Tom Cruise, hairy at his NYC premiere: why won’t he pose with his leading lady?

Tom Cruise

Here are photos of Tom Cruise at the NYC premiere of Mission: Impossible 5, where it looks like he has a new set of chompers. Actually, this is an illusion. His teeth are the same (and I’m ashamed for knowing this), but there’s something different about his face. His hair is out of control, probably because he thinks he looks younger with a wild, untamable mane. The focus of this promotional tour, of course, is Tom’s bravery in performing stunts. No one cares about the newly revealed information about how he banished his 14-year-old niece for kissing a boy (how un-Scientologist). This is all about Tom’s epic movie-star awesomeness, and the world is fawning over the greatest stuntman ever. And this hair.

Tom Cruise

Tom walked the red carpet with no one. His rumored smitten” subject of the moment, his 22-year-old assistant, went public with her boyfriend. He also didn’t pose with co-star Rebecca Ferguson again, which is weird. Makes me wonder if Tom really put the moves on her and gave her a copy of Dianetics, but she had none of it.

Tom stopped by the The Tonight Show to have a lip sync battle with Jimmy Fallon. This was a Top Gun sort of performance.

I’m including photos of Jeremy Renner, Alec Baldwin, and Simon Pegg. Rebecca looked beautiful but utterly miserable in a Vivienne Westwood dress. There’s a story here somewhere.

Jeremy Renner

Rebecca Ferguson

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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53 Responses to “Tom Cruise, hairy at his NYC premiere: why won’t he pose with his leading lady?”

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  1. Mia4S says:

    How tall is Rebecca? 😉

  2. Lk says:

    Tom used to look hot, now he just looks like a creepy brunette Owen Wilson. And Renner, dear God just NO.

  3. M.A.F. says:

    His face looks fuller but I can’t tell if it’s fat or fillers.

    • Hawkeye says:

      I’m guessing it’s fillers. It looks like he’s had subtle and excellent work done.

      • carol says:

        I’m guessing it fillers too. He’s looking more womanly here as well, no? Renner grosses me out.

  4. lisa2 says:

    Wow that crowd is all about whoever is standing to her left..

    • Alex says:

      that’s because Tom came out right after her and her publicist didn’t let her interact with fans much compared to everyone else who took their time.

  5. Hiddlesgirl85 says:

    That is the absolute BEST picture of Jeremy Renner! It made me LOL hard! Thanks for using it, Bedhead.

  6. T.Fanty says:

    Damn, that poor girl, caught between Tom Cruise and Jeremy Renner. I would probably be miserable, too.

  7. Anguishedcorn says:

    It”s his jaw– something has happened to his jaw. He looks like my niece looked after she had her wisdom teeth out and her face was swollen.

    • TracySmiles says:

      +1 I completely agree. It his jaw. It kind of looks like he’s had fillers in his chin and around the jaw line. I loathe him but, my goodness his surgeon is awesome.

  8. Eliza Rose says:

    His face has looked bloated for at least a year. I thought at first it was swelling from surgery settling, but now I think it’s excessive fillers. He lost the sharp jaw that was so distinctive and part of his “action hero hottie” look. Now he just looks like a bloated little man trying to hold on to his youth.

  9. Sarah says:

    I saw the Lip Sync thing last night. Pretty funny. Tom was the most likable I’ve seen him in a long time.

    • Christo says:

      Yes, I am no fan of Tom Cruise, but, as far as lip-syncing goes, this was excellent. He probably had lots of practice doing this with Rock of Ages.

    • Jonesy says:

      I agree. He was really cute!

    • Ange says:

      Really? I thought he came across as unbearably smug but to be fair he HAS entered ‘bitch eating crackers’ territory for me lol.

  10. lisa2 says:

    She (Rebecca Ferguson) always reminded me of someone looks wise.. then it hit me.. she looks so much like Kelli Williams (Lindsey Dole/The Practice) they look so much alike to me..

  11. NewWester says:

    I bet Tom forgot to put lifts in his shoes, so he declined to stand next to any woman taller than him or was wearing heels

  12. belle de jour says:

    Those youthful bangs are concealing the direct Co$ feeding port to his brain.

  13. minx says:

    Yes, he needs a haircut; trying too hard to recapture 1986.

  14. boredblond says:

    I think the hand holding the jacket over his middle is kind of funny..if he were a she, we’d all be guessing ‘secret baby bump’. Rebecca F does look a little stiff..I like the dress, but why do movie openings now require Oscar worthy gowns? Aren’t there more than enough red carpets already?

  15. Chinoiserie says:

    Tom was married to tall Nicole and has posed with tall leading ladies before and could manage to get shorter actresses for his co-stars if he really wanted so I do not think he is as hight conscious some think.

  16. Tippipippi says:

    He does have wrinkles around his eyes when he smiles, I can’t tell whether he has the most amazing surgeon who keeps it as subtle and understated as possible or if it’s just good genetics plus no smoking/alcohol/drugs, healthy eating and lots of exercise.

    The video was hilarious, it’s sad that such a talented entertainer got caught up in a pschyopathic cult and now his entire personal character and identity has been infested with pschyopathy, narcissism, egocentricity and delusions of godliness.

    I want so badly to like him when I see him onscreen for some reason which is confusing because of what I know of how he bullies and abuses people in his personal life and within the cult.

    • Cindy says:

      Me too. I wish I could like him, but his insides don’t match up with the charm. I guess that makes him good at his job-acting likable while being a soulless as*hole.

      I think he’s a had a lot of work done, and its just really really subtle and good. It’ll catch up with him though, and I bet if he keeps getting stuff done as he ages he’ll start looking strange. Kinda like Madonna.

  17. An says:

    Everybody always says how nice he is to his fans and it’s really cool how sweet he was to that girl he sang to. He looked at her during the song and and when Jimmy signalled they should stand up he held her hand and made a gesture as to acknowledge she was not a prop but a human being. Disregarding everything else, he is a perfect gentleman. And yes, that was damn entertaining 🙂

    • Mia4S says:

      “Disregarding everything else…”

      -abandoning his youngest daughter
      -alienating his other two children from their mother.
      – financially backing a destructive cult
      -doing nothing to help Nazanin Boniadi when the cult decided she should be punished for not meeting his “wife” standards
      -having luxury items built for him by the unpaid slav…sorry, members of the cult.

      Yep lip synching sure makes me disregard all of that!

  18. chaine says:

    I don’t think it’s fillers. I think he has a more full-faced appearance because he has put on a bit of weight, just enough to make him look unwrinkled and younger, but not enough for us to be saying he’s getting pudgy. His nose looks plumper, for example, and I can’t see why he would purposefully use filler to do that.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      All old guys get bigger noses. Their noses keep growing, just the way they get an “old man” barrel chest and hair in their ears. I don’t think he’s put on weight. I believe it’s fillers, and he’s losing his chiseled good looks. This web site has has original snaggle-tooth picture (ugh!) as well as a succession of others.

      • chaine says:

        Wow, memory lane. He was actually attractive 15 years ago… He still looks good for his age, and younger than his age, but not to-die-for by any means.

  19. Freddy Spaghetti says:

    I bet he and/or Renner hit on/wanted to marry her while filming and she didn’t want either option. Tom always has huggy pics with his female costars. It’ll be interesting to see what happens at overseas openings (unless they’ve already happened?)

  20. Maum says:

    That hair is tragic.

    I saw him for a couple of seconds on Sky in the UK (they have launched a temporary Sky Movies Tom Cruise channel) and did a triple take- in person he looks very different. He was also orange and his hair was dyed too light.

    He’s starting to look Matt Damon in that Liberace film.

  21. Jellybean says:

    Hair – he is filming, that hair is for a character and it is windy
    Posing with leading lady? – he has done plenty of that over the last few days, she isn’t depressed, she is just Swedish, or may be she is the one who is windy.
    Cruise’s 22 year old assistant? – rubbish, he is really dating Lizzie Olsen

    I am so bored of all this!

  22. Wolf says:

    Tom is as he has always been, albeit a bit puffier. Jeremy Renner is foul.

  23. Dee says:

    I’m waiting for the stunt that does him in. That one I will watch.

  24. lisa2 says:

    He did a great job on Fallon. Reminded me of Tropic Thunder.. He was so good in that role.. But Tom always seems his happiest when filming or promoting a movie. So he is in his emotional element.

    • mytbean says:

      But didn’t it feel over the top staged?

      Like, the entire audience was probably a paid crew in order to avoid a jeering mass of unapologetic scientology bashers and the whole performance was likely rehearsed umpteen times with a script that had such strict regulation as to be considered legally binding.

      Also, Jimmy Fallon is always star struck, it’s part of his charm, but the reality that Cruise has so much backwash… well it was kind of like the elephant in the room and Fallon’s enthusiasm felt forced to me.

      I dunno. I wanted to smile because it’s true, Cruise did perform. But his personal life is too much and to me, his need to be seen as forever young and verile is reaching Madonna-esque proportions and his crazy has already been so widely publicized that under the smile I can’t help but know that there is an insane cackling going on inside his head.

      • Jessica says:

        Jimmy being star struck was part of his charm at first, but now it’s just annoying how much of an ass kisser he is. And I’m probably in the minority on this one, but I am really tired of all the skits and games and what not of all these celebrities trying to show how down to earth and “like us” they supposedly are.

  25. Jayna says:

    Talking about Scientology, read this article just out on Daily Mail of a man being declared Supressive. HIs kids are all actors, like Danny Masterson, his stepson. His daughter dated Connor Cruise. It is horrible what they do to split families apart. Poor Nicole Kidman with her kids. That’s all I can say.

  26. Wooley says:

    Tom has barely done any promotion for this movie. Everything is about the stunts or lip sync – a non talking appearance, but he hasn’t given any interviews

  27. eribra says:

    I love Simon Pegg!

  28. Mom2dnk says:

    What time did he actually make it to the red carpet? Waited until 6 then left.

  29. Matador says:

    That Renner picture is PRICELESS.

    I honestly don’t understand how people can support Cruise’s films knowing how much he financially props up that vicious, dangerous cult. The story about his niece should give everyone pause about buying tickets to his movies.

  30. iheartgossip says:

    Well no wonder there haven’t been Tommy sightings over the past few months. He’s been getting a hair transplant. No 50 year old man has more hair now, than at 30. Sorry Missus.

  31. judyjudyjudy says:

    He looks amazingly well and healthy. He is so totally a winner.