DM: Prince Harry ‘upstaged’ his father & brother at the Scotty’s Little Soldiers event

As we discussed, Prince Harry spent his Thursday visiting with families from Scotty’s Little Soldiers. It’s a charity which supports the children who have lost military parents. Harry has worked with the charity for years and years in a private capacity, meaning it’s not a royal patronage which could be “taken away” from him. There was some talk that Harry would use his trip to the UK to visit with his remaining private charities, and that’s exactly what happened. Harry and Scotty’s Little Soldiers organized a gathering of about 50 kids and their parents, and Harry played games and spent time with everyone.

Of course, Harry is now being accused of thunder-stealing. The Windsors really think that they control what he does and where he’s seen. The Mail had a story about how Harry “upstaged” his father and brother on a day where they had events outside of London. Hilarious. Even more so when it was revealed that Harry allowed the BBC to cover his event and he gave them exclusive comments:

LOL. He’s so natural with kids. It’s amazing that he dedicated some time for this, and it’s even funnier that he agreed to the BBC covering it. Amazing. Thunder-stealing! Upstaging! How dare he!

Photos courtesy of Scotty’s Little Soldiers’ IG.

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91 Responses to “DM: Prince Harry ‘upstaged’ his father & brother at the Scotty’s Little Soldiers event”

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  1. Lady Digby says:

    KC and FW believe they OWN the BBC so there will be tantrums galore about them getting this exclusive!!

    • Lulu says:

      BBC sent someone to cover them in Nigeria too. 🙂

      • Lawrenceville says:

        BBC did NOT send anyone (from Britain) to cover the Sussexes in Nigeria, that’s not accurate. The BBC and CNN both have African arms (BBC Africa and CNN Africa) so they already have presence in Nigeria and the folks from BBC Africa are the ones covering these events. Even Getty photographers are already present in African countries and the ones in Nigeria are the ones covering these events.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Omg! He ate the chocolates that fell on the floor! 😂🤣😂 he said he ate three but eventually stopped because it was starting to look a little weird how quickly he was gobbling up candy from the floor 🤣😂

      He’s so funny and relaxed and charming. He’s such a good one. He’s lucky to have Scotty’s and they are lucky to have him.

      • Christine says:

        That completely cracked me up!

      • CC says:

        New Daily Mail headline: “Prince Harry Steals Precious Floor Chocolate From Orphans”

      • Christine says:

        They will frame it as dictator Meghan yelled at Harry that he couldn’t consume any sugar not from an organic farm, even if in the company of children who have dead parents.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      What a joy to watch: the children and Harry. He’s a natural. Long Live Good King Harry

  2. Joyful Liluri says:

    I never watch the embedded videos because I get strong second hand embarrassment- even when it’s nothing remotely embarrassing.

    I’m so glad I watched this video. It was really beautiful.

  3. Laura D says:

    Well, if KCIII had made time to see his son then maybe (just maybe) he would have known what Harry was doing and it wouldn’t have come as such a big surprise. All this nonsense about upstaging Charles and William is just nonsense. If you snub someone then you shouldn’t be surprised when you haven’t a clue what they’re up to! They should know by now there are NO leaks in Montecito.

    • Eurydice says:

      Charles has never made time for his children – he’s always been too busy. The difference now is that he can’t control them anymore. William’s got the Duchy of Cornwall and Harry’s got his own income.

  4. Square2 says:

    Excuse me, the BRF & RR, you are so immature & petty, you want to upstage bereavement CHILDREN? Harry is a good egg. (Pun intended.)

    • Interested Gawker says:

      They remain true to form, they marched him and his brother behind their own mother’s coffin for optics.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Bought them back from Balmoral to appease the hysterical crowds. They were just chess pieces not two children who had just lost their mother.

    • Dutch says:

      Coming from the same people who hastily counterprogrammed an all-royals required garden party against the Invictus service. Hey, all’s fair in love and even scheduling.

    • Eleonor says:

      Even a teapot could upstage those two !

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        A muddy pothole in the road smaller than a goat could upstage those two.

  5. Agnes says:

    Kids like Harry. The kids William saw in Cornwall yesterday cringed away from him like he was an insane clown.

  6. UnstrungPearl says:

    I saw a clip on BBC breakfast this morning, it was so good! Nice interviews with the kids, Harry and Scottie herself. You can see how much fun they were all having, they were so relaxed around him playing games etc.

    The whole thing looks so bad for the RF. People watching will wonder why they ever let them go. Also I love the contrast – RF only does charity bc of Duty, where as H&M do it bc they actually want to!!

    • prttykitty says:

      @unstrungpearl did you notice on BBC broadcast this morning the reporters kept asking him how it felt to be back in the UK, and he gracefully said ‘It’s great to be here’ meaning with the kids.

  7. Rachel says:

    Omg – this is the $H!T!! Heads are going to roll or explode at BP and KP. How can they not realize that they are STILL playing checkers while H&M are playing chess?!? The charisma just reaches through the camera directly to the world – KC3 and PW simply can’t compete. Lolololololol… this whole trip + Nigeria next?!? The Montecito Royals ARE the true royal court.

  8. Water Lilly says:

    Goodness, now he’s stealing thunder! Will his perfidy never cease???? These people are sick. Meanwhile, Prince Hot Ginge goes about his business, looking happy, rich, and moisturized. I’m so here for that.

  9. You have to have thunder for someone to steal it. The Windsors have no thunder.

  10. Interested Gawker says:

    Harry makes a point of reaching out to comfort bereaved children in a manner he did not receive as one of the most famous ‘bereaved children’ in the world. He has a supportive spouse who loves him and holds his hand. If these awful people could simply stop and see what the world sees and be thankful and happy for him they might become better people but, I suppose, the fact that he’s also a righteous avenger who’s holding these feet to the fire in these media lawsuits is a hard pill to swallow. Oh well…

  11. ariel says:

    This made me cry- the kids who lost a parent, having fun with Prince Harry.

    Sorry, can’t spare a thought for the angry wealth hoarders crying about attention.

    Real stuff is happening. This charity makes a difference to children who are suffering. And Prince Harry helps, with his own personal experience, his charm, and his fame- raising the profile of the organization.

    • Blithe says:

      Watching the video made me cry too — seeing Harry, who lost one parent to death, and another to emotional abusiveness, having fun with the kids. I’m guessing that his years of active association with Scotty’s Little Soldiers has been healing for him too. Win Win!


      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        Yes to you both @ariel and @Blithe. What struck me is that Harry is not making it about competing, but about children who’ve lost a parent. He’s giving real tools to use from an open heart. It’s a stark contrast to those who try and keep it about rivalry and what a toxic mindset and tactic that is. One of the girls interviewed from Scotty’s Little Soldiers said how important the royal family is in their country. It’s frustrating how much more good could happen.

    • Lady D says:

      I think them snubbing the Invictus church service is really going to bite them in the ass this time. I’d bet money they just tanked the UK’s chances at hosting Invictus. The unhinged vitriol from the lying, sycophantic press is only going to highlight the RF’s complete lack of support for their military.

  12. Nanea says:

    Too bad, so sad for the BaRF that they’re no longer the absolutistic monarchs of olden times and are so easily overshadowed by a private citizen visiting with the charity he’s the global ambassador for.

    They have so many Men in Grey, gold-plated advisers, and underpaid, unqualified experts that someone on their numerous staff should be able to tell them that they simply don’t have *it*.

    No charisma, no natural curiosity, no compassion or relatability – nothing. And the heir isn’t better, but worse, stuck in his classist ways.

    They really should shut up with their public whining and complaining. It’s beyond boring.

    • windyriver says:

      I’m sure the senior level advisors are paid well (and get a title out of it – see Ed Young). It’s usually the support staff, who do the actual grunt work, who’d get cheaped out on; either aristo/nepo hires who don’t need the money, or others who make less money for the increasingly questionable benefit of a RF job on their resume.

      But It’s the senior advisors who’d be formulating the overall strategy for how the RF operates in public. They’re either colossally bad at their jobs, or Charles is just as stubborn as Will when it comes to taking advice that goes against what he wants, or Camilla can overrule whatever the advisors say. Probably all three.

      Charisma isn’t necessary to do a credible job, and unlike Will, Charles is capable of being charming in public (Meghan mentioned his charm). But really bad choices will spoil everything, and that’s exactly what happened this week

  13. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Well, Meghan can “UPSTAGE” the lot by sending jam baskets, so it’s not a high bar to cross. But Harry absolutely was in his element so this was a stellar event.

    The constant petty bitching is why H&M are able to keep doing it. Whiners aren’t fun/engaging to be around.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      And, yeah, he is such a natural with kids.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Upstaged by jam! That made me laugh out loud. Harry is doing what he does best, spending time with people and children trying to heal a wound that will never entirely close. Queue up the puppies and kittens for Peggy to be photographed with. Of course, they’ll need to be tranquillized first so they don’t run away!

    • Laura D says:

      @Berkeleyfarm “Upstaged by jam” – Excellent. 😆 😆 😆

  14. Bluenoser says:

    Well, frankly, it doesn’t take much to upstage them, not that Harry is trying to do so. Warmth, kindness, humour, engagement, genuineness and compassion usually wins out over cruelty, dourness, and a sense of entitlement.

  15. Eurydice says:

    Wow, the BBC piece was unexpectedly good – a nice focus on the charity itself and Harry’s work. And a slight regretful tone that Harry can’t come back to the UK very often. It feels a little like they’re tired of the royal feud and would like to bring some of Harry’s success back to the UK. There’s not much positivity coming out of Charles and William.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Yes, it was some nice reporting. I expect the Beeb will get pushback about that!

    • Jeep says:

      It was great coverage and long, like they devoted TIME to him. I loved it, love this for Prince Harry!

  16. Beverley says:

    You can’t fake this kind of charisma and connection with these children. This man is special, a truly rare individual not found among the Left-Behind royals. He displays a strength of character and natural empathy which none of them can emulate.

    Poor Pegs must be fit to be tied! His brother is better looking, more talented, and more beloved than Pegs could ever dream of. And Harry truly is a global statesman. Pegs must be yanking out what few hairs he has left.

  17. Jais says:

    How can Harry upstage them when his dad and brother don’t even announce their events until a few days before? Like seriously, Harry would have planned this visit well ahead of time and made travel plans accordingly. And when was William’s Cornwall visit announced? Last week? And Charles visit was just announced last week or maybe even this week as well. So how is this some sort of purposeful upstaging?

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Right? Maybe they shouldn’t have planned events at the last moment to try to upstage Harry, then they wouldn’t have lost so brutally.

      Oh well.

  18. Hypocrisy says:

    How to further tank your worldwide reputation… whine about a charity that supports orphaned children stealing your thunder. Military orphans FFS, That’s one hell of a monarchy Britain has there. 🙄

  19. Normades says:

    The video made me cry. Harry is so honest and heartfelt.

    • Lady D says:

      It must really bring home to Harry the things he misses about his ex-home, not that he would change his current circumstances for anything in the world.

  20. TurbanMa says:

    If anything he’s just putting attention back where they tried to steal it. He’s awesome, I hope he feels loved and celebrated. Sometimes being rejected by the wrong sort of people is actually a huge compliment. You are on the right path Harry 💗✨

  21. lanne says:

    5 inanimate jars of jam on another continent upstaged the royals. A royal spokesperson even came out and talked about…jam.

    The royals have bought all the rakes in every gardening store in the country, had the rakes dumped in the yards of every palace, and now spend their days stepping on rakes and getting whacked in the head over. And over, And over. And they think they are “winning.”

    Someone ought to tell them, but it is fun seeing them continually hoist on their own petards.

  22. Afken says:

    Wow not even bereaved kids can stop the RF’s hunger for attention. MY GARDEN PARTY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BEREAVED CHILDREN!

  23. Jean says:

    He is a natural with kids I agree. Just like his mum:) So glad that lives on in ways we can see too because her light was so bright and warm.

  24. Amy Bee says:

    Yes, he did overshadow/upstage the Royal Family. That’s the main reason why they don’t want Harry to come to the UK unless it’s for a Royal event.

    • MsIam says:

      That to me is what’s so wild. It’s not like Harry plans to move back to the UK, he would be there for a day or two at most and the Unroyals can’t even tolerate that.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      If they don’t like Harry’s success they must try harder, they can’t ban him from coming here.

  25. theoriginalrose says:

    He’s such a natural.
    Also those are some great children’s party games they’re playing! I must remember these. Do you guys have malteasers in the US?

  26. Teddy says:

    Hilarious. The toxic tabs obsessively make Harry their main story, then bittery complain that they made him their main story. lololololol

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      They are claiming that the trip to Nigeria is a royal tour, and then complaining that Harry is doing a royal tour.

  27. L4Frimaire says:

    I really don’t understand how he upstaged them. This trip by Harry has been announced for months. Meanwhile these two cobbled together these events in just the past week. The thing is Harry is rarely in the UK, and he’s there for a specific purpose with scheduled events when there. Meanwhile Charles and William are there on any given day and have 24/7 GMT to do something related to their roles as head of state. If they decide to wait until Harry arrives to do something, then complain about being upstaged,that’s not Harry’s problem.

    • Normades says:

      “ If they decide to wait until Harry arrives to do something, then complain about being upstaged…”
      Bingo. Perfectly put.

  28. Over it says:

    A fly could upstage William and Charles because no one gives a f what they do or don’t do. They are just so dry and boring.

  29. Well Wisher says:

    Harry’s natural charm always shine through….

    • L4Frimaire says:

      This was such a nice event and everyone has such a great time! He and the kids had so much positive energy. So glad Harry was able to spend time with them.

      • First comment says:

        Yeah, I love it! You can’t fake the charm and the connection Harry has with people and, especially, children…the others could never…

  30. Kateee says:

    Oh my, what a very moving video to hear those kids talk about how they felt having him there with them, discussing his own grief.

    I love how they report on Harry like he’s the reason the Windsors can’t do events like this, and get a reception like this. Not their laziness, not classism, not a warped understanding of service–Harry is the thing stopping them. Gmab.

    Keep being a good human, sir.

  31. Oh come on. says:

    “No fair! I should get all the attention because I’m the king/heir”

  32. ShoppeGirlMN says:

    I just love him so much. And am so glad he is doing what he loves to do in his own way.

    I think about what I would say to Harry if he was my child. And how I bet he’s never heard an ounce or recognition, pride or joy about who he is and what he does since Diana died.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Not from the Windsors at any rate. Perhaps the occasional “well done, darling boy” from Charles as he schemed how to send Harry across the globe so as to not steal “his” press.

      And absolutely not after he met Meghan.

  33. kelleybelle says:

    Meghan going to lunch with her friends overshadows the Windsor dullards. It doesn’t take much. They’re lazy, useless, unsightly nothings.

  34. Phlyfiremama says:

    Yeah, well, it doesn’t take much to upstage those dullards. LOL I mean, a basket of lemons and jam literally upstages them. They are showing their ass, and everybody sees it now.

  35. Jaded says:

    Wow — good for the Beeb! It’s going to be hard for the rota ratz to put a negative spin on this wonderful event without looking like massive cold-hearted grinches. It’s for the bereaved children of military vets who gave their lives FFS. Eff them, Hazza for the win!!!

  36. OriginalMich says:

    Yeah. There is a reason Harry was the most popular royal. He clearly enjoys people and understands that he is there for them. The rest use people as props to boost themselves.

  37. Aud says:

    I want a Prince Harry lego figure!

  38. Steph says:

    I’m just catching up today. It’s been crazy. I’m laughing bc if it wasn’t for this post I wouldn’t know that C&W did anything yesterday. Still no idea what they did. There’s no coverage.

  39. QuiteContrary says:

    I love that in the interview Harry put the focus on the nonprofit, not on himself. He’s so good at all of this … truly his mother’s son.

  40. wolfmamma says:

    This week I read an article about Edgar Cayce’s prediction that the English throne would have a King.. a man who did not want the title or the job. The writer thought it would be Harry.
    I don’t know if that prophecy will come true but I do feel that the world saw a confident and charismatic, aristocratic and capable Harry this week who had lots of support and was welcomed everywhere he went.
    So happy for you Harry and for the men, women and children, animals, All Beings and countries who are benefitting from your chosen path. Thank you.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      Well, WFH William certainly doesn’t want the job. Although he probably does want the title.

  41. therese says:

    I think I should do Charles a favor. I think I should introduce him to a new word. Send a card with one word in it, and it’s definition. Altruism. You see, honey, when you are altruistic, like your youngest son and the mother you abused, you are thinking of other people and what good you can do for them, and anything – anything anyone else could do for others only makes an altruistic person happy, because their only thought is of others and what they can do for them and to serve them. Therefore, if a person were altruistic, their thunder could not be stolen. And if a person had even a tiny particle of brain matter functioning, they wouldn’t dream of letting anybody say on their behalf that their thunder was stolen by a person or anyone doing something for other people. Because that is what you are all about, right? Right?

  42. Mina_Esq says:

    And I love that the charity people refer to him simply as Prince Harry. Not HRH, not Duke so and so. He will ALWAYS be Prince Harry, son of Princess Diana. They can’t take that away from him.

    • Iolanthe says:

      Yes a true Prince . What I love is he and Meghan can now let their light shine without restrictions . Till now they had to be a step behind , in the back rows , shoved out of sight on balcony appearances. Meghan had to wear severe clothes ,dull colours because God forbid she came out glowing and dressed tastefully.. that would be seen as overshadowing or competing with Kate . Little do they realize that she has more class in her little finger than Kate togged up to kill in baubles and fine feathers . Same with Harry ..he is free to be himself, not worry any more about offending rotten Egg and his pathetic father . What is wrong with making military veterans and bereaved children smile ..this dog in the manger attitude tells us it’s time the royals hung their heads in shame and departed . Is the Universe listening ??

  43. CM says:

    Love this man. ❤️

  44. Another whore of Sodom says:

    “Prince Harry stole chocolate from Children of Dead Veterans at charity event” – BP Briefing.