“Chris Pine looked amazing in shorty pajamas in LA last week” links

Chris Pine makes shorty pajamas-as-outerwear look so sexy. [LaineyGossip]
A compilation of the best potato bussy!! [OMG Blog]
Hello, Pedro Araujo. [Socialite Life]
Maya Rudolph was a terrific host on SNL. [Pajiba]
Worst dressed at the Met Gala. [Go Fug Yourself]
Jasmine Jobson wore Louis Vuitton to the BAFTA TV awards. [RCFA]
That ‘90s Show is coming back in June. [Seriously OMG]
This whole South Carolina preacher story is sketchy as hell. [Starcasm]
A timeline of Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin’s romance. [Hollywood Life]
An explainer on Dead Butt Syndrome. [Buzzfeed]

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26 Responses to ““Chris Pine looked amazing in shorty pajamas in LA last week” links”

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  1. LooneyTunes says:

    That is not cute. Stahp…

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Sorry im not into green polka dot peejay chris , with brown braided loafers that I used to wear in 6th grade either.

    • Yvette says:

      What I love most about Chris Pine (aka Captain Fine) is how very much he owns who he is. 🙂

      • lucy2 says:

        Same. I don’t love this look, but I love that he doesn’t care what I or anyone else thinks and is just out there living life. He seems like an interesting and cool dude.

    • Polly says:

      I love it and think he looks amazing.

  2. sevenblue says:

    I noticed that there is a stage in a beautiful looking man’s life that they try to look as ugly as possible. I don’t know why else he is trying to look like this in public.

    • Barbara says:

      He looks homeless.

    • Chaine says:

      It’s the shaggy beard that’s making it all look awful. Otherwise I might be into it.

      • North of Boston says:

        Yeah … nope

        This look is not doing it for me at all.
        The beard is part of it, but there are a lot of not good elements.
        The leather house slippers, PJ short set and bathrobe-adjacent coat are all giving oddball neighbor roaming the streets trying to find where the paper carrier tossed the morning edition, having completely spaced that he switched to an online only subscription months ago.

        I don’t care how make random pocket squares he adds

      • Thinking says:

        His smooth legs might be bothering me a bit. I’m not sure why— they’re not ugly. Maybe they look better than mine and that’s making me unnecessarily uncomfortable.

  3. Eurydice says:

    No, weird and creepy. But Lainey has a couple of pieces on H&M’s tour that are well worth reading.

  4. Sara says:

    I see Chris is taking inspiration from Zoolander now and rocking a sexy homeless/derelict look.

  5. CJW says:

    The BEST Chris looks gooooood!

  6. #24 says:

    The poor man’s Nick Nolte

  7. Blarg says:

    Chris Pine can get it, pajamas in broad daylight or not. I will die on this hill.

    Plus, he’s just delightful.

    • Silver Birch says:

      Yes! The outfit is awful, and I’m not really into the beard, to be honest, but I would hit that so hard. And come back for more. And talk to him in between, because he’s smart, too.

  8. Jamie42 says:

    The beard is awful. And he looks as if he missed a few “leg days” at the gym.

  9. Flamingo says:

    Not a fan of the Chris Pine Santa Beard. But send me the rest directly to my bedroom.

  10. ML says:

    Yes to writing about Eurovision! Clueless about the Miss USA and Teen pageants, but that sounds like it is a hellish environment.

    I feel that NDAs should not be able to cover abuse. Selling off company secrets is one thing; being silenced and unable to talk about unhealthy work practices should not be allowed. And then the payoffs: If a company does something wrong, should compensate you, and you should not be silenced. It’s horrifying how often this allows abusive people to remain in their jobs and the same thing happens again.

  11. MsIam says:

    Chile no to that Chris Pine mess. I have never understood the appeal with him.

  12. Happyoften says:

    Maya Rudolph is a national treasure.

    I used to have a pj set similar to Pines… 100% cotton, geen polka dots. I loved those jammies…

  13. Northernlala says:

    I’m sorry but no. Giving ‘the neighbour is drunk and wandering in his pjs again. Don’t make eye contact’ vibes.

  14. Grant says:

    I love it! He cracks me up. It’s not like he’s wearing this to an event or a photo-call or anything (at least, as much as I’m aware). Let the man live! And bless us with those fabulous gams!