The Sun was in ‘discussions with the palace all along’ about the farm-store video

On Sunday, March 17, The Sun reported exclusively that the Princess of Wales had been seen out and about at the Windsor Farm Store, shopping with Prince William. The Sun also reported that Kate and William had been out of the house for hours, watching their kids play some sporting event. Initially, there were no photos or videos and people questioned the whole story. It felt like yet another bungled palace scheme, especially because it came one week after Reuters, Getty, AFP and the Associated Press had killed the Kensington Palace-released, manipulated Mother’s Day photo. People were legitimately asking where Kate was and if she was okay, and the palace was like “pinky-swear, we promise she was out and about but there are no photos!”

Then the next day, the Sun and TMZ paid $200K for the video of “Will and Kate” leaving the farm store. The moment the video came out, people online and around the world were like “is that really Kate?” While the quality of the video was not great, it felt like the woman in the photo was taller, with longer legs, and a much-younger face. The woman’s gait was different than Kate’s, especially as the woman seemingly speed-walked out of the shop. People questioned every part of the video – the AP was like “that’s weird” and a BBC sports reporter questioned why everyone was running with “it’s totally Kate.” The whole thing was just odd and it’s still odd, even now that we know that Kate was (at the time) going through chemotherapy and recovering from surgery.

Well, we’ve got an answer to one of those questions – why did the Sun, the Mail and every other British outlet run the video and screencaps as “that’s totally Kate?” The answer is that Kensington Palace was working in tandem with the Sun’s editors to ensure that the video was published. This, according to the Sun’s editor Victoria Newton.

“Of course I was in discussions with the palace all along with that. And there was no problem with us running those images. It kind of felt like the nation was desperate to see her.” So… Kensington Palace colluded with the Sun on the entire story from start to finish, correct? The Sun was the outlet which got the “Kate went shopping” story exclusively, then magically, the next day, the same outlet procured the video, and all of it was given the greenlight by KP? While I’ve always known that the whole thing was a KP operation, it begs the question… why did Kensington Palace throw their weight around so hard about the photo of Kate in the car with her mother? Why did KP refuse to allow any British outlet to publish those photos, or even embed those tweets in their coverage? Some really crazy sh-t was going on behind the scenes.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images & Kensington Palace’s video. Covers courtesy of The Sun & the Mail.

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80 Responses to “The Sun was in ‘discussions with the palace all along’ about the farm-store video”

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  1. Nmb says:

    Can we talk about how “Kate’s” hair is super dark in the video at the farm store and much lighter in the video on the bench?

    • Nanny to the Rescue says:

      If she’s having chemo, there is no need to pretend they aren’t wigs.

    • Kateee says:

      Kate in the car has dark hair too, no trace of butterfly bangs or blondeness. She did have dark hair by Christmas. The hair in the bench video was her fall hairstyle, like September.

      All of this could simply be the result of a public figure with a stomach disorder and cancer relying on wigs to cover some hair loss. Dunno, but the inconsistency doesn’t help their credibility.

    • TeamMeg says:

      I agree Farm Store Kate looks nothing like Cancer Bench Kate. And Carol’s Car Kate looks unlike either of the other two. We are being asked to ignore the evidence of our own eyes. Even the fake, parklike BBC studio backdrop smacks of subterfuge. Where is Kate? Something is terribly wrong.

    • EasternViolet says:

      Can we talk about how much she resembled a video of her from a few years back with Harry and William at some sporting day song and dance? (Same hair. same clothes etc).

    • Cee says:

      I’m more and more inclined that this video is old AF and the Sun bought it years ago and sat on it, waiting for a time it would come in handy. KP approved the use of this old video.

    • Elon's Sink says:

      See, nothing that comes from the BM and KP makes sense. We were told that her team was in the dark about Kate’s condition. Ok, but now Kate announces that she has/had cancer and is being treated for it. But how could KP not know that Kate is undergoing chemo? Why collude with gossip rags (not, say, the BBC or the Guardian) to release a video of a smiling, strong, bouncing “Kate” just a week before the announcement on the BBC? Why release a Frankenphoto on UK Mother’s Day?

  2. wolfy says:

    I don’t know about William, but that was NOT Kate. The facial bones are all wrong. I am truly worried about the death of another royal spouse.

  3. Caitlin says:

    Why would they be “in discussions”? To get permission? Was TMZ included?

    • Jay says:

      Yes, if they were “in discussions” with KP and were doing them a solid, why would they still have to pay for the darn thing? Why wouldn’t KP just tip off the sun of where they’re going to be? Why is there only one grainy video from the parking lot? Does nobody in Windsor have a phone lol?

  4. ML says:

    This is very transparent of the Sun. Were they called liars or threatened by the bus that rolled over K figuratively speaking?

    Until recently, William portrayed Kate as (relatively) healthy. Why? Especially knowing that sooner or later the truth would come out, why do that?

    • Jais says:

      That’s really the question. Why were they trying to make it seem like she was healthier than she was? They wanted us to see her skipping along in the farm video and then we get Kate’s video announcement the next week.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I think William was hoping no one would know Kate is being treated for cancer so he can divorce her without any backlash. KP held out as long as possible pretending Kate was healthy and they are still blaming her for everything.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        This really does depend how ill she is and to what extent they’re still lying.

        If she’s telling the truth and she had (past tense) a minor patch of cancer cells which hadn’t spread and were entirely removed in the surgery, and she’s just having one round of chemo to catch any stray cancer cells that may have escaped, then they probably hoped to keep the whole entire thing a secret since she doesn’t actively have cancer present tense and will be totally fine soon.

        On the other hand if they’re lying and she actively has cancer and it’s spread, I can see them lying to try to figure out the best path. They insisted that the Queen didn’t have cancer till she was in her death bed, and insisted that Philip was just in a specialist hospital for routine tests while he was actively dying.

      • samipup says:

        When the cancer video first came out, and seeing Kate by herself, I wondered if she decided it was up to her to manage the curiosity about everything herself. Taking the bull by its horns so to speak.

      • Christine says:

        Pinkosaurus, that makes a lot of sense. He can’t divorce her now that all of this has come out. He was hoping he could keep it all behind closed doors.

    • Lux says:

      After Kate’s BBC video came out, I was convinced the farm video was a fake, because on the bench she looked so weak, with a very pronounced jawline in contrast to the “Kate” at the farmer’s market. However, if this is what they say, that that IS Kate, it appears that she is getting better and stronger. She really didn’t move like someone going through chemo, but since they’re doubling down, I will take their word this one time.

      I do wish Kate well, and that she makes a full recovery. The “farm energy” she had looks promising, and I hope, for her kids’ sake, that she will be in complete remission soon.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think the Sun felt they had to be transparent here, relatively, so that people would accept the video was actually Kate. But, it damages KP’s whole argument of “we want privacy and please leave us alone and no pap photos or videos should ever be published.”

      As for the relatively healthy bit…..honestly, I wonder if part of the issue here was that Kate was scared/nervous (as anyone would be upon hearing they had cancer) so didnt’ want to do a video or anything, and William likewise didn’t want her to do a video because he wanted to push the whole “kate is so healthy” narrative – I wonder if they really thought they could hide her cancer.

      Because william cannot divorce a wife with cancer…..

  5. equality says:

    Love how she says the photo involved just a “little tweaking”. I guess, that is the narrative they will push, and likely get away with in the UK.

  6. Pinkosaurus says:

    Hahaha, The Sun paid $200,000 to be scammed and lied to by KP. Enjoy having your credibility as a reliable source of royal leaks be shredded at your own expense. I know it’s just a tabloid, but some outlets like TMZ (before Murdoch) were considered very reliable, especially on celebrity deaths and accidents, because of their impeccable (illegal) sources in hospitals and first responders. I think any outlet cultivating KP as a source better get ready to regularly print lies.

    Between this and the lawsuits, The Sun is not having a good month.

  7. seaflower says:

    I just wonder why TMZ was involved at all. It’s not their usual fare.

    • Kit says:

      Murdoch owns both TMZ and the Sun.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      TMZ is owned by Rupert Murdoch. So is the Sun.

      This was 100% the invisible contract at work. Both sides trying to save each others’ arses with the public.

      Not many are buying it this time around though – at least outside of the UK…

  8. Kateee says:

    So reading between the lines: KP releases the story (at Kate’s instruction, lol) and then asks the Sun to make a video happen? Or hires their own people to do it and gives it to the Sun. The Sun reaches out to its gossip wing, TMZ, to release the video in order to give it the veneer of authenticity. Or is there maybe some legal/ethical component I’m not considering that the Sun couldn’t publish images it knew to be false, it could only report on someone else’s reporting?

  9. Proud Mary says:

    I always believed the video was a collaboration between KP and the Sun. I suspect that they were testing out the body double for the Easter walk, but it backfired. I really do believe that it was William in the video. This is why they want to shut down SM. It’s a giant cog in the wheel that is the Firm’s media invisible contract.

  10. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    OK this is probably out in left field but what if once Kate got the cancer diagnosis, she reconsidered her life and thought to herself this is not how I want to be spending whatever time I have left. This sparked a blow up with Kensington Palace with the ensuing mess that played out. She’s had a change of priorities, and a change of tolerance, perhaps, and KP is not having it

    • BeanieBean says:

      I don’t think so. I think the overall tone of her little speech was–hey, we’re private & keeping things private & said we’d keep things private for the sake of the kids, always for the sake of the kids, and we’re not showing up again any time soon & that’s that, something something cancer, you are not alone.

  11. Cathalea says:

    Whatever it is, there will be spun a whole 🕸️ around the story to protect it. This is all very strange

    • Lucy says:

      Extremely strange. Like Kaiser, I still don’t understand the killing of the TMZ “pap” shot with her mom. Really none of the pieces fit still. The immediate killing of that photo, followed by insistence that Will has done every school run still doesn’t make sense, even with her in recovery from a surgery that they didn’t know was cancerous yet. None of the timelines or media games make sense still. I do basically believe what Kate said in her video, she’s not an actress, but it’s still so wild

  12. Ginger says:

    There is no way the Kate we saw recently is the “Kate” we saw in that TMZ video.
    Kate looked pretty frail in the recent video. And definitely doesn’t seem like she could power walk holding a heavy bag. Chemo makes you very tired

    • TeamMeg says:

      Plus different color hair, and different face!

    • Jayna says:

      I always thought it was Kate in the video with Will. I didn’t have cancer, but a myomectomy. And as a very slim person in my 20s at the time, I lost even more weight recovering since I had an infection in my incision that was right below the bikini line. I was very, very thin for many months afterwards.

      I have family undergoing chemo right now. And while ill for a couple of days after every chemo treatment, my sibling then is relatively okay. Weak, but still out and about, even doing their favorite sport but doing fewer miles and fatigues more easily. I thought Kate looked great on the bench, thinner from having the surgery and long recovery process, and tired, but good.

      Even that video IMO was just Kate wanting to quell the rumors. So, then, yes, she could have done a brief, fast walk for the planned pap to prove she’s okay, not in a coma, not dead. The bags she was holding were probably something like bread, nothing heavy.

      The way they rolled everything out or reacted to everything was beyond inept. I’ll never understand that. But I don’t blame her for trying to keep it all quiet until they were away on holiday with the kids and gave them a few weeks together as a family while the news went around the world and the kids didn’t have to go to class. She was recovering from surgery and then also trying to handle the news she had cancer. People handle it differently. The one thing I agree with her on is that I would have waited until I got my very young children on school break before making and releasing the video announcing her cancer. And, possibly, like others mentioned, maybe there was a point where she just wanted it all to remain private, hoping that if she handled chemo well she could deal with it privately. That’s the way one of my siblings has been doing it. My sibling I think just wanted people to treat them normally and not the sad faces, etc.

      The insane way Kate and William handled it took that decision out of her hands. Little, normal updates, with a short video or photo about recovering from the surgery and thanking everyone, would have resulted in no conspiracy theories about comas, death, etc.

      Anyway, that’s neither here nor there now. My heart goes out to Kate and her family. I wish her well during her recovery.

    • Sissy says:

      I agree they aren’t the same woman. In the farmer market video, they clearly tried to portray her as healthy, and the bench video portrayed a sickly Kate. Why are the two images they’re giving us so conflicting? If “healthy” Kate is the image they want the world to have (per the garden video) and that goes along with the narrative that she’s recovering, why didn’t they have a makeup artist make her look healthier? It wouldn’t have been hard to make her look more polished, give her a healthy glow. On the flip side, if she IS healthy, they could’ve used makeup to make her appear less so, to match the narrative that she’s unwell as the bench video implies. I just don’t understand what message they’re trying to convey, is Kate well or ill? Because the words and the visuals don’t match up.

  13. Monika says:

    I am not surprised about Victoria Newman’s admission. Watching the Sun’s coverage Kensington Palace, the exclusives they get, points to collusion/colaboration between the Sun and Kensington Palace which I believe is probably part of Willi’s settlement with the Sun.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    At the same time Harry was bringing his case against the Sun. William and Kate were colluding with them. This is the main reason why Harry and William will never reconcile.

    • MsIam says:

      Is The Sun the one that William got the £1 million from? I guess part of the deal was that they get to throw William and KP under the bus as needed. He may come to regret that deal someday and wonder why he sold out so cheaply. That’s probably why he’s raging at Harry all the time too. I would guess The Sun is probably threatening to release more dirt on William if he doesn’t stop Harry. Too late for that boo.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Yes it was the Sun. I also believe that Harry’s lawsuits against the press plays a major role in the estrangement between him and Harry. As long as he continues with these cases there will be no reconcilation.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. He’s never going to forgive Harry for the lawsuits.

  15. Sunday says:

    Can we get a reality check here? Why on earth would The Sun vouching for something make us believe it’s true? Shouldn’t that be literal proof it’s fake? I think we have to keep the context front of mind here. The Sun has been sued and found liable for lying, KP is a bunch of liars, so we have liars colluding with liars.

    I’m starting to wonder if the TMZ car photo was the only real photo we’ve gotten of Kate? Maybe that’s why they shut that one down so hard and then released multiple edited photos with a controlled appearance? (And extreme filters can be overlayed on videos, regardless of what the BBC says, so maybe her image was controlled there too even if the content of the video was real?)

    • Startup Spouse says:

      @Sunday –

      Agree that the car photo was a real photo. It showed how ill she was and the palace wanted that covered up. I think they had started to soft launch a divorce, and Kate’s health foiled it. Will can’t divorce Kate if she has cancer. The shenanigans (Frankenphoto, the farm video) were KP’s effort to try and cover up Kate’s cancer, so when she recovered the divorce could proceed.

      There’s no way that’s happening now. Will must steaming behind the scenes.

      ETA: You could take this theory one step further and say Carole intentionally had the car photo released to foil KP’s coverup. The Middletons are so close to the crown now, there’s no way they are letting that divorce happen and will use Kate’s cancer as leverage to get there.

      • Sunday says:

        1000%! This didn’t start in January with the announcement of surgery, it started with Carole Middleton being publicly humiliated by “going bankrupt” with a debt of less than $3 million when her son-in-law is the literal future king with a billion dollar Duchy. That was a strategy – Carole was personally involved in Kate’s embiggening PR, and burning her reputation so publicly and spectacularly made her essentially persona non grata with the rota (at least for a while).

        Then, somehow Charles and Kate are both outed as Royal Racists, a claim leaked in such a specific, bizarre way (by someone who’s taken photos outside of KP), and yet Will’s name was never brought anywhere near that? That Charles and Kate were talking about Archie, but never Will? I mean, nobody believes that.

        There’s zero chance that damage control for Kate being outed as a racist wasn’t strategized – I can see Will wanting to throw her to the wolves and cut her loose (especially if he’s the one who leaked it in the first place), and I can see Kate be willing to say literally anything to save her reputation.

        The dearth of Kate stories in Jan/Feb was a huge tell. It wasn’t until Will publicly f*cked up for the 3rd? 4th time? that the first Kate photo was released. Was that Will releasing the photo to take the heat off of himself, or was it Kate/Carole sensing that Will was floundering and taking action? Honestly idk. After that, the Frankenphoto – that photo was so unnecessarily edited, there was no reason or need to do the specific level of edits they did in that photo. And to have KP issue a written apology on Kate’s behalf taking responsibility for a humiliating, would-be career ending k*ll order as a result, and then have her be exposed for editing other historic photos? That sure seems like a smear campaign to me.

        It was obvious something shifted behind the scenes when Tominey started piping up for Kate again, and BP is allowing them to *now* say that Charles visited her all the time at the clinic, weird they wouldn’t mention that before! It sure seems like they were on Path A, something happened, they spiraled out for a while, and are now all more or less united on Path B. Now, that event could absolutely be Kate being diagnosed, but that wouldn’t change the very real tactics they were obviously employing up until very recently.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I agree. The only time Ma Midds has been seen at all was that one TMZ car photo. I’m sure she is putting in a lot of time helping Kate so it makes sense that was her leak. The rest is all KP and William’s messaging trying to make Kate disappear from press coverage and interest, and when that shaming didn’t work, trying to show she is completely healthy and normal.

      • Christine says:

        Damn, begrudging respect to the diabolic Carole. I think you all are right, and it’s well played if they still want Kate to be queen.

    • QueenLeo says:

      Agree. Car Kate & Carole was. Car Kate & Willy… not sure. But the video was absolutely NOT Kate. That was obviously a set up. For me the question was always who set it up and why. Someone playing a joke? Someone looking for a quick buck? KP pushing a narrative? If KP did this, they are as dumb as dumb can be. Too sick to work, but happily skipping along in the farmer’s market looking like she hasn’t a care in the world. Truly believe the “cancer” video is just another way to try to quash any questions and try to guilt people from questioning.

    • J says:

      Maybe the farm stroll video was released by KP, but the car photo was arranged & released by CarolE. This might explain the different stories the images tell.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Exactly @Sunday. The Sun vouching for the farm shop video makes it more less true.imo

      I’m guessing “the discussions” between KP and the Sun was more about, hey we’re hiring look a likes of you and hopefully pass it off, please don’t dispute it or we’ll release other stories. That wasn’t Kate in the farm shop video. Highly doubt it was William. From far away has a cleft chin, yet up close not so much. There was ONE person that did the video. No one else was reaching for their phone to capture the Dang, the people sitting at tables didn’t give “Will & Kate” a look. People are so interested that none of them reached for their phones except for the lone person sitting in their Yes, the BM/KP/BRF treats everyone as stupid. Flybe 2.0

      ‘Plate Will’. Dying.
      “And then it hit me: This golden-haired man was Prince William, back in 2001, before he was just Kate Middleton’s husband and the less cool brother to Prince Harry.”.

  16. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Another side to this KP/Sun collaboration is that Harry is currently suing the Sun and has named names in court including Rupert Murdoch and the Sun editor. Sounds like KP and the Sun are tag teaming in their war against the Sussexes.

  17. Digital Unicorn says:

    If the video is legit then why did KP work with notorious tabloid gutter trash like The Sun and TMZ to leak it? It would have been more believable if it came from the Fail of all rags.

    Plausible deniability? I think the Sun is covering their asses by coming out now and saying KP was in on it – KP can’t then lie and throw them under the bus now.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think – if this video is legit and KP approved its release etc – it was to reward the Sun for their more “supportive” coverage over the past few weeks. I’ve seen a lot of deranger comments about how the Sun is the only one they can “trust” now and the DM is clearly anti-Wales (bc of a few mildly critical articles I guess.) so I think this was a calculated move on KP’s part to make sure they could keep one tabloid fully on their side.

    • Nic919 says:

      I think this just means that KP wanted the video made public. It doesn’t means the video was necessarily Kate. This is in contrast to the TMZ photo with Carole where KP specifically warned. British media not to print it.

      • Startup Spouse says:

        @Nic919 I think KP warned against publishing the car photo because it ran counter to the message that Kate was healthy and recovering. Will needs her to be healthy to divorce her without destroying his brand.

        The behavior we are seeing from William (drunken swaying, etc) is from a man who knows he got outplayed by his in-laws and isn’t getting his way. He’s stuck with her for the time being.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Agree @Nic919. KP/PoWs? were fine with the video being made public. It doesn’t mean it was them. Kate skipping merrily along whilst ignoring the St. Patrick’s Irish Guard day doesn’t jibe in any way shape or form. That video made Kate look BAD.

        Imma just farm store shopping, clipping along at a fast pace. Yet, don’t have the energy to stand still, greet the Irish guards and put something on Good Boy Seamus? Then, here I am, on a bench, sharing my story of cancer with timeline lies.

        They didn’t know how to tell their children? THE ROYAL FOUNDATION CENTRE for EARLY CHILDHOOD has no clue how to share information with young children? Or, experts that will help them?

  18. Over it says:

    That woman in the video is not Kate . I stand by that. Also Victoria and her minor changes to the photo. Say what now Victoria, the entire picture was a bunch of lies upon lies

  19. Pomski says:

    Charles visiting Kate in hospital; William missing the funeral; The farmer’s market video. All previous errors and oversights will now be revised for the history books, with cancer being front and center to show the world the transparency and bravery that was always there. (sarcasm)

  20. Mary Pester says:

    We absolutely, positively, Do NOT have a secret contract with the British papers, yeah, you fking lied about that to.
    But, a big thank you to the Sun, you have just given Harry’s solicitor a bloody great hammer to beat you with 😂😂, bet you wish you had left him the fk alone.
    To ALL my celebrity friends, I’m going back into hospital tomorrow, apparently my heart has once again decided to do a very fast polka instead of a sedate waltz. So we will see what we will see xx

    • Underhill says:

      Good Luck to you.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Wishing you all the best. xxx

    • Hummingbird says:

      Good wishes to you MaryPester.
      You are bang on here. With her own words VN just admitted to the invisible contract but here’s my question. If she was in contact with KP and Kate and William knew they’d be seen, why did the Scum not send a photographer to the farm shop
      I firstly thought it was 2 lookalikes either with or without palace approval, but if that was 🥚 with a lookalike,it puts a whole other slant on duplicity.
      And for the record, I believe the bench video is fake.

    • Liz says:

      Good Luck Mary P 🤞

    • samipup says:

      Thinking of you 🫂❤️.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Aw, my goodness, @MaryPester, I wish the very best of luck to you. 💗 Heart issues are so scary! And you are absolutely right!, we the public do NOT have a secret compact with the Sun or TMZ or any other tabloid or broadsheet or broadcaster. 🤙

    • Beverley says:

      All the best, Mary Pester. 🙏🏾 Feel better soon.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Best wishes!

    • Shawna says:

      Good luck!

    • caroline says:

      Good luck Mary P 🤞❤️

    • Laura D says:

      I hate this for you (and anyone-else). Just remember to try and keep your chin up. <3

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, I’m sorry that you need to go back to the hospital. I hope you know that you will be sent prayers and positive energy from most of us here (if not all of us). Take good care of yourself.

    • LivingDesert says:

      @Mary Pester: Good luck, all the best & keep your pecker up. 🙂

    • JanetDR says:

      Wishing you the best possible result @MaryPester!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Good luck to you @Mary Pester. Wishing you a comfortable slow waltz. For your enjoyment, I will share this (originally published in Sept. 2010 (before the DB became friends of KP/William/BP/Charles et al.), then updated in July 2017? Anyone thinking the BM isn’t involved in the lies with the palaces?lol This was when Tina Brown was at her best. Tina’s husband was known as someone who appreciated the truth. A glimpse. Her Diana book, not so much. A good article that ties in with current times.

  21. maisie says:

    so they hired actors to do a pap stroll, essentially.

  22. bisynaptic says:

    This Victoria lady has trouble making eye contact.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Victoria Newman is basically a new yoga pose. Downward-Facing Dog Pose with Downward-Eyes because I’m Lying my A$$ Off.

  23. Snuffles says:

    And this is why the conspiracies won’t die and the international media thinks KP is as trustworthy as North Korea.

  24. Mrs. Smith says:

    If KP and The Sun were in cahoots all along, then why did they pay $200k for the video? That’s a really high sum for something that was “so coordinated” and planned “in tandem”. Either the tabloid or the palace could have paid a lackey to get this grainy poor quality video. This just gets weirder.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      We only know that’s what the BM/TmZ/KP? paid for because the BM/TMZ said so?

      I think a number of my comments disappeared.