Kay: Prince Harry did not ‘formally request’ a meeting with the king or a place to stay

Prince Harry arrived in the UK yesterday, early in the day. He already did a public event with seemingly limited press availability. The event was for the tenth anniversary of the Invictus Games, and it was basically a panel discussion with some of the British Invictus organization people. That alone caused a huge commotion in the British media, but then something else happened once Harry was on British soil: his spokesperson confirmed, in a simple statement, that Harry will not see his father on this visit “due to His Majesty’s full program. The Duke of course is understanding of his father’s diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon.” The way Harry maneuvered this situation was brilliant – simply acknowledging that there had been some communication and that Charles refused to meet him because Charles had scheduled busy-work specifically to coincide with Harry’s visit. Harry put the onus on Charles, the same dogsh-t father who has been openly briefing the media about a potential meeting with Harry for the past week. Well, the palace is scrambling. And they seemingly contacted Richard Kay at the Daily Mail to do some clean-up:

Prince Harry’s arrival in Britain had triggered speculation that father and son would meet. Some had even boldly suggested that such a meeting might, at long last, start a process of reconciliation between the King and Harry. Indeed, there was even murmur of an olive branch being extended. Instead, the hand-wringing excuses of ‘full diaries’ offers a different and, for Harry, a more ominous message. Unlike that dramatic flying visit in February, where the Prince was granted a less than 30-minute meeting just after Charles’s cancer diagnosis had been made public, the palace gates remained firmly closed.

Pointedly, it was the Duke of Sussex’s team that broke cover with a spokesman explaining that a meeting ‘unfortunately will not be possible due to His Majesty’s full programme’. Even with the acknowledgement that Harry recognised his father’s ‘commitments and various other priorities’, the nuance in the bulletin was clear: the failure to meet was not Harry’s fault. So much for olive branches.

What then is going on, and what do events tell us about the state of relations between the exiled Harry, his father and the rest of the Royal Family? One conclusion would suggest that, far from his hope of reuniting with his father in the wake of the King’s cancer diagnosis, the illness has, if anything, added to their estrangement.

But, in fact, I understand that there had been no formal request from either the King or his son to schedule a meeting. For Harry also had a packed programme. From his overnight flight from Los Angeles, he was whisked to an event for the Invictus Games, his project for wounded and former armed forces personnel, at Armoury House in East London.

And today, while the King hosts the first garden party of the year, the Prince will mark the tenth anniversary of the games with a service at St Paul’s cathedral. If Harry had been so set on seeing his father, it is tempting to wonder why he didn’t fly over a day or two earlier when Charles had no official duties. How significant that might have been if they had been together on the first anniversary of the King’s coronation. Inconveniently, that fell on Prince Archie’s fifth birthday and Harry chose to spend it with his family in California.

Once, Harry’s return visits to the UK meant it was relatively straightforward for him to drop in on his father, but he no longer has royal accommodation. And, intriguingly, he made no request to stay at any royal residence for this two-night visit.

This alone suggests that chances of a rapprochement are more remote than ever. Trust too has evaporated in the 16 months since Harry’s explosive memoir Spare, with its excoriating attacks on Camilla, ­William and Kate.

Some old friends were surprised that given his Christian faith, a King who practises humility and empathy as a matter of course, could find no time to see his son. Others argued that no blame could surely be attached to Charles if he viewed such encounters with his son as more a burden than a pleasure.

[From The Daily Mail]

Wow, Buckingham Palace is really trying to massage Harry’s statement and they ended up spilling some fascinating tea. “I understand that there had been no formal request from either the King or his son to schedule a meeting.” My interpretation of that is that Harry called his father informally and asked if they could schedule something and Charles, forever a whiner, complained about his full schedule. Harry said “okay, well, I’m busy too” and left it at that. Charles expected Harry to beg, Charles’s staff expected Harry to go through official channels, and Harry called everybody’s bluff.

“If Harry had been so set on seeing his father, it is tempting to wonder why he didn’t fly over a day or two earlier when Charles had no official duties.” If Harry had done so (lol) Charles would have scheduled busy-work to cover that time frame too. Although Charles would have loved it if Harry skipped Archie’s birthday for five minutes of Charles’s time.

“Intriguingly, he made no request to stay at any royal residence for this two-night visit.” The fact that palace courtiers leaked that information to Richard Kay at the Daily Mail tells you exactly why Harry doesn’t want the palace to know his itinerary or travel plans. Buckingham Palace is one of Harry’s biggest security threats.

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82 Responses to “Kay: Prince Harry did not ‘formally request’ a meeting with the king or a place to stay”

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  1. Nubia says:

    Harry is soooo over it. He knows their shenanigans like the back of his hands. He will continue to live his life on his own terms,Charles knows how to find him.

    • I agree that Harry is over it. I love that he comes into town and gets right to work and it seems nobody knows just exactly where he stays. He has moved on.

    • the Robinsons says:

      Cleanup needed on aisle 9…

    • B says:

      He’s beyond over it and I don’t blame him one bit.

      Can you imagine dealing with people who suggest you skip your beloved child’s birthday to spend 30 mins with a man who prefers to drag himself out of his sick bed and pretend to work instead of spend time with you??

      Utterly ridiculous.

      • Meagan says:

        “Inconveniently falling on the same day as Prince Archie’s Birthday”
        Conveniently planned is more like it.

    • yupyup says:

      I honestly think Harry isn’t bothered with any of it. Even the story about keeping Harry away from Kate. LOL like what? It’s all to sell papers. I love seeing that the SPENCERS did go and supported Harry. Harry is fine and loved and had a great time. There was no win for Chuck and Bill. They missed a great event and now it’s obvious Harry IS welcomed in the UK and there was nothing the RF could do about it. Their snub is more like a jealous reaction because they can’t come to the IG event and people will ask why so they put out this sad little announcement. They snubbed themselves into a corner and then had to snub it louder for the people in the back and its funny as hell. They didn’t snub Harry they endangered the UK bid to host the IG and snubbed the veterans and military that participate in the games to give Bill a fake military title. I call win on IG D.C. and Harry the good King.

    • Kathleen says:

      Harry’s PR is kicking the s**t our of KP and BP. They are no match for him.

  2. Lolo86lf says:

    It is just discouraging how the media in the UK wants Harry to come begging on his hands and knees for a meeting with his father the king. Harry is being treated like a bastard at a family reunion undeservedly.

    • B says:

      There’s probably a Harry specific request procedure, which involves profusely groveling from his knees while being humiliated and taking lotion from the basket.

    • Kingston says:


      Some folks are continuing to make the mistake in thinking H has no agency. Apparently many people’s perspectives need adjustment to the new H&M era of how they move in the world and particularly vis-a-vis the brf.

      So, no. Harry is not “being treated like a bastard at a family reunion undeservedly.” No one can “treat” anyone in any way unless the person on the receiving end, participates in that treatment.

      H being in the uk is not unlike any other person, VIP or not, who flies into another country IN PURSUIT OF ONE’S OWN AGENDA and either while there or before arriving, you make a call to someone you know in that country to say “hey, I’ll be in your neck of the woods at x time, are you available for a meet up?” And if the person is not available to see you, for any real or made-up reasons, then its all good. You fly into that country anyway, do your biz, then bounce.

      I believe that statement from H&M’s UK Comms team elegantly put a stop to the tired old narrative of chucky ‘snubbing’ H ad infinitum. It too will soon die a natural death, much like the narrative that used to be pushed by rabid sycophants about how M will one day have to curtsy to the current Ms Missington. I mean……..hello? She has to be found first, right? And then theres the question of will she/wont she be the consort. But even before that, the question of her physical and mental condition to do the job has to be determined. Moreover, we already have the precedent of H not allowing M to curtsy to the current consort. And so another narrative dies a natural death.

      Now here we are. Narratives being stopped in their tracks all around, even as H keeps his business in the UK close to his chest as he starves the usual suspects.

      One thing I know for sure: H has his eyes firmly on posterity; and by the actions and utterances of both H&M, they are studiously, persistently and in careful detail, writing the story of the First American Sussex Family for the benefit of their children, in the first instance and ultimately for future generations.

      Just as H&M told the world they would do: raise their family in North America (they had hoped also to spend some time raising them in the UK as well) with an understanding of the historically significant nature of their father’s side of the family and their place in it.

      • CherBear says:

        Kingston – perfect shot!

      • JudyB says:

        This whole “formal request” thing is ridiculous. Since when does anyone have to complete a formal form to visit their parent or close family member? Anybody ever do something like that to visit a parent??? Nobody does that.

        Any I wonder in her last years, if his grandmother was tightly controlled by her “keepers,” and we know who the main one was!!! Could she have made a phone call on her own without her staff intervening? It is clear that she did not have control of her own calendar.

        And that extremely, well-written announcement was no doubt written by the new PR guy that Harry and Meghan recently hired in the UK. I taught business communication at the college/university level for 30 years, and I was very impressed. The tone was perfect, and while the message was polite, the real message came through loud and clear. Stopped a lot of the UK media on their heels!!

  3. jazzbaby1 says:

    “Inconveniently” fell on Archie’s birthday because it was deliberately scheduled that way. These people aren’t fooling anyone.

    • Miranda says:

      I’m actually not convinced that it was deliberate. I think it’s very plausible, even likely, that Charles genuinely does not know Archie’s birthday. I think he probably doesn’t event care enough to have his secretary or whoever make a note of it to remind him (which I suspect is how he remembers the Wales kids’ birthdays. It may very well be the only way he ever remembered his own sons’ birthdays, being a dogshit father and all). However it went down, I’m sure that when it was brought to his attention, he relished the thought of forcing Harry to ditch his son to attend the fancy hat party instead.

      • Jais says:

        So, I can believe Charles didn’t know Archie’s actual birthday, but imo, in the lead-up, as they were securing a date, someone on his team knew and said something and it became part of the discussion. Charles finalized the coronation date knowing it was Archie’s birthday. And he and his team and Camilla probably thought it was bloody hilarious that he was setting his coronation on Archie’s birthday. The cruelty is the point with these people .

      • Becks1 says:

        I agree with @Miranda. Do I think it was “deliberate” in that once they realized it was Archie’s b day, they went ahead anyway bc why would they reschedule something as “important” as the coronation because of the bday of the 6th in line?? And if it prevented Meghan from coming then all the better. But I don’t think someone on Charles’ team looked at a calendar and cackled and said “hey I have an idea, let’s set it for Archie’s bday.”

      • Chrissy says:

        One would think that since Archie’s birthday was on the same day as his Coronation, he would easily remember the date. Just another hurtful excuse from a pathetic narcissist. (shrug)

      • equality says:

        Even if they don’t have it written on their personal calendars, it is easily found on a search engine. Surely they research anything that happened on that date before scheduling since you probably wouldn’t want it to coincide with any other royal-related anniversary.

      • Wagiman says:

        Miranda Charles doesn’t know anything about anyone but he has hundreds of people who work for him and manage his diary and every single thing in the royal family life. Charles doesn’t know obviously, but his hundreds of staff who manage this stuff do.. He was alerted to the fact. I think it’s hard for normal people to get how much help these people have. Hundreds. People literally put toothpaste on his brush. He knew

    • Sandy says:

      Inconveniently, that fell on Prince Archie’s fifth birthday and Harry chose to spend it with his family in California

      Yes NO SHIT he’s going to spend it with his 5 year old and his family. That’s a BIG DEAL to a child. Charles wouldn’t think that, of course.

      So disgusted by Charles. Well, he’s the one who has to live with this, too bad.
      H handled this so well, the best he could under the circumstances.

    • Christine says:

      This! I’m sure there was a lot of gloating and cackling when they scheduled the coronation for Archie’s birthday. All they achieved was giving Harry a very good reason for never being lured to Salty Isle under the guise of “celebrating” the anniversary of his father’s stupidly expensive hat party.

      Oh, well!

  4. equality says:

    “Inconveniently, that fell on Prince Archie’s fifth birthday and Harry chose to spend it with his family in California.” Inconveniently? KC KNEW that was Archie’s BD when he scheduled his con. Did he expect that every year PH would leave his family behind to celebrate it? Good to see that they are acknowledging M, A and L as Harry’s family instead of acting like the “working” royals are his family. And KC, as a “Christian” should forgive? Try as the leader of their Christian Church he should set a far better example. Otherwise, he should step down and let the COE be independent. Tell him to try reading his Bible. The leaders of the church are supposed to first be able to keep family matters in order.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah I don’t believe they don’t know when Archie’s birthday is given the hullabaloo last year for the coronation. I’m sure the Invictus program was scheduled with respect to that, but it just feels to me like they always want to schedule stuff around his kids birthday or his anniversary to make him choose who his ” real” family is

  5. s808 says:

    Harry isn’t going out of his way to accommodate his father, nor should he. Charles is the father, if he wants a reconciliation (he doesn’t) HE can make accommodations (he won’t). I’m glad Harry has made it clear that he isn’t the hold up. I’m also glad he isn’t asking to stay on any of the royal properties. It’s not safe.

    • Vader says:

      Yep, chucky has no interest in reconciliation but he needs to pretend that’s what he wants so he doesn’t look like a total pos.

      At this point I wonder if Harry will even attend tampon’s funeral.

  6. Monika says:

    Here we are! Let the spin begin! There is so much falsehood in it, not worthwhile going through them. BM think people suffer from memory loss. I have news for the BM they do not.

  7. Jan says:

    Sir Keith Mills sure welcomed Harry, he was so happy to see him.
    Then last night he was going to dinner at some big wig’s house, so Harry is booked and busy.
    People genuinely seem happy around Harry and the way they look at him.

    • Agnes says:

      The people who matter respect and welcome him. The family he was born into are no longer relevant to him, and consistently show their asses to the whole world.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    No clean up available will take this stain off that family. From all that I saw yesterday, Harry is booked busy and had a purpose larger than that family to come to England. That family is digging a hole that is going to swallow them up. There is nothing salvageable left in that family. Harry’s dear friend Nacho Figeraus posted a beautiful message on his Instagram that seems to be directed towards Harry for this visit, regarding a snake and a saw, very poignant message.

  9. Concern Fae says:

    Didn’t Harry know he’s supposed to use the webform on Royals.uk?

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    Harry is expected to go through official channels to see his own father. So much for the narrative that Charles makes a distinction between his family and the institution. For Charles, it’s all business.

  11. Jais says:

    If Harry is so set on seeing his dad, then one is tempted to wonder why he didn’t come a few days earlier? Say what??? These ghouls want Harry to miss Archie’s birthday every year now? Omg. Yes, why couldn’t he just miss his son’s birthday for another year? Man, they really want him to be an awful father, just like Charles, but Harry would never.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I don’t think Harry is so set on seeing his father. I hope he is not.

      • Jais says:

        The set on seeing his father part came from Richard Kay in the article. So clearly the rota and Charles think Harry should be set on it. Whether he is or not, Harry clearly has no patience for the speculation and palace sources leaking about whether they will or won’t meet. Especially when he knows full well they won’t. Thus the statement.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think that’s exactly the issue @Jais. They think Harry SHOULD be set on seeing his father and the fact that he was like “well here’s my schedule, I’m not changing it” and THEN called out Charles for the “too busy” excuse…..I’m sure it set BP into a tailspin.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        I hope is was a sigh of relief rather than disappointment.

  12. Shawna says:

    I wonder if Harry put in feelers a LONG time ago, but Charles only had his office answer a few hours before the statement was released.

    Yesterday, it seemed like maybe it was to stop certain tabloid writers from spinning their poisoned, fake sanctimony, but we’ve seen in the past that these timings are often very pointed, precisely timed rejoinders to specific provocations.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Last week the Palace was briefing that Harry was going to meet with Charles. So either something changed or the Palace was lying all along and Harry’s statement caught them off guard.

      • Vader says:

        The ratchets have an agenda to make chucky look magnanimous. Meeting harry would actually achieve that so I think that’s why they made up that story. They didn’t expect harry to issue a statement correcting them.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Or it could be that the journalists were telling untruths, Especially if it is the Mail or the Express, I have frequently seen outright untruths in the Express and the Mail has the worst reputation for untruthing. Build it up and sell advertising, knock it down and sell more advertising.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        But was the Palace briefing that? what was the real source. The office boy?

  13. Wagiman says:

    Yesterday, everyone said well they can’t do the tampon wants to see Harry and grand kids. But no, we’re back to tampon hates Harry and is snubbing him.. How is this? It’s insane? Tampon clearly wanted that 20 Min visit so why is this snub so snubby!

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    Prince Harry has matured far beyond the comprehension of the leftovers, and it is glaringly obvious to those that pay attention. Thanks to Spare, Invictus and the Docuseries there are a lot more of us paying attention. All I can say is I hope chuck shakes every germ ridden hand and enjoys his petty party.

    • Wagiman says:

      It’s got nothing to do with Harry though. He isn’t a part of the conversation. He left them years ago.. This is the media and even Harry fans who give the British media attention for their lies. But let’s not pretend Harry thinks any of that. Harry is incredibly smart, he is not involved in the conversation

      • Hypocrisy says:

        Not sure where I quoted him or said I was speaking for him🤷🏻‍♀️.

      • Wagiman says:

        What I mean is all of this is made up. The premise is lies.. Therefore the debate is equally made up. I think it’s frustrating when lies are treated as fact from fans and foes. I guess it’s frustrating because even suspecting lies are potential fact gives the ratchets clicks.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Wagiman, I agree. One of the things about this site is we don’t need to click on those articles–although, I wouldn’t any way. They aren’t making money off of me and I feel the same about the tabloids in the US.

        I’ve reached the point that I’m amused by the bm. Clearly, they see no further than the end of the noses. If they lifted their eyes to the horizon, they would understand that they have done more to bring disrespect to the brf and UK.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    I agree with Kaiser’s conclusions. The Palace wanted Harry to beg to see Charles and Harry didn’t play along.

  16. Aimee says:

    Yea, skip your son’s birthday so you can fly half way around the world just so I can barely make any time, if any, for you. Got it.

  17. Tessa says:

    If Charles considers meeting his son a burden then harry should not let his petty father suffer and cut ties. Have fun Charles dealing with William.

  18. rosa mwemaid says:

    Was the King talking about a meeting earlier this last week or did the journalists just invent it, they love to build people up and then knock them down.

    • Julianna says:

      And yet still… the rf loves to brief the media, run their own narratives, tell lies and plant stories. They constantly scheme with the press.

  19. Serena says:

    Even if he formally asked,bhe would have been refused. We know because it happened before. The RF and the Palace are just a bunch of petty miserable fools.

  20. HeatherC says:

    This isn’t the clean up they think it is and I love this for them. I really do.

    I sincerely hope all the Leftovers have the lives they deserve.
    *edited for typo

  21. bisynaptic says:

    ‘“If Harry had been so set on seeing his father, it is tempting to wonder why he didn’t fly over a day or two earlier when Charles had no official duties.” If Harry had done so (lol) Charles would have scheduled busy-work to cover that time frame too. Although Charles would have loved it if Harry skipped Archie’s birthday for five minutes of Charles’s time.‘
    — That’s exactly it: “Choose me over your own son.”

  22. mythoughts says:

    Yeah, I think “formally” is the key word here. He probably called Charles privately to see if he had time, Charles probably checked with the courtiers who then got pissed that Harry didn’t go through them, and suddenly they found some busy work for the king to do. I do wonder how much of the decision is really Charles’ though – at least half, I’m sure, but the other half are the men in gray preventing any sort of relationship too. I remember in Spare when Harry had a meeting planned with his grandmother and then suddenly she called and said she’s been told her schedule was full. Even the queen couldn’t control her schedule of seeing her grandson. There are other people at the palace making these decisions too. Yes, Charles is a crappy father and should stand up to them, but he’s not the only player in that game. The men in gray, Camilla, William, the media…all in addition to Charles just being a bad father. They don’t want anyone to think it’s okay what Harry did. It’s a cult, they can’t let it be known that it’s okay to break free.

    • Jais says:

      Agree that the word “formally” is key. But I don’t think it was just the courtiers. I think Charles was a part of it along with the men in grey. They were three miles apart yesterday and there wasn’t any space in his schedule? Charles had no events yesterday from what I can tell.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Just had a look at the court circular for the 7th, nothing just Princess Anne and Sophie. Hardly likely to be having chemo. the day before the Garden Party.

      • Jais says:

        Right? There really wasn’t anything going on and they were so close. I get the feeling Harry said I’ll be here on these days and let me know if we can meet. And Charles either didn’t reply at all or said his schedule was too full. When clearly it wasn’t full yesterday??? Lol, I’m sorry it’s just so funny to see these reporters claiming he’s so busy when he literally had nothing in the CC yesterday? What a joke.

  23. Libra says:

    Years from now, Price Archie will read about his grandfather , the king, thinking his birthday was an inconvenience.

  24. Patricia says:

    Safe to say that if Charles, Willy, Camilla, BP, RF or all those slimy “papers” are writing, talking, singing, and dancing about Harry ,or Meghan or their beautiful children, they are LYING. No surprise there.
    Um, where is Kate? See more lying!!!

  25. Over it says:

    Charles is such a cold f-ing fish. Why should Harry skip his son birthday, a child he loves and who loves him back to come begging to a dog sh-t man who continues to show him and the entire world that Harry is not a priority for him. Since birth Charles has been letting Harry down and choosing other things, why should this be any different? F Charles

  26. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Some friends wonder why as a christian he couldnt see his son, other friends thought him seeing his son is more like a burden than a pleasure. So 100% of his friends thinks he’s a dogsht father.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Yeah, I thought this was a pretty sharp dig at Charles:
      “Some old friends were surprised that given his Christian faith, a King who practises humility and empathy as a matter of course, could find no time to see his son.”

      Of course, the idea of Charles being humble and empathetic is ridiculous — he’s the antithesis of both — but it still makes the point that this was very un-Christian of Charles, the so-called defender of the faith.

  27. SouthAfricanGirl says:

    Harry just gave them a PR masterclass. Where are the gold standard advisors? If this year is anything to go by, TBRF is in deep trouble. Good luck England.

  28. Feebee says:

    See this hair? We’re about to split it.

    No “formal request”. Clearly no need if dad had already cried “too busy” if we go with the informal contact theory.

    Similarly with the no request for accommodation. Why would he when he knows what the answer would be and as you point out BP is actually a security threat as opposed to protection.

    Harry’s two steps ahead and they hate it. The pettiness hits differently when it has to be done defensively.

  29. MsIam says:

    Weren’t the papers just last week gloating that Harry was refused a place to stay at Windsor Castle or on the grounds? Well they just told on themselves because now they are saying he made no request to stay there and I believe Harry released a statement saying the same thing. So either BP lied to the press or the press made up the story on their own. Either way, these folks are so busy trying to throw Harry under the bus that they ran over their own tails. When you try and throw mud at someone else, you will always get some on yourself.

  30. MaryContrary says:

    “Others argued that no blame could surely be attached to Charles if he viewed such encounters with his son as more a burden than a pleasure.” Seeing his own son for an hour is a burden? What? How in the world are they thinking that this spin is winning them ANY points?

    • Carol says:

      Well, it’ll fly with hateful people who see Harry as a traitor and want to punish him. So I guess that’s the Crown’s “base” now… Good luck with that..

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        It will also go down well with K an W fans. Meghan is too pretty, too hard working, too popular before the briefings started appearing and involved with charity work before she met her prince and she’s in love with him.

  31. Wls145 says:

    So glad that Prince Harry hired a Spokesperson for the UK. It enabled him to get out front of the lies that the king and the kings men to scramble to put humpty together
    .and to show that he is the bigger man.

  32. HuffnPuff says:

    Didn’t Harry know that cool dads don’t celebrate birthdays with their kids? They go to sports events with staff. The way they wrote that Harry chose his son over his dad is laughable. KFC doesn’t want to see the Sussexes. He just wants people to think that he does.

  33. Eos says:

    Either the BM were, as usual, writing garbage about Harry and Charles meeting or BP played them with a false narrative.
    More likely, Harry asked to see his father alone again and King Camila forbade her tampon from doing that. Charles the Weak, the consort, acquiesced with humility. There, fixed it.
    Besides C&C have other priorities – for one, they have a garden party to attend while their “beloved daughter-in-law” is fighting for her life.
    Whichever way, it’s horrible optics!

  34. VilleRose says:

    I dunno why the British media is surprised about any of this. Going forward this will be Harry’s playbook. He’ll fly in briefly for whatever commitments he has, stay wherever he usually stays and far away from any palace accommodations, and dip right back out. He’ll only see his family if the situation is dire. Meghan and the kids will continue to steer clear of the UK. Maybe that will change as the kids get older, they might get curious about the country where their dad grew up. It’s been four years and no reconciliation. It’s most likely never going to happen.

    • Tessa says:

      Harry should go with Meghan and go together with the children.some day. They may ask questions about why their grandfather uncle and aunt don’t bother with them .

      • Square2 says:

        @VILLEROSE & @TESSA Why do you want abused victims to recociloate with their abusers? Especially when the perpetrators do not show any remorse or changes?

        H&M have receipts & their children will understand their parents’s choices. H&M really love their children, it’s not lip service.

    • Cassie says:

      Villerose , excellent summation 👌

  35. blunt talker says:

    the whole entire world see this commotion and wonder how weird to make an appointment to see your parent-Charles is really jealous of a little boy named Archie-who taught Charles that the king/queen of the UK is more important than one’s own child-if Charles’s mother taught him this then he did the same thing to his sons-Genetic pain is a bitch.