Samantha Bee apologized for truthfully calling Ivanka Trump a C-U-Next-Tuesday

President Donald Trump hosts the White House Sports and Fitness Day

As we discussed yesterday, Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a C-U-Next-Tuesday on Wednesday’s episode of Full Frontal. The context for Bee’s comment was a segment on the Trump Administration’s policy of separating babies and small children from immigrants, and the fact that the administration has LOST nearly 1500 children. During the same weekend (last weekend) where the hashtag #WhereAreTheChildren was trending for 48 hours, Ivanka Trump chose that moment to do one of her little deplorable little counterprogramming moves: she posted a sugary image of herself and her son. This was the same newscycle where we hearing stories of babies and young children literally being ripped from their mothers’ arms.

While covering the story, Bee said to camera, to Ivanka: “You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say one mother to another: do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless c–t.” The Deplorables got so triggered. Because it was something something ROSEANNE something Ivanka is Precious something BAD WORD! For whatever record, a white woman comparing a black woman to an ape is not the same thing as a white woman calling another white woman a “c-nt.” It’s just not the same. Deal with it. Anyway, the dumb f–king controversy raged for several hours online and then Samantha released an apology:

I wish Bee hadn’t apologized, but I understand why she did. Hell, maybe she even genuinely felt bad. One of the reasons why she apologized was so that the conversation can turn around in some new and exciting ways. Here’s one direction to go in: has Donald Trump ever apologized to any of the people he’s bullied, denigrated, mocked or assaulted? Of course not. If anything, when they ask for an apology, he mocks them even more. (Remember how he mocked the women he sexually assaulted because he said they weren’t attractive enough to be assaulted?)

Here’s another direction to go: while I’m disappointed in Bee for apologizing, let’s talk about all the reasons why Ivanka Trump is truly one of the most despicable people in the world. Maybe Bee apologized so we wouldn’t have to listen endlessly to all of the Deplorable commentators acting like Bee attacked an INNOCENT AND PRECIOUS CHILD. Ivanka is always infantilized with that group, like she needs to be given the same kind of space and protection as the underage child of a president. Complicit bitch, please. Ivanka is 36 f–king years old. She is SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT. She invites herself into policy meetings, Cabinet meetings, and probably the Situation Room too. She undertakes foreign trips on behalf of the administration. Don’t you dare treat her like a child. Don’t cape for this monstrous, vile woman. She’s a hell of a lot worse than what Samantha Bee called her.

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White House State Dinner Honoring France's President Emmanuel Macron

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, WENN.

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147 Responses to “Samantha Bee apologized for truthfully calling Ivanka Trump a C-U-Next-Tuesday”

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  1. Big Bertha says:

    Nazi Barbie is a C*nt. A big one. End of.

    • Delaney says:

      Feel better?

      • Big Bertha says:

        Nah. I always think of Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent when I read that word. She has none. She is more of an arsehole. A bleached one.

      • Kitten says:

        Honestly, we won’t feel better until Nazi Barbie and her family of grifters are out of the White House.

        It was nice of you to ask, though.

      • Dee says:

        Sooooo much better. I hated Sam’s apology.

      • otaku fairy says:

        It’s a shame she had to kind of apologize to Ivankunt. I wish she had gone with something like “I’d like to apologize to all those genuinely opposed to misogyny for any offense caused by my word choice the other day.” I get why she went for something more subtle though.

    • broodytrudy says:

      +10000000 Bertha. *Adam Scott voice* She’s the wooooorrrsssttt.

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      A C*nt has depth and warmth, something Nazi Barbie does not possess.

      Trump supporters have no problem calling Hillary Clinton that word, so why is Ivanka so precious?

      • Esmom says:

        Because hypocrisy. Between this and the Bill Maher false equivalence I feel like I’ve been taking an extra dose of crazy pills. That photo of Kim K talking prison reform with POTUS Trump confirmed that we are truly living in the upside down.

        I can’t even look at photos of any of the reptilian Trump offspring anymore. My eyes just automatically avert, like when I see roadkill.

      • elimaeby says:

        OMG, Zapp, I spit out my coffee. Also, amazing name. Your comment fit with it perfectly and I read it in his voice. LOL. Thanks for making my day.

      • gate666 says:

        liberals demanded for barr to be fired.

      • Lilly says:

        Agreed and I love your name. I always want to wear velour when I read it.

      • Megan says:

        If I were Ivanka, I would be more offended by being called feckless. She is desperate to present herself as a critical adviser to the president.

    • Diana says:

      Yes. It’s the only word that immediately comes to mind when I see that disgustingly fake face and hear that baby whispering voice. It pains me so much because these effin adults know better but are so complicit. Why are our leaders so corrupt and morally bankrupt and just vile scum of the earth. It literally breaks my heart.

    • the_blonde_one says:

      If you read the apology she in NO WAY apologizes for calling her it. just for SAYING the word itself on her show. huge difference. I chortled at taht ‘apology’.

      • Dee says:

        OMG – you’re right! She apologises for saying the word, not for calling her out!

      • Carol says:

        Samantha should have apologized for calling Ivanka the C word IMO. It was a stupid thing to do that in a way clouded her criticism of Ivanka. The conversation became about using the C word instead of the gross hypocrisy of Ivanka’s tweet.

        Samantha should not apologize for criticizing Ivanka though IMO

      • magnoliarose says:

        I saw that too. Artful of her and much appreciated.

    • Morning Coffee says:

      She was right to apologize. The tacky language and name calling has to stop on all sides. Cunt is not an appropriate word to use. She could have made the same point without the word and her point would have been made more effectively. Now, all anyone is talking about is the way she said it – not what she said. Samantha Bee thinks she’s as clever as Jon Stewart and she’s sadly mistaken.

      • Janetdr says:

        It’s not such a horrible word in Britain, so I’m wondering if Sam’s being from Canada was a factor in her using it. She wasn’t wrong…

      • Carol says:

        @morningcoffee I agree with 100%. This name calling doesn’t get us anywhere

  2. tracking says:

    Even though the comment was right on (not a word I use in general, but it was the first one that popped into my mind when I saw the Ista post), it’s good that she apologized. Model a little civility for the current WH, we need more of this.

    • LadyMTL says:

      Yeah, it’s not a word I use either, unless I’m swearing at some random inanimate object in my home (once I dropped a shampoo bottle right on top of my foot and called the bottle the c-word, heh).

      I do agree that Bee was right on, and an apology can’t really hurt matters…Bee just showed that you can admit to having made a mistake and do it in a respectful way. Like you said, the WH could use a lesson in how to act like a mature adult. I just feel frustrated that now no-one cares about what she was actually saying about the missing kids, just that she called Trumpette a “bad word.”

    • Trashaddict says:

      Civility hell. We have “civilitied” ourselves into a freaking nightmare. We must learn to master the backhanded compliments of the British, they can insult like nobody else and you won’t even know it. Or, in the parenting model of approach, she could have said, “I apologize. It was not appropriate to call her a C^^^. But it was important to point out that her behavior was C^^^ish.” Wish I was a fly on th wall at the White House. You know, Dirty Donnie probably used that work a hundred times over about Bee when he heard about this!

      • Kit says:

        I think that’s all she did, she apologised for using an expletive not generally allowed on television, she didn’t apologise for the sentiment. I hope all this publicity brings her lots of new viewers and supporters, I think she’s wonderful.

      • lucy2 says:

        Same here, Kit – she apologized for the word, not the sentiment. And if she felt that’s what she wanted to do, that’s her choice. But I’m still glad she did what she did, because it drew a lot of attention to the problem.

    • DearWhitePeople says:

      Posting a staged photo of herself and child hugging was tone deaf beyond decibel. So really, nazi barbie had some WORDS waiting to jump on her privilege. However, it’s interesting the WhatAboutIsm soldiers raid every corner of the internet to find some overshadowing comparison.

      • lightpurple says:

        I’m going to point out that, although all her defenders are claiming its a mom-child hug, nobody is actually hugging in that picture. She’s just holding him. It’s not an actual hug. And he’s not smiling.

    • NoShame says:

      As I said yesterday, Bee handed the deplorables a win on this one. She should have called her a pussy instead and then none of this would have happened.

    • Lorelei says:

      It just grates that we are always the ones to do the right thing. I understand the logic behind Michelle Obama’s “go high when they go low” approach, but they ALWAYS keep going lower and we bend over and take it.
      SB called Ivanka a bad word and apologized; Roseanne called VJ a nasty word and was immediately fired and her show cancelled. Yet we will all DIE waiting for any Deplorable to apologize for anything similar, ever. It is incredibly frustrating sometimes.

  3. lightpurple says:

    Samantha, next time, call her something gender neutral. Something like F**KING A$$HOLE will do just fine. Then they can drop all the pretending to care about women and feminism and will have to address with the fact that Ivanka Trump is indeed a F**KING A$$HOLE no matter how pretty they think her plastic face is or how much they like her giant fake boobs or believe her to be the perfect mom even though she dressed a toddler in 3 layers of flannel and quilts on an 85 degree day for a photo op to make herself smell better.

    And can we talk about those pictures above? That’s Nagini at an event for kids fitness. Nagini would like us to believe that the Trump administration has discovered for the first time ever that kids fitness matters and they’re going to do something about it! Like gut Title IX funding . We’re all supposed to forget that the Presidential fitness program has been around schools for eons. My mom blamed Nixon for making her do 100 situps. Back t o the event. It was attended by Herschel Walker, Mariano Rivera and other athletes and a bunch of mostly white kids and what do we get? Pictures of Nagini adjusting her hair. Pictures of Nagini throwing a football. Pictures of Nagini walking. Our tax dollars paid for all those pictures promoting Nagini.

    It has to be gloves off with this snake from this day forward. But using gender neutral terms.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Grifter Barbie scoops up any program or cause and throws it against the wall hoping it will stick. She needs to appear relevant, dammit. Also, her stolen “causes” take little to no work because previous administration s have done all the heavy lifting. Dr Oz reality TV doctor disgusted me by joining the child fitness board.

      Also, the drump team is now cutting and pasting an image of compassion. Sarah Huckabee with her on cue sniveling in answer to a child asking about gun violence at schools. And some incredibly awkward scene of a kid trying to hug a stiff, fat moronic drump. Grifter is instructing the WH press to make both look human. Once again a complete fail.

      • DearWhitePeople says:

        “There is a special place in hell for those who prey upon children”- that was nazi barbie quote, no? I suppose she meant, “there is a special place in hell for those who prey upon (insert White Wealthy) children”. ?

    • Kitten says:

      I always look forward to your comments about Nagini, LP. Love the passion of your hatred for her.

      • lightpurple says:

        I’m a non-violent person. And she makes me want to shred things. The attitude of entitlement to my tax dollars combined with her belief that we’re all supposed to worship her artificial face and body and give her that money happily because she has decided that she’s some sort of princess makes my blood boil. I find myself wanting to drive down to JQA’s burial site to talk to his grave about the proper way First Kids conduct themselves in government. And he was QUALIFIED & SENATE CONFIRMED!

    • boredblond says:

      Using that term is’s using slang for a woman’s anatomy to debase her, and women play along with the (originally male) connotation that it’s dirty and bad. There are plenty of offensive words that would describe her behavior, and I think SB was just being lazy not using them instead

      • Elle says:


        Finally, someone says it! The term is extremely derogatory towards all women, even when it’s used by women or aimed at men. It’s a part of rape culture that weaponizes women’s bodies against them. It’s got a long, ugly history and Samantha never should have used it on air. If a man used it, he’d be suspended or fired. I think a lot of people on the left are letting bias into play here. Samantha’s done a lot of good, but she can’t have a pass on this one.

      • InPurgatory says:

        Completely concur. We should never ever use that word about each other. The English language is rich enough to express ourselves without debasing.

    • Mina says:

      Oh God, Nagini is such a good comparison. Now I can’t stop thinking about it.

  4. Rescue Cat says:

    If you’re a public figure and you apologize the people who hated you still hate you and some of the people who supported you start to hate you for backing down. Plus when public figures apoligize their opponents usually just complain about how shitty and insincere the apology was anyway. Might as well stick to your guns and double down.

    • Trashaddict says:


    • Diana says:

      So much logic and reasoning in this post. Agree 💯‼️

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah I completely agree with what you say here. That being said, I think issuing an apology was still probably for the best in that it basically put an end to this story, which was getting WAAAAAY too much media coverage.

      Maybe now we can move forward and talk about important things like Puerto Rico and the Cali elections on Tuesday. BTW, we are currently splitting the vote. In several of these districts we could end up with 2 Republicans going against each other. This is serious shit, guys, and we are in serious trouble.

      • Veronica S. says:

        I wish I could say I was surprised by the statistics coming out of that Harvard study, but I’ve suspected from the start that the numbers for Puerto Rico’s death toll were a crock of sh*t. It just makes it all the more infuriating that he had the audacity to use those manipulated figures to say the damage “wasn’t that bad.”

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I’m so upset about the Puerto Rico situation. Sadly, I think a lot of people don’t realize that the people in PR are American citizens. We had a responsibility to help them, and we failed so miserably. I really wish this was getting more attention.

      • magnoliarose says:

        No one talks about PR. It is a humanitarian crisis created by bigotry and no one in the media cares. They would rather go on air and discuss the latest stupid thing 45 has said or done. By doing this they normalize him and never get into the real reasons he is a monstrous evil psychopath. Sure his poll numbers stay steady because the real stories are never told. We should be screaming from the rooftops and storming the Bastille instead meh and shrugs or the worst a lukewarm “Yeah that is sad”.
        Thousands dead in Puerto Rico, and they would rather talk about his tweets. I tried to bring it up in social situations and all I get is nods and sighs. Even at a dinner party recently with supposedly like minded leftists the outrage was tempered. I don’t understand it really. They still need help but getting anyone to really go there is impossible.
        Fellow Americans are in dire straits and nothing. WTF???

      • The Other Katherine says:

        @magnoliarose, it’s racism. Just good old-fashioned racism. White folks on the left are not immune — our entire culture is drenched in it. Getting people with privilege to use it to stand up for American citizens of color who mostly speak Spanish and are far away from the mainland is a heavy lift. I agree with you that this should be THE story of our time right now, and that everyone should be screaming about it in berserker outrage. The fact that so few of us are is deeply depressing.

    • stinky says:

      (Trump knows this all too well, tho)

    • Mina says:

      Except when your job depends on advertising and subscribers, sometimes you have to roll down if you want to keep your job.

  5. RBC says:

    Mueller has not dropped any bombshells lately, I am thinking one will land around July 4th. My guess it will be one of 45’s children. Don Jr would not surprise too many people and to be honest 45 would easily throw him under the bus. But Ivanka on the other hand would certainly cause 45 to turn blood red orange in fury. Twitter better get prepared

  6. Mrs. WelenMelon says:

    The Deplorables want their pound of flesh to avenge Roseanne. False equivalences are their thing. Expect more.

  7. Becks1 says:

    I also wish she hadn’t apologized but I understand why she did.

    Ivanka is the worst. So is Jared. And I hate how they are often referred to as “kids.” They’re adults.

    • Elkie says:

      Yup. If you’re not offended by Trump’s vulgarity, then you certainly weren’t offended by Samantha Bee’s.

  8. ennuisha says:

    I’m an old, so forgive me; but I have a real question: when did c*nt become such a bad word? I’m serious! It used to be the equivalent of, say, “jerk”, and then out of the blue (felt like) it became this *terrible*, unutterable word.

    • minx says:

      I’m American, here it’s one of the worst things you can call a woman. In Britain, is it used more often? Am I wrong?

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        I’m a Brit and while it tends to get used a bit more freely its used when you really want to insult someone. It’s considered one of the worst swear words out there.

      • Louisa says:

        In Britain, while still one of the worst insults, it’s not really specific towards women. Men can be called it also. Anyone who listens to or follows Ricky Gervais on social media ( I know I know, but I can’t help it, I like him) will be pretty used to that word being thrown around.

      • stinky says:

        not a thing wrong w/ Ricky G… I heart him

    • ennuisha says:

      See, I do my best to keep the b-word out of my mouth, because to me that is a gender specific word. But not c*nt. I’m also American, but I never understood it to be gender specific, until recently. I mean, I don’t use it now; just as I do not use the m-word.

    • G says:

      Brit here, I hate the word and it’s still quite shocking if someone uses it!

      • minx says:

        I guess I’m thinking of various movies I’ve seen.

      • duchess of hazard says:

        @G, really? When I worked in bars, people called me a cunt all the time. Especially if I was slow in getting drinks!

      • G says:

        @Duchess absolutely! I have a couple of friends who use the word sometimes but overall it’s not one we like to associate with. I guess I’m bars it’s a bit different? But I have been called the C word whilst in a bar and I’ve got to say I still didn’t like it.

    • sunnydaze says:

      American girl here and I personally love the word. However, context is everything (for me when deciding how I feel about it), and I am acutely aware most people hate it – so I use it very, very sparingly. I do find it unacceptable for a man to use it about a woman, but I’m also aware it’s more common in the UK and Australia, so there’s a “cultural context” to consider, for me.

      Again, just how I personally conceptualize it: Had Bee been a man, off with his head. But a woman saying it to another woman, I guess I look at that more as communal use. Kind of like how I can say whatever awful thing about my brother because he’s family….but let another person say the same thing and it’s a different story. Whenever one community uses derogatory or degrading language against another community it feels different from inter-community use (again, my totally non-scientific, non-anthropologically informed opinion). Roseanne used language outside of her community. Unacceptable language by any standard, but its use by a white woman to a woman of color takes it to a much more horrific level.

      Also, the word “C–t” has a more subjective connotation – it’s a loosely defined word that we as a society have agreed means something really, really bad. But what about C—sucker? M—–f–ker? how is c–t worse than p–sy? if they refer to the same anatomical structure….are they not created equal? it’s a weird word that derives its power from a general feeling we all agreed to adopt at some point. Some don’t mind it, some love it, some hate it, some will burn your house to the ground if they hear it…I don’t believe there is anything subjective when it comes to “muslim brotherhood + planet of the apes” said by a white woman about a woman of color.

  9. Lolo86lf says:

    I still cannot believe that Ivanka would post a picture of herself with her child while nearly 1500 children are missing because of her father’s immigration policies. How cynically insensitive can she possibly be! That picture was a “screw you all” to people sounding the alarm on those missing children.
    My point is Ivanka is indeed a cynical c**t.

    • Nic919 says:

      While I thought she was blithely profiting from the presidency and corrupt AF, I didn’t think she was truly evil until I saw that photo. Generally she was silent on her dad’s crazy policies so it was hard to tell exactly what she thought. However no one can pretend that she didn’t know what she was doing. She is a hateful human that needs to have her life destroyed and she should got to jail for money laundering as well.

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        Her job is to prettify drump’s monstrousness. But she is so narcissistic, so shallow and so corrupt that she can’t hide how ugly she is.

      • magnoliarose says:

        She is 45 in a plastic female body. Believe it. She is no better than he is.

    • lightpurple says:

      That was the third picture of herself with that kid she had posted in as many days, all of them heavily staged. She was dragged for the first two, showing the kid at the White House for “lunch” although she had more broccoli & salmon on the kid’s plate than a toddler could eat in a week and the first of the set had the kid wearing a dirty bib, so he had already eaten. That wasn’t enough for her so she pulled this stunt, which is clearly staged. That kid didn’t sleep in those hot clothes.

      She has pulled this crap before. Whenever anything gets rocky, she exploits one of her kids to polish her “pristine, wholesome, sexy mommy” brand. When Orange Dotard started his Muslim ban, she posed in a low cut, high slit evening gown with Jared’s hand groping her ass. She is pure evil.

      • elle says:

        And it shows. All that plastic surgery, and she still looks like her ugly-ass brothers & father. As one of my childhood friends used to say, “Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.”

    • gate666 says:

      same immigration policies followed by obama.

  10. klutzy_girl says:

    Sally Field coming out of nowhere to drag Ivanka was amazing and perfect. I’m still dying.

    • lightpurple says:

      I saw that last night and was applauding madly.

    • Trashaddict says:

      I don’t go on twitter but please go on and thank her if you are. It’s either whacked-out deplorables or bots, but the hate is really flowing in response. Their notion of civility is whacked (saying she used an unacceptable word and then trashing her as a has-been), they have no regard for the truth and can’t even respond to Ivanka’s behavior except to sanctify her. These people frighten me, and NOT in a “snowflake” sorta way. If they say they wish ill-harm to someone, I think they are not blowing off steam, they really MEAN it.

    • noway says:

      Give one to the Flying Nun!!!! Yes Sally Field.

  11. Beth says:

    I use foul language too much, but It’s not a word I use often, and it’s a lot more insulting than calling a woman ‘female ‘ or ‘girl.’ There are plenty of bad things to call princess Ivanka, and I’m glad Samantha apologized because it proved she was a more decent and better person than Roseanne, Trump, etc who refuse to admit they said something they knew upset someone and might have taken it too far. Ivanka is a f#cking heartless bitch from a family of @ssholes, and that picture proved how clueless she really is

    • Kitten says:

      “I’m glad Samantha apologized because it proved she was a more decent and better person than Roseanne, Trump, etc”

      That’s a really important point you’re making here.

    • ravynrobyn says:

      I don’t think she’s clueless; she knows EXACTLY. WHAT. SHE. IS. DOING.
      Entitled evil troll.

  12. Redgrl says:

    If she felt she had to apologize, I wish she would’ve just said “sorry I used an ugly word. Not sorry for the sentiment and stand by it.”

    • Rachel in August says:

      She can always retract that apology later, a la Miley Cyrus. Ivanka demonstrates on a daily basis exactly what she is. Love Samantha Bee even more now

  13. G says:

    I’m glad she apologised; I understand the sentiment but the word itself I wasn’t comfortable with. Keep thinking of Michelle Obama “they go low we go high”; this wasn’t a particularly high point tbh.

    • thaisajs says:

      Exactly. I don’t like Ivanka or her father and I’m horrified daily by what is happening to our country. But you don’t need to be needlessly vulgar. I’m highly offended by the use of that word by anyone, in any context. I’m sure others on this board will criticise me as a delicate snowflake but whatever.

  14. grabbyhands says:

    As much as I am not here for the false equivalency of rightfully calling this trick a c*nt (because she is) being the same thing as comparing a POC the child of an ape, my end thought was “What the F*CK were you thinking????”. Save that shiz for a private night with friends. Write it in your burn book. Scream it to the wind. But don’t, for f*ck’s sake, say it on your show. What a frigging idiot.

    Quit giving the right ammunition. It doesn’t matter if what she said is or seems justified. It doesn’t matter if 45 and his ilk say worse because they are never going to be called out on it. Never. If the last two years has taught us nothing else, that should AT LEAST have penetrated. The conversation about how 45 needs to be called out on his sexist hypocrisy is simply never going to take place. At least not while he is in office.

    God knows how long this will now be dragged out and it is at a time when the Democrats/Independent candidates need to be fueling their energy to getting their candidates front and center for the mid-terms, staying on strong messages. They’re not a lock and this isn’t going to help anyone.

  15. Jess says:

    I wish she hadn’t apologized but it did give sally field the chance to respond with the best burn!

  16. Snowflake says:

    Calling someone a bad word is not the same as calling someone an ape. I could not believe some people were saying that it is equivalent. Crazy. Have we really sunk that low? I’m tired of the back and forth, you did this, yeah but you guys did that. I feel like the political divide is greater than ever. On the plus, at least the Republican party can’t claim to be the family values party anymore.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, we’ve really sunk that low. The right is all abou one upping the left at any cost. I know I’mnaive as f$ck but I honestly never thought I’d see the day where blatant lies and willful ignorance would beat out truth and reason.

      • Kitten says:

        Nor did I, Esmom, nor did I…
        BTW, did you listen to Pod Save yesterday? It was really good but so effin depressing. Basically, they are telling us to mentally prepare for another 2.5 years on Trump because the GOP is drunk on power and won’t do sh*t to stop that disastrous orange tornado and Dems don’t vote. Plus just the simple math of needing 2/3rds and knowing how steep of a mountain that is to climb. Sigh.

        @ Snowflake-The back and forth is so exhausting and juvenile. I felt better when I wasn’t on the toxic cesspool that is Twitter. I’d rather focus on protesting, calling reps, and voting. Nothing gets accomplished when arguing with these people because they do not respond to facts, logic, or reason. They will never change. We have to be more proactive in terms of voting….and even then, we have to be real with ourselves about how f*cked we are right now. Mueller won’t save us, we must save ourselves.

      • Esmom says:

        Kitten, I haven’t listened yet, I’m saving it for my run later. I already was bracing myself for 2+ more years of Trump so it probably won’t depress me more than I already am.

        As for Twitter, I know you didn’t direct your comment at me, but it actually makes me feel better. Unlike FB, where people (not just any people but people I know in real life) mindlessly tend to post garbage and almost no substantive commentary, I find so many Tweets by journalists, activists and other public figures to be really enlightening and often hilarious. And once in awhile I like to go straight to the source and see for myself what, say, Don Jr is posting. I think I might loathe him as much as lightpurple loathes Nagini, lol. That is best done in small doses.

    • Veronica S. says:

      C*nt is a misogynistic slur in America, so it’s problematic in other ways depending on the use, but it’s not the same situation at all. Roseanne had a long history of racist behavior and targeted a private citizen – and her show was on a basic network. Samantha Bee is on capable and has an entirely different background and image behind her.

  17. flebel says:

    Personally, I never use the C word – but if I was to ever – Ivanka would be my first thought. I dislike her almost as much as the Prez. Her continuing to promote her businesses for profit while serving in the White House is despicable.

  18. smcollins says:

    I wish she hadn’t apologized either, because when you’re right you’re right no matter how vulgar the term. If she actually felt bad about it then okay, her choice, but I have a feeling she probably received a lot of pressure from the network. We still love you Samantha!

    • jwoolman says:

      As long as she doesn’t apologize for calling Ivanka feckless. That was exactly on the mark.

  19. HK9 says:

    I would’ve just pulled a Nene “I said what I said” and let the chips fall where they may.

  20. Eric says:

    Samantha is a Boss. She doesn’t need to use coarse language because her digs on the entire crap administration are golden.

    Keep up the assault on Pee-cinct 45!

  21. minx says:

    In the top picture you can see how really unattractive she is, plastic surgery notwithstanding.

  22. Eric says:

    Well now.
    A new name has dropped in from the haze.

    Rick Gerson

    Friend of Jared. Went to the Seychelles meet ‘n’ greet. Mr Mueller is interested in having a chat.


  23. Lila says:

    Does everybody remember the time Trump used that word to describe Sally Yates and then the Trump supporters at his rallies had it printed on their tshirts to describe Hillary? Guess there was no problem with it ,until it was used to describe innocent Ivanka.

  24. Veronica S. says:

    I had mixed feelings about using the word, but I’m more annoyed that she apologized. It’s a highly charged word. If you’re going to use it, mean it. I’m tired of the tone-policing on the left. These people will be monsters regardless of what language you use against them. They’ll always find something to justify their hypocrisy.

    I get why she went for a gendered slur because of how Ivanka uses her white femininity to distract from her family’s actions. If anything, the move struck me as a calculated denunciation of white women like Ivanka who weaponize their femaleness as a shield against criticism of their behavior toward minorities. Vulgar, yes. Very pointed, though.

    • Kitten says:

      You expressed that perfectly and helped me understand why, even though I truly DESPISE that word, it just doesn’t bother me at all in this scenario. “Asshole” isn’t quite right to describe her…”shitbag” works better for her dad, “d*ckhead* well that’s for her brothers and….yeah, the c-word is apt here.

  25. noway says:

    I knew this was going to happen, cause the crazy conservatives are just so good at turning it around to them. But aside from it being a false equivalent as Kaiser said, another big difference is it’s not the same company. Unless they have new rules at the FCC and FTC that lets them collude with each other the Main Stream Media as they like to call it aren’t all owned by one company. ABC which still considers itself a major network has done this on both sides. They didn’t air the Blackish episode cause they thought it was too controversial and they are the network that fired Bill Maher for his crazy 9/11 remarks. Now they fire Roseanne. I don’t think this is really out of character for ABC. TBS still considers itself a cable company and they do other things. I think people need to look at this more if it was your job. Would you be fired? Some and probably most would fire you. Some you would get away with it. That’s life not sure why crazy conservatives want it fair. If life was fairthen Trump who lost the popular vote, had his son meet with Russian operatives to find dirt on Hillary, was accused of sexually assaulting many women, who routinely calls women pigs, immigrants animals and says he can’t go by a beautiful woman without wanting to grab their p**sy would be punished and not our President.

  26. TyrantDestroyed says:

    Nazi Barbie is a almost a middle age woman not an innocent child. She knows well what she does and she deserves the heat

  27. Darla says:

    I would never be able to put into words my utter contempt for Ivanka. But I wish Bee hadn’t used that word because in this country it is sooooo misogynistic. Let’s not pretend that misogyny didn’t play a huge role in this past election. It did.

    But what I find most fascinating is just how ignorant and really, pig-stupid the deplorables are. They were screeching about the 1st amendment in defense of Roseanne. Well the 1st amendment does not protect you from consequences of your words. What happened to Roseanne had nothing to do with the 1st amendment.

    Now, the White House coming out and demanding Bee be fired for something she said? Yeah, 1st amendment issue there.

  28. Helen Smith says:

    Nah. I’m of the mind that if you think a liberal is a C word don’t say it and the same goes for a conservative. If you want to elevate the dialogue in America you need to avoid gutter vocabulary. Otherwise, you are part of the political dialogue problem plaguing America right now.

  29. girl_ninja says:

    Ivank Trump is gross.

  30. Lyla says:

    I wish she didn’t apologize. I know some advertisers left – good riddance – bah bye State Farm, I never liked you anyways. They didn’t care when Ted Nugent or Roseanne called Hillary a see you next Tuesday. What about all those shirts the deplorable happily wore that said Hillary is a c-word, vote trump.

    And now deplorables are saying that no one ever made fun of Chelsea when she was the first daughter. Smh. Seriously, I’m younger than Chelsea and I remember people calling her ugly, a dog, a donkey, etc. Chelsea was literally a child, Ivanka is 36 and works for her father’s administration.

    • JRenee says:

      John McCain said something horrible about Chelsea Clinton. He called it a joke. Disgusting lies.

      • Lyla says:

        Right? I remember how rush Limbaugh called her a dog and how John McCain said she’s ugly because Janet Reno is her dad. Gross.

  31. Jaded says:

    There is no word in the English language that adequately describes the foulness of that woman. Perhaps the German word “Miststück” can be used – it’s a gender neutral word that can mean either b*tch or b*stard. Then there’s the Spanish version “Coño” which sounds a little less harsh than C-U Next Tuesday. Finally, here is the French version – “Salope”. I think that just about covers it – we now have an international cornucopia of insults to describe her.

    • magnoliarose says:

      My grandfather said something once that I take was a Russian insult but no way I could spell it. My Cyrillic is rusty. lol I am here for International Insult Complicity Nazi Barbie Day. None of the Yiddish words I know suffice to describe her though.

  32. JRenee says:

    She’s complicit. She’s using her role that she shouldn’t have to build her business. That photo of her and the child was not random.
    1500 children of color separated from their families on orders from her dad and that is the moment to post THAT PHOTO. It was a C U next Tuesday thing to do.
    She is not there to positively influence her dad, she’s there for the taking. She and her husband who quietly received full security clearance just recently.
    Everyone who aids in this sham abuse of power is complicit.
    Disturbing that it’s all transparently being done!

  33. Mina says:

    I really don’t understand the way US politics work sometimes. They pride themselves in their democracy, yet they have a nepotism that you only see in dictatorships. In my country, there’s outrage if an elected politician/member of the gorvernments gives a job to their relatives just because they are family. I can’t understand how the US President is allowed to assign roles to all his kids. Ivanka is most definitely not suited, in any way really, for the role she’s supposed to be playing.

    • ravynrobyn says:

      I’m American, I can’t believe it either! My heart and soul are shriveling…

    • The Other Katherine says:

      Mina, you are right, it absolutely deserves outrage. The fact that so many Americans can’t see that is a terrible indictment of our culture and education system. However, I do think that a majority of Americans disapprove and do find it shocking and unacceptable. However, those of us who do also didn’t expect anything better from 45, because we knew he was a grifter scumbag from the beginning.

  34. Lyla says:

    Oh, just wanted to add…I see none of the deplorables had a problem with feckless. Lmao

  35. Lorelei says:

    @Kaiser: I just wanted to say I think this is one of the best posts you’ve ever written, and that is a high bar.

    From slipping “truthfully” into the headline, which was sublimely perfect, to “for whatever record” which made me LOL, and then laying the situation out to show the hypocrisy so clearly- bravo, truly.

    Not to mention that this is not what you signed up for, to be a political reporter. But your coverage since the election is some of the best I’ve read. Thank you for taking it on and for all of your hard and great work 👏🏻

  36. Bailie says:

    I think this awful, useless and empty headed Ivanka Trump deserves a lot worse than “CUNT”.

    She is a despicable human being and a disgrace to the human race, but I still would have not have called her a cunt, if I was Samantha B.

    Unfortunately, it solves nothing and the focus is off the very real and very serious issue of those poor innocent missing children.

    I hope that TRUMP, his horrendous family and his gang get one day what they deserve and some.

    To treat human beings in such a heartless way, especially children is beyond wrong.

    I wish that the people in the United States would finally stand up to this so called administration by staging GENERAL STRIKES which would threaten the economy, because in the United States that would garner a lot of attention, since it’s a very materialistic society and it could effect corporations and people’s finances in a negative way.

    Many countries in the world had success with such approach.

    • Berry says:

      Baillie, workers in the United States do not have many of the protections that workers in other parts of the industrialized world take for granted. I would think the majority of people would fear losing their jobs.

      • Bailie says:

        @Berry :

        I know, it’s very true, but in Eastern Europe we had no rights at all during communism.

        People not just lost their jobs, but went to prison or Siberia or had to work in Uranium mines or even got executed.

        I understand that it’s not easy, believe me I do, I escaped to Austria and was in a refugee camp before I was able to immigrate to Canada, but sometimes there is very little choice, but to stand up for something you believe in strongly.

        Trump is destroying the very fabric of what United States is and should be, if you guys wait too long, it might be all gone.

    • ASHBY says:

      I’ve read that that’s how Poland weakened their communist government during their communist dictatorship. I agree with you, general strike might be the only way to push Trump to behave semi-decent. He is obsessed with the economy, that is the only positive thing going on in our country. The democrats may not win at the midterm elections. I don’t know how long I can live with Trump being in office. Not a bad idea at all.

      • Mina says:

        Those things happen in a dictatorship because people reach a point in which they have nothing to lose. Trump might be the worst government the US has had, but it’s still a democracy in which people retain their fundamental rights. In communist dictatorships people can’t even buy basic supplies anymore, don’t have access to media that’s not regulated by the government, definitely can’t express themselves like everyone does in this blog. You need a situation as extreme as that to push for a general strike.

    • Mina says:

      From my understanding and the articles I’ve read, Trump still has a lot of support among blue-collar workers, who are the ones that in other countries movilize and can paralyze economy. As astonishing as that may seem to many of us, when you look at other leaders with populist discourses like Trump, the same thing happens. Just look at Venezuela, where people are literally dying from the lack of food and medicine, and yet Maduro still holds the support of the lower economical classes.

      The problem is that the people in the US are extremely divided at the moment even in the idea of “what the United States is and should be”, and without a wide support to any social movement, these don’t work in the long run.

  37. Please don’t call Slivanka names, the poor woman Can’t Understand Normal Thinking.

  38. Heidi says:

    Precious Whispering Barbie confuses the White House with Buckingham Palace. She thinks showing up in a nice dress, smiling and waving is enough. What the government does is none of her concern.

    Maybe she wakes up in prison.

  39. tw says:

    Even with the hair dye, breast implants, nose job, chin implant veneers, botox and fillers – she does’t look so great. Or maybe I just can’t get past the fact that she’s a feckless, complicit cunt.

  40. Jaded says:

    Let’s combine Feckless Cunt into “Funt” and call her that from now on.

  41. Bailie says:

    @ Mina :

    I’m somewhat lucky, because I’m from former Czechoslovakia, I escaped to Austria when I was 18 years old in 1989 a few months before the collapse of communism.

    I did not leave, because of the economy, I risked my life to escape a dictatorship that had absolutely no human rights, no basic freedoms.

    We did not have any problems buying supplies like : food, detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, clothes, shoes, books…health care was free of charge and we actually had a very good education system…minus all of the lies about the West.

    Not every Eastern European country had economic problems, that is not true at all.

    I lived in a very nice place, had great food, nice clothes, good education and health care, but none of it can be truly enjoyed without FREEDOM!

    • Mina says:

      I was talking about the experience of modern Latin American communist/socialist governments that disguise their dictatorships as popular governments, and that are facing the issues I mentioned above right now. I wouldn’t talk about the Easter Europe experience because I’m not very knowledgeable about it. I lived in a dictatorship too, but luckily it was one that ended peacefully and without economic debacle. Ironically, that dictatorship started because of lack of supplies and social unrest, so general strikes don’t always take a turn for the best.

  42. Lightpurple says:

    The feckless one, her sperm donor Tom Riddle and her half sister are on the chopper to Camp David. Tom Riddle is carrying a briefcase so he can claim they’re “working” and bill us for their weekend retreat. No sign of Barron or the Kushner spawn. Smells like a family meeting to discuss strategy for Divorce #3.

  43. Lyla says:

    Isn’t it interesting that more people are outrage about the c-word than the fact that kids are dying in school, Puetro Rico still doesn’t have power, or Flint doesn’t have clean water?

  44. Pandy says:

    She is a reckless c*nt. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

  45. Pandy says:

    She is a feckless c*nt. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

  46. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    Now this header pic is a great one too. Ivanka has seemingly reverted to the oddly shaped face of her childhood. I like it better when people’s outsides resemble their insides.

  47. aqdgsbh says:

    Kids are getting massacred in school and they are more bothered about a comedian using a swear word. OK then.

  48. Janie says:

    How are Roseannes comments any worse than whats on here?

  49. PamelaJudy says:

    If you follow Kathy Griffin on Twitter, she had a really good thread about her personal experiences after the severed head pic. it was interesting to read as it gives a bit of background into what pressure Samantha was probably experiencing to apologise, whether she wanted to or not. Plus there will be death threats and threats to her career. Trump retweets about it and riles his base up all over again, dragging it on past it’s normal news cycle. That’s the power of the Presidency.