Prince William thinks Harry is jealous of his ‘starring role’ in Hugh Grosvenor’s wedding

Last December, Prince William’s minions went on an especially tacky briefing spree about the Duke of Westminster’s upcoming June wedding. According to “royal sources,” Hugh Grosvenor (the Duke of Westminster) refused to invite the Sussexes to his wedding because he is “very conscious of royal sensitivities” and he hates the Sussexes because they bad-mouthed the Windsors. Except that it looks like Hugh actually did invite the Sussexes and Harry declined, but Harry and Hugh spoke and they’re fine. That hasn’t stopped William from trying to exploit Hugh’s wedding to further his grudge against Harry. Recently, we heard that William will be an usher at Hugh’s wedding, and somewhat hilariously, William will be the only royal there, as King Charles and Camilla are skipping Hugh’s wedding too. There’s also a little side-story about whether Prince George will attend too.

Among the guests is future King Prince William, 41, who will be performing the role of an usher during the ceremony. Hugh and William have long enjoyed a close friendship – with the Duke of Westminster named as Prince George’s godfather. So it is perhaps unsurprising that the Prince of Wales will take on a starring role in the nuptials.

Prince William, one of the Duke’s closest friends, is a confirmed attendee at the wedding in Chester in June 7. It was reported on Sunday that William will play a key role in the nuptials, and will act as an usher when guests file into Chester Cathedral.

Friends have suggested the Prince of Wales was first asked in December to be an usher at the wedding at Chester Cathedral next month. At one stage, he was even said to have been earmarked as a best man.

A well-informed source told The Mail on Sunday: ‘William was asked to have a prominent role in the wedding and that’s what triggered Harry to decline an invitation. Apparently he [Harry] was put out by the request when he thought it should have been him.’

When Prince William’s eldest son Prince George was born in 2013, Hugh Grosvenor, known to friends as ‘Huey’, was named godfather. The Mail on Sunday reported this weekend that, alongside his father, Prince George, the duke’s godson, is also set to play a prominent role in the wedding. When he was asked to be godfather to the future king in 2013, the Duke was the youngest of the seven godparents.

As the young prince, 10, takes a starring role in the wedding, it will come as he prepares to head to secondary school in September.

[From The Daily Mail]

Re: George’s attendance… it will be curious to see if George goes, because other sources are saying no, he won’t go because the wedding falls on a school day. So Hugh won’t have his royal godson (George) or royal godfather (the king) in attendance at his wedding. And not only that, but Prince William is making Hugh’s wedding all about William. William is loudly bragging that HE will have a “starring role” as an usher, and that his starring role is the reason why Harry declined to come. I guess no one has asked why William lied when he ran around telling everyone that Hugh didn’t even invite Harry. The lie was quickly changed to “Harry’s not coming because he won’t be the STAR, unlike William!” I’ve said this before, but this is not how you behave around someone else’s wedding, especially one of the richest men in the UK. William’s tacky, gauche behavior is being noted across the aristocracy, believe that.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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118 Responses to “Prince William thinks Harry is jealous of his ‘starring role’ in Hugh Grosvenor’s wedding”

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  1. CatMum says:

    His “starring role” as an usher. lol.

    • Miranda says:

      Right? Usher is role you give to your most obnoxious cousin whom your family emotionally blackmails you into inviting at all.

    • the Robinsons says:

      The BRF are definitely crazy folks!

    • Melly says:

      Am I crazy or is an usher the most basic, low level role, given to someone who you can’t trust with real responsibilities?

      • Grace Yancy says:

        Why would you want to be the center of attention at someone’s wedding?
        Make it make sense!

    • OliviaOne says:

      The only stylish thing to do here as a future king, is to decline any roles and be discreet coming in and out of the wedding, the dinner and all that. But we know Bulliam is incapable of any of this and he has to use any and all invites to further his profile as Nice. Made into a narcissist like his daddy.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        Right like why is this poor man getting dragged into a tabloid fight. Why is his name being put out to the public like this? What bad vibes to direct toward what should be a happy day. Idk maybe they don’t care but I would be shocked and offended if this were my wedding.

      • Lemons says:

        William desperately wants to show that he has really really rich friends too!
        “Look! I’m an usher at the wedding of a gazillionaire!!!!” Because for the moment, it doesn’t sound like anyone of note wants to be associated with him.

    • Harry could care less. He is busy doing his jobs and helping others. Big deal Peg is an usher. More crap to cover over the fact the Can’t is missing.

      • Corliss says:

        I know that’s right!! Harry’s attendance would most definitely have been a distraction from the event. Just like the attention giving to him at Chuckie’s Con-A-Nation. Understandably, that’s not what Harry would want.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        Who stars in someone else’s wedding? How is this even being written about? And so proudly too. Aren’t the couple getting married supposed to be the stars? Oh, wait. That would be my sil, who wore a white lace dress to my wedding, and Peggy, who thinks being an usher is uber important. The incredibly tacky, low-self-aware, look-at-me childish behaviours never ever goes away, either.

    • GoldenMom says:

      Usher is the job for the ones who WILL run with scissors. And they are often still baffled by the assignment. Huevo is the obvious choice for this position.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        I can’t imagine William being able to walk guests to their seats as that job would include understanding the layout of the church and the seating chart.

        Hopefully William doesn’t get flustered and leave an octogenarian, confused and bewildered as to why the PoW walked by their appointed seat three times, getting more and more sweaty each time and refusing to let go of their arm for them to go to their seat, standing in the middle of the aisle after a string of curses and a hard pull on a flask.

      • samipup says:

        @Joyful Liluri…your comment is perfect in every way.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Trying to read between the lines of every accusation is a confession.

      William was tapped to be the best man. William was tapped to have a starring prominent role. William being tapped to be best man was upsetting to Harry who then declined the invitation. William is going to be an usher! The least important job at any event much less a wedding.

      So. Harry was tapped to be the best man or a groomsman. Harry being best msn or groomsman enraged William. William threatened to not attend and threw an enormous tantrum. Harry said – “dear god, Hugh. What the hell is Willie on about! I appreciate so deeply you asking me. The best thing I can give you as a friend and best man is peace. So I’m going to step down from the role and decline the invitation. I wish it were different, mate”.

      Hugh is like – this totally sucks but it’s for the best. Willie is deranged. Who knew he had so much of your dad in him?!? He wants to be best man. What should I do about all that?

      Harry – *shoulder shrug* make him an usher?

      Hugh – brilliant. I’ll tell him there have been security threats and I need him near the front doors to coordinate with security because he flew ambulance helicopters and therefore is uniquely qualified to help with the safety of guests.

      Harry – just praise him, act like he would be doing you a huge favor and would be immensely helpful because he’s cool in an emergency or something?

      Hugh – ahhhh yes. Narcissist 101.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        When I first heard about this last year, Harry was supposed to have turned down the invitation because the press would make it all about him, not the bride and groom. The William clash came later. The first version sounds more like Harry.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        The fact that William is an usher is such a damning detail and goes a long way toward confirming your version of events @joyfulliluri. It just screams that they gave Will a shiny object to distract him.

      • Moniquep says:

        Great post! Perfect scenario of what went down. Harry would realize and be concerned about the fact that should he show up with or without Meghan, the BM and Rota rats would ruin the joyful day by making it all about them.
        Of course egghead would have no such awareness or thoughtfulness.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        This reading between the lines is probably 100% accurate.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Great hypothetical scenario, I could see two good friends brainstorming over how to handle the problem man child. Too bad they couldn’t assign him valet parking.

      • samipup says:

        I so totally enjoyed reading this (not a (fan fic), thank-you and👏!

      • Pix says:

        @JOYFUL LILURI – Brilliant writing! I was laughing.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Aren’t the stars the bride and the groom? And is an usher at a posh British wedding the same as a posh American wedding? I would think if you liked someone a lot, they would be a groomsman, not an usher. I echo the other comments that say that ushers are usually extras. Lol

    • Ronaldinhio says:

      Everyone will be wondering wHerE hIs WiFe iS???

    • Kathleen says:

      Willy probably tried for best man but, given his sudden pulling out of his godfather’s memorial, maybe he is deemed unreliable,

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      The dude wants to be a global statesman and gets riled up by an usher role in a wedding. This says a lots about what responsibilities he really has in real life…

  2. Sue says:

    In most weddings even the groom doesn’t have a “starring” role. If I were the bride to be I’d be less than impressed to hear that Prince William expects to be the focus of attention at MY wedding!

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      I’m sure it’s stressful enough organizing a wedding with 400 guests without a future king/usher (lol) making things all about himself in the press. William sounds like an awful guest even before the event has happened, which I suppose is impressive in a way.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        Many wedding guests have a way of making every aspect of the wedding about themselves.

        However few are able to make another couples society wedding completely about them in international news.

        ESP when the couple getting married are better liked, better accepted in social circles, much better looking and vastly wealthier than the individual in question.

        That does take a certain level of something ….

    • B says:

      That’s exactly what I was thinking. What MAN expects to be the star of a wedding. Its doubly stupid that he thinks he’ll have a starring role in another woman’s wedding. Additionally how sad is it that THIS is all Willy could claim that Harry is jealous of?? He has so little going for him that being a usher in a wedding is all he could use.

      Both Charles and William are deeply embarrassingly small men both in spirit and in reality. Their life is just garden parties, weddings, and trying to pretend that its a service to their subjects.

    • SarahCS says:

      I can only imagine the conversations the bride and groom have had about this behind closed doors, I imagine a lot of eye rolling and “it’s the Windsors, what do you expect?”.

  3. Molly says:

    It’s gotten the norm that Kate’s not even mentioned anymore. It’s like she doesn’t exist… #whereiskate

    • Snaggletooth says:

      Right?!?!?! Not even a throwaway line like “William is of course focused on much bigger issues than the guestlist of a wedding like wife’s illness.” And why are they so sure William can even attend if he couldn’t attend that Commonwealth meeting in October due to Kate’s health.

      William keeps forgetting he’s supposed to look like a man weathering a tough time. They have a few more months of plausible deniability left and I guess he intends to used those partying and fighting windmills (aka outshining his brother).

    • K-Peace says:

      Hopefully it’s becoming clear to people that Kate doesn’t really have cancer. William can’t even keep his narrative straight! A month or two ago, he couldn’t work or plan to attend work events months in the future because of his wife’s “illness”. But now he’s out there gallivanting around like a man without a seriously ill wife to worry about. Where is Kate?? It’s so obvious something sinister is/has been going on. Why isn’t the media pressing for answers??? There are journalists out there who know something is amiss. Why aren’t they writing about it???

      • Feeshalori says:

        Seriously, he cares more about oneupping his brother over a wedding and making a special occasion, all about him than expressing concern about his wife. He’s a cold, calculating, vindictive SOB and I fear for Kate.

  4. Melly says:

    God, William is so tacky that I read this whole thing while visibly cringing

  5. seaflower says:

    Heuvo is married tl the woman who wore as close to white as she could to someone else’s wedding.

    Two peas in a pod. It’s all about them.

    • Vader says:

      Cowmilla also wore white to Diana and charles’ wedding. They are all the same.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        William hasn’t been this obsessed with a wedding since Harry’s.

        Hugh had be on guard or William is going to shave Hughs head at the stag party. As a “prank”.

        William was desperate to shave Harry’s beard because William didn’t get to have one at his wedding. And Hugh seems to have a lot of hair. Which obviously is an affront to William. Hugh should stop flaunting his hair in front of William! /s

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Kate’s fans insisted it was a very pale yellow, it looked white to me. The same colour as her daughter’s dress.

      • Joanne says:

        Her coatdress was the palest shade of yellow possible but the dress she wore under it was pure white. The dress under shows in some of the photos where she’s standing and it is definitely white. She is an attention seeking cow.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        Please. I’ve seen women ask TikTok if a dress is ok for a wedding and the broad consensus is (and we are talking MILLIONS of likes) that if there is even the SLIGHTEST question about whether a dress looks like a wedding dress, you absolutely cannot wear it. No cream, no palest colors that read as white in most pictures, no white with a little print here and there. Nothing ambiguous at all.

    • Jais says:

      Is William going to make Hugh cry and then months later say that Hugh made him cry?

      • Joyful Liluri says:


        He would leak it the next day. “Prince William consulted by best friend Hugh on how to have a lasting marriage”

        More than likely, William will say shitty things to the page boys. You know bullies. They have to punch down. Aristocrats just look at him like dog shit they just stepped in and now how to tolerate until there is a polite moment to discretely remove said shit.

      • Joyful Liluri says:


        He would leak it the next day. “Prince William consulted by best friend Hugh on how to have a lasting marriage”

        More than likely, William will say shitty things to the page boys. You know bullies. They have to punch down. Aristocrats just look at him like dog shit they just stepped in and now how to tolerate until there is a polite moment to discretely remove said shit. Perfect for him.

  6. Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

    Imagine being in your 40’s, the heir to the throne, and STILL being this childish. It really takes the cake. I mean, dude…you literally have everything…you want for nothing…do you need to brag about being an usher???? That is like something my nephew would brag about and he is 8 years old. Billy boy is really insanely childish. How TF is he expected to “rule” as an adult if he can’t even go one week without throwing a tantrum? Also….where tf is Kate???

    • SussexWatcher says:

      💯 to everything. It’s astonishing how much of a crybaby loser the future king of England is.

      And yes, WHERE IS KATE?!

    • Tia says:

      I know, right? I have a disorder like Asperger’s where I don’t act my age. And yet, this guy makes me look like Diana. I wonder if HE has pervasive development disorder (that’s what I have) and ADD. Prob latter cause that’s all the spoiled rotten brat wants-attention. Can’t believe I had a crush on THIS thing. Glad I got out of that!

  7. Eurydice says:

    This is like one of those “Am I the A-hole” threads on Reddit. William might just as well wear a white gown to the wedding for maximum attention.

  8. Scooby Gang says:

    Peg is accusing H of being jealous of him. Sooooooooooo… what I take from this is that Peg has been feeling over-the-top jealous of H lately. Enough so that he had his people put an article out.

    H is meeting with world leaders… but Peg gets to be an usher!!

  9. Jais says:

    The fact that the DM is making a point to call William one of the duke’s closest friends makes me think he is definitely not one of his closest friends. And apparently Harry’s not going bc he thought a starring role in the wedding should have gone to him and not William? Pretty sure that role belongs to the bride. And pretty sure Harry is not pressed over whether he’s an usher. Omg, this is trashy.

    • Sue says:

      Trashy is a good word for this. Why is it that the DM makes William trying to be a scene stealer a positive but we all know if Meghan were at the wedding we’d be treated to dozens of stories about how she stole the bride’s thunder? So transparent.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Harry and Meghan getting all the attention was the original reason that Harry turned it down. Can’t remember where I read it, but it made sense. All the recently published reasons just sound childish.

      • PC says:

        The Middletons didn’t invite Meghan to Pippa’s wedding for fear she would steal the thunder, and she wasn’t even a married in yet. So imagine today, with Meghan’s worldwide status and appeal, how the Windsors and the Middletons will feel if Meghan graced this wedding with her attendance. There would have to be a new definition for having a cow.

    • Eurydice says:

      If William were a close friend he wouldn’t be imagining how he can upstage Harry. He’d be happy for the Duke and honored to be asked to participate in the wedding.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Eurydice, if he was a close friend he would have told Hugh that this was the bride and groom’s day and he was honored to be asked to be an usher but believes it would be best to be a guest. That’s what friends do.

  10. TN Democrat says:

    When are the aristocrats going to jerk tacky Will-not’s choke chain? Lort. He is an insecure, desperate little snot. Harry could care less. I thought the Windsors would get a comeuppance from the .001 percent when Charles deliberately excluded so many aristocrats from the con-a-nation. Now William is turning the wedding of the wealthiest of the wealthy into a publicity stunt and no one is leaking like a sieve?

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      I have been watching and waiting – and I now have a working theory.

      The aristocrats are boycotting Charles events.

      Which explains the demands that all the royals start showing up to small garden party events.

      As well as the hysterics when Kate Moss – aristocrat adjacent not even a true aristocrat – did not attend Charles’s sewer smelling soccer field garden party.

      The media wouldn’t cover the snubbing of the king by the aristocracy. Not yet anyway.

      Besides. The aristocrats tend to slip their knives in when leaning in for a cheek kiss. The only witnesses they need or want are their personal circle, as to them, those are the only people that matter.

      I wonder if Charles not attending Hugh’s wedding is that he doesn’t want to mingle with people actively snubbing his events. While a mere guest at an event.

      I assume that

      • Beach Dreams says:

        Ooh, interesting theory. I wonder if it’s because Charles decided not to invite a good chunk of them to the coronation…there were articles at the time talking about how upset they were.

      • samipup says:

        Excellent theory!

    • Eurydice says:

      I doesn’t look like they need to jerk Will’s choke chain – he’s showing his ass all by himself.

  11. Interested Gawker says:

    I’m sure the bride’s family is pleased to have their daughter’s wedding hijacked by the BM and BRF.

  12. Charlie says:

    I thought the stars of the wedding was the bride and groom. Who would ever pays attention to the usher?

    • Chaine says:

      Nobody, unless they get drunk and do something stupid like fall into a fish pond

  13. Debbie says:

    So, just to get this straight, this is the same Harry that William said he’s ignoring, right? The same Harry who is supposedly “dead to him”? That’s the one William is focusing on, instead of helping his friends celebrate their wedding? Got it.

  14. Nanea says:

    If these leaks continue like that, I’d have a quiet word with Bulliam – if I were Hugh, and suggest he stay home with Sick Note Missington, and, additionally, remind him of the school run.

    The Prince of Ales is clearly on a path of pulling focus from someone who’s more aristocratic than a descendant of the Saxe Coburg Gothas and Schleswig-Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburgs.

    So I’m waiting with bated breath for June 7 to find out who the VVIP at Chester Cathedral will be.

    • Jais says:

      Good point. How can William attend this wedding when he is the one that does every single school run. Who will do the school runs???

  15. Cel2495 says:

    😂 🤡 … as an usher? Oh wow !

  16. Beverley says:

    Bwahahahaha! Pegs must be positively green with envy over the recent optics of Harry at the IG service and Nigeria. There’s Harry looking like a fit and handsome King ascending the church steps in an iconic photo….and there’s awkward Pegs posing with a shovel. There’s Harry looking blissful with his gorgeous wife amongst admiring Nigerian crowds and courageous soldiers….and there’s Pegs hogging an umbrella against the grey rains in soggy Salt Island.

    No matter how he tries, the cameras just don’t love Pegs. No amount of photoshop will help. Pegs is incredibly boring. Not even the Royal Racist Kkkhate makes him interesting. He just doesn’t have “It”.

    He will never stop hating Harry for that.

  17. GoldenkatZ says:

    Would be hilarious if Hugh and his wife go to California later this year for a little holiday. Oh the horror.

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry wouldn’t want to be an usher anyway — he’d have to sit apart from Meghan.

    This whole William-is-an-usher-so-he’s-a-star! narrative is equal parts hilarious and cringe-inducing. It makes it crystal-clear that William doesn’t have any real friends to advise him to tone it down.

  19. Joanne says:

    William thinks that he’s the star of the show being an usher. He’s not the groom, he’s not the best man, he’s not even a groomsman, he’s a lowly usher. He’s about as far down the pole one can get and still be included. The article mentions that the groom is godfather to George but doesn’t include he is also godfather to Prince Archie.

  20. Blithe says:

    “As the young prince, 10, takes a starring role in the wedding, it will come as he prepares to head to secondary school in September.”

    I’m confused. I thought the way that the school systems worked, George would — or at least could — attend Lambrook until he went to Eton, or wherever, at 13. Does “head to secondary school in September” refer to Lambrook? Or does this suggest another school? And if it does suggest another school, what might that suggest about what’s going on with George and his family?

  21. Henny Penny says:

    The only starring roles at a wedding are those of Bride and Groom with the possibility that the ring bearer and/or the flower girl inadvertently steal the show. The only jobs of an usher are to seat the elderly, make sure tin cans get tied to the getaway car, and ensure bridesmaids don’t fall over walking up and down the aisle. It’s hardly a “starring roll.”

    I’m really starting to get worried about William if he thinks this article makes him look anything other than petty and small.

    • Beverley says:

      Oh, DO worry about Will, if you’re so inclined. That man is not well.

      I guess the rota and deranged will keep telling him that his duds are stupendous, but the rest of the world can see he’s got no clothes.

  22. LittlePenguin says:

    Heuvo just keeps trying to make Fetch happen and it just gets sadder as the days go on.

  23. Tennyson says:

    An usher to a wedding is typically asked to arrive at least 1 hour ahead of time in the UK, and this is a big wedding.
    Bulliam isn’t going to like that, nor handing the church programmes. As to telling people where to sit, I doubt he could do this.

  24. Mina_Esq says:

    If Harry were some social climber and not the son of the ruling monarch, this narrative would make sense. As is, this makes no sense. While I love my family and friends, weddings are a CHORE. I’m sure Harry is relieved.

  25. Tashiro says:

    This is not how you behave period. I’m including the so called journalist. This sounds so junior high school.

  26. Beach Dreams says:

    Between whatever the hell’s happening with Kate, the sly digs from Camilla, Harry and Meghan’s fantastic 2024, I smell (another???) meltdown in Will’s future. It seems like this year’s been one long, downward spiral; can you even imagine what he’s been acting like in all the free time he has? He’s damn lucky he’s the heir and the media will begrudgingly continue to cover for him.

  27. Amy Bee says:

    William’s in serious need of therapy.

    • kelleybelle says:

      He also needs more to do. Currently he’s as useless as Kate is. Saying he’s going to do all of this stuff and doing exactly shit. Getting rid of racism in football, ending homelessness, ending poverty. Shut up and do it then.

      • Barb Mill says:

        Don’t forget this
        Prince William says he is dedicated to bring about Mideast peace

      • HuffnPuff says:

        That’s another difference between the Sussexes and Wails. The Sussexes are more action than talk. The Wails are all talk. That is what happens when you choose to talk about things that have no easy solution or would require vast amounts of money to solve. Someone said the other day that Kate should have focused on sports or the elderly. That would have been doable and a good role for her. Nothing to solve there other than to encourage support. Not sure what Huevo could champion. Maybe if he dealt with his trauma, he could figure out who he is instead of being stuck as an overgrown teen.

    • Yes he is in need of therapy. Inpatient and long term.

  28. kelleybelle says:

    When is this entitled a-hole going to shut up and just do his job, whatever that is? Harry isn’t jealous, you desperate wanna-be. Ugh.

  29. BlueNailsBetty says:

    I know it won’t happen but it would be absolutely hilarious if Harry and Meghan stealthed into England in time to attend the wedding ceremony, hang at the reception long enough to get some cake, and then stealthed back to California before the media even had an inkling of their visit.

  30. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Pure junior high school, same mentality as a lot of his “supporters” have.

    “well William is the heir!”
    “william will outrank!”
    “william is the Duke’s BFF so there!”


    As my late MIL said to the flasher, “HMPH. Is that the best you’ve got?”

  31. Norvy says:

    So pathetic to see a 40+ yrs. old man act so petty and childlike, This type of selfishness produces Royals like KC3 and Prince William.

  32. Gosh ,Willie is going to be hard “worked” handing out Bibles and showing people to their seats . Hope he can stand the stand the pace he he he !

  33. AOC says:

    Hugh Grosvenor is 33 yrs old and Will I am is 41. Sooo,, quite an age difference. Harry is more likely to be closer to him. Hugh, like Harry, is personable so it seems more likely that they would be friends and it is more likely that Harry stepping back to give this couple their ‘day ‘ is the more plausible scenario.
    But when did the RRs or the royals and their hangers on credit we poor deluded taxpayers credit for having the brain cells of an amoeba.

  34. Walking the Walk says:

    He’s a freaking usher. I would be embarrassed to put this out that Harry is upset at William’s starring role. WTF.

  35. Jay says:

    There have long been stories about the long-established British aristocracy looking down on the erstwhile Saxe-Cobourgs, considering them little more than gauche interlopers from Germany. I personally find the whole aristocracy system to be ridiculous and dumb, but I find it funny that they some of them seem to regard the Windsors with something almost close to contempt. Stories like this one make me wonder if the Grosvenor family feels this way.

    Hugh Grosvenor is a real life billionaire who owns half of London and whose family has been in power for at least 400 years. To me, getting the future king to perform a relatively small, banal role at your wedding seems like a bit of a flex, right? William is older than Hugh, but he’s been given a pretty small role. As others have stated, usher is the job you assign to your loser cousin as a way to make sure he doesn’t get in the way of anything important. He doesn’t appear to be giving a reading, he’s not making a speech or best man, he’s going to show people to their assigned seats and try not to say anything offensive during the time it takes him to escort them from the door. One might even think that inviting the heir to be your usher is a mark of how little you respect him – look how powerful I am, the future king is basically my footman!

    • Pix says:

      The future king is his footman! Talk about a flex.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Agreatreckoning says:

      In my teens I was an usherette for a sibling’s wedding (along with another sibling). We weren’t asked, we were told these were are roles. Neither of us wanted to do it. Not because it being a low man on the field…we didn’t really want to deal with people, both teens, sibling was a year older.

      Fellow usherette/sibling figured out advantages. We would be stuck in the back! If we had to go pee, no one would notice. If she wanted to slip out and have a quick ciggie-NO One would notice! Being an usher isn’t a starring role, it’s a role. It’s a complete shame the BM/BRF are making this more about the BRF than the bride and groom.

      Out of curiosity, do we know how many RR’s were snubbed out of an invite? We know RR’s weren’t invited to H&M’s wedding.

      Usherling along to the next repeated subject.

  36. Lau says:

    There is no way William will bring George along, he’s way too afraid to have his thunder stolen by his own 10 year old child.

    • Tessa says:

      And if he leaves the other two home it will bring about questions of why the younger ones are not seen

  37. Mel says:

    They REALLY need to hire comms people who actually know what they’re doing and will steer them away from making petty, ridiculous fools of themselves.

  38. ShoppeGirlMN says:

    I’m trying to imagine what offensive small talk he’ll make with the guests as he tries to find their seat. He is not quick in his feet unless it’s a swipe at his wife.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Exactly! This is royal gossip gold and works out great for Harry. The Sussexes will probably have the newlyweds come visit them in sunny California. No need for them to travel to dreary England to get all gussied up and judged. No, that’s William’s job. What a chump!

  39. cazzie says:

    Those Garden Party pictures of Willy just give me ‘ten gallon hat on a two pint head’ vibes.

  40. Saucy&Sassy says:

    This is such an error on Billy Idle’s part. He should have told Hugh that he would be a guest and not part of the wedding. Let the wedding be about the bride and groom. This is so basic. Why is this happening? Sincere question. Is this the bm? Is this the Escort? Is this the grey men? Or, is this Billy Idle? Any way you look at it, this is insulting to the bride and groom.

  41. tamsin says:

    Is this pathetic nonsense actually coming from KP or are the RR making fun of William? It gives William the mentality of a middle school mean-girl. Seems the Windsors are behaving like the obnoxious relatives at this wedding, and ultimately only William is attending? They are each others godparents and godchildren over at least two generations. The Windsors behavior makes them a laughingstock.

    I’ve never been to a UK wedding, but I get the impression that “usher” is an honorary position guys give their friends and it’s the equivalent of the bride asking a friend to be a bridesmaid. There are accounts of weddings that both William and Harry attended and they have both asked to be ushers at one time or another. Harry was an usher at the wedding Meghan attended as Harry’s plus one in Jamaica.

  42. Tessa says:

    If he only brings George and not the other children it will seem even stranger the younger two have not had new pictures since christmas.

  43. Izzy says:

    If I was the bride, I would be SO pissed that someone else is making my and my future husband’s wedding about themselves. In fact, if I was the bride in this situation, I would insist my husband make it up to me by taking me on a lovely trip to California, where we would spend some quality time with the Sussexes and be photographed with them EVERYWHERE.

    But I am petty like that.

  44. Luksha says:

    Yep, Hugh doesn’t like Willy cause all an Usher has to do is, possibly, hand out the Order of Service, ask people whether they’re there for ‘Bride or Groom’ and then point left or right. Hardly a starring role unless he plans to dress in his ‘Garter’ robes and demand people bow or courtesy to him in front of the camera crew, that ‘just so happend’ to be there. Seriously this guy really needs to get a life!