kaiser pointed out that the Daily Fail already tried to downplay/downgrade it, despite the testimony of several actual Nigerians who know their own country better than the racists on the Fail’s payroll.

  10. Eurydice says:

    My shriveled heart grew a few sizes from seeing this. There’s more than one way to be a “senior royal.”

    • Beverley says:

      “There’s more than one way to become a ‘senior royal’.”

    • Bad Janet says:

      Imagine the shock of BRF to find they actually didn’t hold all the cards. Yet again.

  11. Piper says:

    Classy lady who deserves all of this

  12. sevenblue says:

    Imagine getting embraced by a country so hard that they make you a part of their Kingdom 😭😭😭

    I remember listening to the episode of the podcast where Meghan talked about finding out her heritage. I never imagined that it would result in her being declared a Nigerian princess. That is crazy. I am so happy for them.

    • harpervalleypta says:

      Imagine if their children went to Nigeria before going back to the UK.

      The entire Establishment would faint from horror. “They are OUR royal children, how dare you take them from us?!?!?”

  13. MsIam says:

    This made me tear up a bit. After all of the hateful rhetoric from the UK media and the Unroyal mafia and their minions, it was so beautiful to see the respect and honor the Sussexes received. Especially Meghan, whom the the UK establishment has been trying to rip to shreds since before the wedding. Cue Tom Bower to try and bring up the “bullying “ again but the real bullies have been exposed.

  14. Proud Mary says:

    What didn’t you do to try to bury her, but you forgot that she was a seed.

    Of course I’m not surprised that the trip was immensely successful. All of Harry and Meghan’s foreign tours as “working” royals were successful. That’s why they had to leave. The highlights were many, but Meghan’s appearance on that leadership panel really left me in awe of her public speaking talent. She’s really amazing.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Where did you see it???

      I’ve heard so many people talking about events they did on here but haven’t been able to follow.

      Dang weekends!

      • Jais says:

        If you’re not on Twitter, then google the People articles about the trip. Their editor actually traveled with them so they’ve covered all of it extensively. YouTube might have the interview?

  15. Scooby Gang says:

    What an incredible and beautiful three days this turned out to be. It brought such happiness to see H&M celebrated, uplifted and showered with so much love, respect and joy!

    My hope is that when the inevitable wave of nastiness arrives (I’m sure it’s already building), people can resist the urge to argue and simply ignore and block the hate… keeping the energy on love, celebration and all the good things.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      This weekend really highlighted for me how those full of hate try to ruin good things and I think we need to uplift the positive more and protect ourselves from the hate.

      I must have blocked and muted 100s of people on twitter whose lies were full of racism. Nope, get away satan. Not today

      • Kingston says:

        Ditto to all you said, @WiththeAmerican! LOL

        This past weekend, in addition to almost no sleep from friday night into saturday and sunday from being online switching to wherever there was reputable reports about the visit (+ twitter) I also am very proud of myself for not giving in to my penchant for bitchslapping trolls on twitter.

        And I can now attest to the value of writing down what you want to say in anger to someone and then erasing it/not send it. I got soooo good at that. LOL

        Because I already have a revulsion to reality teevee……I tell myself: these inane twats dont deserve my time, which translates into money in their pocket but not mine. So by the same token, there are folks on twitter who are nakedly trolling for engagement and nothing sells like rage and hate and lies. And, of course, a whole lot of folks have found out that hating on M is a billion dollar business so they all want to get in on that.

        NOT ON MY WATCH!!! LOL as per Iyanla Vanzant’s famous meme.

    • Renstewart says:

      @ scooby gang 💯

  16. CJW says:

    I LOVE this for her. Harry beaming with pride by her side. The Rota rats and the BRF can suck an egg (pun intended). They can never take this from her.

  17. Nick G says:

    I’ve never been to Nigeria, but I am Onitsha and my birth father was an Igbo chief. I read the coverage of this last night with tears rolling down my cheeks! Something about Meghan’s journey of the last 6, 7 years has touched a nerve in so many of us. The symbolism of this gift of the kings is just overwhelming.

    • Christine says:

      You really nailed it. It’s been horrific to watch Meghan being abused, for years, and this past weekend provided a moment of actual healing. It was a beautiful thing to watch.

  18. OriginalMich says:

    Shaking his fist at the sky, William screams, “But Africa is supposed to be mine!”

    • Oh come on. says:

      Absolutely. Love this for him 🤣

    • SIde Eye says:

      Lol you guys are absolute fire today! I can’t stop laughing at this post. Thank you OriginalMich

    • Bad Janet says:

      I definitely don’t think Huevo will be invited to Nigeria any time soon, based on this weekend.

      It’s almost like…. Black people around the world were watching? Noticing the treatment of Meghan by the BRF, by the press, by social media? Noticing the Windrush descendents getting deported to the Carribbean and this new plan to send people to Somalia? Noticing the better-than-you, colonialist attitudes of every BRF member (save Meghan and Harry) who recently set foot on Black lands?

      Too bad. So sad. Africa is not yours.

      • Christine says:

        I don’t think he will ever go to a predominantly Black country ever again, at least not on any sort of official tour. That’s really something to think about, considering he’s in his early 40s, and expected to be king of the Commonwealth.

      • Bad Janet says:

        Correcting myself: Rawanda, not Somalia (sleep deprivation is a b****)

        And yes, Christine, I could see that happening. Watching the Windsors repeatedly embarrass themselves on these trips, I am not sure the King of the Commonwealth will be found welcome in many places.

      • Jais says:

        Right? What you said @badjanet. It’s almost like Black people around the world were watching… It’s almost like lots of people around the world we’re watching. Outside of the BM, most people saw what happened to Meghan. I don’t even think the RF or BM even understand or have a true idea of how badly they’ve made themselves look. The damage will be there for generations if they keep on as they are.

  19. Water Lilly says:

    I was hoping for honorary Dora Milaje, but this was better 😊

    • Jan says:

      She did not visit Wakanda.

    • Jan says:

      OK, a silent Warrior.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Wakanda isn’t real…..

      • Blithe says:

        I guess that depends on how you define “real”. Spirituality, self-definition, shared community and values are all quite real to most of us.

        Wakanda can represent all of those things — and more. Such representations may be particularly poignant for those of us whose connections to our ancestors and our cultures were deliberately destroyed. It is what it is.

  20. Jais says:

    The way she was embraced so warmly and proudly really highlights just how poorly the BM and RF have treated her over the years. Constantly talking about how she’s unpopular not welcome and not wanted. And here she is being treated with warmth and respect. Nigeria hosted an amazing tour full of interesting events and really showcased the impressive and inspiring people who live there. They did themselves proud.

  21. Chaine says:

    Really lovely and you know if she and Harry had stayed “in the fold” with the British royal family they’d never have sanctioned for her to go to Nigeria and receive such honors

  22. EasternViolet says:

    This visit brought joy to me all weekend – to seeing Harry and Meghan all over my feeds, for the many excited Nigerians on Social media gleefully posting they had been in their presence and of course the Squaddies. I got a little teary eyed when she was made a Princess in her own right.

  23. AB says:

    Beautiful! 🥹

  24. Alex Can says:

    This really highlights the shockingly ugly behaviour towards Meghan by the British royals. They disrespected and abused her so badly, and they’re so much up their own asses, they don’t realize how much the rest of the world noticed. I suspect the consequences of the RF’s rejection of Meghan will be far ranging and will trickle down in the next few years.

  25. Chloe says:

    The biggest “own” they could come up with is that it was basically a mini royal tour. Almost as if royals are just glorified celebs. Literally anyone can do what they do and many celebrities have done so. And guess what? It doesn’t cost the taxpayer nearly a billion pounds either.

  26. Becks1 says:

    Love this for her so much. She is loved and honored everywhere she goes. I know we’re going to get tired of saying this (if we’re not already) but damn, the BRF really could have had a bad bitch and just threw it away because of jealousy, racism, xenophobia, etc.

    • nutella toast says:

      The bridges she was willing to build between the RF and the Commonwealth because she believed visibility mattered – now the RF is just gonna have to use their own tiny shovel.

      • Bad Janet says:

        I think that’s over. They showed their hand. I can’t imagine any Commonwealth countries are not seriously considering if it is in their best interest to exit.

        There is absolutely nothing stopping the FORMER Commonwealth from coordinating their own coalitions. They certainly don’t need Britain to do it, especially with the British economy being weaker than it has been in decades, QEII being gone, and increased demand for accountability from the Crown.

    • Eurydice says:

      I don’t think the RF cares about the Commonwealth. From the way they’ve behaved it feels like they know the monarchy is dying – they know there’s no future, so they might as well keep everything status quo and grab what they can while they can.

  27. MoBiMom says:

    It does seem so…. 😔

  28. Wagiman says:

    I’ve been wondering about Mary.

    She said her daughters had instructions for CB.

    She is an amazing, strong, brave incredible woman. I’m not letting go just yet.

  29. Ennie says:

    I’ve left twitter, but I am curious to see what the hater fake black accounts are saying! huge LOL
    Congrats to Princess Meghan!

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      I spent the weekend blocking them, they were “concerned” about her shoulders, claiming the people around them were paid actors, etc. it was a public tantrum.

      • Ennie says:

        I love that many of these outfits she is wearing would not fly with them still being working royals. She is free, and she looks great. The haters were calling her names when she had the baby weight, and are now “concerned? Lol. They want her covered up or better, absent. Let them stew in hate, this is not official businesses , she can dress as she feels like. Thanks for the update 😁

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        @Ennie you’re welcome lol! right? I remember all of the comments about her post babies body being “too straight” and was she “wearing body armor” during the Jubbly. I knew she was a real one the way she proudly wore her real body.

        Now that she lost that post baby weight, they want her to cover up. Lol. Nope! She can wear whatever she wants. Princess Meghan, beloved daughter of Nigeria.

  30. Jais says:

    Are we also talking fashion in this post or is that gonna be another post? Bc Meghan in the yellow dress with the beautiful gift over her shoulders and the gold earrings. Regal epic and iconic.

  31. Beverley says:

    Too bad racism and jealousy were the only emotions the trash Left-Behinds and heinous palace stenographers felt for her. Their bigotry closed their eyes to this woman’s value, to her exceptional character and charisma. All they had to do was embrace her, but skin color…

    Respect and love for you, Ada Mazi. God save Princess Meghan.

  32. Jan says:

    Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala the Director of the WTO, said she told Meghan, if she ever visits Nigeria to let her know and she will meet her there, she keep her word. She told the audience that Meghan was a lovely young lady.
    Harry was bursting with pride for Meghan, when one of the Kings said she was beautiful, he couldn’t resist hugging and kissing her, so when people wonder if Harry is worth it, for her he is.
    Harry is not jealous of Meghan, like Charles was of Diana, I think he reached the point, where he accepts that if Meghan is not with him, people are going ask for her.

    • Eurydice says:

      Being jealous of Meghan would make no sense. She doesn’t take anything away from him, but adds to him. But the main thing is Harry loves Meghan, which was not true about Charles and Diana.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      I believe he’s said that one of his favorite things is when people see him and ask where is Meghan.

      Haha much like how Obama knows that when he’s without Michelle people were disappointed and how much he loved that they loved her.

      The absolute respect and love Harry has for Meghan is beautiful beyond words.

      May they always live in light and love.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yup, exactly! The Obama comparison is spot on. Harry loves that people love Meghan, that people can see in her what he sees in her. He’s proud of her.

        I always think of the picture of the Obamas at a state dinner, when Pres Obama is kind of pointing or gesturing at Michelle with an expression like “can you believe I’m lucky enough to be married to her?” He knew she outshined every time she was in the room and he didn’t care because he was secure enough in himself and because he’s genuinely in love.

    • Magdalena says:

      Oh, he reached that point a looong time ago! LOL. I think he mentioned something about it in his Invictus interview with Hoda. He said people would say to him “Hello, it’s so nice to meet you! Where’s your wife?” And then there was that little boy who met him before Meghan had arrived and said to him “Can I SEE the princess?” and was disappointed that she was not around. Harry is a real one. And he is comfortable in himself. And as so many have said – he IS incredibly proud of her and she is proud of him. Excellent match!

  33. Serena says:

    So wonderful, so beautiful! This almost brought me to tears, now THIS is a welcome, this is what she deserves. H&M are genuinely warm people who care about a lot of good causes and it shows, people know too and that’s why they are loved wherever they go – despite what Salt Island says.

  34. Mina_Esq says:

    We can now call her Princess Meghan!

  35. Amy Bee says:

    I love this for Meghan. After all the attacks, microagressions and the neglected she suffered at the hands of the Royal Family I hope this trip uplifted her and gave her some healing.

  36. Over it says:

    In my head is playing. And can you fell the love tonight. I can’t think of two people more deserving of the love and acceptance especially Meghan from an entire country. It must feel amazing for her to be accepted for being herself. For being black . I hope Chuck and wank are having very bad days because of this news. All hail Princess Meghan

    • Lady D says:

      Agree with everything you said, Over it. I really hope this helps erase the bad memories of her husband’s family. I’m so happy for someone I don’t even know.

  37. Roseberry says:

    Loved my time working in Nigeria and loved learning about the history, I took the test (25%Nigerian DNA)!
    For these 4 kings to have left their kingdoms to travel to Lagos is hugely significant, historically the Igbos are one of the largest single ethnic groups in Africa, archaeological finds show Igbo civilisation 250 thousand years ago in eastern Nigeria with a well developed and sophisticated structure.
    In the colonial era- when the map of Africa was “redrawn” they found themselves sharing a country with Yoruba and Hausa ethnic groups and eventually seceded in 1967 forming the republic of Biafra- their region contains the oil rich Niger Delta. Civil war ensued and the Nigerian army supported by the UK government, blockaded their main port which led to the death by starvation of1-2 million people, post war impoverishment and discrimination.
    It is a testament to their hard work, resilience and resourcefulness that they have rebuilt and restored their homeland back to prosperity and success.

  38. Tuesday says:

    So is Ada Mazi her given name or her title? Regardless, three cheers for Princess Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex!

  39. TurbanMa says:

    Princess Meghan. Wow this warms my heart on so many levels. My son is biracial and I think to be honored and accepted so deeply by the Nigerians must do some really deep healing for any times she felt less than or not accepted fully as part of any one community. I’m so glowingly happy for her to be Princess Meghan, just beautiful. There’s a saying that “What is meant for me will be mine” and I believe this is the strongest evidence of that I’ve seen.

  40. Ameerah M says:

    Meghan and I now have the same name! Just different spelling. And yes- Ameerah (or Amira) means PRINCESS!!

    • Nanea says:

      So happy for you!

      Seriously, this past long weekend was so heartwarmingly beautiful, especially seeing some members of the Squad in Invictus-colored aso ebi, and hearing/seeing what an impact H&M are having.

  41. aquarius64 says:

    I saw all this on the X app and it was so beautiful. The BRF really fumbled the bag.

  42. Chantal1 says:

    Congrats Princess Meghan! And what a checkmate and eff u to the UK and RRs by Nigeria! Now “safari” this 😂. I love how Nigerian royalty basically told the UK to “take the Sussexes’ titles away” bc here’s one you can’t take away from her. This is wonderful thought I read a comment about the possible implications for Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet but I’m not sure of its accuracy. Hopefully one of our Nigerian CBs can explain?

    I’m sure the BRF and its minions are having apoplectic fits at this latest news. I watched one of the Nigerian news channels on YouTube yesterday and one of its commentators stated that news of the Sussexes’ Nigerian trip has been “muted in the UK press”. But of course! I wonder how the RRs will negatively spin this (and you know they are plotting and scheming right now). Anyway, Princess Meghan is officially a senior royal of Nigeria. So happy for the Sussexes!

    Also did anyone else see the ARO on her sash (her being a princess of the ancient Arochukwu Kingdom) and think ” ARO” American Riviera Orchard? Or just a coincidence? Hmmmm….

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Many British news organizations covered it. It was muted! Anchors in studio were almost choking on trying to swallow their words so it wasn’t exciting.

      But they used local Nigerian talent for the stand ups, so the explanations of what was going on were much better than expected.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Chantal1, I noticed that, too. But since ARO-Chukwu refers to an ancient Nigerian kingdom, the synergy and symbolic connections are, apparently, just a happy coincidence. Or, possibly a divine intention. Fate, stars aligning, and all of that. There is powerful ancient wisdom that has always existed on the African continent, btw. 🌍 🌠 🇳🇬

    • SIde Eye says:

      LOL Chantal1 “safari this” is right! Omg this is so glorious.

  43. Myeh says:

    I love this for Meghan and Nigeria. Done with so much love and care. What a stark contrast to the BaRF. I’d say it was a teachable moment but you can’t learn when your eyes, heart and mind are shut off. Oh well at least the rest of the world gets to enjoy and revel in this moment for a WOC.

  44. Oh come on. says:

    So beautiful that Nigeria and these four kings honoured her like that. After Britain and America stole her ancestors from West Africa and her heritage from her—a homecoming.

    If I’m not wrong, judging by her eye makeup, she cried 🥹

    Chucky and the Wails gonna cry and lie, but they can’t steal her shine.

  45. Mari in TN says:

    This entire trip has been beautiful. From the activities to their wardrobe, and people coming out showing genuine gratitude and affection for M&H has been wonderful to watch. This is how you do Africa proper and not look like a colonialist!

  46. lanne says:

    Welp, I guess this means that no Windsor will be setting foot in Nigeria this century. Nigeria has done the equivalent of spraying “Keep the Leftover Royals Away” and “Rota Anti-Roach” mist around their borders.

  47. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    The title of Princess takes precedence over the title of Duchess, especially since the Duchess title was conferred through marriage. Going forward the Sussex’s should be introduced as Prince Harry of the UK and Princess Meghan of Nigeria, no more duke and duchess needed!

  48. Thea says:

    All hail Princess Meghan! H&M are super busy, but I hope their team reads this and they update Sussex.com to properly reflect her new name, title and status. I imagine it would be something along the lines of “Meghan is Amira Ngozi Lolo, Ada Mazi of the Ancient Arochukwu Kingdom in present-day Nigeria–bestowed upon her by where her ancestors originated during the Sussexes’ recent trip to Nigeria for Invictus and Archewell”. I look forward to learning the proper form of address for this new status (e.g. Her Royal Highness? The Honourable? Princess Meghan vs Ada Mazi Meghan/Amira?).

    As other commenters have said, there is something deeply healing about seeing this honour granted to Meghan, not just at the individual/personal level for her, but for all those who have been impacted by colonization and white supremacy. QEII had to travel to see those kings because she was a visiting monarch from another kingdom and had no status in Nigeria. The three kings travelled to see Meghan because she is one of their own, a royal in her own right on their home soil. What a wonderful way to remind the UK that the British empire and their racist colonizers no longer control the global majority.

    On another note, I love how high profile people such as the Spencers and the three kings and the entire country of Nigeria have been embracing and honouring the Sussexes in the past week. Nobody bothered to disparage or call out the BRF and British media for their unhinged shitty treatment of Harry and Meghan. The Spencers and Nigeria simply showed up for Harry and Meghan and declared their love for H&M in a public manner that cannot be disputed or legitimately criticized. These acts of love, honour, and respect are more of a threat to the BRF and British media than any words of criticism and argument could have ever posed. The stark contrast exposes the BRF as the racist, unsophisticated, uneducated, cruel, petty, ridiculous, stale-dated, and insignificant morons that they are. The BRF has proven again and again that they have no place in the modern age. Long live Princess Meghan and Prince Harry, true global leaders of the future!

  49. QuiteContrary says:

    So four African kings honored her, and Britain’s one sorry excuse for a king banished her from her husband’s side at Balmoral, fed her to the rota wolves, and evicted her and her family from their only safe English home?

    Take note, Charles (because the rest of the world is). This is how you treat someone of Meghan’s caliber — with the dignity and respect she deserves. These African kings are truer kings than Charles ever could hope to be, and they will shield Princess Meghan Ada Mazi in ways Charles utterly failed to do.

  50. Kim says:

    This really emphasizes how flat footed – not to mention mean spirited – the Royal Family is.

    They’re worried about the commonwealth all ditching the Crown? THIS should have been their secret weapon to create goodwill and harmony. Apparently they want nothing to change. See William and Kathryn’s extremely abominable “goodwill” trip to a few of the commonwealth countries.

  51. Jaded says:

    The Nigerian people have become her family, they welcomed Meghan and Harry with open arms and love in their hearts. This trip, via the UK, has cemented the Sussexes as the global statespersons William and Charles can never be because they are so entrenched in racist protocols and white superiority that they’re losing member after member of the Commonwealth. No amount of whining and smearing from the rota and tabloids can change this.

  52. tamsin says:

    It is heart-warming to see the Nigerians bestow honourary titles on Meghan. And obviously, no one told Nigeria the difference between working and non-working royals, as Harry and Meghan were given a royal welcome; however, their invitation was in recognition of Harry’s work, and not because he is royal.

    • Magdalena says:

      The titles are not “honourary”. They are genuine, and bear a similar, if not higher significance than those granted to British people by British monarchs. Meghan is now a princess in her own right, as explained by several people above, as opposed to simply being a princess by marriage as she became when she married Harry. The titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex are not honorary, and neither are the ones bestowed upon Meghan in Nigeria.

    • Sage says:

      Re: @TAMSIN ~ I think what the trip looked like depends on your cultural reference point for comparison – yes the media connected it to “Royal Tour” due to their short role in BRF & her husband’s family and the BRF has become synonymous with Royal Tours for the world & due to him being the son of the King they won’t escape the Royal Tour link but others – say more with background in this region thought state , VIP & even presidential- some said it was similar to when the Clintons visited Nigeria, when Obama visited Jamaica, when Oprah visited South Africa & was launching her philanthropic footprint there. It also reminded me of Bill Gates recent trip to India which he coincided with that wedding of the century. Currently Ghana is giving similar treatment to Stevie Wonder. These countries are also pushing a stronger connection with the historical diaspora- and so with Meghan doing what most African Americans are doing – using genetic test to learn their ancestry, to bring clarity to heritage , it’s beautiful to see Nigeria made that so beautiful for her to explore what that means – nature vs nurture.
      With the space they occupy in people’s mind & their Rizz, & strength of their SEO – the media takes it even to a higher level of interest which the host country has to match as when the media directs the global spotlight on them, it’s also on the host country and so the country had to present it as they did. C’est la vie in the era of click driven media. Nigeria did well , it added a new storyline to its many “brand” image.

  53. Chelsea says:

    Meghan seemed really emotional during this ceremony and Harry looked like such a proud husband. There’s a great video online of him rubbing her arm while looking at her adoringly and then kissing her cheek after one of the Kings described her as beautiful and I love this for her so much. To see her be so openly loved by her man and people of her motherland after everything she’s been through is so beautiful. She deserves it all and more.

  54. JJ says:

    She is a whole Nigerian princess now! I better hear the British media call her Princess Meghan henceforth!

  55. zinjazin says:

    What an honour, so happy for Meghan and all of them. This is so lovely omg.

  56. Ariana S says:

    Can someone please update princess Meghan’s wiki page??

  57. Jennifer says:

    So great that PW’s royal visit to Cornwall was overshadowed by the Sussex’s triumphant visit to Nigeria. PW must be fuming.

  58. therese says:

    And the picture of William digging a hole…..alone on a beach.

  59. Happyoften says:

    I have no idea what the real world fall out is going to be, but I cannot give the Kings enough huzzahs for the master stroke of claiming Meghan as their princess…. I mean, what an amazing up yours to the British royals that so thoroughly disrespected her. She is the GOAT of life well lived as the ultimate revenge.

  60. phlyfiremama says:

    Dang, I just keep going back to now I want to visit Nigeria. Since I have been Leary of African nations due to political and military stability, this is a HUGE change of heart for me personally. I’m willing to bet I’m not the only one, either.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      We had planned – before Covid – on visiting England.

      We still have the vacation fund – and a complete aversion to visiting England.

      Nigeria would be amazing!

  61. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    CNN has a great article titled “Meghan Visited Nigeria as a Duchess and Left an African Princess.” They mentioned the grandeur and attention normally reserved for royal tours, the warm reception everywhere they went, and that a “hearts and minds charm offensive” was executed “with aplomb.”

    It reminds me of how so-called “royal author” Phil Dampier tried to attack the Sussexes last month by saying Harry and Meghan could “blunder into a diplomatic incident if they say or do the wrong thing.” LOL! After William and Kate and Edward and Sophie offended people in the Caribbean, the racists were truly hoping Harry and Meghan would also flop, but instead the Sussexes were Fa-bu-lous! As CNN said, Meghan’s “natural ability to connect with people really shone through.” And Harry “demonstrated his compassion and connection to his late mother, Princess Diana.”

    I can’t help but think CNN’s use of the phrase “charm offensive” is a dig at William and Kate’s flop tours of Boston and the Caribbean. I mean, what a great and loaded article by CNN.

  62. L4Frimaire says:

    I was so impressed with every aspect of this phenomenal trip to Nigeria. It was great to see Invictus and Archewell’s projects up close and just the level of commitment and hard work they put into their causes. The Nigerians were so welcoming , they all looked fantastic and so stylish and they ran a tight ship in terms of security. The visits to the various events were just so great to see. Meghan and Harry were in their element and really do give the best of themselves. The 4 kings welcoming Meghan and giving her those honors was truly an emotional moment. They both looked amazing, and love how they support each other. Meghan looked beautiful and liked how she mixed it up style wise. I liked her choices and some really stood out. I hope they sleep for a week when they get back stateside because they were non-stop on this trip. Energized, gracious, prepared and productive. So impressed with these two.

  63. Nathalie says:

    Honestly, that’s where I love to see Princess Meghan and Prince Harry.

    Not a fan of the Orchard and its jam – another luxury product for consumerism – but engaging with people, highlighting causes, and being treated with respect and honors in return. I love any images and reports of them (as a pair or individually) involved with humans because in my eyes, that’s when they shine.

    I’m also very giddy about the high honor she received. It’s impressive – four kings!