Tom Cruise’s rep says Isabella won’t join her bf in Scientology’s Sea Org

Tom Cruise

Here are some photos of Tom Cruise trying to look hip and funky on Oxford Street in London after leaving the Chinawhite club, where he watched son Connor Cruise perform his first ever UK DJ gig. Tom’s looking more chipper than he did just a few days ago, right? I wonder if he’s already gained back a pound or two from his so-called “heartbreak diet.” (As a side note, sometimes people actually lose a shoe size when they lose weight. Did Tom have to have new lifts made?) He’s been eating a lot of curry (which, even for an OT Level VIII Scientologist, will go right through a person) though, so who knows. Gross. So while I’ve now been reduced to making poop jokes about the guy, “Happy Tom” is back on the scene. And as usual, he’s taking charge of everything.

A few days ago, there was a justifiably big fuss over the fact that Tom’s eldest daughter, Isabella Cruise, wanted to join the Sea Org to be with her boyfriend (and probable fiancé), Eddie Frencher. Tom is said to adore Eddie because, obviously, he’s a 2nd-generation Scientologist, and it turns out that the poor kid is devout enough to have signed that billion-year-contract and start working on the “Estates Project Force,” which sounds quite fancy but actually entails a riveting life of painting and sweeping as well as other constantly supervised manual labor tasks in addition to five hours of CO$ study per day. All of this for the whopping salary of $50 dollars per week. Well, Isabella (naturally) misses her boyfriend, and she wanted to join him in the cause. I was sitting on the edge of my seat wondering whether Tom would actually let this happen or not. Some of you thought he’d have to do so and that this was planned by the CO$ to gain an even greater hold on Tom. Surprise, surprise, Tom said “no way”:

Tom Cruise

Did Isabella Cruise sign a lifelong contract with Scientology’s Sea Org?

A Tuesday report on the Village Voice’s Runnin’ Scared news blog claimed that the 19-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman was mulling the possibility of joining the top-secret, high-level order of the controversial religion — after her live-in boyfriend Eddie Frencher allegedly joined Sea Org himself.

But attorney Aaron Moss, a member of Tom’s legal team along with Bert Fields, tells Us Weekly the report is false. “Isabella is not a public figure, and deserves privacy,. However, she is not joining the church’s religious order,” Moss explains.

He adds: “She is currently in Europe with her father who is in pre-production on All You Need Is Kill.”

The most famous member of the Church of Scientology in the world, Cruise, 50, was photographed in London on Thursday night exiting the club Chinawhite — where Isabella’s brother Connor, 17, performed a DJ set.

The Village Voice claimed that Eddie Frencher signed his own Sea Org contract last week, and is currently undergoing an “Estates Project Force” boot camp in Los Angeles. Isabella and Eddie have shared an apartment together in Los Angeles’ seedy Skid Row neighborhood for the past several years.

[From Us Weekly]

This is all public relations, of course. Tom is keeping an eye towards the future, and people already know he’s entrenched his children in a dangerous cult. So if he let Isabella join (never to be seen again by the general public) the hardcore work force that functions as the slave-labor-driven sweat of the CO$, then this would work the reverse of his desired effect of rehabilitating his image, which he still thinks is going to happen. Also, he doesn’t want to lend any kind of support to Katie’s fear that Tom would give Suri to Sea Org too. So this not only makes Tom look like a protecting father, it also (in his mind) makes Katie look like a paranoid freak. What Tom doesn’t get is that the only freak in the room is … him.

Isabella Cruise Connor Cruise

Suri Cruise Isabella Cruise

Photos courtesy of Connor Cruise’s Twitter and WENN

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68 Responses to “Tom Cruise’s rep says Isabella won’t join her bf in Scientology’s Sea Org”

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  1. Brittney says:

    Ahhh!! This is mostly irrelevant, but it’s crazy that you pointed out the shoe size thing this morning, because I just (as in, an hour ago) realized I’ve gone down a shoe size in addition to losing 20 pounds. I had no idea that was possible! Now all my agonizing but stylish heels are just plain stylish! I guess Tom would have the opposite problem, though…

    Also, it’s funny how Suri evidently IS “a public figure”… hmph.

    • Aussie girl says:

      Well done on the weight loss, meaning u not little Brained washed couch jumping Tom. Tom is still crazy though but not stupid enough to let bella join sea org. This would be coming from his people though. They know that it would look bad & with all the future cust- battles they know what they havet to do. Plus the celeb’s & their spawn of CO$ don’t get dealt the same hand as us mere mortals would.

    • Ojulia says:

      If it was intentional, congratulations on the weight loss!!

      • Scorellini says:

        I can’t help but congratulate you on the weight loss as well as express my extreme envy.

    • Izzy says:

      I’ll chime in with more irrelevant, since I lost 45 pounds and am proud of it. I’m also half a shoe size smaller. Go figure.

      More on-topic: Let the hypocrisy begin. OF COURSE Isabella wouldn’t join Sea Org. No child of a Massive Superstar $cilon would, right?

      Somebody pour me a Karmakaze.

  2. mermaid says:

    To. Likes Eddie. Not. More like sea org is a way to drive a wedge btwn Isabella and bf.

    • LAK says:

      I thought this too because sea org members are not allowed to have relationships. Lots of ex-co$ stories about families are separated in the sea org. Not just the suppressive family members.

      So i think if we are going to speculate on Tom’s feelings for this boy, i would say right there is a red flag….

      Celeb kids are generally treated differently though. If Isabella was allowed to join the sea org, perhaps she would be allowed to have relatiionships. *Shrugs*

      • Bopa says:

        They can have relationships but they tend to get married very quickly. I don’t think they allow them to shack up. It is true though that they will separate a couple or family.

  3. DanaG says:

    I didn’t think Tom would allow Isabella in it’s one thing to use slave labor and another your own daughter being one. I guess this means Isabella will be found some other nice scientology boy for her to marry. Wouldn’t it be good if she got a job or something.

    • DEB says:

      She did have a job; she worked for Katie on her Holmes & Yang line … Katie fired her and then filed for divorce 🙂

      • Genevieve says:

        QQ @ DEB….really?

        So, I guess Katie was supposed to continue the employment of Tom’s daughter while she and Suri made their escape from Tom and CO$? Through no fault of her own, Isabella was probably programmed to spy on Katie in that Gestapo-like way that CO$ encourages in family relationships. Please, NO slamming Katie for that move.

        That being said, I whole-heartedly agree with the statement Bert Fields (cough, Tommygirl’s b*tch, cough) released concerning Bella, “Isabella is not a public figure, and deserves privacy,.. “. ITA with that sentiment. That poor girl did not ask for the effed up life she’s been given courtesy of the King of the Lift Shoe. Seriously, why doesn’t he just bust out a pair of Steve Madden wedges and be done with it? The effect would be far less hilarious than Tiny Tom and his oh-so-obvious custom lifts. His white sneaks always make me giggle.

        Isabella has never done anything to solicit media attention, and for that sole reason, deserves to be left alone by the press. Some of the comments I’ve seen posted here about her honestly make me ill, they are so mean spirited. On the flip side, the media HAS probably saved her from a life consigned to Sea Org serfdom.

        When I looked at the top pic of Tommygirl in what is obviously a vehicle, my first thought was, “Hmmm, wonder if the leather seats in that ride were hand-tooled and stitched by Sea Org slaves for $50 a week?”. As far as rehabilitating his image? Thomasina, that ship sailed LONG ago.

      • swack says:

        We don’t know why she was fired. So implying that Katie fired her because she was divorcing Tom is just being put out there to make Katie look like a bad person.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Isabella has done things in an intern/assistant capacity for Katie. She’s also been pursuing her “art” while living with her CO$ BF in an apartment on Skid Row in LA.

        I’d imagine Isabella pretty much does what she wants, but Tom will draw the line at her signing up to be slave labour.

        @swack – Maybe since Katie was relocating to NY from LA, it was a mutual agreement. I mean, Isabella has (or HAD) her own life & place in LA, so maybe relocating wasn’t for her.

    • Raven says:

      If you were having to sneak around to prepare to file for divorce, you would not want your husband’s daughter in a position to spy on you and report back to dad.

  4. lassie says:

    But at 19, Isabella doesn’t need her daddy’s blessing, she could join if she really wanted to be with the boyfriend.

    Another way of show the minivan majority how controlling Tom really is. ‘They love each other, but dad says ‘no’ to being together’…

    • swack says:

      I was thinking the same thing. She’s legally an adult and can sign herself up if she wants to do so. Something doesn’t sound right – either this is all bs or she is trying to find a way not to follow her bf into the Sea Org knowing what she would be in for in the long haul.

      • Miss T says:

        I think the church probably wouldn’t allow Isabella to join. There would be too much negative publicity.

      • Zimmer says:

        I think Miss T is right. Also, if she would throw a big enough stink, they would probably let her continue a relationship with BF.

  5. gee says:

    OT – I think Isabella and Conor are Tom Cruise’s biological children.

    • DEB says:

      They are not. At all. Have you noticed that Connor is black?? O.o Nicole and Tom adopted because of her ectoptic pregnancy tendancies.

      • gee says:

        I didn’t say Tom and Nicole. I think he has a very, VERY similar face to his father. I’m sure you can argue nature vs. nurture but the conspiracy theory I choose to believe is those are Toms kids w/a surrogate.

        And believe it or not, some people are biracial and have different skin colors than their parents.

      • lira says:

        I think they are adopted, yes, but they, in theory could have been biologically Cruise’s.
        It does not matter that Connor is black, he looks a lot like him, his featurest just mannerisms.
        I find funny how they used to have Isabella carry all of that Suri’s stuff around behind the Cruise-Holmes trio, one thing is to be a good sister, but she seemed to be an employee, and not even a nanny, but a maid.

      • Amea says:

        I AGREE with you gee 110%! Connor looks biracial–look at our president, he has brown skin and black hair but is half white. Both kids look like Tom in the eyes and I will never forget the photo of Tom and Connor at a basketball game where they not only had the same facial expression but the same mannerisms–things you do naturally without thinking? That’s genetic. I think Tom got a little dong-happy and when the baby moms got preggo, he probably paid them off not to go public about it and made it look like he was adopting two random kids. With all the evidence on how much of a control freak he is, I have no trouble believing that he convinced (forced) Nicole to adopt these kids, hell I would even believe he planned the whole thing out to look like a real adoption when he knew exactly whose kids he was getting. HIS OWN.

        /end conspiracy theory

      • LAK says:

        ….oh dear Deb, white people can’t have mixed race children???? There are people out there with lots of explaining to do 😉

        Connor is clearly mixed race.

        As for being TC’s son based on mannerisms and facial expressions, isn’t that what we do? Copy parental mannerisms and facial expressions? I wouldn’t use that as basis for a thesis on whether or not he is TC’s bio son. Genetics don’t work that way.

        On a different note because this is hollywood, it is perfectly possible for Tom Cruise to adopt his own children. It’s happened lots of times in Hollywoood in the past.

        The most infamous such case is Judy Lewis who was ‘adopted’ by her real mother Loretta Young and ‘godfathered’ by her real father Clark Gable.

      • Moi says:

        They are both Tom’s bio children with, obviously, two different surrogate mothers. Hey, Sheryl Crow adopted her own son Wyatt, whose bio dad is Lance Armstrong.

        I’m just glad Tom was able to get Mini Miscavage to open up his murse and give Tom his balls back.

    • DEB says:

      Oh, I know, I’m well aware 🙂 It’s just that I never noticed any similarities between Tom and Connor. I had read that Isabella was a baby from a Sea Org member, but like all these stories, not sure of the authenticity. Perhaps the theory of Connor’s paternity could be true. According to the unauthorized biography, Tom did spend more time with the kids when they were little than Nicole did, and Connor picked up his mannerisms. I’m afraid we’ll never know much for sure unless someone comes right out with it.

    • Dena says:

      I have always thought that about Connor but not so much Isabella. Tom could have been a/the sperm donor with the biracial aspect merely serving to throw people off (and not being that important to Tom as in a child is a child and a son is a son).

    • Nev says:


  6. Fatkid says:

    Wow, Tom is looking a little rough in that second pic. When he’s not doing the maniacal facial expressions you can really see his aging.

    • islandwalker says:

      He looks like Harry Hamlin in the second picture, esp. with the glasses on.

    • CG says:

      I was thinking the same thing! He doesn’t look good in that second pic at all. And “All You Need is Kill” is also the worst movie title ever!

  7. sukienow says:

    he was never gonna to let her join.

    none of his nieces or nephews are in sea org, they all live with connor and bella enjoying the lifestyle of a celebrity kid.

    i doubt any member of the cruise family would want to lower themselves to do slave labour.

    these are kids used to people doing things for them, not the other way round.

  8. serena says:

    Well, anyway I’m glad he didn’t let Isabella joing Sea org.

  9. mar says:

    I believe I read somewhere that Isabella and Conners biological mother was a member of the cult,so chances are they would have been sucked in anyway.

  10. The Original Mia says:

    She was never going to join. She might love her boyfriend, but she’s also never had to live a non-celebrity lifestyle. She’s lived a life of luxury with servants & unlimited funds. I’m sure Tom privately would have intervened, but I ultimately think this was Bella’s decision.

    • Jackie O says:

      exactly. she is not about to leave her life of privilege…even if scientology allowed her a ‘light’ version of the sea org.

      also true, tom knows that would negatively effect his image, one that has already taken a beating.

  11. elllie66 says:

    wow they shared a apartment in skid row, he couldnt give her a place thats in a better neighborhood? I bet if he was still married to Katie he would have let Isabella go to Sea Ugg. I always thought she is the forgotten child as Conner and Suri get all the attention.

  12. Jaded says:

    I heard that Isabella and Connor were Sea Org babies. Sea Org members aren’t allowed to procreate as care of a baby would take them away from their holy duties (a.k.a. slave labour). If Sea Org members get pregnant they’re usually forced to have abortions or give the babies up for adoption.

    The double standard in this organization is unreal – Tom you are a cruel, cruel man to utilize Sea Org slaves for your own selfish whims and wilfully ignore the fact that they are treated like animals.

    • DEB says:

      I think the word is finally out on what a hypocritical, crazy, self-absorbed, controlling, maniacal, lying, angry little asshole he really is 🙂 Way to go, Katie. I love you and am buying every magazine I can find with your pic on the cover.

    • debbi says:

      dear God! seriously they are forced to get abortions or give up their children? That is the sickest thing I have ever heard. Why would anyone justify the actions of this “church?” I’m truly at a lost for words.

      • Jaded says:

        I just read a book called ‘Blown for Good’ by Mark Headley, an ex-Co$/Sea Org member and it’s sickening – here’s a link to his website:

        Tommy-boy used his services quite a bit, and yes, he and his wife were forced to undergo a couple of abortions because having a baby would interfere with working 100 hours a week for $50. When they left Co$ they were followed, intimidated, phones tapped, etc. etc.

        Hate is a powerful word but I really do hate Tom Cruise for what he stands for.

      • Genevieve says:

        @ Jaded…

        Thank you for the link. That’s getting bookmarked, even though I *hate* to read about CO$. Only a short while ago, I was COMPLETELY ignorant about what a destructive cult they are. Now, I honestly liken them to Nazi Germany.

        I feel that if I don’t educate myself about CO$ and the horrors that they perpetuate, I’m definitely not part of the solution. I would despise being a passive contributor to the general ignorance out there about the cult. Several times recently, I have been able to grab the attention of a friend or acquaintance when they come out with a “Oh, CO$ is just some kooky cult”. This is a whole new, absolutely stomach-turning vertical of the cult that I was not aware of 🙁

        I would truly, TRULY like to thank Bedhead, CB and Kaiser (if you’re still here) for not letting the CO$ threads die down after TomKat’s divorce. I was afraid that it would, but y’all do a FANTASTIC job of keeping the stories alive.

        Thank you, Celebitchy…you ROCK! 🙂

  13. lucy2 says:

    The rep cracks me up: “Give her privacy…by the way here’s where she is and what’s she’s doing.” And a nice little blurb about Tom’s next CO$ money making endeavor…I mean, movie.

  14. Hautie says:

    I suspect the boyfriend joining the Org… may not have been his idea.

    If someone told me it was to separate Isabella from a boyfriend who had a strong influence over her. I would think that is a more plausible answer.

    Why would he sign up to be abused?

    When he was living a quite life… most likely funded by Cruise.

    To go live in a ratty single wide trailer, in the desert, with 12 other people sleeping in bunk beds? For the rest of his life??

    • TrustMeOnThis says:

      Somehow, I doubt they put that stuff in the rectuiting materials.

      I’m absolutely sure they have been working on him for a while now, just because he is her boyfy.

      And yes, (to answer other comments) they do force women to abort. Read the village voice for more!

  15. Ella says:

    That Village Voice blog is excellent. I hope Tony Ortega brings Scientology DOWN.

  16. Sookie says:

    This entire thing is just twisted! I feel bad for those kids who will never have a clue what it’s like to be normal. And why would Tom let Isabella live in the skid row area of downtown la? He couldn’t even spot her a grand a month for a studio in better part of town? Tragic

    • sukienow says:

      on where bella lives dont let the press fool u.

      they make it sound like is is living in some rat infected apt when she actually lives in an expensive condo downtown LA.

      she always post pics of her place on her instagram,how many skid row apt do u know have a rooftop jazucci.

      i bet her father paid for it since doesnt seem like she work

      even the village voice article says she lives in an expensive condo

  17. G says:

    Of course. I’m sure they she’s too evolved for SeaOrg….

    Tell me she’s going to college and THAT would start to change my mind about Tom’s doubtful parenting.

  18. Reece says:

    No Way. He’s way too high up in the “Church” for Isabella to go to the Sea Org.

  19. Dee Cee says:

    Because she is able to make her own decisions just like Suri and Conner.. We get it! Whee..

  20. geekychick says:

    He must know how is it for people trapped there. I can’t believe a dad would do that to a child, or let his child do that.
    Hmmmm…then again, it’s a cult. I can’t even imagine the brainwashing. Who knows what are the Scis capable of? I mean, it would be really interesting to have public records of how many of members have turned against church, or just dropped out-how do some people just check out before it’s too late and some just IDK, shut their brains off and surrender to Mighty Aliens?

  21. hmm says:

    WOW. One of the rare photos of Suri looking happy! That one and the Disney Land pics are probably the only ones I’ve seen where she doesn’t look like she’s complaining about something.

  22. Miss T says:

    There have been plenty of pics of Suri smiling. Just yesterday I saw pics of her looking very happy as she played in the park.

  23. Pat Dorty says:

    They only enslave ordinary people. They won’t let her join because they’re afraid Tom will find out what really goes on.

  24. tru tru says:

    I guess they broke up then, cause he cannot visit or live w/her.

    I’m glad she is not going to be joining, but its for Tom’s sake and his public image.

    he’s NOT fooling us, the slave labor will go on just not w/his daughter.

  25. the original bellaluna says:

    Little does Tom Thumb know that this smacks of the special treatment he receives, which we’ve been discussing as one of the many glaring inconsistencies within the CO$.

    It further hones our points about how the CO$ divides families and loved ones. Isabella is only 19, but has shared an apartment (on Skid Row) with her BF for “several years?”

    Where was Tom then? He only cares enough to intervene when it’s his kid who’s destined to become the very slave labour he uses.

    psst, Tom? It’s not working!

  26. Guest777 says:

    Where is Nicole…it looks like she doesn’t care about them at all!

    • Jaded says:

      Tom dumped Nicole suddenly as he became more and more deeply involved in Scientology. Nicole was somewhat involved with it at first but decided it wasn’t for her so she was branded an ‘SP’ or Supressive Person by COS.

      However, she had already done some ‘audits’ which means that COS auditors record very in-depth, intimate confessional-type interviews to try and take you to a ‘clear’ state which is the Scientology expression for reaching a very high status. So the Church of Scientology has some very incriminating tapes that Tom threatened to release in the event that she tried to get custody of Connor and Isabella.

      Subsequently, COS turned her kids against her by brainwashing them into believing she was an SP and someone that wouldn’t be good to have in their lives.

      Sure, she sold her soul to the devil but Tom and Scientology were the devil in this case.

  27. Mira says:

    Please! This has nothing to do with Tom being a control-freak or trying to rehabilitate his image. It’s pretty clear that the church rules are different for Tom and his family. He’s their poster boy, not labor boy. Favoritism applies to his children too. None of his children will ever pick up a piece of stick from the ground. That’s just the way it is like it is for most “privileged” kids around the world.

  28. Missy Bee says:

    Connor is now “DJ Ranger Rick”! What happened to DJ C Squared?? Are Scientology kids allowed to go to college? Perhaps Scoentology high schools don’t follow the national curriculum with all that Xenu stuff it needs to teach and all…?

    • Iggles says:

      Good question! I’d think not. Home schooled kids have to past an exam to qualify for entry into college. CO$ kids would likely fail, unless they studied independently, since their school does not follow public school curriculum!

  29. Missy Bee says:


  30. jwoolman says:

    Does the UK routinely import 17 year old DJ’s? Is Conner really that much of a DJ prodigy? Serious question, people…

  31. XYZ says:

    Poor Bella lost her mom, step-mom, and now fiancé/boyfriend, all due to CO$

  32. Daisymay says:

    While we’re talking about birth fathers, it’s always been speculated that Suris father is Tommy Davis, the head of scientologys celebrity center and actress Ann archers son. Talk about spitting image of Suri, check this photo out