Brad Pitt previews his legal strategy to The Blast and TMZ, because of course

Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio back in their car on the set of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'

I feel like bashing my head into a wall with this Brangelina drama, quite honestly. It’s making me sick on a lot of different levels. For whatever record, I don’t think Angelina Jolie is perfect, nor do I think her every action and statement and legal maneuver has been completely brilliant. On the other side, I feel like Brad has been attacking Angelina so consistently, so wall-to-wall, that we can’t escape this current narrative that Angelina has “alienated” their kids. I’m not even going to bother to share my theories about who is leaking what and why certain outlets are getting their hands on certain legal documents. So, let’s just say this: The Blast got their hands on the family court judge’s most recent order, in which Angelina was “ordered” to return to LA with the kids ahead of the big July 21 court hearing.

Angelina Jolie is handing off the children to Brad Pitt on a regular basis now, but only because the actress has been ordered to give him a minimum amount of custody while the couple awaits the court’s decision on a permanent order. The “Maleficent” star was ordered to return to L.A. on July 11, according to documents obtained by The Blast, and until the court hearing on August 21 must let Pitt have at least “four hours every other day on school days and twelve hours every other day on non-school days.”

Jolie has been seen running errands with the children in between them spending time with Pitt.

Next week, a review hearing will take place to put “further interim orders” in place while the entire custody evaluation is completed. The past few months will be extremely interesting for the court to review, especially since Jolie has already been put on notice that if the children “remain closed down to their father,” it could result in a reduction of her custody.

[From The Blast]

And if *someone* wasn’t telegraphing their legal strategy enough for your liking, thankfully TMZ is here to spell it out even further:

Angelina Jolie is not blocking Brad Pitt from seeing their kids, but sources involved in the case say she continues to drive a wedge between them and Brad. Sources with knowledge of the case claim Angelina continues to exert influence over the former couple’s 6 kids … and it’s been effective. We’re told Brad is having trouble connecting with his children … some of whom don’t even want to see him. We’re told the 3 boys are the ones who have been influenced the most. The girls are more open toward Brad.

The divorce judge issued a report criticizing Angelina for not allowing the children to properly interact with their dad. The judge laid down a cell phone policy in which Brad can call and text the kids at will, and Angelina can’t monitor the conversations.

As we reported, the kids are now all in L.A., per the judge’s order, where Brad has significant custodial time with them. Our sources say Angelina has not blocked Brad’s ability to see the kids, but they say Angelina continues to drive a wedge between Brad and the kids and it’s had a significant impact on his ability to restore his relationship with them. We reached out to Angelina’s rep … so far, no word back.

[From TMZ]

He’s bashing us over the head with his legal strategy: Brad Pitt and his lawyers are going to court next week and they’ll tell the family court judge that Angelina has not followed the court’s orders because she’s the one responsible for Maddox, Pax and Knox not really giving a sh-t about Brad at this point. Because the narrative is that Vicious Difficult Bitch Angelina Is An Alienating Parent. Because she dared to walk away from Brad after his alcohol-fueled incident on the plane. Maddox is 17 years old, Pax is 14, and Knox is 10. Why do they feel so differently about Brad? Is it because Angelina has been actively talking sh-t about Brad to *just* the boys? Or is it more about what all of the kids witnessed on that plane? Or is it about Maddox not wanting anything to do with Brad, and Knox and Pax are influenced by their older brother?

Angelina Jolie arrives at the National Board of Review Gala with her kids

Angelina Jolie with her children at the Louvre in Paris

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and WENN.

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166 Responses to “Brad Pitt previews his legal strategy to The Blast and TMZ, because of course”

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  1. bap says:

    He has a clown smile goofy.

    • .... says:

      i know. I laughed out loud when I saw the pics from the qt movie.

      He is such a crappy actor. Ok now Brad….wave to the camera….you’re excited Brad….work it Brad….ugh.

    • Teddy says:

      Karmic retribution for what they did to Jennifer. Nothing is free in this world, nothing.

  2. Maya says:

    Underneath Brad’s horrendous smearing campaign, it’s pretty clear that the children DO NOT want to be with their father.

    Brad has played such a vicious game with smearing Angelina and then make it look like he won when he gets joint custody.

    It doesn’t matter that he admitted the children don’t want to be with him or that Angelina isn’t alienating them from him. People are now believing that Angelina is alienating the children because of the lies Brad told.

    Brad has turned into a Trump figure for me with his lies, smearing and attacking using the media. And since we currently live in a white man’s world, they get away with everything.

    Hopefully Angelina delivers a bullseye response and keeps her children happy. Unlike Brad, who only cares about his image, Angelina actually loves those children and only cares about their welfare.

    • Reese says:

      You actually have zero idea what these children want.
      To say that the plane incident, as horrific as it was for them to experience, should dictate that these children never see their father or for him to not have access to them is not going to happen unless he continues to put them in danger or jeopardy.
      Angie was right to remove the children from the abusive situation and to take the appropriate steps and time these children need to heal.
      There also come a time in the healing process for unification. A time to leave the anger and hate behind in order to move forward. That’s on both of them to do.

      • Maya says:

        Sorry but reunification depends of what he did and didn’t do.

        If he said something so horrible then I don’t expect Angelina and the children to just let go of the anger, pain and bitterness.

        Especially since it seems Brad hasn’t changed at all..

      • Jag says:

        I have to disagree that there has to be unification. Sometimes it’s best for children to be apart from their abusers. And Brad did something bad enough that the kids still have to see a therapist regularly even now.

        If someone had told me that I had to “unify” and leave the anger and hate towards my parents – especially my father – in order to move forward, I would have walked out of the room on them. You have no idea what they need in order to heal. The best thing I ever did was take time from my abusers until they changed enough that I was safe to be around them.

      • Reese says:

        I’m sorry to hear about your past. That would be horrible to experience. I can see where your point is coming from.
        In this case, am I wrong but the only incident was of the plane that was investigated? While the kids were growing up Angie herself always gushed about what a wonderful father he was.
        It doesn’t seem to be a case of years of neglect and abuse. It seems to be a horrible incident no child should have to witness.
        I am certainly not excusing Brads behaviour, as it is inexcusable. The public is jumping so quickly to vilify Angie.
        My point is simply that if he was continuing to be abusive and hadn’t changed, those monitoring his visits wouldn’t have permitted unsupervised visits and encouraged longer visits and more visitation.
        The end solution would be to work towards reconciliation of being with both parents if that was best for the children.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        It’s hard to see victims of mistreatment be expect to – at some arbitrary point – ‘get over it,’ ‘move on,’ ‘heal,’ ‘forgive,’ etc etc. The pressure is usually on women and children, not on the offending parties, to make it happen so that the rest of society can feel better.

        This isn’t a both-sides issue. There was a clear imbalance of power between Pitt and his children, especially the son that he directly hurt, though the witnessing children were hurt as well (and research backs this up).

        I agree with the comments above that it’s up to the kids on when, how and why they feel safe enough to re-engage with the relationship.

        Pitt is the one playing things out through the press and that’s just plain wrong. He seems to care more about his public image than his kids. He could care about the kids just as much – or more – by pursuing his case quietly. Jolie hasn’t done anything except enlarge her legal team and allowed them to speak for her as needed, and not through tabloids either.

      • Frances says:

        I agree with you. We don’t know what happened there for sure.

        It was the right move from Angelina to leave him and protect her children. But, I feel pain every time I read how people talk about a person, in this case Brad, as a horrible parent because he is an alcoholic. Let me explain, before people get over their head. He recognized he is an alcoholic, he is or was looking for help, right? Please, correct me if I am wrong because I haven’t following the story that close.

        The reaso it pains me, is because my father is an alcoholic. He never abuse me, but he was a lousy father when he was drunk. My mother died when I was a teenager, so he raise me. He never hit me, he always tried his best, but sometimes he would be really angry with me and we could fight constantly because I confronted him about his alcohol abuse. When I was 25 he hit me. The first time ever in my life. I was mad because he was getting into a heated argument with my stepmom, and I tried to interfere.

        I left my house. Stop talking to him for months. Until he called me, and apologize. Really apologize! He stopped drinking, and making amends.

        I love my father in a great deal! And I learned over the years that alcohol can make a loving person a monster (my mom was an alcoholic too).

        The reason I am saying this ia because probably Maddox is really mad at his dad, and its fair. He doesn’t want to see him. But we don’t know for sure if Brad is an evil dad… and it pains me that people think that a father who has problems with alcohol cannot make amends, and stop drinking and be better. Alcoholism is a desease, an adiction…

        I believe both of them are great parents, an Angelina is fearless as a mom. But this situation it’s getting out of hands… I hope in the future these kids can have a healthy relationship with both of their parents.

      • Lizabeth says:

        Great comment@Frances about a very difficult issue. I’m sorry for your painful past but I hope things continue to improve. And as you know, you aren’t alone. Reliable statistics are hard to come by but one source estimates that across the lifespan, 30% of the US population suffers from an “Alcohol Use Disorder” which is defined as “problem drinking that becomes severe.” The study, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, also estimated that only 20% of those with such a disorder seek treatment. The most common reason for not seeking treatment is stigma. So trying to lessen stigma is important. That doesn’t absolve people from blame for unacceptable behavior but it may help to break the cycle.

      • Reese says:

        Sorry to hear about your past. Your personal experience with this provides a different perspective. Thanks for sharing. Wish you all the best in your healing.

      • .... says:

        Actually, part of healing from ptsd esp cptsd….is not being around your abuser and other triggers. You will always be triggered…..for life…….so cutting out the toxicity is the only way.
        Plus he seems to be clinical level borderline and narciccist…..and you just have to go no contact with them unfortunately. It’s a very scary situation for the ex families of these people. They can be dangerous.

      • Josie says:

        @Maya why has the judge ordered 50/50
        custody then?

        And before you come back with the whole “he needs to be supervised” etc. that’s therapeutic supervision, most probably due to parental alienation (details are unknown).

      • Wasabi says:

        For me it is not Brad’s being an alcoholic or drug user what makes him a terrible person. It is his inability to be a bloody adult! Now, we don’t know how he behaves in private, of course, but in the public it is his constant whining, blaming everyone but himself, his smear tactics, his not paying and doing his fair share, his impatience, etc. that are off putting. He is all about me, me, me. Children don’t seem like a priority to him, Brad is.

      • Derriere says:

        I’m starting to believe some of the other posters who think Brad might have said something pertaining to maybe not wanting so many kids. It would explain why he has to fight so hard publicly for them. I think he hopes the children will read the news and tabloid stories.

        It certainly isn’t the best way to handle the custody situation. I think if Brad had changed, sobered up, and handled himself with dignity, Angie would be more than willing to give more custody to Brad. But he hasn’t done that.

      • Reese says:

        … I see your point now, I took the long way!
        Good point that nobody knows the future repercussions on these children.
        However this plays out they will always have the love, strength and support of an amazing mother.

      • ariana says:

        @Frances: I’m so sorry you had an alcoholic father and especially that you lost your mother as such a vulnerable age. I agree that people can change if they care enough about the one’s they have hurt. Your father must love you very much to stop drinking for your sake.

        As for Brad Pitt, I still remember him saying he was “closed off” from his children the whole year before the plane incident, how work and his other “pursuits” were more important to him. I’m sure the children were hurt by the neglect of their father, and then the “plane incident” which was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Angie.

        Their mother has been there for them through everything, even her own physical problems, she didn’t close herself off from her children to concentrate only on herself. I know alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases, but they are diseases a person CHOOSES. No one forced drugs or alcohol down Pitt’s throat, he made that choice, so why does his wife and children have to pay the price for his stupidity while he gets a free pass? It really pisses me off how Angie has been vilified for being there for their children while Brad has gotten a free pass and nothing but excuses for his selfish behavior. Now Pitt wants his children to think he’s father of the year, after not seeing them but a handful of times while he was out following singers around or listening to music while he played at sculpting, and causally dating.

        This is so unfair, and hopefully the Judge does not buy Brad’s good father act, hook, line and sinker. Let the children slowly get to know a hopefully drug and alcohol free father at their own pace without being forced by a Judge to be with him whether they want to or not.

    • Josie says:

      I thought he sobered up :/

      • Reese says:

        Therapists tending to the children would not be recommending them to see their father if they were suffering any side effects from the trauma as serious as PTSD. I cannot see the professionals that Angie has in place taking care of her children this past year advising this to happen. She is too smart of a women for that. Everything she has done is in the best interest of her children. If her children were suffering from contact with their father she wouldn’t allow it. This may be why some of her sons don’t.
        The courts would not be allowing a father who was triggering traumatic PTSD reactions in his children to have any visitation even under supervision.
        You have to give the professionals in this case some credit and their brilliant mother that they know what they are doing in regards to what is best for them. So far she is doing a brilliant job.

      • .... says:

        Reese….I think they are doing an amazing job…..just pointing out that some effects of having a dad who was an angry scary alcoholic type don’t manifest themselves until adulthood. These past two years in themselves are enough to cause long term problems…..these kids have been publicly intimidated and undermined by a man the courts now expect them to have a relationship with…when he poo pooed off their relationship in the first place. They need space and time for a manipulation free life.

        If I were the courts I’d err on the side of caution and not inflict more trauma on kids whose damage isn’t fully known yet. They can always reconnect if they choose as adults, with him. But you can’t go back and undo what harm might come from being forced to be around this man, his reasoning, and his “logic”. He seems to be off cognitively or is just a vicious man….either way these kids aren’t weren’t his priority.

      • Lizabeth says:

        We all are concerned about the J-P children @… But I think it would be very unusual for qualified therapists who have fully assessed them to recommend to the court they not be allowed to see their father until they are adults “just in case” they have undiagnosed or latent PTSD. It would be even more unusual for courts to totally ignore therapists’ recommendations. (And kind of frightening too for judges to feel free to substitute their own judgment for that of mental health professionals.) It’s true nobody, including trained therapists, can fully predict the future. But that sort of attempt to “err on the side of caution” just isn’t the usual standard. It isn’t as though there won’t likely be negative long-term effects if the children never see their father, after all. If blocking access until adulthood just in case was the usual approach, alot more children would be removed from their parents’ care.  

    • Yoli says:

      As the daughter of an alcoholic I know what it is to live with anger, resentment and fear towards my father. But now I learned to forgive things I never thought I could. My father even got to hit me in the face (once) and I returned the blow. Living with negative feelings is not really living, now I have a cordial relationship with my dad who has not drank for a long time, he deeply loves his grandchildren, and I feel in my heart that the right thing was to forgive and not transmit resentment towards my children. I have peace in my heart and I understand what my mother always asked us, that we never forsake our father. So I can say that these children need to rebuild the relationship with their father, being an alcoholic does not mean being a bad person or not being able to rehabilitate or not being able to love your children. We all deserve an opportunity. Apologies for my English if it’s not good but it’s not my native language

  3. LT says:

    Parent alienation is a real thing and it happens a LOT….that being said, Pitt has been such a jerk throughout this whole situation that a perceptive teenager could easily decide on his own to cut ties. I suspect Jolie isn’t defending Pitt to the kids, but she probably isn’t having to criticize him, either. The kids are old enough to form their own opinions.

    • Carmen says:

      If the kids have been visiting him according to the judge’s instructions and still don’t want to see him, the problem isn’t Angie alienating the kids from Brad; the problem is Brad, period.

    • .... says:

      Pitt alienated them during the marriage…when he was there but not there. and neglected to be a father.

  4. Morning Coffee says:

    I think Celebitchy is ride or die against a man who got drunk and physical with his son. I can tell you that if my husband got physical with our son, as much as I love him, I would be out the door with no looking back.

    I think the bigger question is why some people are desperate to always, ALWAYS, make Brad some kind of innocent victim/bystander in his own life. This happened when he left Jennifer for Angelina – everyone blamed Angelina who had broken no vows. Now, he gets physical with his son and Angelina leaves him – poor Brad just loves his kids and Angelina is a witch. It’s blatant sexism.

    • Cleo2 says:


      +1 This, a thousand times this.

      Angelina is the Hollywood ‘Hillary.’ (Fun fact: they’re distant cousins)

      Brad and his camp have known people have a need to demonize her forever (wonder what then drunk Brad thought when AJ bolted and the world gleefully squealed because they were hoping he had cheated and dumped her for a co-star? Bet he thought fckit, why do I even have to get sober and clean…everyone’s on my side and they will always be on my side). Hence his strategy. He’s pretty gross.

      Also, question for Trump bestie and also misogynist Harvey Levin — how can Brad “win,” joint custody when from her very first statement, Angelina has stated that’s what the end goal was after Brad did the work to rehab his life.

      What mom gives an addict smoking doobs and drinking brown liquor with QT all day, free reign to take their 10yr olds out for a drive or out ATVing unsupervised? Have people lost their dang minds?

      If this was the reverse, and it had been drunk H addict Angelina attacking a child on a plane, would people just ‘assume’ from jump after the 3 investigations were complete and she was still under court ordered supervised only visits, that she was fine and sober and able to parent?

      I have a feeling Angelina would be in jail or a psych ward if this had been her drunk and high behaving badly.

      Reminder this is a society that still rakes Angelina over the coals at 43 for what she did at 23? Kissed her bro at the Oscars or talked about sex…with her husband. Hang her high!!!

      Yet Brad’s issues from a scant two yrs ago that caused him to blow up his family and be investigated by 3 agencies and be in AA…don’t ever get mentioned – people play it like it’s a regular split war of the roses style, with Angie the queen B tormenting innocent very very sober flower Brad Pitt for nothing.

      • otaku fairy... says:

        Oh my god, you’re so right about how it would have been if Angie had did what Brad did on that plane instead. If the roles were reversed this would have played out VERY differently. There would be 0 talk of ‘Both sides are just as bad’ or ‘parental alienation’. Brad would be seen as 100% justified in all his attempts to distance himself and his children from Angelina’s chaos, and nobody would care or call him manipulative for speaking about it being ‘best for his family’. Angelina in his situation would be (rightfully) dragged for her actions toward her children, but because she’s a woman- and especially because she’s not one who’s managed to be a ‘Good Girl’ all her life- it wouldn’t stop there. She would forever be painted as a twisted Lindsay Lohan/ Joan Crawford mash-up. No! Wire! Hangers! People would not be able to refrain from invoking that little evil, damaged, cracked-out addict wh**e of Hollywood Babylon trope when talking about her. People can’t even hold back from invoking that trope when young starlets in their 20’s experiment with drugs or when they feel that some shamed starlet should be more modest about her body. How much more so would that label be applied if Angelina, in her 40’s, got caught getting wasted/high to the point of actually mistreating her children?

      • Line says:

        But it does get mentioned. At least in the DM. And he has publicly been ridiculed for “morphing” into his past gf:s/wife in the looks departement. So he is not completely untouchable. And that probably hurts, ha, ha. But I just watched some old yt-videos, showing AJ completely derailed in some kind of d**g den. People don’t forget that kind of behaviour, not when it has been so public.

      • Cleo2 says:

        Nice try, no cigar @line

        1) Brad changing his hair for film and people ridiculing him for ‘copying his gfs,’ was actually an indirect slam against him because he was with Angelina. So see, still an indirect Angelina attack. (Reality is he had black hair for Jesse James, and a blonde asymmetrical do when he played an Austrian nazi, etc) But the snide remarks were in line with the then ‘bitter betty’ ‘Brad who?!’ narrative that he was malleable and easily controlled and not a man- it’s how Jen stans dealt with him being with Angelina, and it fueled the hope that Jen could replace him with a manly man. They had to diminish him so they as jen stans could feel better. Hence the overhype with Justin Theroux, Vince Vaughn or whoever Aniston was with.

        2) As for your inference about people *remembering* Angelina’s “behavior,” take it from someone who is old enough to have followed Angelina from the early days. No one in the public at large knew about her struggles with cutting and drug use, until SHE shared her truth in various interviews when she was younger. By the time she was telling bab Walters or Larry King about her struggles in 2003, they had been over for years. People forget there was no internet, or Google or YouTube. The video of her you reference was only just released by a tabloid outfit in 2008-9 when she was pregnant with her twins at Cannes. Someone she knew who actually filmed it in the 90s sold it for $ to a tabloid a decade later. Not everyone even saw it then because not everyone lives to read or watch bloid news.

        The female first crowd on DM who makes it their mission to destroy Angelina was as excited about that ruining her glowing triumph at Cannes for what was to be her Oscar nomd best actress turn in Changeling as they we’re when they got the tabloids to print the twins had Downs syndrome.

        My point, you reference a YouTube video of teen/early20s Angie that no one even knew about until one tabloid released it in 2009, and pretend like it’s a collective real time memory of the public’s.

        Come on girl. Stop.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Just have to chime in…
        “Brad changing his hair for film and people ridiculing him for ‘copying his gfs,’ was actually an indirect slam against him because he was with Angelina. ”

        That’s not true. Usually when people laugh at Brad for copying his significant others, they point to the period where he and Gwen Paltrow had the EXACT same hair cut. Then he had beachy waves with Jen Aniston. I don’t think that joke was about AJ at all, Brad was the butt of that joke.

        I totally agree with the posters that say if AJ did what Brad did on the plane, there would be no end to her vilification. Double standards suck.

      • stingingnettle says:

        Lime those YT clips simply showed her talking in a matter of fact manner, she didn’t seem derailed at all. But Angelina haters do blow things up and exaggerate them to make her look bad. Such as the kiss she gave her brother, *ON* the lips. And Daily Fail is Aniston fan HQ, so of course they are going to viciously hate Angelina and occasionally slam Brad.

    • otaku fairy... says:

      Agreed. I think some of it is from people being STILL hysterical and triggered over Angie for how she allegedly got with Brad (this being a Judeo-Christ-shun country, afterall) + her Beautiful Bad Girl past, and some of it is MRA propaganda. It’s trendy to cry ‘parental alienation’ and accuse women of trying to manipulate with false allegations.

      It’s probably true that the younger brothers are more influenced by Maddox. Teenagers are more than capable of deciding they want to limit their exposure to certain relatives without it being because an adult in that family brainwashed them to do so. And when teenagers make that decision, a lot of times they do talk about it to their siblings. Some teens may even start wanting to distance themselves from relatives over certain ‘beliefs’ and attitudes.

      • Jess says:

        I agree. If anyone is influencing these kids, it’s probably 17 year old Maddox, not Angelina.

    • Valiantly Varnished says:

      + 10000 one thing the cult of celebrity has shown is that people will bend over backwards to make excuses for the horrible behavior of their faves. The same behavior that if it was Joe Schmoe they would rail against. Brad Pitt and Johhny Depp are prime examples of this.

      • .... says:

        People…..or those guys pr teams. I don’t really think these guys have a lot of fans per se. I think there’s a lot of hype , smoke mirrors, and pr shenanigans…..posting comments under multiple names etc….

        In real life…where I come from…no one gives a sh!t about Brad Pitt. And honestly dude had no male fans to begin with……..anyone left is bottom of the barrel people of Walmart type ladies…..and I don’t think he was ever their guy anyway….. he lost his middle class minivan majority long ago.

    • mrs.odie says:

      I was always bothered by how Pitt was let off the hook for ditching his marriage by people who would simply post a sexy picture of Angelina. As if wedding vows become null and void if the groom meets a sexier woman than his wife. Despicable.

      • Carmen says:

        This in spades.

      • stingingnettle says:

        But he didn’t just ditch Aniston. Both Pitt and Aniston admitted they were living apart for a year prior to him leaving. And he was upfront, even Aniston said this, about his feelings for Angelina. Aniston wanted him to go have an affair with her, ‘get it out of his system and come back to me’, but he was too honorable so he split with Aniston and THEN chased Angelina down. He did the right thing. He split first. Then went to Angelina.

        Isn’t that what all you women say is the right thing to do? Leave the wife, and THEN go to the other woman?

        Even when a man does the right thing; admits his feelings, tells his wife, doesn’t hide and is upfront and leaves before having an affair, he still gets shit for it. It takes two to make a marriage work and two for it to fail, so why was Aniston let off the hook, when she too bared the blame? Aniston refused to live with Brad, even before he met Angelina, for a year. She refused to visit him on set of Troy. They basically had no marriage before he even met Angelina. Aniston ditched her marriage, too. Why does Aniston get a free pass? That always really gave me the shits. She put in no effort. The marriage was dead because she, as well as Pitt, put in no effort. Aniston is 50% to blame for the marriage break up. Why are the Anistonloons giving her a free pass?

  5. sushi says:

    Because Celebitchy is the only site that is reasonably fair to Jolie. All the other sites have been consistently bashing her over long long years.

    • stingingnettle says:

      The mass brainwashing by Aniston fans in the media has a lot to do with this. People are so gullible and cannot see through Aniston and her PR machine.

  6. bap says:

    Proud of Celebitchy for being fair and unbiased.

    • Adee says:

      What makes Angelina’s case even more convincing, is that the children are always willingly with Angelina and seem to see Brad begrudgingly.

      Maddox will be 18 soon, he’ll be able to decide for himself what to do, and also what personal information to speak up on.
      He hates seeing his mother villainized by the media and always comes to her defense.

      So sad that the Brangelina legacy is ending like this.

      • Missy says:

        If this is all still going on when he turns 18, I sincerely hope he gets a representative and tells his side of the story

      • Jadedone says:

        I will be interested to see what, if anything Maddox says in the future. At 18 i hated my Mother, she was always so tough on me. At 36 i talk to her almost every day. Sometimes we hate the stern parent bc they are making the rules. No sure thats the case with Maddox but time will really determine what he wants from Brad.

      • Missy says:

        I hated my mother at that age because of her rules, love her now, best friends. I hated my father when I was a teenager because he was abusive narcissistic drunk, still feel the same way about him now.

      • Booie says:

        I think there’s a big difference between being upset at a parent being stern and getting into an altercation with your drunk father that requires two years of therapy and monitored visits.

        Besides, brad hardly seemed like the stern parent when he and Angelina were still together.

      • Jadedone says:

        @booie there was a point my mother and i didnt speak for months, we had face to face shouting matches, never came to blows but it was instense. Im just saying that nobody really knows what happened on that plane or what the relationship is like, its all conjecture. So who are we to say why Maddox may not like his father?

    • JeanGrey says:


    • stingingnettle says:


  7. Lizabeth says:

    While every child must be seen as an individual and there are always exceptions to any rule, there is tons of research suggesting 1. Age affects a child’s response to divorce 2. Boys react differently to divorce than girls. Boys are more likely to show anger and act out, girls are more likely to suppress feelings and try to please parents. In this situation, 2 of the 3 boys are also the oldest children. So assuming the report is even true, it doesn’t mean AJ (or BP) has been doing something different with the boys since the split.

  8. Melania says:

    Happy to have never been a fan of him. He’s turning out to be a really awful man.

  9. Deedee says:

    These kids are old enough to read this crap on line. They need to seethe their custody arrangement and keep it out of the press for their sakes.

  10. rania says:

    Just saw angelina’s latest pictures in AL with the kids she looks amazing glowing actually

  11. Kim says:

    I wish they could have been civil and remained classy through all of this. It’s making them both look bad at this point.

    • sushi says:

      It is so easy to take the high road when you are on the outside, looking in, not even knowing 1%of the story.

      • Kim says:

        Mud slinging when you have 6 kids, with it all being played out in public and the kids are all old enough to browse the web?
        The court is threatening Angie with reduced custody. And Brad is claiming he’s given “9 million” in child support then 8 million of that is a loan that she is paying back with interest. They are waging a war around their children. Sorry, but that’s the opposite of civil and classy.

    • Maya says:

      Well Angelina was and is civil and classy.

      Brad on the other hand, took this to the public not caring about the children..

      • Lady D says:

        I think she is going to sit down with Vogue or maybe Ronan from the NYT and give her side of the story once. She will lay out the misconceptions and myths and give out the facts of the case. Then watch Bradley howl.

      • Alissa says:

        @Lady D, I don’t see Angelina doing that. It would be detrimental to her kids, and while I don’t believe she has behaved in a perfect manner through this whole thing, I don’t think she would brazenly use the media to air their dirty laundry and have the kids deal with that. She doesn’t actively try to do anything that could hurt her kids. They’ve kept a lot of the details quiet, and as much as I’m nosy and want to know what exactly went down, it’s best that the public not know.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      This is the problem in these situations: People want to see them as equally weighted and they’re not. Pitt’s gone on the offensive for months, using tabloid innuendo, whereas Jolie kept quiet and only as necessary permitted her lawyers to speak for her. Jolie has not been uncivil; any public statements have consistently referred to the well-being of the children. Pitt’s stories have focused on him: his hobbies, his “recovery,” his faux girlfriend, his ‘hurt feelings,’ his ‘good intentions’ as a parent, and on and on. It’s all about him, in the end. That’s the problem. He’s pissy and self-centered; he’s been Golden Boy so long he doesn’t know how to handle himself as a man whose problems were to some extent made public, and now he’s been rejected by a woman of actual accomplishment and their children. Now he’s just a lonely, pissy, vain, self-involved middle-aged man caught in a public divorce and all he can turn to is his public image.

      • Reese says:

        That is so well written. Best description of him and the situation I have read!

      • Alissa says:

        Honestly, I don’t know how much of these leaks are directly coming from either Angie OR Brad, so I don’t think it’s totally fair to villianize either when both camps have had significant leaks over the past two years. They’ve each had interviews where they had opportunities to discuss things, and they’ve stayed pretty mum.

      • Carmen says:

        “…he’s just a lonely, pissy, vain, self-involved middle-aged man caught in a public divorce and all he can turn to is his public image.”

        I bow in your general direction.

    • .... says:

      She looks great. I hate that ….. “well they both blah blah blah” … narrative. A victim has a right to escape their abuser and not be lumped into “well they both” ……

      So some guy jumps out of the bushes and assaults you and your kids, so you fight back…..then some guy says yeah they were both hitting each other. That isn’t right, quit victim blaming. She is forced to play defense. That’s different than her acting just like him.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Exactly right!

      • Kim says:

        An investigation cleared him.

      • .... says:

        I consider long term in home rage anger alcoholism and neglect (I was there but not there) abuse. It causes cptsd in kids. Read the body keeps the score.

      • ariana says:

        @Kim: Brad Pitt was not found “innocent”, he was cleared ONLY because enough evidence could not be found to charge him. He was guilty as hell and everyone knows it.

        Also, I’m sure there was some behind the scenes negotiating going on between Pitt’s lawyers and the CFS and other organizations who were investigating him.

  12. Beth says:

    I know divorces between a couple with lots of money, property, and children takes long, but they should try to get along so they can finish as fast as possible because this must be horrible for their kids to see stories that may or may not be true, plastered all over the Internet and tabloids every day

    • Missy says:

      I wonder if the kids are seeing these stories. Most websites are bashing there mother and treating their father like a poor wounded soul. My guess is the kids know the difference. They are with their mother all the time and clearly adore her, they know what she is and isn’t doing. Maybe that’s part of the reason, especially for the older kids, if they know it’s their dad spreading all the bullshit, maybe that’s why they stay away.

      • K-Peace says:

        ^Exactly. The kids might be reading all of the bullshit that Brad puts out into the media, and if they KNOW that it’s bullshit because, well, it’s their life & they obviously know exactly what’s going on, then who could blame them for not wanting to spend time with their father? What Brad did on the plane might be SO bad, that they might be justified in not wanting to see Brad again. If Brad did in fact hit Maddox (which it appears he did do), and it was in front of all the kids, and perhaps he also said some horribly hurtful stuff, then there might be no way of repairing Brad’s relationship with some of the kids. The kids shouldn’t be forced to spend time with Brad if they don’t want to, in my opinion.

      • Line says:

        I wonder why AJ hasn’t dropped the receipts of the plane incident. Surely the timeing would be right if she is in danger of losing 50/50 custody to him? I don’t know about the protecting aspect, because there is still a massive amount of gossip and everyone is speculating about it.

      • Booie says:

        Probably because she is not in danger of losing custody to him… but nice try as someone else said to you

      • Missy says:

        The thing about the plane incident, wasn’t he investigated and cleared of any possible charges? Which doesn’t mean a whole lot, just probably that he didn’t hit him. Maybe Angie is protecting the kids from emotional, verbal abuse. The fact that she isn’t exploiting that situation in the custody case tells me that she isn’t alienting the kids from him, she has said since the beginning that she wants them to be able to have a healthy relationship with their father.

  13. Sarah says:

    Brad should be ashamed of himself honestly. If he came out of this custody battle with ONLY Maddow, Pax and Know not taking to him, he should consider himself lucky.

  14. Wasabi says:

    It’s because mommy says so, not because daddy got “face to face” with his kid that said kid hates daddy’s stupid face. Sure. Because kids can not form their own opinions and because daddy is never at fault. Yaaaah… //sarcasm//

    To me Brad still acts like an addict – he doesn’t take responsibility for anything, let alone his own actions. He is just a little pathetic man.

    • Missy says:

      I feel like Brad hasn’t really gotten over the addiction. Did he really go to rehab or any counseling? Or is he sitting home dwelling on his ex leaving him and his kids not wanting to be around him.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Right, that’s what I wonder, too. Everything is all about him. It could have always been that way before addiction developed – remember this was an ambitious, good-looking young guy who knew how to ‘spin’ from a young age. What a shame; he has ability both as an actor and a producer.

    • Cleo2 says:

      Bingo @wasabi

      He does still act like an addict and he’s resisted real rehab from day 1, taking some modified bs approach and customizing his own half azzd AA combined with family therapy that he can ditch to go off and film or promote films as he pleases. Angelina knows he’s a resistant obstinate alcoholic substance abuser which is why she wanted him to stick with the program that he’s dragged out for the last two yrs. I bet if he had gone to real facility rehab and not been all Amy winehouse about it, he’d have been out in 3 mos, and today he’d have joint custody and he and Angelina would be civil and fine with each other.

      From jump he refused to take ownership of this tragedy. Yea, he inferred he drinks too much and implied it was lifelong, but he also implied he could decide to stop and he never even broached the topic of what he did on the plane that was a direct result of him being an abuser. He was wishy washy and did not address the seriousness and the ways in which he fckd up.

    • .... says:

      Honestly…..he seems really unintelligent and arrogant. An addict too, yes….but overall he is just lacking substance. It’s been thirty years since he’s been unattached for a two year span… we are just really seeing who he is….without a woman’s persona to hide behind.

      He coasted by on cute….and the golden relationships kept him in the tabloids……really he’s just an abusive jerk.

  15. Spikey says:

    I’m just a casual observer of this drama but I cannot help wonder about the timeline… just look at Celebitchy’s headlines filed under Brad:
    June 14th we learn that unicorn Neri is with her boyfriend (and that Brad is doing great, thank you very much!). June 21th someone talks to US about how Brad is done being Mr. Nice Guy with Angie. June 27th ET wants it known that Brad isn’t looking for a relationship at the moment. Then there’s this little bit about his poorly made homes in New Orleans (July 2nd) and he goes dark for a few weeks. When he’s back at the end of July he’s apparently laughing with his kids all day long and shortly after that the drama starts with leaks about the change in Jolie’s legal team.
    I wonder, I wonder…

  16. Skylark says:

    I love the way they imply she was ordered back to LA, as if she was reluctant to do so and had to be forced to comply by the courts. It’s so lazily and transparently trying to make Jolie out to be difficult.

  17. Lucy2 says:

    If the children are now spending more time with him, and as per the judge’s orders, Angelina is not restricting their access, and they still aren’t happy to be with him, then maybe it’s him. MAYBE IT’S YOU, BRAD!

    • Missy says:

      My guess is he can’t keep his mouth shut about Angie when he’s with the children. Plus , if those kids are reading any of this on the web, they know their dad is bashing their mom constantly and not taking responsibility for his own mistakes

  18. bap says:

    Angelina has not said any thing negative about BP just told the truth to protect her children and so they can received the fair child support they are entitled. Angelina said in 2016 she left him for the health and welfare of her children.

    Haters deal with it she will always put her children first. Question when has he put his children first.

    • Lucy2 says:

      To be fair, you don’t know what is said within their home. I’ve seen a number of divorces were people, both men and women, put on a good face publicly, but in private do a real number on the kids and damage their relationship with their other parent.
      Not saying she’s doing that, and in this case I think Brad did all the damage on his own, but just saying we don’t know what is said in private.
      She has been much, much, much better than him in regards to how this is playing out public though, that is for sure.

  19. CAYYUUTE says:

    I feel for Maddox. Something awful happened to him. It’s truly nice to see that his siblings are supportive of him. I can’t imagine how he feels after the plane incident until now. Now he has to deal with this loser of a dad.

    • Sansa says:

      I raised a teen age son and he and his father would go at it all the time ( for good reasons ) being teenagers want to push boundaries. I think it’s partly a guy thing and challenging their father is part of feeling their power as young men. It’s natural behavior that is not considered acceptable today.

      • Maya says:

        It depends how they go at it in my opinion.

        On the superficial side, you look way to young to have raised a teenager..

  20. Adorable says:

    July 20th Angie was still in London filming so I’m confused,if anything that’s when Brad was supposed to be be having SUPERVISED visitation with the kids.Love how TMZ fails to mention the plane incident,in an effort to make Her look bad,oh Bradley!

  21. Becks1 says:

    No one knows what is actually happening besides the bare bones of these court orders and I don’t feel like playing Jolie-Pitt marriage insider today….

    but lord almighty brad stop with the leaks. They’re not helping.

  22. SM says:

    This whole situation reminds me a bit qbout my best friend’s sister. She has a 12 year old daughter with a compite douch. He does bot provide any finances for his daughter, whois cared for by her mother alone. He constantly misses the appointed meetings with his daughter, but will demand access whenever he feels like. Brad here was so imeresed in his own healing and transformations and casual dating, while it is Angelina who had to be the responsible parent having no time for self analysis and self growth, because having to raise kids will take most of the time you jave for you existential dread. And now that he sees something to gain (good PR seems to be his priority) he is throwing tantrums. I am sure the boys just do not want to see him, with girls, again, like in the situation with my friend’s sister, the daugther also sees though all the father’s bullshit but she is still trying to protect him because he is the only father she knows and has. I can only hope that this whole public bashing that Brad is so invested in backfires in one very specific and the most painful way – that his kids actualy do see past his bullshit.

  23. Aang says:

    Since everyone else seems to be speculating about things we can only guess about I’ll give it a shot. I wonder if Maddox has lingering resentment, conscious or not, toward Brad for intruding on his relationship with AJ. Until then it was just Maddox and his mother. Then Brad came in the pic and things changed quickly.

    • Lucy2 says:

      Wasn’t he only like three or four when they got together? If so, he may not even remember the pre-Brad days.

    • Missy says:

      I think Maddox’s feelings about his father have to do with his dad’s behaviour and treatment of his mother, siblings and hisself. I don’t think it has anything to do with wanting his mother to his self. That’s a really creepy observation to make

    • Sage says:

      So what is Pax and Knox reason for not wanting to be around bad dad Brad?

      • Missy says:

        I would imagine they look up to their oldest brother, like most siblings do.

      • Maya says:

        Or he also behaved badly towards them..

      • Alissa says:

        @Maya it’s been pretty clear from both camps that the deciding factor is whatever happened on the plane. My best guess is that him and Angie were fighting, again, and Maddox didn’t like how Brad was handling it, got involved, and rather than back down, Brad got physical with him. We have no idea what that looked like – it may have been pushing, punching, restraining, who knows. Angelina herself always spoke very lovingly about what a great father Brad was, so I don’t think he behaved badly towards all the kids. But they likely all saw him drink, and all saw him get physical with Angie and Maddox, and they all saw how upset their mother was after.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Sure, and girls who complained about their male relatives molesting them were subconsciously “desiring” their fathers. This is just Freudian nonsense. Pitt got aggressively physical with his son, the other children saw it, and we don’t know what else, may never know what else, and can only speculate about whether it was a one-time act or a culminating event. Usually these things don’t come out of the blue.

  24. Livvers says:

    Parental alienation does exist but the place to deal with it is in the courts and with family therapists. The fact that Brad is publicizing it so widely undermines his claims because it looks much more like a vendetta. Also, I feel very uncomfortable being told specifically which kids are most ‘alienated’ from him, it seems to be a gross violation of their privacy. The fact that Brad’s camp would leak such specifics is disgusting to me.

    • roses says:

      Agree not understanding why it was specified which kids don’t want to spend time with him, definitely seems like a violation.

    • Jennifer says:

      I completely agree. And, in a lot of cases the “alienated” parent did it to themselves. I hate that the court makes it the custodial parent’s job to force a relationship on their children. Don’t criticize or smear the other parent, or act differently towards the kids when a visit happens, of course…but beyond that, the court shouldn’t expect Angelina to fix their relationships for Brad, that’s his job, not hers. AND I very much doubt Angelina could actually do much alienating anyway, because those kids have therapists that would recognize it. Perhaps all the negative press his PR is creating for AJ is what is driving a wedge between them?

  25. Sage says:

    Another attack from Pitt through the media. He has the nerve to say Jolie is using the media to bash him? He’s crazy.

    I said from the beginning, Brad doesn’t want all those kids. He said himself that he can only handle two at a time. There is no way he’s physically taking care of all 6 every other week. Seems his team has been planting the alienating seed so he has an excuse to walk away from his kids and responsibilities.

  26. Capepopsie says:

    I am SO disappointed in BP, used to like him a lot.
    Showing his true colours now I guess. 😔
    AJ is managing things well, despite him being a baby.
    Easy to spot the adult in this mess!

  27. notasugarhere says:

    “Our sources say Angelina has not blocked Brad’s ability to see the kids, but they say Angelina continues to drive a wedge between Brad and the kids and it’s had a significant impact on his ability to restore his relationship with them.”

    Pitt’s people admitting, right their in their own leak, that Angelina has been following the instructions regarding access to the kids all along. He’s the one driving the wedge through his behavior.

    Now the judge has granted him the right to harass these children on their phones. I hope they all feel they have the right to block him and refuse to engage for their own mental health. Unfortunately, we’ll likely get another story soon about how the boys blocked him, then Brad made the girls be intermediaries to try to sweet-talk or cry their brothers into listening to him.

    He has no shame.

  28. Toot says:

    Those older boys know what happened on that plane, and see what’s being said now against their mother. That is probably why they don’t want to be bothered with their father.

    The boys probably feel their mother is being unfairly attacked, and most boys are protective of their mother.

  29. adastraperaspera says:

    Sad to see this aired in the press. Could Brad’s fundy family be the leakers?

  30. Hmmm says:

    SOMETHING mustve happened because this “order” isn’t new. The documents that were leaked by Pitts team had this information and the judge did not have to force her. “Both parties agreed upon” – Angelina either was to send the kids to La or she could bring them. Brad gets 4 hours every other day on schools days and 12 hrs every non school day. So why is he spreading this old information now?

    I think the therapist is saying there is no alienation and so team leaky Pitt is saying she’s driving a wedge lol. How can she drive a wedge when she’s not even there when he’s visiting. Remember that whole week he was supposed to have those kids and he decided his time would be more productive on the set of a perverts movie? It’s not her fault if he can’t reconnect because he’s too busy working.

    Too funny.

    I agree. Angelina is far from perfect and she’s not trying to be -that’s why I’ve always been a fan of hers. 😋

  31. Hmmm says:

    It’s funny how it says the “girls are more open toward Brad” but not that they’ve completely recconected. It’s been 2 years. He’s had all this time to reunify. Wth has he been doing? Oh yeah, concerts, sculpting , making furniture in New Jersey, dating, hanging out with frank ocean., making two movies in a row.

    Yeah, but it’s Angelina’s fault he can’t get it together with his kids.

  32. Julies2921 says:

    At this point my only question is, when are these people gonna get their shit together?! Get over yourselves and how you want to be seen in the media, clean this up and move on. Jeez.

  33. Amelie says:

    Just came here to say I hadn’t noticed Vivienne was imitating Shiloh’s fashion! That last picture she’s being all tomboy like her older sister. I think it’s cute, they’re probably Shiloh hand me downs.

    • .... says:

      It’s a testament to their mother and her great outlook on things that her kids seem so sweet kind and down to earth. They are not obnoxious attention seeking over dressed brats. They also seem to favor their mother disposition wise luckily. Intelligent and Lovely little people. Whatever she’s doing, it’s working….they are a lovely example of family.

  34. Coco for puffs says:

    Angie knows the media attacks he and not Brad she is certainly use to it by now. I think the thing she wants is for her kids to feel
    Safe and comfortable around all parties but sometimes it’s impossible. She can’t fix that rift between whomever. How many HW dads and some moms go through this Pitt isn’t the only one but hates that is public so here we go with the leaks and tab feedings.

  35. LORENA says:

    When my parents divorced my dad was unequivocally the one at fault, I had a lot of anger towards him but as time passed I had even more anger at my mother for always speaking badly of him and for making us feel guilty when we saw him. I am not sure if this is what’s happening but if so the tables can turn on AJ. Its the worst feeling to continuously hear bad things about your parents even if said things are correct. I already knew my dad acted shitty and I hated being constantly reminded of it, made me feel like I was at fault too. No matter what you’re a piece of both of your parents.

    I really hope all this unnecessary drama on both sides is resolved quietly and quickly. Someone has to be the bigger person and put the children first

    • Booie says:

      Angelina moved a mile from his house and repeatedly said her goal was for a unified family. She said that they would always be a family. She included him in that. She wanted the kids to have their own legal counsel when this mess started. She even said she attempted to bridge the gap between them. She took over a year off to focus on them after the insanity their family faced publically. Not only has she been putting the kids first for the past 2 years, she also tried to help the kids connect with their father and make it easier for them to see him.

      Yes I suppose you could argue she’s fighting now and maybe some of her taking this public now is harming the kids. But ask yourself if she tried for that long to help the kids connect with their father and put their best interest first, what has changed now? Why is she now taking this public? Maybe because she tried, she couldn’t and now she’s done with him leaking lies about her and private information about their kids. Giving up on a hopeless cause.

      But you can’t say she didn’t put the kids first. She’s been doing that and still is.

      • LORENA says:

        sorry but I disagree, both sides are being extremely petty. No matter what airing everything out in public is not putting her kids first, its just not. I am not defending him as he has been doing the same. I just really think someone just needs to STOP

      • Booie says:

        And as I said, she has been keeping it private for 2 years. How’s that being petty?

    • Genessee says:

      My cousin went through something similar. Her dad was a lifelong drunk who cheated, verbally and emotionally abused the family, and when her mom left her dad, ultimately screwed her over financially in the divorce as revenge (he was a lawyer himself and from a prominent family, knew the judge, etc, etc,). What ended up happening was that my cousin ended up resenting her mom (and 25 years later their mother/daughter relationship is damaged) because she never stopped going on and on about her ex-husband, how he was a nasty good for nothing drunk, how he was a horrible father and husband, how he was irresponsible, and selfish (which admittedly he was) etc. etc. Still rants about him till this day. However, I remember the last time I saw him, he was, as usual, drunk as a skunk but even then, he spoke glowingly about his ex-wife. And that right there is the difference…

      We cannot assume how kids will ultimately relate to their estranged parent.
      We cannot assume how the parents are speaking about each other in the privacy of their home
      We cannot assume that they will “see things as they should” and “vilify” the “correct” parent.

      They are kids. They love their parents, even with their faults. I know this is hard to hear since this site is mostly women, but kids don’t automatically love mom more and dad less. Yes, there are exceptions to everything and circumstances differ in all families, but I think there is a lot of projection happening in these blogs and comment areas to the point that they are simply adding more unnecessary fuel to the fire.

      • Jennifer says:

        Speaking on similar experiences, my kids’ dad treated me terribly and my oldest remembers it. He now tries to tell her nasty lies or twisted half truths during many of his visits, because 7 years later he is still angry I left him and happily moved on, and he wants to poison the kids to hurt me. And she cries to me about it and she knows her father is angry and disordered, I don’t have to tell her anything other than comforting her and reassuring her and being the stable, sane parent. Kids know what the truth is despite a gaslighting parent’s attempts to smear their loving parent. And I’m not going to believe that the alienating parent in this situation is AJ, as it’s been Brad’s team that is mudslinging through nameless sources and he has yet to condemn the tabloids for talking about the divorce when it makes Angelina look bad. Angelina puts out statements when the smear campaign has gone too far, and her sources are listed by their names or filed as a court document. It seems illogical to assume if Brad allows his sources to attack Angelina as a parent and doesn’t put out a statement that it’s gone too far, that it’s really AJ driving the wedge between his kids and himself? How does that make sense? His sources only say it’s harmful when it harms his image, they had nothing to say when his children’s mother was being dragged through the mud because it benefited him -not the kids- he wasn’t crying “won’t somebody think about the children!” then.

  36. Jared says:

    Well, first off, all of these people involved are just people trying to resolve an awful and traumatic break up of their family. I have sympathy for everyone involved. Can anyone imagine having your divorce splashed all over the media? It honestly makes me ill just to think of it. Having to plan how to manage your image through a divorce is just mind boggling for most parted couples. I can’t imagine the pain they have been trying to manage over the past few years. It makes me really, really sad for all of them…

    I think both parents have struggled with addictions at one time or another and have gone through a lot of trauma in their lives, Angelina more so than Brad most likely, but nonetheless, with fame comes a lot of unwanted stuff that I can’t imagine how celebrity’s keep it together. Well, most of them don’t it seems. Multiple failed marriages, addictions, mental health issues, domestic abuse, etc.

    My mantra in life is ‘Remember, everyone is fighting a battle.’ So I try to always be kind to people as you never know what someone is dealing with. I’m no saint and no moral arbiter, but it’s all I can really think about when I read stuff like this. I’m not pro Brad or Angelina, as I think there are always 3 sides to a story, his version, her version and the truth.

    • Agapanthus says:

      This 100%. What a beautiful and empathic post. Thank you.

    • bap says:

      There is no excuse for him not standing up for his family and telling the lying tabloids to back off. He is near 55 years old in December and still acts like he is 25 years old. When he is 75 years old he will still be safe guarding that Narcissistic Image.

  37. Sidewithkids says:

    @Magdalene, you are correct. This is on Brad, no one else. He wants to blame Angie instead of being a real man and doing the work to get his kids back.

    What I don’t understand though is why is the judge forcing this situation? Why is he allowing these kids to do something they don’t want to do? I’m side eyeing the judge and therapists right now b/c they are forcing the situation when it’s clear some kids don’t want to be with him. Plus they have to see the smear campaign that’s happening agains Angie. I so hope these new lawyers help Angie more.

  38. Robyn’s Nest Yoga says:

    I agree that this is his team revealing a strategy. E.g., if the judge sees that the order was not complied with, Angelina is to blame. You cannot force teens to visit. But, the situation with the ten year old is very troubling. Brad’s media blitz has escalated or should I say is escalating. My gut tells me the gloves are off and it will get worse. The only important take away from this is, the children are in the middle.

  39. Sidewithkids says:

    Well I do feel like we get plenty of information to make an educated guess ofn what’s going on. Plus, it’s pretty obvious all of the leaks are coming from him b/c she wouldn’t leak things making herself look bad. Lol. I just feel people jdon’t want to speak the truth b/c the truth is Angie has done nothing wrong. It’s been two years and they still going through this. He keeps saying he won another victory but I’m like it’s been two years. That’s not a victory, that him not doing the right things to win back his kid’s trust.

    She’s not alienating those kids. I told my brother about all this and quickly said if that was his Dad, he would not want to see him either. He said boys in general put their Moms on pedestals (has it should be). So I’m like Maddox is a good kid, so I’m certain him not wanting to see Brad isn’t about a kid trying to be evil towards a parent it’s about a kid loving his Mom and his siblings and wanting the best for all of them. He doesn’t feel Brad is the best for them.

  40. serena says:

    Flashing news to Brad: your kids don’t want to see you because of what you did, and keep on doing, wake up.

  41. .... says:

    Read “the body keeps the score” on cptsd. You can tell he was an absentee parent while they were married. The kids had no real relationship with him while he lived with them….he just came and went. So why expect things to drastically change after a divorce?

    I’ve seen this type of situation firsthand. You can tell by old photos and interviews who spent time with who. So the kids attitude towards him is the same it’s been for ten years now. Plus his anger issues and heavy drinking since he was in his twenties (his words not mine) just never made room for any relationship with small children.

    He’s now very pissed Angie wouldn’t keep up appearances and dumped him. And she’s been put through hell in the media for two years now by him because of it. He’s basically bullying those kids to have a relationship with him to save his public image……when he knows d@mn good and well he didn’t have one with them before. Shame shame shame on you mr pity.

  42. bap says:

    Why do some people support a man that has displayed very bad behavior toward his family?

  43. .... says:

    One thing is for sure….mr pity clearly has long term deep seated issues…..doesn’t look too good that he went through a lot of personal investigations and still can’t be alone with his own kids a full two years later. The rest is all deflection on his part.

    It’s painful to watch because if it were anyone else it would be over and done. Kids would live where they wanted which is with mom full time. they should be respected and heard more than the old drunk.

  44. .... says:

    He’s just not dad material. Period. For whatever reason. He needs to accept that. everyone else has.

  45. .... says:

    He doesn’t have the personal depth it takes to raise a human being. There’s something off about him. And not just his face…..I mean psychologically.

    • Carmen says:

      He has all the depth of a mud puddle. He’s incapable of really caring about anyone else. The only thing that matters to him is his image,

  46. Leigh says:

    At the end of the day Angelina left Brad because he hit or was somehow abusive to their children, and he STILL is only allowed supervised visits with them, some two years later! So no matter her faults, I remain #TeamAngelina and all this crap from Brad is killing every last good feeling I had about him. It’s not Depp-level disgust, but it’s getting there.

  47. bap says:

    Angelina, Pax and twins were out today and look very happy together as a family.

  48. J.Mo says:

    All I want to know in this whole thing is why she gets so emancipated sometimes. And I don’t mean when she’s been obviously ill from cancer or cancer treatments.

  49. Sara says:

    If the boys in particular don’t want to see him it could well be because they are very protective of their mom. I have a teenage son and he is VERY protective of me (whether I need it or not). It could be as simple as something bad went down and they rallied around their mom. It doesn’t necessarily mean she has done anything to turn them against him. I would be that all the kids are still receiving counseling, perhaps from a court-appointed counselor and if so that person will be providing the judge with a report which will probably have a significant affect on his eventual ruling.

  50. bap says:

    He is jealous of the relationship Angelina has with her children. He is also angry at her for leaving him and Not giving him a second chance.

    • Carmen says:

      I wonder how many second chances she actually gave him before she said enough’s enough and pulled the plug.

      It’s typical of narcissists that they never see their own failings until the other side says no más, and then they whine that they were blindsided.

  51. Vinot says:

    I’m sick of this story if only for the fact that the plastic Ken Doll picture of him from the Tarantino set haunts my daymares at this point.

    • .... says:


      Someone mentioned he looks like a ventriloquists dummy….and now I laugh every time I see it. …….okay I laughed before every time I saw it……