Demi Lovato on believing in aliens: ‘People look at me like I’ve lost my marbles’

I know a lot of people don’t like Demi Lovato but they’ve really grown on me since coming out as nonbinary and educating people on what that means. Back in May, Demi did an interview with a nonbinary artist called Alok Vaid-Menon where they both explained what it’s like to be a nonbinary person and how people can be more supportive. I came away with a better understanding of nonbinary people and am grateful to Demi for that.

Demi has a new show on Peacock called Unidentified, which is a docuseries also starring Demi’s older sister and Demi’s best friend. It’s getting good reviews. Demi has a long history of being open about their belief in mermaids and extraterrestrials. I’ve covered interviews Demi did with Seth Myers back in 2014 and just last year, where they claim to have made contact with mermaids and aliens through meditation. Demi has a new interview with Seth promoting the show, and it was a joy to watch. While I don’t believe in everything they claim, it’s clear that Demi believes and wants to share that. Demi knows that people are going to assume they’re crazy too. Here’s some of what they said and the video is below:

On meditation and how long they meditate
I use an app sometimes, Insight Timer, which is really good for guided meditations. You can click how long the meditation is that you want to do. Other times I meditate by myself. In the beginning I was really into it and was giving myself 30 minutes. That turned into an hour, an hour and a half. Now it’s back down to like ten minutes.

On what they’re trying to do in this show
To gather evidence, to gather information and try to make the best guess at what it must be that’s out there.

On interviewing experts and people who have had encounters for the show
When I first went in there I was in awe of some of the things I was hearing. It also didn’t make me feel so alone. A lot of times when I tell people that I believe in this stuff they look at me like I’ve lost my marbles and that’s ok, but it was cool to talk to people that also believe in some of the things that I do and realize we’re all in this together.

On if shows like this will make ETs less likely to interact with them
I’ve come to learn that the way to make these interactions with these beings are by expanding our consciousness. Through meditation we actually can make contact a lot easier. It’s been so many times where I’ve been meditating and I looked up and there’s something in the sky. Through meditation you can make that happen yourself.

[From Seth Meyers on YouTube]

Kaiser and I talked about UFOs on our podcast last year, when Kaiser was into Ancient Aliens and coincidentally right before the government released radar footage and audio of possible UFOs. After that, 60 Minutes did a very convincing segment about it. 60 Minutes interviewed high ranking military officials and Navy pilots who went on the record to say that they’ve seen unidentified spacecraft which seemed powered by technology we haven’t developed yet. That sold me!

Meditation has truly changed my life and I highly recommend it. Demi is interpreting the things they see in meditation as real, and they are for Demi. It’s easy for people to dismiss UFOs and unexplained phenomenon when people claim to communicate with otherworldly beings through meditation. Plus shows like Ancient Aliens take possible evidence and spin it to a ridiculous and unbelievable degree. The truth is probably more amazing than we can imagine. Demi truly believes in aliens and mermaids and this is clearly their passion. This was a fun interview to watch and I will give this new show a chance.

Here’s that interview!


Photos via Instagram

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21 Responses to “Demi Lovato on believing in aliens: ‘People look at me like I’ve lost my marbles’”

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  1. Chill says:

    I have met very reliable and sensible people who talk of being abducted by aliens. They have been people I believe and trust. So, I don’t know, but maybe.

    • AmberMarie says:

      Perhaps it’s just the word “alien” in and of itself. It’s been CGI’d, animated and inserted into comics so frequently that it’s what we think of. I don’t think saying you have a belief in “life outside the of planet earth” that it would be as stigmatized.

  2. JayBlue says:

    My only issue with human alien encounters is that it is too well covered up. I feel like if aliens are contacting us, how are they doing it so individually/precisely that the wider public are in the dark? I guess I just imagine first contact would be this huge messy planet wide “is anybody out there” kind of event, the way we send out own messages out into the aether.

  3. Kelly Sunshine says:

    While I don’t believe in mermaids, I truly believe that there are aliens. I just think that it’s arrogant of us to believe that we are the only intelligent species, considering that the universe is so incredibly vast.

    • Mei says:

      Can’t agree more – you’ve nailed my sentiments re: aliens exactly. If anything, some races may well be much much older than our planet so it would make sense they’ve visited and we wouldn’t have known because our technology isn’t good enough yet.

  4. Mireille says:

    I believe in the possibility (and most likely probability) of other forms of life outside of planet Earth. And Demi is not the only celebrity to delve into this, Tom DeLonge (Blink 182) co-founded and invested in a company called To the Stars Academy which focuses on UFOs and alien research.

    Don’t believe in mermaids, but who knows? We’ve only explored less than 1% of the earth’s oceans. Who knows what lurks beneath in deep, deep, dark waters.

  5. Lucía says:

    Nope. Still can’t stand them.

  6. Case says:

    I absolutely believe in aliens. It would be ignorant to believe there’s no other intelligent life in the universe! And gosh, I certainly hope they’re more intelligent than humans.

    • lisa says:

      As someone with family history at Nevada test site … all those flying objects with unusual tech are US-manufactured. When a pilot says he saw something unusual, that’s because he’s not allowed to know the tech. Nothing is from space aliens, it’s all manufactured here, in our deserts. We do test flights with innovations you wouldn’t believe, all to dominate China if that’s ever needed.

  7. Chelsea says:

    Ive seen a lot of people being bent out of shape about this harmless show on twitter as if there weren’t thousands of people flocking to area 51 a couple years back lol. I personally am not the world’s biggest believer in aliens but I’ve always found Demi’s interviews over the years where they geek out about aliens cute and the promos make the show look fun so i might watch this some time this week when I’m bored.

  8. The Hench says:

    Mmm. Look, I try to stay open minded but I do believe that what we need in this world is more critical thinking/appraisal and less credulity. If you are capable of believing you are meeting real mermaids in your meditations then, to me, it’s a short step to believing the government is using vaccinations to put a chip in you or to kill us all off – and that IS actively harmful.

    • Jules says:

      Yes, this, it’s all related. But show me a celeb with critical thinking and I’ll show you an alien that landed in my backyard so I could conveniently post it on social media. It’s the magical thinking that children do, celebs just don’t grow up.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yes, putting the ‘alien’ question to one side (and I’m in the camp of thinking that it is next to impossible that no other life forms have evolved anywhere else in the universe), I have an issue with assuming you must be right because other people believe the same thing. Of course thinking differently to the norm is sometimes the pre-cursor to genuine breakthroughs but I also have a cousin who believes the earth is flat and won’t vaccinate so….

  9. DuchessL says:

    I think this belief will grow to be the thought of the majority. I mean, we all know that earth is not even the size of a salt grain compared to the universe, so we’re probably not the only ones out there. But believing what you see during meditation as real, is a little far fetched to me. I would say the schizophrenics say that all the time and they’re not even meditating and it’s not really the reality, only their reality. We’re gonna have to change the definition of reality

  10. Emma says:

    Demi has also grown on me due to being super open and vulnerable about their addiction and coming to realize their identity. It casts all their past party / violent behavior in a new light. You never know what someone is going through and often extreme behavior is a sign of a struggle going on beneath the surface. If Demi finds joy and purpose in seeking out aliens or mermaids, why not, I guess. Relatively harmless?

    But it’s always worth asking what need in yourself this is filling, in this case, a need to have supernatural blessings or spirituality without traditional oppressive institutionalized religion? A need to feel special and in possession of secret knowledge? Why? Do you have a deeper insecurity that is not being addressed at surface level? Ultimately fear of death? I am not trying to psychoanalyze anyone in particular, but just in general.

    If there were really super-powered technological aliens, why would they not have become obvious to everyone on earth already? And people lie or deceive themselves ALLLL the time. See above for reasons.


    I’m glad Demi was educational for some regarding non-binary experiences. However, I believe there are other great resources out there (but I get that Demi might have more influence given their platform).

    I know Demi has been through tragic ordeals, but that does not erase persistent historical behavior as a violent asshole. To be fair, I might be particularly peeved that they are one of not very many openly bipolar celebrities, and they perpetuated some of the very worst stereotypes. That said, there is no “right way” to be a celebrity with mental illness. It’s just frustrating when the top-of-mind example is so problematic.

  12. Louise177 says:

    There has to be non-Earthlings on other planets. Hasn’t it been said that we’ve only seen like 10% of space?

    • Kelly Sunshine says:

      I’d be surprised if we’ve only seen even 1% of our own galaxy. The Milky Way is estimated to have anywhere from 100-400 BILLION stars. Imagine how many planets surround those stars.

  13. Otaku fairy says:

    I don’t believe in mermaids anymore, but it would be hard to imagine there not being other life forms out there somewhere.

  14. Penelope says:

    I just want to say that when Insta is back up, I encourage everyone to follow Alok V Menon. They do these amazing book reports about the history of gender, feminism … so many things! I once spent an entire evening reading them and I learned so much! The book reports also really give a good history of why things are the way they are now.