Jennifer Lawrence calls herself a ‘chihuahua,’ claims she doesn’t feel famous

Anne Hathaway Jennifer Lawrence

In the aftermath of the Oscars, the focus was on the two female winners of the evening — Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway. Everyone pretty much forgot about the dudes, right? Well, the responses towards the two couldn’t be more different, as everyone loved Jennifer for tripping her way up the stairs and forgetting to thank Harvey Weinstein, and everyone attacked Anne Hathaway for giving an (obviously) carefully rehearsed speech and basically conducting the most annoying Oscar campaign in recent years. I agree with Kaiser that Anne wasn’t really that bad during her campaign, but she was just everywhere at once and on the cover of every magazine with a Taylor Swift-esque feigned innocence and a fake little girl voice in every interview.

Somehow, JLaw managed to also participate in a rather aggressive campaign, yet one was left with the feeling that she’d be a great drinking companion. Collectively, we wanted more from JLaw, and we wanted Anne to take an extended break out of the spotlight. Once the awards were handed out and the afterglow faded, Ann was left crying nonstop because of the backlash, and JLaw immediately hopped on an airplane to Hawaii where she smoked some doobs. These two represent polar opposites of the Hollywood spectrum, and NYMag put together a great piece on why people feel so differently about Anne and JLaw.

Even though Jennifer is now ping-ponging between reshoots for Catching Fire and playing Christian Bale’s wife in Abscam, she’s still got some previous interviews that are floating to the surface. In a talk with Fabulous mag (via Us Weekly), Jennifer discusses her own personality in front of the media. She basically calls herself a rabid chihuahua who has now idea what she’s talking about until after the fact. Again, she comes off pretty cute and likeable even while claiming that she’s a mess:

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence’s candid interviews have earned her more than a few fans, famous and not, who say her unfiltered sense of humor and laid-back personality are a refreshing change from the Hollywood norm. But the actress insists that her seemingly carefree demeanor is actually the opposite, and that she’s a ball of nerves whenever she’s the center of attention at an awards ceremony or movie premiere. The only place she feels she’s really herself, she says, is when she’s playing someone else.

“I’m afraid I’m going to go my whole life being scared like a chihuahua,” she admits in the new issue of the U.K.’s Fabulous magazine. “It’s not my comfort zone. Making movies is where I belong. I shouldn’t be heard just talking. So, when I’m doing movies, I’m really happy. That’s where I’m comfortable, that’s my home. When you put me on a red carpet or on a stage, I turn into chihuahua Jennifer.”

“Chihuahua Jennifer” is apparently a talker. “I have no control over what comes out of my mouth,” the Silver Linings Playbook star says of the candor everyone loves so much. “I would probably turn into a mute if I read what I said.”

That delicate balance of unguardedness and self-awareness is part of what keeps the 22-year-old Oscar winner — who split from British actor Nicholas Hoult in January — grounded. The other part is her family and non-famous friends. “Definitely my family is not the kind of family that would ever let me turn into an a–hole or anything like that, so I am fortunate to have them,” she tells Fabulous.

“I don’t ever walk around feeling famous, I walk around feeling the exact same way I have walked around my entire life, but it’s not until I talk to somebody and see in their eyes that I’m different. It makes me feel weird,” she says. “A lot of things that I didn’t even think could ever be possible for me have happened, all in a year. It’s been overwhelming, but in a wonderful way.”

[From Us Weekly]

If it were almost any other female actress claiming to still feel like a normal person despite evidence to the contrary, we’d all be rolling our eyes, right? When it comes out of the mouth of JLaw though, it’s very easy to believe she honestly feels that way. I mean, it’s hard to fake the way she behaved in that famous Jack Nicholson video. She’s just a fun girl and talented actress, and somehow the two states are not mutually exclusive. Clearly, she’s still telling the same fart jokes that she did before she was famous. Whereas I get the feeling that poor Anne doesn’t fart at all, which could be part of the problem.

Once again, I’m using photos of JLaw in her latest Calvin Klein look at the VF party. I can’t get enough of these booty shots.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Photos courtesy of WENN

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42 Responses to “Jennifer Lawrence calls herself a ‘chihuahua,’ claims she doesn’t feel famous”

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  1. Dawn says:

    She is so absolutely lovely and so very talented too. I can’t wait to see what’s next with her. I have a feeling she will be around for a very long time. She has the best speaking voice, there is just something cool about it. Well done Jennifer!

    • Liv says:

      I love her.

      And I think too that she’s here to stay. She just needs to balance presence and absence (too much in our face is never a good idea) and she needs to stay grounded (which is not easy in this environment – they all believe the hype some day). I really hope she stays the way she is right now.

      • magz says:

        Can she be my bff? That’s what I’m going to ask Santa for Christmas if I remember.

    • Kasia says:

      I just hope she always stays that way.

    • Steph says:

      I never get body envy. But I want my body to look like her’s in that silver dress! Lol, I would walk backwards all the time!

  2. aims says:

    I get the impression that she is a really cool chic. She’s funny as hell, down to earth and smart. I like people like that.

    • JenD says:

      I just saw a rerun of an interview she did with Live with Kelly and Michael, and she was hilarious, seemingly without meaning to. I think she’s adorable.

  3. Abby says:

    yeah I just love her. And I actually love her more AFTER the oscars because of how she conducted herself. impressive Jlaw!

  4. Lucy says:

    …still not like her

    • Pop! says:

      Yeah. I’m still not buying what’s being sold. Her pr machine is commendable, she is just as ‘controlled’ and ‘manufactured’ as any other actress, they just know that the ‘normies’ like her taking about burping, farting, and how ‘fat’ she is when she’s thin.
      No. Just no with her.

      • mac says:

        She doesn’t call herself fat. She says she knows she’s thin by normal standards but by Hollywood standards she’s almost “obese”. She criticized the ridiculous standards and said if that makes her “fat” then she’s fine with it. I hate how cynical some people are. It’s wholly impossible that there could be one nice, normal, funny celebrity out there right? It’s all an act!

      • Pop! says:

        She isn’t even big by Hollywood standards. Her measurements are reported as a 26 inch waist with 36 inch hips at 5 9. Kate Beckinsale is 5 8, reported as 24 35. Strikingly similar. Even in Hollywood that’s small. I’m cynical and her appeal isn’t genuine to me, just a shtick to be like ‘hollywood sure is crazy, isn’t it, folks?’ She could be nice, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a hyper controlled image for mass appeal. Because she does.

  5. Audrey says:

    I love her cause she is a bit of a mess. She’s not polished or proper. But she’s still classy and charming anyways.

    Anne feels fake now šŸ™ Jennifer feels real. I hope Anne stops caring so much, I used to like her a lot

    • V4Real says:


      She’s still my girl crush; I could go gay for her. But you’re right she let’s all her flaws shine through and that makes her beautiful.
      Nice ass in that silver/gold dress. I’m a perv; what can I say.

    • LadyMTL says:

      My feelings exactly : Anne came off as fake. Just look at the header pic, at how different they seem even though they’re both standing there and smiling. It’s like when someone tries to ACT cool versus someone who just IS cool…it’s very easy to spot the phony.

      I’m not an Anne Hater – I think she’s also a very good actress – but she seriously needs to get over herself and go away for a while. JLaw, however, I adore.

  6. Bijlee says:

    I like her like this. Not in the publicity machine, not overhyped acting. She’s a talented girl but not so much that she’s the most talented actress in the world or her generation. She has a long way to go. She’s got a good family and a good sense of self and a sweet personality.

  7. L says:

    Meanwhile, this Gif still makes me giggle.

    I feel her about how she feels/acts on red carpets. I think part of it is that she got so famous so fast, that still feeling ‘normal’ makes sense to me.

  8. maggiegrace says:

    She’s from Louisville, KY, where I live. She and my daughter used to pal around before she left to try acting. I remember her at my house, driving her and my daughter around, etc. She seemed more “worldly” than my daughter and older than her years. Story is that she accidentally peed on my floor during an overnight, but that is according to my daughter.

    • cmc says:

      How cool that you knew her when she was younger! Does she still keep in touch with your daughter?

  9. lori says:

    I recently watched Silver Linings Playbook and Hunger Games. I still don’t get her appeal….but she certainly is the anti-Hathaway.

  10. JC says:

    ADORE her.

    That pic of her with AnnE Hathaway is priceless, because AnnE looks like such an obnoxious douche. Which she is.

  11. Sweet Dee says:

    Well, I drank the kool-aid. It’s delicious. I would love to smoke a j and have wine with this girl. Only because she has piss-poor taste in beer, but she’s young. She can learn.

    Anyhow, I like her personality. For me she’s totally the anti-Hath.

  12. andrea says:

    “… but itā€™s not until I talk to somebody and see in their eyes that Iā€™m different.”

    That’s what makes me like her. She’s part of the Hollywood machinery now, of course, but she hasn’t gotten so far up her own ass that she’s lost that self-awareness and perspective. Well, for now, at least.

    • Lyn says:

      I actually think it’s more that she has no self-awareness because she’s 22 and thinks it’s natural that she’s the center of the universe – didn’t we all when we were that age?

  13. insomniac says:

    I dunno … she seems OK, but I think I’d like her more if people didn’t keep telling me how much I’m supposed to adore her and hate Anne.

    • balehead2012 says:

      Exactly! I have nothing against her (don’t LOVE her, don’t HATE her, I just like her), but the fact that everything I read tells me that she’s adorable, perfect, funny and how I’m supposed to love her for that… this whole adoration seems just too much for me. I get it in Meryl’s case, though šŸ˜€ I keep expecting that this adoration will turn to hatred and the Internet will explode the minute she tells/does sth. that will not be in line with the whole “laid-back, funny chick” thing. The poor thing won’t even know what hit her…

  14. Dimebox says:

    She is gorgeous, and in comparison to Hathaway seems to be truly fun and irreverent. My image of her was cemented when I saw a picture of her leaping into her family’s arms after her Oscar win. The mutual love and pride seemed very genuine.

  15. I Choose Me says:

    Not 100 percent sold on her but I do like her. And damn does she have an enviable figure – full figured and nicely toned. I really hope she never gives in to the pressure to lose weight.

  16. booger says:

    Every time I see JLaw decked out in designer gowns on the red carpet with that frozen smile on her face, I feel like it’s eerily reminiscent of the Hunger Games- Katniss being paraded around in crazy costumes and ordered to smile.

  17. ramona says:

    The way she looks in that gold gown… holy mama. If I looked like that in that dress, I’d wear it everywhere, everyday. Grocery store, roller rink, court, Nando’s…

  18. Rice says:

    I like Jen. I just wish the media would stop shoving her down my throat. Give her space and time to grow on the public. I like Anne also. I honestly do feel sorry for her. More than that, I think the media is trying too hard to bring out the negative in her IMO.

  19. danielle says:

    Hopefully she’ll take a break a some point. Feels like an actress who gets over-exposed will be attacked. That’s where Hathaway is at now. I mean, she seems like a nice person who tries very hard, and people are tearing her a new one over it. Since when is putting effort into something that bad.

  20. garvels says:

    I think people like Jennifer because she doesn’t take herself too seriously and she doesn’t appear to be the type who needs an award to validate her work.

  21. Lisa says:

    She reminds of the mean girls at school who constantly self deprecate so others can just tell them they are great. She has a massive ego in my opinion and people are getting the wool pulled over their eyes.

  22. Molly says:

    Honestly I’m sick of seeing her. I think she is over hyped and over adulated.

  23. Jenna says:

    She likes a little too much weed for my liking

  24. Bella Bella says:

    I am totally straight and way too old to think this without it being creepy but omg… her body won’t quit. Gorgeous. To be 22 and have a body like that. That’s got to be a good time.

  25. just me says:

    Does Anne deserve the Hate?

    This question should have been asked about Chris Brown, OJ Simpson, Vincent Heyward, the NYPD cops who raped the fashion executive or any of the Congressmen who voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Act…real people who have shown a hatred, even if momentary, towards women with extraordinary vigor, not some unexceptional actress who happens to be wealthier, sexier, and more social than most of you. If women feel this way they deserve all the catcalls, unequal pay, spousal abuse and other patriarchal dismissals they get. Sick of stupid pronouncements like this; and the woman who wrote this needs to be slapped by another woman with intelligence.

  26. Ginger says:

    Damn! She has the most perfect little figure on her! I really like her as well because she always says something unexpected and hilarious. I get the feeling that her publicists are always gritting their teeth and working overtime for her because of what she says but it’s refreshing.

  27. als says:

    I think a true test of who she is, would be when she gets on a stage with a partner like James Franco, at an event like the Oscars. Until now she’s had everyone’s support and it’s normal she should enjoy it, she’s young, talented and beautiful.
    After seeing The Hunger Games and The Playbooks, I can’t say I was impressed, but maybe it’s just a matter of personal tastes.

  28. Jordan says:

    Love her….talented and beautiful, down to earth and all at 22. Also, I can’t stop staring at that photo of her in the CK gown….DAMN!!.