Lindsay Lohan booked a one-way ticket to Europe for when she gets out of rehab

You know that as soon as Lindsay Lohan gets out of court-ordered rehab, it’s going to be 24-7 crack drama, right? I’m just saying that so everyone – and I mean EVERYONE – will prepare themselves. I’m not even sure when Lindsay is scheduled to leave her Malibu rehab clinic… it’s soon, I think. Like, within the next week or week and a half. We’ve been without daily Lohan crack drama for months, although she’s still tried to provide us with some drama here and there, through “sources” and stuff.

So, as soon as Lindsay gets out of rehab, she’ll probably head straight to New York to promote The Canyons. She’s supposed to give some sort of exclusive interview to Oprah (at a cost to Oprah of $2 million), and I think I remember something about an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman too. There will probably be a cracked-out red carpet premiere for The Canyons in either LA or NYC (or both) and Lindsay will insist on attending. And with all of this, you have to remember that Oprah’s OWN cameras will be following Lindsay for a mini-series reality show or something. Again, I’m saying all this so you can begin to prepare yourselves. In the meantime, Lindsay is pretending like everything I just said is a crack lie and that she’s really going to be flying (one-way!) to Europe for some rest and relaxation.

Lindsay Lohan has booked a one-way ticket to Europe … set to depart as soon as she finishes rehab … because everyone knows an overseas vacation is the best way to keep your nose clean.

Sources close to LiLo tell TMZ … after her 90-day-court-ordered rehab finishes up she’ll head to London for some R&R … as the first stop on a European adventure.

We’re told a gal pal of LiLo offered to take her as a gift for a “job well done in rehab”. And since LiLo has some time before her OWN docu-series begins filming she jumped at the opportunity.

Our sources say she booked a one-way ticket and has no return date set (yet), but hopefully it’s before she’s scheduled to film.

Lindsay believes the trip will give her some privacy during her post-rehab days.

Plus, it’s Europe … what could go wrong?

[From TMZ]

Ah, I see. I guess she’ll have a week to herself before her promotional duties begin, so she wanted to go to Europe to “rest”. And probably to “pay some bills” because most of her income is from being some kind of international call girl, allegedly. I’m sure her finances are a hot mess and I doubt this past three months of no income helped matters at all. So, yeah, she’s gotta make that money so it’s off to Europe for some quick cash. Then it’s on to Oprah for even more money.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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81 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan booked a one-way ticket to Europe for when she gets out of rehab”

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  1. Kemper says:

    Right, London. More like Amsterdam.

    • Sisi says:

      which makes no sense.

      We don’t have legal sea jasper here in Amsterdam

    • RocketMerry says:

      More than drugs, I’m thinking that her lips will have de-puffed while in rehab, so she could be thinking of going to see some kind of surgeon in a secluded location.
      I just wish she’d realize she does not need fillers and stop with the craziness and the shenanigans for good: too naive?

      • Jennabean says:

        She’s another one so pretty when she was younger of course some of it is the drugs but all the stuff she did to her face omg

  2. Evelyn says:

    Same crack shenanigans, different day.
    I have a lot of sympathy for addicts, my sister went to rehab three times before she stayed clean (eight years now!) so I understand sometimes you need a couple tries. But this trick doesn’t want to get better even though she’s been given literally EVERY opportunity to. She’s a jerk, she’s a thief, she’s a liar, and she doesn’t feel any if that is her fault (if she even believes any of it). I have no more sympathy for her, shi**y parents are not an excuse, she’s a damn adult

    • jwoolman says:

      Her problem is that she’s never had even one try at rehab. She just goes either court-ordered instead of jail or prior to a court hearing, hoping the judge will let her stay in rehab instead of sentencing her to jail. She’s never gone to rehab to actually get clean because she wants to get off the stuff. So she goes right back on it all ASAP once she’s released.

  3. Amelia says:

    No, no, no!!!!
    Someone shut the borders, quickly!
    Do you think we could fool her crack-addled brain into thinking Belarus is the newest European celebrity hotspot?

  4. blue marie says:

    someone needs to jack her passport while she’s there so she can’t come back. I would say it’s our gift to Europe with no take backs..

  5. Tulip says:

    No, please, stay away from us, Lohan! We already have our share of troubles, we don’t need a trouble magnet like you!

  6. Kemper says:

    I don’t see this girl getting clean in the near future. She has strange people (her mom) around her. I think she is what happens to young people who are manipulated their whole lives & used for other peoples selfishness.

  7. logan says:

    Dearest Europe, we are so sorry. Let us know if there is any thing we can do to lessen your sorrow at this time. It would probably be best if you kept your children off the streets and remain in your homes during the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. Once again we are sorry.
    Sincerely the USA

    • bettyrose says:

      I’m not sorry. Europe has the world’s highest concentration of cool cities, all connected by rail. I don’t get to have breakfast in Paris, lunch in Milan, and dinner in Berlin. So I say this out of total jealousy and bitterness, take THAT Europe. She’s all yours.

  8. DanaG says:

    With her arrests and drugs record can she still get into countries? Who wants her after all this time you could probably get someone cleaner and way better then her for less cash. I think Oprah is an idot and she is going to regret giving anything to Lindsay.

    • gg says:

      Can’t believe they let her travel like she does. I guess there are no standards anymore for lying, drugging thieves to travel anywhere they want? Who is she blowing to get a visa?

  9. Gabriella says:

    Am I evil for *sort of* hoping she’ll screw up in Europe just because I know their legal system is not like California’s coughyolocough?

  10. anneesezz says:

    She is gross.

  11. Sue says:

    What ever possessed Oprah into thinking people are interested in watching a docu-series about Lilo??????

    • Sonia says:

      Because Oprah knows as soon as Lindsey tries to do the sheer volume of drugs she did before rehab, she will spin out and OD and she will have the rights to that freak show. It’s all about money and ratings!

  12. Devon says:

    Because London is best place for a “recovering addict.” *face palm* Please don’t let her come to Edinburgh. I’m already dealing with pre-Fringe anxiety, we don’t need her as well!

    • Lucy says:

      Oh yes please stay far far away from Edinburgh it’s a small city and we’re about to become full to capacity with the fringe it’s bad enough going out with during the fringe without her here.

      • swack says:

        Please educate this American. What’s the fringe?

      • mata says:

        @swack – The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is an enormous arts festival. Plays, sketches, music, films, etc… you name it. I’ve only been once and it was a lot of fun. I can completely understand why it would be a major headache for people who live there, though.

      • swack says:

        @mata – Thanks! Sounds like a great time. I love those type of festivals.

    • LAK says:

      i am looking forward to going to the fringe this year.

      I haven’t been since 2005. Can’t wait. going to be one of those people giving y’all a headache with my lost Londoner tourist ways

      • Lucy says:

        You are more than welcome here it is something that I would advise any one to go at some point but as one can imagine a major headache for us who live here, I mean they’ve only gone and shut part of George St for it today

  13. lady mary. says:

    its one way ticket? so can we hope she is not coming back ?

    • Funtimes18 says:

      Maybe I’m completely off-base here: Can you buy a one-way ticket to any foreign country without proper paperwork (ex: work visa, etc.)? I call BS on this story. And the “friend” that bought her the ticket is more likely her pimp. Anyone agree?

      • lady mary. says:

        oh no,this could be true,lindsay has managed to cross borders ,oceans with several case files against her ,even without her passport ,or even if her druggie friends are being arrested ,Lilo ,manages just fine ,she is the Rocknrolla of our times

      • msw says:

        Yes you can. I lived in Germany for years but i bought a one way ticket before i had any of the legal stuff sorted out.

        I do suspect she may have some johns over there who will make it worth her while, though.

      • bettyrose says:

        One-way tickets are at the discretion of the official at passport control. If they have any reason to suspect you’ll overstay your visa, they can deny you access to the country, but they generally wouldn’t bother with rich Americans. Now, we know she’s not rich, but they have reason to believe someone is paying her bills and not leaving her to the mercy of a social services agency.

  14. Lolly says:

    I understand this is the cracken and all but…good god, what is wrong with her cheeks in the top picture? That is some serious blusher fail going on or some really obvious chicken cutlet style inserts.

    Plus… out of work actor, no real ongoing work lined up anytime soon, ongoing criminal history, no return ticket to USA – sounds like some pretty good grounds for the UKBA to refuse her entry to the UK. Have hope European Celebitches!!

  15. Joanna says:

    hope they keep her!

  16. JL says:

    My 1st thought was they can keep her, but thinking further she’s on probation so can she actually travel anywhere?

    So sorry to all you Europeans, I wonder which rich pimp daddy is paying her way this time.

    Who’s the skankiest of them all, I vote Prince Albert of Monaco!

    • Cool Phosphorescent Shimmer says:

      Remember, it’s California Probation, which means, “Go ahead, do what you want. We can’t afford to lock you up anyway.”

  17. brin says:

    Good luck, Europe!

  18. JL says:

    Those pics of Lindsey and Brandi side by side on the home page are creepy!

  19. PortlandJan says:

    I just hope that none of the countries she plans to inflict herself on interpret her presence as an act of war.

  20. Lem says:

    That explains why Goop is returning

  21. swack says:

    Doesn’t she have community service to still do and therapy sessions? Oh yeah, she can call in the therapy sessions like before. Also new story is that she has made a list of her friends (about 100 of them) and is cutting out all the friends that re bad influences in her life.

    • Hakura says:

      @swack – Pray tell, did her mother make this list?

      • swack says:

        @Hakura, Here is the article. It is short. It’s from TMZ:

        Lindsay Lohan has made a list … she’s checked it twice … and she’s decided … the majority of her so-called “friends” will be CUT from her life when she’s sprung from rehab.

        Sources close to the actress tell TMZ, Lindsay recently sat down at Cliffside — where she’s currently enrolled in a substance abuse treatment program — and made a list of 100 friends … who knew?

        We’re told Lilo was inspired by a therapy session about “toxic friends and influences.” Lindsay actually made 2 lists — one with the friends she’ll keep, and the other with the ones she’ll ax.

        According to sources, 80 people were on the “cut” list.

        Lindsay showed it to her closest friends — who mostly agreed with her choices.

  22. lisa says:

    my apologies to europe

    but doesnt OWN own her for a little while?

  23. Yelly says:

    She really does look like Bob Hope in drag.

  24. janie says:

    First of all.. how desperate must Oprah be? She’s putting all her eggs in Lindsay’s basket? I hope we’re all proven wrong? I’m wondering the same thing with her drug record? She can get into any country?

    • Hakura says:

      @janie – Said eggs likely have cracks in them already. But it’s not an altogether stupid move on O’s part. It will no doubt attract the sort of people who slow down to see/gather at the scene of an accident.

      The worse-off the victims, the more people show up. Oprah is definitely counting on this to up her ratings.

  25. LadyAnne says:

    Hey, keep your trash, America !!!

    • emmie_a says:

      ha. Enjoy!

    • Jennabean says:

      Sorry Europe your gonna have to give is a littering fine!

    • Hakura says:

      @LadyAnne – Hey, we’ve tried throwing it away, more than once! You’re gonna have to take this one up w/the California ‘justice’ system.

      They’re the ones who keep forgetting to put the lid on the can.

  26. vketjo says:

    You can’t buy a one way ticket unless you have a work permit in the country you are going to or are returning home from the USA…..and I imagine she is flying private jet… the last time when the Prince of Filth payed her to “entertain” his friends at that New Year Party….we will know for sure she is on a “working trip if she stays at the Dorchester(hope I spelled that right) or on of the Princes hotels…She ain’t worked in 3 months so she need some ready cash……Hope she buys herself some new Hair first….last photo she looked like she had Bob Marley dredlocks it was so nasty looking…..

    • LAK says:

      The Dorchester is full of takers right now, even if the Prince isn’t around. Many wealthy middle Easterners are here for their annual summer holidays – it’s a thing every year.

  27. Tara says:

    Ew, did Europe trade Goop for this one? If Russell Brand couldnt get into Japan because of his drug rapsheet how can this , this…thing go anywhere at all?

  28. islandwalker says:

    Most countries will not let you in without a return ticket. I call BS on this story.

    • dorothy says:

      Agree with this. You have to book a return flight when you go overseas. I know this from experience.

  29. mercy says:

    Probably wishful thinking, but hopefully a change of scenery will do her good. She needs to get away from her awful parents and everyone associated with her druggie lifestyle. I just hope it’s not too soon for her to leave rehab and she has access to a good therapist, because the choice is clear: She needs to clean up or she will die. I hope the ghoulish media ignore her if she starts to exhibit her old behaviour.

    • pamspam says:

      I’m glad to read at least one nice comment. 🙂 Look, I get that everyone is sick of her cracknanigans and all. I am too. She’s been nothing but awful for many years. Still, she’s a human being (well, I’m pretty sure she is, anyway…). And I’d like to see her get better and contribute something to society.

      • SE says:

        I would like to see her get better and contribute to society, too. She must be in hell. She has to accept responsibility for her actions as an adult, though, and it seems as though that is a big challenge for her. But truly, I don’t wish her ill; would rather she sober up and live a happy life than die anytime soon.

    • Hakura says:

      @mercy – Is there any proof that Dina’s not going w/her? (I know it’s not mentioned, but Dina has been stuck to her like glue for awhile now). If she IS going w/o her, I’d be thrilled.

      While I can’t put all Lilo’s bad choices on her mother, I’ve long believed Dina was actively trying to keep Lilo drunk/drugged, as it’s easier to manipulate her (& whatever might be left in her bank accounts) that way. (Kinda sounds like Sam Lutfi, doesn’t it?) Dina will yank her off the wagon intentionally, first chance she gets.

      I really do wish her well, & that’s as far from her parents as possible. Maybe that’s why she’s running to Europe, right out of the gate?

  30. kim says:

    I seriously hope she is tired of the bs and stays sober. Many ppl have crappy families, fall apart, and put themselves back together. I hope she does put herself back together, and does not feel guilt for staying away from her mom in order to live a better life. It’s easy to say something snarky about her and her sobriety, but then that would say more about me than her. Good luck lilo! 🙂

  31. JenniferJustice says:

    Hmmm…could it be France? I hear they have the best and “quietest” plastic surgeons. Also would be a great way to have a bender w/out American paps all over her. BTW, am I the only one kind of scared of those cheek implants. Yikes! In some pics, they look like weapons.

  32. Sumodo1 says:

    LOL should stand for “Lohan On Lockdown”

  33. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    Serious question-Is she storing her coke under her armpits? Why is her underarm so white and powdery looking? Just because of that tan?

  34. Relli says:

    “Europe” huh. IS this the same “Europe,” that Kristen went to went the hills ended and the camera panned out and it was really a sound stage. Because that is the only other time I have ever heard of someone planning a trip to an entire continent without exacting a city. Unless of course you count those who are unaware of “Africa,” also not being a country.

  35. Jade says:

    Pls don’t come to Asia, pls don’t come to Asia, pls don’t come to Asia.

  36. Lucky Charm says:

    Maybe she’ll change her ticket for a one-way trip to Mars, instead.

  37. Bridget says:

    Like Lilo has a ”gal pal”

  38. Hahahaa says:

    2nd pic, the Bynes wink, thats where it starts going wrong…Europe?not thank you,you can have your most famous cracky citizin.

  39. Suse says:

    I bet Lohan is one of those US-Americans who think Europe is a single country…

    you know, where you run with bulls through the streets in the morning, at noon you eat a baguette on top of the Eiffel Tower. In the evening you smoke pot at a coffeeshop and then you party with Prince Harry in the Tower.