Jesse James: people won’t be happy unless I “kill myself or disappear”

Jesse James did an interview with Popeater that reminded me so much of the interview with Popeater that Gwyneth Paltrow did recently. It wasn’t that the content of the interviews was at all alike; it was that both Jesse and Gwyneth talked to Popeater at a point in their book publicity tours where we already had well formed ideas of their personalities, and they fully confirmed those opinions with direct quotes and took it to the next level. Both interviews were conducted by Nicki Gostin. She seems to have a gift for letting celebrities dig their own holes that much deeper, so props to her.

Case in point: king douche Jesse James, who recently called her new fiance Kat Von D “100% better” in bed than the ex he so publicly wronged, Sandra Bullock. James also said he couldn’t give a sh*t what Sandra thought about his “poor me” excuse for a book because “I think I’ve spent a good chunk of the last five or six years worrying only about her and what she thinks and what I should do.” He went on, but I’ll spare you. (You can read the whole quote here and it’s so ripe coming from a serial cheater.)

It’s more of the same and then some in this interview, with Jesse’s douche at full throttle and some very telling quotes. Here’s a segment, with more at the source:

I think it’s very sad that you adopted Louis together and now you have nothing to do with him.
Yep, it is kind of sad.

If he was your biological child I don’t think that would happen.
That’s true. It’s just a life lesson, everything I’ve been through, and what’s been put in front of me is to teach me something and I think it’s made me a better dad and a better mate to my fiancee and made me think about making wrong decisions again and make sure I do things right.

It’s also sad she doesn’t see your kids anymore.
It’s like every other divorce, that’s what happens.

Ever worry that you’re getting remarried too quickly?
It doesn’t matter if I wait, it’ll always be to too quick to the public. I could wait ten years and everybody will say, ‘How come he’s rushing into it?’ It’s one of those things. At this point I don’t think I’m going to be able to do anything right in anybody’s eyes ever again, except kill myself or disappear, then people will be happy I guess.

Do you think people who are in happy marriages don’t cheat?
Or if they’re not happy in general. If you’re not a happy person you’re going to look for something that makes you happy or you perceive will make you happy. What I did forced me to work on myself.

You checked into rehab soon afterwards. Why?
I just needed help. I was feeling pretty horrible, not suicidal or anything like that. I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown and I couldn’t function for my kids and I just needed some help and I really didn’t know where to go. There were 60 paparazzi sitting outside my home, my shop and the kids school every day. I had nowhere to hide so I just needed a break and try to figure it out. I really felt like I was going to snap and sock one of those dudes. I just hit the pause button and gave myself some room to breathe.

What did you learn in rehab?
That everything you go through as a kid affects you later on in life whether you want to believe it or not. I never ever thought there was any kind of connection. I thought that was bullsh*t. I thought I’m alright, I’ve got a successful business, I’m a big, strong guy, none of that stuff affects me. Guess what? I was wrong.

Do you feel guilt for what you’ve put your kids through?
Well, I feel guilt, I feel guilt that I decimated their lives and the marriage to Sandy and all that stuff but kids are surprisingly resilient. I’ve never tried to hide anything from them. I’m 100% devoted to them and they’re happy and healthy and thriving. They’re all getting straight A’s in school, they’re good, strong kids so I think despite what a f*ck up everybody thinks I am and a terrible person I must be doing something right because my kids are pretty awesome.

What do you say to people who say you shouldn’t be talking about this.
Well I don’t know, the last few day have been pretty bad because I’ve been pretty beaten up in the media, it’s kind of reminding me how things were a year ago, maybe all those people are right and I should go back and hide in my shop…

Have you tried to apologize to Sandy?
I have.

Did she accept it?

That must have felt good.

[From Popeater]

So all of Jesse’s problems are due to his screwed up childhood and his dad, but he doesn’t worry if he’s screwing his own kids up because they’re doing great from what he can tell and that just means he did something right. It’s not surprising to me that he’s as self centered of a dad as he is a husband. It’s just sad that this sorry excuse for a man is raising kids and making so much money with this ridiculous sob story. He’s right about one thing though, people won’t be happy until he disappears.* Maybe he should have worked on that for a while before putting out a book and then bitching about it when the press called him on his bullsh*t.

*We are not advocating for the first part of James’ statement at all. That’s just him playing the martyr yet again.

photos are of James at a book signing at a Barnes & Noble in New York City on 5/5/11. Credit:




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87 Responses to “Jesse James: people won’t be happy unless I “kill myself or disappear””

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  1. teehee says:

    Dear (Jesse, and all other tricks of the world),

    Maybe your thinking like that, is why people don’t like you.

    Signed, all the rest of us


    [eg, and all the dumb crap for behavior such thinking of his, leads him to]

  2. kwoww says:

    Im listening to him on stern, and goddammit his voice is sexy. but yeah, he’s got self esteem issues.

  3. Samigirl says:

    Yes, it is sad you don’t have anything to do with Louis. It’s also sad that you’re telling everyone how much better in bed your new girlfriend is than Louis’ mother. You’re an a-hole, and I would be happy if you disappeared.

  4. Yessiiirrreee says:

    Who are these “people” he is talking about??

    The voices in his head?

    Other than that, the majority of the public could care less……

    That will show in his lack of book sales…

  5. nanster says:

    Please, people! Don’t buy this book or put any more money in this d-bag’s pockets!
    And to address JJ’s quote: “I think I’ve spent a good chunk of the last five or six years worrying only about her and what she thinks and what I should do.” – If that were true, you imbecile, you wouldn’t have screwed everything in your sight and humiliated Sandra in every way possible. What a self-centered, egotistical a-hole. Good luck, Kat VonD – you’ll need it.

  6. Missfit says:

    Guilty guilty conscious, and the more he says douchey things, people will hate him more.

  7. dorothy says:

    People would be happy if you would just shut up! Decent people don’t talk or write about the people that loved them publically. Normal people don’t talk about their sex life publically. Stable people don’t blame all their problems on everyone else. – Now do you get it?

    I really hope his book sales are zero.

    What a moron.

  8. Annaloo says:

    Both he and Gwyneth are self-centered, flat-mouthed twats… we don’t care how they need to talk about themselves, their lives are or how they think we should live ours. I wish BOTH of them would disappear.

  9. Len says:

    what an idiot. He doesn’t feel guilty towards his kids because they are ‘surprisingly resilient’. what a dumbass. Kids can seem resilient, but that doesn’t mean they are, especially with what he puts them through all their lives.

  10. ViktoryGin says:

    Pretty much.

  11. sandip says:

    I pick disappear.

  12. tanya says:

    Could he be more self contradictory and hypocritical? What. A. Douche. Nozzle!

    For him to blame all of his shortcomings on childhood trauma but then to go on and say how ‘resilient’ his own kids (and kids in general) are just negates every sorry excuse he’s made thus far. Just another way to let himself off the hook…

    The questions were pretty loaded, too, and he played right into each and every one! Bravo, you giant tool bag!

    K, I’m done…

  13. lucy2 says:

    Yes, disappear please. Quickly.

  14. Jaded says:

    I bet those kids of his grow up to have a whole plethora of emotional problems as a result of such an unstable environment. Sandra was the best thing to happen to them and he blew it. If his kids meant so much to him, why was he spending most of his waking hours chasing tramps? He is beyond a douche-bag, I’m going to have to think up a worse epithet for him.

  15. Cirque28 says:

    “successful business”
    “a big, strong guy”
    “100% devoted”
    “I must be doing something right”

    I’ve noticed that when JJ is in the midst of sniveling about everyone hating him, and he’s so troubled,and OMG the guilt… he still manages to compliment himself regularly. And then there’s the smug little gleam in his beady eyes.


  16. Embee says:

    I LOVE this:

    “I think it’s very sad that you adopted Louis together and now you have nothing to do with him.
    Yep, it is kind of sad.

    It’s also sad she doesn’t see your kids anymore.
    It’s like every other divorce, that’s what happens.”

    See, it’s ONLY sad when it happens to MEMEMEMEMEMEEEEEEEEEEE! When I decimate another person’s feelings/life/marriage then “that’s life, biatch! peace, out!”

  17. Jess says:

    Yes, I concur.

  18. Pamela says:

    “except kill myself or disappear, then people will be happy I guess”

    Give the people what they want Jesse!

  19. Addie says:

    If he know’s most people don’t like or trust him, why release a book?
    Who is he expecting to buy it, the people that wish him ill?

    brainless fool.

  20. MeriJaan says:

    Either one, i’m not fussy.

  21. Micki says:

    Spot on darling

  22. wtf? says:

    oh yeah, my mental telepathy lessons have finally paid off!

  23. heylee says:

    So, let me get this straight. A grown a** man made decisions as an adult in a marriage to have multiple affairs, lie about those affairs and only come clean when he was caught… then a year later he writes a book about his life, while he is still some what relevant, so that he can make money off of the circus freak reality that he created – that devastated his family and his marriage. And he is throwing another pity party for himself because he is yet again being attacked by the media? It will never be the right time to get remarried?!? Ummm, actually, the right time to get remarried would be when you don’t write a tell all about your life *cough* the people that you d*@ked over. And take the time to figure your head out and make amends and realize that as an adult you take responsibility for your actions, yes you may have been wounded as a child and that is the only thing sad about your life – this, this is only pathetic.

  24. meg says:

    People like this make me sick. He’s sooo damaged by his childhood that he can’t act like a responsible human being, but his kids- they’re “resilient”. Therefore, he can do whatever the hell he wants! They’re fine! They don’t want a normal, stable life at all! D-bag.

  25. TQB says:

    …won’t be happy unless I “kill myself or disappear”

    At least he had one moment of clarity and self-awareness…

  26. Blue says:

    This guy is full of shit, I don’t believe for a second that he’s sorry. I just hope he set money aside for when his kids need therapy and/or rehab

  27. OXA says:

    What makes me laugh is that this foreskin(useless piece of flesh attached to the end of a penis) actualy thought people would be interested in his book. His kids are getting such a life lesson in what to expect in a relationship. The girls can pick men just like daddy and the boy will spread STD’s faster than Skank McGee.

  28. LunaT says:

    Ditto, ditto, ditto on all comments.

    What an ass. Wow.

  29. esblondie says:

    GAAAAHHHD this all makes me crazy…I really, really used to like this guy, especially when he was with Sandra Bullock and on the Celebrity Apprentice…and then the shite hit the fan. And, he continues to disappoint.

    Jesse, I hardly knew ye.

  30. Lala11_7 says:

    I take complete and total umbrage to Gwinnie being linked with this skank!!! Is there no bus you guys won’t throw that girl under…I mean…DAMN!!!

    Maybe Sir Douche’ should shut his pie hole and focus on his children…

  31. Nat says:

    He’s hit the nail on the head.

    Please disappear man!

  32. Relli says:

    Are we voting because i would really like him to DISAPPEAR.

    Also i am not buying that HE apologized, he doesn’t feel he did anything wrong, its was HIS issues.

  33. Faye says:

    I’m bothered that he replied “sure” to the question about whether it felt good to have Sandra accept his apology, like he really didn’t give an eff. Just like it’s only “kind of” sad he doesn’t see their adopted baby. Or that his kids seem to be doing ok despite the fact that he “decimated” his marriage. Ugh. He really couldn’t care less.

  34. Lisa Turtle says:

    I hate when bad parents point to their kids and say “Look! I’m doing something right!”

    No jackass.

    Your kids are thriving IN SPITE OF YOU, not BECAUSE of you.

    There is a world of difference.

  35. mln76 says:

    ugh I actually listened to the entire Howard Stern interview…The man is so deluded and self-centered. If he wants to be an asshole he shouldn’t have gotten married or have children then no one would be so offended by his behavior but in this case it’s his children that are going to suffer while he keeps whining about what his own Dad did or didn’t do.
    And BTW when he was actually with Sandra he wasn’t ever this public. This whole publicity tour is an F-you to Sandra for leaving him because he knows this is hurting her.

  36. dorothy says:

    It’s amazing that all the post agree in one form or the other. If I were him and knew this many people hated me….I’d carry a gun…haha

  37. ladybert62 says:

    I say ‘disappear’ and soon please! It is all about “me, me,me,me, me” isnt it Jesse? What a scumbag. What did Sandra ever see in him? I just dont get that attraction at all!

  38. the original bellaluna says:

    Memo to Jesse James:

    Following is the execution plan (no pun intended) for your “Make People Happy: Die or Disappear?” Comeback Plan:

    * Establish toll-free numbers (a la contest-based reality shows) to help facilitate phone votes;

    * Establish some cutesy codes for texting voters (with applicable air-time fees, of course);

    * Possibly mention something on Twitiot about how you’re not going to twat, or hell, even speak in public again, until you’ve received so many votes or sold so many copies, or whatever.

    * Speak again only to announce the results of the contest, whether you are going to die or simply disappear.

    * After that announcement, give the voters what they want.

    We have several volunteers ready to implement this program. Please contact any number of us, as we are confident we will “make it happen, Cap’n” and are anxiously awaiting your reply.

  39. TG says:

    I second all the comments on here. You guys are too funny and on top of your game. Though I disagree with the person who said he has a sexy voice. This beady eyed creature has a very feminine voice and methinks that might be part of his issues of why he thinks he needs to prove he is a “man”.

  40. dorothy says:

    I predict this book will head straight to the clearance table at Barnes and Noble.

  41. shockedandappalled says:

    Yes, please disappear.

  42. really says:

    must he be such a cunt!

  43. guilty pleasures says:

    In back to back comments he says ‘everything that happens to you as a kid affects you later in life,’ then-re decimating his kids lives, ‘kids are resilient…’
    Doesn’t show much insight, intelligence or compassion, does he?
    Given the choice between his disappearance or death, I wish death on no one.

  44. Leek says:

    I can’t fault him for trying to defend himself. I’m sure it’s a terrible feeling to be public enemy #1, however, it would be wise to just STFU and ride it out. He’s the one that’s bringing it all back up when we’re more concerned about bad hair and terrible styling on our favorite actresses.

    I don’t even buy that Sandra Bullock is all that sweet but he just keeps doing her a favor. He’s great for her image now.

  45. xxodettexx says:

    someone call him a Waaahmbulance!


  46. Quest says:

    That headline is the most intelligent thing Jessie James has ever said.

    Quote: “People won’t be happy unless I kill myself or disappear”

  47. DSMR says:

    More narcissistic socio-pathic behavior… This tool has not a clue. People do not like him because he is a liar, manipulative and only looking out for himself.

  48. Roxy75 says:

    I love all the people that commented on this one! Completely awesome people! Thank you.

  49. Peachy says:

    He had no friends so he had to go to rehab? What a selfish thing to say! I thought he went to rehab to get help for sex addiction? Just proves he used rehab for all the wrong reasons. To walk away blaming other people is denial. Instead of owning up to his faults, he’s bitter and resentful toward people that see him as a spade. I’m totally annoyed by all this simply because he’s not accepting of other people’s disgust on how he whored around. He pretends like his scheming, greasy, womanizing ways should be overlooked – well, I can’t see past the elephant, Jesse!! All I see is a repeat offender that still needs psychological help!!!

  50. Hakura says:

    Jesse. Get down off the cross, other people need the wood. That “I’m bad because I had a traumatic childhood” or “I have a sex addiction I can’t control” bullshit is really getting old.

    @Nanster“And to address JJ’s quote: “I think I’ve spent a good chunk of the last five or six years worrying only about her and what she thinks and what I should do.” – If that were true, you imbecile, you wouldn’t have screwed everything in your sight and humiliated Sandra in every way possible.”

    He obviously doesn’t understand the concept of marriage, making compromises on both sides for the good of the relationship… This just shows how immature & selfish he is. Won’t he be surprised when he marries Kat, only to find out that’s what marriage is really about? At least time when he cheats, I won’t feel bad for the wife.

    @Pamela““except kill myself or disappear, then people will be happy I guess” – Give the people what they want Jesse!

    Yes, who knows? Your dramatic untimely death *may* even cause people to actually buy your book… Why don’t we try it & find out?

    @Faye“I’m bothered that he replied “sure” to the question about whether it felt good to have Sandra accept his apology, like he really didn’t give an eff.”

    I know, right? It looks like his attempt to be ‘aloof’ about the subject, but just comes across making him look like a fuckwad.

  51. Newbie says:

    “Have you tried to apologize to Sandy?”
    I have.

    “Did she accept it?”

    “That must have felt good”

    Sure? SURE? What a douche. I agree with his statement, though. I don’t wish death on anybody but I wouldn’t mind seeing him disappear.

  52. Carol says:

    Where is Robert Ford when we need him?

  53. skuddles says:

    What a total douche to now capitalize on the whole cheating/tat skank/divorce scandal… he just gets more despicable with each passing day. And way to put Sandra through yet more hell you selfish, lying, self-pitying piece of dog feces. Good luck with your life you douche.

  54. Kim says:

    Gotta give him credit for being right. Please go away Jesse and take your scary trashy girl with you.

  55. mln76 says:

    @Carol LOL let’s start a CB collection fund to find a Robert Ford to assasinate him so at least he’ll have a poetic death

  56. Amanda G says:

    “It doesn’t matter if I wait, it’ll always be to too quick to the public. I could wait ten years and everybody will say, ‘How come he’s rushing into it?’” Is he really this stupid?

  57. Nichole says:

    I would settle for him shutting his mouth! I think he got used to the attention given to him by the media. Cheat on your wife…get busted by media, get divorced from wife…covered by media…custody battle with ex-wife, covered by media…new girlfriend…covered by media. Seriously, fame whore, just shut your mouth and fade away into obscurity.

  58. KsGirl says:

    Oh god this post has stirred up some personal issues with me!

    Firstly YES to the person who pointed out the cluelessness in a “omg, I thought it was true that childhood experiences shape adult personlity but now I see it iiiiissss omg woe is meee!” statement followed by, when speaking of his own kid’s reaction to his choices; “theyre resilient”. Um…yeah? OK, Jesse. Might want to rethink those 2 statements cuz one of them is not like the other.

    Also agree with those singling out this quote: “I think I’ve spent a good chunk of the last five or six years worrying only about her and what she thinks and what I should do.” That is WORD FOR WORD (well, almost) something my ex told me repeatedly at the end of our disastrous relationship. It was all self pity – “I spend all my time apologizing” “I spend all my time worrying about what youll say/do” etc. What is it about this type of man/person that just somehow doesnt get that IT DOESNT MATTER how many times the word “sorry” comes out of your mouth and IT DOESNT MATTER how much time you spend worrying about the relationship if you keep doing the things you’re apologizing for/worrying about! FFS!

    If I see you every day and slap you across the face everytime, then apologize for it and spend the next 23 hours worrying about it…then do it again next time I see you…yeah.

    Issues. Rasied. For me. Sandra is well rid of him – in fact it makes me questio her judgement that she stayed for so long – the way I questioned my own when I was still in it.

    Sorry for rant!

  59. gg says:

    He looks and dresses and talks like a 12-year-old. And I just noticed, boy, his arms sure are stumpy.

  60. bagladey says:

    Help him disappear sooner by not buying that book.

  61. Just Me says:

    @ Either one, i’m not fussy.

    Perfect response!

  62. Mom says:

    I am a people and an animal person. I apologize for not being completely nice, but the first time I saw this guy I felt his eyes reminded me of a pitbull. Is it just me? Of course later on, he’s got pitbulls at home.

  63. truthzbetta says:

    I don’t know why Sandy got fooled by this guy.

    He was married to and had a custody battle with a porn ho that she got dragged into. Red flags galore and they were all right. He thought a porn ho was marriage and mother material. Yech. Nuff said.

    She has kicked some good guys to the curb, and then married a guy that thinks his kids are resilient to his repeated, endless life of douchery but he isn’t?

    I’m with the others. Pick one Jesse. I won’t be happy about it, in fact I probably won’t notice but let’s try anyway.

  64. Embee says:

    Yep–pitbull eyes. And he’s not a good pitbull either (of which there are many). This boy is the most dangerous type: a fear biter.

  65. mary simon says:

    I don’t think he ever bonded with Louis or that he even misses him

  66. Thea says:

    The reason he keeps stirring things up is to get a reaction from her and he will never get it. I think Sandra stayed so long cause she wasnt a quitter. Thank god she finally did quit it. He needs to stfu, raise his kids and move away from her. Only reason he is in Texas is to aggravate the hell out of Sandra. He has serious stalker potential. He f’ed up royally, thought she would forgive him, that was the little jab if Kat cheated he would forgive her….right…..Truth be known she is already on Nikki Six again. They are both disgusting, but at least she still has a career sort of. Dump him Kat and move on. He is using you too.

  67. Dee Cee says:

    Oh no, not another sad Emo-boy experience.

  68. kira says:

    Oh God, you can hear the self-pity in his interviews from miles away. It’s poor me, I’m the victim, wahhhhh, etc.

    I read an excerpt by Bombshit McGee about their affair and it was interesting. She said JJ has an ENORMOUS EGO + is a complete fameHO. BM thought JJ cheated on Sandra b/c she didn’t cater to his ego enough, by being away and filming movies. Bombshit also thought that JJ figured Sandra would take him back, b/c she was a very forgiving person. And, it completely surprised him that she didn’t. She also thought the book was his way of getting back at her, b/c Sandra rarely talked about her private life. By spilling the details, JJ knows Sandra will be upset.

    I don’t usually feel sorry for celebs, but I do for Sandra. This guy is like a tick that burrows in and refuses to leave her be! It’s just sad. Mostly, I feel sorry for his kids, b/c I know that having a narcissistic parent is almost like having no parent at all. Much of the relationship is about THE PARENT and rarely about the child. Unfortunately, I speak from experience here. 🙁

  69. San Frannie says:

    King of the Douches.

  70. Hakura says:

    @Kira“BM thought JJ cheated on Sandra b/c she didn’t cater to his ego enough, by being away and filming movies. Bombshit also thought that JJ figured Sandra would take him back, b/c she was a very forgiving person. And, it completely surprised him that she didn’t.”

    LOL@ ‘Bombshit‘. Even the ‘BM‘ abbreviation brings to mind the words ‘Bowel Movement’, which I suppose is appropriate.

    But I think what she said is more true than anything that’s come from him. I’m sure he went into that affair *fully* believing he’d skirt on the consequences, & that his marriage would stay intact. I can’t see him being so willing to give up his ‘free ride’ … He obviously thought he could have his cake, & eat it too.

  71. Dana M says:

    Please! Move out of Texas!

  72. gee_gee says:

    No, Jesse, I don’t want you to kill yourself. I would be happy if you disappeared though. But I would be perfectly satisfied if you just shut your everloving pie-hole.

    Now, excuse me while I go call you a Waaaaaahmbulance. Boo fricking Hoo.

  73. Jag says:

    Yes, Jesse, please disappear forever. The reason your kids are seemingly doing well now is because of Sandra’s influence; it has nothing to do with you.

  74. Wil in Minneapolis says:

    What a wanker. I mean really. Everything this guy does just reeks of self-congratulations and self-superiority.

    I am putting an egg timer on how fast he bangs another broad after he marries that twit Kat Von D. I am betting that the ink isn’t even dry on the marriage license.

  75. sandy says:

    i also believe what BM said, JJ thought Sandra would take him back because she seems pretty nice, and he was jealous/upset because he was not the center of her attention. no cake and eating it too here,… kat von d should move on, he clearly still cares about Sandra, but was upset with her and wanted revenge. the way he feels now-is how he made Sandra feel in front of the entire world, she did not ask for that, and handled it with so much grace. not try to milk it years later, or write a book, constantly talking about it to any one who will listen, just disappear already, he is more public now than ever before.

  76. TG says:

    @Hakura – I have tears in my eyes from laughing at your comment about the cross. Would love to be a fly on the wall during a therapy session between you and that douche.

  77. Kiska says:

    This guy makes me physically ill. His behaviour is so passive aggressive. He is such a toxic man.

    This will be the last time I look at or comment on a story about him. Somehow, I feel like giving him more power or attention that he deserves. The only way to get rid of a sociopathic personality is to ignore them.

  78. womanfromthenorth says:

    DO THIS JESS, this is all you can do!

    At this point I don’t think I’m going to be able to do anything right in anybody’s eyes ever again, except kill myself or disappear, then people will be happy I guess.

  79. randomness says:

    what a complete moron he totally contradicts himself when he says everything you go through as a kid affects you later on in life but meanwhile his kids are gonna be alright because their “resilent”give it a few years u douche & see what you made your kids become because of your shi%*y example…your a great father figure a poor excuse for a man for your daughter to witness growing up!guess u never considered them over your ego u pig.sorry i just seethe with anger even looking at this douches face

  80. Kloops says:

    Tick tock his relevancy is almost up and then he will thankfully disappear from the media spotlight. Thank goodness

  81. Nikki Girl says:

    So disappear already you stupid fart!

  82. NoFrank says:

    I find myself hoping that Sandra had at least a couple of days where she was totally on top of the world. She’d won the Oscar, she had a beautiful new baby, she loved her husband and her stepkids and her life. I hope she had a few days of purity with that, before it was all taken away from her and dragged through a septic tank and unfurled on the courthouse steps.

    Everything Jesse says is passive-aggressive poor me bullshit. Every. Single. Word. I don’t want him to kill himself, I just want him to go away. But you know he’s hitched his wagon to Kat Von D’s star now. And she’s going to get exactly what she wanted: Jesse James for a husband. What she didn’t want was what will come afterward.

    So I hope Kat has a day or two on top of the world before Jesse pulls the rug out from under her, too. Because he will.

  83. Hakura says:

    @Wil in Minneapolis“I am putting an egg timer on how fast he bangs another broad after he marries that twit Kat Von D. I am betting that the ink isn’t even dry on the marriage license.”

    Your comment about ‘ink’ brings to mind the possibility that they’re going to be even more incredibly stupid, & get ‘tattoos’ of eachother’s names (or *faces*, or something equally moronic). They’ve been so sickening about how much they’re ‘soul mates’, I wouldn’t be surprised. Which is also the BEST indicator that the relationship is going to crash & burn.

    (KVD already has an assinine collection of ‘random’ signatures from people she knows tattooed up her legs. For no reason, just because.) They’re both so covered in ink that they may not even care if they break up with eachother’s names on them.

    They’re the sort of people that give tattoos a bad image. They can be wonderful (beautiful) forms of expression & life experiences, but they both just look like a dirty wall covered in graffiti.

    @TG“@Hakura – I have tears in my eyes from laughing at your comment about the cross. Would love to be a fly on the wall during a therapy session between you and that douche.”

    LOL xD He really is determined to make himself some sort of ‘martyr’ for the cause of ‘sleeze’ & ‘infidelity’. I know that’s the sort of man *I’d* want to marry, someone who professes to have no self control.

    Only now do I realize the ‘other person who needs the wood’ is Lady Gaga, for use in her “Judas” video. She’s turned the Apostles into the ‘Hell’s Angels’, but I guess even she has to stay accurate with some aspects.

  84. kira says:

    @Hakura. Even the ‘BM‘ abbreviation brings to mind the words ‘Bowel Movement’, which I suppose is appropriate. But I think what she said is more true than anything that’s come from him.

    LOL @ Bowel Movement! How perfect. You know Jesse James is a worthless turd when his turdette speaks more truth than he does. It’s like a dime store trash novel that never ends.

  85. Roxane says:

    Killing himself or disappearing … seriously, dude is a master at self-pitying drama. However, a little “shut the f**k up” would go a long way.

  86. Hakura says:

    @Kira“LOL @ Bowel Movement! How perfect. You know Jesse James is a worthless turd when his turdette speaks more truth than he does. It’s like a dime store trash novel that never ends.”

    I wonder how he deals with the fact that someone like ‘Bombshit’ has more credibility than he does. That even though she’s disgusting with NO morals to speak of, people are more likely to believe her, than him.

    You’ve gotta be at the bottom of the barrel… A barrel someone placed over a hole & cut the bottom out of….Actually, I guess the more fitting term would be ‘out house’… Which, considering their ‘white trash’ behavior, is quite appropriate.

  87. GR56 says:

    BULLOCK refuses to speak with him. It’s SOOOO obvious he wants her attention. He is not over her at all. He looks desperate