Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard really don’t bathe their kids until they stink, it’s not a joke

Last week, Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell said on The View that they don’t bathe their children until they start to smell bad. Some of you thought that Kristen and Dax were joking and were just trying to back up Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, who said on Dax’s podcast that they don’t wash themselves or their kids much. Mila and Ashton started this whole “I don’t bathe/I don’t need to” white celebrity trend, in case you forgot. (I hope it peaked with Jake Gyllenhaal, but we’ll see.) Dax also said during that interview that he doesn’t use soap much, even when he occasionally showers. In a new interview with Daily Blast Live (via People) Kristen and Bell said it’s really not a joke that they wait until their kids stink. Kristen added that it’s better for the environment and that she’ll try to save water by showering with her girls, which is nice but I doubt that’s their primary reason for not bathing.

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard… who share daughters Lincoln, 8, and Delta, 6½ — made headlines recently when they revealed they bathed their kids less frequently as they got older, Bell even saying on The View last week that she’s “a big fan of waiting for the stink.”

On Monday, the pair further explained their philosophy, making it clear they weren’t joking around.

“It’s not so much of a joke that I wait for the stink,” Bell, 41, said during an interview with Daily Blast Live. “That tells you when they need to bathe.”

Shepard, 46, chimed in, adding that they didn’t always approach their kids’ hygiene that way.

“We had said, we did bathe them religiously for the first few years when the bedtime routine was so vital,” he said. “Once that wasn’t required to get them to go to sleep, yeah, we took our foot off the gas.”

“I’ll just say, for America, Kristen has better hygiene than me,” he said. “So I think in general, because Kristen wears makeup more often than I do, she has to take it off.”

“I’m not in that stuff that often, so I only have to when either a smell is present or I’m in that stuff,” Shepard added of his own bathing habits, later admitting that they “could be better.”

Bell then pointed out that there is also an environmental reason not to bathe every day.

“This is the other thing — is California has been in a drought for ever,” [Kristen] said. “… it’s just like, responsibility for your environment. We don’t have a ton of water, so when I shower, I’ll grab the girls and push them in there with me so we all use the same shower water.”

Last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom asked Californians to cut their water usage by 15 percent as the drought worsens. An easy way to reduce water usage is to take shorter showers.

“I don’t know, it just happens whenever it happens, I guess,” the actress added.

[From People]

Yes California is in a drought. These people have a vanity-painted tour bus in their driveway and multiple vehicles. They are so rich they could easily have a system installed where their gray waste water from showering was recycled to use for their toilet. They don’t need to flush every time they pee, that’s not gross, and they didn’t mention that. Plus their showers would be quicker and more effective if they used soap, right? This is not about environmentalism it’s about being too lazy and entitled to wash. Kristen and Dax think they don’t stink. They have several dogs who sleep with them in bed, judging by their Instagram posts. Dax is on testosterone and is working out all the time too! No wonder they’re not having sex much. Can you imagine?

Also, like so many other stories they’ve told, this is unfair to their daughters. Yes we don’t know what they look like, but we know their parents let them drink O’Douls although they’re in primary school, we know when they got pinworms and we know how long they wet the bed. All of this is public record now, including their parents very lax hygiene habits.

Here’s that segment from the interview:



photos via Instagram

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108 Responses to “Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard really don’t bathe their kids until they stink, it’s not a joke”

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  1. Jillian says:

    My immediate impression is that they have less paid household help during the pandemic and they’re pretty lazy about taking care of their kids when they have to do it themselves

    • Sigmund says:

      That could explain it. I just kind of assumed they pay other people to take care of their kids and don’t actually know how often their kids bathe. But you’re right, it could be that during the pandemic, they have less help and are slacking on their kids’ hygiene.

    • myjobistoprincess says:

      I dont know – when they were babies or toddlers maybe, but at that age, you tell the kids to go get a shower and that’s all you gotta do. I mean, if they’ve been washing themselves their whole lives, they gotta know how to do it? To me these kids must have had eveyrthing done for them to be unable to bathe themselves, in the shower, at that age? it litteraly takes 5 minutes. I keep comparing to camping showers: in some places you pay and get like 4 minutes to shower and that’s plenty of time. 4 MINUTES. Clearly these 2 are lazy on themselves and on their kids. You know, when I skip a day, it’s all because i’m too tired or LAZY

    • Qualified says:

      And here come the White Woman Rationalizers

      • Sickofit says:

        Really? We are sinking to blaming this on a race issue?

      • Boxy Lady says:

        @Sickofit It’s shaping up that way because of the celebrities who have come forward on this particular issue. The ones who say they bathe less have all been white while BIPOC celebrities have come out in force saying that they bathe regularly. This is not to say, of course, that all white people don’t bathe and all BIPOC bathe a lot.

      • NiqGee says:

        Indeed. This is some white nonsense because it could not fly in a black household. My Caribbean mother has strict rules about hygiene. We must bathe at least once per day, no exceptions. A person should not be stinking at all.

      • Sickofit says:

        My point is why does this have to be a race issue? Yes I am white and I made sure to bathe my kids almost daily (not that it matters for my reasoning) Why did it have to go to the race issue and not just the “these 2 are idiots” ? I would look at an unbathed child as a neglect issue regardless of their race. And let’s be honest…these kids probably have a pool in their backyard and it’s probably not a legitimate issue.

      • Anna says:

        @Sickofit It doesn’t *have to be* a race issue but race is part of it. Privilege is part of it. Yes, it is, whether that makes you comfortable or not. White people have framed the narrative since slavery that Black people are, first off, less than human (look up 3/5ths law) and then when that was shifted, it was Black people are dirty, lazy, ugly, etc etc. See current times to witness how little that has moved forward. Same as the weaponizing of Black people where we can’t even breathe or walk down the street or be sleeping in bed without being shot. So yes, race and the privilege of whiteness has everything to do with it and particularly, it has everything to do with their openness and freedom to be able to speak like this and behave like this without any major effect. BIPOC could never be that flippant about this or double-down on the dirty when called to account again. Sorry but these are the facts.

    • AnnaKist says:

      These two have severe verbal diarrhoea. They can’t keep anything private. What they fail to realise is that their bucketmouthing does not make them sound cool and “against the grain”. It shows them for what they are: a pair of attention-hungry lazy grots. How lazy do you have to be to not bother about bathing your children? Here’s a hint: My son’s ex was the same. My granddaughter is now a teenager. I’m sorry to say that her personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired. She thinks spraying Impulse over herself is as good as a shower and fresh clean clothes. She is an embarrassment, and wonders why the boys she likes avoid her…

  2. Darla says:

    So, no 8 yo wants to shower with their mom, sorry.

    • Bryn says:

      Yeah I showered with my daughter when she was a toddler and we were pressed for time. Now as an 8 almost 9 year old, she would be mortified lol.

    • Jesma says:

      I wish that were the case with my 9 year old. If she catches my having a relaxing bubble bath with wine, she runs to get a glass of juice and jumps in. Then she sips her juice and insists on a shoulder rub so she can relax. I guess 4th grade is stressful.

  3. Becks1 says:

    I guess my issue with this is that my kids don’t really smell. Like they sweat a ton but they don’t have any BO yet (9 and 6) and I can tell when they’ve had an exceptionally dirty day, exploring and riding bikes etc, but I think if I just waited for the stink they would never bathe. Or it would be like once every two weeks. or longer (maybe they don’t smell bc I’ve never let them go that long? But they’ve gone for up to 4 days or so, so how long does it have to be?)

    • Meghan says:

      I was thinking about it this morning because my son doesn’t stink unless he pooped. And then I’m the one cleaning him up so I know he is not absolutely filthy. At first I was excited to hear about this because he generally gets a bath every other day, or if he requests a bath we do bubbles and soap and I just don’t wash his hair on the off day, but now it’s just too much.

      I just remember during puberty being terrified that people could smell “down there.” And then going insane on bathing and scented products. I’ve calmed down now and sometimes my soap is the shampoo from my hair but I also take baths too. I will say I get more crap for not flushing after each pee than I do for not taking a shower.

    • Anna says:

      As a former teacher of elementary kids, I will say that I could smell the children coming up the elevator and this was in an esteemed museum in a major city. So maybe you don’t think your kids smell but it could be like people who have cats and become used to the smell so they don’t notice it…

      • Becks1 says:

        Maybe! I mean they smell like kids lol but if I am waiting for them to “stink” before wash them then I’m not sure how long it would be, especially if I am just immune to their smell. Same thing with Kristen Bell, presumably she would be immune to her kids’ smell as well, right? (but I also bathe my kids on a regular basis so I genuinely don’t think they stink lol.)

        ETA also I am laughing at your comment bc I’m not sure what being in an “esteemed museum” has to do with it lol.

      • Amy Too says:

        My kid would come home from elementary school with a very particular smell. It was like gym mixed with cafeteria food. And if he was sweaty he wouldn’t have BO but he’d definitely smell different. His head would smell before his body, though.

    • Harper says:

      As someone who has taught preschool and Kindergarten for many years, I can confirm that unbathed children do indeed smell bad after a few days. It’s very different from adolescent or adult BO – more akin meat that has gone “off.” They can definitely go longer than adults before this becomes an issue, but not a full week (I’ve had quite a few families that only bathe their children on weekends). Their feet will also get just as smelly as an adult’s if they wear shoes without socks – another thing that many families don’t seem to realize! You are wise not to let it get to that point, lol.

      • Becks1 says:

        Oh god I did forget about the feet. My boys feet STINK lol. I feel bad for their future spouses bc I can’t imagine how bad its going to be.

        I didn’t mean that little kids don’t smell period, just that in my experience it takes longer than an adult for the stink to settle in and the kids are presumably dirty long before then, so if you’re waiting for the stink that’s pretty gross.

    • myjobistoprincess says:

      kids that age dont smell when they stay in the house the whle weekend playing on their ipads + living with the same people under the same rook make you lose your sense of smell.i dont even think they sweat that much. but kids goignto school, in gym class, during recess, when it 100 degress out, whether they stink or not, are dirty of at least their own deadskin cells. And when you get to 11-12-13 year olds – they STINK. I remember my 6grade teacher telling everyone in class to take a shower becuase some of us STANK STANK STANK and encouraged everyone to get speedstick. lol by the way, if you dont live on a farm, go on a farm, you’ll smell the sh*t in there, but ask the farmer if he can smell that load – for sure he is immune to it.

  4. Zapp Brannigan says:

    Lucky they have money I guess, because in a poor family not washing your children is neglect and gets your family in the sights of the child protection agencies.

  5. manda says:

    eww maybe they got the pinworms from not bathing???? hopefully they’re teaching them to wash their hands all the time. I remember reading at the time that the pinworm thing was sort of common or like, not that uncommon, but I had never heard of it before until then so I don’t know…

    • Amy Too says:

      Did they bathe the kids everyday when they were still wetting the bed and in diapers pretty late? Because that wasn’t that long ago, was it? I also find it weird that they said they lose track of when their kids bathe because their kids will just do it themselves sometimes. 6 seems young to be bathing unsupervised, or at least without parents knowing you’re in the bath. Accidents happen. Drownings happen. Hot water burns happen. I can’t imagine not really knowing where my 6 year old kid is for long enough for them to fill a tub, take a bath, drain the bath, and get dressed again all on their own. My son is a young teen and I just recently stopped having to remind him to put a towel on the floor when he showers and make sure the shower curtain is properly inside the tub so it doesn’t drip all over the floor.

  6. teehee says:

    Ok? Are you raising her kids?

    No? Then its not your problem.

    Her kids are the ones who can decide if they like it.

    If they don’t, they can bathe more often when they can make that decision and take that accountability.

    End of non-story.

    People have quickly forgotten, water used to be a rare commodity. Just ask your grandparents, how they hauled water by hand and everyone shared the tub once a week, not even 100 years ago. Now we have draughts and fires and people are mad, that there isn’t more water consumption happening.

    • Becks1 says:

      Ummm… grandparents were born in the 1920s. They had running water their entire lives.

      • Darla says:

        Same Becks.

      • Maria says:

        My grandparents were born in the 1920’s/1930’s and also had running water, but I just googled this and I guess in the 1920’s and even up to the 1940’s half of houses in the U.S. still didn’t have running water or flush toilets. Interesting (I’m a daily showerer, lol).

      • Becks1 says:

        @Maria I bet a lot depended on where you lived for that. My grandparents were in a city, so I think that may have made a difference. No one was hauling water by hand and sharing a tub once a week lol. Man I wish my grandmother was still alive so I could ask her bc I think she would die again laughing. (but of course then they grew up during the depression so there were other concerns.)

      • Maria says:

        Yeah, I’m sure this was in rural areas mostly.

      • Eurydice says:

        In NYC, there were cold water flats even in the 1960’s – no hot water, no heat and sometimes the bathroom was down the hall and shared with others. People definitely had to boil water to take a bath.

      • Maria says:

        Surreal! Although when you think about it, not so much. Even into the 1970’s they still had a bunch of those turn of the century tenement buildings standing and even in use, with their hallway bathrooms and coin-operated gas meters.

    • Seraphina says:

      My parents grew up in southern Europe after WW II – life was not easy BUT they bathed on a regular.

      • Myra says:

        From Africa, grandparents bathed regularly, too. So do we, twice a day. It was not even an option not to bathe. Whether you liked it or not, you weren’t going to bed without washing yourself.

      • NiqGee says:

        @Myra, I’m Caribbean. Bathing is non-negotiable.

    • Jessie Quinton says:

      I’m not raising Kristin’s or Dax’s kids. I am raising MY kids, and they shower once a day — twice if they’re sweaty or especially dirty. And because they’re kids it’s MY job to make good decisions for them until a certain age, like making sure they are clean and not offending anyone else by being smelly, or passing on any germs or lice for lack of cleanliness.

      Little kids don’t like showering, or brushing their teeth, or tidying, but what kind of parent would you be if you just let them choose not to practice good hygiene and self care?

      BTW, my grandparents were born in the 20’s, in the poorest of the poorest area of Puerto Rico, and they bathed every day.

      Also, people didn’t bath lots years ago, but they also used arsenic in make up, they passed diseases a lot easier because people and conditions were unhygienic.

      Finally, we’re in the middle of a pandemic where we are encouraging our kids to wash their hands, but NOT wash their a**es? Seriously?

      • teehee says:

        I fail to see why you think others ought to comply with your preferences for your own body, and why so man people default to “those who do differently than I, are wrong”. You can be right, for you, and I can be right, for me.
        These two things can exist in parallel, you know.

        I also don’t think its rational to cite cosmetic choices or rare global pandemics.

        How much bathing is correct?

        Each person gets to answer this on a variety of factors.
        Far as I can tell, we’ve all managed to eradicate lots of issues caused by lack of sanitation so I’d say, we’re fine right now. Neither you nor I have lost a limb to gangrene- if statistics are reliable here.

        You do you, and stop thinking everyone is wrong for not being like you, and stop trying to justify your choices as good ones by pushing other choices down to make yours “better”. Both can be good.

      • Jessie Quinton says:

        1) I’d say once a day is good. Doesn’t even have to be a long shower, doesn’t have to be scalding hot water, just like a three or four minute one is good. As long as you use soap in those areas that sweat the most, your privates, and your face then that’s fine. People sweat, everyone collects dead skin and dirt throughout the day. It’s not about me thinking I am better that anyone, it’s good hygiene and courtesy for others so you don’t spread germs and don’t offend anyone with your smell.

        2) It’s not rational to cite cosmetic choices? Apologies for not wanting to sit next to someone who smells like BO all day at work!

        3) One issue we haven’t eradicated with lack of sanitation? COVID. People not washing their hands! We literally had a whole campaign about it!

      • Keri says:

        It’s all about me, me, me with the non bathers and their defenders. When your stink affects everyone else, then it’s not just about you. Take a damn shower! It’s common courtesy.

        Don’t get me wrong, we all have free will and can do whatever we want, but if you continue to force people to endure your stink, we are free to criticize you for it.

    • Robyn says:

      See the comment above about how only affluent white people can get away with this nonsense and not get a visit from CPS about neglect. THAT’S the “story” for me.

      • Seraphina says:

        Robyn, you make a great point and it’s sad to see how different groups are seen doing the EXACT same thing.

      • Becks1 says:

        YES, I said something similarly yesterday in the thread about Dwayne Johnson. Only white people can be loud and proud about not washing on a regular basis .

      • Robyn says:

        Yeeeeeeeep. And it’s very interesting that OP has chosen to respond to other pushback but not this one.

    • Lemons says:

      There is a reason the illnesses that plagued older generations are not even considered today. Why? We bathe. We wash our hands. We brush our teeth. We clean our a**es.

      Stop normalizing this. I’m not trying to live through ANOTHER pandemic just because some celebrities in gated communities want to feel okay about their subpar childcare and personal hygiene.

      The end of the story would have occurred before they decided to once again overshare their lives. But go off.

      • teehee says:

        What makes this subpar?
        Is there a rule or a law somewhere that you calculated, which defines how much is enough for everyone in all circumstances?
        I’d be impressed if you knew this much!

        Lack of sanitation isn’t what caused a pandemic, btw. Novel diseases for which there is no vaccine or cure or immunity (when it emerges) is not a topic bathing will ever fix.
        If it was, then this pandemic shouldn’t have happened…

      • Sam the Pink says:

        That is just factually incorrect. The majority of pandemics today have no origins in sanitation. They originate in animals and then jump to humans. The animal agriculture industry is the biggest worldwide contributor to pandemics and novel diseases, not humans bathing.

        Also, google the “hygiene hypothesis.” There is mounting evidence that it is over-hygiene and overbathing that contributes to greater disease risk.

      • Chaine says:

        Pandemic has nothing to do with hygiene. It has to do with humans exploiting and consuming animals.

    • Willa says:

      @Keri That’s the point. They don’t skink, hence no shower till they do.

    • Anna says:

      There are many places worldwide where water is in shortage. I personally grew up without running water. We had a well and boiled water and then filtered it. Many long hours and process of dealing with lack of water access. That said, our family was always clean. And as someone noted above, it’s the soap factor that really takes it over the edge. Seriously, I’m amazed I’ve spent this much time on CB trying to convince (white) people that cleaning regularly is important. And on top of that, we’re in a pandemic. I have to assume that the vast majority are simply not washing at all, hands, nothing, so are potential super-spreaders at this point. We talk on this site about how people refuse to mask and vaxx, but are the same people who are adamant about wearing masks and getting vaccinations also washing? Very curious…

  7. Tanya says:

    It’s gonna be interesting when the hormones start to hit in a couple of years and the girls still don’t want to bathe regularly.

    • Jessie Quinton says:

      I remember the day I walked into my daughter’s room and the stench of BO hit me in the face — puberty hit my daughter HARD, and that was with her taking regular showers.

    • Celebitchy says:

      Right? Teach your kids to bathe every day as part of their routine. Otherwise they’re going to think it’s optional like these people.

      • Jessie Quinton says:

        My daughter is an adult now and has adopted a whole cleaning routine, so now I’m going through it with my boys, which is a different sexist ball game because I get a lot of “oh, you know what boys are like” when it comes to the cleanliness arguments. It shouldn’t matter! Clean yourself, it shows respect for yourself and others, AND it limits the spread of germs.

      • Celebitchy says:

        My son showers every day! He also washes his sheets at least once a week and switches out the towels. How dirty are the linens of the people who don’t wash? I’m sure they don’t change their sheets either.

      • Robyn says:

        And take your shoes off at the door! It’s WILD to me that millions of people don’t do this.

      • Seraphina says:

        @Robyn, you have no idea the crap hear from grown adults about taking off shoes. My home, my rules. I grew up with no shoes in house and my friends thought it was weird. But shoes track in lots of nastiness. I remember when the kids were babies and toddlers and all I could think was they crawl where those nasty shoes have stepped. UGH. Cleanliness helps stop diseases.

      • Jessie Quinton says:

        Take your shoes off at the door because you don’t know what crap your dragging in with you when you get home. Wash your sheets once a week. Change your damp towels. Don’t share hairbrushes and rinse them. Use deodorant if you need it. Moisturise. WEAR SUNSCREEN (especially my fair skinned redheaded son). Wash your hands when you get home and before you eat anything. Brush and FLOSS because death seeps in through the gums

        These are all things I try and get my kids to do all the time, and I just think it’s taking proper care of them, and helping not spread dirt to others or myself. It’s not that revolutionary.

      • Ashby says:

        I consider water a VERY PRECIOUS RESOURCE, but still in our family everybody showers every night to kind of wash the ” DAY OFF ” : sweat, smells…..

        I was taught by my mom how to fast, but effectively shower myself with a shower gel when I was a kid every night, brush my teeth, floss and clean my tongue and washing my face, underarms every morning just after brushing my teeth, flossing and cleaning my tongue.

        There was no running a bath in my house, it was considerate very wasteful and only for little kids.

        I was told countless times that showers should be with warm water and effective, fast, no lingering whatsoever :

        1. first turn the water on and soak my body quickly with warm water ( not hot )
        2. turn the water off and soap up
        3. turn the warm water on and wash the soap off
        4. turn the water off and dry myself with a towel

        It’s really not rocket science, yes it’s about hygiene, but it’s also about being considerate.

        I don’t live on an island by myself, I have coworkers, classmates, people on the elevator, people on the airplane, bus, train, subway. ( pre-pandemic )

        I had a dentist cleaning appointment just last week, optometrist next week and I would feel terrible, if I would make someone uncomfortable around me, because I’m too lazy to take a quick shower.

        Some of these celebrities are frankly idiots and some are quite entitled, talk about bad timing to be discussing lack of hygiene during a world wide pandemic.

        My grand parents lived through the 2nd world war and washed themselves twice daily even when nearly half of the city was wiped out by bombs.

  8. I'm With The Band says:

    I don’t bathe my son everyday (he’s 7). He’s never gone more than 2 days without a bath, but in saying that, we do an aeroplane every day (the tail, under the wings, the nose). I have eczema and I’m careful to not overdo it with showering/bathing, and have been known to skip a day too and just wash pits and bits.

    • OliveFull says:

      My Son has eczema as well, I do the same (he’s 3) especially during lockdown as we were home bound and he wasn’t getting as sweaty/dirt covered. I call them Bird Baths 🙂

    • Tanya says:

      My kiddo has eczema, and weirdly during the winter a soothing bath with Mustela bath oil is the only thing that helps it.

    • Valerie says:

      I think every second day is fine. I do it unless I’m on my period, and then it’s a daily bath for me. Waiting until you stink or see dirt, not fine!

    • Willa says:

      Mine’s 7 too w/eczema. He doesn’t bathe everyday. When he hits puberty it’s going to be a different story. By then he’ll be rubbing his own eczema cream on himself. Lol

    • Anna says:

      Exactly. You are keeping the child clean and being mindful especially with regard to eczema, but I think is quite different from some of the commenters and K&D who don’t seem to be mindful in this way or have a health condition that is of concern when it comes to too much water on the skin.

  9. Astrid says:

    I feel sorry for the kids. Oversharing is a terrible thing.

  10. Resi says:

    For the adults it’s obviously gross, but I think for the children it isn’t weird. Maybe this is a cultural thing, but where I’m from it’s really common for prepubescent children to only bathe once or twice a week. Any paediatrician here would slap you on the hand if you bathed your kid every day. That’s considered so bad for their skin.

    • ModeratelyWealthy says:

      Girls should wash their intimate parts regularly, so do boys…if you are in a cold climate, you dont bath every day, but you do wash yourself. They are speaking about not washing their kids unless they start smelling, like the kids were yogurt or sonething.

  11. Stephanie says:

    Do they share everything because they need attention or they truly don’t care what they put out into the world? When their kids get older, they might be mortified by everything their parents have said about them.

  12. Jessie Quinton says:

    I mean, it was bad enough when they shared they had pinworms, now this? Imagine what the kids in school will be saying?

  13. ModeratelyWealthy says:

    No wonder they fought not to have their pictures taken, a part of them must known they will grow up and be mad at them for all the oversharing.

    I find nothing funny about these two. I tried to understand their constant need to have their names out there, their so called ” openness” and I suppose they are talented enough and nice enough to work with because they keep getting jobs, but they are messy. I would hate to be their children. Personally, I think they struggled with the help during pandemic and started not to do the bare minimum and this is them trying to rationalize their own misgivings.

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      You’ve said everything I feel about these two. They’re not funny. They’re not interesting. And they’re over sharing of their children’s private information is ridiculous and hypocritical.

  14. Robyn says:

    I don’t need further explanation from these two (or literally anyone else, famous or not, for that matter) about their bathing habits. But I would LOVE insight into the mental gymnastics required to scream about privacy for their children’s faces, but constantly discussing their bodies.

    • Jessie Quinton says:

      THIS. Like the kids in school and their parents and friends don’t know who they’re talking about.

    • Lena says:

      It’s not just that they talk about their kids, most parents do that more or less, it’s WHAT they talk about. I would never discuss anything that they discuss on social media with friends, much less if I had the reach and public attention these two get. It’s just real hypocrisy to say you want to give your kids privacy then constantly invade it like they do.

      • Robyn says:

        Exactly. I don’t discuss or share ANYTHING about my children (or anyone else for that matter) that I wouldn’t want shared about myself without my knowledge or consent. Heck, I don’t even share their names or faces EVER.

  15. equality says:

    These water-saving celebs have pools at their houses so not impressed with saving water by not showering. I guess, they basically wash off in the pool daily.

    • Maria says:

      Not to mention the extra water it takes to keep up their lawns/gardens/cleaning of their houses.

  16. Hyrule Castle says:

    Those poor children.

    No privacy. No respect for their dignity.

    They might not understand now, but they will.

  17. Christine says:

    Like others are saying, I’m more concerned about how much they are sharing, including “gross” stuff that their kids are 100% going to be made fun of for eventually. Why make such a stink about privacy for your kids when you put stuff like this out into the world? Obviously paparazzi taking pictures of kids isn’t okay, but telling the world about their hygiene habits is?? I don’t get these people at all.

    • Twin falls says:

      I feel like even sharing here mostly anonymous about my kids’ hygiene would be an invasion of their privacy. Why double down on this particular topic that no one wants to know about in the first place?

      I have a lot of blank squares on my 2021 bingo card because it’s getting weirder and weirder out there.

  18. Deanne says:

    The have a huge pool. What’s it filled with? It’s filled with water. They have a ton of grass and greenery. That isn’t a exactly a water saver either. Lots of Californians have done landscaping that cuts down on water need and use. They could do it. They aren’t hurting for cash. He has a dozen cars. Environment my ass. They aren’t not bathing themselves or their kids to save water. They are doing it because they are lazy and not teaching good hygiene. Waiting for their daughters to smell is a luxury that a poor family would be crucified for. No almost 8 and a half year old wants to shower with their siblings and Mother and I’m pretty sure they don’t want the world to know the they’re being forced to either. Do they tell their kids that they’re poor too, like Ashton and Mila? Even thought they live in a mansion. God, the rich, white privilege is as staggering as the TMI for these two.

  19. Melissa M says:

    That’s cool. The yeast, bacterial, and fungal infections they’re bound to get are cool too.

  20. Slippers4 life says:

    “Rich white privileged famous people feel safe declaring their children’s hygiene practices publicly.”

  21. Eurydice says:

    Whatever. I don’t really believe all of this. They hopped on a mini-hygiene bandwagon and found traction, so now they’re doubling down. The more discussion and outrage about class and race differences, the more they’ll keep going. Next, their kids will be sprouting fungus all over and we’ll be hearing about how fungus is good for composting and the environment – and if eating black fungus is good for your health, growing it on your body must be even better.

  22. Stan says:

    She has admitted they had sex in a friend’s hot tub when they conceived. They just celebrated her birthday at a spa where they had pictures of their “pod” in steam rooms and such. We’ve seen pictures of them in hotel swimming pools. See, this is why I don’t get to experience these things. They are germing everything up for the rest of us. I mean just thinking of that hot tub or spa makes me throw up a little bit.

  23. Stan says:

    This has nothing to do with the environment. Shepard hosts a show about how fast people can drive cars. They have an enormous RV. They have multiple cars, motorcycles, sand buggies. They have just built a huge new home. They travel around the world.

    Lots of people live selfish lifestyles. People do it all the time. Billionaires fly to space just because they want to. These people are narcissists, straight up. We all see it, but they are surrounded by so many sycophants that no one is willing to tell them to just STFU every once in awhile. This is what happens when even your friends and family are on the payroll.

  24. Dillesca says:

    I just don’t want to hear about celebrity bathing habits. Or frankly, anything else Dax and Kristen would like to overshare.

  25. J ferber says:

    Okay, this is a distraction. If rich actors want to get attention for the vile sanitary practices they inflict on their poor children, so be it. There’s too much stupidity in the world to pay attention to each instance. The kids will have money. Eventually they can buy their own bars of soap and secretly bathe while their parents are busy stirring up shit in other areas.

  26. Julia K says:

    Forget the stinky kids; what about the gross, stinky sheets? Bedbugs anyone? Head lice? This is a public health issue.
    Letting your children sleep in a filthy environment is not a badge of environmental honor.

  27. Valerie says:

    I remember being a kid of about seven or eight and my mom yelling at me to take a bath because I hadn’t taken one in a week! I don’t know why I did it, lol. I think that was the only time she had to remind me because I was otherwise obsessively clean. What a weird memory. And what a bloody weird thing for them to not only allow but to brag about. You can let your kids eat dirt and build their immune systems AND bathe themselves. Only white parents could get away with such a thing. If a Black family admitted to this, it would be a very different story.

    • Anna says:

      All of this @Valerie

      • Valerie says:

        I’ve already seen a few articles about this by Black writers. Pretty big double standard at work here. I’m glad they’re speaking out about it, even though they shouldn’t have to.

  28. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I had many many friends on this side of the Rio Grande as well as the other side. Growing up down there, some friends’ families still had out houses and drew water from wells or used the river. And these friends looked and smelled better than anyone. They took daily baths, soap and everything 😐. Privileged people (regardless of race) live in some abstract version of existence which makes my blood boil sometimes. When packed and swept dirt floors look cleaner and better kept than a neighbor’s marble, how you get from A to Z gets rerouted.

  29. Annetommy says:

    I don’t really understand the folk who say they wash various parts of their anatomy every day but don’t shower. Standing at a sink soaping and washing and rinsing and drying four or five areas seems a lot more faff than a quick shower. Showers don’t have to be hot and long either. Shortish and coolish will do unless you are caked with filth.

  30. Dss says:

    Now I know why Kristen’s hair always look as so dirty… is dirty

  31. Babs says:

    Congratulations to them. They are the proud parents of the stinky kid in the class. And because they live with the stinky kids, they are used to the smell. However, others aren’t. Their bed sheets must be filthy and their scalps stink. Yuck. Bad parenting. And yes, I am judging them.

  32. MsGnomer says:

    Maybe there are sensory issues with their children and they cannot tolerate baths. It’s a possibility. Other than that, why are they all bothering us about this.

    There is no parenting purity. What a trip.

  33. Alice says:

    I live in a very humid, hot climate. There is no way we can skip showers. I suppose if you have cool, dry weather you can skip sometimes but really, personal hygiene is veryimportant. As George Costanza would say, “We’re living in a society”
    I would not want my daughter thinking this is normal. Yuck.

  34. Katarina says:

    To me this does not sound gross. I only shower my 2.5 year old every day during summer time and only when she was wearing sunscreen. Otherwise, max. 2 times a week. I use the same baby-friendly, non-perfumed bottle of soap on her since 1.5 years and also only use it when she was wearing sunscreen, otherwise it is water only. We wash her hair once a week with baby shampoo, the same bottle we had since she turned 1. She has awesome skin. I never needed to use skin cream on her. I myself shower daily for 3min and never use any soap etc, only shampoo for my hair. I never use skin cream either and I have amazing soft skin and I do not stink. Honestly you mess up your skin so much with this excessive bathing/showering and by using all those gross products and it actually makes you stink. I use a deodorant of course, but I absolutely smell fresh when I am getting out of the shower.

  35. Shanaynay says:

    Now I get why these two idiots are talking. It’s all about promoting their new show Family Game Fight!’ A show I wouldn’t watch for a second even if I was offered a a million bucks. These two are gross and pathetic losers.