For those of you with small kids at home at this time, my thoughts are with you when they’re not obsessively focused on myself and my own situation. My son is 15 and we have our own challenges but I am grateful he’s with me and is mostly self sufficient. I’m trying to stay positive, to come up with sh-t to do and to count my blessings. Yesterday I ate a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Peanut Butter Half Baked (holy sh-t that is amazing, with Haagen Dazs Coconut Caramel Chocolate Trio a close second) and it made me feel better for about ten minutes. Sometimes I wish I had a dog to force me to walk twice a day as I usually feel better after that but it’s hard to make myself get out of the house, especially when it’s cold and rainy and staying in is for the good of all.
Thanks for listening to me complain under the guise of concern. That was my introduction to these photos of Jennifer Garner out with her three kids, Violet, 14, Seraphina, 11, and Samuel, 8. They walked their sweet golden retreiver, Birdie, whom they got as a puppy in the summer of 2015. We were told at the time that the new dog was “another sign they are working together to raise kids and be in a kind relationship.” Back then they were still wearing their rings for the kids too. Memories. Look they have their cat in a baby stroller too! I love that. Check out its fluffy ears they’re adorable.
No shade on these photos and I’m glad that 80% of the Garner-Afflecks are doing well. We know how Ben is doing because he’s been doing pap walks with his new girlfriend, Ana de Armas, almost every day. To be clear I don’t think Afflarmas are calling the paparazzi, but they’re definitely playing it up for them. I watched a video of the photos below, taken Monday, on the photo agency’s site for subscribers. There are cars driving by constantly. Ana and Ben stop for her to stand on the curb and lovingly stroke Ben’s face. This is the same move they did over the weekend too.
This time Ben walked his dog too, a beautiful German Shepherd. Those are gorgeous, loyal and protective dogs. I have a friend with one who can never have more than one person over at a time or her dog will go crazy. She says she always feels safe with him there though. This is making me wonder if I can talk my new landlord into letting me have a dog after I keep paying my rent for a few months. I’m thinking I want a border collie. They are also protective when needed but are super friendly. Back in October, 2017, we heard that Ben adopted a stray husky puppy. ET Online reported that and I don’t think they got the breed wrong either. I wonder what happened to that dog and I’m sure many of you know.
Do you like Ana’s boho top and skirt here? It’s not my style but she looks super cute as always. She seems to favor the color magenta and it suits her.
Oh and Garner’s kids are getting stir crazy like all the kids. Samuel wrote this poem which he attributed to a fictional pen name. That’s really clever! As for the title of the post, I bet Garner wishes Ben was more discreet, at least for their kids’ sake, but I also bet she monitors their screen time. She’s said they don’t have phones or iPads but that was ages ago.
photos credit: Backgrid
He makes a mid life crisis look as it should, pathetic. He’s so gross.
The photo where she is touching his face is creepy. It gives me her Knives Out character vibes. You know, caretaker to an old guy. I mean, wtf. If you are going for a walk, then walk. Don’t stop for a forced photo op. Smh
Team Jen and kids always.
Judging by the expressions on their faces, it just looks like she’s picking/brushing something off his face, maybe a bug. It doesn’t look like a caress as stated in the article.
In the video, they’re led by the dogs and only stop when they want to root around in a bush.
@A Do you work for Ana ot Ben, because…
Lol. So true.
Why are paparazzi walking around?
Are they essential workers?
I have the same question !
Hardly any celebs are doing pap walks. These two and the paps are needed to feed the machine.
They took their cat…for a walk…in a stroller?
I love it! Pets deserve some fresh air too 🙂
@lyli very true! I just can’t believe their cat is staying in the stroller and not freaking out.
That is one obliging cat. Mine would never…
I walk my cat on a leash every other day. There are some weirdly accommodating cats out there 🙂
My boy cat used to love going out for a walk. I had a harness leash and we’d “investigate” the front lawn lol. He got braver and braver each time, wanting to go further. He used to try and lunge at birds at first; he got to the point where he’d just sit and watch them. It was so sweet.
@who mine too! I put her on a harness once and tried to take her for a walk and she lost her mind. She was dragging her back legs around like they didn’t work….even though the harness only went around her front legs. It was bizarre.
That cat is Boss and knows it lol.
Right?! Very cute.
@sophie. When I was little I used to take our cats out in my doll stroller. They liked it. The cat is probably having a great time
@lizzie that is the cutest story ever. You may have just convinced me to buy my kids a doll stroller.
Does Jennifer call the paps or are they just hanging out outside her house? Methinks the former. Wow celebs are desperate to keep themselves in the news. The message she’s sending here is, “Ben may have a hot new gf, but I’m the one taking care of the kids. Aren’t I amazing? Notice my smile!”
Jen has a boyfriend, she could do the same. She is the winner here.
Oh, really, does she? John Miller has been pap stalked recently buying groceries but has been nowhere near her since September. I think they broke up. In all pics of them, he looks disinterested in her. If she could convince him to stroll around with her like Ben-Ana, she would do so in a heartbeat. And “winning” isn’t pap strolling with the kids just to stay relevant but that’s where she’s at currently. Look at this post. It has her name in the title but nearly all the comments are about Ben’s love life. She’s nothing without the association with him and has faded into the background.
They’ve tried to whip up interest in her relationship with John Miller and nobody cares.
@minx, I think it’s because she’s so vanilla. I really have trouble believing she was ever actually with him. I think he was doing her a favor by hanging out with her the couple of times in public. Who knows?
@yaya Yes completely!
@yaya She is, do you really think Jen Garner couldn’t get a hot, more talented guy than Ben if she wanted to? Come on, she’s a famous actress. She could do the same as Ben, calling paparazzi for her and her boyfriend doing PDA. However, she doesn’t do that, she prefers to focus on the family, and keep the relationship private as it should.
He kind of looked like Michael Vartan. I’m pretty sure Jennifer Garner has incredible choice when it comes to dating – famous in a fame obsessed world, attractive, and wealthy (sorry, just a fact the majority of people seem to prefer to partner with people who are financially secure. I think she calls the paps too much and uses her kids IMO but on this point I think it’s true she just isn’t that interested in having a public romance. Maybe she lost interest in him.
They do hang around outside of people’s homes. They can be really terrible and creepy.
My thoughts exactly. Jen lives on a huge estate..the kids & pets could roam around there. Jen is pissed that Ben has a hot, successful girlfriend…who is very affectionate. I honestly did not know who Jen Garner was either until she starting dating Ben.
Ana & Ben seem happy. Let them be.
@Lauren II Why would she be pissed? I think she is happy for him as long as he remains sober. This is the woman who helped him get into rehab, she is always there for him. these comparisons of the girl younger and hotter than Jen are misogynistic, because of a serial cheater!!
Jen was Alias star before dating him, she had her own career starring in a successful series.
If my busy father chose to spend this rare, uninterrupted time with his new chick instead of me, I would be heartbroken. His poor children.
And if my new boyfriend picked me over his kids, well – maybe that’s okay for a short term fling, but I certainly wouldn’t marry or have a child with that man. These kinds of things show you where people’s priorities are.
He was with them every day until maybe a week ago. In the most recent photos with his son from this weekend, they were social distancing from each other so there must be some safety reason for it.
lol he hasn’t seen them since 20th! His son cycled round on Sunday and they kept a distance, yes, but what’s to stop Affleck popping round and saying hello at a distance? I guess instead, they can see him every day on these PDA strolls.
Couldn’t agree more. That was the first thing I thought. He has the opportunity to be at home with his kids, but he chooses some new girl he barely knows. He’s missing out on quality time with his children and leaving the actual work of parenting to his ex-wife.
He did just get back from Cuba not long ago. And when his son visited, they looked like they were social distancing. I’m guessing he’s been quarantined from them due to traveling. No excuses, but perhaps a reason. Or, maybe there is no one to supervise their visits due to being non-essential or social workers needed in other areas. I hope he’s getting in lots of Zoom time. Maybe he and Alma are talking with Violet in Spanish, since that was something he mentioned working on.
I think I just want to be positive right now hahaha but I do think he’s been away from his kids due to recently traveling or supervision being needed. It remains to be seen how long that lasts.
He hasn’t been distancing since he got back from his trip, just the past week. The kids stayed at his house for a few days and then he was getting photographed outside Jennifer’s every day until a week ago.
I don’t remember him ever being this affectionate Jennifer or that Snooki lady. As for her, she’s ranked number one on IMDB, so these pap strolls are working for her.
Yeah she’s definitely getting the attention she (and he!) craves, but I’m not sure it’s all that positive. She’s not #1 on IMDB due to some huge project or widely praised performance; more likely she’s being searched because people are like “So that’s Affleck’s new piece? What’s she been in?”. The work has to lead the way or attention can very quickly backfire.
Once you become known as Ben Affleck’s main piece, no one takes you seriously so its safe to say career is going to die pretty soon.
There are many PDA’s between him and Shookus, just google it. He looked quite happy, I thought she was number one.
I am from Boston and maybe older than most of you so you don’t remember their early years together.
Ben showed sincere love and affection for Jennifer for many years.
He goes through the motions with the others, including Ana.
He still looks more attracted to Jen now at any soccer game or anytime they are together.
As he said to Diane Sawyer if he could go back and redo things he would.
They both love their children and I wish the best for all of them.
I’m starting to agree with the general consensus on Twitter that some celebrities are going stark raving batshit now that there are no premieres or red carpets or talk shows and nobody’s paying attention to them.
Type A extroverts are going bat shit crazy everywhere there is a shelter in place order. I live with one lol.
I’m an introvert who has worked from home for years and even I am making myself and my kids go on daily walks to get out of the house and get some fresh air to recharge.
Ben is gonna Ben. I’m glad he’s still apparently sober. I hope it sticks.
Lol yes. I read a piece somewhere (Vulture or The Cut?) that was trashing celebrities and how poorly they are handling all this, mainly because they are cooped up in their big empty homes and aren’t getting all the attention. It’s vicious but so true.
Also predicting a lot of celebrity break-ups after things settle down in the world. Celebrity relationships are built on appearance and lots of time spent apart.
Hi! Just quick dog advice from someone who got a border collie mix while living in an apartment – I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT. I ended up having to rehome the dog (to my parents so he’s still in the family!) I am a marathon runner and extremely active, and even with that the dog was tearing down the walls in boredom and frustration. You definitely want to make sure you have an active lifestyle (like, marathon-level active…this dog would go on 7-10 mile runs with me and still be antsy) AND a big yard for them to run around. Those dogs are not a joke. That said, he’s about 13 now and still goes on super-long walks with my parents, he has an awesome temperament when he’s not feeling unfulfilled, and once he hit around age 8 he finally started calming down. These are just…things I wish the shelter had told me when I adopted him so I’m passing it along.
OK! I have a house and an active lifestyle but I don’t run and I don’t have a yard. I appreciate that advice. I’m so glad your dog has a nice life with your folks!
Frisbee is the only thing that saved me with my border collie!! Several times a day!! But it was totally worth it. Best damn dog who ever lived!!
We adopted an older dog a few years ago and it was the best. You can find one if you go through a foster where you can already know what you are getting yourself into, you know the dog’s temperament, and you miss the puppy “chew on everything” stage. Puppies are great too, but it was nice to have an older dog and he has been the sweetest boy imaginable. There are some great groups out there like Susie’s Senior Dogs and they really help people find a great fit for them. I also know that Dean and Caelynn from BIP adopted an older pup and he’s so sweet too!
Hi there,
I agree with the poster above about Border Collies. They need jobs as they are very smart and active. If you have small children the dog may try to coral them into place.
I have a border collie mix. They are the best dogs. Super smart and super sweet. She does need a lot of attention. I am home all day, even before CV. She has a big yard to play in. I agree with the other comments if you are not at home then your dog will have issues. They train easily and super loyal, super loving.
@RunCMC – yes! Came here to say the same thing. Border Collies are incredible dogs, EXTREMELY smart and bred to be working dogs. They need A LOT of mental and physical stimulation. I have an Australian Shepherd and they are similar in that way, though I think border collies have even more energy. These dogs can just go go go and if they don’t get enough exercise and playtime, they can get neurotic. Just a word to the wise. Like all shepherds they are absolutely devoted and protective companions. My Aussie is my shadow and personal body guard.
I did watch my friend’s border collie for about two weeks but she was an older dog and I took her on long walks. My friend has a yard so I will consider another breed. I love that dog so much though.
Shelties. Are. AWESOME!!
(They even let you dress them in Wonder Woman costumes!)
@NotSoSocial I remember that photo!
This! They are extremely intelligent and energetic dogs that need shit tons of exercise and mental stimulation!
My Dad is a farmer and we always had border collies off and on while growing up. For a long stretch there, he named them after my future brother-in-law. (Yeah, as a group, some of us think we’re funny.) There was one that wasn’t terribly smart though. He’d never heard cattle, just gates. You’d throw a big farm gate closed and he would go after that thing like nobody’s business! Get the gate!
I second this statement.
Border Collies are often ‘working dogs’ here in Australia and we had them round up the cows on the dairy farm that I grew up on.
Yes they are friendly, loyal and super smart dogs but they also are one of the most active dog breeds out there.
That are absolutely not suited to city life unless you ran with them twice daily and had an enormous back yard.
I’m not a dog person. don’t border collies need lots of room to herd? wouldn’t want to keep them in a small place with little or no yard, even with two walks a day.
Last sighting of Ben’s husky was in late 2018 but he’s not photographed with his dogs much so I have hope it’s still living a happy life and is just paparazzi-shy
Greetings from Germany, where we’ve been on almost total lockdown for three weeks now. This is the first day that I’ve been in a real misery funk about it all – sure, it could 100% be worse but I’m just having a moment of selfishness.
So with that said, what I really needed to see right now were photos of Violet Affleck TALLER THAN HER MOTHER? When did this happen?? Isn’t she the cute little thing with oversized glasses? Yep, being reminded of my advancing age is really what I needed today.
(Tongue firmly in cheek, but you all know how it can get sometimes!)
I had that yesterday Ash. You are young it’s the kids who age faster than us!
I know!!!! I thought the same thing. Suddenly you turn around and a celeb’s kids are all grown. I remember when Seraphina was a little blonde toddler. I would have said she was 8 now, max.
I thought Violet WAS Jen at first! The resemblance is startling. Seraphina is a clone of Ben, and I think Samuel looks like Jen, too, just not as much (has her dimples for sure!).
Even though he may be a sh!t father, he and Jen made beautiful kids!
I was all about Jen‘s golden retriever, until I saw that it was a CAT. In the stroller!!! Cute overload.
In contrast, Ben and Ana look more ridiculous with each paparazzi stroll.
The Affleck kids are adorable.
Their father is gross, as per usual.
So wait, he had a dog this whole time?! Every pap stroll they have done so far its just been with her dog, who was walking his dogs? Were they not being walked so that they could have just her and him and her little dog in the frame? How odd.
It always makes me chuckle when I see pap shots, never in my life have I been on a walk and just stopped in the middle of the street to make out and paw my partner. So unnecessary and unnatural, we get it, you’re in LOVE 🙄
They do look like father and daughter though, she looks college aged, which makes him look even older. Yikes.
Right. They look ridiculous and phony.
That little guy could play John-Boy Walton in the prequel.
Who is the extra person with Jen and the kids? Is a nanny quarantined with them? No shade, just curious if anyone knows their current nanny situation
I think it’s a nanny. She made an Instagram post about her assistant and said she was quarantined with them, but it looks like a different person. I’m guessing she’s got at least one nanny and an assistant with her.
Yes, that is the nanny – she’s been with the family for years.
I’m a Ben Affleck fan. However I always think it’s interesting whenever he dates anyone he is always everywhere holding hands with them, getting coffees, walking down the street or out eating. Yet Jen has been dating John Miller for quite awhile now and I’ve only ever seen her with him maybe twice and I think one time was a pic someone snapped at a party they didn’t even know was being taken. It’s interesting how different they are.
I want to start out my comment by saying thank you to all those that are working in essential jobs, whatever your job is, we couldn’t do it without you and we love and appreciate you all!!! ❤️❤️
Omg, I can’t believe how much their kids have grown. It really does prove that you can keep your family away from the paparazzi if you really want to. I believe that is why their kids seem to have grown so quickly, we don’t see them often. Also, they look happy, healthy and well adjusted, so say what you want about them as people, they are clearly doing something right as parents. Violet (she’s the oldest, right?) looks SOOO much like her Mama! 😀
Uh, what? Those kids have been photographed nearly every day for as long as they’ve been alive. This is NOT a case of keeping a family away from the paparazzi (because Jen and Ben don’t want to do that, they need to remain accessible to the paps). 🙂
I have second-hand embarrassment for Ben and Ana. Their performative lurve is the cringiest thing I’ve seen in awhile.
Just realized that their couple name is benana.
That is a beautiful German Shepard. That dog is the sole reason I would consider being a home owner.
That’s all I got.
I don’t think Jen and her bf are together anymore and haven’t been for some time. Over on gofugyourself, someone posted that we should ignore Ben Affleck and his pap strolls bc what he wants is attention. One of the women who run the site replied that his posts/pics get so many clicks and hits that they can’t afford to do that. So Ben and Ana are single-handedly keeping the tabloid and blog industries going. I guess it’s a good thing that people still have jobs.
I think Jennifer and her boyfriend broke up a while ago too. It is really difficult to have an outside relationship when you are a single parent. Many of my divorced friends don’t even bother anymore. She is fortunate that she has so many resources, but she is still a single parent. Ben is her co-parent but he doesn’t seem to be as involved as she is. His attention is easily diverted. The PDA pictures are beyond tacky. Ana is posing in most of them. The same look on her face. It is as if they were making a movie poster.
ben doesn’t seem to be taking his sobriety or even his life seriously.
he talked about how committed of a father he wanted to be in the future during his most recent press tour, after not being around for so much of their childhood. he now gets the chance to spend the kind of quality time with them he’d likely never get again (literally, once-in-a-lifetime) and…. he chooses to pap walk on a daily basis and flaunt his private life the way he never agreed to do with the mother of his children. he’s spending quarantine time with a woman he’s known a handful of months, rather than with his kids. and dipping his toe back into the whole flashy pda celebrity relationship baloney that seriously damaged his career.
all this… at his big age?? man alive. jennifer garner made the biggest mistake of her life procreating with him. their poor children. i know it’s useless to live with that kind of anxiety, but i’m sure she worries that her children could possibly go down the same path their father did, and one day she wouldn’t even be there to protect them. she’s effectively the only parent.
He seems to have been sober since his Halloween setback so I don’t really get this. He’s only entitled to a maximum of half his kids’ time and there’s no evidence that he’s not getting that. Jen is under no obligation to offer more than that. His walks with Ana and her dog account for 10-20 minutes of his day. Seems unfair to speculate what he’s doing with the other 23.5 hours. But I agree w you, Garner’s biggest mistake was having kids w him though I highly doubt she sees it that way. She’d still run down the beach to be with him. 😛
he was with his kids all the time until the 20th and it seems that something happened then to make him social distance with them. he was photographed with his son at the weekend and according to the agency they didn’t get close.
I wonder if Jennifer knows about Ana unfollowing her on IG in Feb. Good luck to her cause I feel like Ben/Ana are going to end on a dramatic note.
I’m pleased someone noticed they keep stopping for PDA at the same place on the street! It’s been bugging me for ages!
If Ana weren’t around, I wonder if Ben would have spent lockdown at Jen’s house. The tabloids would have had a field day with that, and I’m actually thankful we were spared Round #30 of the “they’re getting back together” bullsh*t. I have to say I’m kinda enjoying Ben and Ana’s relationship. I’m surprised that she’s spending this lockdown at his house, marking her territory and making it clear that she’s not going anywhere. I don’t think they’ve spent even one day apart since they started dating. This relationship will either end in marriage and at least one kid, or she will dump him and Ben will have the most epic breakdown of his life. Some people see PR, but I just think he’s not hiding her. His ego is through the roof with this one. Curious to see where it all ends up.
Your post seems right on the money. I’ll just add Jen Garner seems to have the most tightly controlled PR IMO. It appears someone has posters all over every DM article posting very positive stuff about her and downvoting anything negative. Hugh Jackman’s and Kaia Gerber’s DM stories also. On Hugh’s stories, any comment vaguely suggesting Deb is a beard get deleted quicker than you can blink.
Ok what kind of outfit is that to just take a walk? She knows she will be photographed so she is certainly picking out chic outfits. Who are you kidding Ana…
These people have large properties with huge gardens. Why are they constantly seen walking round the block unless to be papped? This all looks so forced.
Us Weekly is now reporting that Ben wants to have kids with her. Lol he is so good for gossip
It’s been awhile since I’ve seen pics of the kids. I didn’t realize Violet had a growth spurt!! She’s as tall as Jen now, in fact I thought she WAS Jen when I first saw her! She’s been looking like her mom’s clone for awhile now but especially here. Seraphina is especially resembling her dad, I can’t tell who Samuel looks like yet.
I think it’s so cute/SO LA they took the cat out with them too in the stroller!
it’s like JG and Ana are having a silent competition or something for whomever is able to garner more attention and publicity, all because of one man, both are pathetic losers, more so than Affleck.
ugh they are gross, he has no self control. his kids see this crap I’m sure, hard for the older one to avoid. i feel bad for them. As flawed as Garner may be shes an excellent mother, at least they have that. Ben is weak, he always has been
More interested in Julia Garner these days.
The latest pap pictures are up now. All teenagers want to see pictures of their father making out and holding their girlfriend’s behind. IMO, this is just not a good look for either of them. 🙄
Wow, I seriously thought Violet was Jen! She is so tall and looks just like her mom. Very cute kids and the cat in the stroller is so sweet! I don’t think my cats would be calm enough to not try to scratch their way out. I do take them out in the backyard on leashes. They have little harnesses. It’s pretty cute.
Hang in there CB! I’m feeling pretty blah too but I did one of the YouTube workouts you posted yesterday and today and it really helped my mood.
I have a small child and I’m pregnant. Appreciate the empathy!
He does love his family. This is true affection. Not for the paparrazi.